What's at the top of your list of discoveries you've made in your quest for the truth about this world?

42  2017-12-23 by DontJoinTheMilitary

Here's my top six at the moment:

  • The moon appears to have been built and/or positioned by someone
  • DMT
  • Mind-blowing UFO accounts from credible people
  • Dr Milton Wainwright found evidence of someone/something seeding life in our atmosphere
  • People knew about the precession of the equinox at a time when nobody should have known about it
  • Ancient Egyptians and others had a seemingly impossible ability to transport, shape and erect extremely large and extremely hard stone

There were no pharaohs buried in the great pyramids. Ever.

OP mentions DMT. The pyramids are clearly initatiatory chambers where the initiates where first given something like it, then "died and was reborn" into the mysteries - the building is designed to amplify the experience. The Pharaohs were priest-kings - the priesthood was the most powerful institution in Egypt - they erected and used the pyramids for their purposes. No king would have the influence to build something like that over those time-spans, far longer than any kings reign. The priesthood survived for millennia. Moses was a part of the egyptian royal family and tripped inside the pyramids btw, perhaps there is evidence of that in the recently discovered gap/room inside the great pyramid.

Please tell me you have a YouTube link for this?

If you have access to Netflix I highly recommend "The Pyramid Code"

“revelations of the pyramids” is a good doc on this that I think is on YT. Also look into the actual age of the Sphinx. “Mystery of the Sphinx”, a documentary from the 90s, is great.

It is a well known fact that it was the valley of the Kings where they were all buried.

Recent history is just as mysterious as ancient history. And infinitely more concerning.


The Pyramids and other stone megastructures throughout the world that are much older than the accepted civilizational timeline. Nothing gave me such a strong feeling that our entire accepted worldview is just wrong if the foundational history we learn is a lie. It really brings to mind Orwell's "He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past." I think our ancient history is known by some, and suppressed. Makes me wonder to what end?

pyramids were some kind of community shelter for storms of some kind.

They're mostly solid though.

Can't fit too many people into them.

what evidence supports this?

  1. If you are a citizen, then you're a slave with no rights, only privileges.

Top one for me. I need to find an island to claim, in order to become Sovereign under International Law...

I love most of the things you comment but I'm struggling to understand you on this one.

Cheers! I highly recommend spending about an hour listening to this. It'll completely change you... It's an interview of a guy who has done exactly what I've said, and explains it all.

Will do sir have a great rest of your evening.

Ditto, mate!

I did watch it. Mind blowing. My only question is, when do these international laws actually trump the constitution? Could a local judge absolutely refuse to hear an argument based off what he's saying?

Yup, the sovereign status was a big eye opener for me.

My big one just today was the Freemason Super lodges or Ur-Lodges https://tekknorg.wordpress.com/tag/atlantis-aletheia/

And confirming why Pence flew under the radar to Pakistan this morning https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7lgf6f/pence_pays_surprise_visit_to/

Seems to me there is inter-fighting between Ur-Lodges and Pence flew to exchange pertinent information regarding Trumps EO.


I heard good things about St. Kitts.

Unironically, no memes, no holocaust denial, but jews.

All of one of my school years was dedicated to the holocaust. History, english, and portions of other classes, and other projects and trips, all holocaust. Nobody ever told us of the german revolution of 1919, a huge shit in germany perpetrated by communist jews. Makes sense why the germans had such a hardon of commies and jews. It obviously doesn't justify the holocaust, but they told us the entirety of germany was all about rounding up the jews, just cuz. Just for the cuz of it. Not maybe they were angry about the whole bloody revolution carried out by communist jews that fucked over tons of other germans. And of course spend the whole year on the poor jews not like tens of millions of non jews and soldiers died and lots of other shit happened. No. WWII = Jews. I learned about actual WWII and about the revolution on my own and it made the german compliance with the holocaust make a lot more sense.

And of course you got your rothschilds and bildebergs and your steins and blats and golds etc etc. All up to shit. I don't believe in a bunch of anti-semetic shit and weird anti-jew conspiracies, and i don't think it has anything to do with race or eugenics or any of that shit, I think jews are just like "hey my fellow jew lets do some shit". Jews are up to some shit for real.

Also Israel is a bunch of fuckin jerks. Also I saw a live action JIDF shit go down in a front page reddit thread. I've always know there were shills and paid trolls but this shit was blatant and obvious and it was really surreal.

We yell about shills all the time, and we have them like fleas. But when elgin or JIDF show up, not the snot nosed basenent hugging internet trolls who found a way to make a buck that we normally see, the actual pros...Ya the difference is stark. That shit is crazy.

Straight up surreal. Average redditors posting balanced comments about some shit that Israel did, typical well written comments that get 20-100-maybe 2000 upvotes, at -7 and having 2 or 3 pro-Israel replies, and it was very systematic. Right on the front page.

Everything is a lie. From slaves built the pyramids to the Gulf of Tonkin and the Federal Reserve, it's all a lie.

The most fascinating things I've come to believe are the existence of anti-deluvian civilizations and giants.

I disagree! Everything is true! Everything. Imagined and not. The infinite potential of the human mind is carried to its full potential with the mere existence of reality.

What an ignorant and delusional statement to make. “EVERYTHING is a lie!” lol the statements so broad, that I can’t even argue it. Go read a book and relax a bit

Holofractal theory is interesting and it seems there's been a series of recent discoveries supporting it. It also seems like the Hindus and possibly other ancient peoples knew of the holographic structure of the universe.


Holographic and fractal; the universe is both the Dragon and the Phoenix, as are we.

Im reading Graham Hancock right now. Most of the things you named he has written about.

That I am alive, I didn't know before, then it was all like, omg I am going to die, god what joke doth thee tell.

Slings and arrows, son.

Evolution has caused eyes to gradually shrink from the west coast to the east coast

My wife and I joke that, because of our tiny eyes, if we have a kid it will be a Cyclops.

Ha, it could've just been the sun that caused it

History of Council on Foreign Relations

Jump to 45:45 for a list of past and present members.

Project Stargate

What happened to Mars?

:( those poor aliens

All my favourite actors and entertainers I grew up loving and who I guess partly shaped my life, apparently they all fuck kids.

We live in a holofractal double toroid that infinitely collapses and expands upon itself. Reality doesn’t exist unless we observe it and the unification of physics is literally around the corner.

This is a flawed perspective. Reality is existence; observing something necessarily can change something, but not observing something doesn’t blink it out of existence... in fact not observing something gives you all possibilities. Read: Schroedinger’s Cat. Check up on your quantum mechanics, son.

Yea, I should have added the “all possibilities” bit into my mini rant instead of not existing.

We are all debt slaves in a world of play money and usury.

Cavalcare la Tigre, my friend. Hope is not an inherited thing... it grows like hate and can burn even hotter. Actions and events will lead to the next world, and words will be the fuel for that flame.

We are not without defense, fortunately. And for these past 23 years since the Internet was given to us by its creators we have finally been able to talk with each other about what is wrong and unjust in this world and how we might defend ourselves against this and someday defeat it. I have no doubt whatsoever that we will, at some point no one can yet predict.

It is my opinion that those who wish to truly defend the internet and all it stands for (the symbiotic relationship of man and machine, which embodies a new stage of evolution in its own right) are hidden in both the categorical Internet where everyone is technically known, and the deep web where everyone is unknown. Honestly... we all are still human. We still both want privacy and social democracy, and the anonymity and subjective personality provided by both of these hubs of information are, frankly, necessary for prolonged existence of neutrality on the web. Think about it... most other utilities are regulated within 10 years of their creation. The lack of regulation had been the reason behind the dot com bust in the late 90s/early 00s, as well as intellectual property becoming a huge issue.

But... we can talk all day until the cows come home. When we start acting upon the ideals we set forth here and in other bastions of hope, whether it is a small forum like this or large social media sites, that’s when change starts. It takes time and patience. But the most important thing... is that we realize that we are all in his together. We are blinding ourselves from the reality that we have made this planet uninhabitable with petty squabbles revolving around our Egos. It is disparities which divide us and we are only as strong as our weakest link.

A thoughtful and compassionate comment, yours. Thanks for that.

I myself was first trained, 50 years ago, as a cultural anthropologist. Then, a few years later, I found myself in the restaurant business, dabbling with computers. With that little bit of information it is possible that you can figure out even who I am, but my point is that I understand how we can still be the same people we were thousands of years ago, only one or two hundred generations, yet we have, in recent centuries, endowed ourselves and our descendants with science and technology, and we live in a way which is beyond the wildest dreams of those who came before us.

Our challenge from this point onward is to manage technology, and I, too, fear that our failures to properly manage our governments, the environment and the animals with whom we share this earth deprive us of any assurance that the future shall remain bright. You correctly identify the rough road we are still traveling - that we must realize we are all in this together. I hope we shall have more such exchanges. I've marked you as a friend and will support your comments as you have supported mine.

Lol I appreciate it dude. We’re all brothers and sisters under the sun. I only come here to support. The internet at its core is meant to bring people together; to support one another. Everyone is a friend to me on here, regardless of whether they are trying to troll me, make fun of me, or otherwise prove me wrong. That’s okay. The internet is ultimately impersonal and we should take every bit of information we find on here with a grain of salt.

There’s a measure of responsibility needed when going online. I think the 90s with AOL kind of provided a test for those willing (you know what I’m talking about... the logging on... the noise, oh dear lord the noise of the fax/phone line), and that sort of diminished with ISP consolidation, higher speeds, and telecommunications law (1996, 2001, 2008, 2010, 2013).

Younger generations have not had this and for them the internet really is like a right to them, not a privilege. Regardless it is a wonderful distraction.

In my opinion... we have within us the power to solve all of our problems, without clandestine plans or utilitarian ends. If we truly did create the internet... then we have the power to harness our entire species soon enough. Hopefully

That is beautiful.

That George Tenet is the managing director of a super secret company that handles all of the biggest media and tech mergers in the world. That company also hosts a retreat for media and tech Titans to come together and discuss their agendas. Was right in front of our faces the whole time that the CIA is directly controlling the media.

What do you mean about nobody should have known about the equinox?

The precession of the equinoxes occurs subtly over 26,000 years. From the point point of view of mainstream academia, nobody outside of a technologically advanced civilization should have known about it.

  • In the past humans had no consciousness, we had a voice that guided us. That voice might have created the idea of Gods that ruled our lives. It was around 10,000 years ago that that voice disappeared and that consciousness appeared as we now know it.

I'd like to look into this more. Have any links?

This theory was exposed in detail in the book "The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind", by Julian Jaynes.


  • all chronic disease is caused by a mineral deficiency;
  • women and men aren't alike. Like, not even close;
  • most people are evil and think they are good, because:
  • everything is a lie;
  • people are also slaves
  • Bitcoin saves the world

Humans are limited creatures. Our senses are limited (even with technological extensions), our mental capacities are limited (thoughts, feelings, chemicals, brain structures, conscious and sub-conscious mental activity, etc), our understanding of nature, the planet, and the universe are at an elementary level, consciousness can not be explained, she's never coming back.

Ditto, mate!

It is my opinion that those who wish to truly defend the internet and all it stands for (the symbiotic relationship of man and machine, which embodies a new stage of evolution in its own right) are hidden in both the categorical Internet where everyone is technically known, and the deep web where everyone is unknown. Honestly... we all are still human. We still both want privacy and social democracy, and the anonymity and subjective personality provided by both of these hubs of information are, frankly, necessary for prolonged existence of neutrality on the web. Think about it... most other utilities are regulated within 10 years of their creation. The lack of regulation had been the reason behind the dot com bust in the late 90s/early 00s, as well as intellectual property becoming a huge issue.

But... we can talk all day until the cows come home. When we start acting upon the ideals we set forth here and in other bastions of hope, whether it is a small forum like this or large social media sites, that’s when change starts. It takes time and patience. But the most important thing... is that we realize that we are all in his together. We are blinding ourselves from the reality that we have made this planet uninhabitable with petty squabbles revolving around our Egos. It is disparities which divide us and we are only as strong as our weakest link.