Why are people not watching football?

6  2017-12-14 by That_Is_Precious

Source for evidence on my title:


My conspiracy:

Politics has entered into the realm of entertainment.


Could there be any other reason?


Too many commercials

Commercials definitely could be one of the causes. But if I am not mistaken, the average game time this season decreased:


From my own personal experience, it’s commercials. There’s so many stoppages in play that the game seems dull and forced.

I prefer hockey. It’s more fast pace.

Could also be that football is violent and the CTE stuff, you know.

Please answer honestly: What was your NFL viewership this year versus last year? Estimate in terms of hours watched this year versus last year.

Exactly the same.

Def the commercials. Don't want to spend 80% of two-to-three hours watching commercials on loop. Rather catch the Packers or Patriots then YouTube the highlight videos they put out.

Ref sucks, too many commercials, it's really not that much fun watching accumlative CTE causing injuries, less youth involvement (average age of fan is something like 50) possibly because of injuries.

Please answer honestly:

What was your NFL viewership this year versus last year?

Estimate in terms of hours watched last year versus this year.

1 game a week last year for the season, probably 2-3 games a week this year.

Thank you for the information!

Why do you watch more games after recognizing these issues/deficiencies?

"Ref sucks, too many commercials, it's really not that much fun watching accumlative CTE causing injuries, less youth involvement (average age of fan is something like 50) possibly because of injuries"

Is it due to team success or actual interest in the league?

I was explaining general interest leaving, not a reflection of my own interest. In general outdoor activities seem to be losing popularity, fly fishing especially, in my experience.

Fly fishing is da sheet!

So you say the game sucks, yet you're watching more of it...

0 vs 0.

College football is the only way to go.

Football still dominates weekly TV ratings, they're just not drawing the insane numbers that we usually see.

Everything is relative. Would you admit that the decrease in viewership is troubling?

No doubt. The NFL is outwardly appearing calm and collected but you have to believe they're worried.

It sucks

Thank you for this comment.


I got tired of football because there are so many replays andnpenalties and challenges and commercials.

When you include the 40 sec between plays - you just sit there staring at a screen with nothing happening very very often

It sucks. I hate that.

They focused so much on wanting to get all the calls right that now fewer people actually want to watch it.

They are watching. Sports in general are down though, it gets more notable by a little every year minus a few like the NBA or English soccer which are exponentially rising in popularity here.

You state sports are down, but then you state some sports are growing exponentially.

FYI: I have always been a diehard NFL fan. I have watched more football than I care to admit. This is the first season I have watched more basketball than football. Typically I would watch 30+ minutes of football for every 1 minute of basketball.

This season I am watching 5 minutes of basketball for every 1 minute of football.

Likewise, I am watching a ton more soccer (GO PSG!!).

PSG are one of the scummist teams out there ran and owned by human rights abusers.

I refuse due to the anthem stuff. Even if the players who protested line up and get on their knees while President Trump bends over so they can kiss his ass and yell "MAGA", I'm still not sure I'd turn it on again.

Manning retiring was also a really big loss that no one mentions.

I've always preferred college football over pro football though, but I don't think people realize that the rankings/CFB Playoff system are designed to get people pulled into the controversies, which gets people to watch games. The last week of the season is also usually a blast. I also do like that there are a lot of teams to choose from. Oh and by the way, the real reason the SEC gets preference isn't because of anything but their timezone. EVERYONE can catch those earlier games. BUT, the people on the east coast are always going to have trouble catching the night PAC-12 games.

You know the military pays the nfl to push militaristic propaganda. So your hard earned tax dollars go to that. Propaganda

Yeah because the nfl is a sterling example of positive military propaganda right now.

Well, when asked about playing conditions during the blizzard bowl last week, the Bills coach said (paraphrase) “these guys don’t fight as hard as our service men and women”, so yeah, they still try to push it. And the kneeling shit has nothing to do with the military. Who are you people?

the new generation ( millennials and younger ) grew up whit the internet (youtube games and so on ) and esports.
Most of them never invested time into any sport ( except gaming )
This is also why e-sports is growing at a insane rate.
Also people have more things to watch then in the past.
So sports is not the main outlet any more

I honestly don't understand the obsession some people have with sports.

Especially compared to true crime- the Charles Manson case alone is worthy of hundreds of books. Or deep state politics- what was the true extent of Operation Gladio? Were US groups like the Weatherman and the Manson Famiky a part of it?

Remember the Gladio op included serial killers too..


Or you can debate a ballgame. BORING


Internet video.

Nobody's that dense. Let alone a fellow conspiracy theorist like you. Surely you troll? :) NFL is down because players are disrespecting America/Anthem and it's a Trump world we're living in now.

Cause its shite

Umm rodgers got injured. Pretty hard to watch when the best player in the nfl isn’t playing.

You mean Carson Wentz dont you?

Even though he is injured now.

Why god? Whyyyyyyyy?

Concussions, The crackdown on celebrations, Daily fantasy sports bans, Officiating, Increases in competition and cord cutting, National anthem protests, Oversaturation, were on SI's list in 2016 https://www.si.com/nfl/photo/2016/10/20/nfl-television-ratings-decline-causes#9

sports are just boring to watch on tv in general.

I'd rather be playing them or learning shit on the internet.

I tried watching an American Football game once.

Never again. 10 minutes of game and 2 hours of filler and commercials.

More people watching MMA

Slightly out of topic, but what about the NBA ?

I grew up in the 80s/90s, and was watching a lot of NBA games back then. There were amazing players. It was exciting to watch.

I just watched a few games recently, and I felt it's not as good as it used to be. I may be wrong though.



The ratings certainly aren't down because of this particular poster. Try as I might I just can't seem to get into American sports, well two of them at least for there's never any uninterrupted flow. NFL has 10 seconds of play, stop for a chat for 30 seconds, a hanky gets thrown on the ground followed by another 30 seconds of the referee doing some kinda cheerleaders move with his arms. The NBA is the only sport in the world where the final 5minutes can drag out to half an hour. Time out, foul, free throws, inbound the ball, foul, free throws then another time out. In my opinion basketball seems to be about 3 quarters of game time too much.

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Cord cutters. I stream and don’t get networks. I won’t pay $99 to purchase the football package and won’t tune in to ESPN to see one game a week that I don’t care about.

Because people are sick of watching 3 hours of commercials and 5 minutes of gameplay.

There are plenty of other sources of entertainment these days.

  1. Above all else, pro football just isn’t very entertaining. Most games are somewhere around the score of 17-7. I will agree it is way more entertaining during the playoffs, but that’s the only time I regularly watch it.

  2. Air time. I can watch college football on a Saturday no problem but nfl games (especially on mondays and Thursday’s) are so late I don’t want to stay up and watch it.

  3. Though I respect the players viewpoints and believe they should have the right to express themselves, it’s pretty difficult to feel sympathetic to people who are making millions of dollars to play a game. If most people tried to interject their viewpoints into their normal jobs they would be fired, I don’t see why it should be any different here.

  4. What I think the mega corporations and even players don’t understand is that some things should not be politicized. For many people (including myself) sports was one of the last bastions of escape from the bullshit (especially bullshit political environment). As much fun as it is being constantly bombarded by political viewpoints on social media, the news, Hollywood, tv shows, I honestly didn’t think it would reach sports like it did. ESPN used to be highlights now it’s just a talk show of “who is racist” or “who isn’t politically correct”.

I feel sports are supposed to unite people. Rich, poor, middle class you should all be able to come together to support your team and for those couple hours forget about the outside world and focus on the “my tribe vs your tribe”. With the politics now put in, the last Uniter of people is slowly deteriorating (for now)

Try moto gp. You'll never watch football again.

Football was more fun when "teams" stayed together for longer. With players moving around so much people lose interest. Fans don't fllow players, they follow teams.

PSG are one of the scummist teams out there ran and owned by human rights abusers.

This isn't about indoor kids. This is about why people have stopped watching the NFL. And we all know why.

Because the players are disrespecting America.

You're sick.