The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum

251  2017-12-28 by BillNyeScienceLies

—even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.

This new submission statement approval system will be used for censorship.


Very well said, thank you.

the ufo alien stuff is fake, and paranormal activity will be to blame for atrocities.


Well maybe you should cite the source of the quote you just dropped. As it stands, if your submission gets booted for plagiarism, don't come back around crying about how the mods are censoring shit that doesn't fit their narrative, o.k?


I know. I didn't ask who it was that originally said it, I said he should cite the source, properly, with quotation marks and Chomsky credited, in the title right after said quote.

As it stands it's extremely bad form and leaves Op open to criticisms of plagiarism. Op didn't say it, Op shouldn't get credit for thinking it up by people who don't it's a quote and don't know it's Chomsky's.

Nitpicking at it's finest.

No worries!

Noam Stealsky

why does google returns gibberish for this

^ best post

this is it

I think it is a great statement but I also think that even in a homogeneous society with everyone the same in every way... We will always find a reason to argue. I got this from Dr Suess


The best way to control the opposition is to create your own opposition and pull the strings from both sides. Let the militants (useful idiots) fight among themselves while you play both.

Lenin did it.

Is still there because it works.

We need to control the Federal Reserve.

Wait I thought they didn't discriminate by substance? Isn't the whole point to just make sure people are putting effort into their posts and aren't just spamming their site?

Research mystery babylon

Well, let's not hold back;

Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda (2nd edition) - by Noam Chomsky

Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media - book by Noam Chomsky

Political Economy of the Mass Media - YouTube documentary (Chomsky)

Requiem For the American Dream - Chomsky Netflix documentary

All these month old accounts seem to really hate the submission statement rule today.

If you read this sub you know it has been pretty spammy lately. This is an attempt to cut down on spam. It is just a trial. If it doesn't work, you can kick and scream until we go back to the old ways.

Problem - Reaction - Solution

Shocking, eh?

Haha they're straw manning pretty hard. Politically I don't like a lot of what you post, but I'd never stop you from posting it on this sub if you put minimal effort into why you're posting and I think you look at it the same way.

More like an attempt to censor discusssion before its even posted. Let the users decide what they want to read. Thats what the vote system is for. We dont need compromised mods narrating the discussions.

All it will take is one politically biased mod and conspiracy is the new politics.. Lets not be ignorant tho... That's exactly the intention.

The intention is to make this sub into the new politics? Pretty sure that's not the intention. Mods already have the ability to abuse their power and censor posts. This system only requires users to put a little more effort into posts and gives mods the same level of discretion as before. It should hopefully weed out spam posts that a majority of users want weeded out. If it doesn't work out we voice our dissatisfaction.


This is absolute nonsense. Submission statements are brilliant and will greatly reduce the spam on this sub, as has already been shown in the one day that they have been active.

This is the second such post I see here about submission statements being used for censorship.

People are completely misunderstanding the rule. The point is that you make a submission statement and within it place your link in a context and provide some kind of argument as to why it is on this sub. As long as that is done, nobody will delete your stuff.

As axlotl_peyotl said, you don't need to qualify your link as a conspiracy. You just need to put some effort into your submissions. THAT is the main point. That you put effort into your submissions.

Thus as long as a submission statement is there, your link will not get deleted (that is the rule). It doesn't have to be a submission statement that the mods agree on, as much as it must be one where you put in some effort and provide a context and a trigger for discussion. That's it.

But who decides if your submission statement is up to snuff? How long before a basic submission statement is not enough? How long before you need to jump through further hoops in order to post.

This all reminds me of the prostitution issue in America. Once that law has been made nobody wants to be the guy to take a stand and try to reverse it...

Sounds like Twitter to me.

very lively debate

Or at least the appearance thereof.

We are living in Plato's Cave.

As long as you don’t mention that all power (even small doses) corrupts.

Chomsky says it, Chomsky lives it. He won't tolerate discussion of the 1963 coup, or 911, or the Federal Reserve.

-On who really murdered President Kennedy:

“Who knows? And who cares?”

-On government involvement in 911:

“I mean even if it were true, which is extremely unlikely, who cares? I mean it doesn’t have any significance.” I think it’s diverting people from serious issues.”

-On the Federal Reserve:

“The question now is how do you function in a sensible state capitalist economy, and you cannot do that without a central bank that controls currency. In fact if it wasn’t for the federal reserve’s ability to print money, we’d be in a deep depression right now.”

See Chomsky put this into action himself when he talks about 9/11 or the supposedly nonexistent israel lobby! Gatekeeper of the left

I’ve never thought of Noam Chomsky being a denier of Israel’s influence in the US. Are we listening to the same man?

Listen closely. He sees Israel as Sparta to USA's Greece (virtually his words). A regional garrison state for projecting US power. And yes, he does deny that the Israel lobby has any significant impact on US politics.

When i read your title I thought I was reading a /raisedbynarcissists post.