On a major news radio broadcast: Imran Awan, used-car dealership, money-laundering and other topics.

52  2017-12-21 by That_Is_Precious

On my drive home this afternoon, I was shocked to hear a major news station discussing these topics:

Imran Awan, the used car dealership, DWS, ties to ISI, and other goodies:


The topic after was about the involvement of major FBI figures (and their wives) in the Russian Dossier:


The last topic was about the Obama DOJ shutting down the investigation into Hezbollah:


It was refreshing to hear some different conspiracies on a major news network. Many of these could have major ramifications on the US's government.

Are conspiracy theories becoming more mainstream?

Edit: Why is this getting downvoted so heavily on this sub? Genuinely interested.


No...they're using Awan as a carrot....to demonize Hezbollah...and all the idiots that fall for it are going to wonder what the fuck happened when nothing happens to Awan but we go to war in Lebanon and then Iran.