Is it true that someone bought conspiracy for 800 000 Dollars?

10  2017-12-16 by [deleted]



If its true, thia post would prob get scrubbed

Scrubbing the post would give it more cred. Since it's cheaper to contract asians with proxies, my bet is on "no".


Trump hate is real. Vast majority don't need to be paid to express that.

Did Trump not win the election. Someone does like him.

60% disapproval rating. Lost the popular vote by 3M.

But did win rhe election.

I dont know what your point is?

point is he is widely disliked

Are we still talking about the election? He was the least popular candidate ever (HRC being a close second) and his approval has only gotten worse since then. I know he still has supporters, but you're fooling yourself if you believe that Trump hate is a conspiracy. He's hated.

Why not? Hillary's lost was quit funny.

You think people love Trump because you thought Hillary's loss was funny?

Here's the problem. Trump only functions with an enemy. He's not idealistic or pragmatic. He's not visionary and he certainly doesn't have consistent principles. The only way he knows how to function is by fighting an enemy. It's more effective in a campaign than when it comes to governing. Which is why his supporters still want to talk about Hillary. Or the "fake news". Or the NFL. Or the FBI. Or the mayor of San Juan Puerto Rico. The list goes on and on and on... because that's his only trick.

Sorry but you are full of r/politics propaganda.

That's such a lazy cop out. You already looked at my comments so you know this is the primary sub I'm active in. You've offered nothing of substance to support your theory of "trump hate" being a new phenomenon.

I assume you have more then one account.

No, this is it. This isn't just my dislike of Trump/pregnancy/love of David Bowie account. This is just all I have.

His approval rating? Is that the same rating system that said Hillary was going to win by a landslide?

She won the popular vote which is what those polls are. I'm not sure what's so hard to understand about that. They don't take electoral college polls. But sure, ignore data being collected from different sources, ones that Trump himself occasionally touts.

What? Have you forgotten about all the dead voters, hacked voting machines, illegal immigrant voters, etc? To say she was the popular vote means you put 100% trust in all of it, but sure, ignore that.

There's no proof of any of that. For you to believe there is would be to 100% trust the fragile ego of the president who made these claims and provided no proof, even though he won the election. So we are at a crossroads there.

Regardless, the election is long over, Trump is president, and we should hold him accountable for what he does or doesn't do.

We do. Trump does a good job.

Holding a leader accountable is ongoing, so I urge you to not let up in your questioning of his choices. It's imperative, regardless of who is in charge.

GOOD point

Except there is proof. Obama was encouraging illegal aliens to vote, and it was proven that there were dead voters, and it was proven that the voting machines were tied to George Soros.

I do agree that we should hold Trump accountable for anything he does or doesn't do, but I'm willing to let him prove himself.

Obama was encouraging naturalized Latino citizens to vote. I've seen no credible evidence on the other two claims. If it really were the case, Trump has the authority to do something about it. So far, his attempts to do so have seemed all flash and no substance.

But I recognize we aren't going to convince each other of anything on that topic and I accept that. I'm glad we agree on holding leaders accountable.

But the people did know the truth.

One night before the election(iam german) i said to my sister: its fifty fifty.

Nearly every MSM outlet was saying like 90% HRC was going to take it. That's why there were so many SJW types crying their eyes out in disbelief because they thought they had it in the bag.

That was a glorious night. All of those: "I'm literally shaking right now". lmao.

People who hate Trump, are a small loud minority.

Lol 70% of the population hates him.

Got a source for that?

Common sense buddy 😂

Trump is like the least popular President in history in his first year. He's proven to nothing but a corporate puppet and buffoon.

On the other hand, his supporters are definitely a very vocal minority.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, even if it's not based in facts and reality...

Every single poll in existence has Trump with only a minority approval rating and a majority disapproval rating. Not sure how you missed this, blinded by Emperor Trump's daily Two Minutes of Hate I guess.

Kind of like the poll(s) that said Clinton was going to win ~90%?

No, as those were projections. A prediction is different from an opinion poll.

A prediction is different from an opinion poll.

lol, whatever helps you sleep at night.

You're the one defending Trump with lies about his popularity. At least it's not like Trump supporters have a penchant for paying attention to facts. You'd think they'd at least be able to properly assess poll numbers at this point, it's literally 2 numbers, side-by-side, and you can't figure it out.

You're the one defending Trump with lies about his popularity.

No I'm not, I'm asking for evidence for his "unpopularity".

At least it's not like Trump supporters have a penchant for paying attention to facts.

Well, lucky for me... I'm not a Trump supporter, I just love pointing out the stupidity, ignorance, and lies of people who are vehemently never Trumpers, lol.

Continue sleeping well at night with fairytales you tell yourself before tuckering off to nighty time :)

No I'm not, I'm asking for evidence for his "unpopularity".

Here you go:

Well, lucky for me... I'm not a Trump supporter, I just love pointing out the stupidity, ignorance, and lies of people who are vehemently never Trumpers, lol.

Yet you somehow don't know that he is the least popular President in their first year in history? Seems like a strange thing to miss.

Yup, shows clearly that no matter what the metric, Trump is definitely more unpopular than he is popular. Glad you finally understand.

No, it shows where they are getting their data from, which is heavily from "liberal" data-sets. FFS, they mention getting data from the Huffington Post.

Anyways, like I said, whatever helps you sleep at night. I personally do not care one way or another. Have a lovely night.

No, it shows where they are getting their data from, which is heavily from "liberal" data-sets.

Even Rasmussen has him with negative popularity. Are you seriously claiming that every single poll taken in December is somehow incorrect? How are you reaching this assertion? Even right wing polls give Trump negative popularity. You are dismissing results because they don't meet with your pro-Trump bias.

There are over 20 polls on the site conducted in December. From both right and left-wing institutions. All of them show Trump with a negative approval rating. How are you able to deny this? How can your pro-Trump bias be so significant that you literally ignore data that is right in front of you?

But it helps

Wow. Evry post from you is about trump.

Yeah. This is a pretty fucking scary time and it blows my mind that people don't seem to get that because they think it's funny that Hillary lost.

Check out the most used words Russia, Russians, and Russian

That's not my username in there. I think the comment was directed at me. But this is an interesting tool. Thank you for sharing it.

I was intending to reply to OP.

...right but OPs comment was about me and you responded with an analysis of someone else's account.

If it makes you feel better, I looked up your name first.

But the comment you left is taking info from another account analysis. "Russia" is the only one of those words that shows up on mine. And for good reason - I studied abroad in the former Soviet Union. I'm married to someone born and raised in the former Soviet Union. My in laws are in Russia. It seems like you're trying to dismiss me by my use of the word, but I'm very confident in why I've said what I've said regarding Russia.

What's more interesting is how you got past the 10 day waiting period. You started posting on the same day you created your account.

Not so much Trump hate as the realization that Trump and Obama work for the same bosses.

No one bought the sub. We still have the same mods we've had for a long time and no one on the mod team has been buying houses or new cars that I'm aware of.

How do you know? I mean .. you can sell an account.

Sure, but don't you think we'd notice if someone's personality changed?

There's literally zero evidence that anyone "bought" the sub.

Whether the sub has been bought or not, there is no stopping the influx of 'new' and 'suspicious' users.

I'm old and suspicious. I change my name regularly but you can figure out who I am after a few weeks. Thus the changes.

There are lately some strange users. Even in "New".

as posted by a 7 day old account... 🤔

Op: They slid this post. Try deleting and reposting. Reddit sells a subs "inventory" that is their industry specific lingo. The owners will make an effort to make posts that appear organic but they are really "advertisements" to influence thought. I wonder who bought it and what their purpose is. It does not seem pro trump.

Love the name .... from the book I presume? Also are you saying an attempt at an echo chamber?

Sorry just seeing this now. Thank you I have only had one other person recognize the name from the book. A few have thought it was satanic! Lol. It was my favorite book as a kid. That's why I picked the name, also because I feel like our society (Babylon) is losing its way. Is your name from the halo game?

No it’s not , it’s just something I made up. And that book stuck with me all these years . I still have it. I saw the name and went in search through my boxes . Yet to find it but I know it’s here. And you are right , Babylon is exactly the right analogy.

Where are you getting this number of $800,000?

Some former deletet user did say that.

"strange users" aka, people that you want to be censored.

R/politics users are no real humans .they are brainwashed.

point is he is widely disliked

She won the popular vote which is what those polls are. I'm not sure what's so hard to understand about that. They don't take electoral college polls. But sure, ignore data being collected from different sources, ones that Trump himself occasionally touts.

But the people did know the truth.

One night before the election(iam german) i said to my sister: its fifty fifty.

Holding a leader accountable is ongoing, so I urge you to not let up in your questioning of his choices. It's imperative, regardless of who is in charge.

Some former deletet user did say that.

GOOD point