/u/TheWebofSlime permabanned from Reddit after "What's going on in the Vatican" Post

507  2017-12-27 by SpecialAgentRando

Have you seen Paul the 6's Audience Hall in the Vatican?

The outside is reminiscent of a snake's head.


The inside leaves no question.


In the center of the snake's mouth is "The Resurrection" by Fazzini.


If you mirror the resurrection, you get a very clear image of Baphomet/Khnum.





In fact, Khnum is from an ancient cult in Aswan, Egypt, where they used red granite quarries to build red granite obelisks. Eratosthenes used one of these red granite obelisks to measure the circumference of the earth, using it's shadow.


The Vatican still has that red granite obelisk standing in front of it, today...


The early incarnation of the Jesuits shaved off the writing somewhere between the 1400s and 1600s.

The red granite obelisk used to be in the Circus of Nero, where chariots would run people down in a track. This symbolism is referenced in a lot of places in modern times...



so its still up?

The post is I guess, but OP is toast.

holy shit, thats correct!

Check the user account. it shows as suspended to me. I didn't say anything about the post, other than to note it was what was posted before the suspension.

Does the account not show as suspended to you?

I was just giving context and backing up your claim op was suspended... and yes, it says it's suspended.


if you check the mod logs, one of em here bans a shit ton of people, more than anyone else. But I'm not sure if thats who banned slimey

Mods can suspend accounts.


If they were banned they'd show up here, this user was suspended. Usually when I see an admin take action in this sub the Trust and Safety account will show up in the mod logs or another admin account, I went pretty far back and didn't see any admin action in this sub like removing threatening or harassing posts like we've seen before when they intervene.

I bet the mod begins with B

im not sayin cause dont want no beef

shit i was wrong.

mods can’t suspend accounts

Hell that is better to browse than /new.

was it the Mod that is going to resign once he is done?

I'm seeing his account age as 48 years on the mobile website. Wtf.

48 years ~ time since Jan 1 1970. Its used in programming a lot.

Right, but why is that account showing that? I've never seen that bug on Reddit before.

I’ve seen it heaps of times personally.

I've seen it referenced in my memory before, but I can't remember where it was. . .

If the code says current_time - account_creation_time then if a dead account has a default account_creation_time of 0 you will end up with this bug.

Weird the user was suspended but the post wasn't deleted--are we sure it was based on this post and not another post/a comment they left elsewhere?

Check for yourself, it indeed says suspended.

I did, I literally said "& OP has been suspended", I'm guessing the 'huh?', is throwing people off, meant it as 'interesting'.

My apologies. That expression usually means it's a question.

Yeah, it's more my fault than anything else. I initially though it would come off as 'Huh? WTF's going on?", but it looks like I failed at that. O well, no worries, have a good one.

You too, have a great 2018.

Like wise!

It's one of those words where the inflection you use with it determines how it is used. Translates about as well as sarcasm does when written.

Catholicism, is the religion of Babylon and they hide in plain sight. That's odd that OP got his/her account suspended, though. Probably way more too it.

Why do you say that? Babylon is overwhelmingly spoken of in the negative in the bible. The whore of babylon, the tower of babil, the destruction of the city, Nimrod...I think it's quite the opposite.

Now, that's not to say I deny that at some point the Catholic church was infiltrated by the illuminati in order to destroy christianity. Which probably explains the OP article about the building and the sculpture. If babylon is the city of any religion it would be Rabbinic Judaism which arose out of the Talmud.

the best kind of correct!

The Catholic Church doesn't need to be infiltrated. There is nothing Christian about Catholicism. It is a satanic cult at its core, all the way thru it's daily teachings and rituals. Plus, Vatican in Latin means "Divine Serpent". It's very clear who they worship

I suppose you're right. There are still many good catholic people though.

He's right. The teachings of Jesus are NOT Catholicism.

Yes there are, many family members of mine who used to be Catholics. They need to be shown the truth and get pulled out of there though

What is the source for Vatican meaning Divine Serpent?

I agree that the Catholic Church is far from what they purport themselves as (the institution's greed and need for power is obvious), but I'd like to know where the Serpent/Snake part is coming from.

The serpent is the worm

That isn't my question. I'm asking where, in latin, the Serpent in Vatican comes from.

That's a valid question. The closest relation I could find is "canna" which means as much as stick, cane, reed. The most common latin word for snake is serpens (logically).

Vatis canna would roughly translate to truth-saying cane or something along those lines. Anyone got an actual source on how the Vatican got its name?

There's no solid source. The meaning of Vatican is a studied subject. You can find several sources of bible study enthusiasts breaking down the Latin and coming up with "vatic" and "anus" from multiple mentions in the bible of Vaticanus or Vaticanun. The one thing they all have in common is future or prophecy. Most interpretations involve an old woman or a pregnant woman (from the other interpretation of anus, making it the old woman of prophecy or fertile mother of prophecy). Their minted coins support this throughout the years as the only the image on them as prevalent as the popes and cardinals themselves is a woman carrying a baby. Further debate extends into if the building was named after Mary as the mother of prophecy for Christ, or if it is a future mother.

The only sources on interpreting it to mean serpent in any way all seem to be extremist sites and have no real backing but to say things like, "Vatican, which is Latin for arrest Serpent, --" and we know that's not true.

Thank you for providing context.

The Catholic church certainly worships Virgin Mary, which may relate to this fertile mother of prophecy. I've spoken to a fair amount of free-Christians (who tend to be anti-catholics), and they all seem to take issue with the church's literal interpretation of Christ's virgin birth and hence the entire virgin mary cult.

Not sure if the dispute goes any deeper than that though. Got any further insights on this?

Not really, sorry. There's just a few bible study theses available online and some Latin interpretation. I just read a few papers that used peer reviewed citations and therefore trusted them the most. It's all derivative on my part.

Thanks for compiling all that. It's pretty fascinating how something as important as the name of a place can have it's meaning lost (at least to the public).

Go in the Pantheon in Rome. They hold Catholic Mass in a pagan temple complete with statues of the Roman gods.

I pretty much thought the Catholic Church was the whore of Babylon

Theouterlights video on this got striked aswell, they seem to be pretty damn active, or is it the lords work ; D


I posted this on /r/evil buildings on my old account and nothing really happened. Are we sure it wasn't something else?

The spooks don't pay nearly as much attention to that sub as this one.

I've definitely seen it on this sub, that's how I found out about it.

Right, that's how I heard about it too. I was offering an explanation as to how it might not earn you a perma-ban to post it to that sub vs. this one.

Cant have more and more figuring it out.

The above comment along with the amount of people that have started to come here in the past year or so is probably to blame.

Well OP worded it right, he was suspended AFTER the post, not BECAUSE OF it.

The shills were off for Xmas, it seems, and the downvote machine didn't catch the post, as it usually does, so it went too high for someone's liking and they paid Reddit admin to kill it?

Along with upvotes, downvotes and commets, "report" is a sellable feature at upvotes.club, so I'd imagine bans are for sale, too.

What was the reason for the ban? I love to know.

It was seemingly admin and not a mod.

They cannot stand the truth Obviously and anyone that looked at that post would come to the conclusion that something is not right with the Vatican. Lots of Snake / serpent worship involved.

You know, whenever I tell people that they don't understand the symbolism of snakes and serpents, I get downvoted. Conspiracy!

You say that the Vatican is evil because it embraces the serpent. Where did you ever hear that serpents were evil? The Vatican.

Before the slave-owning, misogynistic and patriarchal kingdoms of the Aryans rose to power, our species worshipped serpents as symbols of rebirth. Joseph Campbell talks about this in all of his books and lectures.

Again: Why do you trust that Babylonians, Egyptians, and Kanaanites were "evil" if the Papacy is telling you this?

Oh yeah. Because aryans were the only race to own slaves. Come on man..

Definitely not the comment of a man.

A "Draco" then? Read my comment history.

Google search Pnutmaster. Unlike most of Reddit these days, I'm not some anonymous entity.

I really do appreciate the research of any member. But if something calls the bible false, that's where I take offense. The amount of truths in there that yet to be proved false is 1 to 0.

Lol what.

If you think the bible is true you're an honest idiot.

You have the right to your opinion and I also can respond in kind but won't do so.

Yes if I am an idiot that is honest. Then I would rather be an idiot.

Ignorance is bliss.

The only problem is your idiotic religion is responsible for so many of societies faults.

lol wut? Have you even bothered looking up what the Bible has gotten wrong? Or do you flat out reject all science.

It's not that the Bible is false--it's a collection of earlier myths that come cobbled together, bearing the prejudices and preconceptions of its Abrahamic authors.

misogynistic and patriarchal Man like in "male" (as translated in modern feminist PC language), but with a pair of balls.

Man, like in "fearful of female sexuality," and obsessed with personal glory at the expense of others.

I didn't say they were the only slave owners.

The Serpents symbolises the Mother Goddess.

Catholicism, like Judaism, and Islam, is a misogynistic religion. It perverted a matrilinear symbol of the Sun, earth and Moon (the snake) and declared it to be evil.

This type of research is solid. Thank you for showing this.

I'm planning to pursue this academically, and more casually through a personal blog. I care about scholarship and regularly deal with people on Reddit who (poorly) try to skew mythology and history in favor of a transparent agenda.

Take with grains of salt. I do not disagree with the post, but there are additional truths that add nuance.

Serpents represent Wisdom. Wisdom was also repped by Sophia (female entity), so serpent and female became intertwined, but they are not one and same. Serpents are present as symbols relating to birth and, in essence, DNA and breeding. But these are not happy symbols of fertility and motherly love.

Tiamat is a great subject, violence and destruction, and as "misogynistic" as the Abrahamic religions (more paternalistic than misogynist, IMHO). Tiamat will drift into planetary movements and history.

The Moon is a relatively recent addition to our mythologies. Pre-Younger Dryas, there was no moon worship, so the "older, matrilinear" mentioned are not all that old. Humans existed and worshipped stuff before the moon was in the sky.

Lastly, the Abrahamic religions, though later perverted, were initially a reaction to the Mother Goddess worship and the practices therein. The practices include human sacrifice and non-consensual sexual rites. The Abrahamic religions may not be perfect, but they at least removed human sacrifice.

What do you mean before the moon there were humans??

I was away for NYE.

To clarify: Ancient human records do not mention the moon. Relatively recent human records do mention the moon. That difference of accounts seems to occur about 12,500 years ago.

I bring this up to show that pnut master's claim of "older matrilinear" religion taking sun/moon/stars as a symbol is relatively recent. Older religions do not recognize the moon. Those tend to recognize Saturn, but now I'm drifting.

That's really interesting, I've not heard this before

How do we know that the moon wasn't worshiped Pre-Younger Dryas?

The Goddess is both the Sun and the Moon, as Ma'at is sometimes the Sun herself.

I'm not dismissing all cases of human sacrifice, but I fundamentally disagree with the idea that a Mother Goddess demanded this of her followers. I don't see direct evidence of human or animal sacrifice in Minoan Krete, for example, until the Mycenaeans sack Knossos and misinterpret the mythology (i.e. the Mycenaeans didn't understand any of the Minoan rituals, hence their confusion with Kronos, Zeus, and all the "deities").

How do we know that the Moon wasn't worshiped Pre-Younger Dryas?

I suppose we don't know for sure, but from what I've read/understood, moon worship is a relatively new practice. Ancient texts do not mention the moon, but planets get tons of run. Prior to moon worship was Saturn worship, and Saturn seemed to... wane in relation to moon worship. Sun worship seems to exist alongside Saturn worship, tho which "sun" was the object of worship seems a legit question to me.

The Mother Goddess likely does not demand sacrifice. Instead, the fertility cults that developed within, perverted, hid within, tainted, what-have-you, the Mother Goddess religion does demand the sacrifice.

Mother Goddess worship pre-dates Babylon by eons, but Babylon was a perverted form of Mother Goddess worship.

Aryan isn’t a ‘race’.


He mentioned that the aryan kingdom practiced slave ownership, not that they were the only ones.

Since when is the Vatican supposed to be into Pagan ritualistic worship?

Since Christianity was founded by Gnostics who synthesized the Sumerian, Egyptian, Zoroastrian, Hindu and Greco-Roman myths.

Catholicism was founded by Gnostics. The Vatican is Gnostic (as you note).

Early Christians were the group the Gnostics were opposed to, and the reason for the Gnostics to coalesce. The Gnostics wanted to preserve their belief and value systems, plus the cultural and academic knowledge they held in secret, from the coming monotheisic wave.

They did this by forming the Catholic church.

The Vatican is Gnostic because that's the only way to interpret Jesus and his teachings. The "Water of Life" and the "Holy Spirit" imply the daimones; Agni and Apas of a more syncretic tradition. The Mystery of Christianity is, although not the same as the Orphic Mystery, closer to Ayahuasca than it is to alcohol.

The only way? Dangerous line of thought there.

Gnostic Christianity is a perversion. Gnostics came after, and are an attempt to fold the emerging Christianity back into the mystery schools.

The Mysteries were once communal. Christianity, at its origins, was a re-construction of the Mysteries as they were practiced openly by the Minoan Kretans.

You're not the only one, homey (though it seems you're studying it scholastically, I merely read it at home). Nag Hammadi is younger than the books included in the bible. It is a reaction to, not a predecessor of, early proto-Christianity/Jew religion.

How it perverts is beyond my breakfast-time redditing capacity. Though it seems like you're poised to expand on that topic, so please do!

The Gospel of Thomas, dating to the first Century A.D, preserves the sayings of the Jesus before they were twisted and altered to fit the form of a linear narrative (i.e. the Gospels of Mark, Luke, Matthew & John which repeatedly contradict one another).

By understanding the Gospel of Thomas to be the cipher to the rest of the sayings and teachings, we realize that Jesus was a mystic, a philosopher, and the consort of Mary and Sophia.

Fair enough, Thomas is a collection of Jesus' sayings found with Nag Hammadi... Is Thomas considered canon Nag Hammadi?

The Mysteries pre-date Christianity/early proto-Jews. The Gnostics are a continuation of the Mysteries. Upon Christianity's emergence/proto-Jew emergence, a new thing challenged the Gnostics. The Gnostics then used their Mystery School powers and influence to bend the emerging religion back into the Mysteries.

This struggle continues today. The Gnostics, housed by Mystery schools around the world, are focused on crushing Christianity. Some even think Christianity is a perversion of the Mysteries... which means Jesus perverts the teachings of the Mysteries, not the other way around.

Leviticus is clearly reacting to the Mystery School culture surrounding him. Gnostic and early Christians cannot be the same.

Is Sophia, Jesus consort, conceptual here? The Sophia of the Demiurge concept? Is Mary conceptual as well here?

The Gospel of Thomas is arguably the crux of the Nag Hammadi Library. But the Nag Hammadi Library has nothing constituting an official canon, as it is no more than a collection of ancient texts and Gospels. When read in a juxtaposition, they inform the reader as to what the mystical Jesus (i.e. the practitioner of a Mystery) and his living disciples probably said and believed.

"The Mystery" itself isn't much more than a shamanistic rite of passage for young boys and girls of Minoan Krete, Sumer, early Egypt, pre-Aryan India and Ireland.

Claiming "Mystery schools" exist is to admit that the successors of 'the Golden Age' civilizations had no idea what "the Mysteries" meant (and still don't). Daimones, like Keres, are the souls of our ancestors or "Demeter's people."

The Mary is the Sophia. She is also the Kore or the anima of the collective unconscious. Because she is a female manifestation of the Mother Goddess, we could say she is the Queen, where Jesus is the Consort.

Daimones, like Keres, are but the souls of our ancestors or "Demeter's own."

I'm as well-read as most well-read folks, and fuck me I have no idea what this sentence means, nor have even seen Daimones or Keres. Can you break that down?

Back to Gnostic and Mysteries. OK, yes. THE Mystery we agree on, and that Jesus preached this. Preaching THE Mystery to the masses was a break from The Mystery Schools (keepers of THE Mystery) and Gnostic tradition. This is where Christianity breaks from Gnostics. The Gnostics then/eventually sought to re-hide THE Mystery. The Nag Hammadi was written by the Gnostics for this purpose. The Gnostics pre-dated Christianity, cradled Jesus, and eventually used Nag Hammadi as part of the effort to squash Christianity and re-hide the Mystery.

With Thomas, I will amend my claim to: Most of the Nag Hammadi is younger than most of the NT books.


Part 1 of... 8? The last half of each video is Q&A, easy to skip. Each part maybe 30 min. I forget which part, but he eventually addresses the Nag Hammadi. If you watch, I'm curious for your thoughts.

If you want to understand "the Mysteries", and this idea of "Mystery Schools," it's imperative that you digest the Corpus Hermeticum. In the dialogues of the Hermeticum, the concept of "the daimones" (which appear in Platonic writings, from the mouth of Socrates) is fully explored, presented as an explanation for the complexity that is the individual, and collective human psyche.

Daimones, as you could surmise, pass down to the modern age as "demonic" entities. Assuming that daimones have negative intent is an Abrahamic prejudice that we've inherited from our predecessors in the West. Being vassals of a federal government for more than a thousand years, most Europeans still haven't shed the thoughts and feelings that were conditioned on them by the Catholic Church. The Enlightenment, being Hermetic in its philosophies, reintroduced the idea of "daimones" to intellectuals--casting a radically different light on the idea of "genius" up until the 20th century.

In my scholastic research, I've found evidence that the Pre-Hellenic "Keres", "Harpies" and "Daimones" were analogous to the "Bau" of Egyptian mysticism (encapsulated in the Book of the Dead--which I have not read in its entirety). What's understood by this is that we once nurtured a close relationship with these entities, which peoples of the 'Golden Age' regarded as the souls of the living and the dead.

In Classical Greece, certain Mystery cults preserved the beliefs and language of the 'Golden Age' civilizations, often associating "Keres" and "Daimones" with the Chthonic, and the Grain-Mother, Demeter.

I'm afraid we can't agree on "the Mystery" until you understand its etymology. The Gnostics had no intention of keeping the "Mystery" underground, as clearly illustrated in this passage from the Gospel of Thomas.

(39) Jesus said, "The pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of gnosis and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves."

Throughout the Gnostic texts, it's repeatedly stated that Christians, like Jesus, must speak in riddles, out of fear for their lives, and the preservation of their teachings. Before Gnosticism (i.e. Christianity), these ideas were communicated, to a degree, within Zoroastrianism and mystical Judaism (i.e. Kabbalah). Where Gnostics differed from the Kabbalah was in their veneration of Sophia, the Mother Goddess of the 'Golden Age.'

St. Augustine may be younger than the NT Gospels, but the Church has canonized his writings, where they've ignored or suppressed an exploration of Gnosticism (preferring instead to disseminate disinfo, ala the Da Vinci Code). Because Gnosticism is merely a lens with which to interpret the sayings and teachings of Jesus, their dates of publication don't have any bearing on their authenticity or relevance in decoding Christianity.

I'll watch the Vimeo later.

I'm afraid Dr. Heiser is too fixated on the patriarchal concept of God in the Jewish religion. Anyone who reads "On the Origin of the World" or "the Sophia of Jesus Christ" in the Nag Hammadi abandons the idea of "the Father," in favor of "the Father-Mother." Heiser's too specialized in this case, lacking an understanding of Jesus's cultural influences (e.g. Enki).

too specialized

is kinda the response I thought I would get. The presentation(s) seem legit but one can feel (or know) his limits.


A prophet is also a mystic.

Any mention of John the Baptist by Jesus is a nod to the Sumerian Enki and Apzu. If the New Testament opens with this rite, it tells you everything you need to know. The early Christians spoke in riddles. Churches sterilized everything they said and the fruit into wine.

If the early Christians were pro-Mysteries, or formed out of the Mystery schools, why the push for monotheism?

Did early Christians figure out they, without the help of the Mystery Schools, could "look within" and trigger celestial or supernatural universe connecting powers, thus negating the power of the Mystery Schools? Thus Christianity was created to herd this emerging consciousness into an acceptable pen... in this case monotheism?

If there's a monotheism to early Christianity, it's the veneration of Mother Sophia over lesser daimones. The sects of Christianity that practice today ignore the Mother Sophia, preferring to speak of "God" as a masculine entity.

Again, the "Mystery Schools" possess no knowledge of the Heavens that isn't accessible to anyone that eats of the "immortal fruit" or drinks of the Water.

What year was it when those new Christians shunned serpent worship, referring to it as false idolatry?

The Greeks had shunned serpent worship long before the Christians.

That's kinda what i thought....so to have this obvious serpent worship in today's church makes no sense, unless Satan has already taken over.

The Satan's simply Vatican propaganda.

Nowhere in Jesus's teachings (i.e. the Gospels of the Nag Hammadi Library) does he ever mention a Satan. The closest to Satan may be the Demiurge--but the Demiurge was the Christ before he repented and shed his arrogance and blindness.

The Serpent, when it rises up, fights on behalf of the poor, the sick, and the weak. The Serpent is the Savior of the species, and planet. It's the most potent symbol we've inherited--hence why the Vatican has demonized it.

The bible is more than just the teaching's of Jesus. For example, Genesis mentions a serpent...and it's not a good mention.

Why do you trust the Genesis if it's been passed down by misogynistic and patriarchal peoples?

Perhaps the serpent in the Garden symbolized a world in which women and men had liberty and walked among nature as equals?

slave-owning, misogynistic and patriarchal kingdoms of the Aryans


I've seen 3-4 LONG time members get banned in the last week. Mods are cleaning hiuse from the leftist hijack. Look at worldnews, news, politics.

Something is very up I tell you. Overall has been weird but it has been very very weird for the last week or so

Reddit IPO or selling privately? Either way they’ve been trying to make this site more presentable. It started with jailbait and hamplanet and the racist subs. Nothing is immune

They banned me last week. Fuck em. This place is getting turned over as we speak.

I've seen 3-4 LONG time members get banned in the last week.


Shut up you aint gonna do shit. All of you mods are faggots

People need to understand that the admins are refreshing this sub hourly and suspending people based on what they post here.


This is one of the few places on reddit that isn't controlled so the admins have to ban people since they can't just delete our posts with their "volunteer" subreddit moderators

What prevents them from just banning the sub instead?

It's worth keeping if it can be turned into a trump-russia subreddit

That unleashes us into the main subs.

This sub keeps us contained. If they close this sub down, all of us would still exist and would still want to post the same things, we'd just be scattered across the site. Kind of like the argument for why they allow toxic communities on the site: closing them down would encourage that subversive element to enter other communities.

They are already trying to discredit us with the sub r-conspiracyisracist. Fucking racist dumbasses need to take that shit elsewhere or they’re gonna use that as an excuse to ban this sub.


The narrative of conspiracy theorists being rascist has been getting pushed for weeks now. I would have blurred the names but i think obvious sh!lls need to be highlighted.

If the trump/bots and hillary/bots would leave that would be great. If you still believe that your vote matters you're in the wrong sub reddit.

Nailed it

If you think your vote doesn't matter you are naive.

The vote is your power, Trump was elected when he was opposed against establishment from the left and right.

No. It's all theatre. It's you and I the people against the government.

Yup, I was threatened with a permaban previously for saying "the shills are out tonight", not targeting anyone. Mods of this sub are so fragile.

This is one of the few places on reddit that isn't controlled

the admins are refreshing this sub hourly and suspending people based on what they post here.

So wait, which is it?

They Think censorship will win but education is the only thing that will rise to the top as long as it is backed by facts and complete truths. When you attempt to stifle your opposing views you only give them more power than trying to debate their nonsense in and open forum.

This simply isnt true. As an example, most Americans dont even believe conspiracies that the government has apologized for. If an open admission of guilt doesnt do it, then what the fuck will.

I always thought he might be George Webb.

Note the snake-like columns of the main altar of Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Peter%27s_Basilica#/media/File:Interiorvaticano8baldaquino.jpg

Not valid source.

Khnum is God. Seraphim are serpents.

This is interesting to me. Do you have anywhere you can point me to read more about this? This is the first I've heard of it.

You can go here http://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/khnum.html or you can just look at Wikipedia.

Basically Khnum = Osiris = Jesus Christ. There's a couple of people you could link to that as well like Ptah. You can look at some of their consorts, and see connections as well.

As for Seraphim you can look at all the various mythological serpents in general. In the text that word refers to serpents. That serpent in the Garden Of Eden is equated to Satan who is believed to be a fallen angel.

Thank you very much for passing this along!

Someone is trying to keep the information regarding the great cosmic cycle a secret, and are panicking because certain groups are close to stumbling upon the truth hidden within the ancient Egyptian links to the precursor world of 12,900 years ago.

This is the real story. Lot of interesting ancient artifacts and discoveries lately point to this. Gobekli Tepe and the great pyramids of Giza talk of this cycle

People probably think I’m insane for even saying it, but it’s more real than most people can even imagine IMO. If we don’t take it seriously, I suspect we will go the way of our ancestors. Kinda hard to stop asteroid impacts without a space shield of some sort.

I know what you mean. Pretty sad

Wait, is this cycle the ‘time is a flat circle’ and every explosion at the end of a universe being a Big Bang of a next one beginning? I’ve read up on this and the Gobleki Tepe thing before but this was so long ago I don’t know if this is what you guys are referencing.

More like a comet that brings cataclysm every 12,000 years

I dont get it. All of this is old

Woah the whole place has a occultism vibe to it, thanks for the interpretations I'm bad at deciphering symbolism I don't understand.

The secret i think is to acknowledge and study it while thinking from the human part. If a person has clearly spotted the difference between the thoughtforms the different minds create then any input can be used for good. There is a lot of fun in understanding the tricks while they are being played.

Also note that Pope Paul VI was replaced back in the days by an impostor (other link).

So it would make sense for the usurpers to build a huge snake-building and name it after that Pope. Indeed they love bragging.

I can’t see the mirror image resembling Baphomet. There should be one arm extended upwards and the other one downwards (“as above so below”). Am I missing something?

Very interesting stuff!

Building looks a bit like a snake if you squint and they have a pillar made of stone in front of the building. I am shocked and appalled.

"At the centre of the Vatican's St Peter's Square stands a four thousand year old Egyptian Obelisk originally from Heliopolis and erected in Rome in AD 37."


It's an Egyptian obelisk, taken from one of the most sacred Egyptian temples.

How is that mirrored image an obvious baphomet? Lmao

These crazy religious types only see what they want to.

They make real conspiracy thinkers look fucking retarded. These are the same people drooling over "cosmic cycles. Flat earth. Snake people... So on... Its idiotic

So uhh...wut? Some dudes at the Vatican are into Satan? I've seen this movie ten thousand times.

What's the takeaway?

The intelligence community uses cults and religion to control people and expanded to social cults and prefers that the world be fixated on something... anything... other than the corruption.

Scared Christian children conspiracies are the worst. The Roman Catholic Church is a pagan church that was corrupted by an emperor.

Don't stop there because almost every part of every Christian tradition is stolen from pagan faiths they came up from.

There is no Christian culture. Its all stolen. Well, there is a christian culture, it's called judiasm.

"Modern scholars such as Peter Partner and Malcolm Barber agree that the name of Baphomet was an Old French corruption of the name Muhammad, with the interpretation being that some of the Templars, through their long military occupation of the Outremer, had begun incorporating Islamic ideas into their belief system, and that this was seen and documented by the Inquisitors as heresy.[26] Alain Demurger, however, rejects the idea that the Templars could have adopted the doctrines of their enemies.[27] Helen Nicholson writes that the charges were essentially "manipulative"—the Templars "were accused of becoming fairy-tale Muslims."[27] Medieval Christians believed that Muslims were idolatrous and worshipped Muhammad as a god, with mahomet becoming mammet in English, meaning an idol or false god.[28] This idol-worship is attributed to Muslims in several chansons de geste. For example, one finds the gods Bafum e Travagan in a Provençal poem on the life of St. Honorat, completed in 1300.[29] In the Chanson de Simon Pouille, written before 1235, a Saracen idol is called Bafumetz.[30]"

What's weird is that this (or something like it) has been posted numerous times, either as explanation or video. Why now?

Waiting for one of the Mods to say something.

This user was banned by the admins, we had nothing to do with it and I don't know the reason. Anyone curious would need to ask them and I highly doubt they'll give you a response since they rarely explain their reasons publicly in cases like this.

Thank you for the informative reply. Happy New Year.

You too mate, enjoy it.

The irony here is how this serpent representation has been built into our subliminal minds for thousands of years to correlate with religion. So it's not surprising that we are now wondering why this is. Given we have blindly followed, whether religious or not, we all have questioned, so now things are being revealed. This raises eyebrows and creates chaos in our minds. Now I'm generally speaking and not singling out any religion or person. If you research and read about ancient religions there is a common thread of deities worshipped that follows human migration over the continents. The root is what I'm interested in and you just need to follow the symbolisms, signs, gothic door frames (which look very much like abstract vulva art) - gothic An even better visual : gothic image

I visited the Vatican some time ago, and saw a few things that stood out to me as strange. Another commenter in the original thread mentioned this statue as resembling the pineal gland, and its general shape can also be found on a papal staff.

This mural appears to depict angels slaying demons (reptilian, humans with animal heads) and can be found in the chamber preceding the Sistine chapel. Close-up. (Another)[https://www.jeffgeerling.com/sites/jeffgeerling.com/files/galleries/photos/Dome%20in%20Hallway%20Outside%20Sistine%20Chapel.jpg]

I don't presume to understand everything that's going on here, but it is certainly peculiar.

Roman Catholicism succumbed to Mystery Babylon a long ago

There is NOTHING all that new in this post.

Why would THIS post get the user banned? This post feels Not All That Unusual.

The spooks don't pay nearly as much attention to that sub as this one.

Well OP worded it right, he was suspended AFTER the post, not BECAUSE OF it.

The shills were off for Xmas, it seems, and the downvote machine didn't catch the post, as it usually does, so it went too high for someone's liking and they paid Reddit admin to kill it?

Along with upvotes, downvotes and commets, "report" is a sellable feature at upvotes.club, so I'd imagine bans are for sale, too.

No. It's all theatre. It's you and I the people against the government.

How do we know that the Moon wasn't worshiped Pre-Younger Dryas?

I suppose we don't know for sure, but from what I've read/understood, moon worship is a relatively new practice. Ancient texts do not mention the moon, but planets get tons of run. Prior to moon worship was Saturn worship, and Saturn seemed to... wane in relation to moon worship. Sun worship seems to exist alongside Saturn worship, tho which "sun" was the object of worship seems a legit question to me.

The Mother Goddess likely does not demand sacrifice. Instead, the fertility cults that developed within, perverted, hid within, tainted, what-have-you, the Mother Goddess religion does demand the sacrifice.

Mother Goddess worship pre-dates Babylon by eons, but Babylon was a perverted form of Mother Goddess worship.