How hasn't Victor Salva been blacklisted from Hollywood. He is literally a convicted child molester.

112  2017-12-15 by beatsbybony

He raped the child star of this first feature film, video taped it and was convicted of it. Yet, this man is some how still relevant to this day and Hollywood seems to forget that he's a monster. He just released jeepers creepers 3 in September, so Hollywood has no problem openly financing a Pedo. Am I the only one who can't wrap my mind around this. Especially with everything being brought to light in the recent months with actors and producers.


He is in Hollywood because everyone looks the other way and accepts it.

If that's the case then why out kevin spacy? He was a much bigger asset to Hollywood than Victor Salva.

He's a sacrafical lambs for the elite.

So, like the GOP and trump backing roy moore?

let's be honest, it isn't hollywood, it is wealth and power that get people to look the other way.

Hollywood is literally an pedophilia/satanic industry. Curious to see what new degeneracy weinstein's whores will bring when they get affirmative actioned into positions of power.

Tbqh he should be blacklisted for making Jeepers Creepers 2

...implying that "Hollywood" is an entity that should somehow survive it's pedophile habit because it provides some kind of utility to western civilization rather than just demoralization?

I've wondered about this for a few years, ever since I first found out about Salva's past. It makes me lean toward the viewpoint that all this outing of sexual misconduct lately is really just being used to prevent (or drown out) the conversation about widespread pedophilia and sex trafficking in centers of wealth/power across the country. It really does begin to smell more and more like a big deliberate distraction.

Maybe because he is not a child molester? People get crazy over nothing, all he did was have sex with his adult girlfriend.

He is a convicted child molester. What are you referring to?

Didn't he do his time? What's the problem?

He did a year in jail. That is far form what his time should be. And anyways he should be blacklisted even if he did a lot of time.

Who tf is victor salva?

But you have to at least agree this guy should have no presence in the film industry. Literally convicted and still welcomed back, and I'll bet most of his fans have no idea what he did.

He spent just over a year in jail. There are non violent offenders who do much longer sentences. I personally don't think 15 months is enough for child rape.

Was hillary? Nope. But I sure here the same people here that back moore saying she is a killer and criminal.

Not so fun when the shoe is on the other foot, eh? People suddenly change their tune.

That is true, but most of these accused here lately do night fight the accusations. absolutely can, ya dingus. That's the entire revelation about Weinstein.