Frequent very short power disruptions

0  2017-12-23 by ConterminousPoverty

This is the second state I have lived where this happens. I am no expert but this could be a good data gathering technique right?


How does this gather data?

By locking whats in your ram.

Yeah, you’re definitely no expert.

No, I am not, but ask yourself why you need to wait five minutes before you plug you stuff back in?

Except a few cases (ballast driven lights, devices that use compressors) you don’t need to wait 5 minutes. The only reason you heard to wait 5 minutes was to let power supply capacitors discharge.

Not small electronics, you have to wait to reset their memory.

Sure, for a second or two, until power dissipates and RAM is cleared.

I applaud the scrutiny and questioning of what’s what though. We should all be suspect of everything. In this case however, you’re paranoid over nothing.

a power cut could however cover for someone swapping out server hardware such that when you reconnect, you reconnect to a compromised server.

What is the wait period for when you reset your router?

Its happened 7 times now to the whole house.

Wait period is to let power disappeared from capacitors. Theoretically damage to components could occur if power is rapidly cycled on and off.

Wait period is not to clear ram.

Thank you sir, this makes me feel better.

And your routers memory.

Definitely not “locking” data in ram. Possibly for a few microseconds, maybe longer if RAM is cryogenically frozen. Power outage would not be an ideal way to capture data.

“Volatile memory is computer storage that only maintains its data while the device is powered. ... However, the data in RAM stays there only while the computer is running; when the computer is shut off, RAM loses its data. Volatile memory contrasts with non-volatile memory, which does not lose content when power is lost.”

Keep reading, I don't want to start a fight or anything, but nothing vanishes without a trace.

It will vanish exactly as magnetism will disappear, with a trace, from an electro magnet once power is removed. I

See, like he said ther is always a trace.

Sure, in the same way a trace of light remains after you turn off a lamp...........

Is it not true you can recover data from a hard drive that has beenwritten over?

Hard drive and RAM are two totally different things.

Yes, sorry just got done reading a long ass article about forensics and ram. I apologize.

It’s all good! This is kinda my thing ;-) — knock back a few brewskis for me!

I am totally will. I am still weirded out by the power going out and coming right back on. I can't imagine its a capacity issue, probably just bad logistics. Okay my friend put me In th direction of something interesting, please?

I am guessing it is to gather router data.

You’re just speculating with a tin foil hat and no understanding of the subject. This would not gather router data! If power is off, the ability to collect electronic data goes up exponentially!

Thats not what I am saying. When the power comes back on data is collected.

The data is gone when power comes back on!!

If that is true why do we wait to plug our stuff back in?

You must just be f’in around right? Setup a packet sniffer and watch what happens as your router comes online. You’ll see any data sent m, none of which will be the contents of ram prior to reboot.

Seriously, if you were surfing porn and the power went out, I promise, your router won’t be ratting you out to mom!

I am not fucking around, I am drunk, but my power has gone out nine times now tonight. My MOM can verify. If I can't post this stuff here where can I.

Check your electrical wiring. This happened to me before and a fuse blew up in the fuse box after a while, I guess the electrical work was old/bad.

This might be the true true.

All the fuses are good power goes out to the whole house then is back on in maybe 1 or 2 seconds. I thought maybe a deep trojan that only sends data when power boots.

I give up, it must just be a infrastructr problem. ^

Keep reading, I don't want to start a fight or anything, but nothing vanishes without a trace.

Thank you sir, this makes me feel better.