Proof of targeted harassment by TopMindsOfReddit.

87  2017-12-19 by RMFN

OK...I know you are probably tired of hearing from me and this is slightly ironic because it was actually a 'shower thought'. Here goes.

The comment above shows a clear and systematic campaign of harassment against specific Reddit Users, in this case YOU, u/RMFN are being systematically targeted by the mod u/MAGA_Hatter; that is coordinated harassment via one of the MODS of TMOR...and indicates that the Subreddit TMOR actually classifies and targets individual reddit users in a coordinated campaign of intimidation, prejudice (their religious beliefs also; see his title of the OP mocking you) and harassment.

I have archived the subreddit and downloaded the zip showing your post on the front page of TMOR along with this image of TMOR with your post on it. Use all the photos here...including the one at the top to prove your case (because this is now centered around you)...

MAGA admits to targeting people for their personal beliefs, here:

MAGA admits to targeting you personally in a classified and coordinated system of harassment:

MAGA file of comments showing that he had a coordinated campaign of harassment aimed at you RMFN specifically:

TMOR with your clearly targeted for intimidation, prejudice and harassment OP on front page:

Archive Link to TMOR page showing comments:

Archive Link to MAGA_Hatter comments:

OK with this what you wanted a way to stop TMOR on Reddit from systematically harassing people and here it is. Let me know if you need anything. :)

The last thing I am going to do in one second is make an file of this OP and attach it here via EDIT as soon as I post this comment.

EDIT: link to this page:

Archive Link to your OP on conspiracy:

I have been dehumanized by the bigotry of /u/maga_hatter. They're intolerance to my religious and political beliefs have made me feel unsafe to freely discus my opinions. This post is to point out the fact that that kind of bigotry is allowed on reddit. I see the ideological of hatred against diverse opinions is the most important conspiracy we OK reddit have to tackle.


For over two years, the Top Minds of Reddit has been cyberstalking, bullying, discrediting, ban evading, downvote brigading and report as spam brigading posts on the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency and posts on directed energy weapons:

[WIKI] Censorship by /r/topmindsofreddit brigade

[WIKI] Censorship: Brigadiers who cyberstalk posters who post on EMF, infiltrate their posts, derail discussion, disinform, bully, submit a crosspost or bully in the crosspost, instigate vote brigade of the link posts and crossposts and/or report as spam brigade.

[WIKI] Censorship: /r/topmindsofreddit crossposts in their sub ridiculing TIs, cyberstalks TIs, infiltrates, derails, dominates the discussion, downvote brigades and report as spam brigades in this sub and other subs.

[WIKI] Censorship: Brigadiers who cyberstalk posters who post on EMF, infiltrate their posts, derail discussion, disinform, bully, submit a crosspost or bully in the crosspost, instigate vote brigade of the link posts and crossposts and/or report as spam brigade.

Numerous reports to the admins of harassment, vote brigading and report as spam brigading as neither resulted in permanent bans nor restoration of my comment karma. Last year, the admins had banned alt accounts for ban evasion in /r/electromagnetics and /r/targetedenergyweapons. This year, the admins refused to ban.

This comment is amazing enough to be it's own post

Thank you. It had been some what posted in /r/conspiracy before:

Any one else being gang cyberstalked by /r/topmindsofreddit? Have the admins ever enforced their new rule prohibiting cyberstalking?

/r/topmindsofreddit brigade takes over 4 health subs to circumvent posting on electromagnetic fields and naturopathy, to remove posts and ban. Brigadier /u/51Mike1980 gave an ultimatum constituting blackmail. He refuses to restore /r/neurology to its founding mod, /u/brain_doc.

At least five holistic health subs have been taken over and destroyed by Top Minds of Reddit brigade. Don't let /r/electromagnetics become the sixth.

Brigade from /r/topmindsofreddit reports as spam 12 posts on harmful effects of electromagnetic fields in /r/gettingoutofbed. Mod removes posts and bans me. Brigade downvotes posts in /r/electromagnetics and reports as spam. I am waiting for admins to act on my complaint of brigading.

Good. Fucking. Work.


And a certified piece of shit.

This proves that I am being systematically attacked for my political and religious beliefs. I am a monarchist pagan. Yet that is something to be ridiculed?

Isn't reddit a safe space for all religious beliefs?

TMOR is basically the real world. It’s hilarious to me how many ppl fkn cry and whine about their posts and/or comment/rebuttals. This isn’t flag football, take a hit and get back up. You’re honestly waiting for the refs to rub your owwies.

You must be joking..

It's malignant.

I have always thought that TMOR looked like the word TUMOR.

TMOR is a place where people go to make fun of others whose ideas they feel threatened by. They aren't the "real world". If anything, its a club of bullies and assholes who feel superior because they believe they know the truth and attack anyone who seeks to question whatever the Corporate Propaganda MSM have told them, the same Propaganda that TMOR eats up so readily.


With intent and maliciousness, they call for help to descend upon one user, or sub and abuse users with Reddit being the sole tool for their abuse.

By allowing it to exist, they are literally sponsoring a hate group.

It's pretty straightforward, I'm not sure why that place still exists.

It's pretty straightforward, I'm not sure why that place still exists.

Everything is for a reason. TMOR serves its purpose for those in higher places, both wittingly and unwittingly.

Yeah, I agree. In the real world there ARE those bitchy teenage girls in high school who sit at the lunch table and gossip and make fun of every one.


Any particular bloodline?

Not blood based monarchy. Victory based.

So more of a Roman Emperor styled rule where as long as you win the civil war, you have legitimacy?

No. More like Norse kingship. As described in the Edda's.

I am unfamiliar with the Edda's. Does your idea require constant victory, then? And what kind of victory? Strictly warfare or political as well? I am genuinely curious as to your thoughts. I've not often had the chance to speak with someone who supports absolute rule.

Can we just use personal victories? Like, I got both socks on this morning without sitting down, or falling over. I'd call that a victory.

I mean, I would suppose there is a difference between personal victories of an average fellow, and victories required to maintain the loyalty of a warrior people.

That may be the most silly thing I've ever heard

He’s not wrong. OP is racist.

Everything is racist to you, so really, nothing is racist...

You are 100 racist. You don’t want communities intermingling. Yikes

You are 100 racist.




Hi back

Cool cool cool

Awesome awesome awesome

What’s you favorite album?

Anything by Pink Floyd are you checking to see if I'm a bot

Nah. I’m just making small talk. I have some of their albums.

On vinyl I hope

Of course. Just picked up one recently. Can’t remember what it was. My record player and records are in storage for the time being, but I can’t wait to listen to it

I love the fact that vinyl is making a comeback

Everyone who disagrees with me is racist!

I sometimes wonder if you guys get sore arms from self righteously patting yourselves on the back after virtue signaling.

It really must be exhausting.

Yep, you got it. You’re the most ironic red piller ever. Ask OP about his beliefs on interracial dating.

Give that arm a rest, bud. You're gonna get tennis elbow...

They both hurt!

Yea, another user told me about this guy.

He admitted to being a media matters employee in a message

you link is broken...can you repost?

really, that is grotesque, a PEDO DEFENDER; so probably Deep State or US Gov of some sort? Well that is why he thinks that the Reddit Admins won't ban him.

MAGA_Hatter feeling confident that Reddit Admins will not do anything to him for systematic harassment of other Reddit Users for their personal beliefs.

Link works for me and others

Frustrating, thank you, for some reason it doesn't work at all for me.

Yeah, that maga guy has a real red rocket for me, as well. Such a sad, sad human...

What kind of sickness compels people to keep files on reddit users...


Many are probably sociopaths whether paid or not, that's for sure.

now imagine that some freeks do this shit to their own acquaintances for pay.

Dude has nothing going on in his life. You have to be pretty pathetic to actually keep files on people you talk shit to. Like millions of things to do in this world and the guy sits back talking shit to people all day like the little goblin he is.

Inb4 he claims he has a thriving social life because no one this creepy can actually have friends that appreciate him.

Is there anything you can contribute image wise or archive wise to prove that he is systematically harassing you? Now is the time. Here is my list of people I have noticed him systematically harassing. u/LightMakerFlex u/polkadotgirl u/RMFN of course and I believe I caught him harassing you too once or twice in the past I believe we even had a conversation about it.

Sure, I'll get back to you on the archives. That piece of shit pings me in TMOR and talks shit, knowing full well I'm banned from there. Cowards, the lot of them...

Fantastic! That is very good news...I noticed that MAGA is a complete chickenshit dirtbag scared and hiding behind his sub. pinging people.

Anyone you know who might contribute data or that you have noticed him or _Ph03niX harassing...if we are going to take them down we have to get everyone and as much evidence as possible.

I'm banned, as well, but get pinged several times daily. I pm them back sometimes, but rarely get a response.

Not magahatter but phoenix

I'll add this here to show others what pheonix is about..

Im the queen bee he is referencing. Alsp have a post where magahatter admits to being a shill. Will link

That's shitty and shameful. I hope the money is worth it to them to sell out whatever integrity they had like that. There's still hope for them individually but one day they'll wake up, look back on this and regret it.

We all have to answer to God one day. Even the demons know God is real, and they shudder.

That is what keeps my head up. God. I have this feeling that they think women are easy targets to "shut up" with classic humiliation. I won't shut up. I know you won't, either.

I think you are absolutely right. I will not shut up and neither should you. We are in this together!

This is absolutely sarcasm ... which is troubling for a number of reasons, studies are beginning to show that an inability to detect obvious sarcasm can actually be a early sign of dementia:

Lmfao!!! Ok this is getting....

I cant even anymore. He's got his little army, I know.

That guy and one of his alts have been tag-teaming me for days in threads from a week ago. It's truly pathetic.

I don't have any alts, what are you babbling on about? Stick to pedo-defending ...

I dunno, it's pretty obviously sarcasm. That isn't the only study demonstrating a link between an inability to detect sarcasm and mental illness.

Yeah, he/she/xir/zit is another one. Sad, sad humans...

Very. Probably paid to do it though.

Both gangstalking, harassing dregs. I wonder just how many people have been specifically targeted by these monsters?

You can add /u/RecoveringGrace to that list.

Lol, I've even caught the targeting with alts in the last two days. I don't get it. I think I'm pretty genuine and pleasant.

Yea I think so too. But I have noticed their obsession with you.

They truly hate me. I really don't get their fascination. We also know they hate polkadot, and recenty, one of them (timmy??) challenged /u/DonnaGail as per her gender- literally asked her if she had female bits.

My guess is that Phoenix, Hatter, ElCamino and the alts hate women.

My guess is they hate themselves more than anyone else. Maybe they turn their hatred towards you women on here cause they can't get any women irl to like them.

Maybe? I hate to do some weird "gender profiling", but girls seem to twist their panties in an odd way.

Lol- a pm from Phoenix. So hilarious:

I don't hate women. I've actually been married to a real deal hottie for over 15 years. It's often easy to picture all reddit males as chubby hipsters from The Bay Area, but that's not me. I'm just as slick in real life, dear ;)

Oh, and I don't use alts; never have in all my years here. I have many old-school rules that I don't break, and that's one of them. Another is never /u/ summoning people, which, as you know, I made an exception for. I don't normally make exceptions.

I don't need alts for my purposes anyways, but some do, and I tried to point one out to you - but to no avail.


He's changed his tone quite a bit, eh? I doubt he's given up his silly, misguided crusade but there is still hope that someday they see the error in what they're doing..

They don't seem to realize the damage in what they do for their own ideological/political 'team.' They're counterproductive in all kinds of ways.

What the hell was he even doing in this thread, lil? That is really, really sad. I didn't ping him.

He sent you a PM?? To talk about his fictional wife and his fictional life?? jeez, you think he is obsessing much over this?

Indeed, he did. Funny, isn't it?

Creepy TBH...and sort of pathetically desperate in a very gross and almost juvenile way.

Probably because women find them repulsive. I only know what I've heard from this sub and what I've seen them post on this sub but they sound like a sad bunch. People like that generally have self esteem issues or have been rejected many times leading to their nasty attitudes. If the highlight of your day is making fun of people you don't know and harassing them then chances are you don't live a very pleasant life. I can't imagine anyone wanting to be in a relationship with such a toxic person.

And you got strangely downvoted. You are actually telling truth, if I'd be forced to guess.

I think TMoR is a group that is (((partially funded))). There are also a lot of kids that fall in with the group because they want to be cool and "in" with the bullies.

Why do you give these dipshits any space in your head man? They are unintentionally hilarious if ya just look at it a little differently. You literally have these losers taking time out of their day to think of ways to fuck with you. Like...that is their life. This is all the kings horsemen and kings men. And this is the best they got. Can you think of a more pathetic tryhard way to spend your life.

Spend less time worrying about what they do and more time doing all that great stuff that makes them so mad they waste their time on you.

The only solution to trolls is ignore.

I have been dehumanized by the bigotry of /u/maga_hatter. They're intolerance to my religious and political beliefs have made me feel unsafe to freely discus my opinions. This post is to point out the fact that that kind of bigotry is allowed on reddit. I see the ideological of hatred against diverse opinions is the most important conspiracy we OK reddit have to tackle.

I believe you can block other accounts through reddit, and I know you can with RES. Might be the best option, I think it blocks username pings too. I assume you've reported to the admins too?

Fyi he works for media matters. Another user called him out on it and he admitted to it.

What is media matters?

Media matters is an organization that deploys internet shills to "correct political disinformation". David Brock owns the group.

This guy is a Brock shill admittedly.

If you haven't seen it, a supposed whistle blower that worked for him had a lot to say about what they do here on reddit:

I'm brand new here and tried to do my own figuring out based on your comment so correct me if I'm wrong. Are they particularly targeting social media to get gullible, uninformed people?

Thats not meant to be a dig I consider myself uninformed.

Correct. The idea is to "nip lurkers in the bud" before they take the culture and the truth movement seriously.

Derailing topics with irrelevant bullshit, insane bullshit, or personal attacks are also common tactics.

Usually commenters with no urge to discuss the topic they are commenting on. Normal people don't do that shit, because it's a waste of time.

Left-leaning watchdog org

"Left leaning" nah man, they're the faux left that doesn't give a shit about economics and only cares about surface issues of Identity Politics. They were on the front lines with CTR to destroy the Bernie movement here on Reddit as well. They fucking hate the real Left, because they're a bunch of sycophantic Corporate Centrists.

They control Democrat talking points and social media narrative.

I was shitposting a couple days ago, and you ripped me a new one, but you know what?

The behaviour against you is creepy, to say the least.

Criminal in some countries, at worst.

This will come to nothing, because you wrongthink.

People don't respect your beliefs do you're whining here? Suck it up champ the internet isn't going to coddle you.

I feel bad for them in a way. Paid shills or not, I'd bet their hate of others comes from some deep seeded self hatred, weakness or insecurities irl. Only behind a keyboard can they get away with what they do.

But that is excellent advice. Ignore the fools and keep doing what you do. They are meaningless.

Agree. Sad pathetic people

Just man up and quit bitching about a fkn post. Go elsewhere. I’d y’all don’t like the sub go to r/wordnews or r/politics. Top minds doesn’t give a shit, hence the chatter.

It's weird, I posted a single comment on T_D subreddit once and I was banned from several subreddits immediately, twoxchromosomes, offmychest, etc, I have no idea why r/conspiracy doesn't simply ban users who make posts on TMOR, anyone posting on TMOR is not a contributing member of this subreddit, and is promoting breaking rule 10 through circumventing subreddits.

This should not be allowed and if I were a mod I would put a stop to it. People who comment on TMOR shouldn't be banned, but people who make posts on TMOR are obviously malignant individuals.

We have rule 9, but, it's almost never enforced (at least not that I've seen - I've reported TopMinds for it - never get [removed] or banned).

I've caught and reported several for X-posting- sometimes they make the post here and simultaneously X-post to TMoR. Then they get banned and make a cry post in TMoR about how they got banned here cause mean mods in r/con.

But most of us are banned there, right? So fucking funny.

But most of us are banned there, right? So fucking funny.

They remind me of the type of kids who talked shit, then ran to their garage and closed the door, then continued talking shit, when I was a kid.

They just mostly use sockpuppets.

I'm pretty sure that the rule is that if they X-post or participate in an X-post in a derogatory way, they are banned. They all have alts, though, so the rule doesn't help much.

I did not realize that. Explains why I could never relate to all of those "I was auto-banned here!" posts.

Yeah, the mods here don't "auto-ban" for being subbed there. You have to actually be involved in an X-post and be disparaging to a r/con user.

The modlogs are public- you can see their lies there.

...but I did get temp banned in t_d a few weeks ago. There's an unwritten rule against Q & Vegas posting over there.

I'm banned there, too. As well as from r/news, r/worldnews and r/politics.

Pretty much means you are human and are doing a good job shaking things up and making people see reality.

I've heard that t_d is super pro-israel lately.

Sure it does, it consumes time. Even the smallest amount, added up, switching between accounts and tracking them, is time they don't have to shill.

But then we have to spend time figuring out what dickweed is the new alt. It only takes a few minutes, but it's annoying.

I call bullshit on you... What this leftist sites do is despicable. You are been silence for something you said some where else, did you do something that can ban you on this sub? No then you have nothing to fear

I know multiple cures for cancer, I discovered Morgellons is a spirochetal infection associated with borrelia spirochetes, the same causative agent that causes Lyme disease, etc.

I have nothing to fear either way.

Your sentence structure is lacking clarity.

Down with Top Minds of Reddit!

If you log out of your user id and run a search for "conspiracy" from the r/all page, the top result is a post from tmor claiming that r/conspiracy has morphed into T_D v 2.0.

That's one of many shitty memes they spread to try to define this sub and people in it. This place is very diverse.

This, they try to make this place seem like TD on purpose. It's a dumb talking point to chase users away and soil the subs good name.

There are some TD folks here and of all stripes. It's not a bad thing like they paint it to be.

As long as people come in good faith and not to stir shit up like the Top Minds, I don't see any wrong with it.

Saying stuff like this is what started getting my main targeted and harassed, for what it's worth.

"This place is very diverse."

This is a big part of why I like this sub. Gives me a chance to talk and even argue with ppl from all walks of life and learn new perspectives. In this sub I can converse with ppl I might consider enemies in real life and argue with ppl I might consider friends.

Yea, that's what I like about it too. There's many that think outside the box from different perspectives here. It gets the noggin joggin.

Yep, that's also why it's so disheartening to see it become infested by shills and trolls during/after the 2016 presidential election. Of all the cool things to do on Reddit, TMOR exists solely to bash on r/conspiracy...pathetic.

Yea, you gotta filter them out and ignore them. Look at the good that's here and ignore their bad.

Username mention: Not "bullshit detector," not "this is likely someone blowing smoke," but TMOR Alert.

You stay you, u/RecoveringGrace.

TMOR discussing getting access to "RMFN's updated file"

That conversation alludes to their targets having significance or causing them hardship. Interesting implications.

I am absolutely horrified that this has been a 2 year long ongoing problem for some of their targets. Reminds me of the shills on YT who always had a full psyche pro'file' on their victims. They would harass them and mention things that we incredibly personal and pointed in the harassment. I got to experience that firsthand and notice it as a repeating pattern in the harassment of other individuals who weren't bending to the deep state agenda.

Like if someone's gf had committed suicide, 'suicide themes' would be repeatedly brought up in one form or other in the harassment. It was pretty brutal. Imagine having a full psyche file on people and just choosing how you intend on hurting and injuring them for standing up for their beliefs.

This is why this issue of 'RMFN's updated file' is so important to me. I want to know what types of information they have access to 'medical records', past personal history, financial records? If they are doxxing people, but not making it public, but using that information to perform a systematic online campaign of harassment, I think this becomes more of a information/national security type issue (I am 'pretending' pretty heavily that the current US Gov still cares about its own citizens here, lolz).

We are 5 steps ahead of them

TMOR joking about doxxing their victims and reporting them for banning (upper part of photo is an image from r/conspiracy) lower part is from TMOR comments here


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Ran into this garbage before. Shit belongs in sewers

WTF is the first third even supposed to mean? Are you referring to yourself in second person?

Most of your links aren't even close to matching your descriptions.

Can we get a ban or something then? I'm facereplacer3 because of "brigading" which I never do, but this guy can openly say stuff like that?

They are fucking with you, dude. I've seen it myself. Can we convince the mods here to ban him? I've been banned from subs for having a different opinion, yet having an elevated position and using it to harrass and gang-stalk? Fucking brilliantly unbiased, reddit.

u/-Spook- just calling you over here in case you had anything to add/images/proof(s) of targeted systematic harassment, bullying for personal beliefs etc

I wish I did. Nothing past generalizing insults and PM's that allude and outright say things like...

its my job to post on Reddit.

Which is basically nothing in the eyes of the mods around here. I tried baiting him/them back but the clammed up pretty quick and I wasn't sure why.

I'm assuming your recent post has pulled them off me and they are all now directly targeting you.

directly targeting you considering they they made a mirror mocking this post.

Have link?

Meh...If they want to go the route of war that is fine...I can definitely use that to my advantage. No publicity is bad publicity. It will be really healthy for people to see how the private interest NGO's operate in social media to sway public opinion and target both individual and ideas.

I messed that up. I thought your shout out was from your original thread here. Just noticed this is a whole new post. Sorry just woke up lol.

This one I'm sure you know about...

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

;) Thanks...yeah I am following both threads while I also look into their other targeted persons and OP's to see why they are 'intervening' and 'subverting' particular ideologies, just beginning to get my feet wet with understanding their overarching agenda. Could eventually lead to some HIGHLY interesting connections between people, agendas and certain special interest groups.

They're intolerance to my religious and political beliefs have made me feel unsafe to freely discus my opinions

Awww poor little baby did the internet hurt your feelings ? Fuck dude Grow some balls I can tell you are a soy-boy millennial that has never been in a fight and has never ever defend him self ... You believe that you are entitled to say what you want with out no repercussions to your beliefs... News flash boi that's not how life works. Pff your Generation discusses me.

Your post was linked in the sub topmindsofreddit that harasses and breaks the rules of Reddit by voting in subs that it links from its own subbredit I encourage everyone to sub and report activity.


I have always thought that TMOR looked like the word TUMOR.

So more of a Roman Emperor styled rule where as long as you win the civil war, you have legitimacy?

Im the queen bee he is referencing. Alsp have a post where magahatter admits to being a shill. Will link

Many are probably sociopaths whether paid or not, that's for sure.

We have rule 9, but, it's almost never enforced (at least not that I've seen - I've reported TopMinds for it - never get [removed] or banned).

now imagine that some freeks do this shit to their own acquaintances for pay.

They just mostly use sockpuppets.

I'm pretty sure that the rule is that if they X-post or participate in an X-post in a derogatory way, they are banned. They all have alts, though, so the rule doesn't help much.

I mean, I would suppose there is a difference between personal victories of an average fellow, and victories required to maintain the loyalty of a warrior people.

Dude has nothing going on in his life. You have to be pretty pathetic to actually keep files on people you talk shit to. Like millions of things to do in this world and the guy sits back talking shit to people all day like the little goblin he is.

Inb4 he claims he has a thriving social life because no one this creepy can actually have friends that appreciate him.

I call bullshit on you... What this leftist sites do is despicable. You are been silence for something you said some where else, did you do something that can ban you on this sub? No then you have nothing to fear