The Film "Little Monsters" is about pedophilia. Overwhelming proof. The "Bombshell" at the end is proof enough for me.

124  2017-12-13 by Tha_Dude_Abidez

For the initiated, the film stars Fred Savage as a young boy who discovers that monsters are real. They are former. Children who live in another dimension, the doors to which are located under beds. Maurice (Howie Mandel) is a monster who Brian befriends. He starts visiting the monster world and causing mischief with them until he gets scared when he begins to change into one. He then finds out that he's being groomed to be handed off to the monsters' evil dictator, Boy.


Strange man-child (Maurice) stealing a young boy away to a world where "no one tells you what you can't do." Parents mustn't be told.

The stolen child is from a broken (breaking) home and is looking for a friend when he is taken advantage of.

The boy is taken under the pretense of friendship, but is eventually meant to be given to another, even stranger man-child (Boy). Boy, by the way, wears a schoolboy outfit with knee-high socks. He also wears a young face to hide a literal monster underneath.

Even assuming Maurice and the other Little Monsters are children, they are rounding up other innocent children to be used and abused by the only two adults in their world, Snick and Boy. Brian only sees how awful their world is when they try to abuse a baby right in its crib, and refuse to stop.

Boy kidnaps Brian's little brother Eric and keeps him obviously drugged and in a box. When Brian refuses to submit, he tosses him into a box as well.

The villains can only be defeated by "shining a light" on them and their actions.


MAURICE: Man's best friend, his right hand.

SNICK: You're scared of me, aren't you Arnold? I like that. Oooh, I love that. deep heavy breathing

MAURICE: Dead kids have limited potential, and I don't think Boy would like damaged goods.

SNICK: We almost had him Maurice. And you let him get away. Boy sometimes gets lonely. He wanted to play with him.

MAURICE: Why doesn't Boy just play with himself?

SNICK: You bring a kid in here, and tell him our secrets! If you can't get him, I will!

MAURICE: Where there's a bed there's a way.

MAURICE: Got em, got em, need em! cups dick and balls

MAURICE: You gotta get up there, cuz you're gonna get married pretty soon. to an 11-year old boy

BOY: I'll let them all go, if you'll stay... and be my paaaal.

BOMBSHELL Read this fucking exchange between Snick and a small child (recently turned monster):

SNICK: Boy gets what he wants. He asks you for a favour, you should take it as a compliment.

ARNOLD: I tried Snick! I tried!

SNICK: Well, you didn't try hard enough!

ARNOLD: My knees, they hurt!

SNICK: Oh your knees hurt? Well that's not the only thing that's gonna hurt.

This was posted a year ago:


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damn, this sounds extremely messed up. their intentions almost seem too obvious...

Holy shit I watched this movie when I was littel and it was definitely unsettling.

This analysis is spot on and I think you've hit the nail on the head we already know they hide truth in fiction

Good on you for finding such a perfect example

Thank you my friend!

Yep, they smacked us in the face again.

this is a part of the script:

Hey, and what about my bike? Ill get you a new bike. Just get me out of these clothes! Honest, Im burning up. My inseams are on fire! All right, but any funny moves, and you're clothes. Grazie, boy, grazie. You're a pretty sharp kid. You're ugly, but you're sharp. Wait. Let me get it. You know, I thought it was something good, but it's snot. Ive been in this business well over 200 years... and Ive never been trapped once. - How old are you? - Eleven. And I ain't getting any prettier. Hey, dude. Come here, bud. You don't know it yet... but tonight is your lucky night.

I read it everything.. so twisted....

Blocks of script with no formatting are great.

I copy paste and this is what I get. You don't have to be a genious to understand who says what anyway ;)

Just looks like a normal paragraph to me but whatever.

It was a very creepy movie. It weirded me out as a kid. Now I know why.

I'll have to watch it again sometime to see what else I notice.

Yep this movie weirded me out as a kid too.

I watched this movie a lot when I was a kid. Never noticed any of this when I was small. From memory, the most unsettling thing to my child mind was watching them empty a bottle of Apple juice, refill it with urine, and get the school bully to drink it.

That was classic

A lot of child's entertainment is like this. Look out for anything that features a Second World that children are lured into.

Fuck you Monsters Inc was lit. /s

For real though I'm 22 and still love that movie.

Monsters Inc is basically a remake of little monsters

Tomorrowland was literally about breakaway civilizations empowered by young people.

Monsters inc springs to mind.

Lord of the Flies

Not saying you are wrong as you did a great job presenting what you found but do remember that this movie is from a while ago and cultural trends have changed. So some things that seem odd or inappropriate now might have been more ‘normal’ back then.

Are you implying that this should have been considered 'normal' in 1989?

That wasn't that long ago. Mores regarding predatory nature towards children haven't changed that much since then, fictional or otherwise. From my point of view, only the awareness of those who promulgate this type of media has

I'm not the person you asked, but things have definitely changed.

Home Alone wouldn't be made now, I doubt Goonies. A lot of children/family films from that era simply wouldn't be made due to controversy relating from health and safety or PC culture.

Little Monsters feels distinctly innapropriate today, however it was always a 'naughty' film. It taught me at a very young age the term "over the shoulder boulder holder".

Watching it today feels like the creators were extremely misguided in what was appropriate for kids.

It feels very self indulgent and I wouldn't be surprised if the creators found the suggestive immagery funny, rather than it being a specific warning.

Not that it should have been but that it could have been more normal when combined with the context of that time. So, for instance, if you go back and look at older comic books, the verbiage they use is hilarious now (I wish I could find an example to show).

Again, I’m not saying you are wrong, just saying you should consider the fact that pop culture changes.

We watched this movie followed by Monster Squad. I can see what you mean by verbiage being different for PG-13 back in those days, but the theme of grooming, separation from family and kidnapping/drugging are hard to write off as just the times.

Very true, I am not trying to defend this movie either as themes have a somewhat limited number of interpretations as it is

I guess you're saying pedophilia references in pop culture used to be acceptable so we should accept them in the present. I happen to disagree.

Not what I said at all, in fact. Feel free to re-read and try to understand how perhaps the meaning of words or actions have changed over the years.

Pentagrams on the cover.

Isn't this what lady gaga's fans are called?

I haven't watched it since I was a kid, but creepy as it is when attached to this context, isn't the overall message to not exactly trust these people and that they are bad and monsters, some obvious and some in disguise?

Yeah I was just thinking that. Yeah it's weird and fucked up but if you were to make a movie based on something horrible that children often experience , how else would you make it in a way children can understand.? The theme is basically wolves in sheep clothing befriend children and hurt and abuse them but the moral like you said is they can be exposed and the abuse will stop, don't trust anyone essentially. Would it be better to not make a movie about such a topic therefore never giving children the idea that they can escape evil men?

I don't know what the answer is but it's something to talk about. As a kid I really enjoyed this movie, thought it was weird and kind of scary. I don't recall understanding the complex theme but who knows maybe it's movies like this that make me skeptical about trusting others.

Here's the IMDB page.

It says that Savages little brother and sister are also both in the movie.

Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Little Monsters, here are some Trailers

That's a cool bot.

I noticed the same thing when the family and I watched it on Netflix this Thanksgiving break! Here was a comment I made in another thread...

With all this uncovered horribleness about pedophilia in Hollywood, I wondered if this movie isn't some sort of allegory for it. A seducing "no parents, no rules" character sent to groom new inductees into their secret world. And then I googled Boy Meets World star, Ben Savage, the bring pictured being groped at a producer's house. Isn't that exactly what happens in the movie with the kidnapping and drugging?

Aw, man, I loved that movie as a kid. Thanks OP

This is nothing new, Hollywood producers love dropping pedo hints in their films. Just take a look at 'Lost Boys'. Roots go way back to the Peter Pan story, the author of which was a suspected pedo (not proven though, due to lack of evidence). I'm pretty damn sure Corey Haim was abused by Joel Schumacher on the set of Lost Boys.

Even as a kid I thought that movie was perverse garbage and couldn't understand why it had been made. Now I know. Ugh.

Zoolander 2 was so creepy, partly about child blood sacrifice and with pedo references. Since Will Ferrel attends Abramovich cannibalism themed parties I can't look at him the same. I used to laugh at him playing a pedophile character on Tim and Eric, but it's just sick.

The bombshell scene:

Tell me that's not alarming?

I honestly don't see it.

He said I had to get rid of my parents. I was like ‘Dude, I’m 11!’ and he said ‘You’re a man now.”
