The myth of white privilege.

0  2017-12-13 by RMFN


Fake news

You don't see a conspiracy?

In the denial of white privilege yes

? Define white privilege.

White privilege is how all my white friends from highschool got busted for drugs yet none got even a ticket when my black friends got records now for the same shit with the same officers.

Usage among whites is equal to usage with non whites yet look at alk the incarceration/probation data.

Crime statistics are hate facts. I think it's disingenuous to imply that the levels of degeneracy are the same within racial groups. In the black community there are far more single parent families. And far more impoverished families. How could we blame race for these judicially different outcomes when there are other factors.

Crime statistics are hate facts.

Crime stats aren't really useful if you're trying to gauge the corruptness of the justice system.

It's like citing the scoreboard when a referee is accused of bias.

Are you white?

10/10 detailed response right here. Completely convinced me of your argument

citing the scoreboard when a referee is accused of bias

This is very good. I’ll use this.

Antidotes aren't definitions...

Can confirm. In college, my musician friends all shared an apartment. They were all arrested after someone ratted on one them for having weed. The only one who was held overnight was the black guy, who never did any drugs. Meanwhile his Deadhead roommates were allowed to go home with no bail. No drugs were found in the apartment, just some seeds in one of the Deadhead's van.

Again that is a sign of racist cops not white privilege. Can you define white privilege?

If cops treat non whites worse because of racism, then the comparatively fairer treatment of whites is a privilege. That's literally what privilege means.

Cops being racist is what white privilege means?n

More like, people in power being racist. Not that I use Newspeak like "white privilege".

It's part of white privilege, yes.

Do all whites have this privilege?

Why isn't it called rich privilege?

Is white privilege a form of new speak?

Uh yeah, interactions with law enforcement being colored by racial biases is one of the functions of white privilege.

Treatment of the public by police is a big factor of "white privelige." The term isn't an insult. Everybody knows there are plenty of white people that have it rough. Bad households, grow up poor, etc. Let me put it in a way that this community might understand. You know how a lot of people think it's fucked up that jewish folks are in powerful positions and tend to help other Jews get a leg up? Like Hollywood, the banking industry, etc. That's how many minorities feel about being white in America. The vast majority of the top CEOs, politicians, actors, doctors, lawyers are white dudes.

Again, it's not an insult. It's just looking at the country we live in an saying man it seems like these white dudes might. E getting a few more opportunities than the rest of us.

The vast majority of the top CEOs, politicians, actors, doctors, lawyers are white dudes.

Actually considering the percentage of population, the vast majority of these are jewish.

But, the one who cleared it to me is Ice T - No Lives Matter

The vast majority of the top CEOs, politicians, actors, doctors, lawyers are white dudes.

Could this perhaps be the result of living in a meritocracy? Perhaps (like Jews) white people tend to have higher IQs?

There's not a direct correlation between IQ and success. Intelligence is also hard to study. It's a combination of good genes and environment. George Bush sucked in school and still got a lot of opportunities because he was part of an important family. Then he became president. Did you think that had anything to do with his IQ?

There's not a direct correlation between IQ and success.


Did you think that had anything to do with his IQ?

Yes. He was very intelligent.

Please provide sources. You like to claim a bunch of stuff without anything to back it up. I would like sources please.

And I don't give a shit what you want. If you have a high enough IQ you will be successful Googling.

Cla$$ic response 'cause you just got called out on your unsubstantiated claims.

Perhaps you did not know what whites score, on average, lower than Ashkenazi Jews and East Asians.

lol I do know. It's 115 average for Ashkenazi and 100ish for "whites".

To the rest of your comment I literally don't care.

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no use, bud. These kids have been thoroughly indoctrinated through their screens and "colleges"

If the war on drugs was actually a war on drugs, they'd just park the police cruisers outside white frat houses.

that just shows your "black friends" - lol - don't have the $ to fight the corrupted justice system...the same goes for poor whites who don't have the resources...the whole thing depends on mental midgets like you only being able to explore depth racially. Fucking Kyle the College Freshman over here.

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Man, when i was a kid trying to party, get into sports, find the kegs or recreational drugs everyone was into, being a white dude was a social handicap. And im in the midwest.

it's a fallacy of the post modernist view on culture and history. They see our cultural values being shaped by whites -population being historically white and christian- so they obviously assume we have the privilege and anyone who doesn't except those values are excluded...when in fact their only other option is not to be excluded but just to have everyone equally valueless.

I've never heard it put that way.. Nice!

What are you tying to say here? I don’t get it.

White privilege is born out of the notion that it represents values and traditions which by nature have to exclude some individuals while the majority is included...while no one is cheering on exclusion the only alternative to this promote a society that is equally value-less.

So you’re saying we have to exclude people, basically?

I'm saying it is naturally unavoidable when societies come together and agree upon a set of values and traditions. The way you are phrasing your question is unnecessary and seems loaded. No one HAS to do anything. I don't see what the motive is for people who feel like they are being oppressed by this current system of values.

It is loaded. Heavily loaded. Because it is reality for people and no amount of “rational” thinking makes it feel any better to be excluded. Their motive for thinking that way is probably a lifetime of observation, and it ain’t made up.

oh, so you're not trying to understand my statement at all? Got it.

I fully understand the point you are making. It is that of being a literal population minority entails less attention being paid to your individual problems as a minority, as a function of math, basically. It is completely logical.

I reject it because it implies that problems have lesser value depending on the number of people experiencing them. Societal issues are not zero-sum, and I generally dislike social observations that admit problems but offer no solutions. Or especially, as in your case, decline to admit the necessity of a solution at all.

If you did that, you would be a fool. But you’d be in an extreme minority, and not that of America, where he minorities are much larger.

In Israel does a specific group have privilege?

their example is much different. Israeli Jews are favored by the law and the state. The notion of white privilege is that minorities are kept down by a subtle, subversive system of certain values over another.

Ohhhh. I see.

This guy has it all wrong. But not because he says white privilege doesn't exist. It doesn't really, because it's a terrible term. The problem with the term "white privilege" is that it out of the gate implies that a white person has unduly gained something undeserved. That something was handed to the white man because of his privilege, whereas everybody else has to work for it. And the unspoken assumption then becomes, well black people can't have nice things because they don't work hard enough. And the other unspoken assumption is that because white people have this privilege, it must be their fault that brown people don't have nice things.

That is not the problem of institutional racism though, which really is a thing. What people call "white privilege" is better described by a term like "brown tax". As in Brown people often have to (metaphorically) pay an extra tax to get the same thing as a white person might get simply because he's white. In other words, the Brown man has to work automatically harder to attain the same things.

So it's easy for any white person to be pissed off when white privilege is invoked, because maybe they did really work hard for everything. Maybe nothing was handed to them due to their supposed "privilege". And maybe they even have fought against racism when and where they could. And by using the term white privilege, you just lost that person in acknowledging or caring about racism, because it's an automatic accusation.

If we stop calling it white privilege, we can start to examine what really is institutional racism, where does it exist, why does it exist in a particular place, and if we can identify it, what can we due to eliminate it.

So for example, imagine you have 2 resumes. One from "Bob Smith", and the other from "Laquanisha Brown". There is a very good chance that just reading those names will activate an underlying bias, and Bob Smith will get the job. Here's the thing, if they both get interviews, Laquanisha Brown will have to work twice as hard to prove she's the better candidate than Bob Smith, even if both are equally qualified. Laquanisha very likely has to pay the brown tax to get the job.

So in our hypothetical example, the solution isn't to hire more Laquanisha Browns regardless of qualification to counteract Bob Smith's "white privilege". It's to remove the "Brown tax" from the equation by simply taking the names off of the resumes. That will at least put Laquanisha on equal footing with Bob for the person who reviews the resumes.

the whole notion of this underlying bias is a theory not rooted in any fact. Your post is thoughtful but the aforementioned theory relies on assumption.

Uh, yes it is?

How can you even argue that it isn’t a real systemic issue when people were still segregated less than fifty years ago? Do you think all of the mindsets that allowed that kind of behavior just... disappeared?

Did you know black community's had a net higher value in the 1950's than they do today adjusted for inflation?

I doubt it, and even if it is true, there are almost certainly factors that make that statement only true without context. Even if that isn’t the case, segregation disallowed that net higher value from stacking up to the heights achievable by a white community.

You’re not going to convince me that segregation was a good thing.

I didnt say it was a good thing. I just said the economic power of the black family has been depressed since its ablution not rsiased.

Also did you know a single mother receives more welfare than a married couple that make the same amount of money? The state is incentivizimg the breakdown of the poor family.

Laquanisha Brown

How about they don't name their kids stupid shit like "Laquanisha". Stupidity is hereditary, and not hiring someone who very obviously had semi (or fully) retarded parents seems like a good call to me.

Actually I named her that. And she’s not real.

My point still stands.

Way to reinforce the entire concept.

The concept that people don't want to hire people with stupid fucking names?

The fact that it is a stupid name to you when it was designed to be stereotypically “black” is pretty telling... especially so since I’m not sure you knew he made the name up.

How is something like “Laquanisha” any more or less stupid than “Alexander” or “Kalaniʻōpuʻu's” or “Aufderheide”?

That is a stupid question. Are you being intentionally obtuse?

How is it a stupid question?

Well, of the three names we are discussing the one I already said sounded like the dribblings of a retard left locked in a pantry for too long was also the only one that didn't mean something. The other two have distinct meanings (IE: 'On the heath'). Just mashing some syllables together and adding an 'isha' to the end does not create an 'African' name. I don't think it's stupid because it sounds African, I think it's stupid because it doesn't sound African or of any other language. It sounds just like what it is. A person with a low IQ trying to make up a name.

First, it’s tough to retain much of your African heritage when you are ripped from your homeland to be enslaved, with nothing but (suppressed) oral history to account for names that “mean anything”.

Second, all names are made up. The only thing that gives them “legitimacy” is historical context. Which is, again, forcibly lacking for African Americans. Laquanisha could be a legitimate namesake meaning “she who gets jobs” in a century, if history so has it. That is how language develops, you see.

So basically, you think people have low IQs if they make up a name? Nice. You know IQ levels mean little to nothing, right? It measures a very specific kind of intelligence; the IQ test taking kind of intelligence.

You are woefully misinformed. Most names mean something not because they were attributed meaning randomly which was then taken up into general language but rather because they are words that meant something before they became names. That's the difference.

I see a lot of people lately saying "IQ means nothing" which always makes me giggle. I imagine them observing their IQ score before coming to that conclusion.

It goes both ways and it is disingenuous to say otherwise. Language is not a one way street.

I presume you took an IQ test and scored well, then? Whatever keeps your self esteem afloat, I guess. Stephen Hawking, even, thinks they’re bullshit. But don’t trust the appeal to authority, trust the appeal to science... which also say IQ tests are of very limited use and only describe a narrow range of intelligence factors.

Kinda like how school only really teaches you to take multiple choice tests well, not actually teaches you to retain knowledge well.


No more jobs for people named Todd then.


from northern Middle English tod(de) 'fox'

I bet you were trying your hardest.

You know why is it called "white privilege" or "black people are this and that" ?

You know why it is not called "rich privilege" or "power elite is this and that" ?

Because THEY don't want you to direct your anger in the right target.

Exactly this!!

Bingo. It's not about race…it's about class. There are white people struggling every bit as hard as blacks and there are blacks doing a fuck of a lot better than many whites.

But let's ignore that tho lest we be labelled racists.

Bingo. It's not about race…it's about class. There are white people struggling every bit as hard as blacks and there are blacks doing a fuck of a lot better than many whites. Somehow I suspect Wil Smith's kid(s) will wind up far better off than any white person I know.

But let's ignore that tho lest we be labelled racists.

Lmao this is retarded.

White privilege just means that everything else being equal, life is harder the darker you are (in America). Of course there are rich black people and poor white people, but everything considered life is easier when you're white, a man, straight, able bodied etc.

A lot of white people seem to lose their shit because it implies that their achievements are less impressive and lash out against the entire idea of WP.

White privilege only pertains to Americans?

Nah, but other places may have different dynamics

Nah? Please, a clear answer.

Privilege works differently by nation and culture. Being white in a majority Muslim country obviously doesn't confer the same benefits as being white in America.

Then it shouldn't be called white privilege of only a small minority of whites have it.

Why is that?

You can't see the problematic nature of labeling an entire race something?

It's more problematic to me that privilege works for them even as they cry that calling them privileged is oppression. Like, you're not getting scrutinized extra hard while you shop, or getting pulled over by police more often because of your color. Me pointing that out is not going to break society, and it's not an attack on you.

It's just how the culture is.

Sounds pretty racist to me.

You're right, some people having privileges that others can't have because of their skin color is indicative of a system of entrenched institutionalized racism. It's pretty horrifying.

Definitely. Those poor whites in West Virginia are the most terrible people.

They're not terrible people, but they benefit from a terrible system. If you were a person at the zoo looking at the animals in their cages, and a lion looked at you and said "lucky bastard, he's not in a cage", the lion is not going to be like "oh sorry man I didn't know" if you flip out and start screaming that because there's a fence around the zoo you're no better off than he us. He can see you have a greater degree of mobility in life than he's got. Playing dumb about it doesn't make that advantage invisible to people (or zoo residents).

Anyway what race are you?

It doesn't matter.

Yes it does.

Only to you.

hey everyone let's listen to the guy whose first response was calling the other person retarted! That sounds rational!

Judging by the score I'm not the only one who thinks so shlomo

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White Privilege is so misused in today’s culture it’s not even funny.

Ach. I just read through those comments and felt like chiming in.

For the most part, I think privilege is a product of wealth/class rather than race. But, here's a story to corroborate the idea that privilege does yet exist.

As a 14 year old, I and some friends were hanging out with some older guys (we were all white) whom had bought us beer.

While drunk, wandering around our apartment complex we came across a bunch of black guys whom also lived there.

There was some altercation which turned into a fight . One of the older guys we were with, hit one of the black kids with a stick and knocked him out. The police were called.

We went back to the older guys apartment and continued drinking.

When the cops came.. the older guy lied and told the cops that the black kid had called him a honkey (he had in fact used the word coon, which escalated it from an argument to a brawl)... The white cops were incensed.

They left us, 14 years old, to continue our night of drinking and went and arrested all of the black kids..

Tldr- guy knocks out kid with a stick, claims the attack was incited by a racial slur. Cops arrest the black guys while leaving a bunch of underage white kids to drink the night away.

I didn't ask for it but, there's some privilege for you.

Holy fuck this entire article is hate-baiting bullshit...

One of the reasons Bernie Sanders did so well in last year’s election is that he gave people an excuse for failing

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... the whole subsidized education and national healthcare were not motivators at all I'm sure...

Socialism is brain damage.

So is fanaticism, comrade...

Crime statistics are hate facts.

Crime stats aren't really useful if you're trying to gauge the corruptness of the justice system.

It's like citing the scoreboard when a referee is accused of bias.

White privilege only pertains to Americans?

So you’re saying we have to exclude people, basically?

hey everyone let's listen to the guy whose first response was calling the other person retarted! That sounds rational!

In Israel does a specific group have privilege?

Judging by the score I'm not the only one who thinks so shlomo

Actually I named her that. And she’s not real.

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Way to reinforce the entire concept.

Where do you live?

Nice, where do you live?

I think the concept of white privilege keeps races from getting along because it creates a false paradigm.