So how do you all feel about Net Neutrality getting repealed tomorrow?

3  2017-12-14 by [deleted]



Is this list legit? That's crazy.

I mean, it could be. ISPs would most likely offer basic internet services and then tiers. i.e. social media, streaming, gaming. So they’d have your basic access for 69.99 or whatever and then 10 bucks for a tier. I’m just pulling the numbers out of my ass, so don’t quote me.

Yeah, that's totally how the internet was in 2015...

Not sure what you mean. I’ve never had to pay for tiers and I’ve paid for my own internet for about 20 years.

NN didn't exist until Dec of 2015. And you never paid for tiers before NN existed. Why do you all of a sudden think you'll be paying for tiers after it's repealed?

Because corporations are not my friend?

The government is?

In this case, yes. I know that’s sacrilege here, but if I followed the rhetoric completely, I’d never leave my house.

You're simply wrong. NN was a power grab by Obama. Trump is giving the internet back to the people.

You've seen the propaganda. NN gets repealed we will have to pay $10 extra a month to visit reddit and .10 to post.

This will not happen. At all.

As likely as they are to lower your prices once they're allowed to make money selling your data for advertisement purposes, just like reddit, and google, and facebook do, because seriously the amount of money they make selling your data for advertisement is insane. Do you know the stock valuation of google? $1,050 per share, google fucking banks, now ISPs get to join in the data selling game, once NN is repealed. So just from that comcast stock can go from $40 something a share, to in the hundreds, with stock price that high they could in theory lower the price of your internet and still increase their income.

Everyone wins, except google, and other tech companies, which now have to compete with ISPs. In other words it's income redistribution, but here's the kicker, the owners, the ones with the real stock power have stocks in both websites and ISPs and media companies. In other words, the major investors in say vanguard group essentially have their hands in both ISPs and websites, so they get richer regardless.

It's so funny, even the billionaires are being played, by even richer people.

That list is just a joke. His twitter name is Hentai Enthusiast for fucks sake.

It's good to be enthusiastic about something...

I feel like I am the only person in America who doesn't care about NN one way or another.

Do you have Netflix or Hulu?

Did you have Netflix or Hulu in 2015?

Yes. I had them three years ago before the magical net neutrality rules were in place and there's absolutely no difference between then and now

That's a lie. Verizon already throttles what video quality those services can operate at on your device. Unless you pay Verizon a premium service fee you are quite literally getting DVD quality on your phone. No HD. If nn goes down they can then charge Hulu or Netflix a fee in order to stream their services, which in tern will either get passed to you in your monthly fee, or by means of furthering the shitty quality of service.

So why should Verizon charge you extra for services you had three years ago then on top of that charge the video platform ?

you're telling me that I'm lying that I personally am feeling no difference from the Net Neutrality law? Ok. You can see in my head? Super.

Second, if Verizon is ALREADY THROTTLING as you claim (with no source, but OK, I'll believe you) then it has nothing to do with Net Neutrality or else that would be illegal if existing Net Neutrality laws forbid it.

Bro why are you being confrontational and shilling for big Corp? Maybe to the layman you don't notice a difference between HD and DVD quality but I can assure you there is a big difference.

How you don't see anything wrong with say on this example Verizon, dictating the quality of service you receive from another company you pay good money for, there is no hope for you.

I pay Netflix for the quality streaming .. Verizon "aloud" this service to be streamed to their customers devices on hd and recently changed it this year I believe to stream in DVD quality.. basically a downgrade.. unless you pay Verizon the premium cost for unlimited and even then it's only 720p to cell devices. Now I pay Netflix a premium for quality service I can't use via my phone. Now.. does Netflix reduce what it costs to me? No. Does Verizon lower the cost of their service for now gimping the quality I receive via their Network ? No. What does Verizon advocate ? " It's not us throttling your video service speak to Netflix. Netflix gets complaints and talks to Verizon.. before Verizon couldn't charge Netflix to allow the higher quality streaming .. if NN is repealed Verizon can now charge Netflix.. Netflix then passes that charge to you or loses money and goes out of business.( Most extreme case)

I'm being confrontational? Am I the one that called you a liar?

Why are you shilling for bigger Corp? You realize that the size of Netflix and Amazon and Apple and Google and all the content providers screaming about NN are substantially bigger than the ISPs affected?

The debate about NN is between giant companies trying to use regulations to prevent competition. Youve just bought the pitch of the bigger company with the bigger marketing budget.

You truly believe Netflix is larger than Verizon ? Ok

I'm with ya', dude/dudette.

Here with you too. Hopefully it wakes people up to turn of the De Vices.

I don't think that is how net neutrality repeal works, it is going to be bad but not that bad

LMAO if you people around this shit you are fucking stupid

How soon until we have to pay shit tons of money so we can use the internet to give the government shit tons of money during tax season?

When will the end of Net Neutrality most likely go into effect?

Bullshit, this is just billionaire tech companies vs billionaire legacy media.

I could not understand why US gave up control of internet in the first place under Obama.

I would think that it will be very subtle at first, more subtle than that.

I also expect that there will be a correction and believe the conspiracy that the FCC is purposely over-reaching knowing that a net neutrality repeal won't last and that the more likely scenario is that they'll use it to get certain things like even worse anti-piracy laws or copyright laws through.

Fine with it, but a market based solution should also be worked on in order to increase ISP competition.

If GEOTUS says it's good, it's good.

-your average Trumpist.

Lol like Facebook or Google would ever lose clicks

NN wasn't in effect until the end of 2015. Funny, I remember using those sites back then.

And yea you're being confrontational because when you've been proven wrong , especially by your statement that you believe your service has been the same all these years , you just don't concede. It's cool I have little siblings that do the same thing. No one likes to me wrong or on the wrong side of history :)

Do you have Netflix or Hulu?

I'm with ya', dude/dudette.

Here with you too. Hopefully it wakes people up to turn of the De Vices.

Obama said America would never see more than 3% growth again. We're at 4% and that's only because Trump has repealed most of Obama's disastrous regulations.

NN gives the president power to shut down any website deemed to be spreading propaganda.

You have obviously never read the legislation and are just getting your talking points from the establishment. Educate yourself.