Conspiracy theorist here working for many years to bring incredible info to the masses - I will start to release the dam here if enough people show interest... need to see a lot of interest though

59  2017-12-11 by [deleted]



1 Upvote = 1 pray, you guys.

People are down praying this pretty hard...

If 'interest' is more important than just getting the information out I'm really not surprised.

1 didn't ante up = 1 downvote.

That's right.

You'd know right.. since you have the info? And you've tried to get info out?

By releasing the info....

Did you watch the video I posted Bob lazar made?

If you want the info you have to work for it

How incredibly generous of you.

It is.. how is that too much to ask?

As you haven't even defined what you consider 'interest' to be it just might be, plenty of people have shown interest in the thread now so what's the beef man? If you want this to be known just get it out there on as many different forums and relevant subs as you possibly can and the internet will do the rest, if it's of any value to interested parties.

I just need to see that there is some activity here.. not just interest from one or 2 people.. I need people to start communicating as well.. we need to do this together as a group...

All we other users can do is read it and assess whether it is of interest or relevance to us. This post has 69 comments now, mostly complaining about the nature of the post. Maybe there should have been 69 comments discussing the actual info.

Did you watch the Lazar video?

Will you please put out the info? Please?

You have to say 'pretty please, with a cherry on top.'

You have to earn the respect .. not demand it.

You're expecting people to take your word ... on a conspiracy forum. Talk about knowing your audience.

I'm not expecting it.. I am just trying to get it..

This is free info.. what do you have to lose? Don't look a gift horse in the mouth..

Make with the gift then ...

My info is way more secret and better than yours anyways.

I will give you guys an idea of how I got into this... My father saw a true flying saucer in the late 60s. At point blank range. What he told me tied into info that another famous person said publicly...this led me on a path of discovery...

Seek help.


To spread the message obviously.

Since he's not gonna do it...

I just did release some info... keep communicating and I will keep revealing..

Ask questions and I will answer.. interview me...

This is not how it works...

Are you PLC this is 100% his MO.

Ask! I know everything, then proceeds to show hos lack of knowledge by dodging everything asked.

Did you watch the Bob Lazar video I posted?

As soon as I heard element 112 is not terrestial I gave it pause. We are on 118 at least now. This is all old possibly fake info. Will watch again when I get home.

All the info he present sis not accurate.. Lazar is a disinfo agent..

What kind of discovery?

So you're asking for donations in exchange for info leaks?

Is that you, Feldman??

Not asking for donations now.. I am just going to give the info out.. since people don't seem to care if it's done right then I will just have to take that risk.. it's too late now it seems.

Just by posting in r/conspiracy, you have our attenrion. We're ready for the info whenever you are . Spill the beans man!

Then why are people downvoting this?

I didn't downvote this, but if I had to guess it's because people would rather see you just post the info than make 2 posts about how you will post info.

So they are unwilling to upvote something to get the truth? Maybe that's why we don't have the truth yet..

No idea. You're overthinking it. Post the info, then worry about how it's received.

I have tried that.. it's not that simple..

The problem is that there are lots of people who drop hints about having some huge bombshell and then never follow up. Maybe you do have lots of information, and maybe you don't, but past experience shows that the people with lots of information don't mess around with these kinds of "if there's enough interest..." teasing games.

Why can't people just show info? Why can't they help me get the info out.. the info is us conversing.. but if it's just one or two people IS that getting the info out?

Back at you: why should people show interest in whatever you're teasing? What is different about you compared to the many other people who claim to have secret info to reveal and then never share it?

I have put 8 years into this full time with no pay.. that's all I can tell you..

read the story I put up or free... I can lead a horse to water I can't make it drink...

If you put 8 years into it, you care about it, surely. Isn't that more important than how much 'interest' you feel you've whipped up?

Remember.. I have tried to get this info out.. I wrote a story for free that no one read.. I suck as a writer but how else can I do it if people won't do the work?

I don't understand your point at all. If you're interested in the subject, post your material. It'll either get traction or it won't. If it turns out no one is interested, what did you lose by posting it?

I did post it.. it's on here. The link to the story. I am posting the info that led to my discoveries here..

This isn't info that can be conveyed quickly. There are many links to info and there is disinfo mixed with the info. I can't just list stuff off and people will know it all. There is too much info to do that. You need to view the sources like I did.. even then people still may not get it because it requires a lot of knowledge to understand it.

You kind of make it sound like it's more trouble than it's worth to look into whatever it is, but I wish you luck with it.

It isn't easy but it is well worth it.. most important info I have ever seen. But I don't know how many will truly understand it..

I do know how many will understand it if you never share it

I am sharing it bro... Work with me here..

Really? Because it seems like you're asking for attention, and hyping up that you will share something you're excited about, but you never really get to the point, or even close to it.

How would you know that?

Do you think that is what Q is doing too?

How would you know that?

Because looking through your post history you never say what it is you think you're on to. You just say you want people paying attention to you to make you feel ready to share.

Just get to the point, because this looks a lot more like an attempt to market a comic book than share a conspiracy theory.

And I have no clue what Q has to do with any of this. That just seems like another attempt to deflect from answering any questions about what you're talking about.

I have said.. if I told you the point you wouldn't get it.. all the info is the point.. You might not like the answer but that's the answer..

all the info is the point..

What info?

All the sources I am referring you to.. Look through the thread...

Your post links to another post that links to an outline for a comic book. Now you want me to sort through 250 comments, most of which are calling you out for not sharing any info, and you act like it's my fault for not understanding what you're tying to share.

I'm interested in listening, but if you can't explain yourself, that's on you man. If you really want people to listen to what you're saying, you need to be show a little initiative as far as communication goes.

It's worth it man.. It's not easy to understand.. Just trust me.. that's all I can say. I am doing the best i can.. There's a reason for this.. I have been trying to get this info out for years but it's not easy. Just listing it out wouldn't work.. it's too complex.. we need to do this together.

So let me try to follow your logic. It's not easy to understand, but it's easier to understand by just not sharing. There's a reason, but that reason can't be communicated. You need help, but can't communicate what that help is.

I mean, what help are you looking for?

I wanted help in the past because people won't listen to me.. they won't go through the process to learn what they need to. I would have taken people through the same info you are now...

I have told people before.. all this info is out there.. people just haven't put the pieces together properly.. they don't see what is really going on.. they have been convinced to ignore what is so important.. maybe even because it is so simple...

Imagine if you were the government.. and the info you were trying to hide leaked... how would you get people to not see it when it's right in front of their noses?

I wanted help in the past because people won't listen to me

Bullshit. You complain about people not listening, but there are 250 comments in this post from people listening to you. Most of them center around, "I'm here, I'm listening" and your only response is "I can't tell you, you wouldn't understand"

You say all the info is out there, but you don't even give the slightest hint what you're talking about and seem to go to great lengths to keep people from understanding.

For all I know, your big secret might have to do with lizard people, the vegas shooter, the trump administration, or the fucking tooth fairy.

This is because instead of putting the most miniscule amount of effort into explaining yourself, you put all your effort into saying "I can't explain it so look through all the times I haven't explained anything and figure out what I'm explaining"

It feels like your whole goal is to make it as tough for people to understand what you're talking about as possible, then complain when people don't understand what you're talking about. You're incredibly frustrating and self-defeating.

Bullshit. You complain about people not listening, but there are 250 comments in this post from people listening to you. Most of them center around, "I'm here, I'm listening" and your only response is "I can't tell you, you wouldn't understand"

If they were listening then they would read the sources.. you need to go through the sources..

Look at it this way.. what if I told you "Jackie Kennedy killed John Kennedy"

There's the info.. not really but in this example..

That has no meaning unless I show you all the evidence required to prove it.. in my case it takes a lot of understanding and evidence. all the sources i am showing..

People won't understand this without understanding the sources...

I was hoping others would know these sources somewhat.. the fact people don't makes this even more difficult..

Then why don't you put your sources in your post, and a general idea of what they have in common? Why link to another post you made, that only links to a comic book you made?

Physics is complicated. Computer science is complicated. You'd understand it better if you read a couple 1000 page text books. But if you asked me how voltage works, or how assembly instructions are translated into machine code, I could give you a synopsis because I studied it and understand it. If I told you you could never understand it just by me explaining, it would probably be because I didn't know those topics well enough to explain.

And honestly, if your idea isn't important enough to explain, and to provide a list of sources in the body of your post, and to provide the slightest idea of what ties them together, but you do have the time and energy to spend hours on end coming up with excuses, your idea is probably bullshit.

Could you imagine Einstein or Isaac Newton saying, "This gravity thing happens all the time, it's right under your nose, but you wouldn't understand so I'm not going to explain"

Einstein did tell people the truth and they didn't believe him..

Einstein was a patent clerk.. he was totally unknown..

Imagine if Einstein had to explain his theories to someone who didn't even understand science.. most people here have not read the sources i am referring them to.. so how are they going to see the truth?

You keep talking about these sources, but never seem to post them. Put them in the body of your post so people can see them. Write a brief explanation of their importance.

If you're not going to put even the most minimal amount of effort into explaining, and focus the entirety of your effort on making your excuses, people aren't going to put any effort into listening, and instead excuse you. Because that's what you deserve.

You are making excuses.. apply your own comments to yourself..

If others won't go through this minimal work to find the truth you have no hope..

What fucking sources? Why is it my job to figure out your idea for you?

Yes I am scared.. if I just post the solution you will never understand it..

The answer isn't the info.. the work is...

What info? What work? Still haven't seen you link to anything besides a comic book.

If you can't find the links in this thread how are you going to find the truth?

Pretty sure you're just a narcissist looking for attention. Good luck with that.

I linked to the info... O thought the people here were better than the average student.. if they aren't we will never find the truth.

I thought people here would be familiar with the sources...


Read the threads... READ.. SHUT UP AND READ

Go fuck yourself.

If you can't take the time to put your sources in your post, or to link to them when somebody is trying to listen to you ("but boo hoo, nobody listens to me"), I don't have time to read through 300 comments of you not explaining yourself, just to get to some bullshit source that you can't explain the importance of.

Again, this is very narcissistic behavior when you assume that your time is so important that you can't put sources in your post, but my time is so unimportant that it should be no big deal for me to go through 300 comments just to get the vaguest idea of what the fuck you're talking about.

So again, go fuck yourself.


My bad. Was trying to have a civil discussion with OP and got really frustrated with the responses I was receiving and let it get the best of me.

It happens dude.

Long days & pleasant nights, yeah?

I'll go with that, although I'm usually more partial to pleasant days and long nights.


That has to be the case right? I’ve tried to help this kid, but he doesn’t seem to want to actually convey any information. It has to be for the attention, hence the attempt at what can only be keeping everyone on the hook.

Read the threads, read the sources, watch the videos, discuss and care! Only then will you be ready to ask OP wtf he’s talking about, and only if he deems you worthy to know.

Just think of him like Q except even more important, and then sit at the edge of your seat and hold your breath through months of “drops” which aren’t actually drops at all and then perhaps you may be ready to hear the truth. Perhaps

Because you are person number 10,000 who has Earth shattering information that mysteriously never gets released.

I'm releasing it.. this is it.. If I just told you what all this was about you wouldn't understand what it means.. This is how I cam to these answers...

So you’re just karma-whoring?

Not necessarily.. people can downvote me if they want.. I really just want to see people posting here..

You can easily flip that around. Apparently you're not willing to "release the truth" unless you get enough upvotes. Which is even more lame.

They don't have to be upvotes.. but the thread will drop if they don't then no one will see it.. so why bother? If you want the truth out then lets do it.. what do you have to lose?

If you've got something cool to say then delete this post and just make a new one. If you're information is as cool as you think it is then it will get attention.

Ugh shut up. You are annoying.

They’re called shills, my man. And their purpose is to stifle any and all meaningful dialogue by downvoting everything and being trolls.

That’s why you’re being downvoted. I promise, the majority of real users here would love to hear what you have to say.

But don’t tease it, don’t look for “interest”, just do it. Us folks around here have grown quite tired of people toying with the notion of releasing information only to have them fade away without doing such.

I have tried to reveal this info before and nothing happened.. I am trying something new this time.. it's worth a shot..

Because you don’t need to be begging for attention or interest. This is a conspiracy sub; the interest is already here. If you have info, why do people have to beg you for it? You’re probably being downvoted because of the “you’re not worthy” tone of your post.

No.. like I said.. there hasn't been enough interest before.. But I never said I would release it right at this moment either.

Did you watch the Bob Lazar video?

If someone wants to help me then post relevant info I post somewhere else to help people follow along and I can link to it..

Done right?

Yes, if I give this info out now in a poor manner.. which is all I am capable of in this way, then it benefits the people who are suppressing this info..

Do it right now... Don't just talk about it.

Bill Cooper just wrote his stupid book

If you have a book just fucking write and put it in kindle

Make it about Jews doing 9/11 and Khazars, you will make money from this crowd

Just say you have “secret new information” and then just say the same bullshit everyone else does


There is too much info though.. that's why I had to try to figure out something really creative to get this info out.. but I am not experienced enough to do what I needed to do well enough..

Just write there was no Holocaust and the Jews run the world with central banks ect

Put a very jew image on the cover, copy pasta the whole book from stormfront or one of the threads here on Israel


Kim Dotcom

Do you realize I already gave this info out in a free story I linked to over a year ago?

That is why I have to do it this way...

There's a /r/conspiracy live stream that happens monday-thursday on twitch. You should talk to those guys.

Thanks, do you have to do that in person? i am terrible with that stuff. speaking as well.

Well, yeah. You're going to have to speak if you want people to listen to you. Haha. Look them up, it gets posted to the new queue when they start the stream. It's around 10-11pm us central.

I thought maybe there were some people I could work with to help me get the info out.

Well just dump it already.

I said I would do it if I saw interest.. why is that too much to ask? If people can't even show interest for the truth why bother?

Do you think I might have a reason to do it the way I am? or do you think you know how I should do it better than i do?

I'm not sure what you're asking, friendo. I'm definitely interested. You need advice on how to dump it?

Why isn't this being upvoted more then?

Not advice.. I just need to see there is interest.. an audience..

Well count me in.. I have first row seats.

If your information is interesting and new then it will get the interest it deserves, I would hope.

If it was that easy the info would already be understood..

I'll watch the videos you posted, going to try and do it in order. +1 for interest

Thank you!

Release the hounds....of truth!

how much is "enough" interest?

That's a good question.. i am totally playing this by ear...

The problem is you cannot trust the votes on this site. So some may being upvoting but I just do not trust it.

I am interested though.

I would be happy just with points. How might I know when I have a large audience?

The problem is the points are likely rigged.

Interest comes with information. The proof is in the pudding.

I will release it.. but it's going to take time.. probably a few days.. I need people to interact though.. This is how I can get it out..

Release it as many places as you can then. The Chan's and a few different subreddits as well as conspiracy.

Everyone who wants me to release the info.. watch this video..

This is part of the info and people are downvoting it...

It's nothing "new" per se. Plenty of us here do research. Hell, if you watch joe rogan and that blink-182 douche guy on the JRE you would've heard about this already.

Perhaps you have more? I'm still interested.

It's tied in with the truth..

Do you know where the Blink 182 guy is from?

San Diego...

That's where I am from too.. he came on the scene not long after I made my discoveries...

You in contact with him?

No but I honestly think he came on the scene after I discovered what I did as a distraction from my info.

I also have aspergers and when I started looking for people in the media to convey my info Sandy Hook happened.. who was an aspie - had aspergers. This is the only aspie incident like this I am aware of..

Well shit man. I doubt they would do all that just for one aspie conspiracy theorist. Unless you really got some goods, that is. I assume you think SH was staged?

Yes.. sandy hook might have been staged already.. but they may have made him someone with aspergers because I came on the scene...

Let's hear the deets then man!

So just to be clear think they staged sandy hook because you have some super duper important info you wont tell anyone?

I think they made the guy an aspie for this reason.. otherwise it was the biggest coincidence in the world.. because it prevented me from explaining how I made world changing discoveries...

Too many things I discovered are coming to light now for all this to be me being crazy... that's why i am talking to you right now..

otherwise it was the biggest coincidence in the world..

So you think the entire world is about you? Why would it be a coincidence?

because it prevented me from explaining how I made world changing discoveries...

How have they prevented you from releasing it?

Because the only thing that allowed me to discover what I did IMO is that I have aspergers.. and what my dad saw.

People with aspergers have a laser like focus on things.. and an ability to not be conditioned by public opinion.. public opinion like people think people with aspergers are nuts.. which the Sandy hook incident did at that time..

So how is that stopping you from releasing the info right now?

I am releasing it right now..

Not really. Saying you're going to release it and actually releasing it aren't the same thing. You keep asking people to imagine you as Q. I think you might not realize that a lot of people find Q's style of posting to be tiresome and annoying, so comparing yourself to them isn't helping your case.

There's a reason he does it that way.. that's what I am telling you. If he dumped a huge ton of info on people people would be less likely to read it.. I know because I tried with my story...

Sandy Hook has done nothing to discredit people with Aspergers. You’re good homie.

It did at the time... for many years

Your info is youtube videos we could've found ourselves?? Why not just post the video links, and then afterward, people will express how interested they are in the information..

Because I am leading you through the info as I discovered it.. this is the only way I know how to do it..

Disinfo is mixed in with the info.. there is too much info for me to just convey it all myself.. you need to go through the sources otherwise you will never understand it..

What you have to understand is that the info is already out there.. but it's mixed with so much other info and disinfo people can't put it together properly..

I mean I get it, but you're claim of having all this info assumes it's interesting to everyone. I'd be interested in an observational sense, like ,you lay everything out so then people can decide if they personally find it interesting enough to keep engaging on the topic. I don't have much familiarity with the topics you're laying out.

So lets start learning.. watch the vid I posted about Lazar...

Watched it. Element 115 being key to anti-gravity or something. Dude claims to have worked at area 51 and saw aliens were using it or something. You wanna suprise the video a little more eloquently for me? Like I said, without context, I have no idea what I'm supposed to be taking from this. I'm not trusting this guy at face value, I have no idea who he is.

element 115 is disinfo...

But again.. as I said in another post the craft Lazar saw is legit..

My father saw the exact same craft in the late 60s...

Here is another incident that happened in the late 60s..

Ok.. do I need to watch the whole video on that one? I kinda scanned through and think I get the gist, flying saucers in australia, first hand accounts, etc.

I would watch the whole thing...

The disinfo is a big key and how they suppressed it. How the military responded..

It shows this tech is real.. which corroborates what my dad saw in the late 60s too.

ok well I'll have to table the discussion until tomorrow when I can watch the whole thing.

OK thanks!

You seem like an attention seeker.

Ya think? How else can I get the info seen without attention?

I thought you were trying to give info, not get it. If what you have is interesting, it will attract all the attention it warrants, without any need for sob stories or drama.

How would you know that if you don't know what the info is? what you have to understand is that people have gone to great lengths to keep people from looking for the truth.. they have buried it.. that is the challenge I face..

This is a process people.. we need to do this together.. Pretend I am Q but a Q that actually has something important to convey to you.. part of what I am conveying is HOW I discovered what I did..

I watched the video and read your post, but the info is becoming piecemeal as is the nature of reddit. So you got some 115 in your Volkswagen?


Did you watch the Lazar video?

Well I checked your post history and around 45 days ago you made some similar threads with roughly the same outcome (people asking for the info, you telling them you can't just say it like that)

I went back a year and you were asking about how to release information etc aswell, very similar to now.

I do believe you have something that you feel is very important that you want to share, and that most people will not fully understand... so what do YOU actually want to do with this information? Because it's been over a year I assume and you havnt released anything

I am releasing it now.. so let's do it.. I never said I would release it before.. I was looking for help.. this isn't how I wanted to do it but I may not get another opportunity..

"All the elite have done is to make people not trust anyone.. but there are ways around this...

Ask yourself how the elite really control the masses... it's through media.. what is a form of media that could topple everything they have?

You won't believe it... "

This is a quote by you from a similar thread 43 days ago. What is the answer then?

(I'm sorry if it seems like I'm stalking you, but all your posts seem to gain attention and I wanted to find out if you were intentionally gatekeeping/trolling here, but from your history it seems like you have something to share so let's hear it)

Comic books..

Comic books are the most powerful media in the world right now.. they are the biggest threat to the people in power.

In the 50s there was a huge attack on comic books by the establishment.. they made it so parents were afraid to let their kids read them

I know the government did this to destroy that threat,.. then the government took control of this industry.. DC and Marvel comics are likely fronts for the government..I would bet Stan Lee is a government agent himself... and comic book creators are likely MK Ultra.. they control comics just like the movie industry and other entertainers.

They made comics a joke as well.

There was a guy who wanted to make comics educational in the 50s.. he died under suspect conditions... No one else has ever considered this I am aware of but I think it was for this reason..

Is that the info? I’d love to hear more.

It's part of it.. the info is how the world works. But that is just a tiny part of the whole thing..

If you don't want to share the info then don't but if you do then do. If you are interested in enlightening all to your info then I would say that the majority will upvote for good solid info that is not nonsense like that other guy on here. Good luck sharing your info.

So then work with me... did you watch the lazar video?

Seen lots of Lazar Videos through the years.

Have you read his personal account where he talks about what he saw in a room in the hidden hangar? The pic on the wall? "They're here"?

Yes. Why don't you just whisper it to me and I'll tell everybody... ;-)

That saucer was the same one my father saw.. he saw it hovering over the power lines above him..

This is the same saucer Billy Meier said he saw... with a lot of fake saucer included.. why might Meier have done that?

Why aren't you more grateful for info someone spent years of their life discovering?

If you don't want to heed by wishes to get this info out why do you feel the need to complain about it?

Oh my god you are a total narcissist

Yeah.. anyone who claims to know the truth would have to be a narcissist right? They couldn't just be right..

Believe me.. aspies have plenty of flaws.. a narcissist would never admit that.. like the critics in this thread..

Yeah.. anyone who claims to know the truth would have to be a narcissist right?

No. But anybody who claims to know the truth, claims everyone else is too dumb to understand the truth, spends 6 hours telling other people to read every god damn thing they've posted on reddit instead of linking to a source, all under a post that could be easily retitled "Look at me! Look at me! I might tell you something if you look at me!" most certainly is a narcissist.

claims everyone else is too dumb to understand the truth

never remotely said that.. are you a shill?

spends 6 hours telling other people to read every god damn thing they've posted on reddit instead of linking to a source

Everything I posted is a few messages in this thread? Ok.. more shill talk..

all under a post that could be easily retitled "Look at me! Look at me! I might tell you something if you look at me!" most certainly is a narcissist.

Another terrible point.. you could be finding the truth.. if you weren't so upset you didn't discover it..


Don't non-conspiracy theorists say conspiracy theorists are narcissists? Because they discovered something the world hasn't.. and you are saying exactly what non-conspiracy theorists always say... how bizarre...

How about you fuck off with your attention-seeking bullshit?



I watched the Lazar video. I upvoted this post. Waiting for something else.

Look for a recent post on this..

I mean from me in this thread.. sorry..

Please upvote this post... so people see it. The saucer Lazar said he saw is the exact same saucer my father saw in the late 60s in northern Washington.

My father told my mother about what he saw a couple years later.

My father was driving on a 2 lane highway on his way to a small town in northern Washington near the Canadian border.. He saw the same type of saucer lazar said he witnessed.. it was hovering over the powerlines next to the road.

This info was what made me research all this.. I need to convey to you all what I discovered researching this..

Convey away

Watch this video

Did you watch the Lazar one I posted?

I am going to stop here, watch this video you kindly posted, and see what's up and will check back with you later.

Thanks.. there's a couple I have linked to.. a few.. Lazar vid, Billion Dollar Secret.. Westall.. and a book - Penetration by Ingo Swann..

waaah, people are downvoting me

Shit, or get off the pot. Nobody likes a crybaby who's all talk.

Did you watch the lazar video?

Glory Hole. On the receiving end. I'll be more interested when you give something of substance BEFORE you ask for monetary donations.

If what you say and provide as concrete evidence, i.e. pics or it didn't happen, then you'll have the support you are attempting to receive without having to ask for it.

I don't have pics.. but all the info is out there.. I am just showing you how to put it together..

Anyone can find this info but we have been fooled into ignoring it.. that is why it is so hard to show people the truth..

That was a metaphor. Evidence proves itself. Your hanging a piece of candy in front of people's noses hoping to snag one for whatever reason; malicious or benign.

And that's the thing. You haven't shown anyone anything, least of all how to put "it" together. So how about something a little less vague than my dad saw something back in the 60's.


And if anyone can find this information and figure it out, what do I need you for?

Let's put it this way.. imagine the truth was out there and the government was trying to hide it.. how would they do it?

Same as any other lie or truth, put it out in plain/plane sight. Depends on how you want to look at it.

They distract... they put something more attractive in front of them to make them ignore the important thing... it's misdirection.. like a magic trick.

No shit. A T.V. or a phone or video games. Ooh, look Macy's is having a sale. Yo bro, its black friday! Mmm, Tacos on Tuesday!

I'll keep this simple.

I've been awake since I was about 4 or 5. I am in my 30's now. If you have anything to give me outside of vagueties, I promise I will not shy away. I've done years, decades now, of research, as you claim to have done, and in no way, shape, form, function or variety have you led me to believe that you have anything to offer outside of a delusion.

This thread has been a misdirection.

Tom Delonge?

So basically you're smarter than everyone and only you have been able to crack the code but you won't reveal it unless people give you money...oops I mean attention.

Sounds like you picked up a thing or two from your NPD mother.

My story is up for free.. not even ad revenue like Youtube...

I have said anyone could find this info if they looked.. we have been tricked to not look. What my father saw caused me to look when others wouldn't I think aspergers helped with this too...

So you're trying to get people to smell a scratch and sniff by only looking at it and guessing what it is.

I gather you want people to look into the multitude of UFO phemona; but are you suggesting they are ET or in fact terrestrial? Even more, they have the answers, but because it remains hidden it won't disclose itself? And, even more,that all of the technology that we preclude is in fact being hidden is in fact being hidden?

The human mind is only limited by itself. If it has been thought of it has been attempted to be put into practice; therefore it either must already exist in sime fashion or it will exist Either here or there; Cogito; ergo sum.

You claim you have aspbergers, yet don't proclaim anything else except that you have serious information that could change the face of humanity... but not enough people are interested so you won't divulge the information.

I know how this game works. I've played it with myself. Such is philosophy. Such is an entertaining thought. It leads full circle back to nowhere and everywhere.

Hey, when I get drunk I've been told I don't make sense either. I make perfect sense to myself, but because what I know I am talking about doesn't make sense to those I am trying to talk to... they do not have the knowledge or understanding on a certain level... wh00sh over the head, then you're labeled a nut and they're just frustrated.

In this case, your case, I am still calling Glory Hole. You are looking for acceptance for what you think you know. Either spill it and receive validation. Or keep shut and continue with your delusion, just quit dragging people along in this way. It doesn't help or hurt any of us, but it may be hurting you.

This post and Op's replies gives me cancer

Did you watch the Lazar video?

He’s got nothing but delusions of grandeur. I saw in another post that his big info has to do with free energy and antigravity as well as proof that an advanced civilization existed on Earth. He says we probably wouldn’t be able to understand most of it. He also self-diagnosed himself with Aspergers and ADHD and diagnosed his parent with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

By the way, I get a very specific voice in my head when I read OP’s comments and I feel like my image of him is pretty accurate.

Or maybe I am right.. I have seen many things go mainstream that no one would have believed when I was convinced..

Being a conspiracy theorist yourself you should understand that.. or are you trying to suppress the truth? About aspergers as well?

Think about it.. if anyone was going to discover the truth don't you think it would be an unemployed aspie living with his parents? Why do you think those people are demonized.. think about it.. everyone else is too busy to find the truth..

Aspies aren't necessarily smarter.. we just have no life like normal people.. which is why Einstein discovered what he did or Temple Grandin etc.. even normal scientists aren't capable of this because they go with the flow of society.. unlike aspies.. we have never gone with the flow... we don't know how to..

If you had knowledge of the technology to build a free energy device and an antigravity device you’d be very valuable to a whole lot of people and if you were as smart as you think you are you would have already reached out to some of those people and you wouldn’t be asking for money and attention on reddit.

So after my father told me about the saucer he witnessed in the late 60s this was one of the first videos I watched..

Please upvote this so people see it..

Spill yer beans, land lubber

Hide ignore

People don't seem to understand.. this info isn't something you cna just say in a line or 2.. you have to understand it.. it's a process. It took me years to understand it.. maybe in a few days some people with knowledge will get it here...

But we need to do this together... people conversing.. pretend I am Q.. but that I really have something to tell you...

Why do you require attention prior to releasing your information? Shouldn’t it work the other way around?

No.. because what will happen id that people will likely pick and choose info from what I post.. post that themselves and pretend they came up with it.. like on Youtube and things. Don't you see that happening constantly? Those people are trying to make money off it.. I have my story online for free.. where I can't even make money off of ads...

Why does it matter if someone else pretends they come up with it? And if you posted a PDF with all the info first, then couldn't you always prove you posted it first at least?

It just seems odd to me that you "need to see a lot of interest". You'd probably tell us to remain skeptical, to trust but verify, and yet you are asking us to do the opposite of that.

Because then the info gets diluted and lost..

And if you posted a PDF with all the info first, then couldn't you always prove you posted it first at least?

And if you posted a PDF with all the info first, then couldn't you always prove you posted it first at least?

That's what I started to do with my story.. and I was going to make some Youtube videos showing people what I discovered.. but my life is so chaotic it's tough..

How is this exercise going to prevent that though?

It's better than just posting it without knowing many people are reading it then it falls off the page.. I am just trying to do it the best I can..

In that case, I think you've found a good time to post it. You've received many replies here so it looks like people are listening, doesn't it?

Did you watch the 2 videos I linked to? This is part of the info.. so let's keep going..

I actually just saw that video for the first time recently. Weird that you would post it now lol... Coincidence, I guess?

What about it though?

Instead the info-giver is deluded and lost.

What if you are wrong?

It just seems odd to me that you "need to see a lot of interest". You'd probably tell us to remain skeptical, to trust but verify, and yet you are asking us to do the opposite of that.

I just want to know people are here when I convey my info.. I want this to be interactive.. it's not easy info to convey or understand. It's going to take time. I don't know how to do it here just trying my best...

Just so you know how reddit works, typically you put the content together and post it, and then if the content is good the post rises to the frontpage and everyone sees it, and it's all contained there.

By doing this you are fragmenting the release, since there will now be at least two separate posts with information from this event.

People are here, you can check the sidebar and see how many are currently here.

I don't know I might be mistaken, but from what I've seen on this subreddit you may have just shot yourself in the foot here, killing any momentum you could have built by dropping something meaningful as your first post.

In fact, that would have made a lot of sense wouldn't it have? Assuming you have a bunch of different findings, you could have posted one or two good ones and went from there, kinda like what Q has been doing.

Now you've come out the gate looking like someone who is either fishing for attention or trying to mislead the community (by getting them to start taking people at their word and trusting them without a single bit of information released).

Like I said I could be mistaken here, but this all seems a bit fucky to me.

You don't understand though.. there is too much info to do it the way you propose... I think it's easier to do it this way..

why didn't Q just post all his info at once?

Probably to maximize the impact it would have, keep the whole thing being talked about for a while.

The difference is that he actually started off with some pretty important stuff, immediately cementing his reputation.

Imagine if Q had begun by saying "hey guys I have all this info but I need to know you are paying attention to me first".

It doesn't work like that. You drop something meaningful and then people pay attention. Even if you drop something meaningful now, people might blow you off just because you annoyed them with this post.

Your best move now is to make a new post, open it up with an apology for this one, and then DROP SOMETHING MEANINGFUL.

Besides.. I have the comic I linked to anyone can read.. it gives and Idea what i am conveying.. that's only like half the info though.. half the story..

Right now there is no story. All of the actual info you've released is spread through a bunch of random comment threads. Like I said, you are doing exactly what you hoped to avoid here. Please just make a new post with some actual info in it and salvage this mess, for your own sake.

People can read it all here.. This is why I want interest.. so there are many people here going over the info. I think people are more likely to get involved this way than to read a long post. It's interactive.. I am just doing the best I can.. I wrote a long story and no one read that... so what choice do I have but to try it another way?

I'll read your long story. I'm not going to wade through a handful of threads crap talking you to try to piece together your information. Nothing personal.

Would love to read something real from you though. You will have my full attention! Maybe others feel the same way, and this wasn't such a bad idea after all. Now you have everyone's attention, how will you use it?

If it continues I will continue...

I might think of some other way to convey it. Like I said though.. I just want to get it out as fast as possible.. but it's not easy.

I am not doing this to be cute.. I just don't know any other way.. they have done this.. they created this environment to make it so difficult. I have to unteach you as much as teach you..

Give me something here, throw me a bone.

All you've done so far is talk about how you're going to talk about something. Please drop something meaningful.

Honestly if your next reply to me isn't something meaningful, I'll probably stop paying attention. Again, nothing personal and no offense, there are just so many people on here pretending they know stuff when they really don't.

Have you gone through the sources I posted?

Lazar video Westall 66 video Billion Dollar Secret Penetration by Ingo Swann

Sorry dude, have fun with whatever your doing but it's not for me I guess. I'll keep an eye out for any real posts you make in the future. I wish you luck!

Did you read the story I wrote and linked to?

Yes... I'd already read that story long ago, just like the video you linked to and the ones you mentioned (but didn't link for some reason).

At this point I'm 99% certain you're a teenager who wants attention. Go ahead and stop replying to me now, because you will find no more patience or sympathy from me.

Hopefully others are more receptive on the off chance that you aren't totally full of it. Again I wish you luck, goodbye.

These are the real posts.. this is how I discovered what I did.. but yea if this info doesn't mean anything to you my apologies.. I feel this is as important as anything though..

I have shown you pieces of info that allowed me to discover what I did.. the info is all out there. the truth is out there.. what do you think that quote means? This IS the info..

What is? Put it all together in one coherent thought, or at the very least post a list of links to the various comments, but cmon don’t make us do that.


If you watch the movie Billion Dollar Secret I linked to you watch this part -

Note how the journalist mentions disinfo before he talks to the remote viewers...

When I watched this I was blown away by remote viewing and researched it heavily..

I read this book called Penetration by Ingo Swann

Ok so far you've posted the Bob Lazar video, Billion Dollar Secret and the '66 Australia UFO sighting.

You've said some parts are disinfo, some are not. Can you summerise which parts are most important? What do you want us to take from these videos? Not everyone has the time to watch all. This is about what you want us to know...

If you don't have the time then do you have the time for the truth?

I can just give you the answers but you won't understand them.. it will have no meaning..

All I can do is take you through the process I went through and hope you get what I did...

You've said this process has taken you years to put together. All the connections etc... surely the info is so crucial at this point in time, that we can't all spend the same amount of time you have researching it from the beginning?

I said I could maybe do it in a couple days if some people who are really knowledgeable may be able to get it.. Keep in mind though that back then this stuff was a lot less known.. there were things I couldn't include in my story a couple years ago because people would think they were impossible but there is an awakening happening now..

But there is also tons of disinfo being spread too...

Will keep an eye out for more posts coming from you in the next few days then. Best of luck!

Thank you!

Does anyone know where I last left off?

Sweet Christ

Why don't you go through your information in a recording that people can only take direct quotes from or reference you?

Because you can't copyright ideas... they would just say it's there idea. Notice on Youtube videos no one ever gives credit to anyone else?

I don't care about credit.. I just worry the message will get diluted.

If you have something to share > share. You shouldn't need to hear people begging and groveling to makr a reddit post.

release nudes and I'll believe you.

You need upvotes to break incredible interest to a conspiracy theorist sub? thats like telling my dog to be excited when I ask him if he wants a bone... wtf just release whatever you got or gtfo if you want any credibility or respect

I have my reasons.. when I convey all this hopefully you will see why..

Sorry to downvote but... unless you start talking about some conspiracies this belongs in a self help sub.

These are conspiracies.. Bob Lazar.. remote viewing being suppressed..

Are you trying to suppress this info?

No, in just trying to figure out what the info is...

Ok.. question for everyone.. what do the JFK assassination and 9-11 have in common?

Don't 'Q' it all up. Tell us what you think they have in common.

I am.. but if I told you you would still need it to be proven.. Why not go through the info the way I did?

That is the only way I know it works to understand it..

Fair enough, but I have a family and a full time job, I'll have to pass on the slow route to the info.

I am just doing the best I can...

I get that and I really do wish you luck.

With this self proclaimed "super important" OP, wonder what you're all being distracted from. Where are Mods when you need em?

Shut this thread down. It's basically a Seinfeld episode.

Suppressing info? What are you trying to distract people with from here?

Trying to save them time from reading this thread.

Sounds like you're lonely and need some friends. If you're that bored, there are hobbies that don't cost any money to pick up. Might be better than LARPing around on Reddit.

I don't care either way. You're most likely not aware of anything that hasn't been brought up on this thread already. Some of the smartest and well researched people come here and actually deliver goods.... without asking for upvotes.

A true individual that would want the world to know would do just that. No one in the reality of information sharing would dare care about upvotes. They'd let their info speak for itself.

You're lame, this thread is lame, and it's too bad it's shit like this that's clogging up r/conspiracy.

So much potential for a strong community here ... and this guy is just worried about getting 500 "likes" before his info is ready to be released. Watching too much Black Mirror, by the sounds of it.

Why don't you shut all us naysayers up with some solid info ... it's because you either don't have it, or, you don't have it. I don't think you have it. And every comment you prove that.

Saying you and you're info is important is a hell of a lot different than your peers deciding that.

You might want to look into NPD...

You may wanna check out r/jokes

You are not presenting any info to be suppressed. Other than you are a middle aged man that is unemployed who blames his problems on the mom who is financially supporting you. Maybe you have aspergers, but Im skeptical since its self diagnosis and you insist that you know more than any psychologist. To me you sound delusional, you probably have some other mental heath issue.

Seek help from a professional or continue to suffer. That is up to you.

I know more about myself than any psychologist.. if you knew how aspergers was diagnosed then you would get that..

I think you don't understand how someone can self diagnose aspergers because younger people now don't go through what I did.. aspergers is more well known now.. when I was young it wasn't. If it was I wouldn't have had to self diagnose.. it wouldn't be so obvious and ignored..

Nice job shooting the messenger though.. whose side are you on again? Probably the side that knows what a threat people with aspergers are...

Nice job shooting the messenger though

What message though?

Why don't you do some work and find out?

The messenger needs to present a message for it to be read!

Im 41. my grandmother on my moms side was a paranoid schizophrenic, my dad was bipolar and an addict. I have clinical depression and anxiety which I have talked to mental health professionals about. Hell, I might be on the spectrum myself. Ive also worked in hospitals with mental health units. Im not a mental health professional, but Im no laymen on the subject and I take exception to you make assumptions about my age.

I also no more about myself than any psychologist. Part of their job is diagnosis, and the other part is for them to teach you tools to be a happy and functional adult. Which you are neither right now.

You begged for donations and upvotes for you to release information. That raises red flags about your intent, not just to me but to many others.

If you cant figure out how to be independent from your supposedly abusive mom or hold a job, I highly doubt you are a threat to any side.

My intention isnt to shoot the messenger. I dont doubt that you have mental health issues. But you need to talk to a professional. Im pretty sure you are mis-diagnosing youself

So after I saw the Billion Dollar Secret video.. and read Penetration..

I read this book..

The Hunt for Zero Point by Nick Cook..

Has anyone read this book?

Instead of posting meaningless links in hopes people start to discuss them and you “leading” us to “enlightenment” delete your posts, take the time to do a write up and provide your evidence. As it stands now you’re crying out for attention that not many if any will give.

There is way too much info.. I would have to convey all the info in all the sources I link to.. I only know what convinced me.. that's all I can do is take you through the info I went through..

So fucking write up a post and take us through that info, begging for upvotes and promising soon is a great way to get everyone to ignore everything you're saying.

Because people need to go through the sources..

How about I list all the sources you all read them and study them in depth then I will tell you my conclusions?

How about you start by listing them all.

Also, people have ignored me anyway so what difference does it make?

This seems more like trolling. That or a mental issue, if so get help man. You state that things are bad, get your life in order, get your thoughts in order. If you have new information, please share it. Otherwise, please stop.

Stop feeding the troll people.

It's not that easy.. if it was the info would be out already.. people would understand it.

I spoke to a relative of a famous scientist and this person urged me to write a book...

The write a book. Or write a blog. And where is the "key" to distinguish the truth in the comic book?

Only half the story I wrote is up.. No one read the first half so I haven't done the rest.. but I have a lot of it but haven't put it up. I was considering reworking everything I have already.

I just tried to dramatize things to get people to follow along. A lot of things are just educated guesses or dramatized to make people understand them better.

One of the characters is based on me but a dramatized version.. I think I could build one of these devices and it might work similar to what I showed... I could do what the character would but I wouldn't do it in real life... but it makes an interesting story and shows the real world issues..

Again, all of this piecemeal, nonsensical "I have the answer" isn't getting you nowhere. You keep asking for help on how to get this information out, many people have provided you with paths to follow, yet you continue to sing the same song.

I'm done. Either publish something that we can consume or go back to the drawing board.


Have you looked at the sources I have referred you to?

Ahh, so mental issue then. Get help dude.

Attention whoring at its finest.

Which anti-conspiracy sub are you from? Top Minds? Politics? etc etc. This is a sad attempt at either a troll or karma-whoring. Little bit from column A and B, I would bet. Share or gtfo. Mods come on mannnn!

Are you trying to suppress the truth?

yes I work for the CIA for the Earth Immigration and Naturalization Service . Youre in trouble now buddy

good bot

Either put it out there or nah. So what's it going to be OP

I ma.. either look at the info or not... have you read The Hunt for Zero Point?

The truth isn't going to find itself.. do you want me to dictate the book to you?

If I told you why that book was important would you understand it without reading it?

Shit post

How many upvotes do you need to post what you've got?

I don't need upvotes.. I just want to see activity.. people looking at the sources.. asking questions..

Lol at OP fishing for upvotes.

Are you a shill? AI?

The people in power know how to suppress the truth.. keep people from doing the work...


Throughout this entire thread I either see egos or shills.. or both...

I think people are more upset that they couldn't find the truth rather than wanting the truth..

So even if I told them the truth they wouldn't believe it.. It's going to be funny if any of these people discover the truth and then have to go through what I have to try to explain it to people.

Maybe this is the problem with society.. they aren't looking for the truth.. they think they are too smart to not understand what is happening... so they are waiting for one person to come out and reveal all the secrets because they couldn't have possibly missed them themselves.. and that is how the whole con works..

I said it elsewhere but you sound exactly like Tom Delonge. Saying you have all this info and anyone could see it but yet only you were able to finally put it all together and want to share it but just can't yet because.....uh yeah.

Plus you are all over this thread posting links, then replying to your own comments (running up this post comments, kinda click-bait) and begging people to upvote to show interest. Dude this is the conspiracy sub even if your info is bullshit someone here is gonna find it interesting so just post it. You gotta nothing to gain from internet points.

why don't you just trust me? Instead of assuming you know how I should convey my info better than I do...

And DeLonge came on the scene when I was first trying to get attention for what i discovered... I honestly think they had gotten wind of what i had discovered and created a disinfo agent just like me so I wouldn't be taken seriously.. many disinfo agents have come out with pieces of info I felt I discovered.

I don't just hand out my trust so easily. All I'm saying is if you have any sort of information, even if it's just your own theories that lead no where, then post it. Don't beg for upvotes to gauge interest, again your in the conspiracy sub. We are literally here for this and other stuff like it. Also please don't say your worried about them if they legit thought you had something, well then we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

Did you delete your old account and this is the new one?

It's amazing but so many people here are reacting exactly like non conspiracy theorists do to conspiracy theorists...

Is everyone here secretly a trolling skeptic?

Basically you want people to read all the books you have read, watch all the vids you have watched and then listen to your theory on how they are connected. When they say ‘Actually we are quite busy doing other stuff right now’ you say they are shills and dont deserve the ‘truth’.

If you do have anything then you need to find a way to condense your theory or infomation into something manageable. I don’t need to have studied the fossil record first hand to grasp evolution.

People here are reacting to me exactly how non-conspiracy theorists react to conspiracy theorists...

"why do those conspiracy theorists make us sit through all those long youtube videos..

If it was real they could just say it in one sentence and we'd all get it.."

This is unbelievable.. is everyone here actually skeptics?

Just by posting in r/conspiracy, you have our attenrion. We're ready for the info whenever you are . Spill the beans man!

Done right?

So they are unwilling to upvote something to get the truth? Maybe that's why we don't have the truth yet..

Why isn't this being upvoted more then?

Not advice.. I just need to see there is interest.. an audience..

Release it as many places as you can then. The Chan's and a few different subreddits as well as conspiracy.

No.. like I said.. there hasn't been enough interest before.. But I never said I would release it right at this moment either.

Did you watch the Bob Lazar video?

If someone wants to help me then post relevant info I post somewhere else to help people follow along and I can link to it..

I mean I get it, but you're claim of having all this info assumes it's interesting to everyone. I'd be interested in an observational sense, like ,you lay everything out so then people can decide if they personally find it interesting enough to keep engaging on the topic. I don't have much familiarity with the topics you're laying out.

Look for a recent post on this..

Bill Cooper just wrote his stupid book

If you have a book just fucking write and put it in kindle

Make it about Jews doing 9/11 and Khazars, you will make money from this crowd

Just say you have “secret new information” and then just say the same bullshit everyone else does


Did you watch the 2 videos I linked to? This is part of the info.. so let's keep going..

Seen lots of Lazar Videos through the years.

Have you read his personal account where he talks about what he saw in a room in the hidden hangar? The pic on the wall? "They're here"?

There's a reason he does it that way.. that's what I am telling you. If he dumped a huge ton of info on people people would be less likely to read it.. I know because I tried with my story...

Instead of posting meaningless links in hopes people start to discuss them and you “leading” us to “enlightenment” delete your posts, take the time to do a write up and provide your evidence. As it stands now you’re crying out for attention that not many if any will give.

Because people need to go through the sources..

How about I list all the sources you all read them and study them in depth then I will tell you my conclusions?

Also, people have ignored me anyway so what difference does it make?