Odd question: Has anyone else experience unusual dream patterns over that past 3-4 days?

285  2017-12-29 by ragegenx

Generally, I would describe my dream patterns are fairly consistent. Only occasionally remembering dreams, very rarely experiencing vivid, extended dreams, but over the past few nights, I've experienced dreams that feel very different than what I would consider normal for myself.

I ask only because I have the belief that we share a collective "energy" (sorry if I'm getting to hippy for you), which is the best way I can explain why a good number of people have a common negative vibe of impending something.

Update: I have no doubt that there is something to this common experience.

Here is an out there theory:

If you know Steven Greer (full-disclosure: I am not a fan of Greer and I always thought his theories were fantasy, especially by UFO standards) you know he claims that UFO/Aliens use trans-dimensional technology and how we can communicate with them through meditation and lucid dream state.

What if there is something to the recent UFO activity (which I have felt were staged or sensational) and Greer is right? You would think that if there was something to this, there could be a ripple effect. Just a good ole r/conspiracy thought.

Update #2 Had a request to ask for your general space on the planet. If this is a shared phenomenon, it makes you wonder if this is regional or global. Feel free to add you regional info, but nothing specific.

Update #3 I have notice a few people share dreams with ominous overtones (mine included). I wonder if something is imminent.


I don’t need dreams to know that the next year is going to be nuts for America.

Try lucid dreaming sometime. Satisfy some fetishes or something.

Man I have for the last 2 nights thought it was just me

It's definitely not just you.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the Solstice?

confirmation bias + holiday over-eating

I dont celebrate.

What are you, a vegan Jehovah's Witness?

There has to be one in the world...a boy can dream

No, shaman, way shower. American, crypto trader. Live off grid with bitcoin wins.

Over eating for sure

Musta been that cheese I found, under the cooker.

You have earned my upvote.

my strange dreams fall into specific categories, and the recent dreams are not like the dreams I typically have

there is something more going on

I’ll definitely have weird dreams tonight. Haven’t smoked weed all day

For me, weed= no dreams.

Same here but if I stop smoking the vivid dreams come back pretty strong.

Me too. Went through a period of not having a weed dealer and would drink more wine. Mental dreams every night. Now, thankfully, the supply chain is back in action and I’m back to not waking up feeling a bit crazy every morning.

Agreed. Quit smoking, and dreams were sooo vivid and even lucid for about a week or two. They're still vivid, and I somehow always know that I'm dreaming, and can wake up whenever I want now.

Same here usually, but over the last week I have been having dreams.

A who

A whole full day??

Pretty sure if I didn't smoke I just wouldn't sleep the first night. Second night lots of vivid dreams.

Way to overcome this for me is to work out hard! You’ll fall asleep for sure

I recently (2 weeks) stopped smoking and I have started dreaming again. Last night's dream was very vivid, but of course I credit this to lack of weed, not a collective consciousness.

Very interesting that other's have noticed more vivid dreams though. Possibly more sleep around holidays due to time off work?


Same here

Same here. Last night especially.

Yes, for some reason I've been having very vivid dreams the past few day. I usually don't remember my dreams at all but these I can clearly remember.

Yeah... last 3 or 4 days I've had some pretty vivid dreams, when usually I never remember them at all. I just lay down and then wake up with nothing in between. I remember the number 958 being something I was supposed to remember from a recent one... I dunno what 958 means though.

Lottery numbers?

They’re at 300 million now, both of them. That’s 100 million raw payout.

Hell, dad used to buy a few scratch offs once they hit those numbers just because. You never know.

I agree, you never know! Somebody has to win it! Why not one of us?

Because the conspiracy theorists in the coal mine, so to speak, are the not the kind of people who get lottery wins.

Random British dudes who become the “lout if England” do.

LOL! Well, when it gets high up in the millions, I usually buy a few.

the odds of winning are roughly the same odds as your neighbor winning and sharing with you


So what makes someone think they have a chance when it's worth 300 million and not 5 million? If you truly think you have a chance it would be stupid to not constantly be trying.

Okay, I guess you are right.

You do know. It's a gimmick throb the poor. That is the guarantee of lottery systems.

You pay for the fantasy, if you pay for anything else then you're a sucker. You can't help some people.

After losing the billion dollar lotto I can't play for any less. I already had the money spent. 300 million barely covers the yacht I was going to get.

I've been dreaming full names, for example: Issa Abramowitz

Issa Abramowitz

Is this a name you've come across

Not in my real life, as yet. Would be interested in finding someone with that name, however.

Issa Dream

marina abramovic? High priestess to elites.

Isa is the name of Jesus in Arabic.

It is? Whoa!

Yeah I looked at that, but didn't see any relevance... I almost feel like 958 was a count of people... like there would be 958 of them in a group... or the 958th person in a set of people would be the important one.

Extremely interesting.

Flight 958

958th email out of 1,800, possibly?

Maybe it's nein fifty eight. Fifty eight is hard. I can see why you would be reluctant to say yes.

Universe 958?

This is really weird! I had vivid dreams too in the last 2-3 nights. I'm a daily stoner so I shouldn't really have much REM sleep yet I have the strangest dreams and the number 33 was in my last. I had to remember the number 33. Creeps me out!


Dreamed I was in jail last night

My dream last night involved me and a group of people in a white hotel and the police surrounded the building and we were trying to find a way out.

Yea sorta. Is it normal to have dreams with no visuals, just someone talking to you?

I would say that is a very rare type of dream for me. I can only remember a fragment of a dream like that. It was so odd that I haven't forgot about it.

What happened?

I’ve had this before. Twice. Very important messages about life and the universe.

I always remember my dreams. But the past two nights I have had very vivid dreams, but not negative.

I had my most vivid and uplifting dream in recent memory last night. Honestly, it was amazing.

Fucksame here, this post OP made cant be coincidence. I also seriously dreamed of 4 separate events, and remembered each of them. The first 2 were nightmares, and the second 2 were dreams/not negative nightmares and wow I remember details of each one.

Holy shit me too. In fact it was so vivid that i thought it was real...in my dream there was an intruder in my home. I had him at gun point then i noticed his friend outside my home slashing my tires. Once i noticed this he ran and i tried to shoot him and he escaped. Then i realized i was fucked so i just tried to shift my consciousness to a different reality and i woke up. Throughout the dream i had no clue it was a dream because of how real it felt.

Yes, more vivid or memorable but also odd though not entirely different. Def noticed "weird" dreams last few nights.

My roommate and I, who are very close and share a living space and bed, always have super vivid dreams after really good nights and we’re in good moods. Wake up and go off. And when we’re in a bad place they’re not good vivid dreams or sleep paralysis and when one of us doesn’t dream, neither does the other.

It’s deff a collective energy thing, at least on a close personal scale. Idk about globally, but people are waking up to the issues today and trying to make a difference. Plus with the holiday season they’re probably in a good mood.

Vivid dreams are the shit tho. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

You share a bed with your room mate? How does that work?

We're just very close on a personal level, but not dating. Friends with benefits? Partners? We just go by roomates bc our personal situation isn't anyone elses business.

I like your style!

I used to have a friend like that when I was a young runaway. Her room wasn’t attached to the house so she hid me out there. We were set up on a blind date and just became friends. We slept in the same bed but we never had sex although we both had sex with other people in that bed.

Then I ended up going with this girl to her mom’s house and never left. The girl left one day to see her dad and came back with all of my stuff and moved me in. It was her mom, two sisters, my gf and me.

Then one Christmas, she went to visit family in Minnesota for a week and my friend came up to visit. The first night she was there we ended up getting drunk and having sex. It was really good too.

I never told my girlfriend about it. I got in so much other trouble that week that it kind of covered for the affair.

The closet door is what.

Go ahead and push it.

I've had a few roommates like that myself.

It never worked out for me though and always ended up badly, because as much as I've tried the friends with benefits thing and/or living with a male roommate that I have sex with, I always end up emotionally attached and wanting commitment.

It's a bummer, but after a few tries I've just accepted I can not have sex with male (or female, really) roommates. Can't happen, as much as it always sounds like a great idea in my head lol.

Yeah, I have.

Yes. Over the past week (approximately) I have noticed my dreams are unusually vivid, memorable and otherwise "weird."

Weird.. Yes... Recently several very vivid dreams


This is what my wife has said. Past week very vivid weird dreams

Me too, it's been about a week - extremely vivid and weird, not really good ones

Yeah, they're not exactly "good" dreams, nor are they nightmares. They're just consistently more vivid and perhaps more say, elaborate than usual. Had yet another one last night.

I had an extremely detailed dream last night about giving birth. I'm a dude so it was very weird having the sensation of your stomach filled up and then pushing it out. It was so real I thought i shit the bed, I didn't though

That's an awesome dream...glad the bed is ok:)

Past life or genetic memory? Who knows. Interesting though.

Was it a boy or a girl?

Never got the chance to see

Dude, I had a giving birth dream for the first time in my life a few nights ago.

Wow, I had not seen that post. I'm telling you there is something in the ether.

Yeah I had a imo crazy dream last night. Not normal for me.

I seem to believe in the same things you do, yet I still feel like this might be a bunch of confirmation bias, I'll say I did indeed have a dream a couple days ago.

It wasn't anything particularly deep, it involved a girl I've been trying to make things work with, and I did recently stop smoking for a bit due to being sick, so I can see how my dreams may have started up again, it had just been a good while since I had a dream, or remembered one at least.

I do indeed hope things are ebbing and flowing as they always are, I've just been in a rut.

I totally get where you are coming from about confirmation bias, but this feels different than being swept up in a common but unconnected experience.

I would never make a post like this but my experiences have been so unusual that I felt like there is something to this, something that needs to be acknowledged.

Fill your rut with hope and you will find your way up. Best of luck my friend.

Hey OP, You should update and ask for region and sub region of those who are having vivid dreams.

I just posted this a few days ago about the lucid dream I had of my deceased cousin: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dreams/comments/7mjqkx/i_believe_i_have_complete_personal_confirmation/?st=jbs3h5wf&sh=f53f11be

Very odd to come across your post here...

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I've had the negative vibe of impending something for the last few months. Dunno how to explain it

You are not the only one, trust me, we are all in this together.

That makes me feel a little better. But what can do we do about it?

Pay attention, don't ignore or doubt your intuition, share your experience with others.

And maybe stock up on some extra stuff.

Good Idea. Being prepare reduces anxiety and stress.

In what exactly? What do you think you and everyone else are in?

SAME! Can't shake it!

The impending feeling is overwhelming at times. I'm naturally out going and fun, but the last bit I fall into uncharacteristic despression / ruts. Everyone says it's seasonal but I haven't experienced this before and life is actually going awesome.

You could try some New Mood, Onnit sells it. Helps with lows.

Seems like everyone at r/joerogan thinks Onnit and Aubrey Marcus are bullshit. What's your take?

All I know is it works for me. I get mild “depression” and New Mood helps me get back over the baseline.

gotcha. thanks for the response.

Username checks out.

If it makes you feel any better, a number of theologians believe a massive solar flare that will destroy 1/3rd of the earth is imminent, in line with Biblical prophesy of the end times events

a number of theologians believe a massive solar flare that will destroy 1/3rd of the earth is imminent, in line with Biblical prophesy of the end times events

Which theologians?

Ah, don't know why I wrote that. "Bible studying forum members", I should have said

Yeah? I've had more of a positive vibe, like things were finally gonna change for the better.

Me too

cue anxiety

For a while now. Months. I can remember dreams much better now than before, they are also more vivid and real.

Honestly it's quite bothersome, I'd prefer dreamless sleep, I dislike dreams in general.

I made a recent post on a crazy dream of mine, where I "visited Earth in 2040". I posted in on the 'glitch in the matrix' sub and people were generally quite inrigued. I still don't know what to make of it to be honest.

Link for curious:


Amazing post. I wish you peaceful sleep my friend.

Last night I had a dream that Donald Trump was speaking to myself and a class of students in what appeared to be a classroom at my old high school. I remember another person had spoken before him, and when he came to the front the row of women/young ladies in front of me had all left. I forgot most of what he was telling us, but eventually it crescendoed into him whisper-yelling to us that Israel was responsible for 9/11. Then he walked to the student next to me and asked him why are you sweating? I felt myself sweating but tried to keep cool. Then I woke up in a cold sweat. I don't know what it means but it was one of the more vivid dreams I've ever experienced. I wish I had written it down immediately afterward. I haven't ingested any THC in a few days, so that could explain why it was so intense. I'm going to keep laying off it and see what dreams may come.

Would you consider this a positive side effect of removing THC intake?

100% yes. I had taken a 6 week tolerance break over the summer and started remembering my dreams consistently again. I did start overindulging in conspiratainment and feeling overwhelmed at work so I started smoking again to relax more, but I do have a clearer head when I get more REM sleep so I put the pipe away earlier this week and have felt far more mental clarity.

I wouldn't consider this a positive side effect, but yeah withdrawing from THC does contribute to different dreams and changing sleep patterns.

recently took a THC break after about 20 years of heavy daily usage, and have been having wonderful, interesting dreams. All seem to involve people from my past. I'm really enjoying it though!

Good for you for changing up your habits. I know cutting out marijuana can be difficult for some heavy users. Glad you are enjoying those dreams too!

Luck...I get insomnia when I take a break...

THC isn't all it's cracked up to be. It gets boring and repetitive pretty quickly and it's benefits are massively exaggerated. I wouldn't discourage anyone form using it in moderation but like anything else if you do it all the time you're going to miss out on a different experience (sobriety or the pure effects of another recreational drug) which is not without its own set of drawbacks.

Agreed, for me it became more of a comfortable habit. Holding and using it became more of a way to escape the anxiety of not having it available. Kind of a sad way to live.

Yeah yesterday after a weird shift at work I took a nap and had a really vivid dream. I don't remember anything more than it being very vivid, and I fell in and out of it during my nap. I wish I remembered more.

Holy hell!! I never dream anymore and the last few days I’ve had very vivid and clear dreams. I even looked up foods I had eaten because it’s so rare to get 1 yet 4 vivid dreams in a row... what does this mean. I’m huge into consciousness and psychedelics and the dream realm . Any explanations?

Maybe some upcoming event or something that recently happened, like psychic ripples.

What were some themes in your dreams? Mine were pretty violent in the sense of hiding from gangs running the outside world, to insane natural disasters like huge tidal waves. Weird stuff

Mine from the other night Involved being with a group of people, some I knew, some I didn't in a white hotel in Hollywood surrounded by cops. We were trying to figure a way out but they stromed the building. As they were about to find us I yelled at everyone to get down and make sure nothing was in their hands so they dont get shot, then i woke.

Big stretch but could it be the Iran situation?

I've also been having very vivid and weird dreams for the last month or so, but attributed it to the inordinate amount of cheese I've been eating lately. It does bother me because I usually don't dream, and when I do I don't feel very rested, like they actually keep me awake! But, cheese. Also B12 gave me terrible nightmares. Post-holiday chocolate consumption could be another culprit.

Yup, 2 days ago I had a dream that my high school girlfriend and I were talking while waiting in line somewhere, and then last night I had a dream where I was fired from work. Definitely strange but I don’t normally dream, and when I do it’ll be for a few nights in a row

I have definitely noticed this. Kinda weird

Yeah last night I had a very weird dream that I was at a house party w a bunch of old but unrelated friends and it turned really weird really fast, a la "Mother!".

Near the end I got into a physical fight w a naked girl where I was trying to poke her eyes out among other things and I've NEVER had a dream like this before where I was trying to hurt someone, let alone another woman(I'm female). It shook me awake and it took me all morning to feel normal. I also felt like I basically didn't sleep last night at all, throughout today. It was "notable", and I didn't do anything weird the previous day, no stressors etc.

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Wow that is trippy, remember next time you see this naked chick, kick her in the vagina

I would hug her!! I don't even know why I wanted to fight lol.

LOL you are a better person than me.

Alcohol use normally goes up around this period.

I think they make you have more vivid dream!

Yes from me.

Add me to the list of people who have, as well. I've also noticed over the last few days, that there was some sort of low (but fast high pitched) signal in the Aether.

I normally hear hums (or "wom woms"), and when that happens, I feel all out of sorts, but for the last few days, it's been a noise like an old modem and only at night time. Very hard to explain, and I probably sound crazy, lol... But, I'm not or at least I don't think I am :|

I think it may have something to do with the raise of our vibrations and the Schumann resonance.

u/putin_loves_cats I've seen your posts around and while you may be a madman (read as complement;), you are definitely not crazy.

I think we are so afraid that others will think that we are crazy, we shut out that there is more to this reality.

This is something in the Aether my friend...I just wish I understood what it is.

I can vouch, I like u/PLC's style.

I’ve noticed that this too. Sometimes I’ll be watching a movie or listening to music and I’ll get a kind of ringing in my ears or my concentration will peak for no reason. It happened while watching Craig Ferguson (which is hilarious btw). I’ve been keying in on what is being said/experienced when it happens and trying to form the message but I also don’t wanna lose my shit.

I almost never, ever remember my dreams. But for a few nights starting either Sunday or Monday I did wake up remembering parts of my dreams. It's rare for me to remember dreaming one night, let alone 3-4 in a row. I remember being chased in one with no where to go. In another I was being hunted but had accepted my fate and was just waiting to be found and killed. Don't remember much of the others.

I have been playing the remastered Uncharted collection on crushing so, don't read too much into the contents of the dreams. But the fact that I was able to remember dreaming at all for 3-4 nights in a row is very strange.

About 4-5 days ago I had the first dream I could remember in a long while. I had asked my girlfriend to administer me poison in the form of a clear liquid (I'm not suicidal or depressed IRL but I do have a preoccupation with death and a gallows sense of humor). The panic I felt after realizing there was no turning back is indescribable. But turns out, she wasn't having any of my shit and let me know it was a survivable dosage of Percocet. She just sighed, rolled her eyes and I woke up. I'm still a little shaken and puzzled.

Yes, totally, the earth is moving into a higher vibrational frequency, everything is going to change.

Maybe now is real 2012.

Could it be possible that in 2000 years men have conspired to change the true date? Ive thought the same thing honestly and I always wonder why skull in bones use a different date then us.

There are a lot of theories that our western calendar is very wrong. To what degree and why is debatable.

Look up 2012 portal. Things are accelerating.

I noticed there are few if any posts about "pole shift" on r/conspiracy. Is that a banned subject?

Also carbon 12 is changing to carbon 7. (666 to 616)

Whats 2012?

Check out the lucid dreaming subreddit. Conspiracies brought me there, the Nazis interest in Tibetans. Tibetans are the mystic Buddhists. The most developed study of lucid dream technology was and is by them thousands of years ago.

All the Mahayanists are mystics, not just the ones in Tibet.

Agreed, and lucid dreaming also was practiced amongst indigenous cultures. It's a secret source of wealth for people, and you can't tax that. It's dangerous.

It's a secret source of wealth for people, and you can't tax that. It's dangerous

great comment

I can count on one hand the amount of dreams I remember in a year, but last night I had an extremely vivid dream about an ex-girlfriend.

Me too.

In the dream I handed her off to another man (which isn't too dissimilar to what happened in real life)... But in the dream he was a very tall, blonder older guy who I was very warm with / as if we were old pals (instead of a shorter California dude).

He asked me for permission and I said it was none of my business / the lady is free.

I had very vivid dreams too the past week. I think it has to do with the winter solstice on December 21. I seem to get very vivid dreams around that time every year. These are the shortest days of the year. This is a time when the body should be resting, eating less, sleeping more. Storing and building the energy that will be used during the more active months of the year.

The ancient Chinese called this energy jing. If you are having very vivid dreams, this is a good thing. It is a sign that your body is filled with abundant jing.

I've never heard of jing. Thanks for sharing:)

The spiritual veil is generally thinner this time of the year, hence why most of the paranormal stuff happens between Halloween and up through the winter.

Dreams are just a sign of that, although the doom and gloom types people seem to be having have me a more than a bit concerned.

Okay so I almost didn’t comment on this, because I have odd dreams that I remember all the time, including one last night that probably isn’t relevant. But then I remembered my brother recently telling me that he’s been having a lot of very vivid dreams lately! I don’t remember exactly when it started, and he told me about a few of them but I don’t remember, but if those are important details I can ask him or link him to this post so he can share his own experiences! He also mentioned it could have something to do with him quitting smoking pot recently, as one of his friends who is also quitting has been having a similar experience.

Wow, you were right! I’ve had several paradigm shifting dreams. Everything from past life regression to possible prophetic visions. All in the past few days.

I have for about a month and a half now. Normally I have bizarre, not of this world/realm type dreams, but these dreams lately have included people from my daily life with real life situations happening.

No drinking or drugs, but I have been eating sweets lately. I figured it’s just the change in my diet, food changes my dream cycles usually.

Yes! I have been waking up every morning for the last couple weeks and not really know what is reality and what was the dream reality. It's like I go to sleep and then continue to live my life in my dream-- thats the best way I can explain it.

Like a fog, but just to the point of distraction.

Same for me here with vivid dreams. One I remember clearly was being in a large park and it was night time. All of a sudden I saw a few helicopters flying around with a search light. I thought they were just looking for a possible suspect and helping the police, but than it turned into some flares dropping from the sky in all directions, which freaked me out, then I started looking to find my family and feeing panicked. I couldn't help but think it was somehow a UFO dream of sorts when I woke up, all though I didn't see anything like that in my dream it had a UFO vibe! 👽

yup! i never have vivid dreams and remember them even less, and i've had some extremely cinematic, long, realistic dreams this week, i chalked it up to travelling to a new place. but i like your idea better

Fucking yes. Highly unusual quantity of dreams the past few nights. Need to work on remembering them more.

Keep a note pad at your bedside and jot down notes as soon as you wake

There are apps that let you record your sleep sounds at night. It's sound activated so you aren't recording the whole night and you can skip to the next audio 'event'. Very enlightening to hear yourself asleep and mumbling things.

Nice try NSA

Very vivid scene: In high school, John Cena is my teacher, I need to go to the office for a family emergency, John Cena doesn’t let me, gets super aggressive, I run to the hall and the Principal Hillary Clinton is on the hall, she saves the day.

I also had a very unusual dream pattern the last days... So unusual that i thought about it every day. Fun to browse thrue a random threat on reddit talking about it !

I know this is probably completely random but me and my sister have had the weirdest longest most dramatic dreams we’ve ever had. Spanning over the last couples days.

This is weird because they have been weird dreams and I even thought it was weird to myself.

Was there anything in common about both of your dreams?

Incredibly vivid. So vivid I actually recall them. My sister says she had the longest dreams she’s ever had also.

wtf i sometimes get long cinematic dreams and have so the past week or so every other night

I've had vivid dreams in the last days.

These days I have been at home resting and relaxing. I sleep more hours than usual. In these circumstances vivid dreams appear more often to me.

I live in Mexico City.

Funny you say this but some tine in the last 3 weeks i had crazy vivid dreams wich dreaming is rare for me. I brought up having crazy intense dreams to my friends and most of them had crazy dreams and one had also said it wierd because he normallt dosnt dream yet he had crazy dreams aswell. That day was a huge wtf. I was thinking something big wS gonna happen or some sort of cosmic energy wave hit us like a radio waze or something idk... Very odd though

I don't know what it is, but I have the same feeling about something massive in the air.

I took a sick day yesterday and stayed home from work. I had to drive to the store to get some necessities. I got a dread feeling every I looked up or towards the sun.

Ohio, USA

The feeling of impending doom is great with alot of people. Especcially with the crazy people. I think the crazys pick it up subconsiously then try to put into concious awarness wich messes it all up. Im scaed of war. Look up putins warning. He says it scares him that amerucans are not scared and have no feelings and arnt worried of a war between us. Hes upset because america is sticking missle defence silos/ what ever they are all over the place and russia is feeling boxed in rightfully. The thing is the missle defence is also a missile offence wich russia does not like. We need to get trumo the fuck outta america and put mim on a dingy in the middle of the pacific and kick all the zionist outta american politics.

When Putin is the voice of reason, the World is in some serious trouble. I am not a fan of Putin (feels, like an odd disclaimer), but I complete agree with his concerns about Americans not being afraid of our current circumstance. I agree with his comments to the media about his disbelief that they are ignoring the severity of the issues at hand.

Trump is part of the problem, but the real problem, the real truth is there are people that are in control of this globe and they are determined to bring about WW3, in order to maintain their control, increase their profits, and cull the herd. Trump, Putin, Kim are nothing but pawns.

This remindind me of a wierd day. So im hanging out with a friend and he says run though this grass and ill give u 3 dollars because the grass was full of bees. Upon closer inspection i noticed the butts of the bees was really weird looking with odd patterns wich reminded me of a dream i had that night/morning how i was looking at bees wighling their butts at each other and their buts where red and in the dream i remember thinking how odd it was.. The dream continued to me getting a letter that i graduated collage. Any ways i mention simularity between dream and what not and continue on a walk with my buddy who continues to make ectreamly dumb jokes untill he says hey look at thos and then he pulls out collage deploma. Mind blown. My mind is still blow .

That is an awesome dream. Bees with butts!!! Love it.

Man i fudged that one huh. Lol. Just woke up will try to fix later if even possible

I have as well. I have had dreams so realistic, I don't know if they are real or not (such as a dream of my 24 yr old brother giving up drinking because he wants to mature) in the same night I have an unrealistic dream of waking up to a neighborhood full of dead water buffalo (I live in the Pacific Northwest).

Damn seeing dead water buffalos everywhere is crazy

Have you started taking vitamin D during this wintertime? Taking it can cause intense or lucid dreams.

No, it's sunny all year round where I live. But good question.

I've noticed an up-tick of strange dreams myself lately but have just chalked it up to taking the supplement. You've given me something to think about. Is there a better community on reddit to discuss this? I find conspiracy to be a touch too political for "humanitarian" topics.

I don't know, but I knew there are enough open minds here to bounce this off of. r/conspiracy has not always been like this but it is a reflection of our strange times.

I took a nap on the couch the other day and dreamed that the landlord just walked into the apartment. He said he was there to fix the sink. I was startled and got up to talk to him. He opened the cupboard beneath the sink and we were making small talk. Suddenly I woke up because I thought he was really in the apartment and all of that really happened. When I didn’t see him in the kitchen, I was freaked out because the whole exchange seemed so real. I even looked under the sink to see if anything was changed.

Eh weird. I am a landlord and just last night I had a dream my tenant soon to be like moved everything in as soon as I gave him the keys. For some reason I let him use my ipad but within seconds, the cover and screen was completely scratched to shit. I asked him why he did this but it was weird and bizarre, like the entire house was in ruin. But his face transformed more like a demon.

The literal tenant from hell

Well f me right, turns out dream came true.

Empaths pick up energy.

Yup. I have had crazy intense dreams the last 4 days. It has been a noticeable difference as while I used to remember my dreams well, the last few years that had somewhat dropped off. The last few days had me perplexed as to why the change occurred. The dreams, while still somewhat mundane (nothing in them was shocking or jarring) they have kept popping up in my mind while awake... I suppose “haunting” me during the last few days.

Also, love this post, OP! Thanks for bringing this to r/conspiracy!

It's Been a fun post. I just had this feeling like this was bigger than just my experience.

Dude holy fuck. Same. About four-five days for me.

I think it's so strange that it seems like a recent occurrence. Maybe the Winter Solace has an effect.

Very bizarre nonetheless. I’m down here in metro Atlanta for the sake of demographics.

Definitely, I have been dreaming about as much on each not over the last few days as I normally do in a typical year.

I have been having dreams these pat few days where I have been getting very intense nosebleeds. They feel almost real.

Have you been feeling well? Any Headaches?

Last night i dreamt i was making semi precious stone strap-ons for men who didnt have a penis.

But thats pretty normal for me

Guess it's better then nothing. I would go with opal.

Good choice. Mine would be red granite with and opal tip.

Something something Osiris

Nope. Go away.

Great user name.

It's tragically accurate.

Definitely Tragic

Seriously last night I had one of the most vivid, most terrifyingly haunting dream ever. A tear just rolled from my eye just thinking about it. It was super dark yet sort of soothing in a way and it related to death. I cannot bring myself to describe it, but seeing this post made me want to share the experience.

Thanks for sharing. I hope you have peaceful dreams.

I actually had sex in a dream for the first time recently, actually. I thought that was a big deal.

It's always a big deal:)

Yes, surprisingly very vivid dreams that feel almost real, something like my deep fears are coming out and I really don't want them to manifest.

Dreamed I was hanging from the top of a huge burned-out wooden framed building and was trying to fight some wierd paralysis/lethargy while KNOWING I was gonna fall and die but I was having such a hard time keeping my eyes open and muscles tensed-up, It was extremely vivid. The piece of wood I was dangling from broke and I caught another one on the way down before waking up. Super trippy and vivid one along with some others I've had this week I'd rather not go into

Man that is trippy

yeah it sucked lol can't imagine what it would be like to actually be drugged

Well I can tell you that is exactly how it feels.

I usually smoke weed a lot because it makes it so I don't dream. I hate to dream bbecause I almost always have nightmares. Now I'm outta dope and if you've ever run out you know your dreams are intense as a motherfucker for a few days. I'm scared.

Use u/Novusod 's meditation, maybe it will help.

"In the name of I am that I am, in the name of divine soul presence that I am, in the name of all ascended beings of light, in the name of the source, in the name of the highest power, I decree and command to cancel and nullify all my past, present and future contracts and agreements made between any part of my being and the dark forces. All these contracts and agreement and all their consequences are now completely erased from my reality. I am now free, all the karma of my whole being is now erased as well.

I am a free sovereign being of light, from now until eternity. So be it, and so it is. In Light

Not prosperous to do this.

I was into the Lord of light for a while, but then I found out that Mellissandra was really old as hell and ourt kind of fizzled for me.

My mom has had to change my sheets every day this week!

LOL what?

Just a joke bro

I know. you got a real lol out of me.

That was the intent! Lol

Holy shit I thought I was just extra tired but yes... Ive been having pretty crazy dreams most of them extremely vivid. Interesting stuff

i had a dream about a bat attacking me last night

My dreams are usually very weird but the other night I had a very specific dream about planet alignments opening an interdimensional gate way.

One vote for Steven Greer:)

Yeah man dreams have been vivid especially last night

It wasn't a bad dream it's just I was spending time with my highschool girlfriend and when I woke up I missed being with someone so much. I went for a walk at the park today and saw a couple hugging and I felt so alone. I think it's the longer nights and us addressing a problem in our consciousness.

Basically had a dream the government was coming for me. Considered deleting my reddit account because I figured I was spending too much time here.

I can't believe that the world has gotten to the point where we are afraid to say what we think. Strange times my friend.

Oh man, I had a dream about a year ago of being chased by a semi-sentient drone thingy (sent by police?). It was night and it had lots of lights. Right before I woke up, it had me cornered in my parents back yard and shot like a electronic web to disable me. Crazy shit, 10/10 will never forget that dream.

Yes, but I’ve been noticing it for over a week. I’ll usually have vivid dreams every few weeks but lately I can recall what happened every night... the details are mundane and nothing special, kind of boring actually (getting a pedicure, finding a spider in the house etc) I miss my vivid fun dreams.

Ive had vivid dreams a couple of times the past week, I wouldnt consider any of them to be omnibus tho

I had a dream that I was being chased by some group of people who were trying to kill me. That was a bit unusual, my dreams are usually far more mundane with absolutely no violence or death. It's probably nothing anyway though. Holiday time is always more stressful, and I've certainly been feeling some additional stress lately. I think I'll take occam's razor on this one rather than guessing that aliens are using transdimensional communication in our dreams. Maybe if we ALL had the EXACT SAME dream, I'd jump on board with that, but just having "unusual dreams", even full-on nightmares, should kind of be expected during stressful times.

I had a similar dream. Group of people chased me down like a mob killing. I was shot point blank in the head. It was terrifying. My dreams are never like this either.

Not at all. I normally have pretty vivid dreams almost nightly and I tend to remember them when I wake up. The last week or so I haven’t had any dreams so maybe it’s the opposite for me.

interesting. I had wondering if anyone experienced the opposite effect.

Yo my man (or lady, whichever you prefer) - this happens every year around now. I've noticed it for years. Ask people yo see in your dreams whether they've seen you in theirs. It's weird.

I've never noticed, but in truth I have felt more attuned to things (no I don't have crystal) this year because of all of the craziness that is going on. Several people have mentioned that it has something to do with this time of the year, or winter solstice.

Well, now time passed and now it seems Everybody’s having them dreams Everybody sees themselves Walkin’ around with no one else Half of the people can be part right all of the time Some of the people can be all right part of the time But all of the people can’t be all right all of the time I think Abraham Lincoln said that “I’ll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours” I said that

Idk about this all the connected conscious stuff but I did write down a dream as soon as I woke up on Christmas eve morning. I don't think I have ever written down a dream before but this one seemed to stand out from any I've had before. I figure I'll share what I wrote down:

At a building that highly resemble a Costco Inside was like a convention center Found Hillary Clinton's wallet Found a card for someone working at homeland security in he's lost wallet I take it and take a photo Yelled out the person on the card was dead, that hc killed her Immediately hc and Huma get on a desk and start shooting people with military style rifles College age students at a bar on the second level over looking the rest of the building also grab guns and start shooting at the people below

At one point I end up riding a sheep past a pack of wolves walking in a line on a road, the wolf in the back had two heads of a sheep or goat where its butt should be

Somehow I wind up on a large boat that a bunch of 20yo are living on, I was a visitor Most are, I guess hedonistic, some are just on the boat for a place to live I help two people I are just living there put a kayak in the water from the boat, they're friends, the girl says something about wanting to date me for a day In the end the boat sinks, I swim out and climb on up on a dock Then I woke up

If a dream has Hillary in it, that dream is definitely a nightmare. Thanks for sharing.

AND Huma. God save me. You make a good point, but the end of it was almost seemed good. In addition it seemed like there was actually an end to the story, it was over and I woke up. That never happens, I usually I wake up in the middle of a dream.

I know she is evil, but I have a weird thing for Huma.

I had a really weird dream a week ago on the solstice itself. But before the dream I wrote and prayed the following message as part of the meditation I did on the solstice:

"In the name of I am that I am, in the name of divine soul presence that I am, in the name of all ascended beings of light, in the name of the source, in the name of the highest power, I decree and command to cancel and nullify all my past, present and future contracts and agreements made between any part of my being and the dark forces. All these contracts and agreement and all their consequences are now completely erased from my reality. I am now free, all the karma of my whole being is now erased as well.

I am a free sovereign being of light, from now until eternity. So be it, and so it is. In Light

When night came I fell asleep and had a crazy dream.

The very beginning of the dream I don't remember but the part I do remember begins with me driving around looking for an old campground I visited when I was a child. I remembered what it looked like but had no idea where it was. I could not find the campground and ended up getting lost. I drove down a side streat with many new houses that were being built and parked. That is when I pulled out my phone to look up some maps of where the campground was. The phone was malfunctioning. It would zoom in too much or zoom out too much. This phone was more advanced then any phone in real life. I could point it at some stranger and it would show their name and where they lived. I got out of the car and started walking around looking at the half completed new buildings and construction mining equipment. I figured this might be where the campground "once" was but it was being built over. Then the phone started playing a video about the flat earth without me telling it to. It showed some wierd things and them told me to look up at the sky to see the dome.

I looked up I did see a dome. The more I focused on it the more real it became. It appeared to begetting closer to me and it was. The scenery began to fade and I could see the edges of the dome all around me and it was closing in on me. The dome was shrinking and eventually became smaller than a room and I could no longer even stand up. I forced me to sit down and then lay down. I put my hands on the dome and pushed up on it and it opened. I found myself sitting in a pod and immeadiately understood it was a virtual reality machine. The pod was just sitting outside on a golf course with many people moving about. Then a man came over to me who looked like Obama said everything you experienced in your life was a simulation. You canceled your contract so I pulled you out and terminated the simulation.

I looked up at the sky and saw yet another dome but it was miles above me and still looked like a real sky. The man who looked like Obama said all this belongs to me. I asked "this golf course?" He said "no, I control the entire planet. It was given to me by God when I signed a contract." I thought to myself that is not fair. I want my own planet too.

Then the matrix AI itself spoke to me like the voice of god saying: "That can be aranged, just sign another contract and I will give you an entire world." I asked what are my options. It showed me a huge catalogue of different worlds that could be created in an instant. The AI matrix said "When you pick one draw a calf in the dirt and sign it." I continued to just look at the catalogue. I saw a selection labaled barbarian world and pushed a button for a preview. All the scenerey of the golf course disappeared and I was transported to a world of cavemen with dinosaurs. I said dinosaurse and humans didn't live together. The Matrix AI voice replied "they do now and you can make any world you want and it will come into being. You are a god here." I starting thinking it is trying to trick me and remember my meditations where I canceled my contracts with the dark forces.

That immeadiately ended the dream and I was awake. Then I wrote it all down so I would not forget.

Is that pray something you say normally? It is beautiful.

That is an amazing dream. When you woke were you shaken or at peace.

Draw a picture of a calf and sign it. That's some straight up Aaron and the golden calf in the book of Exodus shit.

I dream vividly most nights. Its when I dont that I find it odd. Its been normal the past few days. I hate to say this but you might be thinking too much about certain stuff and its invading your dreamscape.

Maybe, but I just had this strange feeling that maybe others were having similar experiences. I believe there is a collective conscience and maybe that is feeding this also, but I thought it was worth discussing

I'm kinda grumpy today, dude. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I was having those dreams again. Ya know, how it's just me in a castle and I gotta fight, like, a thousand wizards and the only way to beat them is to punch them as hard as I can in their faces. Then, when I'm done, all their little wizard wives came out and wanted me to have sex with them - which is kinda weird.

Wizard Wives have to be hot...that's a cool drea,

I did a few nights ago for 3-4 nights while out of town. It stopped upon returning home...they were uncharacteristically vivid dreams. I was in Atlanta.

Alright, I feel the need to share this. Had a dream last night. Normally, I fit well into my dreams. This was not normal for me. I found myself in a very crowded neighborhood with pretty much all young adults with tons of apartments and shared living spaces. Essentially, a Hollywood college town - minus the colleges. Everyone is partying it up, being the millennials they are. In the dream, I am out of place. No one sees or interacts with me in anyway, very strange for me. Then, people begin to run and scream and I look to the horizon to see a flash, and a mushroom cloud form hundreds of miles away. And then another. And another, until the sky is filled with the sight of these explosions and mushroom clouds. The booms begin to land, loud but not destructive. Heat begins to grow, as people are losing their minds, running anywhere they think shelter will be found.

In the cataclysm, I still felt myself out of touch with the people around me. For me, the destruction was happening as expected. I just knew the end was here, and knew the whole time. I was rather surprised no one else knew to expect this to happen. It was obvious to me, and I accepted the destruction and watched as death found us all.

Sorry for the long post, felt the need to share.


Cali millennials were freaking out as nukes were landing, while I knew what was coming and watched the end, like it was a movie I've seen for the 3rd time.

Very strange and vivid dream for me.

My dream last night involved me and a group of people in a white hotel surrounded by police in Hollywood...strange

Dude/dudette, that's interesting. Had a similar dream a year or two ago, vivid enough that I remember it now, certain bits anyway. I'm not a US Citizen nor have I ever been there, but dreamt of being in/near a desert town. Like you'd see in the movies, like a small desert town out in Nevada, Arizona, etc. I remember being frightened, a feeling of impending doom, and wanting to escape, wanting to run, which I did. I find myself running along desert road, over hills in the scorching sun, with desert shrubs covering the faces of the hills, the feeling of dread growing. Not sure if I interacted with anyone while I was fleeing. I remember running for what felt like several kilometres. I can't remember if I saw or heard the flashes or explosions first, but I do remember looking back, full of dread, knowing my time was up, stomach in my throat, knowing I had failed and that I did not escape in time. The cause for this feeling was the sight of a mushroom cloud rising above, several kilometres away, a smaller nuke explosion, so the mushroom cloud not being too large, but ominous and present nonetheless. There were others on the horizon as well. Then things turned weird, and after this I find myself with a respirator/gas mask and wrench and looking for loot/equipment amongst a destroyed deserted desert town. And that's about it.

I have the feeling the setting was probably influenced by Fallout New Vegas, not sure, but one thing that sticks with me was the feeling of dread. Looking at the mushroom cloud was paralysing. This was years ago though.

I just had one sorta similar - I was in a neighborhood surrounded by millennial types and I see dozens of missises being launched all across the sky. I try to tell my neighbors that WW3 has started and they immediately grab signs go out into the streets to protest me and all people who say that war has started, even though the sky was just full of missiles.

That's just one out of three I've had that have involved nukes in the past few months.

Big occult date coming up 1-1-18, or 9-11 backwards. Been having bad sleep and dreams myself.

Definitely having bad sleep.

More link or reading on that date? (occult or otherwise is fine!)

I had a couple of weird dreams lately, more than usual, I never reply to threads about dreams like this, but this time it happened to me too

Yes, I don't really ever dream anymore but I have the last three nights

You only dream when you have enough sleep. You now have been getting better sleep. It is also winter. longer nights.


Actually, yes. I rarely even remember my dreams, but for two nights in a row now I have had vivid dreams that I not only remember very well but I actually googled something that came up in one of them, this morning. I don't think I've ever done that before. There was exactly one result for what I googled, and it was mostly nonsense but was related to the rest of the dream in a non-obvious way (that is, not at all related to the words I searched), and I am not making that up.

I don't think I'm on board with this common-experience theory. If you ask any group of thousands & thousands of people if they've had weird dreams over the past few days, I think some small % will always say yes, no matter when you ask. This thread would look much less significant if everyone who answered "no" in their heads actually commented to say "no." It'd be 99% "no" throughout. It's also probably true that people tend to have more intense dreams this time of year, owe to the stress, the travel, seeing people they haven't seen in a while, increased emotions, etc.

But regardless of what I think of the reasons, or the theories involved, the fact remains that yes, I have had very atypical, for me, dream experiences for at least 2 nights now.

I'm open to all possibilities include the most probable explanation that this is just coincidence. Any other time I wouldn't have made this post, but I just have this feeling there is a little more to this.

Oh, yeah, I'm also open to all possibilities. I hope I didn't come across otherwise, or sound discouraging, that wasn't my intent. It's probably even of special interest interest to me because, I, for whatever reason, happen to be involved. lol.

No worries. You definitely didn't come off discourage, but rather very reasonable. To be honest, it's more reassuring that someone recognizes this may likely be coincidence, but open-minded enough not to deny their shared experience. Cheers

I have! Although I was attributing it to the melatonin I just started taking before sleep.

Is anybody else naked in the dreams, by the way? For some reason, that's always the common trait in them...

i've never had a naked dream unless it involves doing the dirty.

Actually... yes. And sorry I don't have anything more insightful or interesting to say about it. Just that I actually have had ridiculously vivid dreams throughout the week and figured I'd say so when I read this!

Thanks for sharing

Ever wondered if the CIA is using satellites to manipulate your dreams (for the purpose of testing the technology) and aliens is just explanation designed to discredit you?

At this point, anything is possible and most of the available outcomes are bleak. I take some comfort in knowing that whatever we face there is a common thread hold us together. maybe that's what these dreams are about.

I rarely have vivid dreams and like you I never remember. A couple nights ago I had a very chilling vivid dream. It had the feel of a premonition, namely because it took place in the near future on a specific date. I'll be happy when this date comes to pass and what I saw didn't happen.

What date?

Late January, on the anniversary of something that happened last year. I don't want to get too specific but you can use your imagination.

Thanks for the possible heads up.

What an odd thread to stumble open. I usually just lurk, but this is too coincidental.

The other night I had a dream about huge alien-like spaceships destroying New York City, bringing about an apocalypse. My brain viewed them as Chinese spaceships for some reason though. I think it was because I viewed that thread in this sub about US satellites catching Chinese ships trading with Korea that day. Either way, it was a very strange dream, and my brain hasn’t felt the same since.

my brain hasn’t felt the same since

Same here. Almost like a cloudy high.

I've been having zero dreams, which is a very odd occurance. Usually they're vivid and very thorough. Nothing, for about four days.

I had a dream that I was in mortal kombat then tekken on the next day and then street fighter. It was very vivid.

I'm more of a SF2 guy.

I always find it entertaining when the mentally ill decide to post here

Welcome to the party bub

I also had some crazy vivid dreams around Christmas. In one dream I saw a plane crash right next to my house and in another I was running from special forces type of guys who were somehow in my house and shooting at me. I didn't smoke any weed in the past few days so that was definitely a factor. I still think all the alien\ufo stuff is a distraction, I'm with you on the "sense of impending doom" thing, though. Just a really weird vibe these days.

Yes... and vivid memories of dreams from a decade ago... places that do not exist.

Like impossible places or just that are similar to earth but not here.

Ive been experiencing very very clear and vivid dreams and they all had events that occured throughout the day and ive never actually had dreams that connect to my day but i have been having these for the past few days.

Never one to have dreams,especially bad ones. Had an extremely vivid one just yesterday involving spiders, very very strange dream. Having more dreams lately as well.

I never seem to remember my dreams but for the past 2-3 weeks I've been remembering a lot of them. For some reason a few have been relatively dark/gory which is strange, not really unsettling except for one of them. Interesting to see this is common

I never dream strangely, but the last week it's been full blown action movie scifi horror movies in my head.

But I don't believe in that shit. So for the time being I'm going to call it a coincidence.
Keep an eye on it and always remain skeptic!

I fell in love with someone in my dream a few nights ago. I woke missing someone I've never met, and may never exist. I'm still haunted by the experience.

Beautifully tragic.

Had a dream yesterday that there were two suns shining, one yellow, one blue and they each required different behavior or had different expectations. Yellow was the regular old sun and was very harsh, but the blue sun was mercury and was shining on me, though the yellow sun present behind/above it. Woke up when realized blue sun was fading, retreating yielding to yellow.

That's a great visual description.

Weird, yes. Had not been dreaming for what seemed like weeks and suddenly, last two-three days I have had some really weird ones!

Who the fuck upvotes this trash.

The Unjaded

I rarely see/remember dreams, but I noticed I am having one vivid dream per night since solstice now. In one instance I got my gf's job and upon waking up I panicked about being late, even begun to dress. In other dreams I was late stage pregnant, about to marry, employ people, drive buses and felt urgent. GF also has troubled sleep and weird sombre dreams since solstice. Northern Europe

Was there something different about this Solstice. I have never experienced this.

Not really, nothing much changed apart from dreams and mild headache since then. The daylight was for just over 3 hours as usual. The dream on solstice scared me, it was the most vivid in a whole year.

I’ve had some extremely vivid dreams over the past week. I don’t usually dream at all.

yes i have the same thing

That is really weird. I woke up today just thinking how strange it is that I’ve been having so many crazy vivid dreams the last couple of nights. My dreams haven’t been very ‘ominous’ though, just random strange dreams. Past 2 nights. I’m in Northern California.

If you posted this any day of the year you'd have the same exact response. I wouldn't read too much into it, even though it is fun

You could be right, I can't deny that as much as I can't prove this strange feeling I've had. Either way this has been a great discussion.

I have recurring dreams maybe a couple times a month of vivid real and sometimes horrifying but often times mundane and dull dreams of just being in muddy trenches in what I’m guessing is ww1 cause it’s regularly so stagnant but can be horrible... these dreams are not every night or every week necessarily but they leave me shook and sweaty in the morning but they feel so real more real or perhaps equal to the every day hum drum but I haven’t noticed any change recently. Great post though I’m happy to see a populated self post about dreams... anyone have a link to dream related subs?

I am sure there is a dream sub but I haven't seen one

To give a contrary perspective, no. I haven't dreamed much at all, and if I have, they weren't anything out of the ordinary or memorable.

Thanks for sharing. I am interested in hear about everyone's experience not just the ones that agree.

actually yes....I dreamt I was in an apocalyptic world making my way somewhere......people from everywhere were living in this world....I eventually arrived to my destination and was in line to get into a rooftop restaurant...once I got there the food was divine.....

what did you order?

It was a family style long, rectangular table. Large windows overseeing the apocalyptic landscape...

I remember ordering a series of dishes that included Magret à la D'Artagnan and a fruit custard tart

That looks delightful, but what type of wine do you pair with an apocalypse?

A bottle of red wine--- specifically Chateau Mouton-Rothschild 1945 of course! It was a bottle harvested to the sound of victory after WWII.


My insomnia has been very severe the last 3 or 4 nights. About 8 to 10 hours of sleep in general for the last 4 days.. Correlative?


this morning I've dreamed about running from zombies... then, when I realized it was just a dream, I just thought that their heads exploded and they would just blow up... had some fun with that, then I just woke myself up when I had enough of that...

Oh I wish I could take control of my dreams, but the moment I realize I am dreaming I almost always wake up.

I had many nightmare when I was little, I was practically afraid of everything. Then, I don't know how, I just started to realize it was just a dream. At first I would wake up, but then I started to take control of my dreams and I would just float on/try to maintain that edge between dreaming and waking up for as long as possible. This days, the shit I can do in dreams is stopped only by my imagination...

That is awesome. I am very jealous.

Yeah yesterday, haven't slept since. I made a point to tell my folks and a couple really close friends. Vivid, mostly terrifying, abnormal dreaming or nightmares for me. It was like I was seeing some sort of comic book like alternate future. I hated it.

The night before last I had a lucid dream

Same.. just randomly past two days I have had vivid dreams and remember every detail of all dreams.

Yes, many extremely vibrant dreams and waking up throughout the last two nights.. O.o

So who woke up cthulhu this time?

Not it

Yes. I had a very vivid and scary dream on the Saturday before Christmas. A lot of violence was breaking out everywhere and people were going missing. The scariest part of the dream was of me, my mom, and bunch of other residents of the apartment complex I live in, all standing outside watching as this huge black military helicopter suddenly rose up from behind a bunch of trees across the street from the complex. I woke up just as it started to fly directly over us. I remember that everyone, myself included, were absolutely terrified and that we all somehow knew these same kind of helicopters were popping up everywhere around the world, all at the same time, and that they were deployed as the final step that was to complete some kind of plan.

YES! The peak was two nights ago I had a strange long dream that involved my toaster oven being hacked by North Koreans and exploding/catching fire (seriously). The next day in waking life, our microwave malfunctioned and caught on fire. True story.

Yes! Yesyesyes! I almost never dream (or I guess I never remember them, if you want to get technical), but I've had the most vivid and at times very disturbing dreams (multiple) that I remember when I wake up I found it so bizarre. I have my fingers crossed that tonight is more peaceful...

Have you recently stopped smoking marijuana


holy fuck dude i thought it was just the new strain i've been smoking ... my dreams have also been vivid...

Yeah I've been having weird travelling dreams and also sex dreams (and I don't view porn or have a gf). These aren't normal for me

ive been dreaming about old highschool friends for the last couple nights

I smoke weed.

It should stop my dreams.

But sometimes I get dreams.

They are always odd and weird.

A few times I get luccid dreams but I dont realize until i wake up as sometimes the feelings carry over.

I should try a dream journal see if there is a message or a connection in them.


Just so that you are not getting biased answers by people only answering yes, no I have not.

There have been several no's and several comments about the opposite effect.

Yes!! What the actuall shit is going on. Ive had several epic/stupid/generally weird dreams the last three nights. Ive been thinking about this all day long, and almost shit myself when I saw your post! What on earth is going on?

This happened to me in Norway, tuesday to friday

A multidimensional portal to the Galactic Center was open from December 17th to December 25th.

And astrologically, we had Mars Trine Neptune yesterday, which would heighten dream activity worldwide.



Yesterday i smoked 3 weed bowls and normaly would NEVER remember my dreams, but today after waking up i was like "wtf why i remember i dreamed thats not normal"... So for real you dont seem to be alone ;)

Just last night i had a weird dream about witnessing a helicopter crash, where I ran through a field to try and save the crew inside. When I got there, they were all deformed and unnatural humans.

Must be the Rothchild's helicopter.

I was thinking Alien disclosure type stuff, but that works too lol. I take my dreams metaphorically. He helicopter could be an alien ship just translated to something I am familiar with. Same goes for the humanoid figures inside it.

I have been dismissive of Steven Greer's stuff but it may be time to revisit his stuff.

For about the past week now, though for years prior about once every 3-4 months. Ohio, USA here.

Same here, last two days been so crasy real and intense, also i was aware that i was dreaming and done all kinds of shit and flying and so on. Amazing im not the only one

I as well, although I do credit it to taking a tolerance break form marijuana (have been sick for the last week). I'm getting 3-5 dreams a night that I am vividly remembering.

Don't think so, sorry. Have had vivid wild dreams for years.

I don’t dream. :(

I don't dream usually and I have been during x mass. Might be holiday stress and father is ill as well, but I remembered waking going "I remembered my dream".

Yes. And they feel more real every day. I could never remember anything and now it's almost like a firework going of every night.

Over the last two weeks, yes.

They have been VERY vivid. In ways I've never experienced in dreams before (feeling the splash of liquid, thinking I'm awake when I'm actually dreaming)... and the other thing is that they have been unusually violent, too.

The last couple weeks for me. Dreams more intense than I’ve ever had before.

I usually never remember my dreams, and when I do they are usually bad. Over the last few weeks I've been having long, vivid dreams about old friends, reconnecting with people from my past.

Not sure what to make of them. They are bitter sweet, because two I've been dreaming about most often are a guy who burned his mind out with hard drugs and now looks and acts like he had a stroke, and an old flame forced to leave town before our relationship could really blossom.

Nice to talk to them in dreams. Wish there could be that kind of reconnection IRL.

As one who doesn't really have a dog in any fight, other than truth and of course my active desire to see a UFO, I can tell you with experience Greer's CE-5 stuff is anything but fantasy. Not to suggest it's 'his', he didn't invent it, it's just a procedure and uses tools all human beings have naturally. The most interesting part of it is the story behind where it came from.

And I also don't understand how the Sirius documentaries and eye-witness interviews can be regarded as fantasy.

Name - rank - serial number. Isn't there a law of some kind that would punish a person for posing as a former military or govt employee? Not to mention, these people that are risking so much to talk about this stuff - primarily, excluding any suggestion of being 'suicided' or something like that, the main risk we all take talking about this stuff is ridicule from our peers.

Also, if Greer is right about this then you have to consider some other things he's said as well.

This cabal, mafia, rico, whatever you want to call it, they very well may have technology that would be so abstract and foreign to the conventional the common person might think it was a UFO/ET. With this includes an ability to literally influence and create a 'dream', fabricated and false - an experience with 'god', I don't know if this is true but it's something that should be kept in mind I would think.

Having said that? I don't remember my dreams as much as I would like, but I had a pretty vivid one today. As usual it was odd and a clash of nonsense, that's just what I remember though, for all I know I could be experiencing the same.

nothing has changed in my day-to-day routine but my dreams have become longer and more vivid, also more re-occurring. Having to do with a long road trip that ends in large scale tragedy. Like a hoard of creatures attacking an amusement park or a sentient tornado while I'm at a gas station.

I'm having vivid dreams every night and I've been staying in New Mexico for the past 2 weeks.


This is creepy! I rarely remember my dreams and often think that I might not actually dream at all. The last 2 nights though I have had very vivid dreams that I still remember! There's something to this OP, awesome post!!!

Do nightmares count? Woke up at 3:45 am (I'm in the US) this morning about being chained up. Couldn't really fall back asleep.

Nightmares definitely count. A number of people including myself have had negative dreams.

For sure. I usually don’t dream but I’ve been having vivid dreams the past couple days. Can’t remember them though. While I’m on the topic of sleep. I’m suspicious that smart phones could be used to disrupt our sleep patterns using ultra low or high frequency sound bursts that wake us up but we don’t realize why we did so. I have no evidence for this but I have been sleeping like utter shit so it got me thinking.

I have never considered the effect the phones can have on our sleep, either by design or not. Do you sleep with your pgone off?

I do, I use it as an alarm clock. Considering just using a normal alarm clock though.

It might be an interesting experiment to see if there is a difference in your sleeping.

Will try and report back!

As someone who has had strange and foreboding dreams his whole life, I've not experienced anything. I've had to see doctors on several occasions because of the severity of my dreams going back a far as 2nd grade. I believe there is something to dreams and take them quite seriously. But I've experienced nothing as of late. Maybe its regional

Several others that have vivid dreams regularly have reported they have had the opposite experience, dreamless nights which are equally unusual.

Yes, but why

Last night I had to wake up to poop, never happens so you should be worried.

same here, i woke up today from a really weird dream

Both my wife & I have had vivid, weird dreams almost nightly for the past week. We normally don't remember dreams very well. I've also had an unshakable feeling something bad is coming. I just thought it might be something personal. Could be bigger.

I am from Australia. I have experienced this in the past 3 days. My dreams felt so real and some were incredibly disturbing. One was my worst nightmare to date in terms of the feelings that were left, as they carried out into the next day. What do you think this means? I am perplexed, curious, and honestly a little frightened after reading others experiences. Thank you for those who shared.

I think I found a possible explanation guys. Psychic wave phenomena

Definitely possible. But if you had a similar experience you would question whether or not it is confirmation bias.

I bought an old second hand poetry book today, and this is the poem I randomly opened to after reading this sub:

That wind, I used to hear swelling With joy divinely deep; You might have seen my hot tears welling, But rapture made me weep.

I used to love on winters nights To lie and dream alone Of all the rare and real delights My early years had known;

And oh, above the rest of those That coming time should bear, Like heavens own glorious stars they rose Still beaming bright and fair.

  • Emily Bronte

That's a great poem and so fitting for the discussion

I had some weird ones not too vivid but weird enough to remember some details. Never dreamed things like what i did before that i remember.

I rarely remember my dreams, and when i do they are usually very mundane. People in my life, events of the day. etc. Last night I saw flying past me a creature with a vultures body with a cows head.

It was in a city in the desert, american southwest. Outside of a zoo (that was also a resort and hotel?)

there was a huge liger (tiger lion hybrid) in a magnolia tree returning to the zoo where it lived. I was startled that no one else was noticing this or seemed concerned that the giant cat had been out of the zoo. it was followed by a tiger, then by a white tiger

All three were using a giant magnolia tree to traverse a wide space, an urban park of some sort like in the center of a traffic circle, the center of which was the magnolia, and then over the fence back into the zoo

then the cowvulture flew by, slowly. it didn't seem sinister. it seemed funny and startling. i remember having the thought, sardonically more than seriously, 'man people have got to stop playing god'

As someone in a very similar position in regards to not dreaming often, if at all remembering them I have to say yes. Maybe the past week actually I've had very strong vivid dreams, so much so that I've been trying to sleep more as its very rare, and it's been freaking me out when I'm awake thinking about them. Don't want to go into details in a public forum over what they contained but yeah I think its odd especially if it's connected to something with others having the same experiences.

I've been backwards it seems. I usually have potentially extremely long (few hours to decades long) and vivid dreams but recently I haven't had any dreams at all. Kinda annoying since it's been fun living a new life every night except for the nightmare worlds but those are interesting too. Friend was saying their sleep was off as well. Hopefully nothing bad is going on.

THE LAST TWO NIGHTS! Aliens, weirdness, something important and daunting that I forget after waking up. I never have dreams like this - not since I was very young. So odd to read this...

I tend to have vivid dreams, but for the last week or so I've had them more often. They often depict me and friends in a frozen bombed out war zone.

have there been changes to the schumann resounance changed in the past few days?

I'm not sure. I can never find a site that has a real time measurement.

Huh, I figured it was just the pregnancy

Maybe, but I'm not pregnant;)

Last night I had 2 separate dreams with things I felt like I was supposed to remember... one thing was the importance of an Architect... and the 2nd thing which was more important was some sort of boundary line... like between countries or states. It was almost entirely straight and oriented horizontally. There's too many borders out there to look at all of them for a match, but if it is between countries I'd have to guess it is either US/Canada or more likely Egypt/Sudan.

The last few days have been weird. I have not been able to sleep through the night to save my life and I toss and turn more than normal. I've remembered more of my dreams in the past 5 days than I have my entire adult life. Weird energy sensations.

I dreamt i was hanging out with a few people. I told them I had to go because I would be waking up soon. They asked if they could come with me..

That's kinda trippy

i doubt that you can show any clear or relevant pattern in all your dreams besides a end-year/end-world anxiety and a wishful thinking of uniqueness that is fairly common in this community

Ha I'm newer to this sub and think most of this is kookoo but... The insane dreams I've had the past 3 days I wouldn't even type out here... So ya got me on this one ya kooks

Welcome to the Kook Klub:)

There definitely might be something to what you've been saying, vaguely along the lines of what I experienced months prior to 9/11.

Yeah I definitely have.. I'm putting it down to all the boozing and eating and lack of exercise over Christmas

ive been pumped full of cold medicine the past few nights and have had weird dreams. i attribute it to that though

Had an extremely vivid dream about the devil (as I saw him) last week and my girlfriend has been having post apocalyptic dreams all week.

I had a vivid, lucid dream of my deceased cousin a few nights ago with him verbally telling me about heaven

Im just trying to play devil's advocate here. There may be a cause and effect issue. If thousands of people read this post and a small percentage actually posted talking about vivid dreams that may just be consistent with a random occurence of vivid dreans.

Watched Bright, and ate spicy fried chicken after midnight.

Pretty sure this is all bullshit but apparently I was shouting about four beings in my sleep last night. Didn't remember the dream but my family was pretty freaked.

Also I was getting like mild closed eyes visuals before falling asleep the past few nights. Like these shadowy blobs moving across a bluish medium. Weird af like I was tripping sober or something.

Me too! I actually remember my dreams for the past 3 nights including the naps during the day. They all felt weird after I woke up. What is going on?

i have been having off the wall dreams the past week. especially ones where i can’t wake myself up

I almost never have/remember dreams, but since Sunday I’ve had vivid long dreams every night...so weird

I find gold in my dreams.

I smoke weed so I never dream but recently my dreams have been quite vivid.

Last night was probably the most intense but I can't remember exactly what it was about. I do remember "waking up" in my dream from sleeping and remembering what had happened. It always feels like I have tasks to complete in m dreams.. So that's last night. In my other dreams lately, I can vaguely remember being in a huge stone city somewhere in a forest or in the amazons. They always take place here or in an enormous bunker with an elevator that ALWAYS goes way too fast going down. In one of my dreams, there were giant clay barrels full of fire and people were jumping into them as if to offer a sacrifice. You could see a giant glow in the sky but it looked like it was both in the sky and in the ocean.

So yeah, some pretty vivid dreams lately.

Yes, I’ve had extraordinarily vivid dreams. I’ve been meditating using the methods from that CIA document though, so that may have something to do with it.

Anyone else really dizzy today though?

Yes! I went from remembering my dreams often since childhood, to struggling to remember them in the last few months. However, the past 4 days I have had very vivid dreams and exceptional recall.

People are much more likely to comment if they have also had crazy dreams. It gives a false sense that it's affecting everyone. So No. My dreams have just been as normal. Pretty weird but no worse than usual.

I don't know but I did have a dream a few nights ago where I was told there would be a complete economic breakdown (maybe not in those exact words) in one year.

Usually I will dream vividly and remember it, but this week I haven’t had many dreams or I did maybe twice but they seemed very short dreams

Makes perfect sense, because Aliens are Demons.

And the world will become more polarized as the line is drawn in the sand for the final battle between good and evil.

i NEVER have dreams that i can remember. But the last two nights i have had horribly vivid nightmares. im not sure about them all being related, but for me to have two vivid dreams that i can recall, two nights in a row, is extremely unusual and uncommon. i find it very fascinating that im not the only one.

OP, it's funny that you mention this, because I have had many more dreams than I used to, and vivid ones. For the past few months. Not just past few nights.

I'm not imagining this, because I have told myself (and even to my partner) a few times recently that I was dreaming much more than before. I'm the kind who usually will want to shorten sleep time, because it's time spent doing nothing. However, my dreams reached a point where I am actually looking forward to going to bed and trying to wake up later so I can dream more. When I dream, I feel like I am living in the kinds of worlds I like to immerse myself with the SF/Fantasy books I read. So, it's really cool.

I have only made more down to Earth assumptions regarding this. I assumed it was because I have been working much on my concentration skills lately. I assumed it could be because I've been waking up several times at night lately (cos of baby). I never considered all this trans-dimensional stuff. I honestly don't know much about it, and don't know what to think about this.

It could be interesting to gather a bit of data about users who share the same experience on this thread, especially what we have in common, if there is anything in common.

For the past few days I've been dreaming of random jumbles of songs, experiences, weird shows from years ago, and I'm being woken up by them. Usually if I dream it's one story or a few, not 10-15 a night. I am going through a lot right now though, so I thought it was just me.

Me too! The last two mornings I have had lucid dreams. Yesterday morning I was so in the dream I could not, for the life of me, get out of bed. In Central Massachusetts

This is ridiculous. NEWS FLASH: man has multiple dreams over few days... in other news... WATER is WET

Dude, I know what your saying because I would be right there with you, but this wasn't just about a vivid dreams, it felt different, I can't explain it other than that.

Yeah.. I just need to get laid judging by my dreams.

Yes!! Two nights ago I had the most intense and uncomfortable dream. It woke me up so bad I was doubled over in bed and my wife asked me if I was okay. I had to force myself to not go back to sleep because I could tell my dream was going to resume right where it left off. I had to force myself to fall asleep thinking of happy thoughts. This post comes at a very interesting time for me. I also suspect there is some phenomenon we don’t fully understand yet regarding shared consciousness. Thanks for the post.

Yes definitely the past week or so, i passed it off as just me being super pregnant and having super vivid dreams that i remember every detail about like i had for a while my last pregnancy.

Yup. Including reports from friends. Sense that this is some sort of cosmic reset, not just for 2018 but perhaps a longer cycle.

One friend got a dream visit from her mom, who died in 1971.

the particle membrane between this dimension and the astral is thinning at certain points. expect dream resolution and recall to increase significantly on a cyclical basis. i had an incredible lucid dream wednesday night in which i went to a ''party'' that was beyond wild. i woke and up got some water, then went back to bed and was able to actually get back to the same location. all i can think about is getting back there tonight. it was beyond awesome.

Now I'm jealous:)

last week i ended up in location that would literally scare the ^ out of you. it was a large chapel filled with people performing a ritual. there were many extremely attractive women. unfortunately these people were all vampires, and the place was actually real in the lower astral.

That's freaky.

I block my dreams otherwise they get to vivid, struggled with sleep paralysis and out of body experiences since I was a kid.

Have been waking up abnormally earlier in my sleep though the past few days.

how do you block your dreams?

A safe natural medication that is typically grown.


Weird that you ask this. My wife and I both talked about this today.



Can confirm that over the last several days, both my girlfriend and I had really weird dream nights.

Last 2 days or so I have had very vivd and leaning towards negative dreams. All the details are easily remembered, which is almost neevr the case. Someone was point me to a problem outside our screen window. I said there is nothing out their and kind of scoffed as I looked outside, and then it became clear there were 3 figures outside, each with weapons and they intended us harm. So i picked up a baseball bat and tried to fend them off. One had an axe, but I never saw what the other two had, I just knew they also had weapons. There wa a point where I actually took the axe out of the hand of one of the assailants, but I almost got myh hand chopped offf in the process.

My dreams have been out of this goddamn world and it's been fucking with me lately

its the otherness awakening.

I have a hard time remembering any dreams. I just chop it up to darkness and my body shutting down to the point i just breath and survive, but anyways, these last 5 days or so, I've had dreams that I remember upon waking up, the first day kind of threw me off, and then to happen a 2nd and 3rd time just weirded me out. Even stranger to read this

Yes! So vivid and I remember them so clearly. I've been sleeping terribly for the past month aswell. I live in the Netherlands btw.

Last night I had a fucking long dream, i woke up and got back to sleep several times and the dream continued, it was ufo related... And I'm from Brazil so i don't think it's a regional thing

Disclaimer: this is very long, and if any seems jumbled, it’s because I typed this right the second I woke up...

So I initially skipped over this thread, because I couldn’t remember my previous dreams, but laying in bed after reading through Reddit, waiting to fall asleep, I fell asleep, and had an extra vivid dream that I remember super fine details about. This literally just happened, so I picked up my tablet and started typing right away.

So, the dream I just had was I was at a military boot camp, a red vs blue type deal, except there was killing, it wasn’t practice. Each camp had a symmetric setup to this obstacle course type thing, but what was considered the middle, moved at all times depending on how many members each side had, so one team might occupy 80% of the course, while the other occupy 20%. It was more so like this took place between two warring countries, with the 50/50 mark being the border, and I say that because the red team (I was blue) was almost foreign. Anyways, so the dream started with me wondering into the enemy territory while it was not well guarded—and to give an idea, when I said it was like an obstacle course, it was basically a cat walk, big enough for two people, with a lake underneath, or ocean, and huge rice patties or cat tails on each side of the path. You’d get to huge openings that would have big parts of the obstacle course that were sometimes 2-3 stories tall. So I began exploring, very very deep, until I got lost in the maze, and was spotted. Protocol (which I knew because we caught someone, tortured and killed them before I did any of this) when you spotted someone was to isolate, call for backup, and wait. So it was’t long before I was surrounded. Guns weren’t used, and I’m not sure of the time period this took place in, but it was swords, maces, axes, hatchets, and throwables like stars, knives, etc. I cut through the first two soldiers, and dove into the water, which was nasty and murky (more on that in a second), and not easy to navigate, but popped up underneath a large section of the obstacle course, however this section was a disposal area for dead bodies, with a mechanism on a platform that minced them and dumped them into the water (which is why the water was disgusting...I could actually taste blood in the dream every time I was under water). I climbed up part of the obstacle course, and got to the top. I slid down the slide and at the end jumped over the part that grinds up the bodies and landed on the catwalk. I took off and made it into the next section where I was cut off again, in an area that had small platforms you had to jump to that only could hold a couple people at a time. One of the soldiers told me I would never make it, because today they hold more of the course than they did yesterday (I guess a day had passed during my exploration) and the whole course was swarming with soldiers to ensure I didn’t make it back. A couple platforms away, a soldier threw an axe and I grabbed the soldier in front of me and it went into his back. I pulled it out and jumped platforms attacking the second soldier, while the third threw more projectiles at me. I was lanced in the shoulder by a throwing knife, but buried my axe in the second guys neck, and jumped to the third platform before the third soldier could pull his weapon, and Buried my axe in his skull. More soldiers came from the direction I needed to go so I jumped back into the water and swam perpendicular to the cat walk until I came to the next cat walk, which was our section, but held by the enemy now. Climbed the side of the obstacle in this section and made it to the second story, before I was surrounded by tons of soldiers aiming to catch me. In the middle of the platform there was a tunnel that ran to another obstacle a few hundred feet over, but it was blocked. I took out one guy, and the second guy up top with me was eying my survival pack. He said he was going to take it when they caught me. I ended up bragging that he was small and weak and someone else would likely get it, and if he let me jump from the second story, that I’d give it to him now. He agreed, thinking I’d be caught no matter what, so I tossed it in the air, and then drop kicked him in the chest and watched him fall to his death as his head split open on the edge of the catwalk while the rest of his body splashed into the murky shit water simultaneously. All the soldiers stood in shock for a brief moment so I jumped down to the cat walk, and ran pushing three soldiers into the water, out of my way. The last section I made it to was empty, but I had like 10 guys chasing me. I finally made it past enemy threshold and saw familiar faces. I was led back to HQ (which for some reason is on dry land) to be debriefed, and then I woke myself up because I became lucid thinking about how I wanted a cigarette (which was my last thought as I lay in bed before I started dreaming).

These dreams have been so vivid and real the past week for me, I don’t even know how to explain the feeling. What’s funny is this dream only took place over 1 hour of real time, but was like an entire day in the dream.

The dream I had this morning I only remember the end of, but I was running from a huge dog, inside a caged staircase, at the top of each set of stairs there was a caged door, the dog kept knocking the caged doors down every time I’d get one closed and then slow down to catch my breath. The dream ended when the dog got caught in the fencing peeled back on the lower part of the last door, it’s head pinned with jagged part of the fence, which I kicked and sunk into the dogs neck, and watched it die.

Some really violent dreams honestly. My dreams are never about running away from something, or violent like that. The undertone was suspense btw, not like scary or nightmarish or anything. I haven’t had a bad dream since I was a young teenager, and I’m 30 now.

What I will say is this, I dream every night. Always very strange dreams, rarely the same ones twice, but not normally vivid to where they feel real up until this last week...I remember trying to wake up from the dog one and just simply couldn’t. It was like I wasn’t actually dreaming at all...I started to question if it was really a dream or not. Shit is crazy.

I have heard conjecture that certain moon phases or even slight changes in the planet's EM field can cause a change in collective dreaming. On that note, I remember a vivid and long jdream a few days ago where I and others were being shepherded through a vast and endless cemetary. Our narrow path had fences on both aides to keep us away from the graves. The shepherds were unseen to us.

Reading all these, I had this thing in my mind and I'm not sure where it's from:

"The sleepers are now dreaming; the dreamers begin to wake."

I tracked down what I think this reminded me of, from back in July on some Wordpress poetry blog:

What was once lost finds itself — frayed bindings undone, the spell is broken.

We who were bound free ourselves — the many are one; the dreamer’s woken.

Anyway, it sounds to me like something in peoples' subconscious are coming forward, perhaps in a "collective unconscious" space. (Note: I'm pretty Jungian.) Since so many are in violent or oppressive themes, perhaps the declaration in Novusud's comment might be helpful for people to remember. Or, if you can remember this when next dreaming a stressful situation, here's a short-form I came up with that's "the gist" from several different traditions:

I take refuge in the Heart of All. I command that the full forces of Lovingkindness see me through.

For help with a subconscious meaning of this, the thought is:

  1. "I take refuge" - The intentional act of seeking and receiving shielding/protection.
  2. "in the Heart of All" - Calling on the center and/or power and/or love of not just yourself, but all of existence.
  3. "I command that" - Claiming and exercising personal soveriegnty and power.
  4. "the full forces" - No holding back here, no wriggle-room or space for insufficiency.
  5. "of Lovingkindness" - This is the most encompassing phrase for what several traditions hold as the supreme power of humanity and/or divine to heal, protect, defend, pacify, guide, soothe, support, and otherwise create good.
  6. "see me through" - All purpose phrase for whatever situation needs to be resolved, with oversight by the sub/conscious/etc. forces to bring you through that situation into the goodness.

May this serve someone well!

I have a theory for this and yes it came to me during an interrupted dream, which I woke from due to the noise the heat makes in my house. I came back to comment once I think I may have figured it out.

Ask yourself, is it really cold the last while, where you live? Does your heat come on and wake you up, without you realizing that is what has woken you?

We are more likely to remember our dreams if we are suddenly awoken from our dreams. Because of the cold weather and the thermostat kicking on, we may be more likely to remember our strange dreams.

Maybe for some but it's 60 degrees F where i live, so the heater hasn't been on much.

Okay, I see. Was just throwing that out there. I'd been having really strange dreams too and just figured out this was what was waking me up!

Maybe it's because we're all drinking before bed because we're off work?

But add me to the club. Seems every time I close my eyes in dreaming this week. Last night I dreamed I was being horrible to a stray cat (I like cats a lot!). After a while i realised what I was doing and decided to take it into my home to care for it.

Very vivid, strange dreams.

I was actually shocked to find this thread. I have been experiencing something similar with very vivid and intense dreams for the past couple of nights. Initially I thought its coz I am on vacations with my family away from all the fast paced lifestyle of my job life in another city and also coz I have been off weed in the past week. It still begs the question if it's something more when so many people are experiencing the same thing.

My dreams have been very movie like every night for a few weeks with no apparent connection and I didn't think much of it until someone mentioned it on AskReddit.

They're not super interesting and the memories of them fade fast but I'll share the gist of a couple that I can remember:

  1. I was back in my old IT job that I hated and we were working on a secret project that no one knew about but it was apparently illegal because we were being questioned by the authorities and my boss got arrested

  2. I was driving down a long road and for some reason I jumped out of my car and let it crash into a wagon that exploded and killed the leader of some weird little people then I helped them look for the driver of the car only for them to find out it was me and start chasing me

And now that I've thought about them at the same time I see that being chased is a major theme in both of these. I've been feeling a sense of impending doom lately but didn't link it to the dreams I've been having. I'm going to start writing these down and see what I get.

Lottery numbers?

I've been dreaming full names, for example: Issa Abramowitz

All the Mahayanists are mystics, not just the ones in Tibet.

Maybe it's nein fifty eight. Fifty eight is hard. I can see why you would be reluctant to say yes.

Use u/Novusod 's meditation, maybe it will help.

"In the name of I am that I am, in the name of divine soul presence that I am, in the name of all ascended beings of light, in the name of the source, in the name of the highest power, I decree and command to cancel and nullify all my past, present and future contracts and agreements made between any part of my being and the dark forces. All these contracts and agreement and all their consequences are now completely erased from my reality. I am now free, all the karma of my whole being is now erased as well.

I am a free sovereign being of light, from now until eternity. So be it, and so it is. In Light

It's always a big deal:)

The Unjaded

Universe 958?

This is really weird! I had vivid dreams too in the last 2-3 nights. I'm a daily stoner so I shouldn't really have much REM sleep yet I have the strangest dreams and the number 33 was in my last. I had to remember the number 33. Creeps me out!

What happened?

Not in my real life, as yet. Would be interested in finding someone with that name, however.

Welcome to the Kook Klub:)

I have been dismissive of Steven Greer's stuff but it may be time to revisit his stuff.

That's kinda trippy

Yes! I have been waking up every morning for the last couple weeks and not really know what is reality and what was the dream reality. It's like I go to sleep and then continue to live my life in my dream-- thats the best way I can explain it.

Nice try NSA

Well as someone who also has a bad sleeping schedule I'm sure it's the schedule and time of year causing this.

Yeah, they're not exactly "good" dreams, nor are they nightmares. They're just consistently more vivid and perhaps more say, elaborate than usual. Had yet another one last night.