Could someone hit me with a Qanon update?

1  2017-12-27 by Chasemporter

Pretty please?


The Fan is on. The shit is loaded, and about to fly. Buckle up. 2018 is going to be a blast.


Your video above describes ,Q said,Trump will say "Calm before the storm"

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he havent posted for 2 days now i think

Trump hasn’t tweeted today. Odd.. I think somethings up.

you were downvoted, but you are right, things are quiet.

Still fake and people are still falling for it.

"Extraordinary claims with no evidence can be dismissed with no evidence", or something like that.

Your claim that it's fake also requires evidence see how this works?

The burden of proof is on those proposing theories. Very simple logic.

Downvoted for simple logic.

Belief in Q is faith, and there is a lot to be said for faith, but it’s only faith.

Of course. People act, vote, and reason from emotion first. Q makes people "feel" good. Q is their dopamine rush. Their comfort in such a crazy world and story. Q gives desperate people hope and keeps them tame and malleable.

Keep people hungry and throw just enough scraps to produce. Better times tomoroow, next week, or next month? Ohhhhh we hope. Feels better.

Crazy shit.

Last I heard he said this.

[Picture of someone Trump supporters don't like]

What is life?

Why is the person in this picture standing next to that other person?

What's the significance of this?

Future proves past.

What is love?

Baby don't hurt me.

No more.

You forgot to sign it with


Not amusing or funny given how many ''coincidences'' we had. Tons of proof. I will not get into a debate. You are misinformed and thus wrong.

Latest I heard he posted that patriotic pic the day before Xmas followed by the DoD posting the same pic the day after, which led many to believe that Q was legit. Until someone showed that the DoD posts the same exact picture every year.

Clearly Q knew what he was doing by that. Stopped giving a fuck ever since

The navy intel officer that tweeted "Julian assange" had its profile pic set to the Washington head in the same picture before it was deleted. No coincidence.

You are forgetting/ignoring the fact Q opened with that picture in his first ever post on 4Chan with that same picture. It wasn't supposed to prove his credibility at all.

which led many to believe that Q was legit

Read that carefully.

K now go tell that to all the people making youtube video about this being confirmation.

Read this carefully.

His claim that some people thought this was the DOD confirming Q and it wasn't, is correct.

My point is Q never posted that pic to show is credibility in the first place. He opened his first post on 4Chan with the same picture. I think it was just because that raid happened on Christmas.

My point is that it does not change the fact the MAJORITY see this as confirmation. It comes off as deceiving. He should be the one explaining what your trying to explain. And to be honest this is the first I'm hearing of his first 4chan post "coincidence". He should have made what your saying clear by saying it himself once people started using it as confirmation. If he has and I missed it please bless me with a link, because again i stopped giving a fuck.

IMO It seems to me he isn't straight forward regarding any of the proclaimed info hes providing because it allows for him to dance around it when hes wrong.

My point is that it does not change the fact the MAJORITY see this as confirmation.

Not sure we have any proof of that but maybe. The ones who really understand Q don't for sure.

And to be honest this is the first I'm hearing of his first 4chan post "coincidence". He should have made what your saying clear by saying it himself once people started using it as confirmation.

You're misunderstanding. It is a coincidence, that is what I'm saying. This wasn't meant to be proof he's credible. It isn't used as confirmation of anything. Whoever is doing this (larp or not) just likes the picture.

IMO It seems to me he isn't straight forward regarding any of the proclaimed info hes providing because it allows for him to dance around it when hes wrong.

Ya IMO I like his style. Larp or not, posting the questions, and making us find the answers is a clever way to get people involved.

The ones who really understand Q don't for sure.

Well then according to you, the ones who really don't understand Q are highly regarded Youtuber's who are pushing this info to thousands of subscribers. This is how I actually first heard of this. I.E Jordan over @ DestroyingTheIllusion, TracyBeanz ETC...

12.25 - DoD Confirms Q/Assange Twitter/UFO Distractions/Cabal Symbolism in Plain Sight

Considering I enjoy watching their content usually. I hope you see where I'm coming from.

The people on YouTube, through no fault of their own, are only giving their own opinions on these things. So they are never going to be 100% correct about everything, it's impossible. That's why most of the good ones always say to do your own research. The real experts on Q have been following him on 4/8chan since the beginning, and are also the ones answering his questions.

My opinion remains the same I think he knows what he’s doing. But just to be clear I wasn’t trying to change anyone’s opinion, in my OP. I was just providing my own. Nothing wrong with at least entertaining the info and I wouldn’t blame anyone for believing it TBH. Me personally I’m good though

No idea but I assume it was something vague and cryptic about how Obama/Hillary/Soros/Podesta/(insert any liberal boogeyman here) is about to be nailed, on the run, begging for a deal, etc, etc. Then a few ambiguous questions about why things are "relevant" without any answers ever provided. And don't forget a few dashes of shameless Trump hero worship.

We need to double down on Anderson Cooper

Anyone else think Q is a distraction?

I think it's a way to crowd-source the creation and spreading of memes based on the answers to the "crumbs" offered by Q. That is literally what the people who are actively researching Q have interpreted and are doing. Many of these memes have come through here and elsewhere on reddit and people don't realize it is all from Q.

It really is a brilliant marketing strategy. Give people just enough so they do the creative work, A/B test it, and take it viral. For free!!

The real question is for what purpose?

More vague "hints" of which approximately 1 in 50 seems to coincide loosely with a real world event.

Ten days of darkness

The people on YouTube, through no fault of their own, are only giving their own opinions on these things. So they are never going to be 100% correct about everything, it's impossible. That's why most of the good ones always say to do your own research. The real experts on Q have been following him on 4/8chan since the beginning, and are also the ones answering his questions.