Daily reminder where christmas is nothing to celebrate for the millions of homeless; It is simply a month where they die freezing in the cold. The rich get to celebrate, the poor die starving and freezing.

17  2017-12-18 by Mrexreturns


yeah but everybody can do something to make the world a better place.. l always give clothes that i dont use to people on the streets, make food once per week to the homeless that are in the door of the church that I go.. dont loose hope, the world is horrible but there still good people around ;)

That's pretty divisive, if you ask me. What is it with people now-a-days being so "black and white".

Well said. And good thread on the erosion of man. Read a book called, Ride the Tiger, a survivor manual for the aristocrats of the soul by Julius evola

Well, if you feel so jaded then go do something about it. You know, bring a homeless person into your house for the winter, give your life savings to him/her and see if their life will turn around. Yea, kind of figured that answer

And if they fuck up my house and use what I give them for drugs and then stab me for more money? This shit happened to me I was passing out sandwiches w a group and one of the guys stabbed me, luckily missing all vital organs, but then got a 10k bill because insurance only covered so much.

After that I'm just like fuck everything and everyone, I don't even trust my dog let alone people

Let's see your scar!

If you can't even trust your own dog, how will you ever trust people?

I don't know if that's particularly the best way to live.

Your post made me feel chilly. I'm going to bundle up by the fire and sip hot cider spiked with bourbon.

While those homeless people set around all day wondering where they are going to get their next fix or next drink, my ass gets up every morning and goes to a fucking job I hate making just barely enough money to pay my rent so I won't be homeless.

Point of view I suppose.

Also the "daily reminders" buzzwords are dumb as fuck.

It is estimated that there are over 500,000 homeless people in the US. I'm impressed that you know a majority of them to make your sweeping judgement of all of them. Also, kudos to you for getting up and going to your job. You definitely deserve a cookie for that!

You going to save someone from themselves? Let me know how that works out.

If I was homeless my ass would be in Miami. Why would anyone be homeless in Buffalo is beyond me.

Problem is that if you start off in Buffalo you have to figure out the ways and means to make to Miami. Easier said than done.

Frontier flies one way from BUF to MIA for $59. Seems worth it not to freeze to death.

Of course, but what do you do if you don't have the $59 to book the flight? What do you do if you can't afford to get to the airport? There are a lot of factors at play. Like I said it's easier said than done a lot of times.

Its less than a days pay at minimum wage. I understand there are a lot factors (assuming a single person), my only point is its not really crazy expansive for the benefit. There are under the table day labor jobs in every city (like landscaping etc)...just be at any home depot at 6AM and you will see multiple trucks picking up day workers paid in cash.

Yes, like I have said before, it is often easier said than done. I mean, you don't think you are the first person to think up an idea like this do you?

No, i've been to Miami and they had a terrible homeless problem when I was there. Even just walking in the woods toward a warm climate works as many of the wild planets growing everywhere are actually edible (assuming you do your research).

Ok. I'm sure you'd be a regular old homeless survivor man out there as you make your trek through the woods of the US towards warmer climates...

Hopefully you’re actually helping the homeless like I have. That said, I’m going back to celebrating the wonderful Christmas traditions with friends and family. Merry Christmas!

How Many Homeless People Will Freeze To Death This Winter? (2014) http://billmoyers.com/2014/11/27/many-homeless-people-will-freeze-death-winter/

Christmas is a Christian/Corporate orgy of consumption

It’s a good idea year round to contribute something to an organization local to you that provides services to the homeless. I haven’t done a lot but I’ve shared my time and talents with such an organization where I live, and brought others along with me to do the same. It was very well received. We as individuals can’t completely solve the homeless problem, but we can help those who are trying. If you can’t donate money or goods you can donate your time.

Winter is a government conspiracy!

A few things.

  1. There are many places that never have cold weather.
  2. Christmas in Australia is in summer.
  3. December 25 is just a normal work day in Asia.
  4. If millions of homeless really did die every December you'd know about it.
  5. Christmas is a nightmare for people in abusive relationships.
  6. Not all rich people celebrate Christmas. Most of them are Satanists.

What a stupid fucking post...

While you shit on the toilet they are all hungry too.

When you have breakfast, lunch or a conversation at the job we hate but work at non stop to earn just enough money not to be homeless and have food...

Wait... wait OP.... I should feel shit about the fact i puah thru the shit but others cannot be bothered?

You've got shit for brains op.

Merry Xmas.

The conspiracy is that it's actually one of the richest countries in the world and there's more empty houses than homeless. Capitalism at its finest. And demanding a living wage, healthcare and education is somehow just asking for free stuff.

I don't understand all the vitriol and hate in the comments of this post. Yes, there are many homeless that are addicts. Yes, many homeless also have mental health issues. They are all still human, though. Op is right. For many of us in the northern hemisphere, we are entering what can be a very cold season. Lots of us also live in areas where temperatures can drop low enough to kill a person with inadequate protection from exposure. Maybe, if you happen to be in an area I've just described and see a person on the streets that you think could be in danger from the elements, instead of cursing them under your breath for whatever perceived wrong that you believe they have committed to put themselves in their situation maybe you could show compassion and try to help them out. Many groups will be happy to come and offer to take the person to someplace safe. The homeless person always has the right to refuse help when it arrives. All you have to do is make a quick call and then be on your merry way. In the md/dc/va area the number to call 1-800-535-7252. You can also dial 311 in many parts of the US and Canada and let them know the situation. It's simple. It doesn't take long. You don't need to engage with the homeless person in question and you could potentially save a life.

Christmas stresses everybody out, not just homeless people

Don't forget for the middle class to feel obligated to engage in consumerism throwing funds away before the new year.

Let's see your scar!

If you can't even trust your own dog, how will you ever trust people?

Frontier flies one way from BUF to MIA for $59. Seems worth it not to freeze to death.

I don't know if that's particularly the best way to live.