I was a practicing black magician for 10 years from the time I was 15-25 AMA

0  2017-12-19 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

I am here to help right the wrongs of the past. 'As above so below' is as true as it ever was, back in the days of Noah. The terrible things that were done to me throughout my youth were not done at random, there was a always a spiritual reason for my pain.

I was psychologically tormented by demonic entities from the time I was 7 years old. A being of light came to me and whispered the secrets of heaven in my ear. My parents were devout Christians, and my lack of belief contributed to a difficult upbringing. I never lied to them and pretended like I believed their religion. I told them the truth, that their religion has been altered many times and that surely Jesus' original teachings were in there somewhere; somewhere behind all the lies.

I experimented heavily with drugs as a teenager, learning to use my altered consciousness to interact with spiritual beings. I learned that angels weren't all that nice and that demons weren't all that bad. At least, that's what they showed me.

In reality, consciousness "is God" and as a man, we have this spark of the divine that both beings of light and darkness lack. They crave us; they are very jealous the creator chose to bless us with the highest of gifts.

I used magic to manipulate others. I bent them to my will without question: my bosses, family members, girlfriends, aquaimtances, even strangers.

It was all very exhilarating. Matter itself seemed like a playground. Until I had to pay my karmic price for these selfish pursuits.

I lost everything in a matter of weeks; my finances, my career, my health, the love of my life, my self-respect, my assurances, and many of my friends.

It all happened so fast. About a year ago.

This year I've spent picking up the pieces and in doing so I learned the truth. My actions were committed with the intentions of the self. I wasn't coming from the heart. I cared about other people, but not near as much as I cared about myself.

I was running away from Sophia. From Mother Earth. From the Creator. I was clinging to my individuality.

That is what is wrong with this planet.

That is what these people in high places do.

They cannot cope with the fact that All is One. They reject that truth so fervently, they will go to the ends of the earth to challenge it. They will kill every man, woman, and child in order to preserve their delusions.

They must be stopped.


Did you ever glimpse the ain soph?

I think the closest we as humans (in our current predicament; flesh) can come to seeing what Ayn Soph would be like is when we are acting as The Fool

The highest of paths. The one that all other paths lead to.

I was hoping to be a warrior or a spiritual master, but even these seemingly lofty pursuits fall at the face of the fool's appreciation for life.

The fool would gladly and without hesitation sacrifice his life for another. The fool is the closest thing to God.

I think the closest we as humans can come to experiencing Ayn Soph is becoming that of the Fool.

I spent a decade thinking "why isn't the spiritual master" or "the high priest" the way to god? Why can my bravery and strength not get me where I want to go"?

The Fool does not care about titles or awards. The fool would gladly sacrifice themself for another without hesitation. The fool sees the divine comedy (as god must have a sense of humor).

I never glimpsed the Ayn Soph because it is by its very definition, unattainable in mortal life.

The closest we can come to it is through the Fool.

I saw it once. ;) it's definitely possible to get a glimpse of its light. Maybe not it itself...

What did you see?

It's not what I saw it's what I felt.

Where is a good place to read more about the Fool?

Personally I go to Half Price Books metaphysical sections, they are littered with occult books. It's great! Also if you focus your search on the 22 paths and the 10 sephiroth you can find a lot on the internet.

How do you propose we stop them?

Consistent, unwavering dedication to the pursuit of Truth, and the act of relentlessly spreading those truths to others like a virus, regardless of pain or humiliation

We agree on that.

But what is Truth?

John 14:6New International Version (NIV) 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

WE are Jesus.
All those who seek the truth.
The second coming is not an individual body.
He is distributed among many.



While the light of the Logos is within us all, it is up to us to Connect Directly to it.

Look into the original Greek translations of the New Testament. It leaves a lot up to translation. I think it is ridiculous for you to only consider these ancient texts and not equally consider others and many ideas that have come since then: especially when these ancient texts have been altered and misused as much as they have.

That's my truth. Have your faith, but don't try to scare me with your truth.

I have been everywhere, and I have experienced many things.

Dark things.

I now serve the light, and you...You are still in Plato's Cave.

Shouldn't Do AMA's when you don't have the answers, eh?

Or maybe just revealing yourself to us is a step in the right direction. For Accountability.

I can't take you seriously when you claim to have "been everywhere"

That's illogical.

You haven't drawn the circle. You haven't looked within your own mind and heart. If you had, you would have seen the truth by now.

I know the Truth.


His name is Jesus Christ.

Cheers friend, I will be praying for you to become a brother.

We're all brothers and sisters regardless of whatever divisions you want to place in the way of that. I'm still a human being. You still owe me our likeness, and I you.

Entitlement. Pride. Arrogance.

We are owed nothing, except entropy and death.

Find your meaning.

What a kind hearted creator.

Next step: Life is Suffering.

We do it to ourselves.

We are not needed, but have infinite worth.

God indeed cares for even a scumbag such as myself.

Or you, so ask Him. Dare Him. Beg Him. Find Him.

Just don't Mock Him.

And know that you have free will and always feel emotion.

What type of black magic did you do?

I'll start by saying I didn't just practice black magic(k). I was a jack of all trades if you will. But black magic has a way of taking over.

It's the coolest! But you know how when you watch a movie, some of the violence is "cool"? But damn is it wicked to just watch that stuff play out. It creates a desensitization in us.

Black magic is really all about psychology when it comes to other people

The actual ritual isn't as important as the intention and emotion behind it.

Every human being on earth practices black magic, every day, albeit unknowingly.

Once you go into the knowingly aspect, things change.

I practiced blood magic but never with anyone but myself and my sexual partners who were willing to adhere to my demands.

I practiced divination, and would travel to other realms with the help of angels. (Angels are not what you think; they're more like cosmic cops).

I practiced divination, and would use the Goetia, the Lesser Key of Solomon to summon them and attack (psychologically) my enemies. I have some blood on my hands, I think, but I can't be sure. But I'll shed my own blood to make up for it.

Shedding your own blood to make up for it.
This is not the way.
ReLIEVing your guilt - a pursuit of self. Holding on to your guilt - a pursuit of self. Re-lease your guilt. You are forgiven.

Thank you. I hope you are right. But I will gladly lay down my life for others of it becomes necessary.

How do we unknowingly practice black magick? Also how does blood magick work, is it more powerful/faster than "regular" black magick?

this guys one of them^

Basically, whenever you send negative, domineering, or aggressive thoughts out into the universe they affect other people.

Thoughts are Energy, and thus are very powerful. Learning to control your thoughts is pivotal.

You can look through my few comments and posts on Reddit. I haven't cursed once. I don't curse.

It's a negative thing to do.

It's black magick

Think about the word.. "curse"

Thoughts on Mark Passio? Jay Parker? Kerth Barker?

What can you tell us about the number of satanists in America? Parker says there are at least 3 million satanic family members in America. Any idea on that?

They're absolutely correct. The numbers could be skewed because you'll have to define "Satanists"

Just like with Christianity, there are different denominations and many of them are quite docile. Others are incredibly powerful, wicked, and secretive. Those are the ones to worry about.

However, of the Horned God returned tomorrow you can bet there would be 5-10 million people in this country alone who would, by default, be ready to collect the Beast's mark.

OK. Thank you!

Jay parker said that we exist in a simulation type universe (natural law still applies ofc), what are your thoughts about that?

I always go back to language is a tool of enlslavement

Saying it's a "simulation" or a "game" has a negative connotation and when your perception is everything, that's not good.

But yes it's a simulation

Have you ever done any work with Odin or other pagan deities?

What is your opinion of the tarot?

Have you ever visited /r/c_s_t?

I have done immense "work" with Greek/Egyptian/Canaanite/Babylonian gods (they're all basically the same). I haven't crossed into the Nordic deities because I find them quite different. It wasn't out of choice, more out of necessity. I myself am of Celtic ancestry so I think it would make more sense to have learned more about them and their myths, but I was always fixated on the Esotericsm coming from the Middle East and the Cradle of Civilization.

My opinion of Tarot is that is incredibly powerful but should be taken with a grain of salt. It's all in the mind. Just like with astrology, all of the elements ALLLL of them are within ALLLL of us. So focus more on the message that each one can give, rather than identifying with a specific aspect.

I'm new to Reddit, I'm not sure

I have done immense "work" with Greek/Egyptian/Canaanite/Babylonian gods (they're all basically the same). I haven't crossed into the Nordic deities because I find them quite different. It wasn't out of choice, more out of necessity. I myself am of Celtic ancestry so I think it would make more sense to have learned more about them and their myths, but I was always fixated on the Esotericsm coming from the Middle East and the Cradle of Civilization.

My opinion of Tarot is that is incredibly powerful but should be taken with a grain of salt. It's all in the mind. Just like with astrology, all of the elements ALLLL of them are within ALLLL of us. So focus more on the message that each one can give, rather than identifying with a specific aspect.

I'm new to Reddit, I'm not sure

You should listen to your parents. The bible says that lucifer will appear as a being of light, that he is the good one, and that's exactly what those demons told you.

Currently am in a delightful dialogue between my father and I. He has grown in his faith and I have grown in my understanding. I value faith, I simply don't have much.

So why don't you believe God/Jesus is the truth?

Well you're using deceptive language there, it's the only way for someone who believes in a religion to operate, so I don't blame you. But no, I refuse to believe that a man was god. That's silly and the room for abuse there is quite eveident.

I believe Jesus was a wonderful character and probably sent from heaven or heavenly realms, like many before him and many acts him, but the religion built around his objectively false.

Jesus called himself a son of god. We are all sons and daughters of god.

The gospels that were left out of the Bible go into detail but even the ones that made it hint at this fact. Jesus was a prophet.

If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?


Not much older but had a similar mindset to you at that age. The bible makes it clear Jesus was the son of God. Completely human and completely God. Keep digging you will find the truth as I did.

You christcucks are too funny.

That's productive.

John 14:6New International Version (NIV) 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Serious question. What are your thoughts that before Jesus came one had to go through the priesthood to reach god. Post Jesus we have to go through him. Don't you find it a little off that we just traded one for the other? I feel the presence of God without going through anyone but my own conciousness. Full disclosure I was raised Christian then left the church at 14 and now at 35 I have built my own spiritual belief system that admits there is a creator however if I had to lean towards a "religion" it would be Gnosticism. I believe all religions have been corrupted over the years to serve the needs of man. Not god.

All the respect in the world for whatever your belief system is. I'm in no way attacking you I'm truly curious as to what others believe so I can adjust my own if I find people will good reason to believe what they do.

I like you

Your ability to not be goaded, and to try to keep emotions in check while communicating is something to be respected.

Thank you. I truly respect all faiths, some more than others. The act of faith is to be revered. It's a tragedy that so many people have been deceived by people who would take advantage of this base human sacrament.

The bible says a lot of crazy things. Was written by man and edited to fit a narrative later in life. It has a few good guidelines to live life by,but definitely not the blueprint. The demons are on the pulpit.

Do you know of any religion based conspiracies?

A shorter list would be religions that don't consist entirely of conspiracies. Most of the gospels that were written were omitted from the Bible.

The Gnostics.

The Cathars.

The Templars.

So many people have died because of secrets.

Are any of these emitted gospels available online?

Absolutely. Start with 'The Book of Enoch'

The gospel of Thomas is also very revealing.

All is within One.

The Logos, by whom and through whom all things were created.

But the One is the dealbreaker.

Jesus Christ is GOD.

Refute this, and I will know what you still practice. Or what still controls you.

There is still some distortion here.

Or opportunities for miscommunication.

Look man, I'm through with all of this stuff. God is a lot more gentle than you think. God doesn't care what you call it. Just live by the golden rule and you're in tune with God.

It's quite simple.

Have whatever faith you want. But don't scare other people with it.

Then I know who you serve

Your eternal soul is a very serious subject.

Being blown about like a leaf in the wind hasn't afforded you much,

Why would you push such folly on others?

It is the most serious subject there is but you're looking at it from the wrong angle in my humble opinion.

Do you see how, even though I completely disagree with you, I'm still trying to treat you with respect and understand your beliefs? That's what God is. Coming together.

To serve your own feelings.

A misplaced sense of altruism.

When your child plays in the street...Do you apologize for accidentally dislocating his shoulder...Or do you say...

"You're Welcome."

I apologize for disclocating his shoulder.

I take responsibility for my own actions, rather than push them off onto some ancient prophet who has nothing to do with them.

Well, therein is the meaning of life.


And it is mine to tell you that finding God is the Truth, in Jesus Christ.

I respect your piety, ours is a difference of emphasis

You would emphasize Jesus' teachings and his divinity.

I would emphasize God's mysterious and unknowable nature.

I hope the truth lies in the middle.

It does.

Continue your search in the spoken and written word.

You will inevitably meet the Word.


Peace to you brother

That's me haha!

Your post was linked to the sub topmindsofreddit a sub that harasses and breaks the rules of Reddit by voting in in subs that it links to from their own subreddit. I encourage everyone to sub and report activity.

I'm new to Reddit I'm not sure what you mean. Can you kindly explain?

It's a group of smug redditors who validate their "intelligence" by making fun of other redditors, behind their backs no less. I'm bored and trolling the trolls today. I don't know why you got linked I'm just telling everyone they link. Just a chance to piss in their cornflakes today.

Hmmm. So, why do you think they did it? By "intelligence" I'm assuming they're atheistic, and perhaps are making fun of my experiences?

If so, it doesn't matter. I just want to get it.

It's just a bunch of douches that I'm raining on their parade. They make fun of people behind this wall they've made. I'm just crossing borders.

Seems really dumb. Thanks for letting me know though.

Yeah anytime, I'm just trying to troll the trolls. After this one I should rank up.

This topic is getting downvoted af.

I wonder what might be causing such a reaction.

Supression of information and psychological manipulation via attacks and insults.

That'll get you every time.

I have 2 questions, What was the secret of heaven? Why did your life fall apart when the lives of the elite using this kind of magic have not? If there is a karmic price to pay for being selfish

In short, my life fell apart because I didn't have the stomach to pursue my craft further.

Karma knocks on every door.

The elite who do these things must comtinually pawn their karma off on others

See Pizzagate

See Iraq War

See violence in TV and movies

It's all a ritual.

They are masters of manipulation.

Essentially, I learned certain secrets, and the goodness within me wouldn't allow me to use those secrets selfishly, as the elites do.

Their judgement is coming and booyyyyy will it be severe, but not in this life.

That's why celebrities and politicians live their lives to the fullest. They know the price they must pay for their crimes.

So can you share the secret of heaven that you were told by the being of light? What percentage of politicians and celebs do you believe are practicing?

It's more complex than I've alluded to. The secret of heaven is the greatest yet simplest of truths.

Everything is one

It might seem cliche, but it's true.

Meditate on that fact.

Every killer, every child, every, insect, every plant, every beast, every grain of sand, every mom, every tree, every molecule...

They are all connected and part of the same being.

In a way this imprisons us

It also liberates us

It's called the divine paradox

Science is proving it more and more everyday, that matter itself is simply an illusion.

If our enemies are just us looking back at us, it changes things. Try to sell a war in the Middle East when we have the knowledge that everyone of those children is me

Well thats not really a secret people have been saying that for thousands of years. And i think most people who are spiritual as opposed to religious are aware that everything is one and reality is a projection of what we think. Atoms change and behave based on our expectations of them. Thus we create our own reality and collectivly also. None of this is a new concept or a secret. If you were told this at 7 why would you proceed to act in deliberatly selfish ways? Why persue satanic ritualistic techings if you already knew the answer is light and you would recieve everything you need from a more enlightened path?

Well, no that's not true.

Most people in history have been plagued by religious dogma and totalitarian states. Only the elite of ancient societies had access to these truths, and many of them abused them, as I did.

If everything is one, it makes justifying your evil actions easier. If you know that, than you can say, in your mind, "oh I was just doing it to myself" or "there's no consequence"

Again, it's a paradox and much more difficult to understand than you think.

But what youre talking about is esentially buddhism which originated 600 BC. So what you’re saying isnt true, unless you’re only focused on the west from like 1000AD onwards until about 100 years ago when eastern religions and philosophies became more accepted in the west. And even before buddism there was Taoism, again a similar philosophy. I dont think anyone who truely understands these philosophies or universal truths would misinterperate them to think it doesnt matter what i do because i’m just doing it to myself, thats solipsism. They would only beholding thwmselves back and they should understand that.

You could say that but it wouldn't be accurate. Buddhism and Taoism do not believe we exist within any divine being

Buddha may have taught that

Christ may have taught that

Zhang Jiao may have taught that

But their teachings were altered

Many Gnostic, Zoroastrian, and Hebrew groups taught these things and were persecuted by the Greco-Romans for centuries until the light of their gnosis nearly burned out.

Buddhism does not adhere to any deity. The religion is that, a religion. It in fact encourages the practitioner to stay away from any divine being. It does not teach of its existence.

Basically the truth is somewhere in the middle of Buddhism and Christianity but both religions were created to serve as half truths. The mystery religions that pre-date known civilizations had a much better understanding of the cosmos, but like I said, many of them abused their knowledge, which is why we're where we are today.

My search into Gnosticism has resparked my own quest for gnosis and has led me down a wonderful, powerful path of enlightenment that continues to this day. So in a sense their quest for knowledge may have taken a 1500 odd year hiatus for the masses. But it's coming back in full force. Thanks for doing this AMA, wish I had more questions for you but know that the knowledge you're dropping is wonderful to read.

Thank you! And yes, I enjoy your optimism! That's what we need.

Buddha said "three things that cannot be hidden for long: the sun, the moon, and the truth"

Atoms change and behave based on our expectations of them.

No, they don't. PROBABILITIES change into ELECTRONS based on BEING OBSERVED. You can't expect the world to behave a certain way and force it to do so based on your expectation. If you can, how come starving africans don't manifest food? How come poverty-stricken communities don't "expect" leaf atoms into being money atoms?

did you go to a psychiatrist yet to check for schizophrenia?

Haha not yet! I'm pretty good at pretending to be normal. Boogie boogie!

why did you choose to post here?

Because this is the only place that will hear me.

One of the only places.

Yeah I'm out on this one. Won't forget who Seth rich was but this one right here, and I'm out. Y'all have fun. Happy larping.

Currently am in a delightful dialogue between my father and I. He has grown in his faith and I have grown in my understanding. I value faith, I simply don't have much.

What did you see?

It's not what I saw it's what I felt.

WE are Jesus.
All those who seek the truth.
The second coming is not an individual body.
He is distributed among many.

Look into the original Greek translations of the New Testament. It leaves a lot up to translation. I think it is ridiculous for you to only consider these ancient texts and not equally consider others and many ideas that have come since then: especially when these ancient texts have been altered and misused as much as they have.

That's my truth. Have your faith, but don't try to scare me with your truth.

The bible says a lot of crazy things. Was written by man and edited to fit a narrative later in life. It has a few good guidelines to live life by,but definitely not the blueprint. The demons are on the pulpit.