I wish the public was as vocal about the Patriot ACT and the invasive surveillance and bulk data collection done by the NSA as they’re about NN. Instead the vast majority remain passive on this issue. This ACT has shown no ability to stop terrorist attacks from happening and thus should be ended.

217  2017-12-16 by Touritaly


Random thought here, if you've seen the show Person Of Interest (Which is a really good show I would recommend it) do you think such a system could actually exist? I have a sneaking suspicion something similar is in place...

When I go really far out there, I think POI might be predictive programming. This is not a belief, it is a consideration.

I mean if it's in the human zeitgeist of entertainment then there is probably a basis in our working world. It's not like the American Military is interested in transparency.

There's this guy I caught on YT that has been saying the singularity happened sometime this year. Wish I could find his name. Makes you wonder.

After watching POI I wondered would the AIs battle each other or absorb each other? This whole battle of intelligence communities makes me wonder if there could be AIs that are, perhaps unknown to the agencies, leading these agencies and battling each other via information. That and the prevailance of "fake news". An AI battle for the hearts and minds of humanity?

They don’t have 196 million dollars of soros money to AstroTurf Reddit on these issues...

Do you actually believe that? I know this sub has been brigaded to hell but are actually dumb enough to think that Soros actually has 196 million dollars to spend on astrosurfing social media?

Because if you do then their's no better sign our education system has failed us.

Are you dumb enough to believe that he doesn’t? It’s funny that you call others dumb when you so very naive yourself.

No because I don't think he's a real person.

"Nothing to hide, nothing to fear"

"Patriot" Act.

It's safe to assume the opposite meaning of whatever the official name of legislation turns out to be.

Lyin' Pai says everyone is talking about his "plan to restore internet freedom", so that's a start...


"Internet Freedom" ... This makes Baby George Orwell cry.

In this day & age it is literally and figuratively not a sexy enough issue to get involved let alone follow.

I completely agree with you, buddy. The Patriot Act laid down the legal foundations for fascism in America. Those scumbags in the Bush Administration have a lot to answer for.

Not at all, the foundations of fascism were laid well before 9/11, going back to the 60's when leftists took over education, hollywood, and the media; now they're in a position to indoctrinate the youth, reinforce that indoctrination with selective reporting and propaganda in the MSM, add in identity politics and an "other" to rally against (the 1%(jews), conservatives, whites) along with a sense of oppression and victim-hood to justify any questionable actions and you're there. All you need is a heavily regulated private industry, expansive government social programs, public health programs, and a sense that your actions are righteous or that you're on the right side of history, and you've got fascism.

Not at all, the foundations of fascism were laid well before 9/11, going back to the 60's when leftists took over education, hollywood, and the media

Fascism is a far right political ideology so you are quite literally turning the truth upside down.

Fascism was invented by a socialist, embraces socialist ideologies ("fascism" is an Italian term that means "groupism" or "collectivism").

And fascism, far from having anything in common with capitalism, is essentially the same atrocity as communism and socialism—the only difference being that whereas communism and socialism openly call for state ownership of all property, fascism holds that some property may be “private”—so long as government can dictate how such property may be used. Sure, you own the factory, but here’s what you may and may not produce in it; here’s the minimum wage you must pay employees; here’s the kind of accounting system you must use; here are the specifications your machinery must meet; and so on.

Fascism was invented by a socialist

No it wasn't. You are radically distorting the facts. Mussolini was thrown out of the socialist party as a young man precisely because he was not a socialist. See:-

As Mussolini's support for the intervention solidified, he came into conflict with socialists who opposed the war. He attacked the opponents of the war and claimed that those proletarians who supported pacifism were out of step with the proletarians who had joined the rising interventionist vanguard that was preparing Italy for a revolutionary war.[7] He began to criticize the Italian Socialist Party and socialism itself for having failed to recognize the national problems that had led to the outbreak of the war.[7] He was expelled from the party for his support of intervention.


He then went on to declare war on socialism:-

Mussolini consolidated control over the Fascist movement in 1919 with the founding of the Fasci italiani di combattimento, whose opposition to non-nationalistic socialism he declared: We declare war against socialism, not because it is socialism, but because it has opposed nationalism.


The only reason Mussolini was ever in the Socialist Party in the first place was because he was raised by a socialist father.

In summary, fascism is the exact political opposite of socialism. Whereas fascists want a strict autocratic hierarchy, socialists want to divide power equally among the people. This is the literal difference between far right and far left in politics, and you are trying to merge both together to fit some kind of bizarre preconceived narrative that fascism is on the left. It's stupid talk.

And fascism, far from having anything in common with capitalism, is essentially the same as communism and socialism

LOL. The entire existence of the fascist movement was predicated on the desire to eliminate Communism from Europe. Have you ever so much as opened a history book?

The political views of Adolf Hitler have presented historians and biographers with some difficulty. His writings and methods were often adapted to need and circumstance, although there were some steady themes, including anti-semitism, anti-communism, anti-parliamentarianism, German Lebensraum ("living space"), belief in the superiority of an "Aryan race" and an extreme form of German nationalism. Hitler personally claimed he was fighting against Jewish Marxism.


The very fact that, as a right winger, you are distorting history demonstrates poignantly which side of the political spectrum fascism rest on, because Hitler liked to distort history too.

Well a lot of it is who really cares? The goverment isn't the only who collects your data, Facebook, Google, hell most of the apps downloaded on your phone (ever player pokemongo?) are selling your data to god knows where.

But the government is the only entity that is allowed to use force against you with that data as "evidence".

I care. The 4th Amendment exists for a very good reason, and personally, I value it.

Whole lotta good popular public outcry for did for NN.

Wait a sec...

If the obscenely rich want a law passed, it will be passed regardless of the will of the public.

There was a Princeton study done on this that essentially confirms what you're saying.

Patriot act doesn't hit as close to home as paying extra for their porn does so it's much easier to get people riled up about net neutrality which is a huge issue in itself.

You also have to consider that when the patriot act was first signed the internet wasn't what it is now, we would've seen a lot more outrage had social media been as big as it is now.

Everything the public talks about is fabricated in a way that makes them talk about it.

The public is a bunch of fucking idiots.

You know, a lot of us were talking about it back in the day. For years.

NN is hot in the news right now so more exposure to it - and we have a bigger online presence now than we did back then (thanks to smart phones imho and more websites).

The thing is, to me anyway, people just don't feel they can do much about it anymore. If trump was truly anti-establishment he would be out there talking about it instead talking about militarizing the police more, etc.

I can criticize him the same as I did Obama when it comes to the Patriot Act and such (except now people on the right will call me a shill for bitching about him and avoid the fact that he is president and they themselves criticized Obama over similar things).

Yep, patriot act is just new normal. And I too remember lots of campus organized protests back when the act was just getting passed. Even before then, actually. There was a govt email crawling program called Echelon that I remember protesting back in ‘99 even. Pretty sure all we got out of it was having our names put on a list.

Because guess what these people are addicted to the Internet. It is adically their life. They don't care about right or wrong just their shitty cat memes. They also have no idea how society functioned without Internet as if Internet was the only way to spread info and communicate.

It's interesting, I can't think of a single person who has ever been exposed to the subject that remotely approves of it but it has never been a subject matter that has been put on a pedestal for everyone by the media so it ends up being an interesting conversation piece until people move onto the next one.

Bad guys know the US watches telcom & web traffic. Only use for sucking up personal data is for DEA busts and spying on girlfriends, peep show BS.

The patriot act is no different than net neutrality.

Give it a good name and you can get anything passed.

The entire problem is that everyone believes in the “if you have nothing to hide...” argument. Truth is pretty much everyone has something to hide. Did you make a negative comment about your boss to a friend? Get drunk and say something racist or otherwise not political correct just jokingly in your stupor? Visit a porn site? What about a weird fetish porn site? Made a google search for where to get tested for herpes? Made a google search asking if your male parts are below average size? Made radical posts? Said stupid things? You get the idea. If you make an enemy in the wrong place, YES you have something you wouldn’t want released out to the public-YES you have something to hide. With your whole life stored in some government data center- how long until we have people in charge that use all this data like this? Or maybe the data is already being used like this against people that threaten authorities in the wrong ways. Either way the potential for a totalitarian application of your data is there for some future dictator to take advantage of. People think surveillance is no big deal but surveillance itself is a form of control just waiting to be exploited.

There aren't giant companies paying to promote that cause like there are for NN. That's the only reason NN is as big as it is.

I'm not a fan of the Patriot Act, but what makes you say it's shown no ability to stop terrorist attacks? It seems to me you're falling into circular reasoning, "there haven't been many terrorist attacks, so we don't need the Patriot Act"; maybe there would have been more without it.

Instead the vast majority remain passive on this issue...

Same goes for most issues. Just look at the reaction to PA, NN TTP and TTIP. Few people have a clear understanding of what they are.

Lots of people have opinions and oppose these things. But very few do anything more than bitch about it online. Myself included.

If you're TPTB, online "pseudo-activism" is the greatest thing in the world. I like to call it phantom outrage. People get all worked up, vent their feelings online... and it makes no meaningful difference at all.

I mean if it's in the human zeitgeist of entertainment then there is probably a basis in our working world. It's not like the American Military is interested in transparency.