Let's talk about Race

0  2017-12-10 by KarmaPolice777

It's come to my attention that many in this sub seem to think certain groups(Muslims/Blacks) are genetically inferior to the rest of the world. It's my personal belief that circumstances play a much bigger role in determining behaviors than predisposition. While the disparity in crime rates between blacks/whites in America are often cited as an argument for the former, as I've stated, I believe these numbers can be attributed to socio-economic factors and most importantly, an unaddressed case of intergenerational Trauma.

If we are to be intellectually honest, we must take into account that blacks have consistently been deprived, whether wittingly or unwittingly, of the necessary resources(education, opportunities) to thrive in our society without turning to a life of crime. Contrary to the belief that blacks are genetically predisposed to be more violent or mischievous, I believe there is sufficient data out there or at the least, enough so that a strong case can be made that these are cases of nurture rather than nature.

Lastly, I will touch on intergenerational trauma and how it relates to blacks and their behaviors. Studies have consistently shown that an individual's experience can be encoded in their genes and be passed on to their progeny for multiple generations. This is verified in a relatively new field called Epigenetics. Those who disagree with my aforementioned argument will often roll their eyes at the mention of slavery and the consequent oppression of blacks in American society(extending to the modern day IMO) but it is disingenuous to minimize the impact that such traumatic experiences can have on the collective psyche of any group.

Just as we look empathetically for a psychological explanation when children exhibit behavioral problems at school, often wondering if they are not the victim of some form of abuse, we must apply the same logic when analyzing the high crime rates of blacks. Just as a troubled child ought to sit down with a therapist and given the opportunity to address and heal whatever trauma he may have experienced, the same must be applied to a population has been sitting in a daze after having been subjugated to a series of the most insidious, soul-crushing events.

What I am not advocating for is the enabling of the troubled behaviors of blacks. I hope I can be clear about this. What I am arguing is that it is intellectually dishonest to ignore the aforementioned factors and jump to the conclusion that these behaviors must be evidence for genetic inferiority.



Is this a conspiracy?

Racism is a conspiracy.

Lets talk about that instead

what do you think about my post?

Generally speaking, not a fan of “Let’s talk about [X]” posts but yours seems well composed. I’m more in the mood to read about conspiracy right now than social justice, unless it’s the argument that social justice is a conspiracy imposed on people or conversely trying to get people jaded on it or aliens invented social justice and brought it to Reddit via Ellen Pao.

lol... Fair enough. I think the SJW movement is a leftist tactic for cultural marxism but SJ itself something that should be advocated for. And maybe you are onto something that

social justice(warriorship) is a conspiracy imposed on people trying to get people jaded on it

I think it is a case of nurture and nature. I think both are factors. Not just for Blacks or Muslims, but for everyone.

Concerning the high crime rates of blacks in America, do you think it comes mostly as a result of nature or nurture? Or do you say 50/50?

I honestly hate lumping all blacks (or any other group) together. I think each person is different. So the nature/nurture percentages would be different for each person.

But I do know (from having a son with autism) that the first 5 years are extremely important to a person's development. So nurture does play a big part.

Still, nature plays a significant part too.

I actually watched Trading Places today (reminds me of that movie).

I think 99% of what you said is some SJW Cultural Marxist bullshit. That said, you'll have a better discussion over at /r/C_S_T, try there.

I'm curious what you actually think because you are pretty on point usually.

And hey, I am open to having my views challenged. So with that said, which part of what I said do you disagree with and why?

I can some it up as follows, but, it's "controversial"... Can we admit there are certain breeds of dogs that are naturally dumber than others and vice versa? Can we admit that certain breeds of dogs are lazier than others and vice versa? Can we admit that when certain dogs inter-breed, a mix happens? Humans really are no different on this level.

But how do you explain blacks who have been historically very advanced like Egypt, Ethiopia, the Moors etc?

The whole black people are lazy thing IMO came post-slavery and it can be attributed to the intergenerational traumas that I wrote about. My theory is that blacks have a collective case of PTSD/Depression and laziness is often a symptom(lack of energy/motivation) of these conditions.

Asians in America have been shit on just as much, yet they have a culture that values education and career advancement. They're not making excuses for what happened to them in the past.

I don't think that's a fair comparison. Asians were never enslaved, raped, tortured, bred and sold like animals, etc.


That... isn’t really true at all.

Slavery has been a global phenomena for a long time, in various forms.

They may have been enslaved to some degree but when is the last time the Asian groups that immigrated to the US experienced something like that? I think the recency is a major factor among many others. Another would be that blacks are living within the same nation that had once enslaved them and that there have been white supremacist campaigns since their emancipation that has aimed to suppress any sort of progress for this group.


  • WW2 US Japanese Internment Camps

  • World War 2 on the Asian front

  • Treatment of non-Japanese in Japan

  • North Korea

  • Qing and Yuan Dynasties

Fair. But also consider that that's very different from chattel slavery where blacks were literally enslaved and dehumanized for generations, any morale they had being beaten out of them. After their emancipation, the oppression continued in other ways, lynchings, systemic racism, mass incarcerations, police brutality, all within the same nation. Not to mention, this is all fairly recent. Also consider that many of Asian immigrants that came to the US were presumably the ones who were a sub group, presumably having had some form of education or closure from the traumas they had experienced.

But how do you explain blacks who have been historically very advanced like Egypt, Ethiopia, the Moors etc?

First of all, Kemet wasn't a Black civilization. There is far more evidence, the rulers were fair skinned, and had red/copper/blonde hair. Evidence of these people would be the Berbers, and others.

The whole black people are lazy thing IMO came post-slavery and it can be attributed to the intergenerational traumas that I wrote about.


My theory is that blacks have a collective case of PTSD/Depression and laziness is often a symptom(lack of energy/motivation) of these conditions.

That's asinine, and what Jews are trying to say to justify future reparations. Horse shit, and doesn't even make sense. Sure, you can teach your child they are a victim (or x,y, or z), but, it's not in their DNA.

First of all, Kemet wasn't a Black civilization. There is far more evidence, the rulers were fair skinned, and had red/copper/blonde hair. Evidence of these people would be the Berbers, and others.

That's interesting but are you implying that there was no advanced civilization in Africa that was black?

Ever heard of this guy?

The whole black people are lazy thing IMO came post-slavery and it can be attributed to the intergenerational traumas that I wrote about.


There is no evidence that all blacks are lazy. That is a confirmation bias on your part, IMO.

My theory is that blacks have a collective case of PTSD/Depression and laziness is often a symptom(lack of energy/motivation) of these conditions.

That's asinine, and what Jews are trying to say to justify future reparations. Horse shit, and doesn't even make sense. Sure, you can teach your child they are a victim (or x,y, or z), but, it's not in their DNA.

There is a field called epigenetics that shows evidence for the possibility of intergenerational traumas.

This logic doesn't work, since breeds of dogs were created through many generations of inbreeding for select traits. Humans are not this way. We have a very healthy gene pool (in most cases).

since breeds of dogs were created through many generations of inbreeding for select traits.

Humans have done this, as well. Your logic is bad.

Is it? Did you sleep with your mom to have your kids, who would sleep with their brothers and sisters who have particular traits to then continue the process? Is that how the entire lineage of humanity formed? Jesus dude, I had no idea.

Research your genealogy. You'd be surprised. Times were a lot different, 100-200-300+ years ago. The arrogance of modern man, will be it's downfall...

I'm sure there was some incest, and I'm sure a lot of black slaves gave birth to half white babies, so they definitely don't have any of that incestuous master race gene pool. Race doesn't exist because it's just DNA expression to help the human survive certain conditions. Black skin to survive heavily sunny weather, white skin to survive weather with little sunlight. Asians have yellowish skin because they have a thin layer of fat underneath their skin for whatever that was necessary for. It's just an outer expression of traits that were selected over hundreds of generations to survive to procreate. There is no master race, or intelligently superior race. There might be cultures that cultivate higher levels of thinking and expression of ideas, etc. But there's no innate stupidity.

Why are you so fixated on a master race? Nowhere did I say that there was... This shows me your mindset and thought process...

Dogs were bred deliberately, forcibly, by humans. Outside forces. The traits desired were being bred for human-centric needs.

Humans choose mates for purely evolutionarily proscribed reasons. Fitness. Health. Attractiveness. There has never been a forcible breeding program that was engaged for enough generations within a set population to be evolutionarily significant, and even in cases where humans were being bred by slavemasters desiring certain traits, those traits were never “fits in purse” and “has certain hair color”. It was always pragmatic traits desired.

So yeah. Your metaphor doesn’t hold up.

The girl i have an interest in is black you racist arse.

Good for you? Also, what does that have to do with anything I said?

Wow a bunch of shilly haters in this thread. So you're saying it's not your fault you can't put on your own pants it's because you were bred this way by your incestuous genealogy. Makes sense.

So you don’t think that the systematic oppression of people of color leads to a lower quality of life for their community.

No. I think people tend to make excuses, and blame others for their problems, when really they should look in the mirror. As a White man, a Black man has every privilege I have in the US. As humans, we all share equal Natural Rights.


Quality response!

What do you want me to say. To pretend we all have equal rights and white skin isn’t a pass is absurd to me.

To pretend we all have equal rights and white skin isn’t a pass is absurd to me.

You're a part of the problem if you think that it is, and that we don't. The irony with people like you, is quite laughable, but sad. You don't even realize the hate and oppression you perpetuate. Keep trying to "unite" while constantly causing ignorant division. Hypocrite.

I don’t hate anyone or anything. I’m just self aware. I’m aware that my white looking skin allows me more opportunity than those who don’t look white. You’re the one comparing people to breeds of dogs.

I don’t hate anyone or anything.

You seem like you do.

I’m just self aware.

No, no, your not. You're self absorbed living in a SJW echo chamber.

I’m aware that my white looking skin allows me more opportunity than those who don’t look white.

Got any hard evidence for this? I've never felt that way. Kind of sounds like you embrace the mentality that you are superior, in some way...

You’re the one comparing people to breeds of dogs.

Not really, and your reading comprehension is abysmal. Work on that.

Gosh, you’ve really changed me.

Has anyone figured out what mod alt this is?

Now you are just resorting to derailing, classic...

Gosh, you’ve really changed me.

Not trying to, because I know what you are, and why you are here.

Has anyone figured out what mod alt this is?

I'm not a mod alt, if that is what you are implying.

Good luck with your new account ;)

What am I and why am I here?

Your posts are hilarious.

So you think I’m a cross dresser?

Why be cryptic.

So, now you’re derailing. Classic

You suck at what you do :)

I like you, too



Get 'em son.

Ironic that the dude who has made pro-Hitler posts says "As humans, we all share equal Natural Rights."

Fucking cute.


I think the Democatic party constantly pushing "oppression" as the sole cause of all black community problems is the biggest problem of them all for blacks.

Do you realize Muslim isn’t a race right....?

True. The point of the post is about blacks, mostly.

Way to be pedantic. That's what you got out of my post?

you're wrong, actually. when you look at what defines a race, yes, Muslims are a race, according to anybody with an education.

Not really, it’s a religion....... a white person can be Muslim, just as a black, just as a Chinese. People say “Muslim” and think dark skinned turban man from the Middle East 🙄

"not really... i don't have an education, and i don't know the definition of the word. all i know is that i consider black and white to be races so i have no comprehension outside of that and no ability to apply it to religions or cultural identities." -tiduscloud

Lol, whatever you need to tell yourself pal.

Nice ninja edit on your last reply by the way. What I need to tell myself is irrelevant. What is relevant is that there are people with educations that determine these things and they are almost unanimously in agreement that you're wrong.

99% of Muslims are born into Islam as a result of their geographic location and of no choice of their own. Of course an Asian person from China can convert to Islam. But when you look at the middle east for example, you have a race of Muslims, and countries that have laws suited to Islam. They are a muslim race and they have nationalities according to their countries. Some are also of the Arab race, or Persian race, or they are caucasian. Some might say their race is middle eastern. Just because you haven't been educated enough, that doesn't change scientific and historical consensus.

Everything is racist if you want to be a victim your entire life. That's no way to live.

I agree. The victim mindset is often the most convenient defense mechanism for actual victims - as it is much more comforting to wallow in self-pity than to conjure up the courage to face your fears and overcome them.

With that said, sometimes the trauma is so severe(as I believe is in the case of blacks and slavery) that there is a certain amount of time and empathy that should be allowed for them to dust themselves off and get back up.

If I was black I would much rather be in the US than Africa. I'll take St. Louis over Ethiopia any day.

I didn't have flies on my fucking eyeballs when I lived in St. Louis. Or AIDS.


The best thing ever done for Black people were bringing them over as slaves, while that was probably the worst thing White people ever did.

I ate a bowl of Lucky Charms earlier. And smoked some Turkish tobacco. And drank some Russian vodka. I called my black friend. I said some very racially insensitive shit to my Mexican friend. I made fun of a fat guy. I called someone a retard. Who gives a shit? I'm an asshole. I am above race, religion blah blah blah

Well... maybe not everyone wants to be an asshole.

The disintegration of the family unit is the problem.

Yes, this is a huge problem.

Are you referring to the lack of fathers in black communities?

I'm referring to the Great Society programs that incentivized being a single mother, put in place by the corrupt LBJ.

Creating the need for big government to take care of them and a built in voter base.

LBJ famously said that he lost the south for a generation by signing the civil Rights Act.

Absolutely. Easily in the top 5 issues of America right now.

And I blame it on Communism. The 1963 Communist Goals flat out state they want to kill the family unit(Rules 26 and 40). Promoting homosexuality is another way they do it.

I agree with your points. Although I don't believe it's really a conspiracy, it's more like poverty affecting the outcomes of people's lives. It can also be viewed more locally, I live in Scotland and most areas of the country have certain stereotypes associated with them, i.e. People from X location are uneducated and have 2 or 3 kids by the time they are 19. I feel like racism is just an escalation of these stereotypes, anyone can find out that plenty of people from whatever race or religion have done great things, but before they learn that, it's the initial stereotype that sticks in their minds. I suppose it all boils down to media and history.

And as a side note, although I don't think this is a conspiracy, the post itself does no harm, and has good points. I always check the post history of the posters that I read, and I don't think it's right to dismiss someone from posting here, or attempt to redirect or attack a post that I don't agree with. The influx of shills and trolls should not turn us against each other, encourage interesting posts and think for yourself people!

also cultural deprivation. A lot of indigenous communities in colonized western countries are a mess because their cultures were smashed by the europeans and now they are like troubled orphans but right-wing groups will blame it on genetics. Yeah, the family unit is important to creating healthy people but that extends back for generations.

When you proclaim "but it is disingenuous to minimize the impact that such traumatic experiences can have on the collective psyche of any group.", that's implying that any collective traumatic experience of a race or ethnic group is devastating to the psyche of that group currently. Even when none of the population has experienced it. It would be to say as if all Europeans or people of European ancestry still can feel the experiences of Muslims that invaded Europe and took millions of Europeans as slaves, and that its ingraved into their genetics when most Europeans have never heard of these Muslim conquests. But onto some of your other points, I don't think any other races are inferior, but I do think particularly Sub-Saharan Africans, Peloponnesian groups and Caucasus Region peoples as well as other minor Afroeurasian regions and ethnic groups have inferior cultures and how people are raised. So I do think it is technically circumstancial, but the thing that makes them underperform in tests and such. You can't say cultures that are often rampant in things like cannibalism or ritualistic sacrifice is not an inferior culture. So I don't think its a race that makes certain people inferior to westerners. But very interesting viewpoint, you sound just like my sociology professor.

It would be to say as if all Europeans or people of European ancestry still can feel the experiences of Muslims that invaded Europe and took millions of Europeans as slaves, and that its ingraved into their genetics when most Europeans have never heard of these Muslim conquests.

I think time is also a factor. It hasn't been very long since the days of slavery and Jim Crowe. Also this group is much smaller and concentrated than "all Europeans."

I don't think any other races are inferior, but I do think particularly Sub-Saharan Africans, Peloponnesian groups and Caucasus Region peoples as well as other minor Afroeurasian regions and ethnic groups have inferior cultures and how people are raised.

What makes you say the culture is inferior? I guess what I'm asking is based on what standards?

You can't say cultures that are often rampant in things like cannibalism or ritualistic sacrifice is not an inferior culture. So I don't think its a race that makes certain people inferior to westerners.

Definitely inferior and maybe also a little sick in the head.

This is actually the first racist post or discussion I have seen on Reddit, pertaining to skin colour.

From your post body, these two statements oppose each other greatly.

[Contrary to the belief that blacks are genetically predisposed to be more violent or mischievous, I believe there is sufficient data out there or at the least, enough so that a strong case can be made this is a case of nurture rather than nature.]

[Lastly, I will touch on intergenerational trauma and how it relates to blacks and their behaviors. Studies have consistently shown that an individual's experience can be encoded in their genes and be passed on to their progeny for multiple generations. This is verified in a relatively new field called Epigenetics.]

Both statements are insidious.

how so?

It is a flip-flop position of genetic predisposition as a catalyst to societal behaviour.

The first statement discounts the idea and the second proposes it as an idea.

Intellectualism is the insidious part of racism.

Are you implying that the field of epigenetics is pseudo-science?

an individual's experience can be encoded in their genes

I just searched this statement and can find no examples proving it as false or a truth.

Eugenics in humanities was once a well-respected topic in academia. It is more relevant in live-stock breeding now.

Maybe not literally encoded but the point is that trauma can be passed down generationally through the genes.


Let's say depression[onset symptoms] is actually a genetic predisposition that is a societal problem today but in ancestral history, it was a survival mechanism.

Neither of those statements are insidious or contradictory.

I dont usually like "lets talk about xxx posts" but.....

Let's talk about how is racial discrimination a conspiracy? *((is it??))

Or - how about - is social justice warfare some type of conspiracy? (Maybe?)

I am starting to lean towards yes

But why?

Democrats. It's easier for Dems to control Blacks voting habits when they give them free food and housing. No one votes against the hand that feeds them. Dems also want to hide the fact that they were the slaveholders and the creators of the KKK.

I don't disagree with most of what you said. There is clearly a force out there that benefits from the enabling of blacks to not experience any sort of social growth. With that said, my post wasn't about blaming whites. It was to address the imo, false belief that blacks are in the predicament they are in as a result of inferior genes.

I've been accused by multiple liberals actually that my points somehow mean that black people are inferior, instead of just addressing the various issues in their community.

There is a difference between empowering and enabling. The left often enables the shit out of them. They also aim to weaponize black indignation and turn it against the republicans. The right, discounting the white supremacists, do aim to empower but are often lacking in empathy. As in they fail to see just how deleterious the effects of slavery/post-slavery(Jim Crow, Police brutality, mass incarceration) was and is on the black's collective psyche. They are up against a lot and need more than just a "get over it, slavery was over a hundred years ago."

As in they fail to see just how deleterious the effects of slavery/post-slavery(Jim Crow, Police brutality, mass incarceration) was and is on the black's collective psyche.

Reminds me of the joke:

  • Hispanic man goes to jail, but can't afford a lawyer

  • Black man goes to jail, but it was the racist cops

  • White man goes to jail, he's just guilty.

When black kids are raising themselves on the streets with no supervision, getting into trouble is a guarantee.

Well it can be argued that black kids don't have fathers as a result of the factors that I listed.

I don't subscribe to the concept of race, but I do feel that there is merit to the idea of generational trauma being passed down bloodlines, in the same way physical or neurological disorders, traits or other maladies can.

That said, I think it important to ask ourselves if pursuing this discussion is worth the effort.

What value would data that was able to prove any sort of significant difference between one ethnicity versus the other actually have for our society? If you could statistically prove that people of primarily middle-eastern descent have a higher IQ than those whose ancestry is primarily native american, what good would that do anyone in a country that isn't ethnically segregated? Likewise, would this data be considered when it came to criminal sentencing? I'd hope not, because if we are willing to be lenient on people based on "race" people will start using that same argument to promote segregation and discrimination.

I agree that epigenetics can be used for some nefarious agenda to classify one group as superior to another.

But intergenerational trauma is used more as a healing tool, to address on a clinical level what a certain group may be going through and why.

Again, the concept of intergenerational trauma as an explanation for behavior is intriguing, but I must question the pursuit itself. This would be a Pandora's Box scenario, where once something is established, putting it back in the box impossible. It wouldn't matter what positive intentions you may have had; supremacists of all kinds would pour out of the woodwork to claim their ethnic superiority, or how the data was flawed, or misrepresented the truth, etc. It would only further divide us, I'm afraid.

People are already happy to make generalizations about ethnicities outside without needing scientific consensus. I don't want to imagine what people would try to do with it.

hmm... thought provoking.

So what about the bell curve?

Lets talk about that instead

I can some it up as follows, but, it's "controversial"... Can we admit there are certain breeds of dogs that are naturally dumber than others and vice versa? Can we admit that certain breeds of dogs are lazier than others and vice versa? Can we admit that when certain dogs inter-breed, a mix happens? Humans really are no different on this level.

I'm referring to the Great Society programs that incentivized being a single mother, put in place by the corrupt LBJ.

It is a flip-flop position of genetic predisposition as a catalyst to societal behaviour.

The first statement discounts the idea and the second proposes it as an idea.

Intellectualism is the insidious part of racism.