Had a very powerful dream last night

22  2017-12-28 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

Some of you might not place any value in the interpretation of dreams, but I do. Daniel from the Bible saved the Israelites through interpreting the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar.

In my dream I had made several friends who I didn't recognize. They must have been from a past life or something because when I woke up I could still see their faces. I know I knew them from somewhere. The five of us, all the ages 21-25, were taken to a massive complex. It was some kind of hospital but also served as a kind of military base.

It seemed like a mental hospital. Perhaps for people who "didn't fit the mold of society"

For days I frolicked around with them, unaware of the fate that was going to befall us. One by one, we were taken to a room and forcibly indoctrinated and given a series of shots. I was the last one to receive the shots. I was able to break free of the hypnotism and kill one of the guards, realizing that I was basically about to be lobotomzied. By that time everyone else in the hospital had become mindless, walking apparitions. They were fixated on me taking the shots.

These people had become zombies. Not zombie like the movies, but something had happened to their brains.

It felt so real.

I broke out of the complex and wandered the streets only to realize that most everyone was either acting the same way or unwillingly ignorant to what was taking place.

I went to my friend's house, he told me I needed the shots.

People in the streets saw me in my hospital gown and I was attracting too much attention. No one would help me, they only offered to take me back to the facility.

I journeyed to my dad's house, who lives in a rural area. He had not taken the shots, but was unaware of what was going on with me. He believed my story, and consoled me. I sat at his house knowing that the entire country/world was going mad, having very little hope, but just the fact that my father believed me was incredibly uplifting.

I'm not sure what the dream meant. But it was very intense. I woke up in a sweat thinking I was at the hospital.

Hopefully we can stop things like this from happening.


Weird, I had a dream about a hospital last night also. I hardly remember dreams but I remembered this one. Odd.

That is weird. What happened? Do you remember anything? A feeling like "everyone else has been brainwashed?"

Sorry, not really. I kept going up and down big elevators. I got on the roof, its was a huge building and I was afraid to go to close to the edge but there was like a drunk woman who kept stumbling toward the edge. There was cop car lights all over on the ground. About all I can remember really lol.

Haha well that also sounds scary!

Lol yup.

This was a fascinating read. I used to believe in the value and meaning of dreams than stopped it and was convinced with the science side of why we dream. Personally now i dont believe anything has meaning in dreams as pur brain is basically defragging our memories. However i have been reading alot and heard alot of scary sleep paralysis stories which peaked my interest. Does sleeping really help us to astral project/OBE and enter a 'spiritual realm' where ghosts/spirits reside. I mean i dont believe in it but yet i feel slightly scared about the stories i hear and also some stuff happens to my house but i reassure myself its the house moving which makes more sense.

It's "all in the mind" right?

But if our minds are as powerful as I've seen, that doesn't make their concoctions much less real

Yeah the mind is scary thing. I was listening to a podcast were they talked about suicides and one thing is if you have some kind of chemical imbalance, your mind will tell you to commit suicide. The mind can do other fucked up things, its crazy.

I was into black magick for most of my adolescent and adult life. The mind is the single most powerful tool we have at our disposal.

Our houses are electrified because Tesla followed a daydream. Trust.


Dreams have given us great leaps in science. Otherworldly info, or defragging and organizing through subconscious means?

either way, powerful stuff

Thabks. Gonna give it read.

well written!

Hopefully we can stop things like this from happening.

well..hmmm.. maybe wishing for such things to stop isn't the best thing. maybe the best thing is to be a good judge of character and surround yourself with people who are free-thinking, tolerant, and nice to others. the rest of them? hmmm. maybe they're just getting what they deserve/need. as to the feeling of being ignored etc. - yeah this is what it is, and thus the need to be both self-reliant and to find others who are that way.

you can't save people who willfully want to be ignorant. we live in a free will universe - the ethical thing is to let them make their own reality. you don't have to go along with it though - and that's the key point.

Wise words.

I suppose I just really want to make a difference. Being ignored and having your warnings go unheeded can be quite horrifying, as my dream depicted.

I suppose I just really want to make a difference.

you are. by writing this you are.

Being ignored and having your warnings go unheeded can be quite horrifying, as my dream depicted.

fuck yeah.

Maybe you're right. I certainly hope so. Everything I do is done with the intention of uplifting my fellow man. Maybe one day all our attempts at doing so will change things.

yeah it starts by expressing your thoughts and feelings truthfully and accurately - which you've done well. that's all we can do right? communicate. that's the tool we have.

Sounds like the present day.

Indeed. It was just more intense

It's one timeline. Constant vigilance is required. Thank you for reminding us.

It’s my job.

Good looking out.

I have this same exact reoccuring dream almost once a month.. Suttle diffrences.. The "hospital\military base" appears also as a college campus." I am also at times surrounded by a rotating number of 13-7-5-3 "friends" at first apear to be old childhood friends but tend to turn into people I've never met through out the dream.. Since I've had this dream multiple times I become aware of were I'm at (in a dream that is) at times so I've explored.. Once I reach a point of being by myself or I stray from my initial group it's as if a security squad is in pursuit after me.. And every time they catch up to me I am able to break restraints and flee.. Somthing I've realized is that I am able to wake the average person "in line" (is what I call it because they are as if on auto pilot or zombie like as you say) up.. The entire system goes into a panic when I do so and they subdue the person I just woke up in witch allows me to flee.. Once in my dream I go into a room (witch I wasn't supose to be in) by literally running into a wall multiple times till I broke threw it.. I was greeted by men in suits and then indoctrinated.. It shares aspects of a video game.. I wake up when ever I'm caught.. But it runs deeper than that.. At times when I've gotten away I was then approached by say my wife or other family and they had something dramatic to tell me.. The last one that tricked me back into not realizing I was in a dream was just that.. And the only thing that woke me back up (in the dream) was I went to light a cigarette and it was the wrong kind of cigarettes.. It's like the dream messed up, so I broke free and went about to explore again... There are so many other scenarios I've ran threw in this dream I could go on and on but it's always the same exact base line as u explained.. I have a few ideas as to what's really behind all of this but I'm trying to shorten up my post... You thoughts?

Very interesting. I personally felt like I was in hell. What you described was eerily similar. I would run away with little to no effort only to be constantly chased down. It was as if the “system” or “hospital” was intent on catching me, but not so desperate to have me yet to go out of their way.

I am curios to know what happens at the end of my dream, as once I made it to my father’s house I was waking up, for a brief moment it felt like I was in both worlds, as if I knew it was a dream but it was more than just a dream.

At work but I got a lot more to add I'll write tonight when I'm off..

Okay off work... As for running or dispursing I can agree on the sevarity being minimal to catch me as well accept for one instance were I went exploring through what seemed to be like a medical ward and I found a room of computers (almost like a college campus library) (mind u I never went to colledge) and I started destroying all the computers.. It was insane how much of a panic every one and everything became.. Anyway like I said I've played with this dream quite a few times.. And with a lil pratice of lucid dreaming I've been able to do off things.. I've changed my apperence to be as one of the security monintors .. I've like I said before woke people up (they always look so suprised and relived until they are sub dued)... In one instance of the dream my friend who was part taking in what the dream would deem mischievous acts he explained how it all worked.. Its so fleeting I cant rember but when I'm in this dream and I run into if it should say if I run into him it always comes back to me... As for the partial awake feelings.. That's the only time I've had the dream convince me I'm not back in the dream state.. Like I stated earlier by having family and what not literally throw a wrench at me by telling me skmthing devastating... Or even the oppitsite attempting to comfort me because I seem "rattled" when still aware I try and play along but can't always shake it and stay focused... But again that only happened being partially awake.. Its like it kicks into over drive when I'm in between... But yeah I've had this dream too many times to count I (as crazy as it sounds) almost feel as if my dream state or astral is stuck in this labrinth and I literally live to diffrent lives one awake one asleep... As above so below..

Idk what your dream means, but when I want to wake from a dream I try to turn on the lights. It almost never works.

I had a dream of trumpets sounding two nights ago. The only part of the dream I remember was trumpets so loud it was causing everything to vibrate. I felt the rapture was imminent.

I will say that I have been researching bible prophecy so that likely has influenced my dreams.

It's telling you the only way for us to win/stop thinks like this from happening is to focus on yourself and family before trying to fix the world. Be the change you want and let the ripple effect do the rest.

Idk, it seems like everytime I think about how to fix the world or anyone else has that thought, the response is a feeling of being overwhelmed and hopeless. However, if we just focus on making ourselves better and our family and being the change we want to see is the only way to fix it.

That’s the exact message I received from it. Good looking out.

I awoke and was so happy to be in the real, “normal” world. You have no idea..


I think Hodeo Kojima uses these kind of dreams for his games.


check this vid out. totally worth watching. very canonical. addresses some of the things you touch on.

I've been having some very vivid dreams recently, most of them that I can't see to remember.

But last night, I do remember in a half awakened state, feeling like someone or something was repeatedly licking my right ear. I honestly don't know what to make of that, just thought I'd share.

Can you describe any of the people's faces

This gave me some chills! I don't remember my dreams much anymore but when I do they are recurring themes I've had since I was a child. One of these dreams includes a military/government type hospital setting that also felt like it could be a mental hospital (but like we weren't supposed to know). These dreams also included people that I KNEW but didn't really know in this life. If that makes sense. I had a very strong connection with the people that would carry onto waking life.

In one of these dreams my 'friend' was killed by a 'doctor' because she was questioning too much and the pain of loss felt all too real. When I think about it it still feels like I watched a friend I loved die. Another dream included the same facility but with a pregnancy ward, where girls and women were going to deliver their babies but their babies would be kept from them and the women silenced. These dreams always include a plan of escape and I've been having them since I was a child.

Freaky. But another recurring dream I've had since a child also includes a new world war, which included US soldiers capruring citizens while being disguised as helping them from (get this) an alien invasion where we never saw the aliens only the ufos (cigar shaped)...and another that took place in a post apocalyptic world; these ones don't leave me anxious because while we are struggling to rebuild, we are still able and we had won the war and peace was being restored. It was like a rebirth.

I always just had a connection to these dreams because they always felt sooo real and I've had them since I was a very young child, before I really knew what any of this stuff meant. I actually contribute a large part of my conspiracy theory mind to these dreams.

Very interesting! Scary stuff! If only i didn’t like being scared lol.

I’m interested in this..

Crazy how your dreams can sometimes contribute to your knowledge, but if you think about it, it makes sense.

I wrote up a dream I had about some high desert town. I was up on a mountain car turn-out, seemed as if above a dam and then a big "flood" feel. A long white car with red tuck and roll leather convertible...I wrote it in r/conspiracyundone and I cannot find it now! I forgot all about it until you posted...

Things like this ARE happening. I would argue that what you dreamt was not a vision of the future or something like that, but a metaphor for the present.

It seems to me as though your subconscious mind came up with a dream that translates all the things you've come to learn about the world over time into a story with arcs, archetypes, and characters.

It could be said, for instance, that the zombie apocalypse isn't something that may or may not be coming, but something that is already here. It's a metaphor for the unconscious masses actively preying on free and conscious minds (or "braaaiiins"). Your dream reminds of that kind of perspective.

I think you hit the nail, right on. That’s how I perceived it. It was truly ah shocking though. In the dream, it was like I was a different verision of myself; one that hadn’t had these realizations. Maybe ignorance isn’t bliss

Op, you wanna have dreams that make you scratch your head and am I'd this shit was real or just your imagination? Go into a k hole.

If you doubt my dreams please refer to my magic book about a sky lord who rules over everything and sometimes contradicts himself arbitrarily!

"O man greatly loved, fear not, peace be with you, be strong and of good courage." Daniel 10:19

Remember what the Bible says that in the last days that people will have visions and dreams...

There is something in the ether.

I hadn't seen this post but I had just posted a question asking if anyone else has had unusually strong dreams.

I had a dream that me and a group of people were surrounded by police in a big white hotel and we were trying to find a way out while we stalled them.


What is going on? I wonder.

I have been having vivid sometimes lucid dreams filled with close and intimate friends I do not actually know in my waking life. Living in a forced group situation, with these people. Interesting so many of us are having these ties of dreams right now.

I have had a recurring dream where i had a family, wife and kids that i never met in real life. I was always happy when i saw them. One day the dreams stopped and I was left with sadness and a feeling of loss. To this day I still miss them. This is so weird

Holy crap. The last few nights i have been having similar kind of "Stepford wives" dreams. Everyone seems to know and be a part of something horrendous. I am pretending that I am going along with it but I mess up and am found out. I end up having to fight them but always lose. Not uplifting

Sounds like an end times, receiving the mark of the beast, revelation type dream where Christians will have to flee into the wilderness to escape such treatment.

I once had a beer with Quetzalcoatl in a bar in a dream. Plumed serpent meant it wore feathers in a ceremonial way, not that it grew feathers out of its body.

What is going on? I wonder.