How many people have seen a globe earth? In human history, only 24 people(all from NASA) have supposedly gone beyond low earth orbit. I guess we have to take NASA's word for it.

0  2017-12-11 by NonThinkingPeeOn

In human history only 540 people have ever even gone into space (low earth orbit).


You do have to take their word for it. There's no strict evidence to support any other theory, but the lowkey possibility, no matter how out there it is, still exists.

Would you think the earth is flat? That it's hollow? That we're a simulation, and that the people who know are keeping it under wraps to avoid mass panic so they Photoshop and create such images.

Reality is a lie man. Nothing is real. Yet everything still fucking sucksssss

You don't have to take anyone's word for it. There's tons of things you can do yourself.

Go to the ocean and watch ships come in.

Attach a Go Pro to a weather balloon.

Call your friend in another city a couple hundred miles away, have him go outside with ruler and measure the ruler's shadow while you do the same, and compare the lengths (this is similar to how Eratosthenes calculated the earth's circumference around 200 BC with 90% accuracy).

Call your friend in another city a couple hundred miles away, have him go outside with ruler and measure the ruler's shadow while you do the same, and compare the lengths (this is similar to how Eratosthenes calculated the earth's circumference around 200 BC with 90% accuracy).

That's assuming parallel light rays on a sphere. A point light with divergent light rays on a plane gives the same result.

Eratosthenes had a phone ?

All of these have been debunked, tested, etc. Some (like the ships) are just old wives tales.

lol literally none of them have been "debunked"

Are you serious? You should get out more!

As the other user responded to you how the Eratosthenes experiment can also calculate correctly for a nearby sun scenario. And go google the ships "disappearing" over the curve, there are tons of videos I think it is the Nikon camera, it has a super zoom as soon as they disappear from the naked eye just use the camera and there are the ships. No curve. And yes, they've attached GoPros to weather balloons. I guess the weirdest thing NO ONE can debunk is how the moonlight gives off colder light than the sun, like in the shadows of moonlight is warmer than in direct moonlight (exact opposite of the sun)

I'm curious -- what do you perceive our satellites or other objects on earth orbit as doing?

Ever notice why the space shuttle, iss, etc. they ALL fly that same route?

They don't all fly the "same route." First "route" is kinda meaningless when you're talking about orbital dynamics -- the term you're really thinking of is orbital inclination. Generally, US craft orbit at an inclination of around 28 degrees, because that's the ideal inclination to launch from off of Cape Canaveral. (The closer you are to the equator, the faster yore moving due to the earth's rotation, and the more kinetic energy you can add to your launch to help achieve orbit.)

ISS, however, is at 51.6 degrees. That's the same inclination that MIR had, because that's the inclination of orbit that's easiest to get launching from Baikonur (Russia's space center in Siberia) without passing over Chinese airspace.

When the Russians and the US were negotiating the placement of the ISS, they chose the inclination that's easer for the cosmonauts because the more inclined towards polar orbit the inclination is, the greater he percentage of land that you will eventually pass over, so the more-inclined Russian orbit had greater scientific value.

Dude don’t even bother. These people are fucking nuts and nothing you say will change it... The second you mention orbital mechanics or anything based on scientific fact they’ll just get defensive and spew more garbage.

This thing about the same route is comical but how do you explain something as simple as ‘closer to equator = less energy required to leave orbit’ when they think we live on a damn dinner plate. It’s unreal.

I know, it's just fascinating to see folks trying to reason around such a fundamentally absurd premise.

I miss the "Chrome the Moon" crowd. They picked something absurd and had a lot of fun with it.

You can't prove your "belief" that it is spherical.

My ‘belief’ is backed up by literally every piece of evidence in existence so you can fuck right off.

Your history shows how batshit crazy you are. You wouldn’t believe a shooting was real if you were the one shot in the face. Congratulations on being a reason mankind is being set back centuries.

This bullshit saying “hurr durr durr you can’t prove XYZ insane belief isn’t true” is one of the biggest logical fallacies in existence. So I say again please get in a plane and fly in one direction until you run out of fuel and nosedive into this dinner plate you believe in... I’m nearly convinced your merciful death will raise the average IQ of the populace a whole ten points.

OK. Reactionary, angry, no further proof to back up your "belief". I'll just pocket this one as a win. ;-)

Yes I am in fact reactionary when people spread blatant lies. Shocking. Why would I back up scientific fact. I could literally throw thousands of facts at you and you would brush them aside the same way you brush aside literal video of live shooters. Much like you feel no need to prove your insane theories and rely instead on “you can’t prove my invisible friend isn’t really there”.

But then I sigh and realize all is for naught but at least I’ll have a good life surrounded by people who think and care about the greater good. I’m sorry for you.

You sound just like a religious idiot. Same B.S., different package. What DO you believe? WHY do YOU believe?

Show me a photo of a satellite in space.

Here you go. Here's another. (You'll generally only get hi-res photos of satellites in orbit that were released or serviced by the space shuttle -- they're too small and moving too fast to get detailed photos from the ground.)

SOOO fake. 1st one: Where are all the other satellites? Where are the stars? Def a composite image. 2nd one: What satellite is this? All it shows is something that could very well be high in our atmosphere. Where are the millions of other satellites? What about space trash in orbit?

Where are all the other satellites?

So, think about this for a second. There are a little over 2000 operational satellites in orbit. The earth's surface area is just under 200 million square miles. So if you were to place every satellite on the earth's surface, spaced evenly, each satellite would be about 300 miles from its closest neighbor. Obviously satellites aren't evenly spread around the glove, but they are deliberately kept in different orbits to avoid crashing -- any given satellite will be at least dozens of miles from the nearest satellite, each of which will be moving extremely rapidly compared to its neighbors. (Orbit is FAST, and the velocity changes quickly depending on orbit -- a satellite orbiting at an altitude of 620 miles will be moving over 1000 mph relative to one orbiting at 680 miles.) So not surprising you can't see any others.

Where are the stars?

You can't see them, because it's daytime. Any camera aperture that won't be washed out by viewing the satellite in daytime isn't sensitive enough to see the stars, which you can only see at night.

What satellite is this?

That's the Hubble Space Telescope.

Where are the millions of other satellites?

Again, there are only about 2,200 operational satellites at the moment.

What about space trash in orbit?

The vast majority of space trash is less than 10 cm, so impossible to see from any distance besides right up close -- plus, from the reference point of any orbit, even the closest debris will be traveling at relative velocity of hundreds of miles an hour. No suprise you can't see something a couple centimeters across, dozens of miles away, traveling at a couple hundred miles per hour.

As the other user responded to you how the Eratosthenes experiment can also calculate correctly for a nearby sun scenario.

Only if you strictly recreate the experiment by only making two simultaneous measurements.

If you make more, you quickly find that the only alternative explanations are "The sun is millions of miles away and the earth is a sphere" or "the sun is actually very close, but simultaneously in many different locations, which is physically impossible."

Here is the proof

Now, tell me, do you believe that the sun can be in different locations depending on where you view it from, or is the sun only in one location? If you say the latter, then you have proved the earth is a sphere.

And go google the ships "disappearing" over the curve, there are tons of videos (I think it is the Nikon camera?) it has a super zoom as soon as the boats disappear from the naked eye

Disappearing from the naked eye has nothing to do with it.

Not one of those videos has ever zoomed halfway in and shown the bottom half of the ship hidden below the horizon, then zoomed in further to show the bottom half reappear.

What actually happens is they zoom in and the bottom half of the ship is still hidden below the very real physical horizon.

I guess the weirdest thing NO ONE can debunk is how the moonlight gives off colder light than the sun, like in the shadows of moonlight is warmer than in direct moonlight (exact opposite of the sun)

Nope. Anything in "shadow" at night is actually losing heat less quickly because it can't radiate that heat away as quickly. The moon has nothing to do with it.

These are all interesting points but I wouldn't say conclusive.

Re: the linked video experiment: GREAT real-world experiment but hardly ACCURATE scientifically since in the photos you can see all kinds of mismatched rulers, bent rulers, etc. which are hard to account for.

Also, and this may play in to the horizon issue, there is a such thing as atmospheric lensing/refracting, which may dillute such mesurements. The point of the ships is, can you show a ship going over the curve? We cannot prove a negative, and why you see "some" obfuscation near the bottom is mainly due to waves (the water is not 100% flat) at varying distances blocking your view. I think unless you can prove otherwise, at very least you have to admit that ships disappearing over a horizon is essentially an old wives tale. Def NOT science.

Lastly, I think you are saying the same thing, the shadows are losing heat less quickly. You are just reversing the language. The moonlight is COOLING things. Otherwise, how does the moon have nothing to do with it if yoiu are in the moon's "shadow" as you say? In the daytime, do you say you are losing cool less quickly when you are in the shade from the sunlight? It's just words one way or the other.

As the other user responded to you how the Eratosthenes experiment can also calculate correctly for a nearby sun scenario.


The math doesnt add up. You can figure this out at home.

The method you are suggesting works on one spot and one spot only. When you take measurements from other locations at the same time the angles dont add up.

Eratosthenes actually disproves a FE.

And go google the ships "disappearing" over the curve, there are tons of videos (I think it is the Nikon camera?) it has a super zoom as soon as the boats disappear from the naked eye, just use the camera and there are the ships again! No curve. And yes, they've attached GoPros to weather balloons.

Wrong again!

Boat zoomed in on with a P900 disappears over the horizon, bottom first at that!

Ever wonder why 100% of zoom videos never follow an object over the horizon? Havent you ever asked yourself why they just zoom in and call it a day?

I guess the weirdest thing NO ONE can debunk is how the moonlight gives off colder light than the sun

Ask yourself about what environmental factors are at play. Its obvious if you think about it for a few minutes.

Nothing is real.

Then give me all your fake money

Is it concave then? from the second video.

Ever used a gopro? They do stuff like that when changing directions. If you watch the video you can clearly see the 3d curvature of the earth. It looks like a globe because it is a globe.

The FE stuff is sooo incredibly dumb. I'll listen to just about any conspiracy but not this one.

You cannot see the 3d curvature of the Earth though. Basic geometry. You are seeing a 360 horizon-line. Already stated in this thread the ISS at ~400KM can only see ~2000KM in any direction.

Have you ever stood on a mountain? There's a 360 degree horizon. You cannot see beyond the vanishing points.

I was in the navy. Both ship and aircraft systems have to compensate for the curvature of the earth. The company I work for provided equipment for the Red bull jump. We provide equipment for super high altitude craft. The earth is a globe. Stop this nonsense.

Nowhere was it stated that Earth isn't a globe, but, it's very loathsome watching people rationalize it being one with faulty logic. Also, officially its both flat and spherical. The Earth is planer geodesic frames in local perspective, and it becomes a geoid which is defined by Einstein's curving of spacetime, where gravity is measured as potentiality.

You might be aware since there are Navy documents stating this.

I was in the navy. Both ship and aircraft systems have to compensate for the curvature of the earth.

What compensations were made?

Stay in school kids.

School taught me people use to think the world was flat. Reddit taught me thinking the earth is flat started in late 1800's and unknown why it spreaded.

School can be wrong, it's true. When my mother was a child, she was taught that the atom couldn't be split, and this was shortly after the first atomic bombs were used.

so youre just going to neglect the second side of that how science and knowledge proved the earth wasnt flat, and how it became widely accepted?

God damnit.


So you don't grow up to think the Earth is flat.

Implying that one can't learn anything outside of school? Implying that what is taught in school is always the truth?

No, implying that any elementary school child can prove the Earth is round.

School can’t fix these fucks. I want to believe it’s just a big troll-fest yet that would be nearly as depressing.

I used to think it was just joking around and trolling, but these days people actually believe it.

all the other planets are round but earth is flat

have you seen the other planets?

you're right, maybe they are flat too

Maybe they’re flat plates facing us. The same way you look down at your plate when you’re hungry. Oh shit!!! Aliens are coming to eat us!!!!!!

I'm dying.

Yes I have. With a telescope, you can even see some with binoculars.

Prior to the advent and proliferation of science fiction, how many people looked up at the sky and believed they were looking at solid, physical objects?

Those who choose to remain oblivious to Cavendish Fakery are choosing to remain gullible fools. God love them.

what if life is nothing more than what we think it is?

what if this 'world' is only what we all collectively think it is?

what if somewhere in 'time' someone(s) realize that the shared reality is meldable, changeable, and out right breakable if only you convinced others to think as you want them to think?

what if ou reality is the way we perceive so, because since birth we've been programmed by the generations before us that were programmed to believe life is a certain way and it's always been this way and it always will be this way.

it's not about if the earth is flat or round at all, it's if this is even real.

This. Let us stop arguing about her shape and start fighting for her health and prosperity.

This isn’t an argument. This is fact vs. retardism.

Here’s a novel concept for these incompetent fucks. Get in a plane and fly in one direction. You will never run out of Globe because you’ll just circle it. Also don’t refuel because you are not a loss.

I guess all the Chinese, Indian, Israeli, British, Canadian, and Russians who have been aboard the MIR space station and the ISS don't count. The world is a LOT bigger than you are capable of imagining. NASA is just one of many space agencies.

what part of "only 24 people all from NASA" do you not understand?

no other space agency has claimed to have sent people out of low earth orbit.

You said "seen a globe earth" and the answer to that is dozens and dozens from many nations.

You said "seen a globe earth" and the answer to that is dozens and dozens...

yes. 2 dozen = 24. only from NASA. not from any other nation or agency.

you can only see a globe from far out past low earth orbit. Only the NASA Apollo missions made claim of leaving low earth orbit.

I think you'll find the globe earth is quite obvious when you are 250 miles up and traveling at 17,200 mph across a curving plane.

and... who is it that is that high?

1998-067A SATCAT №:25544 Call sign:Alpha, Station Crew:Fully crewed: 6, Currently aboard: 6, (Expedition 53) Launch pad:Baikonur 1/5 and 81/23, Kennedy LC-39 Mass:≈ 419455 kg (924739.98 lb) Length:72.8 m (238.85 ft) Width:108.5 m (355.97 ft) Height:≈ Orbital period:92.65 minutes Orbits per day:15.54 Orbit epoch:7 July 2017, 13:10:09 UTC Days in orbit:show Days occupied:show Number of orbits:102,491 Orbital decay:2 km/month

In that case dust mites have also witnessed a "globe finger" if you have ever had them on the tip of your hands. ISS can only see ~2000km in any direction. The curvature is merely the horizon line and vanishing point. No different than being in an open field with the same 360 degree horizon.

Just curious -- what is it that you conceive "orbit" to be around a body that isn't spherical?

any aircraft that flies above our heads is simply following a circular path through the sky.

there are no satellites engaged in "spaceflight" orbiting a spherical earth.

So, do you see these satellites as being under an external force keeping them circling at altitude, or do you see them as being under internal propulsion?

The ISS only sees ~3000km in any direction. You are not seeing the curvature of the Earth from the ISS, it's actually a 360-horizon line.

Look at any picture of it. Standing over a flat plane with a vanishing point would yield the exact same frame of reference.

This doesn't "prove" anything except the hubris of those who need to believe in absolutes.

Every one has seen it. Look down....hey! There it is

If you see a globe when looking down, might want to follow up with a doctor

I see the round globe every time I go to the ocean.

Maybe so... but now tell me... how many have gone into space and come back and said the earth is flat?

How about you outline your model that fits what we can observe better than a Globe?

I have friends in other Nations and I can call them when it night here and it is daytime there. I have watched the sunset over a beach from the hills over looking the beach.

I have never seen a beam of light shining down on other Nations at night. Have you? Yet if the Earth is flat ...

your thread is trolled and vote-rigged :-(

SOOO fake. 1st one: Where are all the other satellites? Where are the stars? Def a composite image. 2nd one: What satellite is this? All it shows is something that could very well be high in our atmosphere. Where are the millions of other satellites? What about space trash in orbit?

You sound just like a religious idiot. Same B.S., different package. What DO you believe? WHY do YOU believe?