There's currently 4700 users reading this sub. Almost twice the amount of readers who've visited r/music in the past 15 minutes. They have 16 million subscribers.

148  2017-12-15 by SixVISix

InstaDownvotes brought to you by David Brock. If it needs killed, covered up or rewritten, call David Brock today. Remember kids, if it ain't true, it's Shareblue!



Historically 3k tops, more like 2k most of the time. That was before we hit 500k. I quit paying attention around then.

Is that really the average? I trust you'd have better numbers as a mod but it's seems higher for the last 6-9 months or so. At least the spikes up over 10k seem to have abated.

Ya, that was the average in my estimation. I remember when it bumped up over 7k the first time several months ago. But regulars knew we were in for some shit if it got over 3k or so. Weird thing about the big bumps, like 7 and 10k+, we always expected something terrible to happen, and it never did. So, I dunno if the shill nation were using this to psyche us out or what, but it was odd.

Didn't the 7k spike happen the Fri night-Sat morning before Vegas?

That was a definite spike I remember...also remember dronepuppet mocking us for talking about it.

It started doing that long before vegas.

they have definitely started developing their online game. each of their false flags or fake news stories is a way for them to evaluate us

they are sophisticated enough to fake the Ferguson riots and Michael Brown shooting, and to also make it appear as if it began as an online story that was being ignored by the media.

the first i heard of Ferguson was by a slickly-produced video put out by "Anonymous" that was suspiciously available even before Michael Brown had assumed room temperature

then later, the media "reluctantly" (wink wink) covers the story as all of the un-ruley and un-lawful black people destroy the small commercial district that was already slated to be razed and rebuilt.

same thing happened with WTC 1 and WTC 2

they planned to tear down the buildings and redevelop the property, so they fabricate a wild tale about brown and black people behaving badly

one thing these shills do, preemptively, is to roll into a forum like reddit or twitter, and to search for certain keywords that would likely be put out by someone who would also talk about the next false flag, and have those people suspended.

my twitter account got suspended right before the boston marathon bombings, by a troll who went on to be what we called "boston trolls". they preemptively silenced me. the suspension was short -lived that time, but eventually i got permanently banned

I was always a subscriber but I started commenting and reading on a daily basis once Las Vegas went down, and as that was starting to dry up, them Storm clouds calmly began rolling in. I now read New multiple times per day and usually at the end of the day start checking hot and top. I love this place and that wasn’t always the case. So idk maybe to a certain extent some of this is genuine? Then again the constant rolling in of defenses of Bob Mueller and attacks on the fact that someone question a msm or government narrative is attacked. Weird for this sub.

Oh there is organic growth for sure. But these were huge fluctuations. It would go from 3k-7/10k, and then back down. My pet theory is reputation management ment software links a controller browser to hundreds of slaved account sessions. Normally, they disconnect that shit unless they are voting on something. But sometimes they would get lazy or forget, and leave all those sessions connected and actively pointed at this subreddit, inflating the user count.

I'm kinda dying to know if that is true at all, if any shills want to confirm lol.

I've noticed this, as well. Awfully high for this time of night. Probably the whole, Net Neutrality bullshit...

i mean it is day time in other parts of the world

Yes, but the amount of users online right now (12:21 AM EDT) is far above average (remember, the majority of Reddit users are from the US).

I'm personally ~4 hours behind (EDT) on the far West Coast of the US, and am usually on this time of night. What I said, is personal observation over the years. Shit, I remember when ~500 "users here" was odd.

Anyways, like I said, it's probably the NN shit show...

It exactly is nn. The Normies finally budge and start connecting dots when their internet addition is threatened.

Doesn’t help I’m naturally suspicious

I think trump is the best president ever and will fix america.



Recently posted here about the trump bullshit posts killing Reddit, and the shills came in droves. This subreddit has a huge target on its back.

Look at /r/all

This is the last sub that isn't taken over by /r/politics.


I was banned today from r/politics for saying something neutral.

I never need Gold I have a badge of honor

Just got down vote brigaded by someone who has never posted in r/conspiracy with the most childish responses. I know exactly what you're talking about. Multiple account holder who clearly has an agenda

/r/music is a default sub.

Knights_king is a shill.

We have a topic up on /r/all/ so that usually will bring in a lot of viewers from the outside... even if they are just opening that one topic to watch the video.

That can't be it. It's got to be an organized attack. That's obviously the only logical explanation. There's no way a thread being exposed to thousands upon thousands of non-regulars would mean many non-regulars would be here. Wake up!

You're still here ?

.. these were my thoughts too. heh.


Lurk moar

Yeah, well most of them could not carry a tune with a bucket.

More is not better, but I see your point.

my favorite song. i try to listen to it at least once a day

4,501 @ 4:30amCT

4100 here now at 6 am est... yeah right, smells organic.

I'm obsessed with music as I'm a DJ, but I make more time for /r/conspiracy as I consider it a more relevant reflection of human expression. Music takes time, commentary takes minutes. We are living in very significant times

when i joined reddit I'm pretty sure they automatically subscribed me to places like r/music. im guessing most people never unsubscribed

It has gotten worse trust me, sometimes when something big happens there are like 8000 users of which more than a half are probably shills.

This taunting if your fake enemy is super cringe and honestly just embarrassing at this point. Also low effort.

Yet if someone made a post like yours but replaced it with Cambridge Analytica you'd be one of the first to shout it down. .

CA employs shills??? Where can I learn more about this????

Case in point

Nope. Try again with some evidence, a paper trail, fucking anything.

This is a very interesting defense of CA

I asked where I could learn more about your baseless accusation about the laughable msm/shareblue conspiracy of CA shills and you've provided exactly what I thought: NOTHING!

So you believe there are only left wing shareblue shills here. Also interesting.

Only one has documented proof of their existence: CTR/ShareBlue. We've been compiling vast amounts of documentation for over a year now on this sub alone. Just do a simple search for "CTR" or "ShareBlue," and you'll hit paydirt.

Now, where is a single piece of documentation for CA shills???????

In an age where many things can be fabricated the only piece of evidence I seen is Brock saying he wants to do it and one million.

Yet everytime you mention CA or Parscale you get people who act like the shareblue shills did. Everytime.

thinking there is only one side with bot votes is incredibly naive.

I'm not subscribed but I check conspiracy daily, or at least every other day. There's a couple of other subs I do this with too. Does that make me a shill?

It's all the folks who come to defend Hillary.

We like to fight in here.

Is /r/music or /r/movies a default sub?

Historically 3k tops, more like 2k most of the time. That was before we hit 500k. I quit paying attention around then.

The circus is nothing but cross-dressers riding donkeys and the bread is stale :(

Didn't the 7k spike happen the Fri night-Sat morning before Vegas?

I actually know three(!) and one was my best friend.

I'd imagine it's something like seeing a delusional and/or schizophrenic person delve deeper into their mental illness. That's truly sad to see, and I've seen it first hand :(. I feel bad for those who feel "trans", get support, get mutilated, then off themselves. Which is the majority. We should be helping them, not encouraging them...

Look at /r/all

This is the last sub that isn't taken over by /r/politics.


Truman? You can't just leave....

Dance Monkey Dance!

Ya, without cooperation from the admins it is just whackamole.

Probably, if you are a US citizen, you are a government employee...

I stopped liking videos for that reason.

the reason so much trash is posted is to forum slide the good stuff out. that why you have to check out new regularly

America is known as "The Great Satan" so its really no wonder that a lot of conspiracies involve USA

I can digg it.

Punctuation, it exists.

I'm sorry for your loss. i lost a best friend to meth

I was always a subscriber but I started commenting and reading on a daily basis once Las Vegas went down, and as that was starting to dry up, them Storm clouds calmly began rolling in. I now read New multiple times per day and usually at the end of the day start checking hot and top. I love this place and that wasn’t always the case. So idk maybe to a certain extent some of this is genuine? Then again the constant rolling in of defenses of Bob Mueller and attacks on the fact that someone question a msm or government narrative is attacked. Weird for this sub.

never used to be this way. what happened?