To the Q haters - Why are you railing against this so hard?

0  2017-12-15 by treeslooklikelamb

So many are crying Q is just a larp larp larp. Larp for days.

So what?

If we ignore the fact that Q has been dropping some extremely interesting breadcrumbs, and focus on the larp part, it is still very entertaining.

What is a larp? Live action role play, in other words a game. Even if it's all fake, people are participating willingly and are learning new things in the process. People look forward to new episodes on TV, or perhaps a new book to come out, this is just another version of that.

People also understand what 4chan is. It's a fucking mess, but a very interesting one at that.

It is baffling to me that people don't understand this.

Anyways, back to the title, why are you haters railing against Q so hard?


I want to see someone actually joining the dots any time Q states “future proves past”. Has anyone done that convincingly yet?

Usually after big news.

Examples: martial law-> Saudi mass arrests

DJT Twitter going down

BDT /false flag : terrorist attempt in NYC by a Bangladeshi national.

i think there are more examples, but like he says, time will tell.

Maybe people feel like it's toying with people's hopes, it's something to keep people occupied and always in a state of expectation that something's about to happen, good is about to triumph over evil, the world is about to be set right etc, and if it's a lie then it's cruel, and it also stops people from taking action themselves to try to set right wrongs.

I've no idea if it is a larp or not, but I do believe that the majority of the people who believe in Q are people who care a great deal about injustice and are people who desperately want the world to be a better place - most of them have no idea how to enact the kind of change that's needed to do that. Most of them are different types of people- so many people don't really care about anything outside their own little bubble, but people who follow Q avidly, and the conspiracy theorists and the truthers are all people who really care beyond themselves and have a real emotional and often spiritual stake in what happens. So perhaps those who feel convinced it's all a larp think it's wrong to string such people along or that it does more harm than good by focusing the energy of those who actually care about justice and making a difference on a fruitless lie instead of on taking positive actual action to make that difference themselves. I dunno. I have no idea whether it's real or not.

Q supporters kinda just seem like hardcore Trump supporters to me. He even talks about how Trump is the great savior. Seems like a total shill job to me, and one aimed at the conspiracy community. Not surprising considering conservatives have made a concerted effort to broaden their appeal to the conspiracy community (see: this sub)

And that’s also a shame, because I think people would have been far more accepting of Trump if he didn’t spend half of his time campaigning, and let’s be honest in office too, on insulting people on twitter.

I've been saying this for 6 months... Mueller and Rosenstein are working on everything that is starting to come out now. I think their focus is and has always been on the DOJ/FBI/Clinton/Obama/MI6/Russia circle jerk... keeping that proposed ruse (that is the actual crime they're investigating) alive as a screen as to effectively investigate it.

"future proves past"

So you are saying that Q is believable?


Personally I don't like anyone who talks in riddles. From stupid ghosts during seances to this Q character, just say it in plain English you twats.

Tell that to Shakespeare

When did being logical and skeptical in search of truth become "hating"? When did dismissing nonsensical, fantastical leads become "railing"? Sounds like you are upset more people do not share your opinion/perspective.

It makes you wonder, if they are hitting the narrative that Q is a LARP so hard, maybe Q is cutting it fine with the truth in his/her post, huh ...

calling Q a larp is not "hating" on Q. It baffling to me you don't understand this.

Larp has been used with negative connotations recently.

It's absolutely mega baffling to me that you don't see this.

Because he's a shit-assed cosplay that has 14 year olds worldwide drinking the koolaid.

Literally nothing he has predicted has come up, no connections that aren't already in /r/conspiracy's shillbasket are made with any more convincing connections than randomly spouted location names and obscure references to unrelated court cases from two decades ago to give the veneer of legitimacy.

I want you to consider this:

The material that Q spews should be right up our alley. All about shadow governments and hidden agendas.

But near universally, when it shows up here it gets voted below zero.

Have you ever wondered why?

Have you ever wondered how much dedication and time conspiracyheads pour into sifting falsehood from truth?

Have you ever wondered how much practice this gives us in detecting obvious fabrications?

I'll make it easy: a whole fucking lot of practice, a whole fucking lot of dedication.

So it's no surprise that we recognize the Q anon bullshit for what it is: A false flag operation designed to 1) discredit actual conspiracyheads, and 2) manipulate cheetos fingered impressionable youth that will go on to be the Q anons of tomorrow.

I would argue that it takes a lot of effort to pull off a Q.

Not a lot of effort really, unless you scale the attention span of the average channer, only then does it seem impressive.

It's basically word-salading deep state conspiracy. I mean time cube managed to pull off hundreds of thousands of words of quasi-rational word salad.

Why are psy ops popping up for the cheetos side? Why isn't the other side initiating their own?

You're pretty ignorant if you think any power wielding agency involved is somehow not performing PR actions and subversion.

You're pretty ignorant if you think any power wielding agency involved is somehow not performing PR actions and subversion

Of course this is true. There are sometimes too subtle workings for us to pick up, the water slowly boiling and whatnot.

What I will say with q is that even if this event is an act of subversion, it has been going on for quite some time now. With no signs of stopping until it reaches the inevitable conclusion, that is if you believe in it. It is also so overt that you can't help but admire their boldness even if its all a larp.

Tell me, what do you know about John Titor?

It's a potential waste of time, that's why. Could be diverting attention from more important things.

What are these important things?

fuckin biches n gettin dat ice yo

Seems more like folks are over riddles, and they're more interested in actual substance. This is not to say that he/she is or is not legit, it's more that people grow tired of their ("Q's) schtick

It's quite polarising I admit, I like Q for the same reason why people dislike it.

Why would it be embarrassing? Say what you want about all this, but it is very compelling.

I'm even sure some of the naysayers read new posts by Q just as often as the believers. Just from a different perspective I suppose

I can't change anything for you because I'm not even convinced myself.

What I am convinced of however is that Q started something very interesting indeed.

Some have suggested that it could be a psyop by various agencies, but this brings up more questions. Why would they bother? What's the end goal? Why now? Why wouldn't they create a psyop against Trump?

There is no end to the value this brings imo.

That was spooky

So one correct prediction out of hundreds? And I suspect there isn’t actually any evidence supporting the veracity of this prediction. Would love to be wrong, but I’ve been down this road so many times before and it always ends the same, and that ending never includes any evidence of truth to his predictions.

This is how I feel. It feels like red meat to a political base. I think people should take Q seriously when they finally get something right or make an actual prediction that isn’t shrouded under multiple layers of vagueness.

True big if.

You underestimate the power of cultlike cultures.

Even if s(he) makes a successful prediction, it will be dismissed instantly.

The present is always there

Tengri has a shit ending but that was quite interesting

Yeah.... BDT was a nothingburger