Not sure if this is already a thing, but I lately have been getting the feeling the US gvt wants to limit the information the public has access to.

26  2017-12-14 by [deleted]



Information is power.

only now you feel like this?

Ehh. I mean a few months I guess. But with the recent Internet shithole. And I recently learned about the 400 billion. It only came to a full thought now. Before it was just a small hunch. Now it feels too obvious to not be a thing.

Trump actually is trying to run a transparent govt w/the people. I know, the left thinks otherwise, but then again which side has taken over reddit to attempt to silence dissent? Obviously not Trump, he has taken a million attacks and only has his base to push narrative. Meanwhile the left has multiple levels of shill armies pushing false narratives. CTR/Shareblue/Crew/jesus the whole SJW movement.

Id like to go back to the days where we had discussions, not authoritarian bullshit.

Democrats voted unanimously to keep NN. It's not 'the government'. It's Republicans.

This is also true, but there's a right leaning sympathy campaign operating within the "conspiracy" community. Just watch how people eat up Q, demonize social movements, and the selective outrage regarding sexual/pedo accusations.

What are you referring to when you say 'Q'?

Q anon???

Oh okay, thanks.

right leaning sympathy campaign

Who is behind that?

Idk who is behind it?

I dunno either, I wanted to see what you thought.

It can easily be argued that being they are two sides to the same coin they have the opportunity to use disinformation voting. Instead of proving they're in support of it they are able to hide behind an ineffective no vote.

For instance everything the gop has been doing has been bypassing normal senate rules if 60 votes to pass a bill. While it can be argued that they're doing it so they can go far right it can equally be argued they're doing it to save all the democrats.

I'm giving Dems the benefit of the doubt for one election cycle. I want to see if now that Clinton is done if the party will go back left and stop doing the bidding of big pharma and the military industrial complex.

I'd still much rather have viable third parties. I'd like to see a similar structure as Germany. Hell they have like 900 members of Parliament and are like 1/3 our size. We should double the amount of congressmen we have and probably senators too. Coupled with multiple parties and the destruction of the electoral college I think we could get a lot of good done without having to cause a huge disturbance in the government and economy. Immediate destruction of the deep state will leave world economies in shambles. It would be much better if we slowly weeded them out of government

I mean, what you're saying is technically viable, but it's so far fetched that I'm not convinced you actually believe it. The idea that the GOP is really saving all the democrats by allowing them to vote no on things they really want to vote yes on but can't because they have to keep up appearances, is absurd. You know it's absurd because when the democrats are in power, they still vote no on things like this.

Ehh. I mean a few months I guess. But with the recent Internet shithole. And I recently learned about the 400 billion. It only came to a full thought now. Before it was just a small hunch. Now it feels too obvious to not be a thing.

Tv has a standard in the sense you won't see things like idubbz or filthy frank on tv. Fuck is censored almost everywhere. It usually has to be "safe for the family" to be on tv. That's all I mean by standard.

What are you referring to when you say 'Q'?

Definitely. It gets exhausting after a certain point. People just throw around the term "fake news" for everything now. I have to dissect sentences word by word and look through someone's post history to figure out if they're a shill, a bot or an actual real live person with their own thoughts and opinions. Facts are mixed with opinions. It's all too much. I just want to say I don't care and shut it all out.

This whole "fake news" thing set a very dangerous precedent and I'm sure it was always intended that way. The news pumps out a lot of bullshit, but when you have the President himself telling everyone to discredit what the news says because it doesn't line up with what he wants then that is a very dangerous game to play.

right leaning sympathy campaign

Who is behind that?