Have the Gates of Hell literally been opened in California? Never before have raging fires been seen rivaling those in the Depths of Hell. Is it because of their degeneracy of homo/pedo/porno culture that they try to spread in Hollywood? Now God has turned their playground into a Furnace of Fire?

0  2017-12-12 by [deleted]



A bold move Cotton...

I think it's because of drought and high winds.

Heavy rain last winter. High growth. Then dry season.

Or god is is angry or something I don’t know

Obviously its linked to climate change... brought on by the Christian God's wrath at liberal California values...

Winds howling

Haha I came here to say this.

Do you always repeat yourself?

I do when it’s true

Ohhhh i love a bit of angry, old testament god. Much more fun than new testament god.

Smite on soldier...

old testament god

lower lesser demiurge/demigod.....not true God.

Lol thanks for making me smile :)

Personally, I prefer that little baby Jesus lying in a manger god.

Hiding evidence

Are you going to spam similar threads all day?

They are hushing up the volcanic activity that caused the fires.

Is this legit?

From what I heard. It definitely explains why the firefighters are so confused by this particular fire. They don't understand why it is not as much spreading but popping up. One report was trying to say wind carried the fire over thirty miles. This I find hard to believe..

No. Big winds knock down power lines, which spark easily in the wake of so much dry tinder overgrowth following the huge rains of last winter and spring.

Wind then quickly exacerbates the early flame, which are whipped into a forest fire frenzy with frightening frequency.

Not volcanos.

Honestly, there is a shit ton of volcanic activity that doesn't get any man coverage. I wouldn't be surprised if it was from bombs they're using to stimulate geothermal energy.

I heard this when Katrina leveled NOLA and 9/11 was also said to have been an act of God as well. California is literally always on fire.

Have you seen the fiery pits of hell to compare against?

Op I want to remind you, Donald Trump is from New York and Roy Moore is from Alabama, and it was Penn State who provide a safe place for a homosexual child abuser for decades.

You may be allowing your view of California to be directed by others.

Regardless of my views on your political comments or deities, why doesn’t have to be one or the other? If OP says he thinks god did it, can’t god do that for whatever reason and do something else for whatever trump and his bois have done?

God gonna god

What if this wasn't contained and eventually spreads to the entire continent?

I do when it’s true