Merry Christmas r/conspiracy

34  2017-12-25 by KarmaPolice777

In the midst of spending time with our friends and family, I hope we can take a moment to celebrate the birth and most importantly the teachings of this great man, Jesus Christ.

His mission was to spread the Gospel, otherwise known as the good news. And his message was simple yet incredibly empowering.

He said, "the Truth will set us free." That, "the kingdom of God is within."

We suffer because deep down on an unconscious level, we are aware of our divine nature. However, society indoctrinates us into believing that we are inadequate and therefore must prove our worth, often through an engineered version of success. It is a losing endeavor where we are set up to fail as the game has always been rigged. And even for those who "make it," there will always be an emptiness, a void that they cannot fill. Simply because there was never any void that needed to be filled in the first place.

This message was delivered over two thousand years ago but it is still relevant as ever. We are all sons and daughters of God! There is a divine spark within each and every one of us and there is nothing we need to do to earn or deserve it! All we need to do is to realize it. To come to know it.

On this day, I hope we can all feel like kings and queens and treat others as graciously as kings and queens would.

May the Truth set all of humanity free. And may the spirit of Jesus Christ live forever!

Merry Christmas πŸŽ„,

  • KarmaPolice777

"Believe in me or else my dad who's also myself will torture you in Hell for eternity for the mistakes your ancestors made!"

-Jesus Christ

However, society Christianity indoctrinates us into believing that we are inadequate. FTFY

Are you so sure Jesus Christ was even born on Christmas?

Also what's your opinion on the Goddess Sophia? Satanic lies?

there is a fire within you in Hell that burns through children for all eternity. FTFY

Sorry I had to

I think that's all nonsense. The teachings of the Christ were obviously corrupted to serve a political agenda. I believe that his teachings were more in line with the mystics who taught about oneness and that the way to experience or realize this is through the denial of our ego. Jesus specifically taught about loving others as we love ourselves.

Hey likeminded Christian here... I'm with you. Peace.

Same. I believe in the morals and values I was taught growing up from being catholique. I see a big difference in kids raised public vs catholique. Our school was too strict, but it taught us to love our neighboors and to not be selfish.

Ditto. Merry Christmas to my fellow Jesus Freaks. I wear that badge with Honor. When I really Think on it, there is no question He and his Teachings have been the Greatest influences on my life. And for that I am thankful.

Merry Christmas.


And a special Merry Christmas shoutout to the Downvoters. God Bless Ya!!!

That feeling when people think calendars go back forever with English month names and that belief systems are enforced at gunpoint and can't react to the idea of love without anger because they're terrified of being vulnerable.

So you believe a mythological book is corrupted, but the fantasy parts you like are true (aka jesus)? Sorry, but people have already begun to realise that it makes no sense to believe in the impossible.

I'm saying Jesus was an enlightened teacher whose teachings were used for a political agenda.

And I'm saying that the only register of a guy called jesus is in the bible (the Romans never recorded anything about a guy named jesus), and it is in the same book that contains talking snakes, talking donkeys, people living inside of whales and a supposed hateful god creating the universe in 7 days. But jesus was real, of course.

What I mean is: as every believer, you take the parts you like and fits the narrative you want to believe and dismiss the rest, when all of it should be dismissed, all of it is compromised. Talking donkeys and jesus have the same relevance.

The bible wasn't meant to be taken literally. Even if Jesus was not a real person(I haven't really looked into this), I don't think it lessons the value of the teachings ascribed to him.

The bible wasn't meant to be taken literally.

So nothing in it is reliable. Any teaching, any story, it's all bullshit.

Even if Jesus was not a real person(I haven't really looked into this), I don't think it changes the value of the teachings ascribed to him.

It does. It means he is not the son of god, he is not the light, he is not the way to heaven, he is nothing. Anything he supposedly taught, said and did is as real as talking donkeys.

The bible is a collection of texts spanning a thousand possibly thousands of years. Just like fairy tales and myths, there are truths that the author is trying to impart in symbolic form.

It does. It means he is not the son of god, he is not the light, he is not the way to heaven, he is nothing. Anything he supposedly taught, said and did is as real as talking donkeys.

But somebody must have created the myth of Jesus right? The messenger is simply the medium. The philosophical and metaphysical truths that they point to are what I find meaningful and of value.

β€œIts like a finger pointing away to the moon. Dont concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.”

The philosophical and metaphysical truths that they point to are what I find meaningful and of value.

You mean the parts that weren't meant to take seriously? There's literally nothing that points to that being true. Believe what you want, but don't call bullshit with no basis "truth".

I think there is a distinction to be made between scientific truths and philosophical truths. For example, a myth or a fair tale can have a lesson in it that teaches us about ethics and morality. Considering that happiness and fulfillment is the goal for every human being, if a story, made up or embellished, teaches us how to achieve those goals, then that can be considered a truth in some aspects. It doesn't really matter what we call it but one can't deny that it is in fact meaningful and of value.

Considering that happiness and fulfillment is the goal for every human being, if a story, made up or embellished, teaches us how to achieve those goals, then that can be considered a truth in some aspects.

Living in lies and believing in lies would not fit into happiness and fullfillment but ignorance. "Ignorance is a bliss". If everyone sought ignorance then we wouldn't have evolved and become smarter.

It's not a lie if the author never meant for the story to be taken literally. In fact, that's exactly how literature was written in those days; people didn't care whether it happened or not, they were more interested in the deeper meanings behind them.

deeper meanings

If you mean like "be good, don't kill anyone" the bible is the worst book to learn that, and you definitely do not need to believe in a god for that. If you mean "heaven and/or spirituality" then I'll just repeat myself: you are trying to make sense out of a book where there's a talking donkey.

I feel like you are just cherry picking things to continue to argue.

As I've said many times, the bible was never meant to be read as a literal account. In other words, if there is a talking donkey, you are completely missing the point fixating on the fact that donkey's can't talk. The point isn't to scrutinize whether something actually happened or not, or whether or not something is possible, it's to try to understand the meaning or lessons behind the story.

For example, if there is a story about a talking donkey that tells a hero to only load one bag of gold on his back but the hero out of greed ends up loading two, and later on in the story, the donkey dies out of exhaustion and the hero ends up not being able to take any bags of gold back to his village, then the lesson is that the hero ought not to be greedy.

Imagine you tell that story to someone and he keeps on fixating on the fact that donkey's can't talk. What would you tell him?

I feel like you don't even read what I comment, so for your little story I'll copy paste this:

If you mean like "be good, don't kill anyone" the bible is the worst book to learn that, and you definitely do not need to believe in a god for that.

As I've stated, the bible is useless.

If you mean like "be good, don't kill anyone" the bible is the worst book to learn that, and you definitely do not need to believe in a god for that.

I am referring to the teachings of Jesus, not the bible as a whole.

teachings of Jesus

If you mean the teachings are like "be good, don't kill anyone" the bible is the worst book to learn that, and you definitely do not need to believe in jesus for that. If you mean "heaven and/or spirituality" then I'll just repeat myself: you are trying to make sense out of a book where there's a talking donkey, jesus (born of a virgen) probably wasn't real.. why would any of this baseless fantasy be?

If you mean the teachings are like "be good, don't kill anyone" the bible is the worst book to learn that, and you definitely do not need to believe in jesus for that.

You are conflating the teachings of Jesus with the rest of the bible. The bible is a collection of stories which happen to contain the stories of Jesus and his teachings among others. Just because there are other books in the that may contradict his teachings doesn't take anything away from the value of Jesus' teachings.

It's like if I took a peer reviewed academic study and threw it in with a bunch flat earth texts and called it one book. Just because they happen to be grouped together as one text doesn't mean that the former is now invalid. You can look at the bible in the same way. The teachings of Jesus were chosen out of thousands of texts by the Catholic church to fit a certain narrative, one that I believe was political in nature.

If you mean "heaven and/or spirituality" then I'll just repeat myself: you are trying to make sense out of a book where there's a talking donkey, jesus probably wasn't real.. why would any of this baseless fantasy be?

Again, bringing up the fact that donkey's can't talk doesn't negate the value of the teachings because as I've stated numerous times, the story was not meant to be taken literally but symbolically.

the story was not meant to be taken literally but symbolically.

Again, as I've stated. Weather it's talking donkeys or god is real or jesus said something good the relevance and reliability are the same: none.

If the teachings are like "be good, don't kill anyone" the bible is the worst book to learn that, and you definitely do not need to believe in jesus for that. If they're "heaven and/or spirituality" then I'll just repeat myself: you are trying to make sense out of a book where there's a talking donkey, jesus probably wasn't real.. why would any of this baseless fantasy be?

Again, as I've stated. Weather it's talking donkeys or god is real or jesus said something good the relevance and reliability are the same: none.

So you don't find any value in shakespeare's stories or aesop's fables? They are clearly made up tales that aim to illuminate certain aspects of the human pscyhe.

So you don't find any value in shakespeare's stories or aesop's fables? They are clearly made up tales that aim to illuminate certain aspects of the human pscyhe.

They weren't meant to nor do they cause a massive number of people to waste their lives on an ignorant belief that has no relation towards reality nor on "what happens after death", and which causes a ridiculous number of problems in our society directly related to it.

The belief on the bible is a problem, it stops certain studies to be made (stem cells), it stops people from having rights (abortion - a few cells aren't life, if you think that then what'd you do on a fire in an hospital: save 1 child or save 10000000 of fertilised eggs?! - and homosexuals getting married as examples) and it normalizes ignorance. The bible is not unique tho.

They weren't meant to nor do they cause a massive number of people to waste their lives on an ignorant belief that has no relation towards reality nor on "what happens after death", and which causes a ridiculous number of problems in our society directly related to it.

I don't think Jesus teachings were meant to either. They were used in a nefarious way by the Catholic church so it would be unfair to blame that on Jesus. Many of his teachings and his quotes were misconstrued to control the masses with fear. Heaven and hell for example was a concept that I believe was invented by the church, misinterpreting Jesus' sayings. I think all of the strong language that he used in favor of it was meant symbolically - about a hell that one can experience on earth if his heart is full of hate, jealous, envy etc.

The belief on the bible is a problem, it stops certain studies to be made (stem cells), it stops people from having rights (abortion - a few cells aren't life, if you think that then what'd you do on a fire in an hospital: save 1 child or save 10000000 of fertilised eggs?! - and homosexuals getting married as examples) and it normalizes ignorance. The bible is not unique tho.

I agree that the bible interpreted the way Church intended to, as an agent of control and fear mongering, is a problem and can impede scientific discoveries as well as give a reason to be bigoted.

So either you don't know jesus' teachings or they're bullshit? I can agree with that.

Reading comprehension...

If all what the mythological god jesus meant were metaphors for jealous, envy, hate, love and so on it's just bullshit. He did not add anything to the world, he's as useless as the books that created him.

The books didn't create him. They were accounts written by his disciples. There is way more to Jesus' teachings than you are giving him credit for. Not only in the four gospels but in the gnostic texts that were discovered relatively recently.

I doubt you will look into it but just in case. I don't know what else to say but let's agree to disagree. Merry Christmas, buddy.

Well, if it weren't for the bible the myth of jesus would never have survived all this years.

If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is motion and rest.'"

The only part of it that I've found interesting or somewhat relevant. Makes me think of 0's and 1's, computers and matrix but I'm really stretching here, and the context really have nothing to do with it.

The rest of it humanity would definitely be in a better place if his myth hadn't survived, or if they were propagated as ""he"" said originally since they don't add nothing to reality but it's just an attempt to either explain it or make you feel better about it.

Happy Saturnalia.

Yeshua. The "J" wasn't around then.

Also you're taking the Bible literally. Words at the time this was written had multiple definitions. For instance, the "talking snake" or serpent, nahash in Hebrew, also means shining one.

The nachash is an angelic-type divine being perhaps masquerading as an animal, but not a member of the animal kingdom.Β Β It may have been in serpentine form or took a serpentine form.

And we found the Luciferian.

This is a really retarded post. None of it's true either

Christmas is nothing but a pagan ritualistic endeavor

I am Christian and I do agree the origins are pagan.

With that being said, I do not think Christ would comdemn anybody celebrating the holiday with love and good intentions.

Our society makes Christmas about money and gifts. It is in complete contradiction to the words of the bible.

Am I saying one cannot buy gifts for loved ones? No. I am just saying there are those who celebrate Christmas with love and good intentions and those who do not.

Also it is important to never be so dogmatic that we forget love. Christ even broke rules! So it makes me laugh that some "Christian" groups like JWs are so worried about celebrating a holiday like Christmas. The point is, with the right intentions, Christmas can be a good thing.

Sadly, most do not really care about the spirit behind it all. I am disgusted often with the materialism of this time of the year.

Christmas is often very painful for me for personal reasons, too.

Still I will not take away from those who get true joy and love out of this holiday season.

I agree with not celebrating Christmas but loving those close to me.

Good ;)

Thank you,

Do not as the pagans do.

Look into the actual story of Christmas. I'll give you a hint. It has nothing to do with the son of God, but more to do with the sun and the winter solstace.

Jesus wasn't born on December 25. Christmas was formed from the pagan holiday Saturnalia when the Pope wanted everyone to be Christian instead of pagan.

And why should we only be happy, jolly, cheerful, and giving only at Christmas? Why can't people be happy all year round. What's the point of acting a certain way just because it's a holiday. Act like it permanently.

Jesus wasn't born on December 25. Christmas was formed from the pagan holiday Saturnalia when the Pope wanted everyone to be Christian instead of pagan.

I can't help but feel pointing this out is a bit pedantic. You are right that Jesus wasn't born on that day and as some users pointed out, Jesus may not have even been a real person. But since it's a day that is universally acknowledged as his birth, what's the harm in celebrating him and his teachings on this day? I don't the aforementioned criticism is really all that relevant.

And why should we only be happy, jolly, cheerful, and giving only at Christmas? Why can't people be happy all year round. What's the point of acting a certain way just because it's a holiday. Act like it permanently.

I agree.

You're celebrating a lie. Why acknowledge something you know is a lie? Are you insane?

And what teachings are celebrated? Spend lots of money for these corporations to make big bucks? Ya hang out with your family, but make sure you spend all this money first

Why throw baby Jesus out with the bath water? His teachings about love should be celebrated, IMO.

And what teachings are celebrated? Spend lots of money for these corporations to make big bucks? Ya hang out with your family, but make sure you spend all this money first

Those are not his teachings...

Do you celebrate your birthday 6 months from the actual one. Pretty much jesus' teachings are don't be a shitty person. I never needed him to figure out right from wrong, moral or immoral. Don't let someone else tell you how to live your life figure it out on your own

It's more of a symbolic celebration, if that makes sense. Jesus may not have been born on that day, he may not have been real, but since universally it is seen as his bday, whether he is fictional or not, there is value in taking this time to celebrate what kind of person he was and what he taught, IMO. We can agree to disagree.

I never needed him to figure out right from wrong, moral or immoral.

His teachings are valuable but he can also model for us how we should behave as men and women. Kind of like a protagonist in a story that we can emulate and learn from.

why would anyone here even believe there was a historical jesus?

And here come the glazed-eyed bible thumpers

Namaste~ May we remember that Jesus would have overturned the tables of rampant consumerism and whipped folks on their way out.

Seriously I very much agree that ultimately unhappiness stems from our societies disconnection with the truly divine source of all light- God/Krsna/Buddha/Allah/Deus/etc.. The thing is if you are referring to the right person then it doesn't matter what you call him/her yet if you utter the name not referring to the person then it yields no power behind it. Haribol Soul~


I was baptized September 11 this year.

Before I struggled with emptiness, but now I feel truly full.

All the money, success, fame, materials, sex, drugs, distraction, porn, (insert vice here) can never truly fullfill anybody.

In the end, "you can't take it with you." Yet people spend their entire lives focused on the materialistic lies and illusions of this world.

In reality, all we will take with us is our soul.

There is a spiritual battle that many do not recognize:

Anyway the point I am trying to make is the only thing that has ever truly fullfilled me is Christ.

It does not mean all my problems are gone. It just means that I have a spiritual protection that I did not have before.

For those who do not know, I was raised to hate Christ. I am so thankful I decided to search for the truth a few years ago.

I am willing to answer any questions. Merry Christmas!

Edit: sad somebody downvoted something like this.

No questions from me. I'm glad you drank from the well that will never make you go thirsty again. :)

Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„

Thanks! That is a great way of saying it.

Many want to live forever in this world, not realizing there is something beyond what they see.

Merry Christmas to you all, cheers.

Jesus wasn't born on 25 December at all according to authentic documents, its related and created to serve the Romans

Happy holidays!

Merry Christmas, from my family to yours. We are all just people seeking the truth... I pray we find more truths everyday.

God bless.

Yes, may this upcoming year be a year of enlightenment, empowerment, and liberation for all of humanity.

Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„

I believe this to be true...only a matter of time and ability to deny those in power the ability to deceive us. Merry Christmas.

Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will towards men. May all hail the Son of God, Savior of mankind. Jesus is Risen!

Why throw baby Jesus out with the bath water? His teachings about love should be celebrated, IMO.

And what teachings are celebrated? Spend lots of money for these corporations to make big bucks? Ya hang out with your family, but make sure you spend all this money first

Those are not his teachings...

Considering that happiness and fulfillment is the goal for every human being, if a story, made up or embellished, teaches us how to achieve those goals, then that can be considered a truth in some aspects.

Living in lies and believing in lies would not fit into happiness and fullfillment but ignorance. "Ignorance is a bliss". If everyone sought ignorance then we wouldn't have evolved and become smarter.

I feel like you are just cherry picking things to continue to argue.

As I've said many times, the bible was never meant to be read as a literal account. In other words, if there is a talking donkey, you are completely missing the point fixating on the fact that donkey's can't talk. The point isn't to scrutinize whether something actually happened or not, or whether or not something is possible, it's to try to understand the meaning or lessons behind the story.

For example, if there is a story about a talking donkey that tells a hero to only load one bag of gold on his back but the hero out of greed ends up loading two, and later on in the story, the donkey dies out of exhaustion and the hero ends up not being able to take any bags of gold back to his village, then the lesson is that the hero ought not to be greedy.

Imagine you tell that story to someone and he keeps on fixating on the fact that donkey's can't talk. What would you tell him?