Keanu Reeves?

29  2017-12-24 by bobby1378

This is probably just hear-say but i thought it was worth mentioning. My mother in law mentioned Keanu Reeves leaving the country because he saw dead baby bodies in a refrigerator belonging to some big time hollywood name. Any info from my fellow redditors?


There's some random news articles citing a story about it but none seem credible from what I saw. Could be msm not wanting to touch it but seems more like a fictional story for clickbait that got cited by a few other clickbaity articles

Decided to do a Google search of Keanu Reeves dead babies, to re read the article and had something odd happen.. I decided to click on a YouTube video that was by a poster Kinninigan titled Keanu Reeves says elites use blood of babies to get high. Took me to a video posted by alex jones channel on Charles Manson.. thought that was odd so closed out YouTube and clicked link from browser again and it took me to an Justin Beers channel flat earth video.. anybody else ever have this happen..? Or if somebody else would try to Google and click the same video and confirm it's not just me I'd appreciate it lol that really weirded me out

E: only does it on the 2nd and 3rd posting in the list of videos by that user. The first one takes me to the actual video

That's pretty screwy for sure. Don't hold me to it, my memory is shit, but I could swear someone posted up something in this sub awhile back about Keanu saying elites get high on baby blood. Had a pic of him sitting on a park bench I think. Idk, I'll do a quick search and get back to you.

why they would do that to babbies?

the reddit thread is there but its link is dead.

Uhhhh, short answer: baby blood is rich in rejuvenating qualities.

Rabbitholes: Hunter Thompson speaks of adrenochrome in Fear and Loathing. Consider the black market side to, or the colomboma aspect to the madeline mccann abduction.

Andrenochrome supposedly from the blood.

I remember reading this too..

they better tred lighty this is the same guy that played john wick

He’s also “the one”. And half of the team that saved the world in the future! Be excellent to each other.

He also dated a tranny and is very close the Wachowski sisters? lol. Of anything, I think Keanu has been drinking babby blood

so what if he dates a trans person? that just means he a little more open minded or maybe he a lil gay idk as long as person is not trying to fuk kids or pets I dont see nothing wrong with

Suspect is all im saying.

Where does babby come from

We implore you Keanu, come forward with the story.

The first batch to do so gets spared the rope!

I read the aticle “he said” he found two dead babies in an elite fridge, police said he sounded crazy and i guess didnt come out. That doesnt sound ligit to me at all. Not only would the police have to be in on it but everyone working at the call center, thats a lot of people. Also how do you get high off baby blood?

Police are corrupt. Call centers trust police to follow up, they are often based off site, and follow up on their side is slim.

Adrenochrome has a high effect, from what i have read. It also has some interesting health benefits.

Sounds like your mother in law likes to click on clickbait articles.

Thanks for that. I like the Katy Perry bit at the end.

How do you even claim stupid shit like this. Oh my mother in law said. Your mother in law read an article on Facebook and thought it was real like an idiot

Did she hear it from Keanu Reeves (or his cousin) or did she hear it from her hairdresser. Are you from Holywood or from Atlanta? There are differences to weight of that claim, you know.

We already have proof that Keanu Reeves is a vampire: