James Alefantis (J'aime les enfants) Instagram: pedogate revisited.

197  2017-12-19 by FartOnToast

Yesterday I made two posts regarding pedogate.



From those two posts a debate on the lifestyle and art preferences of the Podesta's and James Alefantis came up.

A photo was presented to the users in the post:


/r/topmindsofreddit linked my posts and came to brigade to try to control the narrative. They tried to get me to post more pictures as if they haven't seen the uncovered photos before. I wanted to see where the convo would go in regards to this particular photo.

With the photo that was presented, they tried to downplay any connection that it might have to pedophilia and said that the photos are representations of war by the artist. They also said that because Podesta only owns two of those paintings, that the creepiness of the rest shouldn't be considered. They further tried to put words in my mouth and accused me of being aroused by these photos and said that I apperently find them sexual, implying that there's nothing sexual about them. Well OK...

Let's have a look here shall we?

Warning: NSFW


I will be tagging the users that participated in the post yesterday and I would like them to try justify these photos in the same manner that they did yesterday with the other. I mean they did technically ask for more photos.

I wonder what kind of justification they will have for normalizing these ones.

edit: well this is getting interesting
edit 2: /r/topmindsofreddit has arrived
edit3: how TMOR get together, sympathise pedophila, accuse and harass those trying to break the silence like a bunch of vultures edit4: banned to please TMOR? no proper warnings given? Muted when asked what comments got me banned.


Do you have any victims? Why do people have justify art to you? You are promoting a hoax for political reasons

Because users (mostly from brigade) tried to say there is nothing pedo in nature about the photos, wich many users of the community disagree.

If there is something pedo in nature about them then we can establish that James and Podesta share a pedo lifestyle, a fact many are still trying to deny.

I don't know what's so artistic about the photos on Instagram for you. That's what I want to know. Could you tell me what's artistic in the photos in the link that I provided? Thank you.

It's called projection. You want him to be a child molester, so you see photos of a young child and think "this is creepy." When in reality he's posting photos of his neice on his Instagram.

What's most surprising is the taped hands one wasn't even in that list - people love to use that one.

No one is trying to normalize pedophilia. You want to have a witch hunt based on art. You want a pat on the back because you gave up on the tunnels? The whole pizzagate thing is retarded. You have not produced any evidence, in over a year. It's dead, there is nothing there

No one is trying to normalize pedophilia.

Please see the rest of the thread jumping in front of traffic to tell us nothing is wrong with these pictures.

The victims looks a bit young to be going out their way to be telling people they've been abused don't you think. It's only a matter of time til the scumbags get what they deserve.

Why do you keep posting the the misleading image of Biljana's oeuvre? Podesta only owns 2 of the 13 paintings shown. Is it because the paintings he actually owns are innocuous?

Can we please address the rest of the photos in the main link I provided as I intended in the post. Thank you.

Two guys looking at a hole.. Very sinister, I'm sure that after documenting their project on instagram they threw some half-eaten babies in there and filled it back up with cement.

[https://www.wanttoknow.info/sexabuse/james-alefantis-instagram_files/a6d46b1dbdc49ee95f833349b5f460f7223ccf35.png](What is this pornographic filth!?) Everyone knows that "hammocks" are just plausibly deniable sex swings, like those "personal massages" you can buy on amazon.

Maybe you just missed the comments. what does what what in the butt mean? or is that a new slang that I'm out of the loop of what what in the butt Maybe I should be cool like them and post it on my Instagram photos of my baby.

The photo of the hole could simply be them joking during construction. Why did you conveniently choose the least 2 weird photos from the whole website? Your intentions are pretty obvious but I will let you speak for yourself.

"what what in the butt" could be a South Park reference, it's a Butters thing.

"What What (In the Butt)" is a viral videocreated by Andrew Swant and Bobby Ciraldofor the song of the same name by Samwell.[1]It is known for its numerous camp references to homosexuality and anal sex. 


Well... then that's probably it, but it's also a South Park reference. :)

"What What (In the Butt)" is a viral videocreated by Andrew Swant and Bobby Ciraldofor the song of the same name by Samwell.[1]It is known for its numerous camp references to homosexuality and anal sex.

I see.

Gay men talking about butts! This. Is. Shocking.

Antinous was Hadrians lover when he was a teenager as was common at the time.

He's one of the earliest gay icons because Hadrian made him a God after he died, which was rather unusual.

You can learn more here


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Antinous was Hadrians lover when he was a teenager as was common at the time.

He's one of the earliest gay icons because Hadrian made him a God after he died, which was rather unusual. I don't think using one image of a statue as an avatar is indicative of child abuse.

You can learn more here


If you go back to the beginning of this conversation chain the argument is about

What is this pornographic filth?

I was simply rebutting to his claim that its not pornographic filth.

However that is not to say that some of these pictures are not indicative of of child abuse as well.

It's not pornographic, it's a bust of a man who died in 130AD.

Can you highlight which photos you feel show child abuse?

whatwhatinthebutt is due to the text "butt" on his shirt that the woman is pointing to. Whatwhatinthebutt was a viral video a couple of years ago due to its weirdness Video

The hash tag is reference to that video.

"What What (In the Butt)" is a viral videocreated by Andrew Swant and Bobby Ciraldofor the song of the same name by Samwell.[1]It is known for its numerous camp references to homosexuality and anal sex. 


Yeah I know. That's the video I posted. It was a viral video due to its weirdness. It was parodied by South Park.

The Hashtag is reference to that video.

I don't really get your point.

Whatwhatinthebutt is referenced due to the "butt" on his shirt.

"What What (In the Butt)" is a viral videocreated by Andrew Swant and Bobby Ciraldofor the song of the same name by Samwell.[1]It is known for its numerous camp references to homosexuality and anal sex.

Yeah, we know. And? Maybe he likes anal sex. But it's probably just a pop-culture reference.

Yeah guys please advertise your sex life on pictures of your kids, its very appropriate

I guess he's got no defense for that one.

You broke rhe shills. All they can do is downvote you.

Are we having a conversation about appropriate or evidence of pedophelia? Because I don’t see it as the latter.

Inappropriate content is evidence. I'm guessing the chicken lover photo was also about how they all love chicken? For the love of god, explain how its about chicken when theres no food in the picture. I'm dying with curiosity to hear your input on this one.

The chicken lover reference doesn't't even match the picture. The definition explicitly states that if refers to a young boy but the picture is of a young girl being held.

The baby loves chicken? The adult loves chicken? The baby is nicknamed chicken because it makes noises like a chicken when it coos? Don’t any of those make as much sense as the obscure slang? Sure it could be code, it could also be a huge number of things that are not code.

Amazing work detective. And the hotard hashtag must be because...well, the baby is a retarded ho. Nice work, case closed.

It’s because they called their baby a hotard. Who gives a fuck? My buddy calls his two year old a ho all the time, because that’s what he calls people when he’s angry. Doesn’t mean he’s fucking his kids. It seems like a much larger stretch to me that he’s talking about fucking his kids than just calling a kid a funny name (funny because it’s inappropriate).

  1. Its not his baby.
  2. Theres a limit to whats just a joke and whats implying abuse. My mum called me a dickhead as a kid because I was one, if I hear a parent call their child a whore I'll be worried, fuck your definition of "normal".
  3. There is literally no other definition for a hotard except retarded ho, so it can't be classified as coincidence in any sense.

I'm sure you have much more to say, but frankly I don't give a shit because I won't waste my time on a misinformed degenerate.

Pretty vast difference in tone between ho and whore, but keep clutching your pearls you delicate snowflake you.

Do you think you’re reading way too much into this Instagram comment?

I think he thinks homosexuality is illegal or something. #ShariahLaw

Again I know. But it was a reference to a viral video not to the content.

Have you watched the video? It pretty tame compared to today's pop culture.

Why did you conveniently choose the least 2 weird photos from the whole website?

Because the only "weird" photo is the one of the guy covered in fake blood, taken on Halloween.

People in a kitchen.. Crazy shit.

.........you don't see anytging wrong with the rest?

For my own reference, which two does he own? I'd like to know just how disingenuous OP was being here.

The two with red stars.

There were actually three Djurdjevic paintings that Podesta displayed on his walls:

The art in Tony Podesta's home was featured in this June 2015 article. I've collected the images from that in this imgur album. There's quite a range of art, including the three paintings by Djurdjevic.

Tony Podesta and his then-wife Heather had a vast collection of art, numbering more than 2000 museum-quality works at its peak, before they divorced.

Here are some works from their collection:

As you can see, there's a wide variety of art. A few pieces in his collection have disturbing themes, but I dare anybody to explain in complete sentences what's wrong with that. Some of the most popular art has disturbing themes.

Question: how'd you find out what's hanging on Tony Podesta's walls? I read an article about his art tour but it only mentioned some paintings.

I didn't click all his links, but it looks like he left out the series of photos of nude teens that the Podesta's decorated their guestroom with.

The article said they had artworks by Katy Grannan, who became well-known for a series that included nude teenagers, but it didn't say they owned those photos. It is, however, a reasonable assumption, given that his wife made a comment about people being "horrified" at the art in their bedroom. Have you actually read anything about The Model American series? Here's alink to an article about the pictures. They're not child porn.

You're quoting twsmith. A user who exclusively comes to this subreddit to "debunk" conspiracies. The guy is not a trustworthy user.

Thanks for posting all this stuff. It's all new to me. I'm just fascinated and disgusted at the same time. What really gets to me are the child coffins... wtf.

What child coffins? It's a coffee table, there's only one, and it doesn't even have sides.

Even a child coffin formed coffee table is fucked up. And the picture I saw was no fucking table.

It's... a coffin coffee table, not a child coffin coffee table, but anyway... show us the picture you saw that demonstrates it's a real coffin and not a piece of gothic decor?

What exactly are you fighting for? I saw what I saw, it was a disturbing image, and you're arguing about a coffee table.

They're here.

This will be an interesting thread by the end of the day.

lmao Hatter is already going off the rocker alleging me as being 2 former users they harassed. No thanks, weakbait.

I don't think he slept for 2 days writing straight about me... This is the second post about me.

And who's Instagram is that?

Do you really want to go down that rabbit hole?

Just answer me.

You, /u/55_55 and the nobody dude all parrot the same questions over and over and over. Either you're the same people, or you're pulling from a playbook.

Or people see the same flaws in the arguments and when questioned it’s always a deflection or you must be a shill type bullshit.

No, they're just all people with the ability to think, asking critical questions. Naturally, this befuddles pizzagaters, since they have no actual evidence to answer those questions with.

By that logic all PG'ers are the same people or have a playbook.

If many people are bringing up the same problems with your logic, or asking for the same missing evidence... maybe you should take it as constructive criticism.

Workingonmynnightchesse is a frequant comentor on pizzaboys Instagram posts.

Can you link a comment?

The last time I linked a pizzagate picture with the comments un covered I was banned for sharing personal information. I had to beg the mods to let me back in and promise I won't do it again.


I'm not interested in your creepy coffee tables. Stop selling.

Whoa that ain't mine I'm just showing a relation to the other coffin photo.

I don't care who it belongs to. It's fucked up symbolism. Let's just look at this particular image. It says kill room and there's a picture of a coffin. To me it looks like a child sized coffin, but that's not the point... let's forget about that.

What do you see? How do you feel about that? Do you look at this picture and think "this is normal"? Come on, man... this is some bad shit.

Workingonmynnightchesse is a frequant comentor on pizzaboys Instagram posts.

Jesus dude do you get outside? It's a coffin drawn in white chalk marker on a wall. If you seriously think "this is some bad shit" upon seeing that image you must live an extremely sheltered life.

FartOnToast... lordfartsquad... how many alt accounts do you have?

You're completely ignoring the context and the words "kill room", which in combination with the coffin and the child abuse allegations makes it look pretty fucking bad. Just let it go man.

Excuse me? Why would an alt for the OP of a pizzagate post be calling pizzagate bullshit in the comments? You think just because I have fart in my name I must be an alt for the dude with complete opposite views on the topic?

Literally about the same level of logic you put into connecting the dots of this 'conspiracy' don't know why I'm surprised.

And no, it doesn't make it look pretty bad. They have a creepy room in their workplace, they refer to it as kill-room as a joke, someone drew a coffin on it and labelled it as a joke. You can't present that evidence "in combination" with the allegations, because they're not allegations from victims, authority figures, or anyone who knows this guy. They're coming from your bullshit. They don't make an innocuous drawing more suspicious.

Why would an alt for the OP of a pizzagate post be calling pizzagate bullshit in the comments?

Look... if you're really not the same person I apologize, sincerely. I didn't have time to read through all the comments. I had reason to believe so due to a) the name obviously, and b) the way you replied to me. Pretty similar, for someone with totally different views from OP.

And some people just want to watch the world burn, by playing multiple roles. I've seen it all. OP strikes me as this kind of person.

I hope you can understand that. I have nothing else to say to you.

Look dude I think you just need to spend less time thinking about conspiracies. I mean, because I dissented with you and had fart in my username you immediately made the connection that I must be an alt of OP and tried to call me out for it. Did you even check our post histories? Do any kind of critical thinking? Or did you just accuse me based off your feelings.

Just take a step back and look at your comments, you need to think more about logic and reason than what you think must be right. Just because a connection between two things can be made doesn't mean there's a connection (i.e. my username being similar to OP does not make me an alt. Someone liking art you find creepy does not make them a pedo)

Did you notice the #metal hashtag? So now the millions of people who enjoy heavy metal are now pedophiles? Did we timewarp back to the 80's and you're going to tell me next that Dungeons and Dragons leads to Satanism? \m/\m/\m/

It was literally a coffee table. The guy is a furniture maker.


I saw what I saw, it was a disturbing image, and you're arguing about a coffee table.

Ok, so show us. Contribute to the body of evidence.

Lol this is what shills do

The pedo defenders will tell you its a coffee table.

If this is true I ask what type of sick bastard has child sized coffin as a coffee table?

Thank you! That's all I'm saying. It's fucked up no matter how you turn it.

How big are your coffee tables? It's a coffee table sized coffin coffee table. If I have a coffin shaped necklace does that mean it's a fairy coffin since it's tiny?

Do you believe in fairy's?

More than I believe that Pizzagate has any truth to it.

And you're deflecting from my point. What makes that a child coffin instead of just a coffee table sized coffin table? You say it's supposed to represent a child's coffin, but the more reasonable explanation is that it's a coffin shaped coffee table.

Because children have little coffins.

Little coffin = child sized.

So every single coffin shaped work of art that's about 3 feet long represents a child's coffin? It's completely impossible for someone to create a piece of art that resembles a non-child coffin if it's around 3 ft long? Coffin shaped bookends are disgusting because they're clearly meant to be aborted fetus coffins?

Well it doesn't represent an adults coffin.

Maybe a midgets?

Why not? Who says that a coffin shaped piece of art must only be life sized? Whats a 2 inch coffin on a necklace supposed to represent?

I grant you.

In some cases a little coffin could be art.

It only becomes a concern when that art is posted alongside children taped down and posts talking about a kill room etc etc.

It's hard to believe that we are the same species.

I feel like Pizzagate is a weird attempt to censor art and artists and to paint them as pedophiles. Doesn't make sense to you? They must be raping and murdering children. That's a pretty far leap, isn't it?

I grew up around artists and this stuff doesn't seem outrageous to me. It doesn't indicate a child prostitution ring, either. I also think pedophiles are abhorrent and should face harsh punishments.

Who are you to decide what kind of coffee table people should be using? Shall we also burn any books you deem offensive?

Yes please.

Here's a list.

What happened by Hillary Clinton.

Dreams of My Father by Barrack Obama.

Spirit Cooking for beginners by Jon Podesta's.

If you could burn these that would be great.

I won't be burning anything because I'm not terrified of inanimate objects. Societies that have banned such things out of "decency" have gone on to do some actually terrifying things.

Then why did you offer then?

You big tease.

I meant it to illustrate how ridiculous it is to be offended by a coffee table, but sadly it did not get the point across.

You did. I'm just pulling your leg.

No one is calling for a ban on child sized coffin coffee tables and no one is offended by the kiddie coffin coffee table on its own.

I'm trying to be cheeky with you, too. :)

It's one coffin shaped table the guy made. He's a furniture maker.


This is not the picture I'm referring to. This looks very different.

Oh, which one are you referring to?


This post triggered some people . Thanks for reminding me how creepy this all was and is.

False accusations of pedophilia tend to trigger people who believe in innocent until proven guilty

As I said down below, Antinous was Hadrians lover when he was a teenager as was common at the time.

He's one of the earliest gay icons because Hadrian made him a God after he died, which was rather unusual. I don't think using one image of a statue as an avatar is indicative of child abuse.

You can learn more here


Furthermore the bottom image in that meme with John Podesta with "cultish symbology" was actually for a campaign to protect the oceans.


Podesta even mentions GG14 as being his favorite of the goals in one of the emails.

Nah dude they eat kids

It's the only logical explanation!

You know.. that would work if you know... that was the ONLY thing that tied him up with pedophilia. If NONE of the other things existed.

What we have here is one thing on top of the other and the other.

Just because you find a way to reason your way out of this specific detail. It does not take away from the rest of the other details that together mount to a pile of reasons WHY we come up to the idea that he is in fact a pedophile.

A fact that they conveniently always ignore.

Who is Kathryn Tate? User of the code language "handkerchief"?

wrong thread

You haven't answered me in any thread 😂

I would do it quicker if I didn't have an army of trolls bombarding me.

You had time to type this response...

Why is it that whenever a pizzagate claim gets knocked down, the supporters always go "Well that claim isn't really important, it's about the big picture!"

The "big picture" is that pizzagate is a mass of unrelated, fabricated, or misrepresented claims that fall apart when you look at any of them closely.

Its defenders have to scurry from one crumbling claim to another, hoping that the skeptics will tire after the umpteenth "well sure that claim turned out to be bullshit, but what about..."

The fact of the matter is, any skeptic can "reasonably" knock down each one individually. Problem is, when there are 20+ facts that suggest a certain idea... you can't just keep explaining them all away as independent events, and still think that YOU are the one being logical and reasonable, because you're ignoring the context of the entire situation.

Sure we can. If everything you present as evidence has a reasonable explanation then it means that your idea is full of shit. You can't just make 100 shitty claims and then say that's suspicious that people always manage to refute them.

What I can't get over is the fact that there has never been an actual accuser in Pizzagate. As far as I know, nobody has ever said, "these guys ritually abused me." Did they kill every child?

Just for curiosity's sake, can you name some of the 20+ things?

Nope, you're right about everything. I'm stupid and you're super smarter than everyone. Happy?? Because based on your snarky and condescending tone, I can tell that nothing I say will register with you anyway. Rather not waste my time.

Anyone who's actually interested "for curiosity's sake" can go look at the archived voat page.

Dude, I ask a question and you react like that? I didn't mean to be condescending at all, english is not my first language so it might've been because of that. Either way, acting like a victim when you're asked a question won't help people believe you.

My apologies if I misunderstood a legitimate request, I was already in defensive mode when I responded to you and sensed a tone of mocking condescension.

I'll send you a good link when I'm at my computer tomorrow that I feel lists most of the truly disturbing aspects of the story that are hard to explain away in aggregate. I'm on mobile right now and this topic is not the easiest one to try and search for old sources that I've read before. Sorry again for the snark.

‘Facts that suggest’. You don’t see the issue with you painting your interpretations as fact? It’s a fact these pictures exist, it is not a fact that they are evidence of pedophelia.

I never made the claim that they did. You just inferred that in order to make your argument.

If each one can logically and reasonably be knocked down, then the illusion of context goes with it.

The big problem is that you claim that they are unrelated, fabricated and misrepresented.

Please give me examples of those, because not everyone has the full picture, and a lot of mistakes will be made trying to find the truth.

But when you look at the basis of it... there is something there.

Here is the basis of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7It54Sz2CQ

If you go deeper... then you get MORE questions instead of less.

It’s that ‘in fact’ part I have a problem with. In theory, sure. In fact, nah.

ok... gave us the idea that in theory he could be a pedophile.

We want more investigations, serious investigation on the matter.

Sure. I hear you. Just stop claiming it’s a fact when it’s not. I shouldn’t have to point that out considering the nature of your ‘evidence’ and the seriousness of the claims.

I don't have to remind you of the seriousness of the claims. Specially when we look at everything else that surrounds it.

Sure, you are looking for the guy to say: Yes, I am key part of a black mail ring used to control politicians.

No, you use circumstantial evidence to connect the dots and rule out any other explanation.

This circumstantial evidence leads us to believe that the guy could be part of what we call Pedogate.


I don’t have a problem with you thinking it (although I disagree with your interpretation of the ‘evidence’). I have a problem with you stating it as fact.

So, you are going to get caught in semantics. Great, good for you!

While the rest of us worry and research about what could possibly be one of the biggest issues in our lifetime.

You go on and feel proud of yourself for that, catching me on a simple semantic issue.

Party on dude.

The accusations against Podesta and Alefantis are the biggest issue of our lifetime? Serious question. Because I know your going to say elite pedophelia like I’m denying that happens. I’m not. That shit is real. I do believe some use it to blackmail. I still don’t believe that Podesta and Alefantis are pedos based on their art and emails.

It all ties together. The underage sex blackmail used to control political figures. It not that Podesta and Alefantis are pedophiles. Its the use of blackmail to control the government and everything else that comes with it.

Cool. Talk about that. I’m talking about Podesta and Alefantis, because people here are talking about Podesta and Alefantis. I see the big picture too, I just don’t see these goodballs in it (with the evidence presented so far), and I think it hinders the cause to continue to true defend pizzagate so vehemently (as the evidence currently stands) because it distracts from other more plausible (based on the evidence presented so far) cases out there. Basically pizzagate sucks up all the oxygen in the room. If people talked about the Franklin Coverup to anywhere near the degree they did pizzagate you would convince a lot more people that your cause is serious (which it is, I just think pizzagate isn’t convincing, to me).

Pizzagate was derailed taken over by the media and turned into a caricature of itself. The name doesn't help but let's not get it twisted. It helped wake up a lot of people into looking deeper and find out a lot more stuff.

I personally think Podesta and Alefantis are involved somehow. I do also know that IF they ever go down. It won't be because of Pizza but other charges not to cause total panic in the public.

80% will be secret and 20% for justice.

We heard it all before, leave the thread

How do you know the accusations are false? Based on what I’ve seen, smart money says they are pedos.

Who has accused any of these people of child abuse? Apart from random internet users obviously.

They wouldn’t be very successful at running a pedo ring if they had accusers coming public, would they?


So the fact that there's no evidence and no accusers is now suspicious.

I guess you wouldn't be running a successful satanic child-eating pedophile ring if any accusers had come forward, right? /u/rareomen confirmed pedo.

Lucky for me I don’t have an Instagram full of creepy pedo shit. Keep defending though! 😂

Where are The False Accusations? Listen to the interview of The Hacker, who found the Heaps of Childporn, as well as Other disgusting stuff, in a super protected area of the Comet Ping Pong website. The guy who hacked it, dropped it in the laps of the DC Police, Nothing happened. Dropped it in the laps of the Fbi, they did nothing. Then, shortly after he checks in, to offer help in how to access the disgusting shit, An Obvious false flag happens, wherein a "gunman" walks in with an assault rifle, fires a single shot that somehow penetrates through the office door, at an impossible angle, ultimately landing in the hard drive of the server/computer that was the host to the CP. Then, the hacker starts having ops run against him, people breaking into his house, and other crazy shit starting to happen. If you think The Comet PingPong/Pizza Gate thing is a bust, then you A.) haven't done your due diligence, or B.) are a shill paid to ridicule it out of the public eye.

link to interview of hacker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHdWp4Ro2Qo

Thank you for this. I was not aware of it.

There was no child porn on the website, it was part of the web host template.


Don't trust anything Titus Frost touches.

I see your point, but the hacker in question conveyed that there were hundreds of pictures/videos, so much so that he was reluctant to showcase any of it, and was extremely careful in how he brought it forth to Law Enforcement.

Also, were it simply the situation as you've described, I would question why they (alefantis & the others implicated) didn't use that as their defense and shine more light on that .

The repercussions that were experienced by the Hacker, At least in my opinion, certainly point to a coordinated effort by a professional organization, seeking to scare someone off from continuing any further.

It's all lies. Sorry, but it is as simple as that.

The Hacker, who found the Heaps of Childporn, as well as Other disgusting stuff, in a super protected area of the Comet Ping Pong website

Highly unlikely, and has no evidence other than some guy on 4chan saying it happened.

penetrates through the office door, at an impossible angle, ultimately landing in the hard drive

What's "impossible" about the angle of the shot? Also, there is no evidence that the round hit the hard drive, and the point of entry seen in the photos is not where the hard drive would be located.

Why is the title of your post about James Alefantis instagram and the link in your post about Tony Podestas art work?

How are they related?

What about this image


Creeps you out or makes you think James Alefantis is a pedophile?

JR is that you

You can't even answer simple questions yet you want people to take your post seriously? Only people who will believe you are those who's heads are already up the shitter with this stuff. You know that many people who "agree" with you only do so to see how much more bs people like you can come up with?

How are they related?

That's his boyfriend.

I'm not even certain Alefantis and Tony were friends. I know John knew James but did Tony?

Tony is definitely not James' boyfriend, he's a married man.

Cool, still not his boyfriend though!

Just rape buddies

They probably play ping-pong together (passing a kid back & forth).

Dat troll account.

Reevaluate your life

Wow. DISTRACT! REDIRECT! This sure looks like the shill tactics that have been posted here multiple times.

I'm asking questions about his post and using images from his post. How is that in any way a distraction?

Are you trying to say I am wrong?

In a word, yes.

FAIL. You seem icky.

You on the other hand seem lovely 🐻

What the fuck is up with you?

Wasting a shills time, that OK with you?

You aren't, though. You just disagreed with someone so your first instinct was to make a comment that will get you banned. Attack his argument. You just make his look better.

And what will a ban do to me? FUCK SHILLS

Why are you downvoting me? Your participation in this sub is nothing but negative.

GET THIS GUY A CERTIFICATE. Reddit is media, all media is shit designed to make you think a certain way about a certain topic. I don't fall for the media. I call people out that do.


Are you now implying I'm a shill?

I've rarely seen a more blatant attempt at astroturfing. Interesting it's always the pizzagate threads

You seem to have a vested interest in this

You seem very presumptious.

That’s just the impression I’m getting.



Paid satanic patsy doing damage control for his pedo masters.

And... have you seen u/FartOnToast 's post history? Does that "vested interest" concern you?

No, what do you think his vested interest is?


Someone actually replies asking serious questions

“Wow, why are you so interested in this?”

He takes it very seriously. His account is even pizzagate themed.

And if you look at the posts and spacing between his comments you can see that it’s most likely a throwaway account. Mostly for porn.

You clearly don’t understand what “vested interest” means. The votebots and shills are sure to convince people! Lol

Caleb made numerous inappropriate comments on Alefantis' pictures - that's why he was included.

You don't seem to do a lot of research.

So someone else posts comments on Alefantis's Instagram that you find inappropriate and that's somehow Alefantis's fault?

Are you serious? are you actually f-ing serious?

It makes it clear that dr.nwo was aware of the human trafficking 'products' that Alefantis/Comet had access to.

If you're actually going to sit there and ignore the facts in order to make you feel comfortable writing this stuff off, I can only deduce that either you suffer a severe cognitive impairment OR ARE A PEDOPHILE. Or, hey, paid by the pedophiles to come on here and SHILL a bit.

Be gone now, scum.

It makes it clear that dr.nwo was aware of the human trafficking 'products' that Alefantis/Comet had access to.

Link, please.

Already done.

So that's a no on a link, then?

I provided all of the links you asked for.

So, that's another no, then?


But fine. To satiate your sick predilection for trying to protect CHILD TRAFFICKERS here.

Clinton emails on the 'Orphan rescue missions' by Silsby: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3776

So they were allegedly 'rescuing' orphans, right? Ok. If your argument that Silsby was 'trying to save them', why was she caught smuggling them across borders? Didn't the Clinton Foundation raise funds to set up orphanages and schools IN HAITI for orphans? Allegedly, yes. But it's well known that these were never built: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/437883/hillarys-america-secret-history-democratic-party-dinesh-dsouza-clinton-foundation

Why? So they could be smuggled out and sold off. That's why.

It is also known that sex trafficking was a big problem in Haiti after the 2010 quake: http://www.globalcenturion.org/archived-workpages/haiti-social/volunteer-alert/




Children are also trafficked out of Haiti by organizations claiming to be adoption agencies, into countries including the US—but some are actually kidnapped from their families.[98] This practice was particularly widespread in the chaos following the 2010 earthquake.[98] While women migrants were vulnerable during this time, the situation of children was underscored because of the phenomenon of irregular adoptions (one facet of human trafficking) of supposed “orphans” through the Dominican Republic.[99] International outcry arose when on January 29, 2010, ten members of the American New Life Children's Refuge were arrested trying to take 33 Haitian children out of the country to an orphanage—but the children were not orphans.[85] Traffickers pretending to be workers from legitimate charitable organizations have been known to trick refugee families, convincing them that their children would be taken to safety and cared for.[100] In some cases, traffickers run "orphanages" or "care facilities" for children that are difficult to distinguish from legitimate organizations.[101] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Haiti#Children

"Clinton brokers deal over Haiti orphan abductions" - https://web.archive.org/web/20111007063018/http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/article7017950.ece

Haitian official Klaus Eberwein, who was trying to expose the Clinton Foundations Haiti operations, was found suicided after saying he felt his life was in danger - http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-16/haiti-official-who-exposed-clinton-foundation-found-dead

Then of course there was journalist Monica Peterson who, also, was found mysteriously 'suicided' for trying to expose this stuff. She was writing articles like this before her death: http://humantraffickingcenter.org/root-causes-contradictions-displaced-youth-along-u-s-mexico-border/

Huma Abedin making sure to keep Clinton in the loop re: Laura Silsby/Haiti: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/2772

The lawyer the Clinton's got to help in the Silsby affair was himself a suspect in human trafficking cases: https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/32/323249_-os-haiti-us-legal-adviser-to-u-s-haiti-missionaries.html

From the Clinton emails - sorting out prices to transport children: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/3741

Mainstream covers the Silsby trafficking of Haitian children: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1249280/Haiti-earthquake-Missionaries-led-Laura-Silsby-accused-stealing-orphans.html

Here's a well researched and referenced Harvard paper on the Laura Silsby, Clinton connected trafficking scandal in Haiti: http://harvardhrj.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/King.pdf

And here's the search results for 'Laura Silsby human trafficking' on Duck Duck Go: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=laura+silsby+human+trafficking+&atb=v81-5__&ia=web Notice that the first page of results shows basically NO MAINSTREAM SOURCES covering it. Conspiracy of silence.

So yeah, when you say

The New Life Children's Refuge case was not ignored by the media; it was a big diplomatic incident at the time, and one that US and Haitian politicians wanted sorted. As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton was kept informed about it, which is only to be expected, and one journalist reported that Bill Clinton may have helped broker a diplomatic solution. No one has ever provided a shred of evidence that Silsby wasn't actually trying to help those children, in a misguided, do-gooder Christian way.

That is complete and utter bullshit. And when I link you to this image - https://www.wanttoknow.info/sexabuse/james-alefantis-instagram_files/12461e4276e4328ec96d4184df457283a8dbb33c.png ...and indicate to you that dr.nwo's "Whip up a Haitian special, extra cheese" shows that this individual was aware of the children being shipped out of Haiti and trafficked into the US - I AM FUCKING RIGHT. YOU ARE WRONG. Okay?


That's a mic drop if I ever saw one. Nicely done.

I know, right. I especially like the final 'Okay? Ok'.

That's a nod to George Carlin. _^

Oh, and here's a link to research connecting Laura Silsby to James Alefantis

I will be tagging the users that participated in the post yesterday

Wouldn't you be surprised, this entire thread is filled with people I've previously tagged all trying to make you seem ridiculous and the photos absolutely normal.

It's the same gang of pedophilia sympathizers upvoting each other trying to dictate the narrative.

[They're literally trying to say that there's nothing wrong](James Alefantis 's instagram profile picture is Antinous - A literal monument to pederasty / pedophilia) in terms of perversion. Once you break the wall down and get them to accept it they then say so what there's no victims that you can prove. Okay well even if there isn't I want to know what kind of agenda the person that almost stole the election had in mind for us.

The nonce squad. Disgusting behaviour. Every dog has it's day not be long before they're left with fuck all to try and correct anymore.

lmao Hatter is going off the rocker accusing me of being other users.

Lmao I was scrolling through the comments hoping someone else noticed the hard schilling going on in this thread. I have never seen people try so hard to make this behavior seem perfectly normal. It's reaching so far it just comes off as fake and disingenuous.

Spot on

Pizzagate: It's reaching so far it just comes off as fake and disingenuous.

Just never seen such a concentrated effort to make something look silly and non-substantial as has been done with pizzagate. They could be wrong about everything or they could be right about some things and it's weird to see a conspiracy sub try so hard to discredit when they do have substantial findings though it's just all circumstantial.

Perhaps pizzagate attracts so much criticism because it is:

a) Riddled with mistruths, poor investigation, and leaps of logic.

b) Constantly pushed to the top of this sub.

Consider what would happen if flat-earth threads were constantly getting hundreds of upvotes... it would also attract "concerted effort" to debunk it because it's prima-facie absurd and being shoved in your face on a daily basis.

There's a difference between "debunking" (I hate that word it's such a bullshit copout as an end-all discussion.) and trying to make it look like the behavior of these people are perfectly normal. The latter of which is happening here. There isn't an ounce of "debunk" in these comments. Just ridiculous comments trying to pretend putting up creepy pictures of little kids tied up or whatever is perfectly normal. Which is the bullshit I am calling out.

There's a difference between "debunking" (I hate that word it's such a bullshit copout as an end-all discussion.) and trying to make it look like the behavior of these people are perfectly normal.

But we keep seeing the same rehased debunked claims thrown around as "isn't this weird?" without context that explains it.

James Alefantis (J'aime les enfants)

The very title of this thread references the similarities between his name and "j'aime les enfants" which literally means NOTHING. It's nothing. Obviously his parents didn't name him after his adult perversion translated to French.

Then people show that picture from his instagram where he's wearing the shirt that says "J'[pink heart image] L'Enfants" or "J'[love] L'Enfants" and say "Well isn't this weird?"

But they leave out the context, that the picture was tagged at a literal Cafe called L'Enfant Cafe, a French cafe that presumably didn't think giving out shirts that say, "I love [this cafe]" was a bad idea.

And even if all of that wasn't true, and he is actually a POS child sex criminal, WHY WOULD HE WEAR THAT SHIRT? Jared Fogel never wore any well fitting new smaller jeans that said, "I wanna touch kids" on them. Criminals don't just put their crimes on their shirts and upload them to Instagram.

But every single time Pizzagate and Alefantis is mentioned, someone will mention this connection and it is debunked bullshit.

So why keep mentioning it and getting annoyed when people call out bullshit information? If he's so obviously guilty, why the need to make this shit up?

"Justify these 5000 random pictures from an instagram!"

Just tell us which ones you find disturbing and we can have a discussion, don't just throw a lot of shit to the wall and see what sticks.

don't just throw a lot of shit to the wall and see what sticks.

This breaks the pizzagater.

That is pizzagate, no matter how worthless garbage you debunk its always but what about: <fill in some retarded shit these morons think is evidence>

Debunk that and "Well, look at the overall picture, that is just SOME of the evidence!"

Bitch, show me some evidence then!

"I'll be back in a week to post the same debunked 'evidence' as a reminder, so we can do this all over from the top!"

It's amazing that pizzagate threads are always the ones to get astroturfed.

I once had someone try to did me for talking about Alefantis' Instagram. Just shows the length these sick fucks will go to

It's not being astroturfed, it's that the majority of people come to this sub are interested in conspiracy theories, we all wasted our time looking at everything Pizzagate had to offer, realized it was total bullshit, and we're sick and tired of seeing it posted again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

Funny. Your account says it's 6 months old, but your first comment is from only 5 days ago. And almost every comment you have made is in reference to pizza gate, and trying to argue there are no "shills" here.

For someone who thinks pizza gate is "total bullshit", you sure seem to dedicate a lot of thought and effort trying to fight it. It's almost as though you're being paid to do so.

...or he’s sick and tired of it being posted again and again and again and again and again. (With no new info nonetheless)

And there we go, the old, "You have a suspicious account because I'm paranoid enough to examine your account and because I can't explain something weird about your account, I assume you must be paid to argue against something demonstrably untrue.

Hiring someone to shill against Pizzagate would be like paying someone to argue that the sky is blue.

The fact is that I don't have to explain why I nuked all of my comments before coming to this sub, and I don't have to explain why I waste so much time arguing with Pizzagate trolls. It doesn't matter: Pizzagate is total bullshit that has had its major talking points debunked again and again.

In my book you're a hero.

Usually when someone thinks something is "complete bullshit", they don't spend all of their time on reddit arguing against it.

I think the flat earth theory is complete bullshit. I have never once wasted my thought, time, or energy trying to "debunk" it. It's not worth it. If people want to believe the earth is flat, they can go ahead and do so. If they are stupid enough to buy into that, there's no hope for them anyway.

So the real question is; Why do you care so much about whether or not people believe pizza gate? You seem to waste an awful lot of time and effort arguing against this.

Usually when someone thinks something is "complete bullshit", they don't spend all of their time on reddit arguing against it.

Well, I do. Or at least, I have been for the past week or so.

Why do you care why I care? Why I care doesn't matter. What does matter is that Pizzagate is demonstrably false, and I'm tired of seeing it constantly pushed to the front page of a subreddit that should be giving more attention to things that are potentially real.

You seem obsessive over pizzagate for someone who thinks it's BS. That's all you comment about, why?

Do you really think by controlling the tone of the comments, that you're going to convince anybody here?

But using the gish gallop is a tried and true propaganda method, you can't expect these guys to pivot so fast.

I wonder who else use those tactics and where op picked it up.

It's easier to spread bullshit than it is to clean it up.

I hate to go all crazy, but these pizzagate kids cannot ever have seen an instagram account before. I went back and looked at a compilation of pics from Alefantis' account, and I started feeling disgusted with myself because it felt like I was creeping on some guy I didn't know. Nothing out of the ordinary for a gay/gay-friendly pizza shop owner. Nothing.

How this dude's life has been twisted to try and represent some sort of vast conspiracy to rape and murder children is mind-boggling.

My favorite example is the girl taped to the table. The instant I saw it, I chuckled, because I've been in restaurants with over-exuberant toddlers, and I know what a nightmare it can be for parents to try and control them. Somehow, this light-hearted joke about taking a 'break' from your kids is some sort of pedophile symbol for bondage rape.

It's fucking sick, and it's behavior that should be ridiculed resoundingly from every direction until they slink back into the cesspool of paranoia from whence they came.

It's disgusting and as a former teacher it makes me fucking sick that any of my coworkers could have been caught up in this and have their careers ruined.

I'd like to see what would happen if a teacher posted these types of pictures. We must live in different realities because taping a kid to a table for an instagram photo op is not even close to normal in the reality I perceive.

If the kid thought it was fun, why not? It's like you are seeing sexualized things were other people are not at all.

What makes you say the kid is having fun? Doesn't look fun to me or sexual. It looks like tying a kid up which isn't something I can say I have ever seen done? What are they doing? Role playing in some pretend abduction game? Or were they just like, "You know what would be fun!!? If we taped you to this table... Yeah kids love being tied up"

Ever played Indians and cowboys? You don't even know if it was another kid putting MASKING tape on her.

Yeah but our cowboys and indians didn't involve kidnapping or taping or whatever you are trying to convince me is happening in that photo.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I'm saying it's ridiculous to go straight to paedophilia from a picture you have no context of.

I didn't go straight to pedophilia. I'm just arguing that it is very creepy and not something that is normal.

those kids are a bunch of Hotards anyway

The #hotard hashtag was directed at another user, not at the child in the photo.

so...they're all hotards

I guess? What's the problem with an adult calling another adult a hotard?

what I think is ridiculous is if they are raping, smuggling, killing kids why the FUCK are they hashtagging it and posting pictures on Instagram?

They fucking wouldn't, would they?

When I was 14 I put up a picture of one of my friends who we taped to the wall with duct tape. It was all in good fun, but it worries me to think someone would see that and automatically assume I must have tortured and murdered him. What world do y'all live in where people never play jokes on each other?

It's funny you are comparing the actions of an irresponsible teenager with their peers to that of a completely grown adult and very young child. Teenagers do stupid shit all the time in fun, that doesn't make justify an adult doing it to a young child for kicks. Really not comparable situations at all.

But that picture is still there, and now I'm in my 20's. Like most individuals who see it wouldn't know the context, you don't know the context of that picture either. There's a million things I'd assume before "he's so stupid he put a picture of someone he committed multiple violations against on the internet".

The truth is stranger than fiction. People in power are experts at avoiding prosecution. I'm not saying these people are definitely guilty but I would never assume they are innocent just because they haven't gotten caught. Hiding in plain sight is just another thing they get off on. That's a silly reason to dismiss a theory only the naive would fall for.

Im trying to be a little outlandish here. But, you can tape a kid to a table and oversexualize children, have it be in good fun and not be considered a pedophile. I cant have dreads or say nigga without a racist.

That's because making jokes about fucking kids doesn't make you a pedophile, but making jokes about people being black does make you a racist.

It was a strip of masking tape.

I'm going to be honest with you. I only glanced at these photos once because I found them disturbing so forgive me if my recollection of details isn't spot on.

I think it would be wise to do more research before labeling someone a pedophile(or other extremely hurtful terms).

I think you should dig through my comments like your type usually does. You'll see that I never labeled him a pedophile but merely a creep and not-normal. I'm not usually one to even talk about pizzagate but the shilling is so hard and obvious in the thread I had to say something.

So you just had to say something but admit you don’t really know what you’re talking about...

You're acting like I was trying to make some kind of significant claim other than this isn't normal, Alefantis is clearly into some fucked up shit. No one in here knows what they are talking about unless they are one of Alefantis's twisted buddies. I don't know what your point is.

You’re claiming it’s not normal, but you didn’t even really look at the picture...

This is an unnatural number of people nitpicking at meaningless details in my comments. It's fucked and no matter what you say will change mine or anyone else's. If you think it is normal praise Moloch.

Details matter. Hail Satan.

Why do you make such strong statements about things you admit to not being familiar with?

Memorized every detail≠ familiar with. I've seen them and I have an opinion. You don't have to study them very close at all to go "wow this is pretty fucked up and creepy, what kind of people would get a kick out of this?"

Why do you defend this sort of behavior?

The reason you think it's fucked up and creepy is because you didn't study them. You took a glance and jumped to conclusions.

It's absolutely fucked up and creepy

If you have a tendency to think things are fucked up and creepy, it says more about you than the things you think are fucked up and creepy.

What does it say about you when you don't think fucked up and creepy things are fucked up and creepy?

That I can afford the time it takes to do more than glance and jump to conclusions.

One glance at a photo, label someone a pedo. Come on dude.

This is the third time I have been told I labeled this creep as a pedo when I never did even once. So honestly fuck off with your bullshit. All I ever did was come in here and start calling out the absolutely ridiculous comments pretending this is absolutely normal behavior and everyone does it and OMG what would happen if all these "normal" people got targeted the way Alefantis is here.


And this is why Podesta isn't explaining his emails, and the family of the "masking tape girl" isn't rushing to provide proof of life.

Alefantis provided a reasonable explanation for that photo (not that one was required), and what was the result? They want the family to provide proof that she's his god-daughter and that she's alive.

Any explanation given will just inflame the pizzagate crowd and lead to more demands.

It's domestic terrorism. "Prove to us that you are innocent, or we will continue to hound and harass you."

"Prove to us that you are innocent, or we will continue to hound and harass you."

And your family, and your friends and their families.

Strange because in another video he says it's his niece.

Strange because in another video he says it's his niece.

We must live in different realities because taping a kid to a table for an instagram photo op is not even close to normal in the reality I perceive.

Well, for some people it's just innocent fun. From my experience with kids, they sometimes like to do what adults find bizarre. I can quite easily imagine a parent joking to their child, saying "if you don't calm down, we'll tape you to the table" and the kid getting all excited and wanting to be taped. It's just kids.

I'm a training child psychologist and if I posted images like this I would be kicked out of my doctoral program.

I hope the same is true of your fellow teachers.

Hmm.... Really? This is getting votes in r/conspiracy? While we are at it, let's all agree that the official 9/11 story makes total sense, and JFK was killed by lone gunman. Nothing to see here folks.

Both the JFK assassination and the 9/11 conspiracy have more kernels of truth to them than this hot garbage.

And here we go!

Listen, if your theory doesn't stand up to scrutiny, it's not worth adhering to.

Listen to me you cucked little dipshit, you come around here spreading your lies and propaganda because youre a sick pedo sympathizing pervert? Hiding behind the percieved anonymity that is merely a veil of transparency that can easily be compromised. Anyone who says pizzagate is impossible is a pedo sympathizer. It's all possible, and should be investigated. I'll accept it's "unlikely" or the "theory has holes" but any firm discount in the absence of investigation stinks to high heaven and you know it.

The theory doesn't have holes. It has gaping chasms that adherents have to jump over to attempt to connect the thin strands that pass for 'evidence' to them.

Please, list 3 "gaping holes" that you claim disprove any possibility that alefantis is a pedo. This is going to be fun.

Show me any fucking proof that he is beyond some paintings from Podesta's house and a toddler taped to a table in a restaurant.


Damn I guess he hit a nerve

He's opening trying to protect Alefantis. Highly suspect.

He disagrees with a theory that has little to no evidence supporting it. It's absurd to call people who disagree with you pedo sympathizers.

To the contrary, there is mountains of circumstancial evidence which to ignore would be dangerously negligent. Why is this perv so influential in DC? Beyong his perverted Instagram posts and comments, there is just too much to ignore.

I mean bud ya got no victims, nowhere for the abuse to take place, and no abusers so no there is not piles of evidence beyond weird art. And it's very irresponsible to call people pedophiles because of some art they own, in the same way that it is irresponsible to call people pedophile sympathizers because they disagree with you.

I mean bud there has been no investigation. The "museum" behind the pizza shop is likely the location of abuse. No abusers because they are all hiding in plain sight. Recent revelations and arrests should make it apparent to you that elite pedohilia is rampant and he's been covered up at the highest levels. Bribery and blackmail keeps the guilty and knowing quiet while those at the top have degrees of separation from their sick crimes.

What would be investigated? Most investigations start with a victim or probable cause of wrongdoing. If I got a bunch of idiots on 4chan to doxx a random restaurant owner in my city and say he was a pedophile, should he be investigated for it? Are the police at the Beck and call of internet trolls now?

Your denial is very telling. There are plenty of documentaries about elite pedo rings and massive cover ups. Documentaries involving real people, parents, abused kids, etc. I suggest you do some research.

Explain to me how pedophile rings existing in real life means that one invented on 4chan is real?

Honestly man I just want to see you admit that you think the police should be out there getting search warrants and knocking down doors because you don't like what someone posts on their Instagram

Alt-right-guy totally-not-soyboy and very-secure-in-his-masculinity: Political correctness is a marxist weapon to destroy western civilization

Same guy: Law enforcement should investigate people for having art that I don't like

I'm not advocating that at all, what a bullshit straw man argument you just made. The Podestas need to be questioned over the dissappearance of the girl in Portugal at the very least. Alefantis need to be questioned about his comments. The media failed to do that in any way which was also very suspicious.

Why on Earth would the Podestas' be questioned about Madeleine Mccann? Alefantis needs to questioned about his comments? What comments, where did he make them?

L. M. F. A. O.

listen to me you cucked little dipshit

Copy pasta anyone?


Listen to me you cucked little dipshit, you come around here spreading your copypasta and memes because youre a sick pepe sympathizing pervert? Hiding behind the percieved anonymity that is merely a veil of transparency that can easily be compromised. Anyone who says copypasta is impossible is a pepe sympathizer. It's all possible, and should be investigated. I'll accept it's "unlikely" or the "theory has holes" but any firm discount in the absence of karma stinks to high heaven and you know it.

Nobody is saying it’s impossible, they’re saying it’s not proven, and that the evidence is far from convincing for some people, and because of that we shouldn’t be claiming it is a fact that they are pedos.

Check the thread dude, calling it "bullshit" is aka calling it impossible. We have to remember that there has been no investigation, and there will never be one because these people still have protection.

Bullshit does not mean impossible, it means I disagree with your interpretation of the evidence.

fuck skepticism, embrace stupidity and a complete lack of objectivity and facts.

thats you billy boy

I embrace skepticism. Saying pizzagate is impossible is embracing stupidity and ignorance.

Haha absolutely! Chicken lover and hotard tags on photos of a child is just a bit of fun!

Last I checked, having a morbid sense of humor wasn't illegal.

That's a bit more than a morbid sense of humor. Applying pedophile codes like chickenlover to pictures of children and expecting it to pass as humor is deranged at best. Your argument is pathetic.

A joke is a joke, even if if offends you. Some might say especially if it does.

Chickenlover, as well as chicken hawk are both known pedophile slang terms among gay pedophiles.

There's even a fucking documentary named Chicken Hawk: Men Who Love Boys. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_Hawk:_Men_Who_Love_Boys

You can deny this stuff all you want. It just shows you're either ignorant, a shill, a pedophile, or all of the above.

You can provide zero proof that "chickenlover" was a term ever used before Pizzagate latched onto it.

Are you completely and utterly incapable of doing any research for yourself? Here https://imgur.com/Kwdegs6

from the book Child Pornography: Crime, Computers and Society By Ian O'Donnell & Claire Milner

Available here. https://books.google.co.nz/books?hl=en&amp;lr=&amp;id=S2yAFdD6qM8C&amp;oi=fnd&amp;pg=PR3&amp;dq=society+pornography&amp;ots=waheFUfN50&amp;sig=TJQHu58ynyTxPU1Seoka597kfFM&amp;redir_esc=y#v=onepage&amp;q=chicken&amp;f=false

Chickenlover is a generic form which refers to young children, period.

Bullshit. You're rewriting the facts to suit your needs.


None of this matters, anyway. I have a friend who loves Dead Baby jokes. Doesn't mean she likes dead babies.

Alefantis could have labeled the picture with #kidfuckers and it still wouldn't mean any children were actually being abused. You really think someone operating an "elite pedo ring" is going to advertise it through Instagram humor?

Well the links I just showed you say otherwise, re: chickelover. Plus, are you unaware of the other pedo terms 'boy-lover' and 'girl-lover' as admitted by the FBI? Chickenlover sits right alongside them.

Strawman arguments are those that misrepresent someones argument to make it easier to attack. That's exactly what you're doing.

Whatever dude. I'm over these circular discussions. You're wrong, and you're protecting child rapists.

LOL, I'm protecting child rapists? You have yet to prove anyone being attacked by Pizzagate has ever raped a child. In fact, you're so desperate to maintain that claim that you go out of your way to twist the facts to suit your narrative. Great, you found one book that uses the term chicken in an unclear manner, yet you assert the unsubstantiated claim that chicken is specifically a gender-neutral term when literally all other sources of info on the phrase say otherwise.




At least I'm pointing to a researched, published piece of academic writing. What are you citing? wiki's and bloody thought catalog.

Yeah, real sound arguments you're making.

lol, Now you've moved onto the "I don't trust Wikipedia" defense. Classic.

researched, published piece of academic writing

You're trying to lend credibility to your source by calling it academic, but you obviously don't know what that means. What I think you mean to say is that the author sounds like he went to college.

What a load of rubbish.

I'm gay and I would never dream of putting so many pictures of sex right alongside so many pictures of kids, some of them taped to tables, to say nothing of the amount of pizza references.

You know why I wouldn't do any of that? Because though I'm gay, I'm not a fucking pedophile. That much sex does not reasonably belong in the vicinity of so many kids. Also, the Alefantis instagram had many, MANY different children on it. I've been around plenty of my friends' kids but I would never in a million years dream of taking pictures of them and putting them on my instagram alongside pictures of dicks cumming pizzas into the air and 'art' hanging in galleries that is simply porn masquerading as art. Nor would I tend to have friends commenting on my pictures with KNOWN pedophile code words like chickenlovers. I highly doubt anyone would ask me to 'whip up' a 'Haitian special'.

Sorry, but your sense of right and wrong is clearly bankrupt.

some of them taped to tables

One, get that, one of them taped to one table.

There's no logical or healthy explanation for some gay businessman to have access to so many different kids ...

"Access to"? It couldn't simply be that he is in the age range for young parents and he knows people who have children?

It's sad that you think that people might think you a paedophile if you were to put pictures of your friends and their children in your personal Instagram along with compeltely separate adult pictures. But that's the problem with pizzagate and moral panics – they make people see things that aren't there.

Have you looked at what "#Chickenlovers" goes to on Instagram? Pictures of chicken and people eating chicken. Yes, it's possible Alefantis decided to out or accuse a friend of his of being a paedophile on Instagram using the slang term "chickenlover". It's equally possible it was a joke in very poor taste.

One is enough.

And no, it isn't 'sad'. Here's a piece of reality you seem to blatantly ignore: THE INTERNET IS FULL OF PEDOPHILES. How is it appropriate for some random gay dude to post dozens of pictures of other peoples' kids onto platform riddled with pedophiles? Even if you assume that Alefantis isn't one (which he is, he even fucking ADMITTED IT ON CAMERA) -- it is STILL NOT APPROPRIATE for him to be distributing pictures of other peoples' kids. I have never even taken a picture of a friends child. Not appropriate for anyone to do that.

I couldn't give a rats ass what #chickenlovers goes to on instagram. It's a known pedophile code word for people who like to fuck INFANTS. Funny that it would be used as a hashtag on a picture of a guy clutching an INFANT to his chest.

I mean, how the hell can you defend an image like this? https://www.wanttoknow.info/sexabuse/james-alefantis-instagram_files/12461e4276e4328ec96d4184df457283a8dbb33c.png

"Whip up a Haitian special, extra cheese"

Cheese pizza = known pedophile code word https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cheese%20pizza

Haitian special = Clinton Foundation child trafficking run out of Haiti http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-25/clinton-silsby-trafficking-scandal-and-how-media-attempted-ignorecover-it

It is abundantly clear to anyone who is not a mouth breathing troglodyte moron of gargantuan proportions that there is a child sex trafficking ring operating in Hollywood. Clinton's and Podesta's are UNDOUBTEDLY involved. James Alefantis' connections to both of them make him HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS.

Hell, even ping pong is a known pedo code for passing kids around.

Look, you're either someone who does the research and learns about all the connections and the many, MANY LAYERS of sick shit to Alefantis, or you're a dumb ass who reads the Washington Post's 'debunk' - which blatantly ignored all of the information - and Hillary's tragic and seemingly ENDLESS book tour commentaries on it and parrots the bullshit narrative of propaganda that the fake news media and GUILTY PARTIES endless spew. Wake up.

How is it appropriate for some random gay dude to post dozens of pictures of other peoples' kids onto platform riddled with pedophiles?

They were the children of his friends. People post pictures of their own and friends' children on the internet all the time. It is sad that people now think that no one should post pictures of happy, healthy, clothed children on the internet.


Link please.

Cheese pizza = known pedophile code word

Yet, the comment you posted didn't use the term "cheese pizza". Are you now saying that everyone who orders extra cheese on a pizza is a paedophile?

The New Life Children's Refuge case was not ignored by the media; it was a big diplomatic incident at the time, and one that US and Haitian politicians wanted sorted. As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton was kept informed about it, which is only to be expected, and one journalist reported that Bill Clinton may have helped broker a diplomatic solution. No one has ever provided a shred of evidence that Silsby wasn't actually trying to help those children, in a misguided, do-gooder Christian way.

Look, you're either someone who does the research and learns about all the connections

Reading pizzagate websites and posts and repeating their drivel is not research. Research is checking the veracity of those claims, looking for any evidence that corroborates or discounts them, and seeing they stack up. And, yes, I've done that research and, no, the claims don't stack up.

Fine. Deny that the internet is an unsafe place to post pictures of children.

ACKNOWLEDGED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlhBn_zSIro

Yet, the comment you posted didn't use the term "cheese pizza". Are you now saying that everyone who orders extra cheese on a pizza is a paedophile? They are talking about pizza. Pizza + extra cheese = A CHEESE PIZZA

No one has ever provided a shred of evidence that Silsby wasn't actually trying to help those children, in a misguided, do-gooder Christian way. You're taking lack of intelligence to an epic low, buddy.

Research is checking the veracity of those claims, looking for any evidence that corroborates or discounts them, and seeing if they stack up. And, yes, I've done that research and, no, the claims don't stack up. Demonstrably false.

I won't be replying to you anymore. Your arguments are redundant and unrealistic to the point of delusion. You are clearly somebody who likes to over-look evidence to protect pedophiles by whitewashing. Screw you.

If I were to post only one photo you would disregard it because it would lack context. This was poven in my other posts. It's not like they are all random photos of his IG. The suspect and creepy ones were specfiically picked out and put togehter. So here's some context for you now.

So you have nothing? Got it.

The site with all the photos. That's context. If you can't see then it's maybe because you relate to that stuff so you don't find it weird. Doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't.

If you see paedophilia in all those photos maybe it's you that have a problem.

An Instagram full of children, sex, and sadism. Nothing weird at all right? Why shouldn't he use that account to promote his "family restaurant?"


Careful OP. People absolutely are getting paid to defend this shit

I was wondering when 'anyone that disagrees with me is a shill' would show up.

I don't always disagree with shills. But their tactics are easy to spot

But their tactics are easy to spot

Let me guess... any argument against pizzagate (especially if it is extensive and has lots of sources) is probably written by a shill?

But their tactics are easy to spot

Could you point to some that are happening in this thread?

Let's see, brigading, topic sliding, gaslighting. All evident even in this comment chain. Might work on other parts of reddit, but we're not stupid.

I think you are missing the larger issue here...which is that (((these people))) are immoral and should not have any place or part in our nations. They need to go back to their own homeland in the Middle East.

No thanks. What an ignorant blanket statement to make.

Is it though? Are these types of people 'entertaining for you'? Is it entertaining for you that they believe in pederasty?

Someone like you is going to make a case that you 'stand for change' while defending their rights to predation in your society and upon your children?

You know, recently there was a case involving 7 jewish men of different nationalities (supposedly 'Italian' and 'Russian') who ran a snuff/porn ring out of Italy. They found 2-3 yo Indo-European children, either in orphanages or stole them from their parents in public spaces and videotaped themselves raping and then murdering them in ways that were so awful that the police investigating the pedo ring wanted to quit their jobs because they had viewed the films...I am paraphrasing but one of them said that 'the screaming seemed to go on forever'. The (((Associated Press))) decided not to run the story in the US because it, in their words, 'might bias Americans against the Jews'...I will let you think on that one for a while and your RIDICULOUS self righteous BULLSHIT.

I am NOT 'comforted' by your 'inability to tell right from wrong' in this situation and also your 'inability to stand up for child victims' or even what is BASICALLY MORAL BEHAVIOR.

These pedophile FREAKS want to say that this behavior is part of their culture...THEN THEY NEED TO GO HOME WHERE THEY CAN PRACTICE IT ON THEIR OWN CHILDREN; NOT ON OURS.

Do you not believe in white pedos? Should they stay here while my friends, who are upstanding citizens, should leave? You are an idiot.

LMFAO...Look at the SHILL...ahahaha...can't find any way to deal with the actual truth that

Alefantis is a Rothschild JEW just practicing his deviant Babylonian/Semitic 'religious beliefs' of pederasty and rape

and has to resort to a personal attack...


What? I don’t give a shit about that, I’m replying to your claim that people should be removed from their country and forced to go to a foreign country. You are manufacturing the rest, and added that in to the rest of your incoherent rant.

Nice of you to completely bypass the fact that Alefantis is a ROTHSCHILD JEW. I am certain the significance of that is LOST on you, but it will not be lost on others reading this.

If you feel the uncontrollable urge to rape and murder children does that still qualify you as 'being part of a nation', now?

Just for you and since we were technically only talking about the rape and murder of Indo-European BOYS for SPORT, I will give you the Death Cults take on what is 'good religious practice' for Indo-European infant girls too. Why be biased? Right?

According to the Babylonian Talmudic Encyclopedia:

'He who has carnal knowledge of the wife of a Gentile is not liable to the death penalty, for it is written: "thy fellow's wife" rather than the alien's wife; and even the precept that a man "shall cleave unto his wife" which is addressed to the Gentiles does not apply to a Jew, just there is no matrimony for a heathen; and although a married Gentile woman is forbidden to the Gentiles, in any case a Jew is exempted.' This does not imply that sexual inter-course between a Jewish man and a Gentile woman is permitted - quite the contrary.

But the main punishment is inflicted on the Gentile woman; she must be executed, even if she was raped by the Jew: 'If a Jew has coitus with a Gentile woman, whether she be a child of three...

(why are they [RAPING] 'having sex' with three year old gentiles and then murdering them...hmmm, IDK perhaps because they are POS cocksucking murderers in our midst? Maybe?)

...or an adult, whether married or unmarried, and even if he is a minor aged only nine years and one day - because he had willful coitus with her, she must be killed, as is the case with a beast, because through her a Jew got into trouble."

BTW Europeans aren't 'WHITE' we are Indo-European. You keep using the word 'white' because it incorporates Jews by default into the European people. But you guys don't belong in our nation's, you have YOUR OWN HOMELAND YOU SHOULD FUCK OFF TO...you are SEMITES practicing your deviant and morally perverse religion and the financial and physical rape, murder and torture of Indo-Europeans, and indeed the ENTIRE PLANET, you haven't spared a single other race from your hideous disgusting machinations.

YOUR ARE A 'BLIGHT' upon the nations, not a 'light'

I am white, genetically I am from Northern European countries. You are just a stain on us, and an embarrassment. I have friends who are not white, who are better neighbors and citizens then you are, and luckily they get to stay.

I am white

That is meaningless.

genetically I am from Northern European countries.

So what? Who gives a shit...that doesn't make you INDO-EUROPEAN, just makes you a crypto jew subversive who was born in our nations.

I can tell that you aren't INDO-EUROPEAN because no one who was and actual Indo-European would defend Jewish Rothschild rapist pedophiles and attack people who wanted them to go back to their shithole in the Middle East where they belong. WE, as in real Indo-Europeans not you crypto-jews, don't like you and we don't share your disgusting and debased Babylonian/Semitic ideologies...that is why you are desperately trying to normalize them in INDO-EUROPEAN CULTURE. Trans, homosexuality, pederasty, rape, murder, torture, usury, envy of what is given to others, theft (taxation and FED RES BANKING), environmental terrorism (9/11 and Fukushima).

I'm not defending the Rothschilds, that's your delusional brain speaking. I am saying don't kick out an entire group of people because your rotten mind cannot differentiate between elites and everyday people. Go back to white rights, you're honestly embarrassing.

Sure shill crypto jew who defends the rights to pedophilia and torture and murder by an entire nation of debased people who are not a part of our culture but parasites within it...what part of their INSTRUCTIONS in the 'Babylonian Talmud' for the MURDER of our people are you incapable of understanding?


NONE OF THEM BELONG IN OUR NATIONS! But keep up with the idea that this exceedingly dangerous thug/mafia/gangster parasitic group of individuals belongs in either the USA or in European...lmao while maintaining their 'religious freedom' to rape, murder and pederasty as 'normal'.

Kill yourself, Nazi scum.

I don't see anything wrong with most of the pictures. Some are weird or disturbing but some people like edgy stuff.

I especially like the inclusion of the cake with Clinton logo because it really shows the intention behind this whole sharade.

Why else would you include these in a supposedly disturbing picture collection?

Supposedly? How does it feel to be a retarded pawn?

As I said a few of the pictures are disturbing (the crotch pizza ie) but I don't see an issue with most of the other pictures.

How does that make me an retarded pawn?

So they explained what the paintings meant and then pointed out most of the pics you shared weren't even Podestas . Then you share a website with pictures that have no connection to pedophilia other than a guy on Microsoft word scribbling random definitions to commonly used words and phrases. You just make everybody laugh at you when that all the "proof" you have

I'm pretty sure people are laughing at you for trying to defend this sick stuff.

You are correct. James Alefantis gives me the heebie jeebies. To the naysayers, you may be able to explain away some of it, but you can't explain away all of it.

"Comet Ping Pong in DC is not surprisingly is found in the Podesta emails. It is a restaurant that several high officials are tied with including HillaryJPG, along with a couple other restaurants nearby with possible connections and galleries where Hillary is seenPNG and that billionaire George Soros along with others donated over $20k to..

WaPo reported that sex slavery is a big problem in D.C.

Another worthy email from the Podesta leaks saying “do not forward” where it had Hillary’s Logo in the attachment with a pizza slice in it with Comet Ping Pong’s name. Here is the imagePNG

"The family friendly" Restaurant, Comet Ping Pong, is owned by, James AlefantisJPG AKA Jimmy Comet. His instagram has unusual pictures such as a child taped to a ping pong tablePNG, Joking about a kill room, calling a baby a hotardPNG, a baby picture with chicken lover commentPNG, child with money in their mouthPNG , baby doll for sale with comments saying it’s overpricedPNG. And other images portraying pizza in a sexual way.

Jimmy Comet also posted a picture on his instagram of Podesta’s Arch of hysteria sculpture on from when he visted his house, a picture of satan, and spiritcooking queen herself (marina abramovic)PNG.

His instagram profile picture is a sculpture of Antinous, which resembles erotic love for adolescent boys.

I feel it would be only fair to include Jimmy Comet's defense and explanationYouTube for posting those images on his instagram.

James Alefantis was accused of encouraging rape and murder back in 2008. archive

Comet ping pong using disturbing artwork with paintings of children with their heads cut offJPG. And more Artwork in their restaurant of heads cut off. And in their washroom, they have a painting of a guy playing ping while ejaculating on the table.PNG

Comet Ping pong's friend for entertainment, Majestic Ape (of Heavy Breathing), which is an artist that has provocative music with artwork that involves both children and sex (words "All the Chidlren" with babies crawling, and a child with a phallic toy in its mouth, joking of pedophilia in captions on their music videos, cartoons of sex artwork). It's also listed on Comet Pingpong’s friends list.. When giving a talk to her audience about preferences of an employee, someone shouts "children and little boys" in which she responds "I think that was the manager, we all have our preferences, hee hee hee". (2:30)YouTube

Here is a video where Majestic ape jokes about killing babiesYouTube, it's also a good 3 minute summary.

Comet Ping Pong and neighboring restaurantsPNG having a pedophilia symbolJPG in their logos (the triangular spiral in the neighboring Besta PizzaJPG, the butterflyJPG , the heartPNG )."

Hahahahahaha. Oh sorry, too busy laughing at OP for blindly believing this shit. Would love to see a conspiracy that doesnt represent a far right agenda.

Nice pizzagate link.

Its hard to find all the pictures in one place.

Also don't be to hard on top minds, I think some of those guys are legitimately retarded and their whole community is based around what few little scraps we throw them to masturbaute over.

As Michael Obama put it " When they go low We go high"

Michael Obummer does have a cool ring to it.

Can anybody from either side of this discussion please provide any evidence that the little girl taped to the table whilst Alefantis photographs her is a) actually his god daughter like he claims , b) safe a well?

This photo has been seen by millions of people and as far as I know no one has come out and said " oh that's so and so,she goes to my kids school" or " that's so and so she lives on my street"

No one,no teachers ,no doctors,no friends,no friends parents,no neighbours,no one.

The average child comes into contact with hundreds of people in the course of a week. Pizzaboy can't control them all.Someone must have seen her.

The last known sighting of this child is the picture of her taped down whilst Pizzaboy photographs her.

And why would they have pictures of other families on their Instagram as well?

Totally normal. /s

Yes, normal people have pictures of families and friends on their social media.

No one,no teachers ,no doctors,no friends,no friends parents,no neighbours,no one.

Would you believe them? I doubt it. They would have to photograph her next to the day's newspaper. And how would that work? "Sorry, excuse me, can I please take a photo of your daughter? I need to provide proof-of-life to some internet detectives."

They don't need to take a picture.

I would just expect someone to speak out about the child since she has been at the center of a very public scandal at least to tell people not to worry about her.

This is not that public a scandal. This is mostly an online scandal.

The closest it has gotten to being public was when it was aired on TV.

The internet has far more influence and more viewers than the TV.

As a whole... no not true. Maybe in the US.

However, the "internet" is not Reddit and other places where the conspiracy is spread.

I would say its provably true.

TV audiences are decreasing whilst internet users are growing.

In the US. How many people in the world do not have access to the internet but have TV? Far more than you think.

Like I said maybe in the US, but even then only in aggregate.


The only places I've seen discuss it are Youtube and Reddit. They are discussed in really niche places that most people don't go to even if they visit the sites.

Facebook may spread it if you're friends with someone who happens to visit one of the niche places.

You are incredibly overestimating the amount of exposure pizzagate has gotten. I doubt many people outside of the US at all know about it and I would shocked if more than 20% of the US population really knows about it.

20% of the population of the US is still millions and millions of people.

But really its difficult to know for sure with out more statistic's.

Sure. Millions of people is a lot of people. However, when I think of the term "mainstream" I think of more than half the populace knowing it.

For example, a mainstream musician is a pop artist that most people hear on the radio, online, in movies, or own the album.

A mainstream TV show is one even your grandma knows about like Big Bang Theory or 2 1/2 men.

A mainstream movie is a marvel movie or star wars where even if you don't watch it you at least know aspects of it.

Its not Fair to compare most news stories to what you diatribe as mainstream.

What news story baring a war or an election gets the same exposure as starwars or spiderman.

Fact is people are just not interested in current events to the same extent as starwars.

That was entirely my point. To use your term, I don't think this theory is "highly public".

No mainstream news sources covered it and those that did were saying it was false. It is only conspiracy circles that push it.

I think you give the msm to much credit .

They don't have half the influence as you think IMO.

Trust in the MSM is at an all time low. People believe them to be liars. If they say something is false at least half their viewers will think they are lying.

Also as far as pizzagate exposure its been referenced by several key political players have referenced it. If you follow American politics to any worthy extent then you would have heard about pizzagate.

Ok, I guess agree to disagree. Neither one of us have data to back up anything.

My point was even if they have heard of pizzagate that doesn't mean they have seen the picture of the girl in this one photo.

Lets say 50% of Americans had seen that phone (which is almost 100% untrue) that still means there is a 50/50 chance anyone that knows her hasn't seen it.

Bullshit. Anytime someone shows up here and says something like "Oh, my neighbor was there" or "Yeah, I went to grade school with that person" etc., people always pull that "Oh, SUREEEE you know them. Why is there always ONE person here who tries to say they have a connection to the event?"

You would never believe it. And the most staunch supporters of the nothing ever happens mindset wouldn't either. Even for events like Sandy Hook, people call bullshit on someone possibly knowing a family there, even though I've done the math on how many people could possibly know someone that was involved (hint: its a shitload).

Some people would believe it some people wouldn't I guess.

But the point is irrelevant here because it hasn't happened .

We can assume how people react but we can't know for certain until it happens.

So if someone was passing around picture of a child you knew and passing it off as the pedophilia that some other guy has in his home, you would come out here and say "Hey! I know that little girl! That is fill in the name!"

If I knew for a fact that a child was safe and well and people were suggesting other wise then yes I would try to assure people she was fine. Of course .

Also I don't think anyone is passing this picture of as "pedophilia" I'm not even sure what that means.

Pedophilia sexual feelings directed at a child.You cant keep your feelings in "some other guys home ".

Do you mean child porn?

I dont think this picture qualifies as child porn.

You know what I meant.

Look at what they're saying about you. These people are truly sick! Don't let their accusations get to you. It's all they have holding them together so if you ignore them them, they just decipate into dust.

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"Look at these accusations that you're only seeing because I'm spreading them! Now ignore them!"

I just find it both creepy and funny how you need to find the need to put so much energy into a completely random person like me. Don't you feel your energy could be used in something more productive rather than investing on a crazy dude as myself? You're kind of maknig me feel special.

Energy? Rebutting your arguments is trivial.

So what were you trying to achieve with this post? Did you expect everybody to tell you how right you are and leave it at that?

Thanks dude.

Not the first time they have said this.

Last time they did this I was getting harassed by the nonce protectors via PM for days.

They hate this question.

On top of that he's accusing me of being two users they formerly harassed, they can't even keep their hate moving in a coherent direction.

Bro that weirdo has been writing a novel about me for the past two days literally updating every 2 hours.

There was another bigger threat the other day about me.

Yeah... He can enjoy himself, I'm gonna go ahead and enjoy the "Blocked" button.

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If that truly is some random girl who's parents are eating in the restaurant, why the fuck would they even entertain the notion of feeding into this sick conspiracy fantasy?

Regardless of what some people around here believe, not everyone in the world pays attention to scatterbrained and unfounded pedophilia claims. I hope, for their sake, they have no fucking clue that a bunch of people online think their daughter is the victim of some vast bondage rape pedophile ring, because just the knowledge that someone has twisted a humorous picture of parents trying to control an overexuberant toddler might make me go crazy in their shoes...

According to pizzaboy its not some random girl it his god daughter.

It should be very easy for him to prove this.

Why would he? He's being harassed constantly by random, faceless people online. Why on earth would he expose his god-daughter to that?

If I told you to post pictures of your children (or god-children) online to prove that you didn't kill them, would you? Would you feel comfortable releasing pictures so that people you didn't know could analyze them pixel-by-pixel just to prove to themselves what you already know: that they're alive and well?

Because it would be the easiest way of proving the accusations are false.

Also other people would know her not just pizzaboy.

From any parent's perspective, not humoring a bunch of strangers online would be the absolute best way to shield your child from danger.

If anything, reluctance to buy into this bullshit proves that he does care about the girl enough to not expose her to paranoid and unfounded garbage.

What about other people?

School friends, neighbours etc.

The average child comes into contact with hundreds of different people every week.

Someone would come out and say "I've seen her" or "I know her".

Some journalist should be able to identify her. It would be a big feather in the cap of some upcoming journalist to be the person to debunk pizzagate.

4chan can identify Antifa members based on a fragment of their faces exposed from behind a mask yet they can't find this child.

No amount of proof would satisfy you people.

Debunking pizzagate is the journalistic equivalent of debunking reptilian satanists from the center of the earth. It's journalistic suicide to even touch the subject.

Not because (((they))) don't want you to, but because you might as well sit down and debunk the schizophrenic ramblings of a homeless bum, for all the good it'd do you.

The only MSM journalist Ben Swan dared to cover pizzagate and vanished from the airwaves,relegated to the graveyard shift.

So you are right about the career suicide thing.

Here's his report.


Right, because maybe the people above him took a critical look at this "theory" and saw it for what it was: alt-right radical wish-fulfillment fantasies aimed at members of Hilary Clinton's advisor circle manifesting as harassment of a local business owner, started by inferring that pizza is slang for raping children. I'd fire him, too...

He's been on the 5pm news all year, how is that graveyard shift?

Removed. There's just no way to prove what your asking without doxxing this girl, a young child at that.

There is no evidence that the little girl taped to the table whilst Alefantis photographs her is a) actually his god daughter like he claims , b) safe a well.

What if I rephrased it as a statement instead of a question?

Would that be ok?

I’ll delete if you don’t want me to discuss it at all.

This photo has been seen by millions of people and as far as I know no one has come out and said " oh that's so and so,she goes to my kids school" or " that's so and so she lives on my street"

No one,no teachers ,no doctors,no friends,no friends parents,no neighbours,no one.

The average child comes into contact with hundreds of people in the course of a week. Pizzaboy can't control them all.Someone must have seen her.

The last known sighting of this child is the picture of her taped down whilst Pizzaboy photographs her.

It's always fascinating seeing the shills. I love these threads. They don't realize the more they shill, the less effective it becomes, they are literally training everyone to spot shills.

they are literally training everyone to spot shills.


It's hard to make this creepy shit seem perfectly normal even for a well trained shill.

Yea I don't visit here often but just a few minutes looking around on this thread is showing me lots of r/politics posters are here and they all seem to be very against any pedogate discussion

true... it's so obvious it's hilarious. Plus, the usual downvoting, of course.

Step one in spotting the paid or fake poster is they use ine word in their post repeatedly. Shi**

As a whole, this collection of images is quite disturbing. We don't have to analyze every single image to get the full picture. Throw in a coffee table... whatever... The symbolism is obvious, and the hidden messages are hidden in plain sight. Every critically thinking person should be able to figure it out. This is not normal.

stop being so insensitive to the artist's message!! /s

Lol. Guys! People argued with me yesterday! Help! This is a controversial issue, why can’t you accept that your evidence is not up to a high enough standard for some? Especially when you continue to push the issue as if you are being censored or persecuted. People, including me, gave you explanations for their thoughts yesterday, either accept that as their point of view or argue your point on its merits and don’t deflect when your viewpoint is challenged.

all pizzagate does for me is spotlight how fucked up the majority of the population is and how pedophilia is extremely more widespread and defended than i could have imagined....plus...this sub has more shills than "conspiracy theorists"...a mere shadow of what it once was.

All it does for me is highlight how people can’t handle a different point of view and will call people shills because of it. I can find the evidence for pizzagate VERY lacking and I am in absolutely no way defending pedophiles. The fact is no one here KNOWS that these guys are pedos. Some people think there is evidence of this based on some circumstantial evidence centered around emails, art collections, and Instagram accounts, but far too many people spread it as fact rather than theory or speculation.

I'm pretty sure Pizzagate is being pushed to the front page by bots and trolls.

Yeah, for once some people on this sub are using their brains instead of jerking themselves off with a trump wig while watching CP

how do you say wtf is this shit? in French?

Thanks for the refresher OP.

More trumptards trying to criminalize arts they deem unacceptable. Fuck off shill.

You're fighting the good fight.

His instagram had a picture of a baby with a comment that said "Hotard", and it wasn't deleted. Plus his profile pic was Antonios, boy lover of a Roman emperor. No one picks a figure that obscure without knowing about it.

I have no evidence that Alefantis has ever raped or molested anyone, but the dude is into younger boys, obviously.

They further tried to put words in my mouth and accused me of being aroused by these photos and said that I apperently find them sexual

I've seen this tactic used here in every discussion involving PG. It never works, but they persist anyway

I personally believe that they use this deflection tactic in an attempt to silence those that speak out to bring attention to the topic. They believe that if they can manage to flip-the-script and turn the accusers into the accused people will be too scared to bring it up anymore (out of fear of being called a pedo themselves).

"Kinda strange that you see this (((COMPLETELY INNOCENT))) photo and immediately think child sex crimes....maybe you're the one with the sick mind"

Ive seen quotes just like that more times than I can count.

I don't agree with accusing people who believe pizzagate of being secret pedos, but they're just using the exact tactic youll see in every PG thread of saying people who dont believe in pizzagate are pedo defenders/apologists/secretpedobears

ehhh, im sure that happens, but for the most part i see people trying to wrap thier head around how people dont see the circumstantial evidence as circumstantial evidence.

Explain what?

Here is the conversation

Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.

John replies

It's mine, but not worth worrying about.

Susan replies

Ok , thanks.

What about John's reply to the email with the subject "Did you leave a handkerchief" do you find odd?

How does this lead you to the conclusion John Podesta is a child abuser?

Acting like that's the only strange use of language in all of the emails leaked. Serious question, what are you even doing in this sub? Explain your attitude towards this conspiracy please.

That email is one of the ones held up as evidence of a pedo code. John doesn't even use the words handkerchief/pizza/map in that email chain.

Do because he didn't use the words himself, someone else did in the same email about him, it doesn't count? Why do you keep parroting the same argument?

Well with all the effort put into podesta/alefantis, very little has been put into the people actually using the "codewords" or symbols

Normally, people lead with their strongest evidence. You asked for an explanation, it was given. Now you act like that email isn't really important, and the crucial evidence is actually something else. You'll do the same with every piece of evidence that gets refuted.

Explain the fact that these questions has not been answered by Podesta or anyone else related to the emails.

Well I can't speak for Podesta but I would assume it's because it's an every day email about a handkerchief he forgot at a property he was viewing.

Can you decode the email and explain how John saying he doesn't want his handkerchief back indicates he is a child abuser?

I don't want assume. That's my whole point. Get it?

You're assuming there is something nefarious going on and refuse to explain the email.

Have fun.

You don't get it, that's okay I guess. Weird, but okay.

have you ever heard the phrase "I'm not going to dignify that with a response" ?

As usual, OP, you triggered the shills. Good job!

Indeed! It's always good to stop and mark them.

Yeah, it’s so bizarre. As if the real conspiracists on this sub can’t see through their ridiculous tactics. It’s always so damn obvious. Funny if it weren’t so annoying.

topminds should be renamed topegos...bunch of dbags

It goes without saying that someone who thinks they are a "top mind" is full of themselves and consider others inferior to them.

BTW u/FartOnToast I got to your post through a link from TMOR, I guess they are 'pro-pedophile' now since they have chosen to target you and this post. Just FYI

What a loser circle jerk this sub has devolved to.

What's happening in this thread isn't from your regular users of /r/conspiracy. You can tell when comments with a little bit of logic get massively downvoted without a single rebuttal.

Enough work with the res tagger you can see the top minds shills pour in.

Thread is being shilled and brigades. Pizzagate is clearly the reason why this sub has become targeted.

The lady doth protest too much!

Hit a nerve with this post.

Look at all the collectivists making cognitive dissonance into snarky comments to appeal to the herd with...

While the silent majority reads and cringes.

This is the first thread I have scene where the shilling is just blatantly obvious to the point you just want to go "you seriously believe that?" to some of the comments.

Almost like the post was known, and all the foot-soldiers made their mark.

Insidious design? Or Tractor-beam echo chamber?


what is topminds? some people who think they are smarter than the ordinary people, the plebe, the herd?

Yea pretty much. A bunch of blowhards at least but very likely paid shills by their coordinated actions.

what are their powers? do they have any power against r/conspiracy or is it just a reddit like our beloved r/conspiracy?

i don't care to be part of topmind, we are here to learn, to know the truth. i can live with only 65 if i know about the nuclear attacks on september 11, 2001' false flag :)

topminds are anti-conspiracy and only come here to troll and brigade us. They are just the left over tools that didn't get bored in conspiratard after it was exposed that they purposely posed racist stuff here to later claim our sub was full of racists.

conspiracy hunters are our speciality, like the lord siths are the speciality of Obi-wan Kenobi :D

James Alefantis (jaime les enfants)

OP, those aren't even anagrams of each other.

Alefantis is closer to eléfantas which is Greek for "elephant". That must mean he's not willing to talk about the elephant in the room! Or that he's a registered Republican...

Also, did you know that if you switch the letters around in Podesta it turns into PEDOsta? He must have a fake name planned by the Illuminati too!


This was what he was referring to

No, it's a pizzagate claim that "James Alefantis" is French for "I love children". Of course, anyone with a basic knowledge of French knows that it doesn't mean this, nor does it sound the same. And are they really suggesting that his parents named him James because they knew he'd grow up to be a child abuser and they wanted to leave a clue for armchair internet detectives? The whole things is beyond preposterous.

The "I heart L'Enfant" teeshirt was also seized upon by pizzagaters and they've continued to claim it refers to children despite it being a reference to L'Enfant Cafe, which itself refers to Pierre L'Enfant, who did the early layout of Washington.

How much does a comment section like this cost?


Thank you. People need to see these and wake the f up.

Thanks for keeping this discussion alive OP. Stay strong against this shill brigade. Real people of conscience support you.

That time he messaged me: https://imgur.com/a/zbOxK

  • No proof it's actually him
  • No incriminating evidence
  • Poorly formatted with duplicates and completely out of order

Yep, that suuure proves a lot there, bud.

Lol dude that's his Instagram. Yeah, the accused pedo talking about justifying pedophilia and sharing sexualized pictures of young men isn't incriminating.

It's out of order, oh no!!!


  • No proof it's actually him (just having his IG username means nothing)
  • No incriminating evidence (half-naked pics of young men may not be your jam, but it doesn't indicate anyone rapes and murders children)
  • Poorly formatted (doesn't make this argument look any better, and it's mega annoying

Pedantry is substanceless.

It's his Instagram, I'm not too worried about you doubting that having conversed with him. You're confusing incrimination with admission.

He state's he has no interest in pedophilia yet he spends part of the conversation justifying it and being excited by it. The disparity between his public and private persona is incriminating. Anyone who says they aren't a pedophile but then defends the practice and shows they are interested in imagery of the subject matter certainly is incriminating themselves.

Never said he raped or murdered anyone. Said he was a creep and is bullshitting about not being into young boys.

The comment scores speak volumes about the size of nerve you hit. They HATE anyone discussing this stuff, good work.

When OP thinks "what what in the butt" is some kind of pedo voodoo, maybe it's just average users dropping upvotes on ppl


Lots of kinda normal photos but I didn't go through the entire lot.

Thanks your opinion means a lot.

Funny how the same people who lick Trump's boots also try to bullshit everyone about pizzagate. Hmmm, I wonder why?

Everyone sees through your bullshit. You think you're the smart ones but you're actually dumber than a box of rocks.

Why don't you keep your fucked up American politics out of this, not everyone here is from the USA.

Yeah! Take your american politics off this free, public, american-made website!

What's going on in this thread? Weird af

Ya did good Toast, shills are out in force.

You topminds shills arent even trying to cover your brigade are you?

brillaint!! he gave us all a clus in his name ahahah he must go go jale rite now

how silly of a pedo to be born with the surnam lesenfants it is a ded give away that he is a padeoe!

Wait, do you speak of the Les Enfants Terribles? If this is true then this conspiracy stretches back to the 60s at the very least!

Holy fuck there are a shitload of defending shills in here....

Cornish Helfing

What child coffins? It's a coffee table, there's only one, and it doesn't even have sides.

That is pizzagate, no matter how worthless garbage you debunk its always but what about: <fill in some retarded shit these morons think is evidence>

The pedo defenders will tell you its a coffee table.

If this is true I ask what type of sick bastard has child sized coffin as a coffee table?

It's one coffin shaped table the guy made. He's a furniture maker.


As I said a few of the pictures are disturbing (the crotch pizza ie) but I don't see an issue with most of the other pictures.

How does that make me an retarded pawn?

Spot on

Pizzagate: It's reaching so far it just comes off as fake and disingenuous.

All it does for me is highlight how people can’t handle a different point of view and will call people shills because of it. I can find the evidence for pizzagate VERY lacking and I am in absolutely no way defending pedophiles. The fact is no one here KNOWS that these guys are pedos. Some people think there is evidence of this based on some circumstantial evidence centered around emails, art collections, and Instagram accounts, but far too many people spread it as fact rather than theory or speculation.

Listen to me you cucked little dipshit, you come around here spreading your lies and propaganda because youre a sick pedo sympathizing pervert? Hiding behind the percieved anonymity that is merely a veil of transparency that can easily be compromised. Anyone who says pizzagate is impossible is a pedo sympathizer. It's all possible, and should be investigated. I'll accept it's "unlikely" or the "theory has holes" but any firm discount in the absence of investigation stinks to high heaven and you know it.

I don't agree with accusing people who believe pizzagate of being secret pedos, but they're just using the exact tactic youll see in every PG thread of saying people who dont believe in pizzagate are pedo defenders/apologists/secretpedobears

You on the other hand seem lovely 🐻

This is the third time I have been told I labeled this creep as a pedo when I never did even once. So honestly fuck off with your bullshit. All I ever did was come in here and start calling out the absolutely ridiculous comments pretending this is absolutely normal behavior and everyone does it and OMG what would happen if all these "normal" people got targeted the way Alefantis is here.

The theory doesn't have holes. It has gaping chasms that adherents have to jump over to attempt to connect the thin strands that pass for 'evidence' to them.

Please, list 3 "gaping holes" that you claim disprove any possibility that alefantis is a pedo. This is going to be fun.

Damn I guess he hit a nerve

Show me any fucking proof that he is beyond some paintings from Podesta's house and a toddler taped to a table in a restaurant.

He's opening trying to protect Alefantis. Highly suspect.

L. M. F. A. O.

listen to me you cucked little dipshit

Copy pasta anyone?

What the fuck is up with you?

Nobody is saying it’s impossible, they’re saying it’s not proven, and that the evidence is far from convincing for some people, and because of that we shouldn’t be claiming it is a fact that they are pedos.

Inappropriate content is evidence. I'm guessing the chicken lover photo was also about how they all love chicken? For the love of god, explain how its about chicken when theres no food in the picture. I'm dying with curiosity to hear your input on this one.

Why on Earth would the Podestas' be questioned about Madeleine Mccann? Alefantis needs to questioned about his comments? What comments, where did he make them?

Yeah, for once some people on this sub are using their brains instead of jerking themselves off with a trump wig while watching CP

Fine. Deny that the internet is an unsafe place to post pictures of children.

ACKNOWLEDGED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlhBn_zSIro

Yet, the comment you posted didn't use the term "cheese pizza". Are you now saying that everyone who orders extra cheese on a pizza is a paedophile? They are talking about pizza. Pizza + extra cheese = A CHEESE PIZZA

No one has ever provided a shred of evidence that Silsby wasn't actually trying to help those children, in a misguided, do-gooder Christian way. You're taking lack of intelligence to an epic low, buddy.

Research is checking the veracity of those claims, looking for any evidence that corroborates or discounts them, and seeing if they stack up. And, yes, I've done that research and, no, the claims don't stack up. Demonstrably false.

I won't be replying to you anymore. Your arguments are redundant and unrealistic to the point of delusion. You are clearly somebody who likes to over-look evidence to protect pedophiles by whitewashing. Screw you.

You can provide zero proof that "chickenlover" was a term ever used before Pizzagate latched onto it.