Why the Trump-Russia investigation could be a coup

28  2017-12-21 by That_Is_Precious

Politics aside, I wanted to explain why the "coup" narrative might not be bullcrap. There are some questions that need to be asked.

Note: I tried to find sources that would appeal to different users on this sub

Why it could be a political coup:

1. Within 24 hours of Hillary's loss, the Clinton campaign went into Russia-gate overdrive. It became a way to explain the defeat and a tactic to decrease the legitimacy of the current presidency:


2. It was evident that major news networks were actively helping Hillary Clinton before the election:


I'd be happy to post other evidence of the media's "assistance" with the Clinton campaign.

Many of these same media organizations are now delegitimizing the current presidency.

3. In the months leading up to the election, at least one Trump campaign official had their phone(s) tapped. This tap was accessed via a FISA warrant. The FISA warrant might have been obtained under extremely shady circumstances; shady circumstances paid for by the Clinton Camp.


4. It is becoming more likely that the people investigating Trump are adamantly against his presidency. It is possible that they orchestrated an "insurance" strategy (possible coup) in the event of a Trump presidency. The connections between a top FBI agent and his wife, an employee of Fusion GPS, are interesting.

Is a political coup occurring? I don't know at this point.

Is it becoming more likely that a political coup is occurring? I think that is the most interesting question.

Edit: The one question I will ask others... Are you downvoting this post because you disagree with the arguments, or are you downvoting this post because you disagree with the tough questions?


Welcome to oblivion OP, courtesy of the totally natural downvotes...LOL...

It is truly mesmerizing that a small piece of green cloth can turn people into such shits.

You won't convince the disenfranchised camp followers no matter how much evidence you present.

How will I ever know if I don't try?

Because it isn’t a coup. There, saved you some time.

Black and white is not appropriate for this situation. Questions and answers are the most appropriate.

All of your questions are dramatic misinterpretations of mundane events spun out into a politicized narrative that ignores wide swaths of context to focus on a singular possibility.

Half the people involved in this thing are Republicans. Why is that not good enough?

Your nuanced vocabulary moved me. Thanks for the reply.

Blatant shill here ^ lol


If that’s all you’ve got as a response, you have nothing.

I'm responding to you the same way you responded to this post, just without all the fancy vocabulary you use. Rekt

Mundane and swaths are the only uncommon words in my post, and that’s really pushing the idea of uncommon. Go back to school.

There you go again with your thesaurus.

What are you talking about?

He said it looks like those are just some words you know.

This is how I talk...


Evidence of what?

"dramatic misinterpretations of mundane events spun out into a politicized narrative that ignores wide swaths of context to focus on a singular possibility."

"Half the people involved in this thing are Republicans"

Evidence of both of the quotes.

I think they tried very hard to take back the power that they wont have back for a very long time, if ever. If the great awakening is real, anyway. There is nothing on trump personally, which is why theyre taking down people who are so insignificant in comparison to what they are saying has happened between russia and the trump team in 2016

Yes insignificant people like Trumps campaign manager and national security advisor. Practically interns.

This is ludicrous. Are denying that this email's existence?


Russia dirt on Hillary....

"If it's what you say, I love it" Or the meeting never happened in the summer of 2016? How do you explain the Flynn and Papadapous testimony.

This argument could also be made: Hiring a spy to dig up dirt on Trump would be great too. Especially if, on the off chance it creates grounds for a FISA warrant...

This evidence could also be laid: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/44291

Or he could be a corrupt scumbag who will lie and do anything to win. Trump's mob connections are well know. His campaign manger Manafort was a high profile Russian money launder, not exactly "the best people". He's exactly the kind of greedy person the KGB would target for Kompromat.

Without any evidence, all you have here are the makings of a very mediocre spy novel I wouldn't even read on a plane.

If you want evidence of Manafort money laundering for Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, look at his indictment.

Great. Manafort is a scumbag. And he was indicted for not registering as a foreign agent for the work he was doing for the Ukrainians WITH THE PODESTA GROUP. However, this has nothing to do with 2016 campaign "collusion" with Russia. It is a separate issue that does not implicate Trump at all.

Manafort was working for Ukraine and Russian oligarchs since 2006, long before the Podesta Group. Manafort also worked for Dmytro Firtash, who is deeply connected to Semyon Mogilevich, the head of the Russian mafia. Slight difference between the two in terms of work done in Ukraine.

I also don't know why you are so worried if anyone colluded with Russia during the campaign. Trumps own legal council has already said collusion is not a crime. I take their word for it. Shit, even if the Trump Campaign Foreign Policy Teams main objective was to change the RNC platform on Ukraine with assistance from GRU officers and input from Oleg Deripaska, I don't know if that is really illegal. Just extremely unethical.

You also should know that collusion is not the only thing Mueller is looking into. Obstruction of justice looks like the biggest investigative target as of now, but I hope you are preparing for what happens when Mueller get his hands on people like Michael Cohen and Felix Sater. Mueller is going to want to know how Trump Soho came to be and why there were so many Russian and Kazakh mafia figures involved at the top level of the development effort.

Good luck proving intent on that obstruction charge. Basically impossible.

You seem to assume I am a Trump supporter. I am not. I voted for Jill Stein. The same Jill Stein who is now being hauled in front of a Congressional Committee for attending a peace conference on her own dime that was sponsored by RT.

The thing that frustrates me so much about this thoroughly debunked Russiagate conspiracy theory is that it is being used as a justification to silence anyone who dissents from the Establishment narrative. This is neo-McCarthyism. If you want to get caught up in that and be the CIA's useful idiot while desperately hoping for circumstances that will make Mike Pence President, that's your business.

I refuse to cheer for a new Cold War. Humanity barely survived the last one. When the bombs drop, remember how badly you wanted this.

You should tell Mueller about how proving criminal intent on an obstruction case is impossible when the accused literally tweets out his own intent before attempting to impede a federal investigation. I'm sure you think it being impossible is totally going to stop his recomnendations.

Yes, calling out the president for literally employing convicted Russian mafia associates, laundering untold millions of Russian mob money, having a Russian kleptocrat run his campaign, tapping SVR Intel assets on his foreign policy team is cheering for a new cold war. Totally.

Mueller is too smart and experienced to indict over a tweet for which Trump's lawyer, John Dowd, took credit. Even if he could prove Trump wrote it, there is absolutely zero legal precedent for proving intent with a tweet. But don't take my word for it, take a constitutional law professor from Harvard's word for it: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-12-04/trump-can-t-confess-to-anything-in-a-tweet

You are correct on the second point. Obsessing over evil Russians plotting to take over our country while offering zero hard evidence of that very serious claim is the very definition of a new Cold War. Perhaps you are too young to remember the last one. The kind of irresponsible hysteria you are contributing to brought humanity to the brink during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Even Obama's CIA chief has admitted that your Russian conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/clinton-ally-says-smoke-no-fire-no-russia-trump-collusion-n734176

Every minute you spend obsessing about evil Russians is a minute we're not talking about the many, many horrible policies Trump and his GOP cronies are actually implementing, which effect the lives of every American.

Wake up from your fever-dream, turn off Rachel Maddow, and ask yourself who really benefits from diverting the public's attention from the reality of what's actually going on in this country.

Mueller has more than Trumps tweet, which is obviously not written by Dowd. McGahn has provided research records on criminal statutes on lying to the fbi that he compiled after he had discussions with Sally Yates. McGahn had already known about Flynn lying to the FBI and told Trump about it. Trump knew in late January at least that Flynn lied to the FBI.

Are you going to address how Trump personally employed a convicted Russian mafia associate or no? Or maybe address all of the Russian and Kazakh mafia money that turned up in Trump Soho as a result of Felix Sater and Tevfik Arif's efforts?

Nothing has been debunked my friend. There is nothing that has yet been provided to disprove the Trump Org links to Russian organized crime through people like Felix Sater and Michael Cohen.

Digging into a presidents ties to Russian organized crime is not going to start a new cold war and it is honestly one of the most pathetic excuses to stop a criminal investigation that I have seen.

If you knew anything about law, you'd realize that it's not what you know, it's what you can prove. Every legal expert worth his or her salt has admitted proving the obstruction case is virtually impossible here. But, hey, I guess you know more about it than a Harvard law professor and constitutional law scholar. Keep dreaming, buddy. Maybe if you click your heels together and wish real hard, your dream of a Mike Pence Presidency will come to fruition. What a wonderful world that would be.

Second, look at what your saying here. You started out talking about the Russians stealing the election, and now you are prattling on about some obscure supposed Russian crime figures. This is classic Russiagate goal-post moving. Frankly, what you're describing seems tame compared with the Clintons' involvement with the Russians in the Uranium One debacle.

Our brothers and sisters struggling in Flint, Michigan, McDowell County, West Virginia, and all over American could care less about Felix Sater and Michael Cohen. They care about having clean water to drink, having a roof over their heads, and putting food on the table for their children. They care about the pain caused by Big Pharma's opioid pushing, massive structural unemployment and underemployment, they care about ending the disastrous foreign wars that are bankrupting our economy.

I never said the criminal investigation should be stopped. Just that the ridiculous, myopic focus on it and the hysteria being whipped up by people like you, and the mainstream news media, are an enormous disservice to our country and threaten humanity by dragging us into a new Cold War. This is objectively true. Just look at what is going on right now in Congress with this Committee dragging Jill Stein and comedian Randy Credico before it, for no other reason than they talked to people the political Establishment doesn't like (RT and WikiLeaks, respectively). This is textbook McCarthyism, and it is an assault on free speech that is happening right now, and you are a part of it, whether you admit it or not.

As an American who believes in the Constitution, that concerns me far more that Felix Sater or some Khazak guy I've never heard of.

If you knew anything about law, you'd realize that it's not what you know, it's what you can prove.

Exactly. If you can prove that:

  • Trump pressured Comey to drop an investigation into Mike Flynn
  • Trump knew in advance of him pressuring Comey of Flynn lying to the FBI
  • Trump was warned by his own legal council in advance of Flynn's legal troubles
  • Trump wrote his intent before firing Comey into a non-public memo with help from Stephen Miller and his own council argued against that memo.

Then it's pretty easy to prove obstruction of justice.

You started out talking about the Russians stealing the election. This is classic Russiagate goal-post moving.

Nope. You are putting words in my mouth. I knew of Trump's involvement in Russian money laundering projects at the end of 2016. I've been telling my own friends that support Trump that this investigation was eventually going to turn this up. I personally don't believe the Trump team colluded with Russian intelligence to influence the election. Sure they provided motive to the Russians by changing policy decisions on sanctions and Ukraine, but that's not really illegal. I know from my own research that Trump is deathly afraid about Mueller focusing on his organisation's finances.

In this entire thread, can you please find me where I "started out talking about the Russians stealing the election". Cause I don't.

now you are prattling on about some obscure supposed Russian crime figures

Felix Sater was a Trump Org employee that was in close contact with Michael Cohen on project acquisition. The projects that Michael Cohen and Felix Sater were involved in are either entirely funded by Kazakh, Russian, and Azeri mafia figures. Felix Sater was convicted of stabbing a man in the face and convicted of $40 million in stock fraud conspiracy. Felix Sater was also a Trump org employee. Michael Cohen will have his story told in the press soon enough.

Maybe if you click your heels together and wish real hard, your dream of a Mike Pence Presidency will come to fruition.

Lol, Pence is just as guilty as Trump with relation to obstruction of justice and Mike Flynn. He ran the transition. He knew everything that Flynn did, which is why Trump legal council is freaking out over the transition emails winding up at the Special Council's office.

You sound delusional. If any of those claims could be proven, Trump would already be indicted, and stalwart neoliberals like Michael Morrell and Dahlia Lithwick wouldn't be distancing themselves from the debunked Russiagate narrative. Even Masha Gessen, one of the most anti-Putin reporters out there, has disowned this debunked conspiracy theory: http://www.nybooks.com/daily/2017/03/06/trump-russia-conspiracy-trap/

And let's assume you're right about Pence (despite the glaring fact you have offered no evidence). Then you must really be dreaming about a Paul Ryan Presidency, because he is next in line. What a wonderful world that would be, for the American oligarchs.

My comments regarding goal-post moving referred to Russiagate fanatics a whole (as in "you Russiagaters"). It always starts with election stealing, travels through obstruction, and when those arguments fail, you resort to vague accusations of money laundering from last decade.

Again, I could really care less about Michael Cohen and Felix Sater. The issues I raised in my last post are far more important to me because they effect the lives of every American. Those issues are what we should be focusing on, not corrupt dealings of some guy who was once Trump's lawyer on some construction project ten years ago. Again, even if true, that pales in comparison to Uranium One.

So, go ahead and click those heals, close your eyes and wish real hard, perhaps your dream of a world where Paul Ryan is Commander-in-Chief will come to pass. I have far more important issues to spend my time on, like income inequality, the opioid crisis, net neutrality, and defending free speech.

Good post dude. I'm ashamed that there are people here that like snopes but good on you for providing a variety of sources

A coup when Trump is in power with Republicans in control is a hell of a lot more difficult than simply stopping him in the first place.

If they had such readily available nefarious means, the dossier etc would have been made available before the election and Hillary's email investigation would never have been reopened a few days prior to the election.

How many people really expected Trump to win? In my post I explicitly state the idea of an "insurance policy". Here was the statement from the FBI OP:

I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office [Andrew McCabe is the FBI deputy director and married to a Democratic Virginia State Senate candidate] for that there’s no way he gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40 …

It's all emotional rhetoric at this point. There are no facts. Frankly, I hope some of the more evangelical Trump supporters do see it as a coup. I want them to either abandon the republican party or die fighting the people that remove Trump from office.

Looks like you just do /news and /conspiracy. Saw one of your cohorts up there who only does /politics and /conspiracy. Interesting trends and all that.

Now then, what are you talking about? The coup OP is referring to was the fake Russiagate Hillary and Co got running with help from their pal Comey in the FBI and the Ohrs and their DOJ/CIA connections. They set up the dossier via Fusion One, thanks to folks like Strozk and Priestap. I believe McCain was involved at some point. All that seems to be coming out.

How's Hillary's ankle doing? How's McCain's brain? Where's Obama’s slush money? Why is Valerie Jarrett living with him? Uranium One disappeared from the MSM cycle pretty fast.

Joe Biden doesn't seem happy.

Keep pushing this narrative. Like I said, I want people to believe this.

I love how the snopes article frames it on light of Donna brazile as if Clinton did nothing wrong. Lone gunman!

You started this post off with a fake narrative. Hillary didn't start talking about Russia after she lost. If you watched the debates then you'd know they argued about Russia and Julian Assange in their 3rd debate. We have been talking about ties to Russia since Trump hired a criminal to run his entire campaign. It's not Hillary's fault that Trumps team is full of Russian agents who lied to the FBI.

It's not Hillary's fault that the Trump Org hired Felix Sater, who is a convicted Russian mafia associate with strong ties to Semyon Mogilevich.

It's not Hillary's fault that the Trump Org hired Michael Cohen, who is involved in a kleptocracy laundering scheme with Viktor Topolov, has heavy ties to the Russian mob in Brighton Beach, and is a childhood friend of Felix Sater's.

I guess they're just biding their sweet ass time then? Also, wouldn't they just kill him, like the last time a coup actually happened in the US?

What would they gain by killing him? It would probably work less in their favor.

Very plausible. The Russian narrative has been bullshit war propaganda from the start.

Does OP want to point out in their post that the official in the Trump campaign that was wiretapped was Carter Page, who was part of an SVR spy ring in NYC in 2013?

Might be important if the person that was wiretapped was an asset of Russian intelligence.

one of the most important quotes about Trump is one that few people seem to know or mention

Newt Gingrich said something to the effect of

"there is a secret society, and Trump has not been initiated into it"

this was before the election, presumably signaling to all the low level freemasons/bonesmen/etc that Trump was not one of them

You need to google the definition of the word coup.

Your nuanced vocabulary moved me. Thanks for the reply.

Blatant shill here ^ lol

There you go again with your thesaurus.
