Ban all Posters to TopMindsOfReddit.

67  2017-12-19 by Catsarenotreptilians

I provided all the information that they refuse to look at and they insist on spreading misinformation, lies, and hate.

Anyone who posts to topminds should automatically be banned from participating in r/conspiracy.

I have submitted threads to try to get this information out to the masses so they can make their own judgements and enhance their understanding of what information is being fed to them.

Please, no more of this, JamesCole, we talked about this the other day, although I left it at: "If there is such an insignificant amount of topmind users directly harassing r/conspiracy users, then don't worry about it", I take this back. They are here to harass people. They have no control over anything they do, say, or share, they just provide everything in a harassing and biased manner that forces a distorted projection of the user.

Remove all posters of TopMinds please, if they are posting threads on topminds, they are not contributing to open discussion, they are directly working towards direct user harassment and hate.

How is this allowed?


"Threatening, harassing, or inciting violence

to /r/ sent 29 minutes ago

I provided links to my threads and peer reviewed studies directly talking openly and constructively about this.

This sub is literally breaking rule 9 of r/conspiracy, and is attack me individually as a user, I request that it is removed as it promotes hate, bias, and misinformation. "

I sent this directly to the admins of reddit. I am curious of whats going to happen about this, reddit cannot become a social media platform if it allows pure hate/bias to attack users. I do realize its the holidays and it will take some time to get a response, but this is no longer acceptable. The admins should be seeing TopMinds as a direct threat to the growth of Reddit, and in the end will just chase users/money away to voat and other platforms that offer a much more constructive atmosphere.

Report the harassment to the admins. Don't just leave it with the conspiracy mods and complaint threads. I really don't see how a insta-ban is going to stop users from creating a conspiracy-specific account to continue the behavior.

No problem. I should have had that in the body of the post but I remembered that I had a discussion with a moderator about this fairly recently.

Its weird as well, I am mostly on League, DBZ subreddits, I just come here to shoot the shit and toss theories and when their is proof/evidence of something, I like to dig it up and present it logically.

I am honestly sick of their shit. If they have a problem with information/proof being provided then they should voice their concerns/or provide their side so we can ameliorate the things they are concerned/questioning about, etc.

It doesn't matter if they create a r/conspiracy related account, just like other subreddits that ban you immediately for posting on other subs, conspiracy should autoban anyone who makes a thread on topminds.

They can come back and sound stupid all they want, but the second they start spreading hate to other subs, bam, banned from this sub, create a new account and wait a week.

Rule 9 is in place so that conspiracy users can't post topics to TMOR.

Reddit admins themselves should be seeing TopMinds as slowing the progression of Reddit.

Subreddits with the sole purpose of making fun of other parts of reddit have existed since like the beginning of reddit. I'm sure they aren't going to bring about the demise of the site.

These daily posts about TopMinds just feeds their narrative that this subreddit is all snowflakes. I've given some thought to them actually being behind these posts to make this subreddit look dumb

I am a fire, I have all the fuel I need, I provide peer reviewed papers, I explain constructively, etc. I can easily uproot myself here and go elsewhere, I just like reddit because I thought it was a community that wanted to enhance their knowledge, understanding, and look into things that are considered "taboo".

Sorry providing evidence of antitumor compounds and Morgellons being proven to be a spirochetal infection is seen as me making this post to make myself look dumb. Lol.

Is this copypasta? Or is your brain broken?

Is what copypasta? What specifically makes you suggest that I may have a "broken brain"?

(Ignore this one, he is obviously one of them trying to troll) Keep up the good work!

I appreciate it.

I've been told this is against site wide rules, yes? It would take the admins shutting the whole sub down, right?

Translation: Ban those who disagree with us!

Its not about disagreeing. If you want to disagree, leave it at that, when you make a thread specifically attacking a single users evidence/views, and provide no questions for clarity, it means they aren't trying to agree with us, they aren't trying to learn anything, they are spreading pure hate.

Taking the piss out of folks =/= "pure hate"

Pure hate looks a lot more like (((this))).

it means they aren't trying to agree with us

Didn't know this sub was only allowed one view point and everyone had to stick to it.

Unless you slavishly nod your head in agreement with the 4chan post someone found, some will accuse you of being a shill.

Satirizing often ridiculous statements found here is not spreading hate. It's not healthy to stay in an echo chamber all the time.

TMOR won't hurt you.

Translation: ban accounts whose only purpose for being in this sub is to bother people.

You guys need to get the fuck over top minds. You realize this is the whole reason they do what they do? Because they know there's someone who's going to go off the handle for no reason. If you're getting this upset about reddit, it's time to think about stepping away from the keyboard for a little while.

the answer is just reverse trolling them. Ban them from posting here, make it more difficult for them to do what they do.

Banning them from posting here accomplishes literally nothing, there's really no grounds for it, and again, all it does is make this even funnier for them.

it makes it harder for them to disrupt threads. they add nothing to r/conspiracy. i don't care what they think of us, i just want to have debates about topics without being linked there and having posts slid to the bottom that they don't like.

If they're actually brigading, what stops them from brigading on alts?

it doesn't but it makes it one step harder since they'd have to switch accounts.

Listen, this has happened to r/conspiracy for the last 8+ years. It used to be r/ it's top minds. The admins condone it by their inaction. It's up to us to reign them in

Dude, I get you really don't like us over in TMOR - but TMOR and conspirtard aren't / weren't the same.

TMOR has always banned our own users for brigading, it's against our rules and we do not sit there in secret discords planning to come in to your posts or whatever. That's in your head.

We don't charge in disrupting threads - we have no need to - that isn't the point of TMOR. The point is to watch you guys do it to yourselves. Like you are doing right this second. Like, we're watching through a window at you, and this is me tapping on the glass right now.

So just... chill. We're not out to get you, you do this to yourself. Threads like this are the reason for TMOR. You're self-reinforcing it.

All the mobile apps have one click account switching.

That's the low road. You can't take the low road when someone's goal is to antagonize you.

is it the low road though? I think it's the high road, you're just eliminating the future drama. and cutting out a healthy % of the issues because most are too lazy to run alt accounts to post here, then switch back to post there.

Most of TMOR is already banned here. And many of the new members are r/conspiracy posters who just were banned. r/conspiracy banning people who go against the orthodoxy here helped build TMOR up into what it is.

I will never

It used to be r/conspiratard, users would complain about them, then the responding comments would be a variation of users in agreement and others saying 'just ignore them'.

It's the implication of 'muddied waters'. I think people find it hard to participate when they know there are others whose (seemingly) only goal is to disrupt natural discourse of the subject matter for this sub.

Trust me, I was around for conspiratards too, I know what you're saying, but I still say they're harmless.

I think that grievances users here have with them shouldn't be discounted, even if TMoR activity isn't such a threat as you suggest.

IIRC, there is a rule that states users can be banned for posting somewhere such as TMoR, depending on context. My only point here is that they have and will continue to be a problem for some of the users here. So considering how you feel I guess it's a matter of perspective.

Personally I'm conflicted because of my principles in the belief of freedom of speech as well as my history with those subreddits.

Sooo, what it feels like to be a normal person who sees Trump for what he is and having to deal with altright folks taking stupid minute things about Hillary or Obama and blowing it up?

Sooo, what it feels like to be a normal person who sees Trump for what he is and having to deal with altright folks taking stupid minute things about Hillary or Obama and blowing it up?

Shipping guns to Mexico to give to the cartels, sending pallets of cash worth over a billion dollars to a country we have a trade embargo against, creating a failed state in Lybia, arming ISIS through Yemen, destroying congressionally subpoenad evidence, taking hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes from foreign countries... Such stupid minute things.

When will people focus on the important things, like Trump's tiny hands or his funny looking hair? Did you know his family name wasn't even really Trump?!

Shipping guns to Mexico to give to the cartels

Started under Bush

sending pallets of cash worth over a billion dollars to a country we have a trade embargo against,

Pallets of their own money that we'd been holding onto, that we traded to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of a hostile nation.

creating a failed state in Lybia

NATO-led intervention, spearheaded by France and the UK.

arming ISIS through Yemen,

Like Trump is doing?

destroying congressionally subpoenad evidence, taking hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes from foreign countries

Those two things just straight up didn't happen.

Whoa man I dont like those there facts you're slinging, you must be a podesta clinton shill

So you agree all those things are despicable?

No, but I think it's important to call out inaccuracies where they're found.

Oh so those are all good things. Why do you support Trump?

You're doing a terrible job at trying to strawman me.

I'm just showing your hypocrisy.

You've done nothing but foist a bunch incorrect assumptions on me.

They call it "trolling" yet it's funny how majority of them posts to subs like /r/politics, /r/enoughtrumpspam, /r/politicalhumor etc

I'm sure they come here just for lulz and no agenda whatsoever /s

They're also bullies. Went in there to point out the hipocracy of invoking the Dunning-Kruger effect in a sub such as theirs, had a civil discussion(from my POV at least) and the guy ended it with saying participation were encouraged.

Bout an hour later I got banned and then had 6 or so mods message me with sarcastic remakes about my big penis(which I never mentioned) and the like, after I asked how what I did was "brigading", when I was just browsing the sub and clicked a link regarding r/conspiracy.

They're just bullies with no ability of introspection what so ever.

If ever we had ourselves a crisp, freshly made example of an echo chamber. It's quite literally a pseudointellectual's KKK. They don't challenge each other, but instead they pick on those they sense as "other." They're bullies. Like all bullies, they're weak.

you get that "top minds" refers to the people here they are mocking, right, not themselves?

No, I didn't. I assumed they were referring to themselves.

Lol flip the script and muddy the waters on those tools and their lame little phrase

I've been calling them the top minds for months now

Same. Throwing it back in their faces. They're the smart ones, right?

I mean they've been called shills a lit by this sub and they just embraced it so.

Your comment was linked in the sub topmindsofreddit that harasses and breaks the rules of Reddit by voting in subs that it links from its own subbredit I encourage everyone to sub and report activity.

They are malicious but sanctioned. You dont even wanna know the things that are going on inside the r/TMOR private sub. They know what I talking about...

I want to know.


PM me if you can't say it here.

Nice try. Ill never reveal my source

I second this. Those trolls get off on bothering people, don't give them the satisfaction. They're not here to participate, they're here to be smug, uppity assholes who block you if you try having an honest conversation with them.

Ban all posters from /r/GarlicBreadMemes

I'd cast my vote for this. They're a waste of time. Might as well filter 'em out.

Why does anyone care? Unless they're doxxing you or something, just ignore them.

Posters? Probably. Commenters? Not necessarily. Depends on what is said.

Besides, the TMOR crew has armies of alts.

People say mean stuff in the internet? Sounds like some crackpot conspiracy.

I once had a comment I made submitted to TopMinds. It was funny. I mean, I KNOW what I am writing is reasonable, but the m-asses will view it as just crazy talk. They can all laugh about it and me together when they are chipped.

Same thing happened to me. I thought it was pretty amusing.

Top Mongs of Reddit.

Censorship is NEVER the right answer.

God forbid anybody is actually out there trying to engage in constructive dialog.

Kid, it's past time to stop.

This is embarrassing. You're getting triggered by an internet forum, dude.

There is a battle for the hearts and minds of every enslaved individual.

This isn't about the keks, but the unwarranted influence of a few meddling disinformation peddlers.

We shouldn't be angry at the blind, but those with sharp sticks who seek to make others blind.

A perfect example of this is TMOR.

Step 1) Don't be afraid to speak out.

If you never make it past step 1, you are exactly where they want you. Looking away, doing what they say.

Step 2) is simply acting out what you believe. Sure, you'll be singled out and tried...but that is what life is about. Leading by example.

Live fish go upstream. Dead fish go downstream.

Are you alive?

Are you awake yet?

It’s not about being triggered, it’s about vote and comment brigading ruining threads.

That's a weakness of Reddit. Banning assholes won't fix it.

Sure it would

Pfft. Might as well get rid of all the bots while you're at it. Good luck.

Just saying it would help, which is true. Of course it wouldn’t completely solve the problem.

And stoop to their level? Nah...

I was recently banned from TMOR with no explanation...I'm sorry but I don't waste my time on children.

I dunno what the answer is, but TMoR sucks ass and offers literally Zero to any conversation.

Any TotesMessenger from them, banned. Any cross posting, banned. Any brigading, banned.

Their express reason for existing is to mock r/conspiracy. They have a Rule n their sub that bans us "conspiratards" who post over there (I'm banned).

My family has a Kid's Table at Thanksgiving... the same concept applies here.

Nah don't ban them you know we're actually red pilling these guys? They don't realise it because the process of overcoming denial is slow and subconscious ... one day they're going to wake up thinking "of 911 was an inside job".

hahahahaha i thought you were kidding but you’re serious! 😂🤣

Fighting censorship with censorship... looks like everyone's doing it.

Removing negative energy will have positive effects. I say auto ban their users for cross posting.

all posters of topminds

you're a poster of topminds...

Even better, be is a top mind

you're a poster of topminds too...

Hi. I post on top minds. I also come in here and ask for evidence when people say crazy stuff. What rule of reddit/this sub have I broken?

You are the company you keep. No One seems to have a problem with TD users being banned from multiple subs for no reason other than having posted there. But when it comes to slop minds there is a legitimate reason to ban them as they brigade here regularly.

Plenty of people think blanket banning people who post in T_D is stupid. In fact I think it may be the prevailing opinion on reddit as a whole. Either way "They are doing it too!" isn't a very good reason to do anything.

Ok, but the jews do have a copyright on the letter U.

Source on the U please, I can't pass that up.

So, guilt by association then? Association with strangers I've never met, whose names I do not know, who my only connection with is that we both think that obsession with flat earth and the word pizza in emails is laughable?

Yes, you pretty much just snitched on yourself. If you strictly come here to laugh at other users and belittle you're most likely breaking rule 10. Unless you don't comment but just read and laugh which is perfectly fine and banning of the top minds subreddit really won't affect you.

Oh don't worry, I only laugh behind your backs. I come here to ask questions, which incidentally seems to rile up everyone more than laugher ever could, though that's not my intention with them.

Asking questions is good, we welcome that. The longer you stay and ask questions the sooner you start to question what you believe. Luckily for you TMOR is not banned yet, even luckier for you its very easy to make an alt account. Either way enjoy your visits here, Merry Christmas as well.


It’s ridiculous that the Mods allow such obvious brigading. I can’t imagine the justification for letting that slide but I’d love to hear why.

I think we've caused a commotion. The most we could do is make this a topic and I believe we've succeeded.

So because I've commented there calling them out on their bullshit I shouldn't be allowed to comment here?

The OP also comments there. I don't think he has thought this through.

Or maybe they're just trying to stir up trouble. Now they can go back there and say "see how terrible that sub is, they want to ban everyone for no reason!"

Were you successful? Did they see the error of their ways and apologize?

Why you hating bro. Obviously they didn't and I never expected as much. Just did it for fun

And much was likely had - at your expense. There’s no point going there to reason or troll. It’s the epitome of hivemindery.

Well if they had fun and I had fun it seems like a win win, why does it bother you that I've commented there

Call me crazy but thats not really in the spirit of free speech now is it. Something most of us hold dear here.

This post surely won't make it to their front page.

I support Free Speech, therefore I can't agree with bans.

I don't know if I've made it to their little clubhouse, frankly, I don't give a shit. That sub is just another "DAE HATE CIRCLEJERKS circlejerk" with a consipracy twist.

Call them out, banning won't fix anything. It's a battle for truth.

Banning people for posting in other subreddits isn't allowed

It isn't?

Cite that.


It still happens. I can understand why people would know it happens in other subs and ask that the mods here do it too. I don't approve of banning people like that, but if any sub deserves that kind of treatment, is one whose only purpose is to troll other communities.

so you agree with certain subs organizing and brigading other subs?

Hey genius, how do we easilly differentiate between posters like you who waste their breathe on topminds, and the people who successfully troll you into crying for a safe space?

So, when you ban a group you are validating them as a threat, and this is exactly the kind of thing they want.

They can be annoying, although I find them mostly funny. But keeo in mind they're not making rational arguments or presenting any kind of convincing evidence. Thus their only avenue to power lies in getting under people's skin. If we don't provide them that path, they'll soon collapse under their own ineffectiveness.


In a world with unlimited, free alts we are better off knowing who posts where.

Don't let them get to you dude. They are bullies and they target individuals who are weaker or vulnerable. They see passion in a user and they get little micro penis boners at the idea of making someone who is passionate about something upset by belittling whatever it is they see.

Sadly the world is full of these types, it's just on the internet they can turn their ugliness outwards with little repercussions.

Many of them are feeling their belief systems crashing down around them and their only recourse is to lash out. Pathetic I know, just be thankful you are not in their skin. peace

Anyone who posts to topminds should automatically be banned from participating in r/conspiracy.

I agree. Submission guidelines in the sidebar of /r/electromagnetics and /r/targetedenergyweapons does not approve posts or comments from submitters with a history of posting in subs modded by the mods of Top Minds of Reddit. They mod a lot of subs. We ban those submitters.

Plenty of people think blanket banning people who post in T_D is stupid. In fact I think it may be the prevailing opinion on reddit as a whole. Either way "They are doing it too!" isn't a very good reason to do anything.

So, guilt by association then? Association with strangers I've never met, whose names I do not know, who my only connection with is that we both think that obsession with flat earth and the word pizza in emails is laughable?

They're also bullies. Went in there to point out the hipocracy of invoking the Dunning-Kruger effect in a sub such as theirs, had a civil discussion(from my POV at least) and the guy ended it with saying participation were encouraged.

Bout an hour later I got banned and then had 6 or so mods message me with sarcastic remakes about my big penis(which I never mentioned) and the like, after I asked how what I did was "brigading", when I was just browsing the sub and clicked a link regarding r/conspiracy.

They're just bullies with no ability of introspection what so ever.