Reminder: it’s been 81 days since the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history, and we still have no motive, the media is silent, and dozens of unanswered questions remain.

6530  2017-12-21 by mjr133113


Hey retards, if he had a manifesto in his hotel room would they publish it? THOUSANDS of people are claiming to have PTSD because of this event, the lawsuits will span decades, what do you want from the investigators? There is nothing that would satiate you. And just what the fuck "media" is being silent? I just went to the Vegas Journal Review site and their fucking headbar is a link to articles and updates about the shooting. Get fucked, this is just to distract from actual conspiracies like banks and their minions dissolving public assets like schools and roads. But that shit has evidence and paths to correct, where as here you can all play Sherlock and know more than everyone.

Some people also believe Alex Jones is a credible journalist to.

maybe it will get more attention if we start calling it the las vegas massacre

FBI is saying it may take up tp next October to release the motive. This is a fucking joke of a country we are living in. Fucking ridiculous.

We should pick one person to poke about this until the entire nation is properly addressed. In other mass shootings who is typically tapped to make a national statement?

Well we cannot expect Trump to address this mass shooting because he's busy fighting the deep state constantly for our interests. Maybe Obama should step up? The Vegas shooting was kinda his fault anyways if you think about it.

What has Obama got to do with this?

Sorry I had recently ingested a lead-filled Alex Jones male vitality supplement after making that comment. My IQ is a few points higher now that I purged it from my body

Your IQ may be higher, but can you still understand rick and morty?

haha..Rick and Morty is for smart people only. i mean dumb people watch it but they like the farts and burps and not the epistemological aspect of it. of course i comprehend it. The series touches on topics from Sartrean existentialism to Nieztchean nihilism. Like...everything in philosophy. also Rick is obviously a Trump kind of guy. Trump and Sam Harris will complete the system of German idealism, and Rick and Morty is basically the dissertation on how.

He was making a joke

You missed the /s at the end of that paragraph

The president. Trump would be the person to address this. Or you could pressure the AG or FBI director.

If you're skeptical that Trump and his appointees will do anything you could pressure the Nevada governor, Brian Sandoval. He seems to be very opposed to gun control and has expressed support for the death penalty. With that in mind I assume he's probably tough on crime.

You could also try to pressure the Nevada AG, Adam Laxalt. He's a pretty strict law-and-order Republican. Moreover, he's got some conservative/GOP pedigree. His mother Michelle is often a talking head on Fox News and he is the son and grandson of two western GOP stalwarts. Senator Paul Laxalt (Nevada) is his grandfather and Senator Pete Domenici (New Mexico) was his father. Of course his parentage is somewhat scandalous.

Not only this, but there is still no good reason to be convinced that any real shots were actually fired that evening.

I made a thread asking for visual evidence, preferably from the scene, that shots were fired -- images of bullet damage, bullets striking anything, gunshot wounds, or real medical activity -- and the best I got was a photo I call "girl with blood on leg."

Don't cut yourself on that edge there buddy.

My edge is so sharp I can predict the future. When did I draw that cartoon again?

I'm gonna guess..4th grade?

No good reason to believe shots were fired?

The dozens of people who reported shots fired, the people who were shot, the people who treated the people who were shot for gunshot wounds, the sound of gunfire, the bullet holes, the sniper's next filled with guns, expended rounds and rounds of unused ammunition doesn't give you at least enough information to ascertain shots were fired?

I've seen all YouTube has to offer. Show the most convincing evidence that shots were fired.

You're wasting your time with this idiot. He'll never change his mind until he builds himself a time machine so that he can get shot himself at the concert.

My instinct says "troll", but he might really be uninformed and others may find the information useful.

I'm thinking mental/personality disorder.

I've seen all of those. Being specific, at which timestamp of which video is the most compelling sign of actual shots being fired? At what timestamp can be seen bullets striking anything, gunshot wounds, bullet damage, or medical activity?

Here's the thing: You have to take all of the information available in context. Selecting one bit of information and holding it up as definitive proof is going to lead you to wrong conclusions.

You can't ignore the thousands (literally thousands, that's not hyberbole) of reports, photos, videos and accounts in favor of one that proves or disproves a hypothesis.

Looking at the evidence that is publicly available, the police audio, the videos, the photos, the witness interviews, the obituaries, and public statements made by officials and other witnesses, I conclude that shots were fired and people were killed.

I consider ALL of the information. I can't pick out one piece of information and call it more or less compelling than any other. In compiling and reviewing evidence and information (and I encourage you to do this for a lot of things, not just major events), an investigator needs to consider not just what the item is, but also the context in which it is presented.

Random video shot by cell phone by a person at the scene as the event is happening is very compelling. We have dozens of them corroborating each other all released around the time this event is alleged to occur, some within minutes of the event. Police body camera footage matches some of those videos, those people have been identified in subsequent interviews. There's injured people, dead people, damage to property, clear panic on a large scale.

If you don't believe the same thing I do, that's fine. That's your right and I respect that. I just encourage you to expand your realm of possibilities a bit. Don't start your investigation with a conclusion. And that's kind of what you're doing when you say "I don't believe shots were fired."

Good investigators refrain from drawing a conclusion until they've seen all the evidence. Now, if, as you say, you've seen all the evidence and you still don't believe shots were fired, well that's your opinion. It's wrong and it's contrary to the overwhelming amount of evidence that shots WERE fired, but it's your opinion and you are entitled to it.

Question the official story, demand answers, but don't outright deny something happened when there is so, so much evidence available that it did.

That's a lot of words when you could just say "no there's no imagery of gunshot wounds, bullet strikes/damage, or medical activity on the scene."

And yes it is the definition of hyperbole to ludicrously assert that there are "thousands" of pieces of evidence when you can't point to one, let alone a dozen.

Or, I could just say you are a deliberately obtuse contrarian and go on about my day.

For the record, I asked for visual evidence of shots being fired and you linked to a bunch of random YouTube videos I've already seen and cannot specify what part of which video contains this visual evidence.

Yes. When a bunch of people say a thing happened and there are videos of it happening, a rational person concludes that a thing happened.

But there are no videos of anything happening other than panicked running and the sounds of gunfire. You cannot or will not demonstrate otherwise. Was Sandy Hook a real shooting?

I'm astounded that this guy wouldn't link you to a timestamp.

No one does, they just say "I'm not doing your work for you." They assert that it's obvious this was a real shooting but can't even show the basic visual evidence that would support this.

Even in some videos people have sent me, I've taken the effort to freeze frame and take a still image of what they are saying shows a gunshot wound or whatever to show that no, it doesn't.

Las Vegas hoax was all about the psychological trick known as the power of suggestion. Show a bunch of random running and screaming and the sounds of gunshots and let everyone's imaginations run wild to fill in the blanks.

One guy in this thread did show a gunshot wound, so there's that.

Which one? Let's look at it together.

Here's the link to the context.

Just in case, here's the direct link to the article with the picture of the lady with the gunshot wound in her leg.

Surely you're not talking about the fat lady being pushed around in the rolling chair? There's no gunshot wound there.

What's this, then?

Like I told the other guy, I'm fairly neutral, so I'm neither hyper-critical or especially willing to relent. Is there a reason you don't think this is a gunshot wound?

If that's an entrance wound from a high-calibre rifle round, there should be a very messy and bloody exit wound on the medial side of her leg.

If that's the closest thing anyone can show to a reason to think shots were fired, it speaks pretty loudly in favor of this being a staged event.

It wouldnt matter if you showed him video of bullets hitting people in HD and aftermath.

It's all fake to him. Honestly disturbing if he's serious, and that they havent been banned.

I literally know a girl who was shot in the eye. She’s recovering albeit very slowly. How do you explain that, exactly? Of course stuff is being covered up but your assertion is wrong.

Not that you will prove this meaningless internet claim in any way, but honestly who cares? Even if you know someone who was shot there should still be evidence of bullets being fired that would be so obvious and abundant that you wouldn't need to lie.

My point is that the witnesses are people who literally got shot ARE the proof you’re looking for. You’re needing some kind of video evidence of a bullet striking someone, which yeah is surprising to not have, but there’s plenty of evidence available to you as it is.

Ok show me someone who literally got shot and how you know they were shot.

No, I'm not insisting on footage of bullets striking, even though if this were a real shooting there would be plenty such video. There is not even imagery of real Medical activity, gunshot wounds, or bullet damage associated with that night on the scene.

Could it be that people were more occupied with helping the wounded than filming them that night? What about the hundreds of witnesses? So you expect people who were shot to upload pictures of their wounds online because you have trouble excepting this event as a reality?

And google “Vegas shooting ambulances”. C’mon dude.

You're right that this is the "most convincing" content, but let's be honest -- it shows literally nothing. A cup being kicked over, wow. As for the second video, first of all that crowd of people would certainly not be casually loitering around if there were real gunfire happening; this alone is enough to know that is a staged scene. Secondly, one impact? We are talking about thousands of rounds being fired. You can even hear the sounds of many "gunshots" going off. Yet we see one impact? No, it doesn't work like that. Where are the other bullets?

That cup isn't kicked over; something unseen knocks it over. Here's a video of some victims.

Users like this one always wave a big red flag to me.

Espouses to believe there was some sort of conspiracy, but is absolutely married to the belief that IT DID HAPPEN.

Keep minding that fence buddy...

Nowadays when I want the truth in this sub, I just look for the comment with the most down votes.

Sadly you're right. Check this one out and notice the contrast.

Ah yes, the “How dare you, I knew someone!” retort.

These idiots are so lazy it is beyond reproach.

The sheer volume of questionable accounts that gate keep the topic is all the evidence a semi functional intellect should require.

I have been thinking that same thing lately -- it's so easy to discern truth from disinformation because of these dim-witted shills using the same excruciatingly silly playbook. You're right, speaking of the sheer volume, it's basically just a mathematical proof of the hoax at this point - I have, no exaggeration, had going on thirty people tell me on this subreddit they personally know a victim. Just earlier today someone told me they know a girl who was shot in the eye:

If I were really diligent, it would be a good effort post to compile all the people who have told me this. All you have to do is observe the "sheer volume" and ask yourself why that would happen.

I burned out arguing with shills over Sandy Hoax and that laughable scene in Virginia where the news lady was shot “live on TV!”

Once they decided they were going to ceremoniously up the body count with each new shooting, I tuned out.

IMO it’s pretty evident that average people are skeptical as well. Maybe they won’t call it an outright conspiracy yet, but I sure hear a lot fewer conversations about how “incredibly sad” it all is.

Same here!

You're a fucking psycho. Seriously, you should seek mental help.

Removed. Rule 4. 1st warning.

Because you, denizen of the internet, deserve to get the answers you demand before the myriad of lawsuits related to the situation that might involve sensitive information from the event play out in the court system.

The public deserves information about the deadliest mass shooting in US history. How can you disagree with that?

And the victims families more importantly.

Victims or "victims"? We don't even really know.

Yeah, man. All of those false flag crisis actors who just showed up to the Vegas local hospitals dead or bleeding out. Serious commitment to their craft...

No footage of the shooter. No pix of the thousands and thousands of shells that would've been ejected from shooter's rifle. Minimal footage of hospital visits, funerals, injured interviews.

Vegas is shady as shit for sure.

You expect all of this shit to just be released as some sort of photojournalism essay by Getty? You ever think that these images and videos of a crime might just be sensitive material to be used in forthcoming legal cases?

I've thought about it. But the actions by the LVPD and Feds are way too shady for that to be the lone explanation. Sorry.

What actions? You do realize that when events like this happen it isn't some crack team of elite specialists who swoop in to take over initially? It's the local jurisdictions who probably have never experienced a situation like what is happening to them at that moment. They are human beings. They are scared, amped, and shocked. They want answers and they want to give answers, especially since they have a press pool they probably have never seen hounding them for any but of info they can give to their subscribers. They offer answers, time lines, anything to the best of their knowledge. They make mistakes and have to back track. This happens. If you want the most detailed, definitive answer to what investigators know the first time they speak, you are going to have to wait. Expecting answers immediately and expecting them not to change is lacking the understanding of how investigations work.

Reeeeaaaaalllly? Keep expectations for investigations the gubmint wants uninvestigated low and tell everybody that "Expecting answers immediately and expecting them not to change is lacking the understanding of how investigations work." You have explained the anomalies now, at least to your satisfaction...Fess up: Are you the security guard?

I am the walrus.

Koo koo ca choo

As this cliche goes....It's not just what they say but how they say it. You watch those press conferences and those guys just exude suspicious elusiveness. Plus all the important facts the media just never tells us, like the 4 Seasons hotel above Mandalay Bay being owned by Talal....following up on claims of the other Saudi Prince being guided outside a different hotel, etc.

The thing is shady af. You won't be able to convince me otherwise.

Yeah, definitely. I'm including the victims' families as people I assume have a bunch of lawsuits in place to learn what happened.

I don't disagree.

Man with mental health issues and access to dangerous weapons caused a lot of deaths. The US has a serious problem with mental health and guns. Its not rocket science.

Serious question: about how long does it take for an occurrence like this to go to court? I am sure it depends on many factors. Anyone know? Rough estimate?

I want to see video of that professional video poker player winning big...I want to see the Satanic American media scum (with Dershowitz and others helping) explain how MGM and properties don't have court-ordered liens by now...I want the Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, and even like-minded country music stars to rail against the system and the coverup that is celebrated by Vegas cops and the disgraced ubiquitous exonerators of the Soviet Communist FBI...I want Ellen to own up to being a CIA agent...I even want the Don to speak out against the information dissemination system and political commentary system that further disgraces the scammers whose butts are fervently and deferentially kissed in a manner like Sandy Hook or 911 or...I'm not holding my breath for any of this to happen but it should...Ain't this spozed to be America?

You sound like you wanna raaaaaage against the machine there champ.

Im justa love muh-cheen....

Now you do what they told ya

wait wait wait wait wait. ELLEN IS A CIA AGENT? Like Ellen from the Ellen Show? The dancing elfish looking lesbian?

I know...I was surprised too...

The NRA - a giant lobbying organization with huge financial stake in gun control debate - is suppressing the story because it is the best argument today against their "good guy with a guy" John Wayne mythology.

Yep, liberal media always side with the NRA.

Lmao are you a retard

That's offensive terminology, the politically correct term is "special needs. Fucking liberal.

Sounds like something a retarded cuck would say

Did you mean to put /s?

the NRA has way more influence than the "liberal media".

They're controlled opposition? They came out saying slide fire stocks should be banned even when courts keep ruling they're perfectly legal. They're supposed to protect our second amendment rights, not support taking them away

personal gun ownership as a constitutional issue was not even a "thing" before right-wing radicals literally staged a coup and took over the org. in 1975.

Are you cherry picking shootings now? There was an attack in Texas more recently in which a good samaritan with a gun was able to stop a mass shooting and kill the perpetrator as well. We need more good people who are armed, not fewer.

what is the much more sinister reason?

I wonder if the Socialist Rifle Association will make a statement on Vegas

I would caution you to do a little research (which you obviously haven't) before making a statement like this.

  1. After a mass shooting gun sales sky rocket. Every single time. It's a fact and any research will show that.

  2. The best thing possible for the gun lobby is to have a candidate running on a pro-gun control platform.

Whether or not you believe in gun control doesn't matter to me, but don’t ignore the statistical facts that the best thing for the gun industry is someone threatening to ban guns. Take this shooting as a discussion point. Shortly after the shooting (as in the next morning) stock prices for gun manufactures shot up overnight then after things started to settle down gun sales start to taper off. Now why would that happen? Oh wait there is a Republican President in office that poses absolutely no threat to gun owners currently. People buy guns for 2 reasons, they either think they are going to be taken away or they feel threatened end of story.

Now in order for your statement to work you should spin it and use the facts to your advantage. If you follow the money the NRA stands to gain a hell of a lot of money by scaring gun owners and making them think that their rights are going to be infringed on. The NRA actually loves when there is an event like this. Its scares one portion of the population in to thinking they should buy a gun to protect themselves. It also give the Democratic party a chance to push the gun control agenda and this also drives gun sales.

The story is being suppressed there is no doubt about that but I would assume that its being suppressed by someone with something to lose not an industry that booms any time something like this happens.

who has more to lose than the NRA when it comes to gun control? they bring in $300m+ every year and they exist solely to promote and lobby for gun ownership.

Your argument was that the NRA was responsible for suppressing the story. I don't think the NRA has anything to lose at this point; guns aren't going anywhere and as long as these types of attacks happen every few years when sales dip. Trust me their profits will be just fine. I admire your passion about trying to expose the NRA and I don't disagree with you. As a gun owner myself I don't need them to do my bidding the Bill of Rights did that for us. it is a right of every American to own and arm themselves as they sit fit and just like any other right granted to Americans we should do any and everything we can to make sure the government (Rep or Dem) doesn’t start stripping them from us. If it starts with our right to bear arms what comes next? Free speech (happening now)? Illegal search and seizure (happening now)? States Rights (happening now)? Noticing a trend?

What I'm saying is maybe shift your thinking a little bit and don't fall victim to the opinions of others who have just as much to gain financially and politically by attacking the NRA. The NRA is a weapon used by both sides of the political fence and they only hope that you pick a side and don't realize that they are both getting filthy rich off of posing an argument that divides us.

That's why gun sales shot up when this happened. If he had used explosives to kill and injur all of those people the discussion would be different but because he was found with more guns than he could possibly use we are going to sit here and say guns are the problem and we shouldn't let people use them. It couldn't possibly be that it was staged to enforce stricter gun control and security measures. That would be outrageous but let's assume some random millionaire alone brought that many guns in there because he wanted to die alone with all of his guns

It couldn't possibly be that it was staged to enforce stricter gun control and security measure

this didn't and won't happen. the rationale doesn't even make sense.

and who exactly would have staged this?

but there weren't any stricter gun control measures enforced afterwards.

their "good guy with a guy" John Wayne mythology.

Damn. Never knew John Wayne was gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

haha, obviously a typo, but you, there are longstanding rumors that The Duke was more of a queen...

We are to busy worrying about who sucked off Harvey for the lead roll.

Those poor women, getting multi million dollar movie roles in exchange for sex. I wish I had those opportunities.

Oh? So you like having sex with people so rotten they literally have to pay a million dollars to do so?

I mean I wouldn’t turn it down for a million + dollar salary

This is the exact problem. Now you're in a debate about Weinstein. The distraction worked. Time is all we have let's not waste it on these meaningless debates.

Like you wouldn't

Just move to Hollywood and kep yourself bend over constantly, someone will eventually grab your puss. Then you can come back and report to us what a self-empowering experience it was for you

Can we come to terms with the fact we live in an era with an especially crowded news cycle? Just because one thing is getting MSM attention doesn’t mean it’s intentionally to distract from another.

It’s clear the media does not want to talk about Vegas. That doesn’t mean the only explanation for them covering sexual assault and pedophilia is to distract from Vegas. There are other perfectly good explanations.

It’s also possible the media has caught wind that there are multiple criminal investigations into sex crimes of powerful people. Particularly in Hollywood. The media realizes that they need to hurry up and report on these things before indictments to reduce public outrage about the decades long cover up.

I understand thinking one thing is more important than the other and wanting to know more about it. But that doesn’t mean other stories should be ignored. It’s up to the public to get to the truth on all of these things.

Why would they want to talk about Vegas?

The one thing people are failing to recognize is the possibility that this was just a psycho with a gun. Maybe he was depressed, maybe he had a reaction to coming off of SSRI's, but no matter the reason it's entirely possible that there is no motive.

Like you said, we live in a crowded news cycle. Why would CNN or Fox want to run the same, tired story with no new information when they have 100 other distractions to focus on each and every day?

That could be true. But there are a lot of very weird circumstances and many unanswered questions surrounding the official narrative. Enough that I think boredom with the story is not realistic, especially when compared to coverage of past mass-shootings.

The best explanation I see is that networks are being told it’s a national security issue and part of an ongoing investigation.

I wouldn't say boredom per se, rather that the lack of evidence points to a lone gunman with no real motive. If the MSM doesn't see a juicy story, they move on.

Assuming it was just a lone nut, that doesn't make for good TV or sell any ads. "He was crazy and he killed a bunch of people for no good reason" would be the extend of discussion, because there isn't much more to say.

If it was just another run of the mill mass shooting that happens every week in the USA then I might agree.

But when it's your worst in history. It deserves a bit of further investigation.

Total silence seem purposeful to me rather then all possible investigation just moving on with no actual attempt to do anything.

You do not plan such a calculated attack with 20+ guns and a dozen cameras in your room from an acute reaction to coming off of SSRI’s. Also, how many times has depression been the cause of a MASS shooting?

Also, how many times has depression been the cause of a MASS shooting?

Telegraph: Antidepressants linked to murders and murderous thoughts

Fort Hood gunman was treated by a psychiatrist and prescribed Ambien. I know, Ambien isn't an SSRI.

Robert Bales, who murdered 16 Afghan civilians (nine children, some as young as two years old, four women and three men), was on anti-depressants at the time of the incident

I'm going to stop looking now, but there are plenty of examples of people committing murder, or mass murder, while on or coming off of SSRI's.

Interesting, but those seem very spontaneous versus this attack.

I don't remember the exact details but I'm fairly certain the Columbine shooters had planned out their attacks for quite some time, documenting it in notebooks and the like.

They did for sure. Even had AOL blogs and stuff on internet. Were quite conspicuous about it. But mass shootings weren't a thing then in the good ole 20th century nor was the patriot act. A better time before assholes ruined it.

8 of the 20 deadliest mass shootings in American history occurred before the year 200.

This Wikipedia entry lists mass shootings by year. While not easily accessible from a cursory glance, it does at least indicate which years had mass shootings.

I still agree with your general statement in that it's much worse now than it's ever been, but this issue isn't unique to the 21st century.

Wait, so because like 10 people who were on psychiatric medication (because what mentally ill person would ever be on a psychiatric medication), than SSRIs stew somehow to blame? I mean, how many millions, maybe even billions, of people have failed to mass murder their neighbors?

I am not the arbiter of research on the internet. There are more than 10 cases but I certainly wasn’t posting an exhaustive, all inclusive list.

By your logic drinking and driving isn’t dangerous because so many people do it without incident. If SSRI’s are to blame, it can be a side effect that affects less than 1% of patients.

Most prescription drugs carry the side effect of “death”. Just because millions take them without dying doesn’t mean that that side effect isn’t real, just that it only affects a small portion of those who ingest it.

In all fairness, I posited that it could have been a crazy person with no motive, or someone who was depressed, or someone coming off meds. I never made a definitive statement.

Drinking and Driving might not be the best example. We have causative studies on that matter. To my understanding, there isn't nearly as much for SSRIs.

So whilst I don't necessarily disagree with you. The weight of evidence for both your example and the matter in question are fairly skewed.

of all the mass shootings, we never see any politically motivated ones. Or, maybe we do, it's just covered up and not mentioned? It's always 'unhinged crazy person shoots dozens'. The closest example we have was the recent congressional baseball game shooting. That's not mentioned at all by either media anymore.

Either media?

Left and right medias.


again, not politically motivated, but more a religious belief/hate crime against homosexuals. If there was a deep hatred or intended attack on any world power, wouldn't it be best to strike their governing body?

We see mass murders (and attempts) that are politically motivated all the time. Every Islamic terrorist attack is politically and religiously motivated.

right, but where's the logic in attacking a large population that's identical to your own in low power/control over their government's decisions vs hitting political and corporate targets?

It seems like barbaric blind violence as opposed to a proper attack.

I feel as though if they cover it extensively, they get shit for glorifying the killings

And if they don't? They get posts like this.

I dunno, I'm curious as to why there's such scant information on the shooter myself, but I feel as though the hotel is probably conspiring to keep the security footage under wraps as it may implicate them in some way (shitty security measures, allowing a high roller to go past security checkpoints, ect). Or maybe the FBI doesn't want anyone seeing it because they're afraid it might inspire someone else? Lot's of questions I doubt I'll have answers to soon.

Its not about the media not talking about it though, its the fact that the case in general hasnt been speaken about from the FBI and law enforcement.

The one thing people are failing to recognize is the possibility that this was just a psycho with a gun.

The only people failing to recognize that are the people who post in this sub. This goes one of three ways:

  1. The shooter is part of some conspiracy, or a fall guy for the same. The conspiracy includes all or most of the media (which is literally hundreds of thousands of people) and they aren't allowed to report on anything. There is nothing to report, and so the News Monster goes elsewhere.

  2. The shooter is part of some conspiracy, or a fall guy for the same. There's nothing to report on, because contrary to popular belief government agencies are overwhelmingly competent and their work can stand up to literal decades of scrutiny. There is nothing to report, and so the News Monster goes elsewhere.

  3. The shooter is a lone psychopath. There's nothing to report on, because real life isn't hollywood and people don't become violent and mentally unbalanced for good reasons that make sense to the public, they become violent and mentally unbalanced due to hormonal issues or tumors or ingesting heavy metals or maybe they've always been that way but they never had the means to shoot up a concert. Either way the reasons are unmarketable and as such not newsworthy. There's nothing to report on, and so the News Monster goes elsewhere.

Occam's Razor dictates that it's #3. Simple as that. If you believe something else then #2, which doesn't make much sense without a motive, still isn't a colossal leap in logic. #1 is an idiot trap, nothing more, nothing less. This sub seems married, however, to #1. It hits the front page every single day.

And that's why I'm not subscribed to /r/conspiracy.

Better than being second biscuit.

Security footage from the hotel would be good and not a lot to ask for in my opinion. I don’t understand how nothing’s been released. The shooting itself hasn’t be covered here in the UK on the news much since the week after it happened.. I dunno.

The FBI has probably parallel constructed 15 cases against stoners in the amount of time it took you to write that statement. The FBI doesn't care about releasing any video because the FBI is an institution that protects the elite. Mandalay Bay cannot be sued because they are a part of the elite.

DEA launched Project Cassandra headquartered in Chantilly Virginia. Paddock's plane (#N5343M) traces back to "Volant LLC" in Chantilly Virginia.


If you ran a business and there was videotapes of someone committing mass murder within the premises, would you want that out there?

We can't think critically if we assume every little thing is a conspiracy. Sometimes things have logical reasons for being.

I think questioning why the officials have been mum about the entire ordeal IS thinking critically.

"Every little thing" was in direct response to OP talking about the lack of videos.

I agree that the entire incident as a whole raises a lot of questions, but what I meant is that we can't latch on to every little thing and assume it's part of a greater conspiracy. Even if this didn't happen as we were told, some of the points (like a lack of video footage) have valid explanations that can stand alone outside the realm of speculation.

Don’t you see the lack of explanations regarding video evidence fostering a culture of secrecy and speculation?

I haven’t seen any substantial reason for not providing video evidence. If this was just Paddock as the FBI alleges then there should be no reason to hide the evidence. Instead, we’re told one thing while the authorities act in a manner that is counter to the narrative.

i can't answer your first question, so I won't, but I can offer speculation for your second question.

Let's assume that the police believer there was a second shooter. Even if he isn't on video, any small detail, like how much of a specific door was damaged, or where certain bullets were shot, could be exposed in the video.

For example, and again this is all speculation and fiction, let's say the 2nd shooter used a shotgun and it blew off the top right corner of the door to an adjacent room. This hasn't been reported, but maybe it's captured on tape.

During the course of their investigation, they'll know which details are public and which are not. If a suspect can confirm any of the non-public details, they are more certain that he or she was actually part of the attack. Once these details come to light through the release of public videos, however, you run the risk of grabbing the wrong suspect as anyone can now pretend to have been there, pulling bits of information from publicly released documents.

That’s a pragmatic and respectable point. And, food for thought.

I don’t agree with it because I believe the benefits of release outweigh the potential risks that you outlined. I suspect the FBI was involved in an arms deal gone bad (remember Fast & Furious), and now they’re trying to control the narrative as much as possible.

Regardless, I hold no hope that we’ll ever know the truth no matter what evidence is provided.

That’s a good point, and this is a genuine question:

Assuming it was a weapons deal gone bad, what does committing mass murder serve? I could see that they meant to “out” whatever three letter agency was allegedly responsible, but by that logic the whole episode has been covered up.

Assuming there is a coverup, it’s to hide whoever “really” committed the atrocity. Whoever that person or those people are, if they are willing to mow down hundreds with rifles, why aren’t they willing to speak up now?

I can only think that if it was a weapons deal gone bad that it was with an ISIS affiliate or someone who hated Americans. So, that’s the impetus for mass murder. If the FBI was facilitating this transaction but it got out of control then they have every reason to keep a tight lid on it.

But, the FBI believes it was a lone act, which is even more of a reason to be transparent about it. Instead, they say it was a lone gunman but are acting like the opposite.

We just live in an age of instant gratification, so there’s that whole paradigm to live with, too. It’s unrealistic to expect answers immediately. But, more insight and a more amiable approach to the public would go a long way.

There is an ongoing investigation into what happened. Law firms have been hired for liability reasons. These move slowly. Companies don't divulge every new thing they learn during an investigation to the public.

Obviously, investigations take time.

I get that expecting real-time updates on this event is unrealistic to say the least. It’s a symptom of our era.

But, another symptom of the era is our shady government doing what it wants and keeping the people out of the loop. Questioning the conduct of this investigation is the duty of the people and the press.

This wasn’t an unmotivated attack. In the past, information on these shooters has usually been released in a timely manner. This case is the exception to the rule, and we should be staying on it and asking the hard questions.

Questioning the conduct of this investigation is the duty of the people and the press.

Seriously. What the hell happened to this country. It used to be the duty of the citizen to question. Now, the media just labels anything or anyone asking questions as "conspiracy theorist" or "fake news".

Short term memory/adhd culture.


True, that's a good point. In this case I bet corporate liability is a huge block, at least to what happened that day.

I think the problem is that the narrative is lone gunman and suicide, open and shut case, yet it's "stop asking questions, open investigation".

Why the secrecy? If there were co-conspirators I'm pretty sure they know they are being looked for. Telling us the FBI is checking that out is not going to ruin that investigation. Anybody involved in one of the biggest mass shootings ever who got away is running hard and fast and isn't going to be lulled into a false sense of security by a tight lipped FBI. They are either well connected enough to actually not worry, dead already or renting a room for cash in some Brazilian slum.

The case is either open and shut murder suicide and you can tell us what's going on or it's not. It can't be both.

What should the officials be saying? You've got the shooter dead at the scene, what happened isn't a mystery. Reporting on the why of it just means more infamy for the shooter, which is why a lot of these events happen to begin with.

“You’ve got the shooter dead at the scene, what happened isn’t a mystery.”

Wow, case solved. I’m glad you brought insight into the discussion. Go ahead and let the FBI know the investigation is concluded.

It's not my insight, it's law enforcement's. Again, what would you have them say? There's a dead guy on the ground with a literal smoking gun in his hand, should they just make shit up?

Everything you just said is only what you’ve been told. There’s the crime scene photo of an unidentified body on the floor. (By the way, not literally with a smoking gun in hand, smh.)

There’s no explanation yet for how he got the firearms into the room. There’s no genuine rebuttal to the speculation of there being more than one gunmen. Despite the fact that ISIS claimed the attack, the officials continue to say he worked alone without explanation.

What’s the follow up on the room not being owned by the casino? If he worked alone then what’s the harm in divulging more of the findings? Why did it take over 75 minutes for the police to engage the (already dead) suspect? Where were the security cameras he allegedly installed streaming to?

There are plenty more questions that could be answered without ruining the investigation.

I'll let the FBI know about all these compelling avenues of investigation


Ask them for some more blue pills, too.


Which color pill is it when you uncritically accept ISIS propaganda? Black?

Evidence of criminality is public property, the police has those tapes and refuse to release them, not the hotel.

First of all the private company could retain a copy, beit for insurance or some other liability reasons.

If there is an ongoing, criminal investigation then the courts can bar the release of material, as it may serve to undermine the investigation. But to assume that the evidence is public property is simply untrue.

When people have their guns seized during lawful arrests, they are eventually returned. The cops can confiscate evidence, but unless the items are illegal they do have to return them in due course (which if they want to dick you around can be several years).

The point is that the hotel cannot decide to keep these tapes or other evidence from the public. The police and the government decide that.

They absolutely can decide to keep it

They absolutely cannot decide that the police cannot release it. They do not have the decision here, the police do. So the question is why the police doesn't want to release it, not why the hotel doesn't want to. Super simple stuff.

Yeah super simple stuff. Police doesn't release it because there is an ongoing investigation. The hotel doesn't release it because why the fuck would they? Theyre a business and its stupid to risk that.

Then why are these sort of tapes released immediately by the police in other shootings?

Because billionaires didn't own the locs of the other mass shootings. Billionaires run the US not your elected officials.

So oligarchs who own the government decide to withhold the evidence from the public to protect their financial interests in Las Vegas? That might be the case and answers the actual question. Just saying 'the hotel doesn't want to release it' does not.

My theory seems half baked? You're the one who thinks there is some grand cover up. Take off your tin foil hat and let reality set in. The video you want shows a guy walking to his room. He's making multiple trips, not all at once, carrying bags into his room. The is no cover up. I understand what sub this is so everyone assume cover up but there is just a guy walking to his room. The other footage shows cops and security outside his room trying to find out which room it is then finding it. He shot himself so there was no shootout to show up on tapes.

You claim oligarchs own the US and shut down the Las Vegas investigation to protect their financial interests. I claim we don't know what happened in LA other than the fact that it is being covered up. I am the guy with the tin foil hat in your mind xD genius. You didn't answer any of my questions because you can't answer them - if you try to you will invariably falsify your own theory, which is why you don't even try. That is why it is half-baked. If you actually had thought it through you would have some sort of answer to those extremely obvious questions I pose your theory, as you would already have thought of them yourself. Funny how many "people" claim angrily that nothing strange happened in LA though, even pulling out the old CIA "tin foil"-term to shut down anyone asking hard questions. Sad!

Video of that guy that got murdered by a cop was withheld from the public for a year. This shit happens constantly.

The real conspiracy is the entire system even enabling these kinds of tragedies happening.

Whatever, distract yourself with nonsense conspiracies instead of cause and effect. It's what they want you to do.

Video of that guy that got murdered by a cop was withheld from the public for a year.

Yeah, the police decided not to release that to protect their own image.... The question is why the police decide not to release the evidence from Las Vegas! People are answering "because the hotel doesn't want that", but that's rediculous, the hotel doesn't decide! That's all I've explained, to extremely angry replies xD

The real conspiracy is the entire system even enabling these kinds of tragedies happening.

Whatever, distract yourself with nonsense conspiracies instead of cause and effect. It's what they want you to do.

Why are there so many people pushing that Last Vegas is "nonsense conspiracy"? Tell me, what happened? What's the timeline for the largest mass shooting in US history? What's the motive? You don't know! No one knows! No media is even asking questions! But plenty of people are trying to shut up people who ask questions online! Why even come to a conspiracy sub if LA doesn't spark your curiosity and inner conspiracy theorist? :s Control narrative?

What's the motive? Society is fucked up and some people just snap. Psychiatric care in America is in an abysmal state and getting armed to the teeth has an extremely low barrier of entry. I don't know what's so hard to believe about this happening.

I come to a conspiracy sub to discuss actual ongoing conspiracies. I use common sense. There's a very logical explanation you just don't like it because it's utter randomness.

You seem way too focused on accusing sock_lover of distracting himself with conspiracy. It'd do you well to attempt to convince him without that sort of jab.

No I don't care really, it doesn't matter. I'm just trying to show that jumping straight to some conspiracy ignores actual problems.

Blaming a conspiracy is easy because you don't actually have to do anything and can pretend it's not the result of something bigger. It's dangerous because it keeps us in this cycle. We need to be aware of what's happening to the system that's causing this.

Any sort of logical argument would go a long way in convincing me, this guy has only insulted me and said "I have no idea what happened in Las Vegas, but it certainly was nothing funny and there is no reason why it is being covered up and no one knows the timeline or motive, and anyone who asks questions about the largest mass shooting in US history is a crazy tin foil hatter".

Any source on him being psychotic? He had what, 20 guns in his room, smuggled through employee elevators? He had barricaded the door and had cameras outside it. Seems pretty premeditated, well-planned if you ask me, not like a psychotic episode at all. Has the police even claimed that happened, that it was a psychotic episode? Tell me about the timeline - what happened. You don't know because NO ONE KNOWS! And you claim people on a conspiracy sub shouldn't think the police changing the official timeline three times in three days is funny and in need of investigation? And this is what you call COMMON SENSE? Yep, you're either a shill or just plain retarded.

Sigh... the way you describe a "psychotic episode" already shows how ill equipped America at large is in dealing with these problems.

This is why it never stops. We need education, won't happen unfortunately. That's a conspiracy we should talk about

So no sources... Sigh.

The real conspiracy is wtf happened in Las Vegas and why it is being covered up. Also why so many argue so furiously that we shouldnt think about what happened in Las Vegas or ask questions, just accept the non-existant official story....

We should ask questions; why is it so easy for people to forget this tragedy? How come these kinds of mass shootings have become normalized? How come a few weeks later another mass shooting happened?

This is the reality of the world. Random shit happens. And vegas is corrupt as fuck. These big hotels literally run the city. Do you think for a second they would allow any of this footage to go out and damage their reputation?

Where are your sources? You're the one claiming a conspiracy.

People do fucked up things, he did a fucked up thing.

You claim nothing strange happened in LA. So I ask you, what happened then? What is the timeline? What is the motive? You CANT know because there IS no official story!! Then you claim there is, and so I ask for sources for the official story. If you want to speculate as to what happened I wouldn't ask for sources. But you claim there is a nice official story that makes sense and that we should stop asking questions about LA - THERE ISNT! So we will ask questions, as it is fucking weird for the government to be covering massive crime up like this.

It's not a coverup it's an investigation.

Then tell me their preliminary findings, like we always get in these sort of mass shootings. Tell me about the time line. Tell me about the potential motive. How did he get the weapons to his room? Why didn't the hotel notice the barricades and cameras he put up in the corridor? We did get three different time lines in three days before all information stopped. Nothing strange there. Why are there so many people online trying to shut down any discussion about the shooting? Because it's a COVERUP! What are you even doing on this forum? Just trying to stop people from asking questions and thinking?

It's been a few months dude how fast do you think these things are figured out?

If anything I'm glad it's already been forgotten by media. This is the best weapon against these mass shootings, forgetting about it.

Information is always extremely chaotic and erratic right after such an incident. It's such a weak excuse to use. It's always like this. Media shouting whatever they think happened.

What am I doing in this forum? Dude I've been on this sub for 4-5 years (trough multiple accounts) wtf is that? I don't follow your bullshit conspiracy so I must be a shill?

Why would they cover this up? What's the point? What's the reason government would take this MASSIVE risk? So many fucking loose ends. Government fucks up all the fucking time and you expect me to believe they can pull this off? Without any whistleblowers? Get real dude.

Jesus fucking Christ

It's been a few months dude how fast do you think these things are figured out?

Usually we get a rough time line and motive within days of these mass shootings, when will you complain if we still have no information? In 10 years?

If anything I'm glad it's already been forgotten by media. This is the best weapon against these mass shootings, forgetting about it.

How many of you will encourage me to forget LA? I won't forget it and will keep asking questions, sorry.

Information is always extremely chaotic and erratic right after such an incident. It's such a weak excuse to use. It's always like this. Media shouting whatever they think happened.

Yeah, we always get three conflicting timelines in as many days before all information flow to the public is completely stopped for 3 months - we still don't know ANYTHING about what happened in LA! Or if you do, tell me! In lieu of official explanation I and real conspiracy theorists will speculate ourselves, deal with it.

What am I doing in this forum? Dude I've been on this sub for 4-5 years (trough multiple accounts) wtf is that? I don't follow your bullshit conspiracy so I must be a shill?

WHAT IS MY BULLSHIT CONSPIRACY?!?!?! ALL I AM SAYING IS NO ONE KNOWS AND THUS WE NEED TO INVESTIGATE/SPECULATE!!! If you disagree with that I legit wonder wtf you are doing here, just trying to shut people up who actually ask hard questions???

Why would they cover this up? What's the point? What's the reason government would take this MASSIVE risk? So many fucking loose ends. Government fucks up all the fucking time and you expect me to believe they can pull this off? Without any whistleblowers? Get real dude.

So I take it you don't believe in 9/11 or JFK as inside jobs? If you don't think the government covers stuff like this up and does not tell us the truth, wtf are you doing here?! Just take the official story for truth regardless, it would be too much risk for the government to lie you claim!

All I ask is we keep asking questions about LA and attempt to figure out what happened there. HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY DISAGREE?!?!?!?!? And that there are so many of you only emboldens me to search harder btw, If you imagine you were stopping me you are beyond delusional.

What is the reason for this cover up? Explain to my why they would need to cover this up.

You're really too full of yourself dude. I don't care about you googling about this shit and watching some YouTube videos. I care about people like you discrediting actual conspiracy theories. You know, the ones that cause shit like this to even happen in the first place.

The fact that you get angry because I disagree with you says all I need to know about you.

But I'll entertain you for a second. What is being covered up?

Why are you so angry dude? How am I full of myself?! ALL I am bringing up is the FACT we don't know wtf happened in Las Vegas! I have never claimed that I know what happened! You guys all do! You are full of yourself! The narrative was changed three times in three days and then full stop of all information flow. This is odd! This is worthy of further investigation and discussion by CONSPIRACY THEORISTS! Man, I am so full of myself -_- if you guys think this harassment will stop me from investigating or talking about Las Vegas you are absolutely delusional.

I've never claimed to know what happened. Im saying it's wayyyyyyy more likely that it's yet another person we failed. Yet another person that should never have been able to acquire so many guns.

You can go ahead and make everything you don't know for a fact a possible conspiracy theory. It'll just make you go absolutely insane.

I'm not angry. I just wish you directed your anger to something way more important; the reasons behind these mass shootings: oppression, mental health issues, gun regulations, the police state.

How is this harassment? I'm trying to have a discussion. Am I not allowed to disagree with you?

I really don't get why you're so aggressive. Maybe you're the one trying to keep me away from looking too much into what causes these mass shootings. Hmm...

What is it you want to investigate? Look at YouTube videos about the shooting? There's nothing you can expose. If there was anything going on the only way we would ever find out is a whistleblower. That's the reality, so why bother.

Look at the response I have gotten for pointing out that we still don't know anything about what happened in Las Vegas, and that is the police and not the hotel that decide, som much hate, anger and insults, with zero actual arguments or logic, you're not the only one. That is harassment. Am I not allowed to bring this simple point on a conspiracy forum?? That is why I grow frustrated, you all seem incapable of basic reading comprehension when you draw all sort of wild inferences from what I write! Why are you so angry people are questioning and investigating what happened in Las Vegas?

I'm not sure where you got anger from. You're the one using caps lock and calling me a shill.

I'm also just one dude. It's just us two, no one cares.

Whatever man, you do you. I'll see you racing and ranting about the next mass shooting soon. It doesn't matter. Like I said, there is literally no point in doing this. You can't investigate this from a distance and without full access. This is the reality of our system. You either believe the narrative or you don't it doesn't matter. You can't change anything. Enjoy.

Whatever man, you do you. I'll see you racing and ranting about the next mass shooting soon. It doesn't matter.

You keep insulting me and calling me crazy for pointing out really just common sense, the hotel does not decide what information and footage is released. I no longer think you have any wish to actually discuss rationally. You are one dude, but a lot of other people have responded exactly as you have, very emotionally calling me names and claiming I am crazy for... What? Pointing out that the hotel does not decide if the police release the footage or not. No wonder I get frustrated eventually. Why are you so angry though? You and so many people keep trying to shut me up and stop me from talking about this by using age old CIA tactics "tin foil" "crazy" etc, seems like you don't believe yourself that it doesn't matter. No one is falling for those old tactics here, sorry.

You're calling yourself crazy buddy. I'm not saying you're crazy. I'm just saying you're barking up the wrong tree and not being realistic or reasonable.

I'm actually more worried about you evading my other points. Pushing an agenda? No one is trying to shut you up, you are literally on an online forum where everyone can say whatever they want. People are just annoyed.

Stop making this bigger than it is. I'm just a random bored dude talking to you.

Why are you and so many others so annoyed that I point out the fact that the hotel does not decide what footage is released to the public? You certainly have tried to shut me up, but I believe you finally have realized calling me crazy won't shut me up. So you do learn eventually, good to know. Protip: Bring an actual argument or reason if you want to make an impact next time.

Because it's common sense that the hotel doesn't release it.

Which is not an answer to why the POLICE does not release it. The hotel would probably have to ask permission from the police to release anything.

The question is why the police decide not to release the evidence from Las Vegas!

Again... why would they? The police don't just divulge everything they do while investigating.

The question is why the police decide not to release the evidence from Las Vegas!

Again... why would they? The police don't just divulge everything they do while investigating.

Again, they usually do release footage and motive and a lot of information in these large mass shooting cases, as it is of large public interest and demand. Why have they had a complete information blockade on this one shooting? And isn't it proper for a forum called conspiracy to ask these sorts of questions?

I agree, but my point is the police rarely release that footage quickly unless they are made to. Considering this is a much more complex issue it should be expected, no?

Yeah, the police decided not to release that to protect their own image.

The judge decided that, actually. He ordered the tape be released after the trial, but not before or during proceedings.

Yeah, the police decided not to release that to protect their own image.

The judge decided that, actually. He ordered the tape be released after the trial, but not before or during proceedings.

The point is that the hotel cannot decide that the police should keep these tapes or other evidence from the public.

They can, and all they have to do is ask a Judge.

So they can't, the courts and the government can... You are saying yourself all the hotel can do is ask the government not to release it. So the question is why the government decided to do a coverup instead of an investigation.

the government decided to do a coverup instead of an investigation

Which you have no evidence to base that claim on. The police and other investigating agencies do not tend to just hand out evidence willynilly. There is, basically, nothing to gain by releasing more information at the current moment.

Or could be patriots and tell the truth no matter the cost! Hmm quotes of patriots long gone.... Liberty or death. Ya i cut down that cherry tree.... Emancipation proclomation is flawed.... But ill sign anyhow.... Yes we murdered a whole nation of humans under the guise we wanted to be free from religous persecution... In the name of god. Its ok its the american way.... I did not have sexual relations with that woman.... I cant be arrested for adultery... Im too big to fail..

"It's" to big to fail

But I think the point here is that the media isn’t looking at it at all and asking any difficult questions. But the minute there is a missing blonde child we are going to hear Nancy Grace gnashing her teeth And ringing her hands 24 seven.

The police also understand that these casinos taxes find the state. They aren’t really jumping at the first chance to hurt the blood supply of the state. If the casinos were negligent it could heavily hurt a ton of people by causing mass job losses and decreased revenue for the state.

There are less sinister reasons for wanting to keep things quiet. Like in my example, protecting the states income and job source.

But what has happened has made LA seem unsafe and not a place to visit even more so than if they just came out and told the public he was psycho (if that was the case). Why does LA earn money and tourism by not telling us what happened? Obviously because something especially egregious or strange happened! Otherwise they would make the truth public. This is a conspiracy forum, let us speculate what happened! That's the whole point of the forum, no? Also police do not decide whether or not to release the footage on their own.

There is a close relationship with metro and the casinos. There likely was shadiness from the casino which they are trying to cover up. For instance what if they guy ran an escort service and/or drug dealing operation that casino management knew about but knowingly turned a blind eye towards because he’s a high tipping high roller? That they effectively knew he bangs under age prostitutes or something and hosts parties but management ignores him because he gives everyone good kickbacks? Maybe he was an arms dealer? So when he went up to his room to unload all those guns they gave him a VIP transport of his stuff without realizing he was going to go on a rampage. So if they give the details it would show how the hotel was facilitating his other non violent activity.

Stuff like that is a reason why they’d try to hide details on this guy because that could result in a huge scandal that costs the locals tons of jobs and tax revenue. Vegas is a huge boys club of leadership and the top guys can make the police be quiet.

At least we agree there is a coverup. I have no idea why you assume it is so innocent instead of a much bigger deal, like a false flag. Even so, no one can argue against the fact that we the People are being shut out from all information in this case and probably will never know what actually happened there. Furthermore, "people" online are extremely adamant that nothing strange happened in LV and we should stop talking about it and forget it. Just look at all the shills who have spammed me and harassed me for speaking up against this obvious corrupt coverup - sad in a conspiracy forum for 'free thinkers'.

Because LV being corrupt and trying to cover up a huge tragedy to protect industry is far more likely than it being some sort of false flag. Why would it be a false flag? What does anyone have to gain out of this? Is it more likely the government orchestrated this or that a psycho did and the corrupt casinos are trying to stop the news cycle from continuing and scaring away tourists? I don’t see what they have to gain out of it being a false flag

I didn't say it was a false flag. I said we have no idea what happened there and as conspiracy theorists we should examine whatever evidence we have available and speculate as to what exactly happened in LV, and why the footage is not released to the public. Disagree?

No I agree.... I'm just saying, I think my scenario is most likely. I don't think there is some grand nefarious coverup from Big Brother... When really, it's most likely just powerful casino players trying to keep everyone quiet so it doesn't continue to kill business.

I don't think there is some grand nefarious coverup from Big Brother

Why use this sort of language in a conspiracy sub? It is designed to shut down independent thought and debate. Furthermore, you did agree there is a coverup, didn't you? If it isn't, tell me the timeline and motive... We have no idea, as there is a complete information blockade, that is a coverup, especially when people keep arguing that we should just forget it and just trust the government to do what's best and find the truth, using CIA designed language to shut down JFK truthers.

Well the allusion people are drawing is the cover up is government related or something more related to false flags or something. I’m arguing that sure there is intentional information blocking going on and covering up, but it more has to do with protecting the industry.

Why this guy did it? I have no idea. But that doesn’t mean it’s state sponsored. The default can’t be every time there is something tragic that the government is behind it

I know this post is old, but unfortunately, it's hard to enforce the law on the law. They will fuck you around, destroy your stuff, even not return it at all, and there's just about nothing you can do about it. Good luck trying to sue them lmao.

Isn't that kind of the whole point of this subreddit though? Pointing out that the rich/powerful don't have to hold up their end of the bargain?

I was watching this video of some guys who were filming personal video in a public space. Cops came and arrested them (threw them around, were agressive) and confiscated all their expensive videography equipment. They hadn't done anything wrong, didn't resist. The cops said they couldn't film commercially without permission, but it was for YouTube. When they went to retrieve their stuff, the police refused, saying it was evidence. When they went to go get proof from where they were filming, there were new 'no trespassing' signs put up, and the security cameras on a business right by there were removed. When they asked the business, the owner said the cops told them to take it down, and was spooked to give them the footage because police were involved. Obviously just didn't want to have anything to do with it if he didn't have to.

After months, they finally get their shit back, but their sd cards with the footage of the arrest were destroyed and one of the cameras were completely destroyed. Like 10k after the body and the lenses.

Point being, sure, there are regulations in place that are supposed to force the police to return 'evidence', but it doesn't matter a bit when they don't have to follow those regulations. When the definitions of evidence are so loose, and people are (rightfully) scared of the police, there's really nothing stopping them from just taking whatever they want and you or the public will never see it again.

Evidence of criminality is public property? How do you figure? If there's a video recording a violent rape that video is public property? Evidence of child abuse and exploitation is public property?

You know everything classified is public property, right? Public property does not meant that it is publicised on the internet, it means it CAN be shared on the internet or elsewhere by the state, if they want to. In this case the state has decided to cover the largest mass shooting in US history up instead of releasing the material to the public at large - the hotel cannot make that decision for the police/state, as the videos are not their private property.

Just because something is “public property” does not mean that there is also public access. By your standards, the Supreme Court “public property” but I can’t just wander in there and do whatever I want.

That is literally the entire point of the comment you just responded to - you literally just agreed.

OK, I didn't realize you wanted to be pedantic about the definition of 'public property'.

Can you file a freedom of information request for any of what I previously listed? No?

So tell me again why you feel entitled to the video evidence.

Oh, and for the record, I AGREE that the state is covering something up. I agree that something really fucking shady is going on in this case. I would love to have this mystery solved. I just think your arguments are whack.

Yes do you remember Casey Anthony? That was one little girl and I saw nothing but commentary...Literally four weeks and months… about if the trunk smelled like a pizza or a dead body.

That is my media. Asking the important questions. So please, let them spend a little bit of time asking those important questions. Since a lot more than one little girl is at stake here.

Yes. Police have them for sure.

PM 10:24:27 PDT: "Control, we just spoke with security at Mandalay Bay, they're saying they have shots fired on 29 and 32nd levels."

PM 10:26:17 PDT: "Control. 7-15 Zebra. Get somebody into that camera room and see if we can get cameras watching that 29 and 32nd floor."

Direct quote from police scanner audio with time stamp:

Great work

Thank you.

you're welcome.

And the FBI had no trouble at all getting private ATM security camera images of the 9/11 hijackers out to the media within a week of the attacks.

they're all just troll, dont bother trying to convince anyone but yourself.

You say that like people will ever not have the Vegas shooting attached to the name Mandalay Bay.

No, they obviously will associate the two, and there's nothing that can be done about that.

But if you asked me right now what the carpets or walls looked like in the Mandalay Bay, I couldn't tell you, and I stayed there years ago. If I watched the videos repeatedly, I wouldn't be able to forget.

Point in case: I went to New York City as a kid and I don't remember the WTC, but I've seen the 9/11 videos enough that I can picture those buildings in my mind like I had driven past them all my life.

It just further reinforces the association.

I understand what you're saying, but I (and I'm sure many others) don't find that a valid enough reason. We deserve to know

To play the devil's advocate, you feel like you deserve to know, but law enforcement has to obligation to turn over all evidence of a crime, no more than they need to explain how a terrorist makes a bomb.

I get that people want to see the footage, but that doesn't mean they deserve to or are entitled to it. Let's not forget that there is an ongoing criminal investigation.

you make some solid points, but I scoff at the notion that there is an ongoing criminal investigation. shit was was covered up from the get-go

I should be more clear - the public has been told that there's an ongoing investigation. Whether it stalled, completed, or was a entirely a cover up, I'm just going based on the facts as they were presented to the general public.

I think we'll eventually see the videos - nothing seems to stay locked away forever (except the 9/11 Pentagon videos), but it could be years, and at that point people likely won't care anymore.

Do we forget these are civil servants that we pay for and EVERYTHING they do is public record?

By your logic the military should share all of their covert plans with the public, because they're funded by the US taxpayer. I don't think I need to explain why a military making their maneuvers public is poor strategy.

Just pretend there were multiple shooters. Let's assume that something happened in the room that the public doesn't know about yet. Maybe a few shots went through a TV, and they tried to break out a window in the bedroom but gave up and tried elsewhere.

As long the busted TV and scratched bedroom window can't be seen in the limited photos that have been released, then law enforcement knows that only someone who was in the room would be privy to these details. This helps to weed out false confessions, and helps LEO's to know when they have picked up the wrong suspect.

There's more reasons why investigators don't make every detail of an ongoing investigation public, but the point is that just because someone is a civil servant doesn't mean that they have no privacy or access to classified information in their workplace.

Your'e comparing the private sector to the public sector. I didn't say anything about the military. Don't put words in my mouth.

Then I wish they would say that outright. Or else it feels like the public is being strung along.

Honestly? Give this 5 years and visitors to Las Vegas won't remember. Sure, the people there will..but the tourists? Doubt it.

If you said "remember that big shooting?" they might remember it happened, but not the names of the streets, hotel, etc. It's a big shooting, but it's also a shooting in the giant bucket of shootings. It just happens to be the worst so far.

To top it off, it isn't making any big chances in terms of law or policy. If it did, then history will remember it as the turning point for something. But, alas, nothing has changed because of it'll fade away in time. Which is a shame really.

People go to Bally's, and don't think about the MGM fire....

oh fuck you're right

Do you think his ghost will remain in that room? I would love to visit and run some evps?

If he actually died in that room... or was even a real person!

Not really a "little thing" though is it?

Yes. Whether or not the hotel or police release footage of the attack to the public, just so we can see it, is a little thing.

Uhh yea? No one is going to be less likely to stay at the hotel because the video was released when they knew there was a shooting there in the first place.

For a while I kept seeing people post that we (the outsiders looking in who want answers) not only will never see the footage but that we don't deserve to see the footage because it would "compromise security". What do people think this is some Ocean's 11 movie? How are we going to rob the Mandalay Bay!!???? No.

Point me to a single one of those people/responses? I never saw that as a reason once, and I've read almost every Vegas shooting thread.

I didn't save any links. Don't have the time to scour the specifics and copy/paste them here. I distinctly remember it though because I thought to myself what a horrible response it was. Take it or leave it. I'm sorry.

Because if we get to deep into Paddock we will learn of his illegal, but sanctioned actions.

This. No one makes $5 million a year playing video poker. He got his money from somewhere but it wasn't gambling.


You clearly don't know anything about Paddock or gambling. So please stop talking like you're some expert on until you bother to get out of your self imposed bubble of information and research the other side.

First, there are countless Vegas regulars who know him and have personally witnessed him winning and gambling large sums of money.

There are plenty of people who literally make their living by gambling. Second, Stephen Paddock made most of his fortune from his companies and being an accountant. While Paddock was a Vegas whale, he also was losing a lot of money lately according to the records.

So yes, he got his money from somewhere. It's called being an accountant and owning several companies. It's dumb easy to find out exactly how Stephen Paddock made his money. I don't understand why people pretend like this isn't readily available information.

Gambling also happens to make a great cover story for someone making money through other means they'd rather keep secret, since gambling winnings are difficult to trace.

I don't understand why people pretend like this isn't readily available information.

People need to fill their heads with dumb bullshit in order to feel like they are smart.

Oh yeah, that is my primary belief for why conspiracy theorists feel the way they do.

It must be a truly intoxicating feeling to know that you've got the truth when everyone around you is just a sheep or a shill. Without any real hard work or research you can be smarter than everyone! You just have to watch this YouTube video that makes you woke.

I think conspiracy theorists have a real problem with that in their ranks. Yes, real conspiracies exist but it seems like a lot of people make these claims because it feels good to be smarter than everyone.

it feels good to be smarter than everyone.


Don't you know, if they release any footage then they will be sued by millions of people. /s

Yea that excuse is by far one of the worst they have come up with. On the same level as, "we had to have landed on the moon because it would be too expensive to fake."

Sadly I know some smart people that still buy those excuses.

Don't you know? There's no real reason for them to release any footage like that.

If you're crazy enough to believe that Stephen Paddock didn't bring his guns down to Mandalay Bay and rent that room, and order that room service, and fire those shots from his own guns and ammo and then kill himself in it, then you're never going to trust some CCTV footage anyways. You'll dismiss it as a creation on a sound stage or something equally silly.

If you're sane enough to understand that Stephen Paddock was actually there and of his own accord, seeing some random footage of him eating a hamburger doesn't interest you one bit. We already know he was there. His motives are the real interest which an easy answer from a dead man.

I'm interested in things that make sense, like an analysis of his electronics. I don't give a single shit about watching him scratch his ass in some lobby. Everyone who isn't insane knows he was there.

If it's an active investigation and there aren't any leaks, makes sense why we haven't heard though, right?

We had pictures of the guys from 9/11 in the parking garage security tapes within days

I would imagine fbi security has improved in 16 years.

There were leaks right away though. Remember the dead Paddock leak?

Still no footage from San Bernardino either. Funny how it vanishes.

Oh there is quite a story behind that shooting that will never be made public. Connections in a web of people you couldn't imagine. Well I suppose you'd be able to after you knew about them...that story disappeared quickly and quietly for a reason. Believe me or not, I ain't saying anything else.

I don’t understand how nothing’s been released.

The hotel doesn't want to be sued by the victims' family for failing to stop the shooting. Thus, they have a perfectly logical reason for not releasing the video footage. This is not a "conspiracy" but merely a business covering their ass.

agreed. i’m still waiting for the videos of the plane hitting the pentagon on 9/11 so i think i know how this will end up.

Same here! Yet one of many reasons to be suspicious. I can’t believe it’s been 16 years and we still haven’t seen footage of a plane going into the Pentagon.. only a few stills! It’s nuts.

nah there’s no videos of an airplane hitting the pentagon. it’s not like there’s thousands of cameras on it

Crazy, I know. And they think the seven stills they released are sufficient? No way.

The entire state of Nevada runs off gaming money. The state has a huge interest in keeping bad press about casinos brushed under the rug. It could be something as simple as the casino illegally turning a blind eye towards one of their high rollers, not realizing he’d do this. Maybe just typical shady shit like turning a blind eye expecting him to deal drugs or something. But they can’t admit that. So the press and pretty much everyone in the state rather just be quiet and let it die out rather than risk killing off the blood supply of an entire state.

Because they don’t want to show what really went down. A week or two ago some guy robbed a casino here and within a day they had video footage of the suspect robbing the casino. I live in Vegas and a casino is a place with thousands of cameras. There is video footage of this “Stephen Paddock”, but not of what the media has told us, so they dont release it. Plus MGM would not want that released.

See Jake Morphonios on Youtube for a series of ongoing investigations into the Vegas Shooting which shine a lot of light on the whole business of what is being covered up:

Umm, Wounded Knee was pretty bad, and there were other incidents against blacks, and of course the Civil War also known as the war against northern aggression. We have a violent country.

yeah but those are different because those events weren't livestreamed in technicolor on youtube for the Kardashian generation to truly grok

I see.

Mandalay Bay owns the footage and I'm quite certain that they don't want it released. And while the FBI undoubtedly has access to the footage the employees involved know full well that leaking it could cause them to get fired and sent to federal prison.

Think about other similar situations. When a crime takes place in a big business like a bank or hospital footage is typically only released before the trial if they are looking for a suspect.

The footage will probably start getting leaked when civil cases go to trial.

Ok this argument is just fucking stupid. We already know there was a shooting. We know it was from Mandalay Bay. It was supposedly done by a guy whose picture has been spread across the media. Distributing a video, for which there has been significant demand, showing this guy, whose face we know, carrying guns, whose presence we know exist, across Mandalay Bay, where we know this happened, is incrementally not much more indicting than the facts supposedly known. I don't buy this argument, at all.

A person has an expectation to not be unnecessarily harmed during an investigation. They have to cooperate with an investigation, but there is an expectation of privacy. If a business provided private records, they should be kept private until they are public evidence. No trial so far, no evidence to be submitted.

Every time this story gets mentioned in the media Mandalay Bay gets negative publicity which is bad for business. It would be in their best interest to destroy the video and never release it to the public. To suggest that they would release it because there is public demand defies common sense.

Beyond this thread when is the last time you heard about it?

Yea, never.

Releasing anything would bring shit to Mandalay Bay. Simple. They want money, not to be brought into the spot light.

It's not difficult to comprehend. You may remember it, but if I go to Vegas I'll simply want to be drunk and probably forget the name.

I would think if they released video of their bellhops helping him carry boxes that contained the guns he used, that would strengthen the civil suit against them. They are trying to limit their liability here, plain and simple.

but who are you that you need to see these videos? why does anybody need to prove to you anything?

The media makes a big deal about the few frames of then 9-11 hijackers going through airport security.

Strangley, the time stamp is cut out. Which would have taken deliberate effort, to do to a video, as opposed to still images.

Also, the first images of the San Bernardino IS shooters was airport images.

They couldn't call him a nazi and his victims were not black so the news doesn't care.

We have a winner!

and what happened to his 'wife' that left the country? I still think the most logical explanation is that this guy was a Jihadi, turned radical by his trips to the ME

this is the only "reminder" type post i'm ok with. Seriously, wtf.

No. Just a clip of him entering the hotel, at least? Come on..

Exactly. A simple 10 sec video of him checking in, would not compromise any investigation. But no, we don't even get frames of video. I guess we should've all considered ourselves spoiled by the 9/11 Pentagon "footage".

Why would the FBI release tape to put some Reddit detectives minds at ease lol

Because it's in the public interest

Your interest != public interest mate

Obviously 7.2k people here and many of my real life acquaintances != to "public interest"

I want to see proof that he bought every single one of those weapons

I just want to see the weapons first. lol or just a list of gun types found period.

Google it you literally have a computer at your fingertips....they already released it.

lol. you must be trolling.

Lol they've already interviewed a gun shop owner that he purchased several weapons from. They interviewed his widow already, and I'm sure she confirmed he owned a large stockpile of weapons.

Serious question.... How lazy are you? All you have to do is Google "all guns in Vegas bought by Stephen Paddock?" and you'll immediately get clear answers to that.

Seriously, are you interested in knowing the truth or just sounding like an uninformed crazy person?

Get out of here with your sense!

They want just enough facts to cobble together an interesting story that fits their psychosis, no more, no less.

Exactly! They'll spend hours watching videos that support their pre-existing opinions, but they don't spend a second researching opposing theories and explanations.

It's intellectual dishonesty at its best.

His ex wife wouldn't know if he bought 33 weapons in the last year but ok fine. The gun shop owner supposedly was from Mesquite Texas where he USED to live yet supposedly the guns were all purchased while he lived in Nevada. Not saying he couldn't go back and buy the guns in Texas because many of the guns were from Texas but I don't see how it is practical to believe he bought 33 guns from 4 states in one year instead of believing the media is spewing bull crap

Holy fuck dude. They literally interviewed the other gunshop owners too. It's even mentioned in the links 8 posted. They know when and where he bought those weapons. It's that simple.

And the only bullshit is coming from you. You clearly haven't even done the most elementary investigation into your wild dismissal of basic facts.

I don't know what else to tell you other than you're lazy and ignorant. You clearly have zero interest in learning the truth. You just default to calling it bullshit and you don't spend a single second trying to prove your baseless conspiracies wrong. It's intellectual dishonesty at it's best.

mainstream media is completely untrustworthy. Anyone who actually thinks globalist, pro Islam characters like Obama and Hillary were in a "situation room" watching the hit on already long dead Osama bin Laden are proof that we are lied to constantly...why? Because we've been lied to by this same group of pro Soros politicians for so long.

I live in Las Vegas. Drive by the mandalas bay every day and think about it every single day. It blows my mind how silent it is. Not one single update. Not even a “welp. We don’t know shit.” The god damn FBI with all the manpower and technology hasn’t said a single thing about it. In a couple months another shooting will overshadow this one and we will forever be in the shadows.

Does anyone know what they've done with the room? I assume it will be "unavailable" for the foreseeable future.

Actually we don’t know yet. I’m gonna call them later to see though. Last I heard is they just had it blocked off but I’d be curious to see. I’ll let you know tho.

what do people in Vegas say abut all this?

A lot of people think that it’s a false red flag. Definitely multiple shooters. Some people think that he may have been an arms dealer and they used the casinos to launder money and it was a deal gone wrong. Some people don’t even think that the person that died was Steven paddock. If you look at the pictures of him dead the bullet shells don’t have any blood on them. Almost like they were planted after the fact. Other people think that the MGM CEO knew about it. Hence the reason he took out 80% of his stock weeks before. It’s just so fucked up that nobody from the government has said anything since. Not one single thing. Basically. They know that we as a culture are so used to it and our A.D.D is so fucked that they know the world will forget and well. Two months later and nobody except you guys are talking about it.

thx, has the security been increased over there? has anything changed? and last, would you say the attack affected Las Vegas business?

Security increased slightly when it first happened. My girl works on the trip and I remember the week after when I went to pick her up the people that normally just let you go into the parking lot asked everyone if they were a guest or just visiting but now it appears to be back to normal.

as if nothing had happened, and they have suffered the worst mass atack on american soil...

There's no reason at all to expect it to happen again soon and it's a destination people plan for months and sometimes years to go visit. There's not much of an alternative to the Vegas experience. It's specific to Vegas. This isn't surprising in the least. Even if a lot of people decided they didn't want to visit, that would only lead to more deals for rooms which would immediately attract a boom of visitors who don't want to waste the opportunity. When a scary event happens in a big city, the most American, patriotic thing to do is to carry on like nothing happened and not allow the terror to continue terrorizing the populace.

Bullet "shells" or casings, wouldn't have any blood on them because they don't penetrate the body. They get ejected out of the gun wherever the gun is fired from and end up falling within a few feet of the shooter, no where near the target unless the target is immediate close range.

Now if there are casings laying in a puddle of blood, that don't have any blood on them, that might be suspicious.

That’s what’s unusual. They are sitting on top of a puddle of blood. So. Let’s say those casings are from when he was shooting right? They should already be on the floor. He then decides to blow his head off and falls near three or four casings. None of them have a single drop of blood on them. I’ve ran the scenario in my head how that could happen and it doesn’t make sense. How did they land on top of a puddle of blood with not a single drop on the casing themselves. Thank you tho for your response!

The blood would form a pool around them..

And no splatter on the casings themselves? Sorry. Don’t know much about this type of shit.

You can't really tell if there's no traces from a picture. But there's no reason they would be covered in blood. I don't know if you've seen someone shoot themselves in the head but it's not a bloody explosion that would cover everything in the room. It's almost definite that he would have fell to the floor, blood would have gushed from the wound when he was lying there and formed a pool around them.

God damn thanks for grounding me man. You’re right. I appreciate it so much.

It's easy to get lost down the rabbit hole with these kind of things, sometimes things are the way they are just because.

Specially when you live in the city where it happened. I just want some closure man.

People are informed of this type of thing by movies- when someone gets shot in the head blood and brains go all over the fuckin' wall. If they use a shotgun or rifle, yeah; a pistol usually doesn't do that. Watch the Bud Dwyer video- he puts a goddamn .44 in his yapper and nothing hits the wall. A FOUNTAIN of blood comes out of his nose though.

Yeah I'm a bit morbid and I've seen loads of suicides/executions via headshot and most are generally like that. Gotta admit it does looks cooler if the fountain of blood comes out their head though, definitely more gorey in the movies.

There's probably splatter on the ceiling. He put the pistol in his mouth and pulled the trigger. From the initial blast there would be almost no blood on the floor around him.

There's probably splatter on the ceiling.

Well we ain't got no picture or video amaright so who the fuck really knows sigh

Yep we don't know much. I just found it funny that there were so many people crying foul about the bullet casings in the blood. "It's staged! Theres no blood in the casings!" And I was like "why would there be?" Until I realized most people don't know what a gunshot wound looks like, or how firearms work in general.

True that.

If you were to shoot a pistol in your mouth the bullet would just bounce around in your skull and break into a bunch of pieces, turning your brain into pudding. Not every headshot exploded your head like in the movies

T. Abid viewer of /r/watchpeopledie

Yeah, plus brain shots from a handgun don’t create like, a firehose of blood like in the movies. Shotguns, sure, but the brain tissue sort of corks up the hole a lot of the time and you just have a small amount of ejecta and that’s it. Heart stops, blood pressure drops to nothing, no bleeding.

It varies, of course, but it’s more likely than not that there’s not gonna be a gallon of blood fountaining out of dude and creating visible staining on the brass within a few feet of him.

Picture a person in a room blowing their own brains out. The brains would splatter on the ceiling or wall, or both. The person would go limp and fall down, and once they are lying on the floor the rest of the blood contained in the body would through gravity pour out of the exit wound and soak the carpet. Seeping up underneath and around the casings that are already on the carpet.

Since by the photo it looked like he ate a bullet with his mouth, the splatter would be behind him, not in the front where the casings were seen in the image.

Ahhhh. Yes. Another really good point. Thanks man!

If they are hot still, maybe the blood would run off easily? Not sure tbh.

casings laying in a puddle of blood, that don't have any blood on them

Liquid always takes the path of least resistance. Blood is not going to crawl up the side of the shell casing or anything, least of all on carpet. Go lay out a bunch of stuff on you kitchen counter and then pour whatever you want on the counter near it. It will just creep under all the stuff. Soda, corn syrup, cooking oil, it's not really going to mater being nothing will climb up the items.

So the casing with out blood on them is not really a shock. Even less so if he popped himself in the chest vs the head. People keeps saying head/mouth but we don't know that. If he shot himself in the chest and fell face down blood would pool out of the mouth/nose anyways.

Tactical hits the room, kicks the gun away and rolls his body over from right to left and at some point someone snapped a pic. That pretty much lines up with everything we see in the crime pics. The older deep soak on the right side, the fresher blood on his face/left side of the pool, the bullets with out any blood on them. We just need to wait for an offical report for more info. Yet I'm willing to bet he died to shots to the chest, not head.

As an aside, in one of Michael Bay's awful Transformer films, Marky Mark opened up Prime's bullet-riddled door and hundreds of huge spent casings came out. I yelled "OH SHIT, PRIME'S A BRASS WHORE!" and one person across the theater got the joke.


A brass whore is a shooter who gathers up and hoards the casings from a gun range, proving ground, or battlefield. Some people can re-shell the ammo, some people just sell it as scrap, and those who hoard spent A-10 casings get to develop cancer. Brass whores are frowned upon in some places, such as my usual practice range.

Oh I go to a range and know about this, but my range you're supposed to sweep up your casings and clean up after yourself, and dump them in a bucket after, and they let people take whatever they want to reload. I don't see the problem. "Brass whore" is a really random term for this.

Other people think that the MGM CEO knew about it. Hence the reason he took out 80% of his stock weeks before.

How is this not the biggest red flag?

Dude. Tell me about it. The more articles and videos I watch the more people say “follow the money” it’s fucking crazy because it’s all public records.

Thank you so much for this man. It’s pretty fucking frightening isn’t it? We’re just dollars signs. The government is a corporation and we the people are the products.

We aren't the products, but we aren't the customers either. We're just the controlled kept in a jar of distractions.

That was beautifully said. Cheers.

I believe the correct term is African-American

What a useless article...

What a useless article...

Not an argument.

It wasn't meant to be an argument. I was simply pointing out that the article is completely useless. There are no facts or supporting evidence presented, it's just pure conjecture. The author has an opinion about what happened there, wrote that opinion on their website, and wants people to think that it's a fact.

Same thing happened on 9/11 with the owner of the twin towers, but instead of weeks before, it was days. Seriously fuck the government

Didn't dude ultimately collect 2 billion dollars in insurance money as well?

No idea how much bloody money is on his hands but I hope he can't sleep at night. I hope the screams and heart break of the countless victims of this monstrosity we put in power over us haunt the responsible parties day and night. Until they fall victim to their own construction of death.

Seems like the truth falls somewhere in the middle on this one.

Snopes is still odd to me. How am I meant to believe that what they say is more truthful than wikipedia?

How are you supposed to believe anything ever if it doesn't align with your preexisting opinions?


Oh he sleeps like a baby no doubt

Oh they sleep like a baby no doubt.


Oh they sleep like babies no doubt.


Such sick twisted fucks. It things like this that make me wish my life was going terribly so i could devote my last effort into finding some justice however unappropriate it may be

So, waking up every couple of hours crying?

I was one of those lucky parents. Beside a week or two at the beginning my boys quickly adapted and slept through. Bets were off if they were sick.

You underestimate the mind of a psychopath. These fuckers don't give a fuck about anything except what's in their coffers. Addictions are real.

Steven paddock was a hillary voter and confirmed pussy hat wearer.. what does trump have to do with this?

Yes city dwellers please come and help your country dwelling cousins. Seriously, come share a few acres and the work....we dont need this living in fear of what was created to protect us.. So they now say. Stop encouraging children to go fight for profit. How is it we manufacture over 50% of the worlds firearms here... Have all these gun nuts and addicts lost with no purpose and still feel good about who we are and brag about our freedom? Whos left to fight the battles for them when we all know its really a war on our futures? Oh sorry im on reddit... And asking others to go outside to look around. How revolting and unpatriotic of me....

"Collect 2 billion dollars." No, it was an insurance payout. It didn't even pay for the buildings, let alone the massive amount of money lost from rent over the years...

I probably should've edited my initial comment. I replied to the guy below me with this.

Seems like the truth falls somewhere in the middle on this one.

I wouldn't really call that "in the middle." His insurance was required, standard, and not enough to cover damages and losses. Nothing about that is unusual in any way to me.

Following some links in that article...

After describing the very suspicious put option trading in the days before the 9/11 attacks:

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the “9/11 Commission”) investigated these rumors and found that although some unusual (and initially seemingly suspicious) trading activity did occur in the days prior to September 11, it was all coincidentally innocuous and not the result of insider trading by parties with foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks.

Oh good, the 9/11 Commission investigated... thanks for sharing that unbiased truthiness Snopes.

he was leasing it for 3 billion and got 7

It was technically two insurance claims and they paid for the buildings and then a lot more. This was a win financially speaking and now he has a sparkling new complex and no asbestos.

The buildings cost over 9 billion dollars. How does the money cover that?

Don't start with the asbestos crap. It's been talked through over and over. There was only asbestos in half of tower 1, and none in tower 2. Destroying the towers would literally be the single most idiotic way to remove it.

Did you pull 9/11 off the Kanban board today?

Are saying I'm a shill just because I pointed out some blatantly obvious facts? Man, you've got a low bar for paranoia there. I wish I got paid for basic internet research.

Removed. Rule 10.

massive amount of money lost from rent over the years...

not to mention and all those Enron files...

And how is that relevant again?

just lamenting the unfortunate coincidence ... all that paper that happened to be safely transferred to NY in the summer of 2001.

Ok. Thanks for the input...

Why go to all that trouble when you could just give any documents you want destroyed to Hillary Clinton?

That's Texans for ya. Doing it their way since forever

It was close to 7 billion and he was about to have to do major reconstruction on the buildings which would have cost a fortune as would tearing them down by the book... Very good timing for Larry.

He was not about to do any reconstruction. The payout was for significantly less than the cost of the buildings, let alone rent lost.

My dad once told me that the biggest insurance payout came from all the lost man hours that companies in the buildings filed for, but I don’t know if that is true or not.


I would doubt an insurance policy like that would not have a clause for lost rent.

Yep, you are completely correct.

Try almost 5 billion. 4.55 to be exact.

The twin towers were in such a terrible state and were a toxic nightmare of asbestos that the upkeep would have bankrupted him, potential bankruptcy to $2 billion cash isn't bad. Also conveniently wasn't he suddenly "at the doctors" instead of in the 90th floor restaurant that morning like he usually was?

He had the dentist. And he got more like 4.5 billion

Yeah, he cashed in twice. Each plane was deemed a separate terrorism attack.

He should have just asked the dentist for money. Don't dentists make 4 or 5 billion per year? The dentist probably had that much on the counter beside the dentist's chair.

A lot of amazing coincidences that day

Seth McFarlene obviously orchestrated 9/11

Lucky Larry sure had a great come up from 9/11

So was the underground rotten, below the buildings. Repairing and re-enforcing the rusted underground would have cost more while ensuring the buildings above were not damage and businesses disrupted.

Yes, Mr. "Lucky Larry" Silverstein. He just happened not to have breakfast on the top floor that day also, something he "always" did, except for 9/11.

Lucky Larry Silverstein!

"Fun_Stick" ? That's a fantastic u/n.


Thank you. "Fun Stick" has also been my Xbox live tag since 2005. I get lots of laughs.

Yes, It made me think of my first Commodore 64 mod when I got a Joystick.

Then I thought...joystick...funstick...same same.

Haha interesting how (normal, non psychopathic) minds tend to think alike. Humans are supposed to find things in common and bond with them and get along. Not strap bombs to ourselves and highjack planes and shoot guns into crowds of unsuspecting peaceful people enjoying themselves. That's mental manipulation at its finest.

Yes, I used to think that my parents were controlling me so I would not get them into hot water with my shenanigans....only later did I realize they were manipulating me into being something approximating a decent human being. (If I may borrow your phraseology)

There is more then one of us.

My second girlfriend played "shifter" while making "going through the gears" noises....and got to overdrive more quickly than either of us expected.....

Fun is where you find it....

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Same thing happened with Bataclan which was sold on... 9/11/15


He changed the insurance policy to cover acts of terrorism and specifically if aircraft's where flown in the building, than there is the 3rd tower building 7 that burned aswell and the guy responsible for the security was the presidents brother Jeb Bush... And still Muslim's get blamed for 9.11 and 1 week before everyone wanted a recount of the votes that gave Bush his 2nd term in office...

It was his first term.

Right you are but there was a strong demand for a recount ... Nobody could believe he won

I was very much around for Bush's first term, they actually did numerous recounts, which went back and forth on who won the election until Katherine Harris and Jeb's government stopped the recounts. It wasn't that people couldn't believe he won, it's that it was so close that they weren't exactly sure who won. Then you had each side trying to tilt the table in their favor, such as the discarding of ballots with "hanging chads" aka holes that weren't punched all the way through.

Can you source this? What makes you think there wasn’t insurance on the buildings beforehand? Didn’t insurance fully cover the 1993 bombings? watch this, one of the best documentaries I have ever seen

Any articles? Sorry, I just hate watching documentaries on YouTube.

Believe me you will enjoy it's so exciting To watch and there is no "filler" repetition on the same subject again and again as most documentaries suffer from 😊

Not to mention the large bets in the options market taken out on United and American airlines.

no way one person owned the WTC.

Google Larry Silverstein.

You would think that, but it's true. One man owned those towers and he's a total piece of dog shit. It's almost unbelievable these men get away with this shit. There's blatant excessive amounts of blood all over his hands and nobody cares because bush attacked the wrong country immediately after and he can't be wrong even when he was. These people can't be human it's impossible.

Not just the Towers. Ridiculous amounts of put options on the airlines as well

Just like the put-options put on the airline stocks before 9/11.

Which was debunked many times. It was one of the many lies created in ferenheight 9/11.

Ferenheight? twitch

Lol, wrote it quickly at work. Keeping it though.

Just to play devil's abacus, "fair-in-height" is a bad enough scale of debris irregardless of who spelt it write furst. Excelsior is only margarinely butter, we should all stick with Calvins. It was predestinated.

Lie or not, that was a rumor long before that film came out.

No. The evidence for insider trading is solid. There have been 3 peer reviewed articles written about it in 3 different mainstream and highly respected journals. The insider trading went far beyond those put options:

Poteshman. 2006. "Unusual Option Market Activity and the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001". The Journal of Business, 79(4):1703-1726.

Wong Et Al. 2011 "Was there Abnormal Trading in the S&P 500 Index Options Prior to the September 11 Attacks?" Multinational Finance Journal 15(2):1-46.

Chesney Et Al. 2015. "Detecting abnormal trading activities in option markets." Journal of Empirical Finance 33:263-275.

The title of the working paper for that last one was 'Detecting informed trading activities' but I guess the journal editor insisted on a less conspiratorial language...

'cause most people are color blind.

Watch this video. Pretty fucked up.

Good share, thanks.

For sure man. I spent a good 12 hours straight watching video after video. Don’t get too lost going down the rabbit hole.

The stock didn’t even get affected for more than 2 months. All is back to normal in that regard. When researching there is no truth to this statement. Can anyone point me to factual evidence he took stock out?

Debunked. Sold less than 20% of his holdings in the past year. Pretty standard practice for a CEO, as they are compensated mostly in stock.

Dude, no one cares about the insurance policy for the World Trade Center. If you bring it up, you are an anti-semite.

I met the CEO weeks before the shooting. So strange he did give me an eerie vibe then this happened.

Aren't red flag attacks usually conducted for some political outcome? Other than some states tightening down on gun control, I have not seen much movement from the feds. All Republican Congress and House are pro 2A. Using a white man with no ties to terrorism or foreign entities makes little to no sense. If he was an agent of Syria it would give the perfect opportunity to start another war. I don't think it's a red flag.

I think the motives are simply not known or he had a political message or secret he wanted to bring attention to and the fed didn't want exposed in fear it would inspire others to rise up to violence.

What the fuck is a red flag attack? False flag maybe?

Because the SEC filings show he actually sold 25% of his stock and that was 2-3 days after MGM announced a billion dollar stock buyback program.

Wth?!? I hadn't heard about this. Sounds like 9/11 all over again.

Of course not! Because don't you know, we're supposed to be caring about Kylie Jenner's baby and Beyonce's twins! THAT'S what really matters. Huxleyan society.

WAIT...Beyonce had twins?

Yes! Thank you! The splashier the news lately the more terrified I get. This royal engagement has me jittery as fuck. It’s just tooooooo wonderful.

No wonder they're silent. Fucking government killing citizens 101 fuck the government. They're rotten fucking monsters. They will not get away with this. The truth will prevail and responsible parties will have their judgment.

Not disagreeing, but how does an arms deal gone wrong lead to shooting at concerts out of a window? Wouldn't a bad deal just lead to a shooting inside the room? I don't understand, but would like to.

I listened to the audio of the night and I will tell you, there's more than ONE shooter.

It's so obvious it hurts, they're not echo's from the guns, there are two completely different fire arms going off, different rate of fire for each as well.

The audio makes this clear as day for me at least, the backstory remains to be unsolved per our AWESOME an AMAZING government.

there are two completely different fire arms going off, different rate of fire for each as well.

He used different guns.

And why are there no overlapping bursts?

because that destroys his narrative, they are obviously trained so well they knew how to interlace their shots, like tusken raiders.

Where did you listen to this audio?

Funny enough, a video link from this subreddit. Do a search, I'm sure you'll find it. Couple months ago.

Wow, please tell me your background in arms use?

I use arms, I also have ears. There's definite overlap of gunfire.

So you are a professional in this? Military background or been where shooting was going on?

possible attempt to crucify paddock, shoot him in the head and convince the world and his family he's a monster

Fair point, but it seems a little extreme and a lot harder than planting child porn on him then faking his suicide .

no one would know or care who he was

I subscribe to the theory that it was an assassination attempt on the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.

The very condensed version is: * Saudi politics: King is likely to abdicate soon, named his son (the crown prince) as successor - skipping over the King's brother. * Brother is unhappy, plots assassination. Finds out crown prince is staying in the US; organises team to pull it off. * Crown prince is supposedly staying in the Mandalay Bay, one or two floors above the arms deal. * Team needs weapons in very short time, so they organise an arms deal. The CIA/FBI/ATF provided the guns, going for a sting operation. * Thus, only a couple of guns are loaded, as evidenced by the time between bursts of fire. If you intended to go on a killing spree, you would ensure all your guns are loaded. * Team finds out crown prince is not in his room, but in another casino. They panic, as without achieving their goal, they and whoever ordered the hit will be fucked. * Thus, they start opening fire on the crown below, as the target is not contained, they must search for him. Much easier to do when there is so much panic on the ground. * Crown prince gets away * Somewhat later, the son of the brother of the King is killed in a suspicious helicopter crash. Dissidents are rounded up.

Yeah that's the one I like. Fits like a glove.

It fits like the glove in the OJ trial - not at all.

This doesn't make any sense at all.... especially bulletpoints 7 and 8.

It's hilarious how those bullet points not only don't make sense, but are actively the exact opposite of what you would expect.

Turns out our target isn't in the casino? Wew, guess it'll be easier to find him if we literally draw the entire city's police and military forces to our location and alert our target with the sound of heavy gunfire nearby! We can't just go home because ??? and also we figured out our arms dealers were the CIA via the classic telltale sign of only loading a couple of guns.

So, the plan was to get guns a couple of floors below, then go kill the prince. That would have been far, far, far easier to cover up than if the target was elsewhere.

Also, without the panic, emergency services and counter terrorism forces would have had a much easier job. If the assassins needed to search Las Vegas, they need a "smokescreen".

And I didn't really explain point 8. But the suggestion is that the prince was escorted out of the Tropicana, where he was at the time, by heavily armed personnel. There is video footage of this on YouTube, but I cannot confirm that it is the crown prince in the video.

Along the way, they ran into groups of the terrorists, and reportedly had a firefight at the airport. Crown prince was unharmed and whisked away to safety.

OK... now, assuming this was a hastily organized operation of the cia/fbi/mossad/etc... If the target isn't where he is expected, and is in an unknown location at that! The very last thing the ops would do is to force a situation of chaotic movement by everyone in the vicinity. That, perhaps, is what might happen if a counter-op (protecting the target) were able to penetrate the original assassination op at the last minute.

  1. Relocate the target.
  2. Infiltrate the armory/staging room.
  3. Create an unavoidable conflict away from the target.
  4. Evacuate and secure the target.
  5. To the extent possible, destroy the infiltrated operation and the operators' capabilities on scene.
  6. If the conflict and evacuation are not swift/silent, then seek to discover and engage the previously unknown positions and parties supporting the original (infiltrated) operation.

Shooting up the neighborhood destroys reconnaissance. Finding a misplaced crown-prince/heir-to-the-throne is more like finding a needle in a haystack than flushing pheasants from the field.

Sorry if I wasn't clear, but I wasn't suggesting CIA/etc staged or ran the attack. They were patsies, there to provide the weapons.

To the CIA, it was just another sting operation: bring terrorists to room, sell them guns, arrest them. Their involvement is one reason why I believe we aren't hearing any more about this. Can you imagine if it got out that the weapons were provided by a government agency?

Can you imagine if it got out that the weapons were provided by a government agency?

I imagine it would have slightly more impact than the recent report proving US and Saudi official programs armed ISIS, but slightly less outrage than the border patrol purposely delivering guns to mexican drug cartels. Which is to say, it would fall far short of an IRAN-CONTRA sort of operation and be generally accepted as 'win some lose some' and 'no one could have predicted this madman's plan'.

I get it, Terrorists wont buy your illegal stockpiles of guns unless they are fully loaded in a hotel room.

"Can I take a look at that.... hey... wait a minute... is that even loaded? what the fuck? When I go buy black market guns, and by black market I mean illegal, and untraceable, because I don't want any reason for anyone to know I have these guns, my first thought is "I know we're in a hotel room buying illegal arms, but I gotta see this thing in action! blow out that window and lets see what she can do!""

Shit, lets one go one baby step further.

"Thanks for the inquiry into the firearms I am selling, Since I am in a high-rise hotel suite I will obviously be loading these guns with live rounds for no logical reason, and handing a loaded gun to somebody that wants to illegally buy assault weapons is in no way something a paranoid shutin would shy away from doing."

Team finds out crown prince is not in his room, but in another casino.

Correct. There's video of him being 'escorted' by a bunch of guys with AR's from another casino when the shooting was happening ... at the time nobody knew "who" this guy with the escort was ... but we do now.

Isn't the linking of the Crown Prince just because someone that looked similar was walking near armed guards at Tropicana, but that was proved to be someone else?

And why would they arrange to purchase the weapons the same night of the attack? Wouldn't they obtain them prior to the attack?

Perhaps. But when there is no official narrative, what else are we to do? Accept that nothing happened and move along?

Or, provide possible explanations that can be critiqued, and honed?

As for the timing, I expect it was because the plan was hastily executed. Perhaps they heard the prince was leaving town. Perhaps the arms dealers couldn't do it earlier. There are plenty of examples in history of failed assassinations, which failed due to being rushed.

What else are we to do? Why do you HAVE to make up ridiculous conspiracy theories?

was walking near armed guards

he was being 'escorted', not just some random walking with 10 security guys with assault rifles and full body armor

He was walking behind the "escorts". Seems like a security flaw to have security walking in front of you and no one behind or to the sides.

Front what others seem to have put together, he's actually part of the hotel security walking with another security person and he was off-duty but called in due to the attack.

He was walking behind the "escorts". Seems like a security flaw to have security walking in front of you and no one behind or to the sides.

idk anything for certain, however I'd imagine those guys had "cleared" the area when they first went through ... although the guy with the video could've had a gun!

But imho I think this is the true story and why it's gone dark on the MSM ... although I think we might get the truth a bit later down the track when the smoke and mirrors have cleared

That makes no fucking sense.

Ya I'm sure the plan was to assassinate 1 person, but the best way was to open fire hundreds of meters away at a crowd of hundreds. Open and shut case. What high precision rifle? What's that? Oh its a weapon literally perfectly designed to kill 1 person at range? Weird why didn't he use that?

Someone give this person gold

Team finds out crown prince is not in his room, but in another casino.

Correct. There's video of him being 'escorted' by a bunch of guys with AR's from another casino ... at the time nobody knew "who" this guy with the escort was ... but we do now.

Also, you'll notice that a bunch of people associated with the prince who organized this attack have either been arrested OR have died, like the 'bad prince' himself who's helicopter crashed a few days later! Coincidence for sure!

what the fuck? I think I could follow the ramblings of a mentally sick serial killer more than your story.

Definitely multiple shooters

Did you see the video? It was pretty clearly the sound of one shooter from a distance. Untrained people don't expect the gunshot, bullet crack, and ricochet to be three different times/directions but if you take the time to think about the individual shots in the video it's clearly just one.

As for the motive, there have been a few times where a mass shooter meets with the parents of a victim they shot and it's always a disappointing conversation: I thought God told me to do it, I wanted to make the world hurt like I hurt, only God will judge me, I now know it was wrong, etc. We want there to be useful information so we can act on it, but that doesn't mean there is any - other than the fact that we need some sort of way of dealing with the epidemic of untreated mental health issues in America.

I agree with you one hundred percent about the mental health epidemic. As for the multiple shooters. Have you seen this video?

Sorry but that video spends a shitload of time to say something incredibly simple: that the two sets of shots in a single video are different volumes (when it's not talking about The Jews, just to make sure we know which side of the political spectrum he's on). There are plenty of reasons one shooter might have two different volumes in one video - shooting a different direction, camera in a different position, shooting out another window, changed guns, finger over the mic, etc. The fact that he spends all this time to just get to his climax of zooming in in the waveform and showing that one is louder shows that there's really not a lot there - you'd have to show that it's not any of a miriad of reasons, which he doesn't do.

And please calm down with the "the Jews did this" shit - it's fucking 100 years after the Jewish question please get a different scapegoat for whatever you don't have an answer for.

Non-Mobile link:

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That’s a really good point man. I don’t care for his political agenda or anything. He’s clearly racist but since I don’t know much about ballistics at the height of my paranoia it made sense. Thank you so much tho for this input.

When I was out hunting this year I was getting lead flying over my head. Didn't even realize it until I heard a ricochet "laser" past me. I totally didn't expect what sounded like bottle rockets to be bullets over me. I heard a crack like a 22, then a pop. Rattled me a little realizing that wasn't a 22 but a round meant to take down something as big as me.

Where do you hunt at so I know where not to go?

Las Vegas

Jesus Christ, Reddit.

For real

Dick Cheneys ranch

During almost every mass shooting, there seems to emerge rumors and reports of multiple shooters, and almost every time it turns out to be people getting confused by echoes.

He means the average person on the street, and this is not the most popular opinion.

Ahhh. Gotcha.

I've never met any one in Las Vegas who thinks any of this things, and I'm very social. You're crazy speak for "a lot of" vegas residents.

I’m not crazy actually. I guess it depends on your social circle. Some people like to just accept what the media tells them and Kay low. Other communities who are active critical thinkers do nothing but question the government. So I guess like I said it depends on your social circle.

A Vegas resident myself, and have friends of many different backgrounds. I'd say a large portion of them feel some type of way about it. Most arent so in depth about it--they just feel like SOMETHING is off about the whole ordeal, that there is more to it than were led to believe.

Thats what I heard, arms deal gone bad. But did not hear bout the CEO PULLING stock right before? Ok, times up! WHERE is the camera footage we know they have planted everywhere?! Hmm, they must not be done editing the footage they deem acceptable to show. The nerve.

I'm sure this is the average Las Vegas person saying all this

Don't forget the security merger prediction by an anonymous source on 4chan.

Oh yeah. I forgot about that shit too. Thanks for the reminder.

Don't forget it came true that one of the two parties had a meeting with trump

Which party??











Just like 9/11?! The insurance claim thing was so suspicious to me. Hadn't even heard of the stock thing.

I was waiting for some sort of video showing the guy walking through the casino floor with bags. I just figured those video surveillance was confiscated due to ongoing investigations.

If my reading of the SEC form 4 is correct he didn't sell 80% of his shares, he sold 80% of his direct stock. He still has over 1.4 million indirect/direct shares. So he only sold about 16% of his stock.

He sold 259,760 + 34,390(294690 shares) on the 8th and 9th of September but if you look at column 5 on the SEC form 4 he still owns 637,909 + 603,519 + 175,329 in indirect shares and 71,442 in direct shares equaling 1488199 shares.

294690/1782889 = 16.5%

I'm guessing the 80% figure was derived from the direct stock only.

294690/366132 = 80.5%

So if he was selling his shares to avoid losing money after the stock tanked why would he keep over 80% of his shares?

Also the stock tanked only about 4 dollars after the attack, only about a 1.5million dollar loss. So it would be pretty foolhardy to out yourself like that to save 1.5million dollars.

Now I'm not an expert on SEC forms but that's what it looks like to me.

I believe his supposed brother when he did the interview talking about him being comped by the casinos all the time was code that the operation was compromised and id imagine a lot of what he said was coded talk in order to easily communicate what he knew to his higher up contacts.

Dude. The interviews his brother gave we’re pretty strange. His body language alone was weird.

No, we don't.


Have you got a source for the CEO selling his stock?

Here is one article but there are several other articles that point this out.

My guess is they'll replace the carpet and fix any damages and make it available as soon as any remanence of the incident are unnoticeable

I heard the whole floor is closed.

I just called and they said that whole wing of the floor is still closed down.

Fuck that must be costing them a fair bit

I wish I had sold about 80% of my shares

Last I saw the whole floor was off limits.

It will surely be a tourist attraction and they will profit from it "paddock suite "

I'm guessing they will turn it into a maid supply/storage room.

It's almost as if nothing (real) happened

It definitely happened. I know people that were shot. A coworker of mine who is in the Military had a solider she knew die. It was real. It did happen. What people are saying is that it wasn’t just a random guy. But it definitely happened.

No offense but since we have people touring world wide crying on stage about their loved ones lost on 9/11 even though the only investigation done (that has never been seriously challenged) shows no real victims, I will keep my scepticism thank you.

This has to be the dumbest claim I have ever come across. Are you seriously believing that nobody died on 9/11?

People like you's sole job, either by design or not, are to discredit the conspiracy community.

Everyone else reading, please just know we aren't this stupid.

Where do we draw the line on stupidity in this sub? Half the upvoted comments in this thread look that stupid to me.

Jesus Christ, was that English?

This article convinced me that it was real. Written about a tangential topic, and seems sincere (author clearly cares a lot about what they are writing, in a niche journal that hardly anyone will see - so obviously not written for mass appeal). Don't be put off by the obviously editorialized title, the article itself is good.

Even if it's disinfo (which... would be an interesting use of resources) it's an interesting article in it's own right, worth a read!

Dude... people definitely died on 9/11 in NYC. Thousands that day and a bunch more emergency workers from exposure to toxic shit. There were so many funerals in the months following it was exhausting. I will grant you the possibility of trained "spokesvictims" and fake plane manifests, but there were absolutely real victims that day.

Nope. There's no indication of that which is the real conspiracy around that event SeptembercluesDOTinfo

The dead firemen, 911truth, James Corbett etc belongs to what I call the controlled conspiracy. Control your opposition is an MO of these hoaxters and they're good at it.

Cool story bro. The fuck did the towers go?

SeptembercluesDOTinfo will tell you how if you are genuinely interested. Manhattan was filled with smoke and the empty towers were demolished while a movie picturing the event without the massive smoke screen that could be seen over Manhattan that day, was aired on global TV.

What are you talking about?

I’m going to assume you’re joking. If you weren’t, then God himself might have to momentarily pause the universe and personally come down to apologise for your existence to every person unfortunate enough to have read your completely retarded comment.

I’d only like to add “I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” Otherwise, your answer was perfect.

Never go full retard.

Unfortunately it seems like most of the world have. If you look at imagery and conclude that it contains numerous anomalies that can only mean it's fabricated, then you are "full retard" if you cannot accept that fact.

Please stop embarrassing yourself. Take a break from the internet for a couple of years.

Are you really trying to say that no one died on 9/11? Please tell me you’re trolling. I personally know people who were in the first tower and my friend was shot in the butt in Vegas, it happened, probably not the way they said it did, but they both happened.

I'll do him one better and confidently say you are a liar.

Can you show me a source on that? I’m not gonna believe you until you show me proof that I am lying.

I don't have to prove a negative; your claim was asserted without evidence and can be dismissed in the same way, as the meaningless bullshit it is.

That’s my point, where is your evidence that I am lying? His name is Billy Robinson, he was shot in the butt, bullet went through his wallet, he actually has everything framed in a shadow box. I’ve known the guy for over 10 years. I do believe there is a conspiracy here, I believe we are not being told the truth, but to say no one died or was even shot is incredibly disrespectful to the victims. Sorry I don’t have video evidence of my friend the exact moment he was shot.

No offense but that's just idiotic.

Yeah a giant "Fuck You" is in order. My step sister was shot (survived) and you are not going to have the room to tell me that she wasn't actually shot. I have seen the wound, the pictures of her at the concert and the Snapchat videos she sent.

Please tell me all of that was one giant hallucination, and that my sister wasn't actually fuckin shot. Fuck you in the neck.

I don't know you or your sister and cannot say what happened to her. But what I can say from going through the Cluesforum thread is that this seems to be another in a long line of media hoaxes with actors that have appeared in other events and are very unconvincing. Have a nice day.

While the "official" story may not line up with the rest of the witnesses or evidence we have all seen, I can assure you, that my step sister was indeed shot in Las Vegas, at the concert that was shot up, when it was getting shot up.

If you are going to say that this never happened, I'd have to wonder what else it think about the world around you.

I've seen many conspiracies about Sandy hook, aurora, and a few others that have definitely made me question the validity of certain things, but I believe my sister when all of her evidence (being there, pictures, videos, fuckin bullet wound) points to the goddamn thing happening.

Do I believe there may be an attempt by the media to cloud or muddy this? Sure. With everything else that we've seen, why not? Why wouldn't they?

But do I think it's all a hoax? Fuck to the no. My sister was shot. In Vegas. At the concert. My father drove the 4ish hours in the middle of the night to pick her and her friend up (rather than let her and her friend face it all alone) waited at the hospital with her until she was released, and drove them both back after retrieving their belongings from the hotel they were staying at.

That shit happened, dude.

So, if you have reviewed the Cluesforum thread I linked to before think you will agree there are a couple of problems with the event and since the people running Cluesforum are serious honest researchers that follow up any leads please contact them with your information

I try not to be to cynical but I do get the feeling you will not do what I just asked you and help further investigation into this important matter...

No offense dude but no one's gonna take it seriously because there's literally 0 chance that it didn't happen.

I've agreed with you and everyone else that there are major problems with the story. I have not reviewed the link you posted and will take the time to look into the cluesforum. My sister has been contacted by a few different people, organizations, and groups, about telling her story and what happened that night. When she is ready to talk about it openly, she will. I will also pass on the link just above so she can contact them directly, when she is ready to.

I hope you understand the anger directed at you. You're basing your point on there not being any victims, and I have to vehemently disagree.

That is because I know where my sister was, based on what she showed the world via her Instagram/Facebook pictures and check-ins, as well as the Snapchat video of the chaos happening around her, and my father making the drive to Las Vegas, to bring her and her friend back home, and the wound I have seen. That's before I take anything she has said, into any sort of account. That's just physical evidence without any form of opinion attached. I will be more inclined to believe the evidence I have witnessed, and will have to disagree with you and your point, wholeheartedly.

For the record, I am not disagreeing that crisis actors may have been used on interviews and around situations like Sandy Hook, Aurora, 9/11, and other major events. I have seen different pictures of what looked to me, like the same people at these different situations, in different capacities. I believe there is a possibility of some truth in that point, and do believe there is a lot more going on than any of us really know.

To say that there aren't any real victims in this instance, is infuriating.

I’m at a loss for words and know that nothing I say will bring any comfort but I am truly sorry about what your family must’ve gone through. My deepest condolences. I wish your sister a speedy recovery and hope that this event doesn’t prevent her from living the life she wants to live.

Thank you, and I appreciate your words. She's doing a lot better, physically. We're all hoping she is able to cope with this stuff and move forward. I will pass your well wishes along and offer you the same.

Morons like you are end up shooting people at pizza parlors looking for non existent basements.

Hopefully you're kidding. I have a relative who died in 9/11 And you'd have to be very oblivious to think it didn't really happen

Wait, seriously no victims on 9/11? That's the weirdest shit I've ever read. You believe this?

I've read all kinds of conspiracies on 9/11 but this is the first time I've heard of the "no victims" conspiracy.

This is fucking insulting. I know someone who died in the WTC. He's no longer on this earth. His wife doesn't have a husband, his kids don't have a father. Fuck your skepticism.

😂😂 is this the kind of shit you have been referring people back to?

It is very embarrassing seeing them stretch for a link

Wow you must be saying all the right stuff to get downvoted that much. Sorry man

Does not bother me the slightest :) Just proves my point. It's easy to decide if something found here's worth looking into these days. Just look at the number of downvotes and negative comments :)

If you look thru the profiles of the people attacking you, you can see they are never on this sub and prob did a keyword search to attack you

Yeah I know. Posted this that to my surprise actually got some attention

Don't be retarded. Yes, there is foul play somewhere but to be one these "it never happened" "9/11 was cgi planes " idiots doesn't do anyone any justice.

Aaaaaaand of course you get the "I know people that were shot" reply like I've got about thirty times here and twice already today.

Anyway, obvious hoax. Your downvotes speak volumes, not that it wasn't obvious enough already.

lets make it a third for today. I have a co worker who buried his cousin.

Oh I know, you already made the list of over 30 totally honest and trustworthy people.

Yes, because I spend hours and hours and hours researching this, and putting videos together to try and get to the truth, only to shill about people being shot to faggots like you.

Go fuck yourself. I was at the Knights game the night of the shooting. I also happened to be working at a Vegas hospital the next day in the OR and got to see first hand a lot of the chaos. FFS the UNLV hockey coach was shot and spent nearly a month in the hospital.

Can you please contact me privately with your contact information so me and the other researchers at can follow up on this lead that can help decide if the Vegas Shooting was a total hoax or not. I will inform the curious readers here if you do so.

Edit: This is only meaningful if you actually witnessed something. Seeing "chaos" at a hospital is hardly that and there's so much evidence showing this was a total media hoax. Have a look for yourself:

Could you take photos of bullet damage and post it?

bullet damage where?

We can't get that deep into Paddock or we'll learn of his international weapons dealing.

Focused on destroying this president and russia first.

It's almost like it's rather difficult to ask a dead man why he did something!

Crazy conspiracy!!!!!

Is that how investigations worked in the 17th century?

I think the media has come around to realize their hand in popularizing these events. Wall-to-wall coverage of the shooter's whole life isn't the way these are reported anymore.

I wish they'd stop sensationalizing stuff, but I really doubt they will.

I think they didn't milk the vega shooting because the guy wasn't brown or muslim.

I think they didn't milk the vega shooting because the guy wasn't brown or muslim.


You and me live in very different realities, apparently.

I will admit I didn't research the situation much. What is it I'm missing?

They literally cannot win with some people. If they cover it in any large way over a long period of time, they are sensationalizing it, you'll say. If they eventually stop the coverage, you say "look! it's a conspiracy! or "They just want us to forget like they have forgotten."

What level of coverage to this event wouldn't just draw more criticism or conspiracy theories?

Then there is of course the issue of making it sound like an easy route to become infamous.

Look at the comments in this sub. "The Media" literally cannot touch r not touch events like this without getting attacked. They cannot ever satisfy.

Besides San Bernardino and Pulse nightclub, which mass shootings have involved browns or muslims?

They already had wall-to-wall coverage. They even had his filipino "girlfriend/prostitute" flown from the philippines for interviews. We had his brother, his childhood friends, tenants, etc interviewed.

The question is why the reporting of the investigation ( the important stuff ) has gone silent.

Was his girlfriend interviewed on TV?

If there's nothing new, what can they report? I know they try to stretch that shit out a long time, but people would get tired of 3 months of "we have no leads, but here's some dumbass theory".

If there's nothing new, what can they report?

There's nothing to report everyday and yet the media spams clickbait bullshit.

"Nothing to report" is still an update.

The media spams clickbait bullshit every day, true. But they don't hammer the same story for 3 months when there's zero new information. People get bored and don't want to hear about it anymore.

Time marches on. If there is anything new that they discover you likely will hear an update. When there is nothing to update, there's nothing to update.

"Hey all, you remember when this happened? Us too. Back to you, Jill.....I guess"


That's the distraction. It was Saudi Arabia geopolitics. Attempted assassination on US soil of a prince making deals with Trump. In return the purge arrested the actual princes behind fucking 9/11, and blew them up as they fled in helicopters. These princelings are the same twats that buy sports cars and race them up and down wealthy neighborhoods in Santa Barbara, only to have our US police play defense men cleaning up after their shit. These princelings are the same twats buying our fucking politicians for pennies on the dollar to sail out children off to genocide and sex slavery (yes they import them to Saudi Arabia and pass them around).

Who owned the top floors of Mandalay?

Who is strung upside down in a resort hotel in Saudi Arabia being pummeled by mercenaries extracting intel?

Who called the shots on Wall Street?

Who isn't getting paid today and desperately traveling the globe looking for new patrons?

There isn't much of this guy's life to report. That's just one of the reasons why this whole thing stinks.

another vegas resident here. It blows me away as well how passive and apathetic everyone here is towards it.. Everyone just reduced it to a #vegas strong bumper sticker, and moved on. so sad.

Yeah man. What the fuck. When I saw that mandalay bay took down the Vegas strong thing it had that’s when I realized the city had moved on. I’m over here thinking about every day but it seems like it’s back to normal.

Worst mass attack on American soil, nothin' to see here, move along.

Worst mass attack

It's not even close to the worst mass attack...

"mass attack" can be defined pretty differently, but it's not the worst "attack" in American history you're right.

9/11 something something never forget.

Remember the Alamo!

I live on the outskirts of town, hardly ever visit the strip.

After 20 children, ages 5 and 6, were murdered in Sandy Hook, and no appreciable change occurred to gun law, the following massacres have lost meaning. I don't care that 50+ adults were murdered by guns. I don't care that more people that were murdered that night were murdered between slaughters. I am just curious where the next one will be.

Obama called it clearly when he said the Orlando shooting is not going to be the last, so I had little surprise at Vegas.

This is exactly how they want us to react. Take it, because we’re nothing.

South Park did it well with the wristband episode, "A S'cause for Applause".

When they covered it heavily that coverage was the evidence that something fucked up was going on.

Now the lack of coverage is the evidence that something is fucked up or wrong.

This is basically the same as what happened here in the uk with the Manchester arena bombing.

The whole thing was reduced to a bee bumper sticker and forgotten.

and 'I <3 MCR' tee shirts in sale baskets.

Move along, sir.

What do you expect? Some people are mentally incompetent and have no reason for doing what they do. If they don't leave a note or any kind of message, we can only speculate.

That's what happens under this shitty government. Its like a cycle. In 8 more months its probably gonna happen again( god pray that it doesn't) but seeing the way things are going. ..... I fear for my life in this FIRST world country

Yeah man. Isn’t that crazy. After this happened a bunch of my coworkers and friends went to the pride festival here and I hate to say it but the paranoia was there. I couldn’t help looking up at all the buildings. I mean I’m not afraid of dying or anything and I’m not letting something like this stop me from living my life but it does suck to have those type of thoughts when going to festivals.

Did you see at the golden knights game where they honor heroes from that day? The last one against then Pens the swat guy that was honored acted really weird on camera and had to be nudged to wave or even smile.

Didn't you get the memo? We are supposed to be upset about how it's not ever being mentioned anymore. Quit bringing up proof to the contrary!

This was a conspiracy among members of the upper echelons of our government. Likely CIA facilitated it.

It is because the Leftist elites paid his family off for life to kill a bunch of republicans and push gun the control agenda further.

I stopped paying attention to this kind of stuff. I don’t even know what shooting you are talking about.

I live here in Vegas too... Luckily I live in North Vegas and work in Summerlin so I don't go by Mandalay Bay that much but still on my mind l the time too. Especially since it's the holidays it's so sad how many families will be hurting so much when everyone else is enjoying Christmas.

Yeah man. I feel you too. Their first Christmas with their loved ones. I can’t even fathom that thought. I’m glad you and your family are same tho.

Yea my wife drives close to there for work so I don't envy her. I could never bring myself to go near that the area where everyone was actually injured and killed. That would be too much for me. Fucked up man...and like you say it's like no closure at all. I mean yea we feel bad but I can't imagine the feeling of no closure the families have.

How is it surprising? School has taught us our whole life history is doomed to repeat itself. Theres not one event that doesnt leave a trail of corruption. Hows james holmes doin these days batman? $500,000 spent to investigate 9-11, but i read yesterday on godgle 21 TRILLION just disappeared, missing on u.s. military spending? Just now found... Californias wild fires line up with blue prints submitted to san jose expantions plans from two years ago? Coincidentaly? 2014 flu outbreak pinpointed to bio engineering warehouse. Happens to be right smack in the middle of kansas where scheduled bio tests are to be done on our own citizens....By force and most dont even know about it... The fracked up land everywhere windmills for going green that utilise the worst design at the highest costs to us....fuck it the only thing that surprises me anymore is peoples ability to lay down and happily have not only our own asses fucked but the children we say we are so commited to, creating a better life for are fucked too.

You’ve read behold a pale horse right??

No but i have heard it referrenced before have skimmed over it. Ill check it again. Theres just too much out here that defies logic. Mainly so many people that know its way past the time and only drawing nearer to a revolution. I know we could easily change history but fear for those who are scared of doing so.

I agree man. It does feel like we’re on the verge of something doesn’t it? We shall see what next year brings

you just became more interesting. Not sure of your age, but were yu aware of cooper in the late 80s early 90s, and still in vegas?

I’ll be 33 in five days. Too young to remember him during the 90s but I read the book when I was in high school. I was so paranoid that I made sure I purchased with with cash. In fact when I recommend it to people I tell them not to buy it with a credit or debit card aha

I see. He had a presentation at the showboat hotel I've been hunting down for years.

Damn. I’d love to see. You still in Vegas??

yes. i'm in vegas.

So you’ve seen the city grow. What do you think about it now as opposed to how it was ten years ago??

I've only lived here since 2010, but it has definitely grown since then. Its a really strange town. Not sure exactly the response your'e looking for.

It is a strange town for sure. I’ve lived here since I was 13. Been to other cities but there really isn’t another one quite like this city.

Yup. Still in Vegas actually.

But we got those #VegasStrong hashtags on the car-dealership signs!

They've been busy investigating Trump for a year and have given almost no answers. It seems like this isn't a priority for them?

Lol they are a little busy with a certain person that enjoys a round of golf or two

But UFOs

24 it's the highest number, forget about it

But what about 25 boss?

I knew one of us was here haha we’d have fun at a holiday party God bless :)

But that went nowhere.


Holy hell, any other time in history and this comment makes no sense. But here we are. +1

Whatever the 'facts' of the shooting, as news stories reporting on a homicide investigation peter out, the media has been under-reporting how slipshod the investigation has been to the point of being deferential buttkissers instead of journalists...They suck so bad that the pattern of their slavish devotion to governmental scammers hit a new high/low with the security guard and his handler buddy with whom Ellen filled in for all journalists for all time with all-star softball skills...It's comical to say "...dozens of unanswered questions remain." Check out the triage video at (I didn't know they had a) Hooter's casino...Needless video suppression seems to be okay with most Americans, but not me...National security, anyone?

I commented on a vice article on FB stating the same and hoping the people involved in this event receive peace one day. The comment replies were all people telling me that I’m crazy and that “there’s heaps of footage available” and that “what footage? Investigation footage won’t be released” and simple “he brought the guns in his suitcases”. Yeah I couldn’t be fucked arguing with these idiots. I can’t believe people take things at face value and never look and THINK about why/how it happened

I was in one argument amount to be explained how he got all that ammo up there. Got told in several trips in his bags. Nevermind the weight alone would require thousands of trips...

Thousands of trips? Are you really trying to discover what happened by making that kind of stupid statement.

Yeah, maybe I went nuts in this comment. It was somewhere reported it was about two pallets of ammo, that's a lot of ammo which would have required multiple trips (I won't attach a number this time) and my main beef is they can't provide some security camera footage or even stills of him on these trips moving the ammo.

I hope this message is not as crazy as my first and does a better job at the point I'm trying to make.

Either way, I see that comment is already downvoted to hell anyway.

I think the camera footage will make an appearance eventually.

if it is a government sponsored attack, which I very much doubt, they would make sure that everything was caught on camera. It's pretty easy to do really. A white guy going up and down an escalator with a bag or two every so often isn't going to attract attention.

I know! Let's all make massive assumptions that fit our agenda!

Like what? you couldn't even name one of the dozen questions that remain.

  1. If we are to believe Stephen Paddock is the sole perpetrator of the deadliest mass shooting in American history, then why do we still, after over 2 months, have zero evidence, picture/video of Paddock inside the Mandalay Bay during his nearly a week stay there?

  2. How was a 64 year old man able to single handedly knockout out 2 HURRICANE PROOF STORM WINDOWS with a hammer?

  3. Why the need for two seperate broken windows, in two seperate adjoining rooms, when both windows have the same vantage point?

  4. If we are to believe that Paddock was running back and forth between the two adjoining rooms, then why did the zebra 20 team, once inside 32-135, have to explosively breach the connecting door to gain entry into 32-134?

  5. Who locked the adjoining door between 32-135 & 32-134? It could not have been Stephen Paddock, as it would have been locked from the other side, and the body was found in 32-135.

  6. If there were no shots fired at the Bellagio, then who was the woman reported by control on the police scanner audio, to be inside Bellagio, whispering, and reporting that "suspects are inside with her..." and that she "...can't talk"?

  7. Why were there so many guns for 1 gunman?

  8. What type of guns were found?

  9. What were the serial numbers of the guns?

  10. Were bump stocks used or not?

  11. How many expended brass casings were retrieved in 32-135 & 32-134?

  12. What is/are the Caliber/round types used? Specific weapons fired?

  13. Why would Paddock go through so much trouble in planning and executing everything, bringing so many guns, ammo, armor, tools, computers, surveillance, explosives, etc., only to stop shooting way before the endgame, and commit suicide before even being confronted by authorities?

  14. Why were there "multiple cell phones" found in 32-135?

  15. Why were there "multiple laptops" found in 32-135?

  16. What happened to the Hard Drive to one of the laptops?

  17. Why would Stephen Paddock bring a laptop with no hard drive?

  18. Why were there "a lot of drills" found in 32-135? What purpose would or did the drills serve?

  19. Why did they find a cell phone charger that matched none of the other cell phones found in 32-135?

  20. What was the $100,000 wired to the Philippines for?

  21. Where did the leaked crime scene photos come from?

  22. What is the glove or bag around the left hand of the body found in 32-135

  23. Did Paddock use the service elevator or not?

  24. Why is there no muzzle fire seen coming from 32-135 or 32-134 in any video?

  25. What was Stephen Paddock planning on doing with the bomb found in his car?

  26. Was Stephen Paddock planning on blowing up the fuel tanks at McCarren Airport?

  27. Why Did Stephen Paddock bother to bring body armor to the room, then not even bother to wear it?

  28. Why Did Stephen Paddock bother to bring body armor to the room, if he was just going to commit suicide?

  29. Why was Jesus Campos allowed to leave the country?

  30. Exactly what company does Jesus Campos work for?

  31. Why exactly was Jesus Campos on the 32nd floor? Daily Routine? Alarm? Door Ajar?

  32. Why does Jesus Campos sound so calm and casual for someone who was just shot in the leg, and dodged reportedly hundreds of bullets which came through the door of 32135, as he reports the shots being fired?

  33. Why was Jesus Campos unlicensed at the time of the shooting?

  34. David Hickey, President of Jesus Campos' Union, states licensing wasn’t required, is this true?

  35. When Zebra-20 made entry into Paddock’s room one officer was reported to have fired one round, what was the target?

  36. Why was this fact not initially reported to the public, and why did it take the media a month to report this when it was clearly audible in the police scanner audio on Oct 1?

  37. Who was the "WMA" (White Male Adult) placed into custody from the RV in the Motel 8 lot?

  38. What were the contents of his bag(s) that were identified as "suspicious"?

  39. Who was responsible for guarding residence(s) of Stephen Paddock in Nevada, Texas, California and elsewhere?

  40. What was stolen from his home after it was burglarized? Why was the residence in Nevada left unsecured?

  41. Why the MAJOR discrepancy between initial statement regarding Security Officer Jesus Campos “disrupting” shooter, to the current description that he was shot/injured 6 full minutes prior to the attack on the concert region outside Mandalay Bay (Route 91 Harvest)?

  42. Exactly which room(s) was Stephen Paddock checked into, and when did he check in those room(s)?

  43. Was it paid for, or was it a comp’d room(s)?

  44. Who was officially checked into room 32-134? Brian Hodge states he was, although a hotel has been produced, showing he was actually in another room. Was he just mistaken? Was he lying? Was he told to say this?

  45. If Security, Maintenance AND off-duty LVMPD officers were present on the 32nd floor, prior to mass shooting, why the confusion as to what floor the shooting into the concert venue was coming from?

  46. Why has the media not acknowledged the car bomb incident at Luxor yet?

  47. Where did the reports of the shots fired from the 7th floor of the Mirage (2.8 miles away from Mandalay Bay) come from, well over an hour after the shooting at MB ceased??

  48. What information was extracted from Marilou Danley? Is she still a suspect? Why have we STILL not heard anything about her side of the story?

  49. Did anything come of the reported male with a gun in the bathroom at the Luxor, that can be heard on the police scanner audio?

  50. Where did the report of the "male walking into the employee entrance of the Bellagio with a rifle" come from?


This is some flat Earth shit.


I see. You're not a real person. My fault.

What color underwear were they wearing? What flavor ice cream do they like? Why did he drive a car? What temperature was it? Why use a gun and not a not arrows? Why in Vegas and not Toronto?

That’s a pragmatic and respectable point. And, food for thought.

I don’t agree with it because I believe the benefits of release outweigh the potential risks that you outlined. I suspect the FBI was involved in an arms deal gone bad (remember Fast & Furious), and now they’re trying to control the narrative as much as possible.

Regardless, I hold no hope that we’ll ever know the truth no matter what evidence is provided.


Yeah I'm not a huge conspiracy theorist but this one is still fishy to me. You think there'd be some sort of motive known by now

This whole thing fucking stinks and we should be outraged there are no updates

This is the one conspiracy that really blows my mind, and I am a very skeptical guy!

I liked the theory that the Saudi Prince was there and the 'shooter' was there to sell weapons to the team that was going to assassinate him but when the plan fell apart the team killed the 'shooter' and then started firing on the crowd to divert attention. The prince found out and that is why he jailed so many top dogs immediately after. Something like that.

Divert attention from what? Wouldn't lighting up an entire crowd attract more attention versus just clandestinely leaving the building?

lol. I was thinking the same thing.

You gotta be lowkey by being highkey, logicccc

the "die hard" strategy, classic move

Divert attention away from the fact that they were there to assassinate the prince I guess. It all made sense when I read it and even had pictures of the prince getting escorted out when the plot was uncovered.

But my point is that yes we have heard pretty much nothing about this event which might mean that there is something we are not supposed to know about. The Saudi prince assassination plot fits that well and I found it interesting.

they also shot the fuel tanks at the airport .. I guess hoping they'd explode and create a diversion

"active shooters" were also reported (and caught) on the runways of the airport ... but that barely got a mention

This theory blew my mind. Is there a thread somewhere on this subreddit that previously reviewed this theory? I’d love to read through everyone’s thoughts on it

Im sure it got took down

Lol, what. Why take down a conspiracy theory on the conspiracy subreddit? This happens? I only recently discovered this subreddit so I’m not sure of the status quo on here

It wasnt on this subreddit,anyways everyone knows the c.i.a runs Reddit lol

That's the actual truth

It’s not a conspiracy. They are not trying to hide that they care more about lobbyists than people. There’s more money in the gun lobby than the don’t want to be shot lobby.


Listen son, look up how much money the “evil” NRA gives to politicians. It’s a drop in the bucket.

Michael Bloomberg alone has way more money than the entire pro-gun lobby put together.

And are we going to talk about the Paddock connection to the Reno shooting?

Go on....

The guy shooting out of the building Paddock used to live in who did not injur anyone. Took a hostage. Was detained by police with non life threatening injuries then suddenly died on his way to the hospital. Had no previous criminal history.

Whaaaaat? I never even heard of this!

Oh yes, and the official story is that this guy was "shooting at targets that did not exist."

It begs the question:

Can something tragic of this magnitude actually happen in the U.S. and be all but unmentioned in the news less than 3 months later?

My thought is no it cannot.

Isn’t this classic American media spectacularism? The media wants the blood and guts; and when it’s not fresh anymore they go to the next spectacular event, forgetting the terrible aftermath and the damage it’s caused?

I don’t agree with the media , in this respect, but this does not surprise me...

Good luck in ever seeing footage, we still haven't seen video of the pentagon missile strike. 16 years and counting...

Thought it was supposed to be a 747, that somehow managed to fly so low to the ground prior to impact based on the trajectory of the impact, it would have been flying mere feet off the ground for at least the distance of a runway....

And the official story is that the wings with 2 jet engines, folded in to fit neatly through one small hole where they completely evaporated in a fire. Seriously, that's the official story they went with...

What about the scrap pieces of plane at the pentagon?

200,000+ lbs of debris and there were only scraps left? Where are the 2 sets of jet engine components that are forged to withstand burning jet fuel? How did all of the plane debris fit through one hole before the collapse? The pentagon story is as unbelievable as world trade center 7 collapsing (the third building that collapsed in NYC). The official story is laughable.

So they trucked in those pieces for the photo shoot? Got it.

Car engines are made to withstand ignited gasoline. They definitely do not withstand car fires.

Are you saying that engine blocks evaporate in car fires? Because that's the official story about the jet engines. The jet turbines are made of titanium alloys with a very high melting point. It's beyond absurd to think they could evaporate in a brief, low temp, office fire.

Separately, imagine the engine placements on the wings of the plane, and ask yourself how those could possibly fold inward into the fuselage of the plane and squeeze through a single hole. There should be impacts/holes where the engines hit the structure. There are not.

It's no wonder that, in one of the most heavily filmed areas in the world, they can't release more than a few grainy frames showing the missile strike.

The people capable of doing this are demonstrating that they are above any justice.

Impacting a hefty building helps with the "where did it go?" question.

Isn't the hole in the Pentagon wider than the distance between the engines? There's your "impact mark".

Regaardless of condition, there would still be 200,000 lbs of debris there. It doesn't just evaporate in an office fire. (No engine, no hole where engines would be)[]

I took this picture to see the width of the hole.

Using Google Maps, I used the "measure distance" tool to measure the distance between silver ridge on the roof (left side, perpendicular across all of the roofs) and half way in on that inner wall - I got about 50 feet.

I found this drawing of a Boeing 757-200 series aircraft that shows the distance between the landing gear to be 24'. Assuming the drawing is dimensionally accurate, doubling that would fit the engines nicely - 48'.

I'm unconvinced that the engines would strike outside of the hole shown.

There should be a lot of debris. And there was a lot of debris.

Thank you for choosing to look at the evidence objectively.

When looking into it, be sure to check the (pictures)[] which are before the collapse of the exterior ring. They are harder to google but you'll find there is around a 22' hole and no penetrations where the engines should have been. If you examine the buildings face, prior to its collapse, it is hard to believe a plane impacted it. There are also some additional groups such as Pilots for 9/11 Truth that speak to the impossibility of either the equipment or even a highly skilled pilot pulling off that approach. "The highjackers" could barely pilot a Cessna much less execute a 270 degree rapidly desending corkscrew that levels off less than 50' above ground level before hitting the accounting section of the pentagon.

If you're still curious, Google "WTC 7 freefall" and see a 47 story, NYC-block sized, steel-frame building, collapse into its own footprint due to office fires on the afternoon of 9/11. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth are also a group of professionals who are experts in structural engineering and have concluded that the 3 NYC collapses are physically impossible.

There are lots of questions about that day. Some of the events that comprise the official story are physically impossible and are questioned by the top professionals in their fields. It's important for people to look at the evidence and keep asking questions.

I really can't see through that foam and smoke enough to ascertain the size of any hole.

I am very sceptical of A&E911. Their member roster seems to be made up of many types who would know little about structural engineering - it's not hard to get a civil engineering degree, but it's very hard to be skilled in skyscraper structural dynamics.

It sounds like you've done some solid homework on the subject. I'm a sceptic of most things myself, so I appreciate your position. The thing that I do like about A&E911 is that they do open sourced studies and show their methodology and calculations (unlike NIST who will not show their calculations).

Have you looked at the WTC 7 collapse footage? In my view WTC 7's total collapse (having not been hit by any plane) is the simplest proof of a controlled demolition. For a steel frame building to collapse in seconds, something has to make the tons of welded steel infrastructure fail simultaneously.

If total collapse of the WTC 7 structure was a normal consequence of simple office fires, you would imagine the building codes would need to be rewritten and improved. Of course, no such changes are forthcoming because steel beams do not simultaniously fail due to office fires.

While I don't have any illusion that America has the fortitude to bring the perpetrators of 9/11 to justice, it is important for science to continue to challenge the lies which we were told.

They may have gotten away with it, but if more people examine the facts and know it was staged, it will make it that much harder to lie America to war again.

same thing with sandy hook. it went silent after days

Oh don't you know they stopped doing fake shooting hoaxes after Sandy Hook. Nowadays they really kill people for some reason even though no one can even demonstrate that real shots were fired but that's ok, we just have to trust the news. There might be something fishy about Las Vegas but people definitely died because it was on CNN.

I dated a girl who was there. She was trampled and had watched the woman beside her die from a shot.

The alt media storm was brewing and normal people were starting to get restless and ask questions.

I believe that is one of the main motives of the Boston bombing. It pushed things along and Sandy hook was suddenly forgotten.

I wonder if It was rushed or the date pushed up, and that's why Boston bombing was so poorly done.

There's an image of a guy with totally shredded jeans in the Boston bombing. Famous image. The pants look comically torn. Looks fake.

On youtube I saw a video of the bombing half a block away, from the second floor. The guy laid an iPad against a window and recorded the street. When the bombing goes off, you just see people run by. Then you see the guy with the pants go up to, I think a fire truck. An older guy in uniform then uses a knife to shred up his pants, and the guy runs back in the direction of the bombing!!

Stuff like this pretty much establishes the fraud, but no one focuses on the right things. If I knew about reditt back then I would have made a post about it.

Also, they interviewed the victims at the new unopened hospital (suspicious) they were all recovering at, and it was bizzare. They played video, like green screen stock video, in all the windows in the background. It gave the impression that the interviews were filmed on a stage.

I think there's people in the intel. Agencies that are tasked with pulling off these false flags that don't really agree with the agenda, and they are trying to drop hints for us to pick up on.

My personal theory is this- the CIA is largely Mormon and Jewish. Robbie Parker of sandy hook for example comes from a big shot Mormon family. Easier to spot are the jews. These false flags have an improbable amount of Jewish people involved. Anyway, my theory is that the Mormons are not 'with' the agenda of disarming America, and they are sabotaging these false flags.

The beginning of sandy hook false flag awareness was always Robbie Parkers devilish grin on camera....

False flag by mossad agents.

If nothing else, this clearly demonstrates that the world will not end if the authorities and the teevee withhold certain pieces of information regarding mass shootings, like the shooter's name and body count. In this case, they withheld all of the facts and there was little backlash.

The top result in Google News is this article - . Not exactly investigative journalism, and the paper is owned by Adelson, hmmmm.

Indeed. It is very disturbing how fast MSM stopped talking about it.

Disturbing? American media does this all the time. They simply ride the wave of BREAKING NEWS. This shooting happened eons ago, simply because there's so many mass shootings happening in the first place, it's old news now.

For the media, it tends to not be so exciting anymore when a wacko does a massacre. Then you have the conspiracy theorists doing mental gymnastics. This isn't either of their faults, it's the US's fault.

Sandy Hook got 10 times the coverage this did

Reason 1: There wasn't a mass shooting every few months back then. Less mass shooter fatigue.

Reason 2: It was an attack that happened at an elementary school, not at Las Vegas. An attack aimed at children of all things is more emotionally charged than concert goers. The logistics of how many killed and injured is a whatever. 10 more than 50 and 10 more than 60 doesn't change the news for the person on their couch watching the report on a TV.

It was simply a bigger shock, and that's what matters to the media. Bigger shocker == more views.

AFAIK that 'elementary school' had been closed sometime earlier due to 'hazardous materials' in the building i.e. asbestos

I'm not an American so I've no dog in this fight, but it sure as shit looked suss to me ... so many things don't add up, not just the laughing 'parents' of (supposedly) DEAD kids ...? na, that's just TOO weird

What else is there to say about it?

Dude with lots of guns shoots a lot of people.

It’s happens all the time in the US.

I guess that's my problem. I'm not conditioned enough to just accept it all as the norm.

All I want to say is that. They don't really care about us - Michael Jackson

Was listening to a podcast and found out something interesting;

JANET Air has tankers outside the second window that he shot at multiple times, his bullets did not penetrate the outer metal though. His car was parked over by them, with several pounds of fertilizer in his trunk!

Now, where have we seen Janet airlines before? Oh they fly folks into Area 51, among other top secret bases daily, white plane, red stripe.

Anyone else heard about this?

Oh wow, that's wild. Do you have a source for this? Wht podcast?

Yeah, it was just the other night on Coast to Coast, the lady who does the research with Spirow Agnew claimed this. Her names escapes me, but should be easy to look up.

I think that they just don't care. Flint water is still fucked up too. Not one word from any agency or media.

More cities than just flint too

Agreed. These situations are bad all over and frankly just sad :-(

Yep flint is just a popular one but there’s myriad cities built with similar infrastructure

it's not just flint. water in most of america has been running through pipes or from reservoirs built since the 1800s and never cleaned.

Horrible comparison. People are in jail with the Flint water situation and MUCH has been done to address the situation. With this story, it was here one day and gone the next. NOBODY is talking about it. The news media, local PD, Federals, etc. Nobody is sayin shit!

The guy's motive was he was a lunatic.

Good. We should stay silent.

Who are "we", and why should we stay silent about it?

The FBI is too busy with the Trump shit.

Yes that's strange. Not even a "Putin did it".

Yeah but he wasn't muslim

They're not publicizing much because that's giving the shooter exactly what he wants-notoriety. Which in turns exites others to do the same thing. No publicity is good in this case.

they put his name in every headline for like a week following the shooting. they could care less about that, more about covering their tracks.

Is it so hard to imagine that one asshole did it? How tf do you think several shooters only killed 58 people? And for what purpose would that be? There is no need for a conspiracy for EVERYTHING! For fucks sake sometime people, a person does something truly fucked up. Stop feeding your head with crap, learn some critical thinking and get back to making a positive difference in the world instead of wasting your time inciting fear and suspicion!

There is no reason cause there are no reasons, what reason do you need to be sure?

Tell me why

I want to shoooooooot, the whole day down.

It's top secret you plebes. We can make up whatever the hell we want. I'm going with Paddock's day job was piloting kidnapped children around the globe for the powers that be to harvest their organs and pimp out and the gunfire was a distraction committed by the would-be assassins of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.

I'm probably way off but since they aren't going to tell us the necessary facts what can be done?

WACO you bitches

You mean just like every other mass shooting we've had?

No one cares anymore, we're talking about Israel now.

Why do you people think there has to be a motive? The entire point of chaos and nihilism is there is no motive

The sad truth of our world is that sometimes evil happens and there's no reason, other than it's evil. I guess some people invent reasons to sleep better at night

Sometimes things just happen. I don't believe nihilist follow any concepts of good or evil.

Nihilism is the rejection of metaphysical concepts of good and evil. That doesn't mean you can't construct meaning from them in a more subjective sense.

in a country where everyone can buy guns at walmart things happen yeah

Where is there any indication in this guys history that he is a nihilist?

Maybe we don’t have any answers because the suspect was shot and killed before any questions could be asked.

There was no convenient narrative to exploit for this one - so it had to go into the memory hole ASAP.

And so it goes.

Why is it that when MJ died they talked about it FOR LITERALLY MONTHS but when this country does have these mass shootings they are quickly swept under the rug just like every other...

Because it was Michael Jackson. Probably top 20 most popular and recognizable human to walk on earth. Massive star from like 7 years old until his death. I was born in 79 so I can tell you in the mid 80s he was a massive icon. Everyone loved that guy no matter who you were. It's hard to explain it unless you lived it. Imagine say justin bribery level popularity with none of the hate. Everyone loved him and his music. Talking worldwide. He could announce a coluseum concert anywhere it would sell out instantly. Every done was a hit. MTV did a mj video marathon every year. That's why he was talked about. Because he was bigger then the Beatle justin bribery and the rolling stones combined.

Is it possible he only motive was to kill as many as he could be for he killed him self or got killed. Not every one like this has a motive he could have just been done with the world and everyone in it.

So his motive was that he's done with the world

Could be look at the shit storm this year has been and how much worse next will probably be. He might have had enough and snapped,but we may never know because from the looks of it he had a pretty simple and private life.

Everyone wants video from the hotel. to see what him coming going with the guns? There are tons of people who bring guns with them in to a hotel, shit they had a ex sniper say himself he's been In hotels with his military issued guns because they were training.

I really think people just needs there to be a greater reason then accepting some people do really bad things just because they want to.


But why isn't the news AT LEAST saying that?

People would see it as bs because people like things that make sense and fit in a box. This does not fit in the box. Most of these are are simple (isis, politics, bulling, etc.) This isn't simple.

Doesnt explain the missing hard drive from the laptop found in his hotel room

from ONE of the laptops.* fixed

but we may never know because from the looks of it he had a pretty simple and private life.

As a former auditor of DoD contractors, I'm sure his privacy would be related to his required security clearance. He also owned multiple homes in mutliple states and was a millionaire with a gambling addiction.

Very simple life. Very normal person.

Everyone wants video from the hotel. to see what him coming going with the guns? There are tons of people who bring guns with them in to a hotel, shit they had a ex sniper say himself he's been In hotels with his military issued guns because they were training.

Good point with the sniper. How many weapons would a sniper bring to a nest like that, especially if they wanted to be undercover during the setup?

I really think people just needs there to be a greater reason then accepting some people do really bad things just because they want to.

No phenomena ever occurs without reason. If we understand the reason, we can predict and prevent that phenomena from occuring again.

We just happen to be against mass shootings of fellow Americans. That's why we care enough to question.

from the looks of it he had a pretty simple and private life.

His father was a bank robber though. Even made it to the FBI's most wanted list.

What's does his dad have to do with him doing what he did or how he lived?

I think he's trying to say that maybe his life wasn't all that simple.

It seems like their is a big difference between a military man bringing one sniper into a hotel room and a man who brings 23 guns + thousands of rounds of ammo.

I just fucking hate this world, and these human worms feasting on its carcass

This is a world record anyone could pursue. And yet, the vast majority of us choose other hobbies. Why was he different?

He was insane.

Dennis rader, what made him different. Nothing, he had a wife, kids, and job. That is until you look at his other name BTK. Now he is different because of what he did.

I believe it's the same case with paddock. He wasnt different until he did what he did. Chances are he felt frustrated, mix that with most likely undiagnosed mental health issues, And he snapped in the most horrible way. Anything could have set him off something that seems small and insufficient to us could have had a greater impact on him.

Maybe he had a brain tumor like the Austin tower shooter.

The guy who did this is the antithesis of the typical masshooter

Most shooters seek infamy and relish in the stir they create. The infamy is their reward. And the media loves to give it to them with constant coverage and details to quench people’s insatiable thirst for vicarious violence and human brutality

This guy understood the media’s ratings game well and actively denied them what they wanted. He kept everything absolutely silent and off the record so that all we could do in the aftermath is ask endless questions

Some people just have serious mental illness. Or some people have a brain tumor or head trauma or dementia. There's lots of reasons he could have done this. Let's not pretend we are psychologists and analyze him after the fact.

yeah but without blowing his millions first? who would do that?

Many he didn't care anymore or he thought it would bring unwanted attention. There really isn't a way to know or find out.

People with a mental problem or a brain tumor that makes them do irrational things.

Ok /u/rebelsniper2 I'm gonna need you to come down to the station.

Maybe that is the conclusion that they have come to, and rather then release video and more details which may inspire other shooters, they are just being quiet about it.

Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis Video. Where is any video of the supposed perp. It was the fucking Saudis

So here's a question - shouldn't this kind of thing have a storyline in place before it happens? Why the hell is it taking this long to figure out why this happened? If this were a government-driven thing I would expect the reasoning to have been established ahead of time. Our culture has such a short attention span that simply saying "this guy killed a bunch of people because he was mad about this thing we want you to feel bad for" should be a nice simple way be to inspire a groundswell of whatever emotion is desired. This, though, seems like it went off without a clear reason why, which is what I find the most troubling.

Unless, of course, the whole point was just to make people afraid of "random acts of violence", which of course would make people clamor for more gun regulation.

As far as the news is concerned, it’s pretty cut and dried. The reason given was he was a psycho gambler narcissist who lost money and wanted to punish mgm. End of story.

I think that sounds like BS, but as far as the MSM goes, they’re good with the face value.

I always like to examine conspiracy theories through a lens of skepticism - as I do the media - but on this one I have a very hard time thinking that simply being a failing gambler is motive enough for the worst single shooter mass shooting in US history. Doesn't add up.

People die every day...who cares. It's their fault they didn't have a gun to defend themselves.

We will never know the truth, that’s how we know it wasn’t what they tried cramming into the media.

Anyone have a tin foil hat I can borrow?

The MSM will cover aliens but not this. Makes you think.

I think they got the shooter. He was a white man with guns.

Simple answer: Paddock was the patsy.

An delusion in "The City of Illusions"

So Fucked Up.

Just googled and found this link :

Basically the FBI Chief of Las Vegas believes that there will be answers uncovered before a year anniversary of the tragedy, but at the time they still don't have much. Seems weird to me, almost like they're planning out when to release "information". Strange.

The Saudi roundup op may shed some light on that situation. #Qanon

Because every lie they told was met with vocal outcry. So they just decided to stop talking altogether.

But if they covered it more there would be threads titled

"Why is the mainstream media shoving this down our throats!?"

Serious fuckery going on but honestly, whether it's covered or not someone will have a problem with it.

Yea, they wanted it gone so bad they threw Hollyweird under the bus with the #MeToo bullshit. Definitely a CIA/Deep State/FBI job.

Honestly, we should gitmo every employee of the CIA at this point.

It was orchestrated by the gov. Id bet money on it.

Then do something about it instead of complaining about it on Reddit.

What do you expect one to actually do? Putting a reminder on a social media site is better than doing nothing at all.

Why not stick with conspiracies that someone gains from or make sense like big pharma corruption.

Like, so what could they be covering up, absolute worst case? Because it's not like his shooting led to stricter gun regulations, or more lax ones, in fact as you say the media is silent so if it was orchestrated it was done so shittily that they then back peddled and toned down coverage of their own thing?

At least you can say orchestrating 9/11 gave an excuse to go for oil and war and shit, not that I think they did, it's just at least there's a motive there, groups in power don't do anything at random with no motive like a crazy old angry man might.

The footage might not be released or stuff reported because they still hope to catch someone related and it could botch an active case, either that or he's actually an escaped government agent and it was actually stolen super soldier serum that made him get roid rage and shoot all those people!

But seriously, what possibly do you think is going on? What dark sinister plot? What motive?

It's insane how this story went from the biggest story of the year to blanket silence. It's almost like the media's master told them to be silent and they became silent.

I guess this story involves some negative press for some "important" people so the government and the media are working to formulate a propaganda spin on the story.

Or that the media hasn't been given any information, so they have nothing to say. I could at least entertain those of you that think the fbi is covering this up but if you really think the media wouldn't tell people something that would outrage the public while making them tons of money you're too far gone.

Or that the media hasn't been given any information

Funny. I thought news organizations were in the business of FINDING and GETTING information...

Blame the NRA and the GOP

the media is silent because no one cares. at the end of the day, a motive won't mean anything. guns will still flow like water in red states so what's the point

Admitting to an investigation would admit we have a problem...with anything from gun control to ulterior motives of a government.

Here’s an interesting comment I found on Facebook. I can’t find the source, so I don’t know... one thing that I do know is, most of the claims this person makes are verifiable with a couple quick google searches. Here it goes.

"Last night, someone was on radio discussing the Las Vegas shooting and the connection to what is happening in Saudi Arabia. They are connected. I'll start at the beginning.

There was a King named King Fasal who has named a son, Prince AL Waleed, Bin Talal. King Fasal took ill and named his brother Salman as king in his place. King Salman has named his son as heir to the throne, instead of his brother's son Prince Al Waleed. Al Waleed is a Wahhabi. Salman is Suni. Wahhabi is extreme Islam. Salman wanted a more modern, non extreme Islam for Saudi. That's why he named his own son as heir.

In Las Vegas, Prince Al Waleed owned the upper floors of the Mandalay Bay resort including the 32nd floor. That was one of the points of shooting at the strip.

I say one of the places, because the witnesses were all correct. There were other locations. The Mandalay Bay has a Heli Pad on the roof. That is important, because that was the escape route after the carnage.

Paddock was a pilot. He was also a gun runner between the Philippines and the US

He was running guns for Prince Al Waleed. He didn't win at the casino. Those millions came from smuggling.

On the night of the attack, I found out that King Salman was in Las Vegas. (I didn't know that part until after the show and I received a missing piece of info.) Salman was at the Tropicana.

The FBI knew Paddock was running guns. They were tipped off. They didn't know there was going to be an assassination attempt on Salman by Al Waleed (Salmans brother) just down the strip. Paddock brought the guns as he usually did. Instead of getting paid this time, he was killed. He was victim one. The guns were used to shoot at the country music venue. That was to create chaos and distract from the real target over at the Tropicana.

Al Waleed's assassins shot from Mandalay Bay, but they also were at the Tropicana trying to kill Salman. That explains why there were shooters on the ground as well as in the air.

Remember the videos of the helicopter fly over. I asked why a helicopter would be there when there was a shooter high up. It wasn't news, or cops. It was the assassins who ran up the stairs to the roof from the 32nd floor. Remember they sealed the door to the stairwell? Paddock had access to the service elevator, because the boss said he could use the elevator, nobody questioned him.

Meanwhile the assassination attempt on Salman failed. Now we are seeing the result of the failed attempt. It was not only an assassination attempt and a terror attack, but an attempted coup in Saudi. This is why everyone shut up in Las Vegas. The response is still ongoing. You are watching it play out. As I said I spoke on air about this. I will post links in comments to prove my story. Las Vegas was definitely a terror attack.

Paddock was the gun runner. Al Waleed, the owner of the suite was who is behind all of it. All the witnesses citing multiple shooters all told the truth. There were shootouts along the strip and in Mandalay Bay & Tropicana Hotels. The reason nobody is talking is it's not over yet."

Some say Al Waleed was meeting with Trump when all this went down! That's why Trump went to Asia (under the guise of a holiday) which was really to 'lay low' outside of the US (as he couldn't be sure of his safety there until all those involved were 'rounded up' and arrested

Or, as with those like Waleed who tried to run, coincidentally died in a helicopter crash when trying to flee SA a few days later ... (afaik the helo was shot down by SA jets after refusing to stop)

Within a few weeks they had arrested 90% of those involved and DT returned to the US ... and the shit''s continuing to hit the fan!

I'm not an American and I watch what's going on with a reasonably objective eye ... I could understand how Trump got elected but I had no idea what kind of POTUS he'd make ... and I've been surprised

I've come to the conclusion the guy is a Major Patriot who really is trying to MAGA! And he's Not in it for the money or the 'fame' (which he's already got and which imo played a huge part in his electoral success, as 'the people' kinda felt they 'knew him' and there's no comparison between him and the Cuntons who were deservedly well despised

Sure he's made a few mistakes BUT he's also done some impressive stuff when it comes to "draining the swamp"

As for dealing with shifty cunts, Trump's a guy who's had the mafia try to 'shake him down' every time he built a hotel and he's built a few ... and he's survived that, which gives me confidence he's quite capable of 'seeing through' the liars around him.

Plus he's got a group of "old trusted friends" who are not in the government But I have no doubt they advise him well and have a lot of influence of their own and want to help him 'drain the swamp' .. they just never had a POTUS who also wanted to do the same!

IMHO he's doing a pretty good job for such a difficult position ... and he's smarter than many give him credit for, but the 'proof is in the pudding' and we're beginning to see changes of the good kind thanks to him

Interesting theory, thanks for sharing what you saw. I do have some questions.

  1. Let's say they were going to buy some weapons from Paddock as was mentioned. Do people REALLY think they would haul many, many guns up to the 32 (or whatever) floor, to presumably inspect them and then they need to transport them ALL back DOWN the hotel into their vehicles. It was admitted their target was in another hotel so there was no reason for Paddock to risk making multiple trips up to his room to load the guns, only for the Saudis to have to bring them back down.

Second, as someone else mentioned, if they really wanted to escape using the helipad why create the chaos and have so much attention on this building? I don't think hiding in plain sight works on this one. Totally counter-intuitive.

Third, in Vegas there are MANY helicopters used to take tourists down the strip and sightseeing. The activities took place so quick I doubt they were able to issue a "land immediately" alert for aircraft.

I still doubt the multiple shooters too. With so many tall, glass buildings around the echo would be horrendous and be impossible to tell where the shots would be coming from.

I really think the Saudis and our government have involvement here. There is little doubt of this. I just can't connect the dots very well.

I'd like to know why survivors are all being killed off..

Maybe it really was just a crazy guy who lost his shit and decided to do something incredibly heinous

Frankly I like when "the media" shuts the fuck up sometimes. It is unlikely the media has anything good to say about it, since actual no-funsies capital-T truth doesn't increase viewer eyeball focus or ad sales.

I'm not even a "conspiracy guy" but goddamn if it doesn't make you think

Really gets the ol' noodle cooking.

If you learned motive, what will you do with it?

I think people are afraid that if we don’t as a society find the motive behind these shootings, then they will continue without us being able to stop it.

You don't need a thesis in sociology to see the link with the gun legislation. The US is the only Western country with a death-rate by guns that high. But I suppose that's not what most would want to hear. All it takes is a crazy or suicidal individual with a sense of spectacle.

What about the guys that are running over crowds of people with trucks? I get that guns are usually involved in that too. I’m not arguing whether guns should be less accessible or not, what I’m saying it’s scary when this happens and it doesn’t seem like there’s a clear understandable motive.

That is terrorism, no? They tried to make a political agenda advance through violence. This kind of persons will find their bloody tools regardless of the gun legislation.

But the events like this one or the school shootings, I think they're more related to that.

I agree with your ‘bloody tools’ statement and like how you worded it. I think you’re right it’s terrorism, but why though? Did the Las Vegas shooter ever pledge allegiance to some political movement? I get what you’re saying but I’m saying as a society we want to know more than just it was terrorism.

I agree with your ‘bloody tools’ statement and like how you worded it. I think you’re right it’s terrorism, but why though? Did the Las Vegas shooter ever pledge allegiance to some political movement? I get what you’re saying but I’m saying as a society we want to know more than just it was terrorism.

Right and tell me how many people get run over by vans in Europe again

I likely will get shit for this, but why is it imperative that we find a motive? It certainly doesn’t bring these people back to life or solve anything. That was the most frustrating thing watching the news coverage of this when it happened. Maybe there was no motive at all, and it appears pointless to me to continue searching for something that doesn’t exist. Does a motive really bring closure to anyone?

The NRA wants this story dead and gone.

Am I the only one who doesn't think it's too crazy to believe that it was just a sociopath killing because he can? There's plenty of serial killers who kill for no reason otherwise and I don't think it's too unreasonable to think someone with that mindset might just plan a mass shooting. There doesn't necessarily need to be some crazy political motive every mass shooting.

This keeps me up at night. There is a major piece of the puzzle I rarely see discussed. Paddock went to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport on September 19th and rented an intermediate sized car and drove it back to Las Vegas in the same day. How did he get to Phoenix? Did he leave his vehicle? Did he fly? Why did he go? What other stops did he make? Who on the FBI's most wanted list flew into Phoenix around that time? Did any Saudi Nationals fly into Phoenix? Where did he go when he dropped the car off in Vegas at nearly 1am?

Take step back and think about this. A guy is planning a mass murder and 10 days prior he takes a day trip to another international airport to rent a mid size car only to drive back to where he came from?

Interesting. What is your source?

Where is this from

Interesting. What is your source?

Interesting. What is your source?

Maybe he just decided he wanted to kill people... there doesn't HAVE to be a reason

You say there are unanswered questions. I agree, for myself and I assume many others in this sub, there are tons of questions that need answered.

But I think most people have accepted that he was just a lone gunman who snapped and killed a bunch of random people.

Maybe it's because they are just as lost as we are?

It’s almost like an in-depth investigation takes time.

The fuel tanks he shot at belong to the airline that flies people to Area 51 daily.

Hmmm.. The silence is a form of truth. The are pleading the 5th.

This shooting was almost a big enough fraud as Sandy Hook.

Posts like this are what gives conspiracy theorists a bad name.

Thank you

I think it comes down to the two political parties not being able to blame the other for the shooting. So the politicians don't care because they can't use it to discredit their opposition, and the news stations don't care because politicians don't care, therefore it's not profitable.

The USA is too busy worrying about how Trump drinks a glass of water.

As of three hours ago, LVMPD Sheriff James Larochelle has been reported missing.

"Interesting to note @lvmpd Cpt. LaRochelle was involved in the Dept of Internal Oversight & Constitutional policing, which is overseen by Undersheriff McMahill's wife.

That Dept oversees officer involved shootings. An officer's weapon was discharged in #StephenPaddock's room." -@lauraloomer

Connect the dots. Something's going on here

34 times people told me on this subreddit that they know people who were shot in Vegas.

Sorry, but that number is simply "too damn high." If one or two of these users are lying, I contend that they all are most likely lying.


He was on 10mg valium for months before shooting. Wouldn't want that to get out and hurt some profits...

Main reasons.

  1. He was a normal white guy. Not "normal" in the brain sense. But "normal" in a sense of "looks like 95% of other white guys at his age". He wasn't middle eastern, asian, black, or anything "different". He was a white man.

  2. We have a Republican as president. That means people aren't caring about what could potentially maybe happen to our gun laws because we don't have a Kenyan Communist Muslim in the white house. Notice how you can still buy .22, 9mm, and even .45 and 5.56 at normal prices? Notice how you can still buy bump stocks and trigger cranks?

Notice how you could do all of that under Obama as well. The only reason prices went up was from Fox propaganda.

That's what I'm saying. There were no agendas pushed by the media because the liberal medias aren't often known for scaremongering like that and Fox News didn't want to actually have to blame guns for this shooting.

How are the families not outraged? Where are they? Or are they being silenced? This whole event reeks on every single level.

Follow matt couch on fb or Twitter. Hes doing an investigation in to this and Seth rich.

HUNDREDS of unanswered questions, if we could only answer a few of the dozens, perhaps. Spin doctors never knew the internet; spin surgeons are still wearing plague masks and wielding leeches. I bet they wish they could rollback the free flow of information, even if just for a year or two...

Alex Jones covered it on his show so if you want u can check that out

The lack of explanation suggests the truth would embarrass or incriminate the powers that be or at least someone in a position of power. At the very least it's not useful in the terrorist narrative which is popularised

Make sure this gets posted tomorrow on the 82nd day too

Population control.

It's just possible he had no motive than to shoot some poor people before he off'd himself. I think that is what's bothering everybody in this thread and around the country the most; you just can't accept the fact that he may very well have done this for kicks.

Sure he may of had some personal issue, or mental illness, but then again he may not of had anything wrong with him. Just because someone is a criminal, or a murderer, it doesn't mean they have something wrong with them to begin with. Most of the time, yes, but it's not a guarantee.

Accept the fact that some people just don't give a fuck. They realize that their existence is ultimately insignificant and regardless of their choices they are going to end up in a state of oblivion.

A conspiracy is like a delicious meal of darkness fear and worry lovingly prepared with a sauce of righteousness.

IF you reach the bottom of the rabbit hole, what you will find is most of the wealth of the world. Standing around the pile are the .01% and they're all grinning like a Cheshire Cat and shrugging, "that's not mine" and "..where'd that come from?" and "not that I recall.......

I understand this is a serious issue but if any of you guys want Karma just post this every once every month and you should be covered for a while

But Trump is saying something we don't like so we need to act like it's the end of our world

kind of eerie how silent everyone got on vegas. it was like they wanted to avoid another pizzagate situation so they just stopped covering it.

Not giving attention to people who are trying to our shock the world with hideous actions. That’s actually probably a good thing.

N.b I do agree it is bogus and there’s lots going on that we don’t know about.

As long as Trump is in power nothing will happen

Its really insane. Makes really thinkn like the Ebola was a really way of distracting and well you know other shit like I cant recall but I know it was some other things.

Some crazy fucker decided to shoot people. I don't get why it needs to be more complicated than that.

He was selling arms to the Saudi price and the deal got fucked up

It's almost as if the country is too busy fighting with itself to fight for itself.

It took years to get a good picture of the what and the why of Columbine. Almost ten years. Investigations take time, and sharing information with the public isn't a priority for these agencies.

I still believe it was a massive death cult human sacrifice.

can you elaborate?

I don't believe that human sacrifice that has occurred over the span of human history simply stopped just because we got airplanes, cars, and the internet. I believe that spells, incantations or rituals have been passed down over the years involving highly secret societies that involve the ultimate sacrifice.

And the worst part about it is I believe these "spells" actually work. There is a world behind the curtain that is metaphysical in nature that can be tapped into and manipulated through intention and rituals.

These mass killings that seemingly have mkultra patsies with vague details imo are designed to look like false flags so people are thrown off what really happened. Plus the timing and numerology etc...

Or maybe I'm just a bit crazy.

I think this is really interesting. Do you have any suggested reading or anecdotes?

Still think you live in freedom? I like how you still dont see the government is out to get you. maybe one day

We know now... Assassin's trying to kill that Saudi Twitter big wig were buying guns to do so from Paddock (a gun running money launderer) and caught wind he was an FBI snitch and killed him while getting cornered in that room and holding the concert hostage. FBI wouldn't negotiate, so the killed the hostages (concert goers).

There is footage where you can hear a helicopter and then see it duck behind the hotel and once shooting commences it flies out to the side. Would explain multiple shooters and would be in check with the bullet angles. Not to mention the concert gave a useful distraction that would ultimately contribute to the confusion of a crowd who for a good 9 mins have no idea what the hell is happening, leaving the shooters to open fire. Tactical. Cold blooded. Helicopters. Planes...getting familiar..Given a risk management agency ETS owned 5 floors of the hotel ( that is owned by Saudi elites including Bin Talal - a recently deposed elite in a coup where 11 of his fellow princes who were also either told to resign, die in a mysterious helicopter crash etc and were mostly all in line to be king - it does seem very likely that extensive weapons cache is theirs and were in the hotel for an discriminate period of time. Given Trump condones the new regimes leader and a public call out of the Deep State and his statement that 9/11 was perpetrated by Saudis (as was 93 WTC bombing), and the evidence that Obama ignored Saudi warlords in exchange for weapons sales, oil and land, it feels plausible that this is a false flag designed to keep the military industrial complex on path for perpetual war. America should have a powerful military. They just need it directed at the right people, Which includes saudi elites and their very own deep state heads. The attack could also have been An attempt at Khalid, the brother of Mohammad Bin Salid, who I believe had residence in Vegas. Did hardliner Saudis want to send a message and try kill their way back to power? Paddock was a patsy. He has to be. His brother I'm sure got smeared with peadophile charges which I don't care if they're true, they helpfully diminish the paddock name and cement the idea that paddock was an unstable, possibly radicalised individual. .yeah right. And he also did it because he hates rednecks...yeah I've actually seen that said on the news. The Saudi connection is too hot and couple that with the owner who withdrew stocks beforehand screams suspicious. The lack of coverage of a Saudi connection tells me trump's probably in negotiations with the new princes on how to deal with this. It's likely there's more attacks planned and I don't see exposing the Saudis as the Mandalay bay shooters as a useful national security tactic. I'd rather see the deep state and Saudis BINNED and then release the information while it's safe to do so.

Forgive me if I got any minor details wrong..

Why don’t you try making a freedom of information act request instead of trying to invent some story online?

white depressed old male with wrong anti-depression medication and white old male as USA president (who tries to promote "muslim violence") who has deep filthy contacts to business world...

Yeah USA, you have a problem.

Thats what I heard, arms deal gone bad. But did not hear bout the CEO PULLING stock right before? Ok, times up! WHERE is the camera footage we know they have planted everywhere?! Hmm, they must not be done editing the footage they deem acceptable to show. The nerve.

Christopher Dorner, anyone?

Last thing I remember is the brother being arrested for child porn.

Because it's the least interesting thing ever? An unstable suicidal person shot people, what else do you need to know?

Personally, I think most of these mass shootings in the past decade are actually being done by the US government. It has a history of killing it's own people killed to rally popular support behind something. These just seem like more of that.

media became silent just 1 week after it happened. so eerie and terrifying

can we still buy bump stocks?

Mass shootings have become so commonplace in the USA that it's now just a thing that happens. The media reports on it then moves on.

You guys have some crazy ideas 😂

Mass goyim blood libel sacrifice lol but if I take the tin foil off it is probably just a psychopath.

I really think it's because this type of massacre scares people the most. In a way, it's comforting when a terrorist is foreign, or has a weird religion, or history of violence and mental disorders.

It's comforting because it makes people think "I can still trust a certain type of person, I could protect myself from the type of people who commit these crimes"

And the truth us you can't. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Terribly sad! No updates, its like it didn't even happen. They are telling the general public absolutely ZERO but what are they telling the victims families???? They HAVE GOT to be telling them SOMETHING! BUT WHAT!?! WHY is no one speaking out? If it were my family member killed in this horrible tragedy, you wouldn't be able to keep me under control and my mouth shut!.

Lots of sleeping sheep on this thread and this sub. Average Joe is so brainwashed that he always argues to protect the Matrix that supports his ideas and identity.

Get ready for more of the same. The wall of silence indicates that there was a state actor involved, one that likes to kill people, so don't expect any loose lips for fear of loose heads. People willing to stage a assault like that are people you don't want to piss off.

What if the shooter's motive was to kill people?


I read the hotel is controlling all the flow of information due to the pending lawsuits

I'm understanding that all the evidence and surveillance are being held back for lawsuits. You don't leak when high powered vegas lawyers are involved.

They only give out enough information to keep the masses happy. The sheople do not question they just walk in line as told.

Well that is because there was not motive. Why does there have to be a motive. Just pick up a high power assault rifle and put it to the intended use it was designed for. Go down in history as some asshole that shot up a bunch of people.

There doesn't have to be a motive. That many kills still being shrouded in mystery warrants an open/investigative mind to his motive, however, if youre a decent human being that gives a shit about another's life being stolen from them. imo

Maybe it's because the majority of society has already moved on to another problem. People aren't allowed to stay focused on one issue anymore they're being rushed from one thing to the next to prevent them from finding the root cause of all of these problems.

has there been alot of financial activity, like people buying mandalay bay hotel?


So apparently we won’t know until next October. According to this. I like how he said “Now that’s a long time for some people, but speaking for the FBI, that’s light speed, all right?” Umm. Light speed measures distance. Not time but I’m no scientist.

Light year - distance light travels in a year Light speed - 186k miles per second

Just semantics, I totally get your point though

I read something interesting at another site that discussed the fact that the casinos in Vegas are the lynchpin of economic power in that area. That casino management would do just about anything to sweep under the rug anything that would cause consumers to think twice about vacationing there.

Where is the best place to watch vegas conspiracy videos? YouTube was usually my go to for conspiracy content but they changed the algorithms shortly after the vegas shooting and now I can't find anything on it. Cheers if anyone can help me out!

8000+ upvotes and i didnt see it on the front page of course when shit with 3000 is riding at #5 for hours

I live in Las Vegas. My personal opinion is that the shooter is connected to the Cliven Bundy Fiasco, like Ruby Ridge. The trial for Bundy was due to start Oct 2. Was postponed. The shooter seems like the type that was at or supported the stand-off.

The pathetic Sheriff and POS District Attorney don't want the information out.

I invite mjr et al to check out Jeff Rense at & Intellihub for some very detailed analysis of the event. MJR you are correct: those sheep who depend on the MSM for info will never get any of the story. Everyone keep sharing the alternative threads...this is where the real story is being revealed. Sad how the Las Vegas "news" folks & cops are deafeningly silent....

I keep hearing the same old meme about how the media doesn't cover Vegas anymore from friends and podcasters.

Fact: There was wall-to-wall coverage for a week and it was still a hot story for one month. Fact: Tucker on Fox still occasionally mentions it, but he's not an investigator reporter, he is an entertainer. Fact: The Vegas PD, FBI, hotel and the workers union are afraid of lawsuits (already had them) and do not want to give us all the info. It is technically still an open investigation to see if Paddock had help. Fact: The best news we got came from Vegas newspapers and TV news outlets. Australian news also had good intel because of Marilou's connection there. The national news had its hands tied to dig further and sued because of it: Fact: Vegas PD said Paddock did it due to gambling debts. I know that it just as bad a blaming "swamp gas" for UFOs, but that was the sign for the media to drop it. Fact: We will live in 24/7 clusterfuck news cycle in which the media focuses on Trump's Twitter feed and #metoo. Why does the media not cover the Halloween terrorist anymore? Even the NYC subway bomber is forgotten about. It's because there's nothing more to say and we live in a compressed timeline now where things happen faster. Leave it for alt news and opinion pieces. News implies "NEWs", except when the MSM talks about the Trump Russian Collusion fake news every day.

I guess you guys want ace cub reporter Lois Lane to get to the bottom of the mystery? The conspiracy forums and blogs cover Vegas as much as they can. Even 4chan gave up on digging for new info. Local Vegas news still covers any time a survivor dies mysteriously. Paddock did it because he could. His whole family is warped.

Is there more to this story? Yes. But stop crying over the "mainstream media" not paying attention to it or is being "silent". Fuck MSM. They ought to be "silent". The police and hotel will not talk to local reporters. The story is dead but "new" facts will emerge once the civil suits go to court.

I mean what the fuck do you want Cooper Anderson to say? "Breaking News: We have no new leads about the motives of Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock. His brain autopsy was negative, his brother got arrested, 5 survivors died since then, not sure if Jesus Campos ever got that bullet removed, and a sheriff went missing for 18 hours. But we will let you know everyday that there is no new news."

The information has been released, you just don't want to believe it. No spooky conspiracies here. Stop trying to turn every shooting into some farce to support random-ass narratives.

-Local Las Vegan

You expect all of this shit to just be released as some sort of photojournalism essay by Getty? You ever think that these images and videos of a crime might just be sensitive material to be used in forthcoming legal cases?

Or, I could just say you are a deliberately obtuse contrarian and go on about my day.

For the record, I asked for visual evidence of shots being fired and you linked to a bunch of random YouTube videos I've already seen and cannot specify what part of which video contains this visual evidence.

Because billionaires didn't own the locs of the other mass shootings. Billionaires run the US not your elected officials.

This has to be the dumbest claim I have ever come across. Are you seriously believing that nobody died on 9/11?

People like you's sole job, either by design or not, are to discredit the conspiracy community.

Everyone else reading, please just know we aren't this stupid.

This article convinced me that it was real. Written about a tangential topic, and seems sincere (author clearly cares a lot about what they are writing, in a niche journal that hardly anyone will see - so obviously not written for mass appeal). Don't be put off by the obviously editorialized title, the article itself is good.

Even if it's disinfo (which... would be an interesting use of resources) it's an interesting article in it's own right, worth a read!

Dude... people definitely died on 9/11 in NYC. Thousands that day and a bunch more emergency workers from exposure to toxic shit. There were so many funerals in the months following it was exhausting. I will grant you the possibility of trained "spokesvictims" and fake plane manifests, but there were absolutely real victims that day.

Are you really trying to say that no one died on 9/11? Please tell me you’re trolling. I personally know people who were in the first tower and my friend was shot in the butt in Vegas, it happened, probably not the way they said it did, but they both happened.

Video of that guy that got murdered by a cop was withheld from the public for a year. This shit happens constantly.

The real conspiracy is the entire system even enabling these kinds of tragedies happening.

Whatever, distract yourself with nonsense conspiracies instead of cause and effect. It's what they want you to do.

No offense but that's just idiotic.

What has Obama got to do with this?

This. No one makes $5 million a year playing video poker. He got his money from somewhere but it wasn't gambling.

Yeah a giant "Fuck You" is in order. My step sister was shot (survived) and you are not going to have the room to tell me that she wasn't actually shot. I have seen the wound, the pictures of her at the concert and the Snapchat videos she sent.

Please tell me all of that was one giant hallucination, and that my sister wasn't actually fuckin shot. Fuck you in the neck.


Listen son, look up how much money the “evil” NRA gives to politicians. It’s a drop in the bucket.


You clearly don't know anything about Paddock or gambling. So please stop talking like you're some expert on until you bother to get out of your self imposed bubble of information and research the other side.

First, there are countless Vegas regulars who know him and have personally witnessed him winning and gambling large sums of money.

There are plenty of people who literally make their living by gambling. Second, Stephen Paddock made most of his fortune from his companies and being an accountant. While Paddock was a Vegas whale, he also was losing a lot of money lately according to the records.

So yes, he got his money from somewhere. It's called being an accountant and owning several companies. It's dumb easy to find out exactly how Stephen Paddock made his money. I don't understand why people pretend like this isn't readily available information.

Removed. Rule 4. 1st warning.

Worst mass attack

It's not even close to the worst mass attack...


I see. You're not a real person. My fault.

Hopefully you're kidding. I have a relative who died in 9/11 And you'd have to be very oblivious to think it didn't really happen

9/11 something something never forget.

Get out of here with your sense!

I'll let the FBI know about all these compelling avenues of investigation

They want just enough facts to cobble together an interesting story that fits their psychosis, no more, no less.

The buildings cost over 9 billion dollars. How does the money cover that?

Don't start with the asbestos crap. It's been talked through over and over. There was only asbestos in half of tower 1, and none in tower 2. Destroying the towers would literally be the single most idiotic way to remove it.

His ex wife wouldn't know if he bought 33 weapons in the last year but ok fine. The gun shop owner supposedly was from Mesquite Texas where he USED to live yet supposedly the guns were all purchased while he lived in Nevada. Not saying he couldn't go back and buy the guns in Texas because many of the guns were from Texas but I don't see how it is practical to believe he bought 33 guns from 4 states in one year instead of believing the media is spewing bull crap

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Wait, seriously no victims on 9/11? That's the weirdest shit I've ever read. You believe this?

Didn't you get the memo? We are supposed to be upset about how it's not ever being mentioned anymore. Quit bringing up proof to the contrary!

Las Vegas

For real

Dick Cheneys ranch

This is fucking insulting. I know someone who died in the WTC. He's no longer on this earth. His wife doesn't have a husband, his kids don't have a father. Fuck your skepticism.

Sandy Hook got 10 times the coverage this did

If there's nothing new, what can they report?

There's nothing to report everyday and yet the media spams clickbait bullshit.

"Nothing to report" is still an update.

mainstream media is completely untrustworthy. Anyone who actually thinks globalist, pro Islam characters like Obama and Hillary were in a "situation room" watching the hit on already long dead Osama bin Laden are proof that we are lied to constantly...why? Because we've been lied to by this same group of pro Soros politicians for so long.

The media spams clickbait bullshit every day, true. But they don't hammer the same story for 3 months when there's zero new information. People get bored and don't want to hear about it anymore.

lets make it a third for today. I have a co worker who buried his cousin.

He was walking behind the "escorts". Seems like a security flaw to have security walking in front of you and no one behind or to the sides.

idk anything for certain, however I'd imagine those guys had "cleared" the area when they first went through ... although the guy with the video could've had a gun!

But imho I think this is the true story and why it's gone dark on the MSM ... although I think we might get the truth a bit later down the track when the smoke and mirrors have cleared

Michael Bloomberg alone has way more money than the entire pro-gun lobby put together.

Wow you must be saying all the right stuff to get downvoted that much. Sorry man

Does not bother me the slightest :) Just proves my point. It's easy to decide if something found here's worth looking into these days. Just look at the number of downvotes and negative comments :)

😂😂 is this the kind of shit you have been referring people back to?

It is very embarrassing seeing them stretch for a link