I've been pissed about this rule 13 garbage. But looking through the posts since, it's at least encouraged alot more "self" posts, and discussion.

26  2017-12-29 by Tha_Dude_Abidez

I just hate the fact you have to post the "submission statement" in the comments. It's not "clean" in regard to usability of the sub. It's just really awkward.

Is it possible to implement the statement within the actual post somehow, prior to submission with some type of validation. That would make the rule be automatically enforced whenever you submit a "link".

It would make the process less awkward.


The automod additions of archive links already made posts a little "unclean" anyways so it ain't too bad... I haven't looked at any stats, but I'd guess we are retaining the same number of comments... they are just located in 2/3rd less topics... it's nice to not see topics pushed off of the first page of the new queue in 30-45 minutes... instead it is 2-3 hours. A lot more breathing room... and a hell of a lot less shitposty topics.

Too early to say for sure, but I think it is working as intended pretty well.

I'm just thinking it would be cleaner from a user perspective to put the Submission Statement in the actual post. I know reddit allows for CSS manipulation but does it actually allow you to add fields on the link/text submission page. If so, I'd just add the "Submission Statement" to the link posting page and require users to enter text in it. That would do away with rule 13 completely, it would just be something you had to do when you submitted a link.

I post a lot of images of screenshots of government documents so it would be awesome if I could have a title, a post and link all in one easy to digest post... but that just ain't how reddit works. Won't effect me much anyways cause I usually first post my own submissions with a link to the PDF I got the picture from anyways.

Not sure if this explanation helps or will achieve what you are looking for. I haven’t posted in a while so I haven’t tried it out yet.

Example of submitting

Thank you for this! I think it does but no one really knows about it. Maybe this should be stickied.

It is in the sticky, but I think it got lost in the message of the new rule. I’m sure they would sticky the instructions on their own if you asked. I’m not sure how to make that happen.

Glad it helped!

Thank you! It does! It's still a few more clicks then what I'm proposing but it's better than what most people think you have to do when posting links. It's a shame you can't just work with the code on the Link Submission page. You could easily just add a "Submission Statement" any time a user posted a link and force it to be filled out. That would do away with rule 13 and have the desired effect of the OP submitting cause of their post. Oh well! Thanks for this though!

Yeah, I couldn’t even make it through the instructions without getting confused. But I’m not not super tech savvy, so I figured it was just me, lol.

Maybe someone will create a user friendly format. I think the rule itself has really helped cutting down on a lot of the spam though. Lord knows this place has been almost unbearable for a long while now. Hopefully we will get all the kinks worked out either with the SS or some proper formatting.

Agreed man! The only thing I can guess is the Submission page cant be edited. Sucks. I could create it if it was allowed but it seems it's not. I guess we'll see how the new rule and the way it's implemented will play out.

Yeah, I think your right about the edits.

Time will tell and it’s still in the early stage. We have a lot of smart people here, so I’m hopeful it will streamline.

Me too!

If you look at the exchange I had with a mod here, I'm planning on researching what data to ask for once we get past the holiday break. Anyone who whats to help out with the analysis is welcome.

The whole point is to separate users that care enough to put in an extra 30 seconds worth of effort from those that don't care that much. It is a really low bar.

It's just not user friendly as is though. You could still have the desired effect with a "Submission Statement" without having to do two steps. On a phone, at work, etc..it's better to have less "work/time" to do a post submission. Even writing "Submission Statement" on a phone after posting takes a little time that while working is sometimes critical. Honestly man, trying to hide my time on Reddit while at work was something hard to do while working in I.T.

Go back to work, then?

The extra step is exactly what we need. Think of it like a sieve.

It's perfectly user friendly. You're just complaining to complain. I'd guess they need it a separate commend for automod

Yeah, you're right. Completely user friendly. Lol

I think it's straight up retarded.

This brings the sub back to what it looked like before we had hundreds of posts that were just random news articles about what Trump did that day. Not perfect because you still get your shill-y comments, but at least the new queue isn't garbage.