34 times people on this subreddit told me they had a personal connection to a victim of the Las Vegas "massacre"

74  2017-12-22 by joe_jaywalker

I've been saying I'm going to do this for a while, and since the list keeps on growing, here we are about three months after the event. I invite everyone to look at the context of all these comments, taste them, weigh them, evaluate them for yourself.

Makes me wonder why so many people who know for a hard, indisputable fact that Vegas was a real shooting would hang out on a conspiracy forum.

I might have repeated a couple users just by losing track, but I actually think this should be at least 30 different users making these claims, none of which by the way were verified.

I tried to only include people who claimed to have "2 degrees of separation" or less. So I did not include the handful of Vegas residents who "know" people died because they live in Vegas and therefore people "definitely" died. Or the guy who said his wife received a work email about two people who had died in the company, therefore people definitely died.

Anyway, please enjoy this list.

Maybe you might also like to visit my other thread in which I asked for visual proof of shots being fired, gunshot wounds, bullet damage, or medical activity from the Las Vegas event and the best answer I got was a photo I call "girl with blood on leg."




































You get the same stories with Sandy Hook.

And you think everyone that claims that they knew someone is lying? That's a little ridicules.

It's interesting how many people claim to have a brother who has a friend from Rhode Island that stayed at a motel a few miles away from Newtown and talked to the clerk who's doctor treated someone who's relative knew a dude that had a neighbor who's kid was buddies with a classmate that died at Sandy Hook.

any of them, Boston marathon, Manchester, Orlando, etc.. all bogus.

Sandy/ Boston / Orlando all seem straight out the same lame play-book. Overwhelming litany of evidence that screams bullshit. I don't think any deaths arose from any of those 3. Unless it was due to extreme boredom at the usual lame sequence of events and crisis actors, fake blood...if there they even bothered and ridiculous triage and queues of real ambulances that were sequestered but were never allowed near any injured person. Manchester - not too sure. Perhaps people died but it was allowed/ organised by the bunch of criminals at Westminster.

a motel a few miles away from Newtown and talked to the clerk who's doctor treated someone who's relative knew a dude that had a neighbor who's kid was buddies with a classmate that died at Sandy Hook.

Wow, I know you meant to write, "...talked to a guy who was getting some ice, that talked to the clerk who's doctor treated someone..."

I mean if you're going to repeat story #1476b, at least follow the directive...

I do agree. It's bullshit. Right about 99.9% Bull Shit.

.1% = a guy did get ice that one time

Or was he merely "pretending" to get ice, so he could be at the right place at the right time?


It is all pretty sad. Trust no one.

Lol, 10/10...absolutely!! Hehe, nice one😂

Have you seen any of them recently? Exactly.

Joe Jaywalker, sir, you get an upvote.

I will say that I used to browse reddit but never was compelled to comment until this happened and I was looking for answers anywhere I could get them since I live here. So that could be one huge reason that new people have commented. We are trying to get answers and reddit has more information in one place then anywhere else. I stand by my comment 100% that I know somebody that was shot.

And furthermore, they probably were scared away from coming back here after having to deal with people saying they were shills and faking it etc. people who were there are haunted enough and seeing all those posts and arguments would scare them away for good reason.

People were shot. Get past that part FFS. Why did it happen and who is responsible is the question.

The best reason to think people were shot is _________.

The first thing that comes to mind is the cellphone video of the guy going through the crowd and seeing people dead, bleeding. I dunno. Ask yourself why no one was shot?

So it is okay to question every aspect of the event, the script of which sounds as though it was written by a fifth grader, but if someone stages a scene with fake blood, which shows no gunshot wounds or bullet damage, or medical activity, questioning the veracity of the most basic claims of the event is therefore off the table?

So, I answered your question, right? Your response says nothing about the video I mentioned. Mmkay

Yeah it does. I said the video shows neither gunshot wounds, nor bullet damage, nor medical activity. Several times in the video it can be heard "no entry wound, no exit wound." It's pretty obviously staged.

Not to mention, this video was available within 48 hours of the event. Is this really all we are supposed to see in the three months after the "deadliest mass shooting" in US history?

that was the fakest video ever and if anyone thinks that is real it shows just how naive they are and should be taken advantage of whenever possible. / imbisels

People love to be told what they are seeing and what to think and feel. That's why that video was so successful in fooling so many people.

if these idiots went to vegas they would be telling their friends Pirates Exist in Nevada and Magic is real. Pathetic , naive, dummies are a few of the words that describe these shovel fed idiots.

I agree but I'll give you a hint though, the satanic cabal is real, and thus magic (or magick) IS also real.

The fact that it came out within 48 hours of the event, but it is still everyone's "go-to" video to prove people were shot, is pathetic. That should tell you all you need to know. If this were a real shooting there would be several dozen other video/photographic accounts that are much more revealing and graphic than this B-movie scene.

People love gory details, sad, but true. Along with all the footage of the crowd / confusion / massacre, there would be hundreds of vids and pics of the dead and dying as well as evidence of collosal blood loss associated with bullet wounds caused by high velocity assault weapons. Forensic reports / pics , autopsy details - preferably by independent pathologists would confirm / deny veracity in an instant.

you watched too many movies kid. You need to watch your buddies head be peeled back while you are looking for incoming sometime.

while this dark milky blood pools around their head.

You're so tough, kid. We should all strive for the toughness you present to be on the internet.

That same guy kept saying where's the wound? There's no exit wound. WHere are you hurt? If it's the video I'm thinking about.


you figured it out i figured it out. those people in the crowd figured it out. i mean if someone is throwing rocks at you from above you don't duck down and "wait" to be hit. When you see and hear the "crack" of incoming rounds and you and everyone else run the fuck away like someone throwing rocks into a school of fish. Guess what that never FUCKING Happens. Bullets DO NOT fucking kill with a single round from that distance. not instantly where you just lay the fuck down and die.. you crawl and limp the fuck away bleeding out.

it was a complete and total hoax and it was Obvious to anyone paying attention. Especially if the have been shot at before and have had their best friends shot in close range right in front of them. this was bullshit.

There should have been countless men that refused medical attention but decided to post their bullshit injury on youtube. Not Fucking one real bullet wound. and at this point many of us know what bullet strikes look like.

after 20 years of non stop wars for the most part. if you are not a Soy Boy you may have seen some action. and you will see what the human body is capable of when really fucked up. and that shit will change your reality from there on out.

Spare us with your impossible-to-confirm battle experience in every god damned post.

A 55gr 5.56 at 400-475 yards to the dome would totally fucking kill you. It's going like 1400 fps at that distance.

Yeah, there would be rivers of blood and extensive damage everywhere. Not like in Las Vegas.

Totally, right!! Remember the vid of the dude who was shot 3 times in the chest who was conscious, up and about and chatting with friends less than 24 hrs post the event?? Let me re-iterate - 3 assault weapon rounds to the chest...and conscious/ communicating (With a sense of humour) within 24 hrs of serious gun-shot trauma!! Yeah, I know right? Clearly people who buy the narrative have not seen the damage a single shot can do to human tissue.

It's not even remotely possible that the same person's torso would be hit 3 times from that distance. That claim alone exposes the event as a lie especially since that witness "Mike Cronk" was given airtime on CNN and made more than one appearance.

Dont get me wrong, i agree with you. LV is all bullshit and we are being misled. But there is so much false information on this sub. A decent marksmen can hit a torso at 450 yards multiple times with little effort. Bullet drop is about 8 inches at that distance. His rifles were set up well. nice optics that let plenty of ambient light in, good solid bipod (probably a harris/atlas), I wouldn't be surprised if the ammunition found in the room was match grade. With that said. 5.56 isn't the preferred round for that distance. Using .308 win or 6.5 creedmore would have been my choice.

Ballistics are tricky my friend, especially 5.56. It tumbles once it hits a body. It can enter through you armpit and exit out your ass.

Here are some clips of blood loss on the battlefield. this Marine takes one the upper shoulder/neck and still walks himself to the bird.


ANA pretty much loses his face and multiple limbs/collapsed lung. Notice how little blood loss despite the amount of trama.


Again I'm not disagreeing with you. Everyone just needs a better understanding of gunshot wounds and ballistics.

"Little effort?" Give me a break. We're talking about a distance of about 900 yards, and a guy with no shooting experience or tripods. The slightest deviation from recoil of the barrel would translate into the bullets hitting in large groups with very little precision. By the way it's worth pointing out that there are not even photos or videos of the bullets striking, or these groups of bullet holes there should be. The reason for this is that someone with ballistic and forensic experience (someone like you maybe) could triangulate and realize that the shots were not fired from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay.

Does Mike Cronk seem like a truthful guy to you?


Look, if the veracity of just one piece of evidence is dodgy or flawed, it calls into question the entire event. 3 shots to the chest, at that distance would have to have been consecutive out of the muzzle ( at least!!!) NO-ONE IS THAT LUCKY, OR THAT GOOD - IN THE HISTORY OF BALLISTICS!!

That being said, this guy's demeanour is a lie. I've been shot at with automatic weapons, even though I was young and stupid and thought I was immortal when I was in the SAPS, I had the jitters for hours afterwards. No-way I could string a coherent interview together afterwards if I was asked to. Well, not before i' d changed my underwear and had numbed myself with alcohol. I just don't buy it. Being shot at and still having to deal with treating gunshot trauma and people dying in your arms...and all around you messes with your chi in a large way, regardless of whether you've experienced it before or not. That alone makes the whole event spurious.

Oh, there was also the unlikely bravado of a whole bunch of people, standing around in many groups who continued to stand, without hitting the ground or running for cover. Like nothing that was happening would be perceived as a severe existential threat - despite the "apparent" hordes of people having brains blown out and dropping like flies from gunshot wounds all over the venue. Just NEVER happens...even if you are in body armour. Self preservation is instinctual. 😂😂😂

There's more than one video of people saying "fake gunshots" on the scene. And video of someone saying "there doesn't appear to by anybody actually injured." You can check my post history for these.

Yeah the Mike Cronk thing is ridiculous. I actually had a resident "gun expert" yesterday tell me that it's no big deal to hit the same guy's torso from that distance, but I still think it's bullshit and Mike Cronk is obviously lying anyway regardless of his physically impossibly story.

Marcus Luttrell injuries:

Broken back due to falling from the mountain.He had RPG and grenade fragments all over his body.His shoulder was torn out.His knees were destroyed.Pretty severe facial damage including a broken nose.He suffered a broken pelvis.He bit his tongue in half

He had 11 through and through wounds from shrapnel. He crawled 7 miles with a shattered back, crippled legs, and a torn in half tongue hanging out of his mouth. I imagine his was still pretty coherent to pull that off.

NOT disagreeing with you about LV being shady. The human body is just amazing. It can survive an insane amount of damage.

Take a look at this video. Granted, it could be special effects or video editing, but its the best evidence presented thus far for live rounds.


You are probably right about "best evidence."

But that is very telling. Because with the concession that I have never seen anyone shot in real time in real life, it just doesn't look real to me. For one, there's no blood.

And but so, I just have a question, then I’ll shut up. Please don’t answer with sarcasm. I have never seen anyone shot in real life, hope I never do.

Just exactly what should we be looking for? Blood flying from exit wounds? Massive pools of blood? Like we see in the movies?

Not really trying to be sarcastic. If the official story is true (/s) wouldn’t there be just sufficient slow down in the momentum of bullets to cause entry, but not exit wounds? Not blood flying around like in a Tarantino movie?

What I’m getting at here is this, and I’m not sure it’s clear. When someone is shot from that far away, should we expect that much blood to be visible?

Since I haven't seen anyone shot in real life I would need to defer to experts if we had any footage of anyone being shot. I doubt that it looks like a huge blood packet like in the movies, but then again maybe it does splatter a bit. What I do know is that there would be blood on the scene, lots of blood, probably footprints of blood too.

But there's not even this evidence of gunshot wounds. And there's no footage that anyone can seriously claim to show a person being shot. We can only evaluate the evidence we're given, like the Liveleak "aftermath" video everyone talks about. There's just not even that much to evaluate. I haven't seen any that is strongly indicative of real bullet wounds or damage. I would think that with all the videos where we hear the pop pop pop of gunfire, we would also have one that shows a steady visible series of bullet impacts in a similar rhythm.

Not even a little bit. Don't be Dumb. as hard as it sounds strive to be normal.

Just look at this nut job's post history. I'm convinced people like him are put into these communities to discredit theorists and make all conspiracy theorists look insane.

totally agreed.

Wait, are you talking about me or the other guy?

Other guy, sorry haha

Haha I was about to say.

Whether you think the OP is denying if people were shot or not don't you think it is more than a little strange that 6.2% of the people interacting with the OP claim to be associated with those murdered or wounded. That is an unusually high amount.

If you take the same level of contact and apply the same percentage to the US population (323 million) that means the OP ran into roughly 20,058,300 people who have some direct personal connection to someone who was a victim.

Don't those numbers seem a little off to you?

It's not really that far fetched.. Have you ever played the game 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon? Same principle. Name any actor and within 6 movies I can connect the two together. 6.2% is 6/100

I bet if you put 100 people in a room you could easily find 6 people who know someone who knows someone who was shot at the festival. there were thousands of people there.

I'm normally not connected to any major event, but playing 6 degrees of separation I am somewhat connected to a victim. I've never met them though.

Calling it a hoax seems to be easy to disprove in this case, so it makes it much more suspicious to keep pushing the hoax idea. It's also much easier to discredit any of us who might take it for a hoax and try to explain it that way elsewhere.

A false flag is much worse than a hoax, and with the rate that the shooting is being covered up and buried is also more believable. No organization would put that much effort into a hoax and get so little out of it.

easy to disprove

So disprove the hoax.

Clark County Coroner Official Decedent List for October 1st Shooting

Here's the list of victims, it's on you to prove none these people died, not the other way around.

Frankly, you'd be wasting your time though. The circumstances around the shooting and suspect(s) itself are more vital to a public investigation of the event.

thank you. and I'll even go a step further and post the the same list, only with DOB that I built myself, cause I'm such a shill.

Not really.

There were a lot of people at the concert. There were 50+ people killed and several more injured in varying degrees.

One of the victims is from the town I just moved away from, and I know people who knew her.

This is why we have the phrase "it's a small world". I have two degrees of separation from Jeff Foxworthy. Two degrees of separation from Avenged Sevenfold. Not interesting in the slightest, but my point is that if you know five people who also know five people each (excluding you), that's already 25 people you have a connection to. Realistically, people typically know more than only five people.

It's crazy how exponentially large your network could be with just meeting one or two people.

This guy fucks.

Which people?

These people?

All of those people being brought through, supposedly shot, yet I didn't see one bit of blood. That's a bit fishy!

I don’t think Sandy Hook is legit but I do believe people died in this massacre. I woke with two people who were concerned for friends and family that week getting different details. Then I have two Xbox Live friends who talked to me about it.

It happened, we just don’t know the motive. There is a different story here they don’t want us to know. How can Henry Weinstein be in the news so much more than a mystery shooting on hundreds of innocents.

I agree. Sandy Hook is different.

Im not sure still.

Ive had my sister tell me her coworker's friend died and my Aunt tell me a little boy she knows parents died and he came up to her crying.

This is very problematic for me. Because I know for a fact they used crisis actors for this event and that "gore" on liveleak was staged/fake. I will try to ask my Aunt some more details this Christmas Eve about what she knows. The question I have is: would they interview crisis actors and have a staged bloody scene while still carrying out real murders?

The "hybrid" hypothesis fails because it's impractical on every level. Here crisis actor, get ready to read your lines, but wait until after we wantonly murder these innocent people first. That's your cue. Oh, but we won't shoot you of course. But be careful... anyway break a leg. And don't tell anyone you agreed to a conspiracy to murder a bunch of people.

I agree it doesn't make a lot of sense... which is why I'm deeply troubled by the personal interactions I've had on this topic.

DAE think this is bad acting? https://m.liveleak.com/view?i=df5_1507183149

This is a real conspiracy and I’m beginning to agree with this more. 900+ bullets were fired onto the grounds. Please, find me a picture of the area riddled with bullet holes. I have researched and dug for some but I come up empty. Anyone that lives nearby, do you see bullet impacts ?!

A witness said his friend was shot 3 times in the chest. Obviously impossible from that distance. Therefore he is lying, therefore they are all lying.

Yes, that's exactly the way it works. FFS.

Why would you need crisis actors at a real shooting?

I was being sarcastic.

lady with leg wound

Looks like a bullet wound to the calf to me

That's not a wound.

These are wounds!

Why on EARTH did I look at that link?

It's all fake. Moulage = fake wounds.

Bam! Conspiracy theory debunked.

He said there is no evidence or photos of actual wounds from bullets. That’s what I’m showing. Not trying to say there are no conspiracies going on. But people were truly shot and people died

I think finding a lady with a leg wound isn't the best, since supposedly 500 were injured, but I'm personally neutral on the subject, so don't expect an adamant argument from me.

looks like a crisis actor to me.

People were defiantly shot and killed, I personally know someone who was killed. Why this all happened remains a mystery

I personally know someone who was killed.

Here's number 35 /u/joe_jaywalker .

lol that's actually number 36, I already had another one this morning too.


I must be in on the conspiracy because I met one of the Canadian victims at a Blackjack table in Penticton, BC.

According to some around here, us Canadians are clearly part of this massive production.

video showing various bullets hitting things

Here is a video of several scenes showing bullets hit things

There's only 3 videos of probable projectiles striking things. Two cups and one lady's knee.

In none of the videos does it look like the object was struck by a rifle round. The cups both flip over a little and move a foot or two. The lady grabs her knee for a second and then decides to sit down. No blood or wound is visible. Nor does she seem to be in intense pain.

Grazing wound possibly. What do you expect the cups to do? Go shoot a solo cup. It doesn’t explode, it’ll just fall over.

I am purely just showing evidence of bullets being fired since that is what the guy who posted is saying that there is no proof of any shots fired. I don’t know what caliber or type of gun produced these movements but it’s proof that something was shot. It seems like nothing will ever be good enough for some people to admit that shots were fired and people killed. Even the videos of dead bodies and people reject it.

Maybe because idiots like you think hundreds of actors all worked together with civilians who weren't in on it. Then in the matter of a few minutes put fake blood on themselves. Then after a couple more minutes they all laid on the floor and pretended to be injured. THEN more actors came in and pretended to drive these other actors to hospitals where fake doctors rented out the hospitals and pretended to help to these people in the ER.

Quite frankly, you make everyone else on this sub look bad and are nothing more than a hinderance to the truth

This was a planned event

Appeal to sympathy ez.

Claim personal connection + You are a retard / genius OP = Free upvotes

This might blow your mind a bit, but I live in Northern Ontario and am connected to the shooting in three ways.

My uncle was playing blackjack at a nearby casino... he had to take cover as people were running in the casino stating there was a shooter. He said nobody knew where the shooter was, but some people told him they believed there was multiple shooters. He has no real opinion about the number of shooters, he said he had no clue.

I also know a couple from a nearby town. They were at the concert. I don't have much details, but my mother who is good friends with one of their parents said they are pretty traumatized. They saw people shot.

Another person I know through a previous job I had... he moved to the area and was actually doing some contract work at the Mandalay. He was so close to the shooter he actually had an encounter with a security guard. He had headphones on while he was working and had no clue what was going on. Despite being close to the shooter, his exact location in addition to the headphones meant he had no idea till his encounter with the security guard.

Anyway... my point is that I don't think it is that odd that people on this sub know someone who was a victim. I don't even live anywhere near Vegas, let alone the US, and I knew three people impacted by the shooting in different ways and none of those people know each other. I'm not a regular on this sub, rarely ever post here, but thought I'd share. The world is sometimes smaller than we think.

This might blow your mind but you might be lying.

Of course he's lying. They always read from the same script, this event had a very obvious point they were supposed to make: "it was a false flag but not a hoax."

So not only is this absurdly disproportionate number of people affected personally by the event, but they also all think there's a conspiracy involved, yet they harass and insult someone who questions the basic claims that people were shot, as if every other detail is possibly a lie but there's no way anyone would ever fake a shooting as part of a FEMA drill and broadcast it as real.

Are you saying that no one is allowed to believe that it happened but that it is not as candid as we assume?
Presumably some of these persons have some minuscule connection like the one /u/rkdrbuild mentioned.
We saw the footage, so we know that there was a loud noise and there were people scurrying about. Presumably not all of those persons were fake, and presumably they also had friends and family.
It doesn't matter if it was fake or not, something still happened, and it's not irrational to think that a few persons know some persons who know someone who was there.

Correct, we saw footage of people scurrying about with loud noise in the background. Not anything being shot.

I know. I'm wondering if they work directly for the production company that staged the hoax for the government or for a shilling company that gets subcontracted.

There's a front page post that's been there for like 2 days now about how there's no surveillance footage of Paddock at the hotel. But of course, it takes for granted that shots were fired and people really died. This is the non-negotiable point they are all supposed to make. It's literally an off-limits question to ask, how we even know anything or anyone was shot.

The word HOAX is number one priority for the shill company working on the Vegas event. Anyone who mentions hoax instantly gets a demeaning reply. Everything other "theory" is fostered. They want people chasing wild geese.

I am convinced a high percentage are scripts generated by computerized bots. 

I have know multiple people who were there. A coworker and his friend who was shot, two personal friends who escaped quickly, and my sisters sorority sister was shot. Both people lived who were shot.

My girlfriend's lesbian mother was shot in her armpits right in front of her. Luckily the heavy armpit hair trapped the bullets otherwise both gf and mother would be dead now. You would be surprised by the stopping power of armpit hair. Doctors say they cannot remove the bullets.

The crisis simulation company that got the contract to stage the hoax have social media staff or they sub-contract out to shilling companies. The psyop extends into the media and the internet.

Man, this post is like a chum bucket for shills.

Here's a few videos showing the HOAX:

"I really don't see anybody actually injured."

lol of course you don't.


I definitely find it strange/suspect the "broken leg" person no longer needed medical attention in the taxi driver video, however, I live and work in Las Vegas, and know 2 different people that were affected.

  1. Co-worker has second job selling t-shirts at concerts. He and his daughter were there. No harm, got out alive.

  2. Another co-worker had to attend cousins funeral.

So while I do think its possible there were crisis actors used/drill running concurrent, I have no question that people were wounded/died.

Source: I'm in Vegas.

I don't believe that it was a hoax, so why would they use crisis actors?

Incite more chaos. I'm really not sure. The only convincing evidence I've seen that C-actors were used is the taXi driver video, where the lady with the broken leg, suddenly no longer needs medical attention, and then once safely away from the gunfire, the passengers proceed to offer the driver 100 bux to take them BACK to the strip. Very strange. But I will reiterate, that people died, and people were shot. If you can't accept this, then you seriously have mental health issues.

Some of the videos are strange, but who among us knows how we'd react in a situation like that.

I absolutely agree that people who think Vegas, Sandy Hook, etc. were faked need to take a break from the internet and see a therapist.

Well, I'm not talking about reactions, like casual man. Youre right, everyone reacts differently, but I'm talking about someone flagging down a taxi down a taXi stating emphatically that you have a broken leg and need medical assistance, only to change their mind and want to go back to the gun fire. That's suspect. I also did not mention Sandy hook. I really haven't researched it much, but it may or may not have been a hoax, I could not say myself. But I can say that im 1000% positive people died/got shot in vegas.

Lol, it's a page right out of the $hill handbook.

Someone I work with was on vacation in Vegas at the time of the shooting, called him when I saw it on the news and he said he never even heard shots just saw lots of emergency responders

thank you for this type of work which is not often

Number 11 down, you link a post I made replying to you. No where, in that thread nor anywhere else have I claimed to be related to her, or to know her personallyor to have met her. The real conspiracy here is you fabricating evidence to support your bullshit point of view.

I mean, honestly you think every video recorded of it released by random people who dont know each other was edited with the exact same sounds but appropriately different audio characteristics like range, location, echo/reflection, doppler perspective and propagation through different mediums. And done fast enough to be released by the following morning. Its stupid and your useless garbage proof is, literally, nothing.

Solid work, the basis for this article [ The I Knew A Guy, Who Knew a Cousin’s Friend, Who Died at Vegas, Shills ] (http://www.newnationalist.net/2017/12/24/the-i-knew-a-guy-who-knew-a-cousins-friend-who-died-at-vegas-shills/


You are probably right about "best evidence."

But that is very telling. Because with the concession that I have never seen anyone shot in real time in real life, it just doesn't look real to me. For one, there's no blood.

This was a planned event

Or was he merely "pretending" to get ice, so he could be at the right place at the right time?


It is all pretty sad. Trust no one.

And but so, I just have a question, then I’ll shut up. Please don’t answer with sarcasm. I have never seen anyone shot in real life, hope I never do.

Just exactly what should we be looking for? Blood flying from exit wounds? Massive pools of blood? Like we see in the movies?

Not really trying to be sarcastic. If the official story is true (/s) wouldn’t there be just sufficient slow down in the momentum of bullets to cause entry, but not exit wounds? Not blood flying around like in a Tarantino movie?

What I’m getting at here is this, and I’m not sure it’s clear. When someone is shot from that far away, should we expect that much blood to be visible?

Since I haven't seen anyone shot in real life I would need to defer to experts if we had any footage of anyone being shot. I doubt that it looks like a huge blood packet like in the movies, but then again maybe it does splatter a bit. What I do know is that there would be blood on the scene, lots of blood, probably footprints of blood too.

But there's not even this evidence of gunshot wounds. And there's no footage that anyone can seriously claim to show a person being shot. We can only evaluate the evidence we're given, like the Liveleak "aftermath" video everyone talks about. There's just not even that much to evaluate. I haven't seen any that is strongly indicative of real bullet wounds or damage. I would think that with all the videos where we hear the pop pop pop of gunfire, we would also have one that shows a steady visible series of bullet impacts in a similar rhythm.

This guy fucks.