Fall 2017 JFK Files: What did we learn?

27  2017-12-26 by Jappleseed2017

There was a lot of hype leading up to the documents being released and I have not heard much of it since. We waited decades for this information, and not even ninety days later, the release has all but been forgotten. Can somebody provide a summary of what we learned from release? Was there anything significant in there? Why so quiet?


I learned we’re never gonna learn the truth.

Ding ding we’ll never know. The intelligence communities definitely obstructed some truth I feel like. I think Oswald’s time in russia and his meetings with Russians after returning and his Russian wife and his fake diary are all reminiscent of a Russian influence or characteristics of spies on some level. (Personal speculation based on some books) however where I think it gets interesting, is the cover up angle the cia probably would have seen Oswald’s Russian influence because he was under surveillance to some extent. If that got out it would mean total thermonuclear annihilation from retaliatory anger that Russia killed a president. Gotta be the bigger country and walk that one off I feel like. I’m probs wrong and haven’t read into much Lately so not fresh in my mind really.

There’s so many angles to go at it it’s not gonna be solved.

It was a conspiracy, shooters were CIA.

Do know where to find the new files?

Or Cuban, or Oswald was a Russian plant or whatever other slant but the truth is nothing came out of much interest except some stuff about Oswald in Mexico and some stuff about him meeting with a kgb contact and fucking a chick

No. CIA, not Russian

That the people in power are not stupid enough to willingly incriminate themselves

It seems to be a bunch of stuff we already knew and a few little interesting items. There was a story about a London reporter that seemed promising but nobody has figured out the relevance yet that I've heard of.

They're still holding back the really enlightening documents.

We learned that the Q LARP was an effective way to divert civilian resources away from analyzing them.

Confirmed that everyone in the intelligence community back then really believed George Bush would be dead by now.

That the Government can't follow it's own law.

The files just confirmed what we, here, already knew.