How do we save the world?

133  2017-12-28 by Jac0b777

With all the conspiracies, with everything going on in the world, all of us must be feeling somewhat heavy when we browse this sub.

It seems like suffering is on every corner. Everywhere you look, there is corruption and unconsciousness. Even though an awakening seems to be happening, one wonders if it's enough, or if it will happen in time.

So you keep digging, researching and spreading awareness. Until you start getting really tired. And then, to top it off, you see for the millionth time, that highly upvoted thread on the main page. That thread filled with propaganda, with fearmongering, filled with people that just don't care. People that don't want peace, people that want war, that want to hunt down the “bad guys”. People with no empathy or regard for human life.

Recently there have been many threads on Russia popping up and the comments were filled with people pushing for war, pushing for violence, literally filled with hatred for the Russians (yes, not only the leaders, the people as well). People claiming that the Russians created the Trump presidency. My God people, even if the allegations against Russia were somehow true, it is ultimately the US that, for better or worse, voted in Trump.

It's fascinating to me how people love war, love conflict. Do people have any idea what war is like? And no, playing Call of Duty does not count as war-time experience.

It seems to me people don't really see. They are just blinded with a fog over their minds. They don't see the human in the other, they only see labels. Liberals, conservatives, Russians, Muslims, blacks, whites, Jews, the Chinese...etc. ad infinitum. And those labels are all they see. Those aren't beings, living beings. They are reduced to mental labels.

We label everyone and everything. Even the animals. We justify the horrifying conditions animals are kept in, the factory farms, the torture for scientific purposes...simply because we ultimately do not see them as living beings. We only see our pets as living beings. That's where it usually stops for most people.

It almost seems as if a form of psychopathy, which fundamentally is a lack of empathy, is quite prevalent in our society. It seems that for many, it is this selective reasoning, where we can feel compassion for our family, yet feeling it for our neighbour, or God forbid, for the evil communists is a step too far. It is outside of our comfort zone.

"The people of western countries have more compassion than at any time in history, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere when compassion actively hinders prosperity." I heard a recent commenter say in a thread about Russia.


Does anyone realize that compassion is one of the fundamentals of mental health, of happiness itself, as well as the foundation of healthy human relations? Do people realize just how much joy and peace actual compassion can bring? And on top of that, how much it can help our society? Does anyone realize what kind of a world we will be living in if compassion and empathy become non-existent?

So we come to the real problem. The real problem is our pain. This is why we lack compassion. We avoid ourselves, thus not even knowing we are still alive. We distract ourselves. We live in the society of the spectacle.

Because of this we become dead inside. If you do not know who you are, if you cannot even feel your feelings, if you are cut off from yourself – you cannot empathize with anyone. You cannot have healthy relationships. And you cannot expect to have inner peace. You cannot create a functional society on a basis of no empathy, of inner deadness.

How can you expect to function in a society with other beings in a normal manner? How can we expect this society to function if we are all dead inside?

We must look within and face our pain. We must come to ourselves and thus come to our senses.

If you allow yourself to be present, right now, dropping the past and future for just a moment, you will see. You will notice a peace, a stillness, a lightness, a softness.

But because you have been away from your inner home for so long, you will also feel your accumulated pain. Embrace it, love it, breathe through it. Allow yourself to really feel it and do not get trapped into the thoughts that it spins in your mind. Then look deeply into it and try to understand it. See the source of it, the cause of it. See what wrong perception you may have, question them. Question your beliefs, your assumptions. If action is needed, take it. Take it by using reason and intuition. If you embrace and dissolve your inner pain you will come to clarity and you will know how to act in a much more efficient and productive manner.

Beneath all the pain you may have, there is peace, there is freedom. You will see this is the case for yourself. For now you will simply have to trust me, but ultimately you must prove this to yourself, otherwise it won't work. You cannot let this be something you either believe or disbelieve. You must prove to yourself that there is peace beyond ALL and ANY pain. That you can be free NO MATTER WHAT.

Why are simple processes like this, simple meditations, simple ways of centering yourself, not taught in school? In kindergarten even? Why can we not handle our emotions? Why does nobody tell us that primary contentment comes form within? Is it because a society of drones that need to be hyped up on pharmaceutical drugs and propped up in front of a TV to get that dopamine high is easier to control?

Even if we drop any conspiracy aspect of this and simply see it as the blind leading the blind (and ultimately, I would say that any psychopaths in power are quite blind in that sense), we must see that this is important to us. It is important for the preservation of our society.

It is important to look within. It is important because the inner precedes the outer. Our thoughts come before our actions. And our inner world decides our thoughts. So how can we express productive, positive action if we are distracted from our inner experience and allow it to be polluted?

I encourage you all to look within. To face and embrace your pain. If you can find at least a tiny bit more of inner peace, just a smidgen, your actions and life will be much more proactive and productive. You will be able to help everyone better and spread awareness better on the topics you know matter.

Do not fear your feelings. Use your breath to steady yourself and face your pain. In the light of your awareness you will see that you are dealing with mere phantoms. There may be many feelings, but you can handle anything that is set on your path. You are freedom!

Much love to you all and best wishes in the coming new year.

For any help on dissolving your inner pain, may the following be of some assistance:

-Embracing and Dissolving Inner Pain and Suffering (A short meditative process that you can use to face your inner pain)

-Triple Welcoming Process (The Sedona Method) (A short, less than four minute long audio of a releasing/welcoming process that can greatly alleviate inner pain. It's like a mini-meditation and it's helped me greatly. You can just loop it and listen to it over and over until your issue is greatly lessened or completely resolved.)

-The Work, by Katie Bryon (This is a short self-psychotherapeutic process in which you question your long held beliefs, thoughts, assumptions, that are causing you pain - the whole thing is also published in her book, 'Loving What Is', but is free in its totality on her site)


Great post, truly, and thank you!

The only thing I'd change, is the title. It's not about saving the world, per se, it's about saving yourself in order to help those you love and care for. Your spirit being chose to be here, at this point in time for a reason. We either ascend or descend in the Astral realm. The goal is to ascend, and you do it by doing the very things you've talked about.

Peace and love!

I think the title is awesome. Considering you and I would never click on it otherwise.

I was actually wondering what to put up as the title and simply intutitively decided on this one. It seemed like a good summation.

And thank you for the kind words :)

Yes I am in full agreement :)

But I wanted the title to reflect it more broadly. To me, while I obviously care about those closest to me the most, I love and care about this crazy world and all the creatures on it as well.

Humanity and this planet can be so dumb at times, but I still love them. And I want this place to rock, you know?

Much love to you as well putes <3

For what its worth, I find myself asking this question from two vantage points: the heart, and the mind. The answers I get from those two places are different. From the heart I get love, patience, acceptance, forgiveness, which fits in with your post. From the mind I get layers upon layers of strange and implausible misdirections, as if to solve a puzzle by shredding the pieces in a billion bits and throwing them into a tornado before you can painstakingly re-locate every bit's original place in the puzzle, but the picture of the puzzle is now the opposite of what it was when you started playing.

I often get those two points mixed up, and i try to remember: think make you stupid! follow the love!

I'm starting to wonder if my 'golden path' in life is to find those instances and that in which my heart and mind are in alignment. Can you think of any instances, or any activities you've done, or people you've been with where your heart and mind were in alignment? Do those instances have any thing in common?

When my heart and mind are aligned and I am not fighting myself, I think I am making the right choice and perhaps am on the right path. But I'm really still trying to figure this out myself, so who knows!

Maybe the heart is reliable, but illogical, while the mind is penetrating, but has no mercy.

Nicely said, and thanks for the time put into this post. It starts with being the change you want to see.

It starts with being the change you want to see.


NEGATE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS SINCE EVERY THOUGHT HAS THE POWER TO CREATE ! Don't hate-you will attract hate. You know the rest...

It starts with being the change you want to see.

Indeed. When I began to open my eyes and accept that most 'conspiracy' or 'save the world' type people can't even eat properly or cut back on their own drug use, I realised that this is just how things are.

Make peace with the world the way it is because nobody here is about to change it.

If you can't save yourself you have no hope of saving the world. That is the reality.

Thank you and yes, I agree.

Good post. If "russian" hacking resulted in us reading podesta's emails then that just seems like extra transparency to me...i'd like to read all these crook's in DC emails.
I don't know how anyone in any country can join the military...i'd rather be homeless then kill somebody to get the bankers rich. Fuck that.

One side refuses to do anything and the other side hates you. 🤷‍♂️

A while ago I decided to intentionally leave "the internet" for a year to see how my life changes (check back in 2019 for a follow up) - I love this post so much I've decided to make it the last one I read on Reddit & start my new year's experiment a few days early - thanks for those lovely links

Ya know... that’s not a bad idea. I took a hiatus from fakebook for a couple of years and I was quite happy. I’m inclined to do so again. The only thing holding me back is I like to share pictures of my son to our family members that we don’t get to see that often. I’m not sure I can log off completely, I use the internet for work and Reddit has become my source of intellectual thought provocation and humor.

You could email the photos.

Or iMessage / text

You're going to experience the happiest year of your life. Trust me, I have taken long breaks from the net before and I ended up becoming more involved and immersed in my own personal life/experience, felt so much fresher and uplifted etc The internet sinks you into a black hole of depression and despair ;_;

I love this post so much I've decided to make it the last one I read on Reddit & start my new year's experiment a few days early

I'm honoured :) Do tell us how it went when you come back. Hope you have a wonderful year.

Knowledge can destroy a man. I hope no one goes through what I have. Thank you for this

How did knowledge destroy you? I am ready for the black pill, anon.

I'm a truth seeker. Always have been. But there's a problem being a truther. Were humans. And humans have feelings and emotions and egos and everything else that make humans cant have mental illness without a functioning mind. Ill get back to that.

A little backstory about my situation first. Now I realize I've been in an interesting situation lately. This fall was my first semester in college. 1000 miles away from home. And I had no one. No one out there I care about. No one who cares about me. All I had was time and myself. So I started to do research. I had more time to dig around for the truth. So I did. And I enjoy every minute of it. And not just like watch loose change and think I'm woke type research. Real research. Digging. Reading hundreds of government papers a day. Learning. At this point I would consider myself a very well versed "conspiracy theorist" as much as I hate the word. I don't know everything. But I learned how to do real meaningful research. Than something Interesting happened.

October first. I get a call from an ex of mine at like 1 in the morning. She's balling her eyes out and I had no clue what happened. All she could get out was "his head just exploded". I tried to calm her down but she hung up. I looked up the news that night and I saw one article that said "2 dead and more injured in Las Vegas concert shooting". This was sad yes. What's even more sad is it was normal. I went to sleep. I woke up the next morning by a text from my mom. "everyone's ok". Turn on my tv. "40 dead and 400 injured in Las Vegas massacre". This blew my mind. This is a different story. Now that next day was entirely unproductive. Phone call after phone call. I'm a thousand miles away from home and they are dealing with the "deadliest mass shooting in history". The next day I started my research.

I had an hour and a half of police scanner transcribed. I made calls to my Vegas police friends. My friend in the swat, my friends in the military, and anyone else in Vegas I could try and get any info from. And needless to say the story didn't add up. It drove me crazy. The lies. The truth. It can ruin a man. The truth hurts. We are trained to be blind little sheep. But a couple red pills and you awaken. We become woke and open our eyes and we realize were standing there face to face with the devil and his army of demons.

No wonder the sheeple seem happier. Im starting to think they actually are.

the universe is a complicated and messy place.

focus on the things that bring you joy, engage your body more than your mind, and express love.

Im working on it. Thank you very much

If you still think people actually died at the Las Vegas 'shooting' then you are just as deluded as the sleeple.

Never said I did. Most of the "injured" were from Vegas....makes sense. Only 2 of the 58 "dead" were from Vegas. Shit dont add up.

Some details I would like to share. What I say Is true to the best of my knowlege.

But Rylie Golgart was injured in it. Look her up. She got "shot in the back". I went to middle school with her. She is a real person. That being said I havent personally seen a bullet hole.

Quinten Is one of the deceased. I believe he was my cousins homecoming group. As far as I know real person.

And Charelson Was the cop who died. Apparantly his son goes to the highschool I went to.

Like I said this is what I know/have heard. I'm spreading whay knowledge I have. I'm not saying your wrong in any way.

This was a very interesting read. Thanks for sharing. I feel like knowledge can truly be hard to bear sometimes.

I feel like you have to balance information with awareness and knowledge about the world with inner clarity in peace. To me, I was able to accept the world as it is much better through the help of various meditative and introspective practices.

Because there are some things you cannot change or influence in a significant degree, so it is simply better to not pollute your inner world with negativity. Allowing things to be as they are and coming to a deeper peace within also helps you find ways to help people better and creates an expression of more productive action. Then you can simply do as you can, as best you can, to help the world.

I'd also say that already coming to more peace within helps the world through every action you take, as now you become a carrier of presence.

Insight on the horrors of the world must always be coupled with inner practices that lead to peace, otherwise one can go pretty mad.

But if they are combined, instead of madness, compassion, insight and awareness arise.

I appreciate the encouragement. Ill never stop thinking. I've been trying to find ways to add peace and positivity to my life. I've spent my whole life coping. I've been through a lot of shit. And this stuff is crazy but Its nothing compared to my past so I forget I still need to take care of myself and counter stuff like this.

I think the best way to add peace and positivity to one's life is to remove obstacles to it. If you let go of your inner demons, your fears, anger, pain...peace and positivity arise naturally in my experience.

And I've found that sometimes it's a good idea to stop thinking for a while. The mind is constantly running and it needs a rest. That's what meditative practices are here for in my opinion.

You stop thinking for a while and you see you can be at greater peace without your thoughts. Then you resume thinking whenever it's needed. Whenever you need to think.

Of course this is easier said than done, but slowly one can quiet the mind and regain control of it. Otherwise the mind rules you and not the other way around (and that is still the case with pretty much all of us to be fair, but slowly we can shift that I'd say).

My apologies for such an abrupt ending. I was planning on writing a whole lot more but something happened and I just needed to get my message out those last few sentences. Im around for questions/clarification. Ill try and finish in an edit sometime


I’d say separation of money and State. Bitcoin is an important stepping stone in that direction.

Be active in your community.

Do you mean my bitcoin community?

Because I am hodling like nobodies business.

we can start by not thinking that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks.

I will keep giving money to settlers till every Palestinian is either dead or they recognize Israel

I will keep buying stock in weapons companies till Iran is wiped off the earth

I will keep NEVER giving a penny to anything that could help some broke ass fuck who wants my money but thinks he is better then me- no money for anything that could ever help a man especially- not one incel or Holocaust denier gets my money

I will oppose drug legalization and I will oppose helpful by people deal with opioids- but I will support doctors prescribing more of them

Kill all the junkies, wipe out the poor, end welfare and free healthcare in all its forms

That would be a good start for me

If you take that path only bad karma will come for you my friend.

I like where your head’s at. Thank you for sharing. Please continue to write. I enjoyed reading that.

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

If you allow yourself to be present, right now, dropping the past and future for just a moment, you will see. You will notice a peace, a stillness, a lightness, a softness.

This is very good advice. It is age-old wisdom, but has recently taken the name of mindfullness. It is a precusor to self-enquiry.

Non-Mobile link:

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Yes understanding ourselves and our psychology is the way to understand the world and not feel like a victim, don't let negative emotions like fear, depression and anxiety consume us. There are dark forces that want to keep us in this state and it's a battle for humanity, truth, and freedom. Whose side are you on?

Thank you for your well thought out and written post. I would like to add: start small. It took humanity thousands of years to get where we are today. The healing will not come overnight.

I agree absolutely. Small and incremental changes lead to huge differences over time. It definitely won't come overnight.

Small government and broken up monopolies would probably help more than anything.

Small mind control. Sounds like a trap.

Choose one, ‘cause breaking up monopolies is definitely a big government task.

Break up monopolies and then shrink the government

We don't. We can only delay the inevitable.

What is the inevitable?

The End. Of everything.

When our sun burns all of its energy we may flee to another system, until this second system's sun also burns out. Repeat a lot of times until there's no energy left on the universe.

The End.

When our sun burns all of its energy

lol, what evidence do you have that this is even possible?

A wikipedia page is your evidence?

There's a whole bibliography there. can point to some studies contradicting the current theory o the life of the stars. I'm all ears.

It starts with you.

I agree.

Great post, op

Thank you.

What do you mean "we", paleface?

Thank you for this and may the love in your words light the path for us all! I love you, all of you we can do this!

Yes! :)

Well, it begins with just small actions like helping someone feel better. Giving someone a hug or forgiving yourself for the mistakes you made. It's about progress. We're all really messed up, but some of it isn't our faults. Things happen to us and we have to learn to accept that what we do and what we become is not entirely our own machinations. To save the world, we must first save ourselves, then save each other, and then save the world.

This comes through love and understanding. We must erase the fear by becoming informed. We must erase the hate through compassion.

It is not too late for any of us to change. The road of redemption is hard for some and easy for others, but anyone, no matter how evil, can redeem themselves. The light within us all is there. And that's what we have to learn, to balance both darkness and light, to achieve a state of existence that allows for growth.

People are watching me and I'm a little scared. But I'll try my best to follow my own advice and help.

Well, it begins with just small actions like helping someone feel better. Giving someone a hug or forgiving yourself for the mistakes you made. It's about progress.

Yes, exactly :)

I agree with the rest as well, wonderful comment.

Not everybody think the world should be saved. By the world I mean Humans. Being empathic everyday is going for madness since we still live in the idea of competition, money, and survival, just because 1% of us decide to control all the resources. Sometimes like many others I would gladly watch the whole planet burn in gigantic fires. It's normal to have these feelings. They don't define my true self.

Save the cheerleader.

All. Jokes aside, thanks for this insightful post, we need more quality content.

Thank you for reading.

Great post as always. Namaste, my friend.

Thank you :)

Overwrite the Projected Matrix Data. This is done with meditation and visualization. Learn to use the "Mental Screen"

  1. Stop people having more than 2 children immediately 1 child per unit per half the population and 2 children per unit for the other half then when the population normalises make it 2 per family unit. that would have to be enforced for the rest of the habitation of earth.

2 Renewable energy now reduce pollution across all industries

  1. reduce consumerism ban all advertising of non essential goods

  2. produce a better educational system

  3. Reform all religions make them accountable for violent acts an injustices

  4. make all wars illegal ( HOW WOULD THAT BE ENFORCED? )

  5. create a one world community of elders based on science and reason with limited powers but with influence.

  6. Create a world mandate or Constitution with the goal of creating a better society this dose not mean total socialism or liberalism though.

  7. Reduce the rich poor divide ( either through living wages or creating vastly more jobs )

  8. Colonise other planet immediately

  9. Send people to other planets now even if it takes 40 years for them to get there ( this is no joke and must happen within the net 30 years) they will then send back a probe with data if the planet is habitable.

  10. honestly i cant stress this enough send people now to planets that look like they are the golden zone and have potential for life going to mars is no where near enough

Very intriguing plan. I especially like points 1,2,3,4,5 and 7.

I think we are going to make it. Perhaps simply my blind optimism, but hey, that's how I see it.

its a start but id like to see some kind of organisation created to actuals go through this and come up with something concrete

Lead by example. Just live a moral life and do good things. If everyone did that then the world would be a better place

Very true.

In the end you can only control how you react to the world. You can't control the circumstances you were born into and you can't control other people around you, but you can control yourself and influence those around you. If you live do the right things and are happy then other people will notice. Then hopefully they do the same thing and so on.

Very well put. Everything you said is what I want to tell everyone I come across...

Live in the moment

I'm a truth seeker. Always have been. But there's a problem being a truther. Were humans. And humans have feelings and emotions and egos and everything else that make humans cant have mental illness without a functioning mind. Ill get back to that.

A little backstory about my situation first. Now I realize I've been in an interesting situation lately. This fall was my first semester in college. 1000 miles away from home. And I had no one. No one out there I care about. No one who cares about me. All I had was time and myself. So I started to do research. I had more time to dig around for the truth. So I did. And I enjoy every minute of it. And not just like watch loose change and think I'm woke type research. Real research. Digging. Reading hundreds of government papers a day. Learning. At this point I would consider myself a very well versed "conspiracy theorist" as much as I hate the word. I don't know everything. But I learned how to do real meaningful research. Than something Interesting happened.

October first. I get a call from an ex of mine at like 1 in the morning. She's balling her eyes out and I had no clue what happened. All she could get out was "his head just exploded". I tried to calm her down but she hung up. I looked up the news that night and I saw one article that said "2 dead and more injured in Las Vegas concert shooting". This was sad yes. What's even more sad is it was normal. I went to sleep. I woke up the next morning by a text from my mom. "everyone's ok". Turn on my tv. "40 dead and 400 injured in Las Vegas massacre". This blew my mind. This is a different story. Now that next day was entirely unproductive. Phone call after phone call. I'm a thousand miles away from home and they are dealing with the "deadliest mass shooting in history". The next day I started my research.

I had an hour and a half of police scanner transcribed. I made calls to my Vegas police friends. My friend in the swat, my friends in the military, and anyone else in Vegas I could try and get any info from. And needless to say the story didn't add up. It drove me crazy. The lies. The truth. It can ruin a man. The truth hurts. We are trained to be blind little sheep. But a couple red pills and you awaken. We become woke and open our eyes and we realize were standing there face to face with the devil and his army of demons.

No wonder the sheeple seem happier. Im starting to think they actually are.

My apologies for such an abrupt ending. I was planning on writing a whole lot more but something happened and I just needed to get my message out those last few sentences. Im around for questions/clarification. Ill try and finish in an edit sometime