'Positive thinking' and the implications. Attempting to create a discussion about this.

51  2017-12-15 by 4brkfast

Like anything I'll write about here, bringing up this topic shouldn't suggest a rigid belief structure is behind it. On the contrary in fact, I bring it up because speaking frankly, considering the level of ignorance we all suffer(due to disinformation, and a lack of real education that is no fault of ours ultimately) based on the lies that are fed to us.

I bring it up because it's possible. And it's commonly labeled as 'positive thinking'. I don't necessarily agree with this label, positive and negative are subjective and can typically change - for example, in your lives can you recall an event or moment you desperately were hoping wouldn't happen and when it does, you end up glad or grateful that it did? Would that therefore make what was first viewed as 'negative' actually 'positive'?

I prefer to call it 'dwelling on what you want'. And in my personal experience, as I've made efforts to change the way I think and what I think, to focus on dwelling what I would prefer to happen in my life, these things tend to happen. This is very philosophical and a bit abstract, although I do trust there are people on this sub reddit that have taken time, or at least stumbled upon this topic.

It has ties to theories of quantum physics as well. Possibly explanations for how and why it works. Such as, there mere act of observation of a scientific experiment will literally alter the results - some theorized, these results were based on beliefs of the individual. You can find a more 'main stream' discussion and report on the 'double slit experiment', I believe it was called, that touched on some of this and is equally fascinating and worthy of time.

To touch on the less mainstream, or difficult to find, has anybody heard of the 'Wave-Particle experiment'? Whether that's the real name or not, I've actually had some trouble finding information on the topic from time to time - if it is true or there's truth behind it, it would explain why it would be kept a secret. It suggests that our beliefs, collectively as a human race, literally influence and effect the world around us.

If you're unfamiliar with this experiment(as I understood it): As the story goes, an experiment was conducted somewhere in Europe(some or a lot of information here is based on memory and shouldn't be taken as factual, who knows if it's true or not and it's been a while) that involved two separate groups of scientists. One group believed all things were comprised of particles. The other believed all things were comprised of waves. So - they separated these groups with a vast distance and enclosed, sealed laboratories(for lack of a better word) to conduct their separate but identical experiments to ascertain 'their' truth.

The remarkable part about the story, as it goes, was that both separate groups found what they -expected- to find. The particle group found it was particles at the base, the other found that it was waves. Both experiments were identical yet their results were different and adhered to the belief system of those working them.

What it suggested, ultimately, was they influenced the results based on their belief and observation.

That therefore could suggest that we as a human race influence the world around us collectively based on what we think and believe. What if all this constant negative press, the news reporting about murders constantly, thefts, muggings, rapes, perceived and skewed 'bad news' and often ignoring good stories, like how a good woman with a gun prevented the mugging and rape of another woman, has an affect on us and in turn, would effect the world.

Would this suggest by watching these silly shows, filling our brains with this negative junk and believing that it's taking place is actually promoting it?

As mentioned, this is meant as a suggestion for discussion. I'm curious if there are other inquisitive people that have asked these same questions.

It might be something novel. Whether this next story is true? I don't know, it was just something I stumbled upon once through my journey. A radio host was interviewed, somewhere in the mid-west, at the time there was a large drought taking place across the mid-west of the United States and he implored his listeners to focus their will and intentions on 'making it rain'. What resulted was a very large rain storm that swept across the mid-west, causing major floods. The radio host claimed he got 'freaked out' a little and asked his listeners to stop, as the intentions apparently spiraled out of control... or perhaps were not specific enough?

Another experiment which I can more confidently say took place happened in Princeton University in Princeton NJ. I believe the professor is a theoretical physicist, I don't know his name with certainty and I'm afraid to butcher it here, but I believe it might be a 'Doctor John'? Probably incorrect, misspelled and I didn't accurately hear the name, 'john' is supposed to be his last name I think, it's probably not john. haha

Anyway, this experiment involved the use of a random number generator. This little device randomly produces 1's and 0's. And the experiment involved letting this device run for a time, as the control, noting the number of 1's and 0's, likely doing this several times to collect a foundation of data.

Next, a person would be placed in front of this device. And the professor would ask this person to focus their will and intentions on the device for a specific desires result, that is, 'focus on 1's', for example. The results were fascinating!

There was a clear shift in the results and data, which adhered to the person's apparent will and intention. But that wasn't the most interesting part. What was most interesting was when the professor had two or more people together, especially when these people were close, personally knew and loved one another, the results in the data showed an exponential spike based on the intentions of the people. The people together didn't multiple their apparent influence, it was exponential!

If this is all true I think we can all muster plenty of motivation for why it would be kept a secret. And perhaps also explain why some things are the way they are. I wouldn't at all suggest this is 'the main reason' for anything good or bad, but I think it's worthy enough to consider as possibly having respectable influence.

Again, I don't know if it's true. But if there's anywhere where this kind of topic would seem appropriate to discuss and think about it should be here, hopefully without the risk of mindless ridicule.

Btw, this would also explain how a CE-5 works, how 'telepathy' might also work, psychics or whatever else. It would tie in with far eastern philosophy and even some western culture as well. The theories on quantum physics can potentially explain all of it.

I want to stress again, this isn't a belief. It's an idea. The great thing about ideas is they can change, can be shaped, altered, parts can be discarded and other parts added. It's an on-going effort. And to me personally? A far better way to spend one's brain energy and time... than say, the NFL or HBO shows(I like these things too btw, I just don't spend a lot of time focusing on them like I used to) or rigid beliefs that create more division than anything else.

Thanks ahead of time for your inquisitive nature and for reading!


This is the ultimate suppressed knowledge, that is the ability of the human body and mind. Mind is the basis of matter, you shape your reality with your beliefs. Psychic abilities are real and the possibilities are far beyond what you can imagine. The human body is the ultimate adaptive engine, it is a machine of incredible possibilities. The discussion about suppressed technologies is partially a distraction from this fact. Why would you need a free energy device if you found that your body already is one?

If you're interested in learning more, I'd recommend the life physics group papers on lpg-c.org

Btw, there is a meta conspiracy on forums like this to fill it with doomsday type scenarios and complaints about how "life is not fair!". Focusing on these things will only create those scenarios in ones life, so while it is good to root out corruption and understand what is going on around you, you don't want to focus on those things when moving forward because you will tend to manifest their reality.

there is a meta conspiracy on forums like this to fill it with doomsday type scenarios and complaints about how "life is not fair!". Focusing on these things will only create those scenarios in ones life, so while it is good to root out corruption and understand what is going on around you, you don't want to focus on those things when moving forward because you will tend to manifest their reality.

Finally someone else sees this. The more people focus on the problem, the more power you give the problem. The more people focus on solutions, the more power you have to change the world


But what is the basis of mind?

It cannot be conveyed with words, so I will say "tao"

I agree with your reply but think it's a bit of a stretch to brush off free energy. Our bodies can't power cities. We will need alternative methods of electricity to power the things we want to have. Even ET civilizations use crystal power sources (as described in keepers of the garden by Dalores cannon) and can't rely on their bodies alone as an energy source..

Thing is, I'm not convinced "free energy" as is portrayed by various people is something that has been realized by these deep projects. It just sounds too good to be true, but that could just be my conditioning. I do believe we have much better means of energy harvesting / generation but I suspect they may lead to other new problems. Who knows what is possible, though.

I like the idea of crystal technology because it seems to be a resonator of sorts similar to our bodies in some respects. So technology that utilizes crystals might have fewer negative side effects compared to modern technologies.

The military has been working on alternative energy for decades. They even have underground bases and bunkers dedicated to research into alternative energy.

A crystal based electricity would by far, be way cleaner than what we currently have.

I don't want you to take my word for it though. If you're ever interested, please look more into alternative energy. There exists many avenues to develop clean, free energy that don't involve raping the earth and polluting it.



I agree.

This sub used to have a lot more positive elements, it is now overwhelmingly negative.

Not if I can help it. I'm a shill and idiot's worst nightmare. I have brain power, I have and continue to use it, I've filled my mind with this kind of information and I'm consistently able to spar with anybody in matters I've looked into.

No idiot(shills are idiots) on any of my threads will get away with it. I will do everything I can to make them look stupid(and probably feel stupid if they're legit).

Excellent, thought provoking post. Thanks for putting the time and effort into it.

There are so many distractions that hinder positive thinking, if there is a power "there" it has been disrupted by our quest for creature comforts and competitiveness. Is group prayer a consideration for some proof of this? I wonder if a study has ever been conducted to look at how many positive outcomes vs negative of group prayer. Not saying religion itself is a factor, just the positivity itself focused on a single outcome.

Anyway, thanks again for putting this together.

One book that helped me along this path was “The creative process in the individual” by Thomas Troward.

I'll check it out, thanks.

The Universe is the body of God. We are God's cells. We are all HIM. So, resounding yesssss to positive thinking.

I really enjoy this idea and have entertained similar thoughts, though I didn't think to call the larger organism/structure we comprise 'God'.

u/letsbebuns I'd love to hear your take on this idea of god!

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

The above does seem to suggest that God is in all and through all. But we are not Him. We were made by Him.

While I was tempted to agree with the point okhosting is making, I cannot entirely. While it is true that there are a lot of "rhymes" between the smaller structure and the larger structure, i.e. our brain looks a lot like the universe, and our veins look a lot like a tree's branches, to me that is simply evidence that they were authored by the same Creator. I see the point being made, that we are essentially part of a greater body that is linked by invisible threads, and the separateness is an illusion. A cell is a private entity but also forms a body to be a larger entity. It's two things simultaneously, and the individual cell might not have a lot of conception regarding it's importance in the grand design.

Our Creator is outside of space and time. That really helped me comprehend a lot of this. The creation of space itself triggers the existence of time - without space/reality existing, time could not exist either. Scientists believe there was no time prior to the big bang, and increasing the mass of something obviously dilates its time properties to the point of bending local space and local time.

So if there is a relationship between space and time, I've always guessed that our souls are the timeless portion of us and that's why they don't weight anything. Or, because they don't weigh anything, they are allowed to be timeless.

I think that we are all known to God. Dak4f2, He knows your name, and mine too. But we are not Him. We have His holy breath inside of us - that is what turns a pile of minerals and protein and electricity into consciousness. We are linked to Him, quite literally according to the bible. And he can see our hearts constantly, not even needing to hear our words in order to know what we are meditating upon.

I see it more like a child/parent relationship. He is our Father. If there was a Big Bang, he started it.

You know how we are 3d objects, but we cast a 2d shadow? What kind of shadow would a 4d object cast? Would it be a 3d shadow? What would that even look like? Nobody has ever seen a 3d shadow if you think about it.

If someone was outside of space and time entirely, and stuck their hand into our universe, we probably wouldn't see the entire hand. If a 3d person stuck their hand into a 2d universe, a finger would look more like a circle, for example, because we can only see one layer of the finger at a time in that 2d universe.

Since time is the 4th D and it seems probable that God exists beyond that, I think it would be really really difficult for us to imagine what it would look like for him to stick his arm into our reality. As you can see from the examples above, we can really only jump plus or minus 1 dimension with logic. After that, it gets extremely confusing and counter-intuitive.

However I am always bolstered by this thought, to be honest. Time seems really stressful for us because we obviously do not know the future. There is someone that does know the future - for Him the past and future are as simple as looking left and right might be in a 3D reality - and he is telling us with absolute certainty that no matter how bad it gets, it's going to be alright in the end.

Tough question to answer. I feel like I probably didn't answer it thoroughly. I wouldn't personally say that the universe is the body of God. I am more comfortable saying that our body is the temple of God through which he communicates to us. And our bodies were designed by Him, and contain many times many mathematical perfections.

But are we Him?

I am dirty rags compared to Him.

There is only The All.

The placebo effect is actually proof that magic is real, the body is a temple and you are its priest.

Don't let the moneylenders in.

Look into Richard Sheldrake and the morphic field.

I've heard of him and will do so.

I literally just 1 minute ago went on a random rant about the law of attraction and being the biggest force multiplier for power

People love drama, conflict and negativity. They thrive off of having their emotions stirred into a frenzy, even if it's about some petty bullshit that doesn't even matter: Their brain still gives them that reward for getting themselves all worked up. I've found that positive emotions and positive thoughts help point your life in a better direction and generally have a better outcome, even if it's just an improvement in your mood.

Be the change you want to see in the world and help others do the same.

I wouldn't say that.

Bored women like that stuff. Men are indifferent, generally speaking.

Many successful people use this thought process. I don't think there is any mystical things to it just makes sense that positive thoughts result in positive things.

Thank you for sharing your thoughs OP. I think you are spot on with your "the negative News cause more negativity" theory. Not only do I not care who got stabbed today somewhere else (because it doesn't influence me in any way), negative news like these are everywhere and keep us in a never ending state of anxiety and stress, which makes us more open to crave "protection" by the government (who caused the problems in the first place). Or, if you don't like the stereotypical evil government thing, think about insurances. You pay them for bad things that have not yet (and maybe never will) happen. They make money off your fear.

The 1 and 0 experiment you have described sounds like what happened at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Institute.

Dolores Cannon describes a very interesting experiment in one of her books. She died some years ago and wrote down the things she learned from doing past life regressions as a hypnotherapist since the 60's. In the experiment, a big number (I think 1000, but I'm not sure) of hospital records was split into two piles. The one pile was put away, the other 500 patients' reports were given to monks so they could speak prayers for the people. At the time of choosing the 1000 records, nobody knew about the patients' health conditions.

When both stacks were compared, the people in the monk group had much better results. But here's the catch: they left the hospital years ago. The conclusion: mind does not only affect matter, it's independent of our linear understanding of time. If the assumptions are correct, the patients left the hospital faster than the other group, because at some time in the future someone would care about their health condition. This topic is discussed in the What Is Reality? video by the Quantum Research Group as well.

Doesn't sound too outlandish to you? Then go check out r/holofractal

If you are into reading, check out Thomas Campbell's My Big T.O.E. It's lengthy but adds to the topic. You might want to check him out on YouTube first, many of topics in his videos are a condensed form of what he touches in the book.

Last topic for this post: Masaru Emoto. Look for his theory on YouTube. He experimented with the structure of frozen water and noticed how it reacted to sound and thoughts.

Thank you for the information and links.

The internet access I have at work is hit or miss, a percentage of the websites are blocked, sometimes for no good reason.

So if we as a group can influence reality, and we can make anything occur with our collective buy-in...

Can you guys intend/think about my crush Matt responding to my text? I wanna get lucky this weekend :)

The "influence the world around us thing" was Done by the University of British Columbia Late 90s early 2000s, they used a device exactly like The Price is Right's plinko game, and told students to focus the dropping balls into a particular place.

They found that students regardless of grades, or backgrounds could (to varying degress of success) influence the results by 32% above the random. 32%!!!!! (That hugely large percent is exactly why I remember this)

I wish I could find you the paper/ Discovery channel Video but it seems to have disappeared. It was on Discovery Daily Planet, or whatever it was called back then.

("The internet never forgets", My ass. Hard copy never forgets, the internet remembers how and what it wants)

No life without problems no problems without solutions....Email dr.gurilarico@gmail. com,... for any any kind of spiritual attack or affliction...He is the best spiritual doctor to work with and can bring back your Ex-Lover in 48 hours for free....He is always ready to help for free.

This is why group meditation can be powerful and can be a great way to bring change or peace etc.

It's been scientifically proven that group meditation has powerful impacts on the world around you.

Here's a few threads on it



I created a program to test the 1 and 0 experiment. I personally didn't have any results which seemed to favour towards 1 whilst attempting to focus on a 1. Perhaps I didn't do it for long enough or focus on it for long enough.


The program creates a random number from of 1 or zero 100 times and prints how many times it got a 1. So if the number is under 50 it favours towards 0 whilst over 50 it favours towards 1.

Hopefully this will help confirm or debunk this theory.

Our job here, your goal, should not be to 'confirm' or 'debunk' anything. It's ridiculous, either way you look at it, to think that any of this -discussion- would offer any genuine conclusion either way.

And I'm very, very certain this Princeton experiment that I referred to tested with FAR more than 100 numbers. That's not a very big sample size.

Well yeah I couldn't just think of another word to say confirm or debunk so sorry for that.

But you can run the program multiple times anyways to get results or simply edit it if you know python.

No worries.

I get a little defensive with even a hint of unreasonable ridicule - knowing that wasn't at all the case, apologies.

You're basically describing chaos magick.

Could be.

My issue with that is the assumption that if a human being looks inside and attempts to 'harness' whatever is there, it couldn't possibly be from us.

Maybe that's true, however. If it is, it suggests what the Bible says should be taken more literally than most would be willing to even entertain.

Are we, here in the west, purposely conditioned not to look inward from a young age?

I've been doing a lot of reading about our (American) school system, so my thoughts tend to correlate with that line of thinking. That said, the schools get our children earlier, the child must conform or be punished (the teacher with 10 preschoolers can't maintain peace without conformity), and if they don't conform prescriptions are written and doctors consulted, or he/she is ostracized from the peer group. Nonconformist thinking is practically not allowed, and time for introspection just isn't there due to television and internet, parent schedules, and activities every day of the week. Introspection is simply not practiced at all, through habit, by the time we arrive at adulthood. If there is a power there, most of us wouldn't even know it exists.

Not trying to derail your message, just morning rambling. You've given me much to think about today!

Haha. I tried to make it as clear as possible.

Two of them I am certain occurred, the rest were things I either read about or heard about through other mediums.

The double slit experiment you can youtube. The British Royal Institute? Something like that, it's quite good.

The random number generator experiment might be difficult to find, this kind of information you will actually need to look into yourself. Expecting me to do all the work for you, especially when the original premise of the entire post was to provoke thought and discussion, well, you're barking up the wrong tree. It's not up to me to do your research for you.

  • bonus for quoting Epictetus

The Present is the ultimate Truth.

Not if I can help it. I'm a shill and idiot's worst nightmare. I have brain power, I have and continue to use it, I've filled my mind with this kind of information and I'm consistently able to spar with anybody in matters I've looked into.

No idiot(shills are idiots) on any of my threads will get away with it. I will do everything I can to make them look stupid(and probably feel stupid if they're legit).