What is it about Jews that make them an especially vile breed of man?

0  2017-12-20 by [deleted]


Removed. Rule 1

rock on man

They’re a scapegoat for problems they didn’t cause.

109 times they've been scapegoated:


A Christian website collates the times believers of the parent religion of Christianity with which Christians have fundamental theological differences with have been ejected from places with Christian influence.

My god.

What a surprise.

Right. It couldn't have anything to do with their subversive nature which has been thoroughly documented throughout all history by all religions including their own holy books.

I'd say you're still living up to that username, but you probably hear that everytime you open you mouth.

I’m an idiot because I say the Jews aren’t fundamentally evil? I’m an idiot because I say that the moral writings of ancient civilizations aren’t supremely accurate?

Buddy, listen to yourself. You’re why this exists.

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Buddy, listen to yourself. You’re why this exists.

Funny, I strongly suspect that the OP who submitted the post is one of their ilk.

They get starved for attention, you know.

Ok, maybe, maybe not?

And then u/ConspiracyAccount comes in and swallows the bait whole because they do believe in this shit.

These are not issues that can be simplified to "all or nothing".

Anyone who paints it as such is either an ignorant fool or is trying to play others as such.

What issues? Jewish people or shills?

Rephrase that for me, will you?

You make it sound as though these things are mutually exclusive, and I'm confident that you didn't intend it to sound that way.

I’m not sure what your original point is, is what I mean.

Is it just that shills exist and will bait people like conspiracy account? Then yeah, totally. Those concepts aren’t mutually exclusive at all.

Shit bags like you, OP.

Removed. Rule 10

Wait. My post is removed?

I don't understand how combatting bigotry is against any of the rules. In fact, you can reasonably argue that I answered his question.

Wait. My post is removed?

Yes. Read rule 10.

In fact, you can reasonably argue that I answered his question.

His "question" was: "What is it about Jews that make them an especially vile breed of man?"

So then, were you agreeing that they are "an especially vile breed of man?", but that it is not THEIR fault, but the fault of OP and people like him???

Study it out.

This is going to require some horse power, so follow along.

Jews are just like any red blooded human being. Each one of them is a singular person, just like every other non-Jewish person. To say that they, as a group, are any worse than anyone else is just a projection based on someone's opinion of them. Therefore, it would follow that OP is making them into vile men based on his dip shit opinion.

It very well may have been a set up and, if it was, then now the reaction is that one of derision and anger in response to blatant anti-semitism.

Last, you need to remove your own post. You have violated Rule 10.

What are you complaining about?

OP broke rules 1 and 5, and was dealt with accordingly.

You broke rule 10, and while your comment was deleted, you were not banned, and you have not been officially warned. Yet.

Breaking rules in retaliation for rule breaking is still rule breaking, you understand.

Last, you need to remove your own post. You have violated Rule 10.

I think not. If you disagree, feel free to post your grievance in the mod mail.

Have a pleasant evening.

Ok. Thank you for instructing me on your defense of an anti-semite.

Birds of a feather should stick together.

What made you think this?


The root cause? Money, greed and prestige among their buddies or... some of us are still stupid monkeys throwing our shit at one another for shiny things. Has nothing to do with Jews.

The root cause is they were minorities in the countries they were in, which were welcomed when times were good, and used as a scapegoat when they were bad.

They're just people. Some good, some bad - just like everyone else.

This. An infinite times.

Go fuck yourself

Eat a bag of dicks OP. There's not a drop of Jewish blood in me as I'm from the Appalachians but this is a shitpost. Pure hate speech.

First, your family isn't from the Appalachians. Second I am merely trying to inspect history

My family is out of Scotland. Man, than reword your post. Something like "Let's inspect the history of the Jewish People" and do so using scholarly and well proven unbiased references. I have my opinions as do you, but your post is horrible.

Would you honestly trust them to let unbiased references seeo though? It begs the question if this would even be possible

What, man?

reword your post. Something like "Let's inspect the history of the Jewish People" and do so using scholarly and well proven unbiased references, man.

I suspect that OP's intention was to flame the sub by posting irredeemably obvious trash.

Happens all the time.

Well good work my man! Thanks!

You’re not being intellectually honest when you start by saying “especially vile breed of man”.

You’re not being intellectually honest when you start by saying “especially vile breed of man”.

What makes you think he was here to do anything other than smear the sub?

Digital False Flags are a 'thing'.

Nothing, I guess?

If he’s just here to rabble-rouse, then me and others coming down and telling him it’s bullshit just proves we’re not as bad as people want to think.

Nazi much?

everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi

Fuck off socialist scum

op is a waste of sperm. . .unless op is an ai in which case op is a waste of data, power, bandwidth, natural resources, time, space and a whole bunch of other shit i lost interest in listing

Would you honestly trust them to let unbiased references seeo though? It begs the question if this would even be possible

reword your post. Something like "Let's inspect the history of the Jewish People" and do so using scholarly and well proven unbiased references, man.

I suspect that OP's intention was to flame the sub by posting irredeemably obvious trash.

Happens all the time.

Ok. Thank you for instructing me on your defense of an anti-semite.

Birds of a feather should stick together.