How r/politics censored the Lise Bloom Payoff story

43  2017-12-15 by notsarasolo

1: Headline gets submitted on topic you want to suppress

2: Accidentally hide/spam filter the post and reinstate it once someone points it out "oops it seems to have gotten caught in our spam filter, we've corrected it"

3: Due to submission volume, the post is now buried beyond the 25 newest posts on the r/politics/new queue

4: Any subsequent repost gets automatically removed due to their strict repost rules, mods encourage you to contribute to the discussion on the dead post

At least they're allowing a post this time unlike the trump black church burning where the church burning story got 30k upvotes and the subsequent false flag revelation was removed for being 'news' and not politics. This is how you radicalize people; by bombarding them with nonstop stories about how bad one side is and suppressing any attempts to humanize that side.


Hmm. You failed to point out whether the mods involved were Jooz or Reptiloids. Admittedly, mods running their own subs their own way makes sense but the smart money is always on Jooz or Reptiloids.

Excellent point.

People still believe this is a message board.

Maybe the mods are reptilijooz spreading aluminum and fluoride chemtrails created by Bill Gates and Soros?