Its your last day to sign up for Affordable Care Act. Its a rip off, but better than nothing.

7  2017-12-15 by showmeurboobsplznthx

Just a reminder for people. With Child Health Insurance Plans (CHIP) being cut to afford more money to the military and Israel/ Saudi, parents might wanna get it. Also, the new tax plan cuts the employer insurance responsibility. They say the tax benefits will raise wages and relieve companies from supplementing insurance to employees....

Edit: this is not about supporting a side. This is about survival and the health of Americans. Our fellow citizens. Our neighbors and co workers, our friends and partners. Most importantly, OUR KIDS, the future of America. So if you down vote bc you support trump at the point of turning your back on Americans, you can fuck yourself. 👌

And if you are a trump hater and want to hide this so Trump gets blamed for the lowest percentage of Americans with coverage, you can go fuck yourself too.


Why is this in r/conspiracy?

Because the children’s policy abbreviation is “CHIP”.... Beat chip. Mark of the beast. Coincidence? Eye 👁 think not! Don’t get it.

I'm a regular poster and people need a reminder. The conspiracy is that the current administration wants people to think ACA is dead and over, but its not... It still exists. Also, CHIPS is going away with the tax bill so if u miss ACA, your kids are fucked. It'll put you in big debt and you'll be a debt slave. Its a conspiracy they want to hide ACA so they can use it to get rid of it.

no thanks, I'll continue to pay the fine.

Do you have kids?

What if you did?

Would you take them to get their regularly scheduled injections of immunostimulants?

Would you subject them to lethal poisons called 'treatments' if a doctor decided to diagnose them with cancer?


I truly hope you're never subject to the horrors of ignorant doctors and lethal 'medicine' with no actual evidence basis for use.

If you have a critical mind capable of actually analyzing a subject I'd recommend actually investigating modern medicine.

Modern trauma care is fantastic, heaven forbid you have to use it.

I've had a number of family members beat cancer with those poison treatments you speak of.

I'm guessing you're an aspiring politician? Social worker? Lawyer?

Good luck, you might not live to see the system of control that benefits you fail, I hope there's forgiveness available for your offspring.

You can go to as many doctors as you want. Just because one says something doesn't mean you have to trust. Thats why thisbis important so you can afford multiple opinions and not stuck with 1 when when things get so bad for you, you can only afford 1.

There's a lot of complete bullshit in your comment there.

You can go to the doctors approved by your insurance provider and get the tests and opinions allowed by your insurance provider.

Honestly if you're eligible for Obamacare at this point you're probably as likely to suffer bankruptcy from your deductible under one of these plans as without it.

Adopt a pattern of being that cultivates health, volunteer with your local EMT and learn trauma care. Save your monthly payments for if you have an accident that's not covered under your car/home insurance policies.

Ride your bike instead of driving everywhere.

That's a place one could easily start.

I think they should give americans tax breaks if they have a gym membership, commute by bicycle, have receipts of healthy food purchases, and so on.

I think people everywhere should rule themselves instead of allowing confidence men to live as rulers.

We both can dream, eh?

Hope you don't get sick. Maybe try getting a real job then no fine

Hahahahaha. Hahahahahaha. Hahahahaha.

Thanks for the laugh. I needed that. Enjoy your enslavement.

I don't have Obamacare I get insurance through my employer. I hope you get your way, it might cut my taxes a bit. But don't expect me to donate to your go fund me when you get sick

I don't expect anything... except Obamacare to fail.

Yeah good luck with that. Like I said, get a real job with insurance before you get sick or you are fucked

In case you haven't realized it yet... we're ALL fucked. Very soon, the society that you know is going "bye bye" and a globalist totalitarian regime will rise to replace it. BILLIONS of people are going to die. So, yeah, healthcare is the lease of my concerns.

Employers won't have to provide insurance after the tax bill... They say thebrax cuts will give business enough to raise wages so they dont have to suplament insurance. You might want ACA before the tax bill...

Like I said my insurance will be fine. And it's spelled supplement

Thank you. I'm using Swype and I can't spell haha. But regardless, your insurance may be fine now, but if you care about your countrymen, theirs won't.

You do know with the tax bill, employers won't have to suplament your insurance? So your get a job argument will be a big fucking laugh. 👌

Suplament huh. You sure you understand the tax bill? My insurance policy will be just fine

Fuck the fine. I just lie and say I did have coverage for the year.

Suplament huh. You sure you understand the tax bill? My insurance policy will be just fine