Can anyone make a program or webpage that allows you to filter Reddit users in mass by account age?

11  2017-12-21 by Flytape

It would be interesting to see what Conspiracy looks like if all accounts under a certain age like 1 year were hidden from view. I bet the current news feed posts would virtually disappear.


Too many people delete their accounts. It's annoying. To be expected I suppose, considering we're talking about crimes against humanity.

It would be nice if we lived in a world where our own government wasn't using supercomputers to collect massive amounts of data on us here.

i delete an account every couple of months, i don't want my data sold/shared/spied. there are certainly privacy concerns when using old accounts.

I start over about twice a year for the same reasons.

This is true but not really relevant to my idea.

Mi dispiace

Sounds like an interesting idea, that I might just do as a fun little weekend hackathon :)

A bottle of vodka too?

That's fucked up.

Indeed. I didn't get a bottle of vodka....or homemade cider...not even a 3.5 beer...nuthin...

Vanilla extract?


Aren't you a big boozer?

Not really, tbh.

Lol sure..

I'm not, honestly. I despise spirits, but love me some homemade cider at night, especially during the Alaskan winters. Anyways, why are you derailing OP?

you know stuff like this could be incentivized by crowdsourced micro funding. would be an interesting approach. have members of /r/conspiracy vote on stuff they'd like to see, collect a bounty on it, and give the person or group who meets the requirements for the feature the bounty.

That too, sounds like a very interesting idea.

i'm poor af and currently unemployed. be a great way to add some coin.

i'm poor af and currently unemployed.

Sorry to hear about that.

be a great way to add some coin.

Indeed, but, I have something on the back burner (kicking around in my noggin) that may be way better ;). It's not for this sub (something I'm thinking about for /r/AlternativeHistory), and not fully hashed out, but.. when it is, I'll definitely let you know, mate.

all good..i'll be throwing up my birdnet grid access point code fairly soon and then people will be able to spin up ap's and share messages albeit slowly and inefficiently should the apoc happen. ap pops up to listen to other ap mailboxes, shuts down. that kinda deal. portable. impermanent. it's mostly done already. will fucking completely bypass the internet and just be pure radio. permanent unstoppable data feeds here we come!

I actually looked into something like this. Unfortunately it's pretty inefficient. The user's account age is not something that is normally passed along with post information, so you need to submit a separate request for each post's author to get their account age. If you obey reddit's API/rate limits, then it can take a long time. (and if you disobey them, that's not nice)

Initially, yes, it would be pretty inefficient, but you could store author age locally upon initial lookup and then compare against that (I'm assuming this would be a browser extension). Reddit's API also has an endpoint that supposedly lets you fetch info from multiple users in one request, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. I've been meaning to ask about it on r/redditdev for another project I've been looking into.

and if you disobey them, that's not nice

It's not that it's not nice, it's that they will deny you access after 60 requests/min. So you can have a bit of burstiness, but probably not enough to get account ages from every author in a thread.

Right on. Patience may be a key tool in this. Its easy enough to do, except that processing time and compilation may be sigificant.

I like and connect with your idea of creating a local database of known actors to reference instead of starting raw at each computation. Great thought.

Might not even need the local db:

  1. Pull the user fullnames (t2_xxxxxx) from each post/comment on the page into an array. Simple regex might be the best bet, depending on how the page actually loads. Each post/comment has the author_id stored as a data attribute in the DOM.

  2. Make a request to /api/user_data_by_account_ids with the ids as the parameter. I think it might be capped at 100 per request, but should be easy enough to split and batch.

  3. For each id, compare the age of the account to whatever you have set for an age limit. If the account's under the age, it should be as simple as setting display: none on the divs with that data attribute.

Should take at most 15 api requests if you have gold, but likely only one, and might not play nice with RES. As long as you aren't constantly checking new threads, I doubt you'd ever hit the rate limit. I imagine the most time would actually be spent modifying the DOM.

I might give this a shot tonight.

Groovy. My idea was only that on lower bandwidth and connection options that a local db may improve efficiency, but definately not required. Would be a great add on.

Fiverr would be a quick and cheap solution, it's an easy thing to do. Just grab the feed, check account age, and if it passes the criteria send it to the display function.

nice to see a turkey voting for christmas.


instead of making the filter be account age, how about coming up with an object model for a user and filtering via user supplied javascript functions that spit out bools on a match...fn(userModel)=> bool kinda shit. makes the feature much more extensible.

I'm always deleting my accounts and starting new ones. I don't like that Reddit is selling my personality profile, likes/dislikes and all of my private information to marketing corporations.

I'd toss my five bucks into crowdfunding this.

this is the one sub where one should have young accounts, the less doxing/spying that can be done on my account the better. i change mine every couple of months but have been on reddit for like 8 years. not that i post content here, so don't suspect me!

Try reaching out to go1fish on voat. He’s already created ceddit:

It would be a simple program to write, only that it would not be as quick as some would like without funded resources. It could be run locally on a pc tower on threads for instance, but it would not be a simple instant results. There would be significant processing time, but a script COULD be compiled easily enough. Is there interest in such a tool?

Hey fly, I ended up playing around with this and wrote a chrome/chromium extension for this. (It might work as is on Mozilla or Opera, but I haven't checked. It would only take a bit of tweaking if it doesn't.) The code is very much "as is" at this point, and I haven't done any rigorous testing on it. This is actually the first browser extension I've written, and the first time I've done any real javascript in well over 5 years.

I don't know if you know how to add unpacked browser extensions, but if you do, the full codebase is available at (It does require you to allow the extension certain permissions through OAuth, including the "private message" scope. This is necessary to pull user information to make it work, but the extension doesn't keep or send any of your information.)

Here's some screenshots: The captions explain what's going on in each image.

Something you didn't mention that I added is a color coded display of the age of each user next to their name. Green for old, light green for less old, light red for just under a year (or whatever you set it to, red for very new. It's a sliding scale. You can always just hover over a username to see how old they are, but this makes it even easier to visually see the relative ages of accounts throughout a thread. This might actually make me want to use this regularly, or perhaps contribute it to RES.

Anyway, let me know if you get it to work. If there's interest, I might work on making it more robust, or anyone can feel free to fork it if they like.

/u/Putin_loves_cats, /u/SketchTeno, /u/Johnny_Oldschool: if you're interested.

Edit: one more note. The account ages displayed are off by a few days because I calculate them with a pretty naive method, but they should be good enough for these purposes.

awesome dude! thanks a bunch! :D

Can we contact the mods of /r/bitcoin and see what they use so it shows it in this sub by default as flair?

I can't say I'm a huge fan of that idea. For one, users can hide their own flair, which I expect any of the real trouble makers would anyway. Second, I don't know that I like the idea of imposing on everyone who uses the sub, with no way of turning it off. My code is open source and free to use (as is), and if there's any interest, I'll happily package it as a real extension. I'd prefer to give users the choice rather than make that choice for them.

In /r/bitcoin, it isn't an option. it just shows up in accounts younger than X amount of time.

I appreciate your work. If you can package it up as an extension to chrome/chromium, I would honestly be surprised if it wasn't a huge hit.

I'd have to check, honestly, but I'm pretty sure reddit, or at least RES, gives the option of whether or not to display flair on a given sub, unless they're doing it with CSS. It's an option on the sidebar of any particular sub.