r/politics mods responds, says none of them paid off. But newbies. Go to r/politics frontpage now. Look at all the anti Trump news. Look at the same narrative. All other subs complain about this sub too. Yeah, not fooling anyone.

0  2017-12-10 by BandyBanana

"We don't provide comment to journalists - we've seen the same bullshit on 4chan that everyone else has. No moderators have ever received payment for anything related to our volunteer moderation. Really like your website Also really like how it's registered under a domain proxy. Send /pol/ our regards."



The source in question is a /pol/ thread that got reposted here. I am pretty sure that /r/politics is compromised, but the "purchased for 2.8 million" bit is completely unsubstantiated.

If it can't be verified, assume it's a larp fag.

Im going to assume its true because i like it.

Maybe people don’t like trump. Gasp.

Occam's Razor is FAKE NEWS to Trump supporters.

And CNN and MSNBC? Wise guy..

CNN, MSNBC, Fox, NYT, WaPo, ABC, CBS, LAT, all of them are mere Corporate Propaganda and shouldn't be trusted. So yes, CNN and MSNBC too.

Even fox sometimes..

And people didn’t like Hillary, Obama, Bush before him.. Shocking

The only difference is Trump still has 3 years to pull something off and become a good president. Trump isn’t a good person, but he gets shyt done. Which is more important? Now fck off

What’s he get done? Name one good thing. Then I’ll tell you they aren’t good and then you’ll tell me that I watch msm. It will be fun.

The whole thing will then end in mutual shill accusations so that both parties can stew bitterly over their Sunday morning coffee. Politics is a fun sport.

Haha I would never call someone a shill and I don’t drink coffee. I’ll stew over my hot cocoa o’s though.

name one good thing

No matter what we say, you're going to claim one of three things

  • No, Obama is responsible for that somehow!

  • That's not a good thing because reasons!

  • Something objectively evil is really good though!

ISIS was driven out of their Raqqa last month.

If Obama gets credit for Bin Ladin, Trump gets credit for Raqqa.

“We”. Are you part of some sort of coordinated effort to sway opinion?

And I already said what you said. No matter what I say, you’ll say msm, libcuck or find some way to blame obama. Trump’s doing the same shit every other president is. Squishing the poor and taking advantage of hopeless people

So you're saying you don't want to list anything because you're afraid hes going to make an argument against your claim? Something something snowflakes, safespace, etc etc

Wow you went with the fourth option: blacking out!

ISIS was driven out of their Raqqa last month.

They weren't necessarily bought out for the price as mentioned on /pol, but anyone who was there in the Primary and leading up to the convention knows they're a bunch of corrupt liars. That sub changed, radically, in a short period of only a couple of days. To any r/politics mod that reads this...go ahead and try and refute it. You went from a pro Bernie, anti-DNC, anti-HRC, anti-Corporatist sub to pro all of those things over the span of the Democratic Convention. That is not organic, and you know it. So go ahead, keep lying, you pathetic, bought out fools.

Fucked up that you're downvoted. You're 100% correct.

Thankfully it's just worthless internet points. The Truth is worth downvotes.

For sure, I was a Bernie fan at the time and was happy with the amount of support he was getting on Reddit. Then in a matter of days it reversed and was obscenely pro-Clinton and they even shut down the subreddit of Bernie supporters. It was bizarre. After awhile they re-opened the Bernie subreddit but it had different mods and a more pro-DNC bent to it and less anti-establishment sentiment. The voting in this thread makes it seem something is up as well.

Yup. The voting and the constant Trump whataboutism is pretty funny. Also funny is the fact that some people, in this very thread, pretend that anyone claiming r/politics was subverted are Trump supporters...as if us disenfranchised Bernie supporters don't exist. Fucking laughable.

That was the whole thing, the only reason Bernie existed. You weren’t supposed to pay attention to that. Just believe and love Hillary.

Yep that’s exactly what happened. I was there too and witnessed it. I’ve stopped going there at this point because it really is just a propaganda echo chamber.

Man idk. r/ politics is a shit show, but the mods are fairly lenient. I think what you see in that sub is more likely due to it being flooded by CTR

is more likely due to it being flooded by CTR

That doesn't happen without Mod passivity.

I suspect it isn't easy to tell the difference between a average user, and a user with a script of daily talking points. Atleast they aren't making a practice of banning people outright for right-winged rhetoric yet. Though it's a bit telling that you can get away with calling for the extermination of the white race in there

They have done that though...they purged their mod team around the time of the convention of Trump supporters. They also started banning people for defending their submissions when it was anti-HRC related, as I personally experienced with a temporary ban at that time.

Here is a link to the banning of the mod...read it before you dismiss the source...http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/08/13/reddit-moderator-demodded-supporting-trump/

I remember all that, but I'm only going off my personal experience with the comments I make, and other comments I see made. Theres no doubt that the post seemed to be biased, which could easily be due to a CTR type operation hanging out in /new, but I've never had any issue when i've said controversial shit in that sub, other than a temp ban for calling a shill a shill. Ultimately, nothing would surprise me, but atleast they aren't trigger happy with bans, like nearly every other political sub. I honestly believe reddit as a whole is still being brigaded by ctr and jtrig

If it was under such strict control why do they allow posts from Breitbart etc. they don’t gain traction but they’re posted. Now trying posting something critical in T_D and see how that goes. I’m a random internet poster saying those mods were bought for about $3.50 I’ll take my days of discussion on the front page please.

Breitbart never makes it anywhere near the front page of r/politics. It may be submitted, but it is immediately swarmed and downvoted.

Now trying posting something critical in T_D and see how that goes.

I'm not talking about TD...why does everyone always have to bring it back to them when discussing r/politics? Why can't we just discuss r/politics?

I’m a random internet poster saying those mods were bought for about $3.50 I’ll take my days of discussion on the front page please.

Cool. You obviously weren't there extensively over the last 2 years, didn't see the change overnight at the convention, or its' reversion on 9/11/16 when HRC collapsed.

Because they’re two sides of the same coin? Partisan cesspools. But at least on one you can try to present the other side.

But at least on one you can try to present the other side

That is not the case in r/politics.

Being downvoted is not the same as being deleted or banned.

You realize that people can smell this dumb bullshit from a mile away and is a large part of why people think that the_donald is so toxic?

K. Considering I never post nor lurk in TD and am not even a Trump supporter, your comment makes no sense. Keep on doing...whatever you think you're doing, friend.

See original comment.

Lol I'm responding to your comment in response to my own. Your other comment in this thread concerning TD and Trump supporters still has no bearing on my comment or our conversation. You honestly think I'm a Trump supporter, don't you? Check my comment and submission history. Sorry the world isn't that black and white bud.

Bullshit. Downvotes =\= bans.

If you don't believe that bans were arbitrarily enforced after the convention as a means of chilling speech and opinion, and that all the downvotes in r/politics are organic, I have a bridge to Hawaii to sell you friend.

This gong show happening at r/politics right now is because they are trying to get bernie folk back within the 2 party paradigm, the bern it up or bern it down folks.

"Ya fucked the pooch this time jimmy, naw some people gotta go to jail. Jimmy, some people gunna hafta hang."

Oh is ok to kill white people lol. I’ve been banned a couple times for posting pro trump stuff(old account), same with r /anarchism. If they don’t ban you, you are down voted to hell. I just don’t care what they have to say.

but the mods are fairly lenient Yeah if you spew liberal talking points

Go in there and spew some far right shit, then report back and tell me if the mods did anything

I don't think the viewpoints of /r/politics are that far out of line with the average Redditor demographics. There's only a small clique of people with strong Trump support, and there's little to no overlap between that clique and the average Redditor.

Add to that the fact that Trump supporters are a bit brash at times and therefore more likely to run afoul of the civility rules for the sub, and that small group gets a little smaller.

T_D is not 'very' small compared to Politics , it has 530.000 compared to 3.5 mil subscribers. It's 1 in 7. And as such should be represented.

Not accounting that both are "echo chambers", and the controversy about the real number of T_D subscribers, which was a major topic about after elections time.

You are trying to use logic and reality, as if they are the things that can be applied here.

In reality much less people pro-trump probably use reddit, but the voting numbers are much closer. Take into account older non-internet users, and I think the reality should probably be closer to 1:2 or 1:3.

It's all been redacted and not organic.

Nobody actually believes they have 530,000 actual users. That is not organic.

The average redditor is lazy, whiney, young and fucking stupid.

There are definite CTR/SOROS shills everywhere!

I found one under by bed a week ago! I said, "BADSOROS" and hit it with a newspaper. It went away, but the stink of purchased free speech lingered.

I know in my heart of hearts that (((they))) compromised that subreddit.

I want to believe.

lol I'm sure they are just going to outright admit they are paid off lol

Go ask how Hillary could delete 30,000 emails under sopena. That comment got me negative -172 in 3 minutes and a week ban for asking weather I was being trolled. This same comment would have gotten positive votes before Hillary's nomination. The takeover by then CTR and now shareblue is obvious and the mods either did nothing or helped. I think I'm banned for life over there now, as the place is just an echo chamber for fake news. Don't know how this strategy worked on other people, but I was going to vote 3rd party after Bernie, but they turned me to vote for Trump to stop Hillary. Now I'm a huge Trump supporter.

It's insane how much denial about the subversion of that and other subs there are. So much that I am hesitant to believe it is organic. Anyone who was in the sub at the time saw what was happening. Shit also went down in r/sandersforpresident and r/wikileaks. Fucking madness that people honestly try to say it didn't. It's even more maddening when people have to play whataboutism and always bring up TD when you are talking about r/politics...

LOL, I couldn't even post a new article about one positive Trump news.

At politics? Satan, Bin Laden, and Communism are preferred over Trump. If someone really wants to view my history I actually come over here and joke about it. The place is completely crazy now. They upvoted communism because Trump insulted it.

Yep, totally compromised.

Actually I don't give a flying fuck if they got bought off as long as long as the cancer stays there. Unfortunately it looks like Shareblue and CTR etc ... are all over the other subs spreading their commie BS.

Look, I don't know if share blue or any other trickery is going on, in fact it probably is, but Trump is definitely corrupt. Notice how he didn't do anything about Hillary after he was elected? He has no intention of it. It was just narrative to get votes.

he's busy leading the country and fighting hatred coming at him from all sides including RINOs. When things have settled down and the Russian nothing burger goes away it's very possible Hillary will be a target of his. It's a large and deep swamp. Let him drain it and then he'll be able to see HRC at the bottom and finally get her.

Things never settled down for Obama, there's no reason to think this will be different.

Spahn. It isn't hard to find people who are critical of any president. This happens to be the most polarizing president ever, so...no. Nobody is paying for mods.

This is an anti-Trump sub.


Being downvoted is not the same as being deleted or banned.

You realize that people can smell this dumb bullshit from a mile away and is a large part of why people think that the_donald is so toxic?

Bullshit. Downvotes =\= bans.

Yep, totally compromised.

Actually I don't give a flying fuck if they got bought off as long as long as the cancer stays there. Unfortunately it looks like Shareblue and CTR etc ... are all over the other subs spreading their commie BS.