A MOD should post a sticky about the SpaceX launch out of Vandenberg Air Force Base. This one unfortunately is not a UFO.

295  2017-12-23 by Tha_Dude_Abidez

Or a missile getting shot down. Or God's Jizz. Or a crack in the firmament. Etc etc etc.


I mean.... technically everything is a UFO until it’s identified.

This one was identified pretty quickly. Actually it was scheduled. Anyway, regardless the pictures and videos people are putting up are pretty spectacular. We live in crazy times.

Well... floating... flopping flailing. All UFOs

This one was identified pretty quickly. Actually it was scheduled. Anyway, regardless the pictures and videos people are putting up are pretty spectacular. We live in crazy times.

This one was identified pretty quickly. Actually it was scheduled. Anyway, regardless the pictures and videos people are putting up are pretty spectacular. We live in crazy times.

This one was identified pretty quickly. Actually it was scheduled. Anyway, regardless the pictures and videos people are putting up are pretty spectacular. We live in crazy times.

This one was identified pretty quickly. Actually it was scheduled. Anyway, regardless the pictures and videos people are putting up are pretty spectacular. We live in crazy times.

What is up with this word for word repeat from different users?!

Bots... bots everywhere. Or just people trolling

Whatever it is, shit is weird. Between bots, trolls, and shills I'm bout to give up on the interwebs completely

Looks like op double commented and people are copying him.

Man, I was really praying for some of God's jizz :(

Isnt all jizz technically god's jizz?

Fuckin A man, fuckin A.

That’s fuckin interesting man.

Yeah but what if there were millions of sperm that were scaled up. In a load of that scale there'd be a bunch of sperm the size of birds just raining down on us.

Why can't It be God cracking the firmament with his jizz to hit a North Korean rocket....

Please no. This shit is hilarious.

it was a UFO to those who didn't know it was SpaceX, now it's just an IFO

The conspiracy is the payload...

The payload isn't a conspiracy either. It's 10 Iridium NEXT communications satellites for Iridium's satellite constellation. This is the fourth such launch that SpaceX has done.

More likely it was a massive chemtrail dump of nano iridium.

What do you mean "unfortunately"?

Definitely an IFO

Is this not just a display of the US airforce's ability to deliver a payload to any point on the planet?

Specifically for North Korea's attention, perhaps.

It’s a commercial satellite launch.

If you want to deliver a payload to any point on the planet, the Falcon 9 is not the best choice. There have been many rockets designed exclusively to deliver payloads to anywhere on the globe - these are called ICBMs

I tend to be pretty critical of hypothesis on here (especial hate when people call them "theories"), but if I was going to jump down the rabbit hole here, it could be a pseudo psyop type thing.

"DPRK take notice, our military can nuke you anytime, from anywhere, before you can even detect it, oh and also any one of our large capitalist corporation can too, if called upon"

Vandenberg AFB launches test ICBMs every quarter or so. They occasionally appear in the public launch schedule, though they're a bit less spectacular than a proper orbital launch.

Very suspicious post. /s

Or we all just recognize reality without someone holding our hand.

I mean, that's just what (((they'd))) say...

I mean. It looks crazy and there is some weird pulsating thing making white rings inside the giant white cloud.

I live in Florida and have watched several launches including a recent one earlier this year. Never seen the sky look like that.

We need a sub r/Elon’s_Musk to upvoat to to the the front page every time there is a launch to make people aware of the possible time and location of the fireworks to come

The amount of people asking what it is and freaking out is amazing, what retards.

Retards, just because they didn't know there was a space x launch planned, and wanted to know what the crazy shit they saw in the sky was?

Um yes, because it takes 2 minutes to figure it out via web search.

Yeah retards because they won’t believe everything the government throws at them without question.

There has been zero evidence this launch was anything but a normal rocket launch.

Retards, just because they didn't know there was a space x launch planned, and wanted to know what the crazy shit they saw in the sky was?

Yeah retards because they won’t believe everything the government throws at them without question.