I’m disgusted by American culture. Filth

0  2017-12-29 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

So I’ve been hanging out with my grandma every couple of days. It’s hard for her around Christmas time because my aunt committed suicide a few years back. I’m disturbed. I go over there and all she does all day long is watch revamped game shows. People like Alec Baldwin and Harvey Smith hosting. Absolute filth. “Family Feud” might as well be called “Family Inuendo”

I watched some of the old school episodes from the seventies; it’s much more subtle, but the overarching theme of sexual depravity is still there.

It’s insane to watch grown adults go nuts over a few thousand dollars they win for answering basic, sexual questions.

I’m with her right now, and Alec Baldwin asked “if milk and cookies were going to get married, cookies would say, “I knew milk was the one because milk always makes me...blank”

Absolutely despicable.

Forgive me if I’m being too zealous, but it struck a nerve.

The other day I was babysitting my baby brother and one is his Disney Junior shows has a boy who had “two mommies”

I have nothing against gay people, but really? We’re going to confront children with these sexual questions?

He’s two years old.

My father is a pastor. Greatest man I know. I’m not religious and I despise the church. He does what’s right though. However, sports dominate his life. My grandfather too. I like football, but I see it for what it is; a vice.

Twenty two grown men in tights on a field throwing balls around. It’s a child’s game. It’s unbelievable!

These are our heroes! These despicable celebrities who push radical social change on us and these overpaid athletes who couldn’t care less about us!

It makes me want to throw up.

What generation is going to save us? The baby boomers? Idiots. Gen X? Fools. Gen Y? Fools. My fellow millennials? ABSOLUTE GARBAGE

At least it’s gotten so bad now that some people have woken up out of necessity, like myself and you.

Maybe we millennials will pull it off. Whoever saves the world will have been born in the nineties. I don’t know how I know that, but I can sense it.

It’s hard not to pray for an asteroid sometimes.


Paradigms shift very quickly. Don't get discouraged. Figure out how you want the world to work and dedicate your energy to realizing that goal. I for example think that history is more fiction than reality and has resulted in some very big problems for our society. So I spend my time digging for inconsistencies in the narrative.

Right but I feel as though it take something as intense as say a lack of food, water, and basic necessities to even start the process of waking the masses up

The process has already begun. If there was nothing to expose nothing to save what would from what would I be doing here in this form in this place at this time.

Good point. It’s just insane to see people cling to their delusions and play their fiddles while Rome burns.

Yes lets take away their food. That’ll stop the gays and men in tights!

It’s hard not to pray for an asteroid sometimes.

I thought I was the only one.

I’m only a part time asteroid desiree

You need to watch the documentary century of self. We have entire generations of people that were brought up on consumerism. The corporation is a good documentary as well. Brainwashing has been around for a long time as it is self evident with our political process. There are good people out there but you will rarely see it in the media. I once cared about it like you do; however, as you get older and into your 30s you have to get a job to survive then the rest of society starts wearing you down. Our society is a throw away society.... narcissistic and selfish, all toxic traits.

I refuse to accept that.

Yeah it does suck indeed

Forgive me, I just think you have given up. I refuse to accept it because you’re wrong, in my opinion.

Just know that you're not alone in how you feel. Take a deep breath my friend. It's okay that you see through it all. Let these sweet old folks hold onto the last bit of light in this dark world. Let them have their distractions. Let them have their gameshows and their sportsball. It's okay. Just be glad to be here.

Also you may find this funny lol https://i.imgur.com/nZed198.png



I did.

Posted on american website. Kinda funny.

What world are you living in.. where this is exclusively American.


*Coca Cola , sometimes war. *

*with boobs


Its called "Californication"

Chili peppers saw what was coming..

Blood, sex, magik..

Those dudes were into the occult or mk ultra stuff.

It’s insane to watch grown adults go nuts over a few thousand dollars they win for answering basic, sexual questions.

I'd go nuts over a few thousand dollars regardless of the question.

We’re going to confront children with these sexual questions?

What sexual question? It'd be the same if a show had a mum and dad.

Are you just trying to get a rise out of me, or are you actually just in the wrong forum?

Pointing out the silliness in your comment.

You say you've got nothing against the gays, but don't like it when a kids show has gay parents - A slight contradiction there.

No, you’re asking loaded questions and are personifying what’s wrong with this county, in my humble opinion.

You’re very politically correct though, so good for you.

Homosexuality has been discriminated against for millennia, and now that we’ve elected to condone it, it’s being used as weopnized sexuality

That’s what I was saying.

I don’t think children need to be asking “Well why do some of us have two mommies” before they can even mentally process what that means.


Something that exists in real life being shown in a fictionalized version of real life = weaponized

There’s no /s but I’ll assime you’re being sarcastic because the trolls are smelling blood.

Yes. Children’s shows including or alluding to homosexuality is a weaponized form of entertainment.

Someone disagrees with me = troll

I got nothing against the gays except for when they're shown on TV.

Absolute hypocrisy.

Why be so hypocritical?

No, child.

You took what I said and twisted it. You didn’t even use the same words I used and you mixed them up in a way that made it seem like I was being homophobic.

Classic shillery

Because you are being hypocritical.

I'm not homophobic, till they're on TV and being exposed to the children!

“You have no defense, and neither will we when you’ve turned all the able bodied men in this country into SODOMIZING WHELPS”

You said that, that makes you a homophobe

I don't know if I agree with everything you said, but I like your post. It was provocative and made me think. You sound like an interesting person, and I appreciate your contribution.

Thank you.

Unless a child has been raised in an incredibly sheltered or homophobic environment there won't be anything for them to "mentally process" at all. I never had to explain that people were gay to my child; they grew up seeing couples of all orientations & never questioned the normalcy of that in the slightest. I did, however, have to explain what homophobia is.


Bias? I think you should look up that word. I'm neither "for or against" people being gay; it's literally none of my concern one way or the other who someone else loves/fucks. People are gay, bro. That's not a conspiracy, it's not wrong, and most importantly: it's none of your business.

It’s none of my business until they try to show it to kids.

Bonus point- I’m not okay with the over sexualization of our culture in general I’m not picking on gays. Victoria secret commercials on NBC while kids watch football are just as bad.

The fact that you have a problem with children seeing a totally normal couple on tv implies that you think of homosexuality as something that's wrong. Showing two moms is not, in any way, "sexualization" any more than it is to show a mom & dad. Also: Victoria's Secret commercials are sexual to you because you see them that way; I just see fancy chonies on physically fit ladies. The human body can be beautiful outside of sexual context.

You’re blind as a bat. Please stop speaking.

Blind to what, rxactly? You may have left the church but the church didn't leave you. You sound like a sanctimonious old biddy. Not even your grandma passes muster with you. You're too young for this kind of nonsense, you have to learn to focus that energy into the actually important things.

Thank you for the life lesson, hag. Go frolick with the gays now.

They need female comparisonahip. People like me are soooo judgement they just have to be mothered.

Take your place at their side.

And now we see your true colors. That's a nasty way to talk to people.

I’m just saying what I need to say to get the message across. People talk like this^ for a reason.

I don’t.

I would love for gay people to just have their rights.

I would love for women to just have their rights.

I would love for everyonnnneeee to just HAVE. THEIR, RIGHTS.

Apparently white men aren’t supposed to have rights anymore.

Last time I’m checked, free country.

If I don’t want my children watching gay stuff, and I think it’s wrong, that’s my business.

I treat all people with compassion, until the push me, for no reason.

You and the other woman here on this thread continue to belittle and behave holier than though while your friends fondle each other. Great! Who doesn’t like sex?!

I love it!


I love sex!

I love sex!

I loveeee sex!

You’re right!

There’s nothing wrong!

Nothing to worry about!

Hey, kids! I love sex!

Are you kidding me?!?

Wow... That was a hard right into outright absurdity. You need to relax, young man. You're a bitter old curmudgeon before your time.

You’re right. I should relax while you guys normalize sexual depravity.

“I should be the one shutting up”

You’re right.

Please, allow the children to watch porn.

Allow them to question their sexual disposition.

Allow them to have sex in middle school.

Noooooooothing bad could come from this.

Just stop, hon, your replies are just getting more & more outlandish.

You have no defense, and neither will we when you’ve turned all the able bodied men in this country into SODOMIZING WHELPS

Your views are vile and repulsive.

Unless the two moms are scissoring each other in front of your kids, I wouldn’t worry about it.

Are you worried about your own children or those in your family or all children in general? I can sort of understand if you're concerned for your own family, but there is a pretty easy solution to that and that is to not let them watch TV unless you've vetted the programme first. Like people who complain that their child isn't doing well at school, ultimately, it's the parent's responsibility to educate and protect them. If you're really worried then home-school and move to the country. Maybe do something with your kid, teach them how to fish, paint or cook. Just do something with them that means they don't need to watch TV

I definitely believe there are pedophiles who are using the same arguments that gay people used to ensure homosexuality was no longer a crime, but that isn't the fault of gay people. That is a group of molesters twisting an argument. While two gay people in a relationship are both consenting adults there are pedophiles now trying to say that they want to have relationships with children, but only if they child "consents". What i never see anybody asking these pedophiles is if you believe these kids are old enough to be in a sexual relationship will you also give them power of attorney? Do you definitely trust them enough that if a kid at school says I'll swap you a Ninja Turtle for your house that they'll turn it down? If you suffer a head trauma and the final decision on if they should turn your life-support off goes to the kid, are you're confident that they won't miss your hands and eyes twitch because they're busy putting in your credit card number to get an upgrade on Clash of Clans then I'll at least be more inclined to believe you don't see them as a child, but I somehow highly doubt that any of them do truly believe it's consensual. Like the other commenter said above, I'd be more concerned a child being regularly exposed to violence rather than same-sex relationships, particularly, if those same-sex relationships are monogamous.

What generation is going to save us?

Gen X.

But you should save yourself.

They’re doing a great job.


Well save yourself. That's what all of us need to do. But I can guarantee you Gen X will be the leaders of the rebellion. The Millennials as a whole have been pretty fucking disappointing.

I can agree with that. But it’s probably a subjective answer. I’m 25. We do have to rely on ourselves, whatever our age.

How would you rate the people around you that are the same age? Do you think they could actually survive any kind of power outage? They'd go crazy because they couldn't check Facebook. It's nuts!

Can you imagine these people trying to survive two weeks dead of winter in the U.S. mid continent without electricity? Most friends would die.


It isn't America. It's Hollywood and 'the elites' pushing this ideology.

The real America is much more quaint and conservative than you imply.

My father is a pastor.. ultra conservative. He watches CNN sometimes even though he despises it, considering it’s rhe “most trusted name in news” and it has affected his views on Trump.

Even the quaint, conservative folk are to blame.

Get over it. People need to eat, shit, sleep and fuck. To act like sex is somehow different from the previous three is absurd. Sex is part of human nature and so long as it's consensual, there's absolutely nothing wrong or sinful about it. Please realize that your puritan sexual guilt comes from how your parents raised you, and not some innate divine guidance on what's wrong and what's right.

And sure, sports are a futile endeavor, but people enjoy it watching it. No one is forcing you to watch, too. The only power celebrities have over you is what you allow.

Humanity is far from perfect, but if these are you top concerns, then you need a lesson on what's really fucked with the world.

I turned away from the church at seven years old. I had sex at sixteen. I’ve had tons of sex with randos. As harmless as it can be, it’s done more damage than good. I spent a decade practicing black magick. I don’t care about the religions. I care about the children. They shouldn’t be having to be exposed to these things.

Lol dude! You're on reddit right now—do you understand how many hundreds of virgins will read your post and cringe in jealously thinking "I wanna experience the damage!"? No one feels sorry for your choice to experience life.

Get your head out of the sand. I doubt there are that many virgins here, they’re probably mostly male, and probably mostly adults.

You’re just weird.

LOLOL. I'm going to assume that you've literally been on reddit for only 17 days like your new accounts states.

Why are you redditors obsessed with knowing how long someone’s account is..?

Again, weird.

Because the likelihood of you actually being a brand-spanking new user is probably in the 5-10% range. With new accounts, it's far more likely (especially on this subreddit) that you're a troll, a "long-time lurker", a LARP, a burner/throwaway account, or a shill, than a legitimate new user who just happened to stroll into this corner of this website.

You caught me. I was taking the precious time I have in this short life to post about how sick I am with society so that I could distract you from the Russian scandal. You caught me.


And yet, here you are.

Your ability to highlight what I am doing at any given moment is, in a word, suspicious

“You must be a shill”

Randos? Jesus christ. Can your generation even use full words anymore?

It’s the internet.. calm down. I’m perfectly articulate.

So be articulate.

Maybe you should just focus on the content

You're lamenting the deterioration of american society and then you use moronic language in your comments. Your language is an example of the problem you're complaining about. How do you not see that?

I see that and realize the irony. I was subconsciously being ironic.

From now on I shall speak in a grammatically correct way if it makes you focus on the content

I completely agree with your content bro.

Alright cool, “bro”.


This guy fucks.

I wish more people here would think about the children. I've had it happen to me before that people would downvote me just because I objected to pornography shown on a highway billboard that was hacked. The point is culture is slipping when we don't protect the children. "Oh but sex is natural!" Not for a two year old you sick pedos.

you came direct with it.

Directly wrong, yes.

The part where he says "if these are your top concerns" a dead on.

Except if he had lead in on the detriment to sacred feminine and masculine -then he would have been on to something. I don't care if your family is gay, lesbian - as long as you recognize we need the goal of love over money.

No, overcoming animalistic urges/tendencies is what makes us human. We know where that leaves you.

Ok guy. Let me know how your next month-long fast without sleeping for a week goes.

Typical. Your intelligence level matches as well.

Ok tough guy

Can't help yourself if you tried.

Man, you're a miserable cunt. Kindly fuck off.

Perfect example of the results of your mentality.

You sound like a lot of fun at parties.

I throw the parties

I bet tons of people come to your parties.

I’m not going to stoop to the level of defending a period(s) of my life I’m no longer proud of.

Brotha in what kind of cult have you gotten yourself into ? It's okay to talk about it even if Supreme Blue Chieftain says otherwise.

Cult of Truth Pursuance

Just don't drink the Kool-aid. Or do drink it. I mean it's a free world.

And even more leave!

He doesn't go if there's alcohol.

Unless his wife is present.

Bro you lost me at your Aunt commuting suicide.

Glad to lose you.

Am I in the Conspiracy sub? Am I lost?

Illuminati confirmed.

You sound insanely pretentious and none of your examples are the terrible things you make them out to be,

Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass you'd find the scenery a little more enjoyable.

You convinced me to change my ways with your words. I will now appreciate the game shows and our national obsession with celebrities and athletes.

Thank you

Great, comment wasn't really to convince you though. So no hard feelings. I often find people who are so overly confident in their own opinion for no good reason aren't going to be convinced anyway.

Doesn't mean they shouldn't be called out.

We all, without realizing it, walk around all day expressing our options in various ways.

I’m just doing so in an honest, sincere way. The views that I’m expressing, I beleive, represent the minority, so it’s understandable that I’m being asaaulted.

It would help you case to do it in a more dignified way.

One day, someone like Hilter, like Trump will come and act as the cure to your disease. It’s not right, but it’s what will happen if you people continue to degrade society to such a godless shell.

So, sleep on that.

Lol. People disagreeing with you is an assault?

You really are full of yourself buddy. Maybe take a second to realize just how small and insignificant you are in the grand scheme of the universe and that might but all of this bravado in perspective. Any amount of time disparaging or looking down on others for simply enjoying their lives is an absolute waste of yours. Sleep on that.

What’s funny is I’m trying to protect others; trying to shed some light on things that are truly detrimental.

And here you and some other people with nothing better to do are, picking and choosing which words to use as ammunition.


Well you're doing a terrible job I'm afraid.

You've failed to even show how those things are detrimental to begin with, let alone do anything to prevent them.

All I see is you complaining about your entirely subjective opinion, and then complaining more when some people don't agree with you.

Well you also have no idea what I do in my daily life, so there’s that, to begin.

Also, I think I’ve been fairly clear what I think.

The over sexualization of or society, whether it be gay or straight, wa the actual point

You would know that of you could read without your attention span fading out.

You simply focused on the gay aspect (a fairly moot point in my post) either A. Because you are gay and cannot be objective of B. Because you have gay friends and cannot be objective.

I guess reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. That's OK buddy I'll walk you through this.

It doesn't matter what you do in your real life, I've only commented on what I've seen here.

Saying you think society is overly sexualized doesn't actually demonstrate how that causes harm. It just shows that you think it does. See the difference?

Actually I didn't only focus on the gay bit, I think all of your commentary is equally terrible.


Yeah... that doesn't actually address anything I said.

Good. Beat it.

Not exactly the attitude I'd expect from someone trying to save the human race from our depravity.

You’ve wasted enough time picking battles that don’t matter.

Kettle meet pot.

I’m being asaaulted.

Funny how you equate disagreement with assault.

You’re a pretentious cunt. Get off your high horse and save your condescending bullshit for someone else. I’ve read some stupid shit in my time here but this has to be the most retarded bunch of crap I’ve ever read.

I watched some of the old school episodes from the seventies; it’s much more subtle, but the overarching theme of sexual depravity is still there.

It's not subtle at all. Go back and re-watch some of the cartoons they were peddling us in the late 90s early 00. Check out some of the other content marketed towards "teens".

We are experiencing a whole movement on sexual "misconduct" that was media grown. What did they expect to happen when they made everything hyper sexual?

The adults write it for the children who experience it, digest it, grow up to push it and write it and do it again.

The celebrities crow about social change and political correctness yet they are the worst offenders of them all. Makes it hard to care what they are going through when they are super hypocritical and have 8 and 9 figure bank balances.

Sex rates among teenagers is at an all time low. What exactly do you mean by "movement of sexual misconduct"?

They’re at an all time low because eight year olds can access free porn on google and walk into erectile disfunctiom by eighteen.

Citation needed.

Access denied.

Just google something sexual yourself, I’m sure you had that planned anyway.

Sexual things existing doesn't prove your point I'm afraid. Although I highly doubt you based your opinion on evidence anyway, so I can't say I'm surprised you don't want to provide any.

The #MeToo stuff going on right now is more a movement against entire misconduct then just "teen sex" but look at the age of the majority of the offenders.

I would be interested in your data on declining sex rates. All I can find is declining birthrates and if I had to bet that would be on better education and less on declining rate of occurrence.

Here is one of many articles: https://www.google.com/amp/www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-millennials-less-sex-20160802-snap-story,amp.html

As for the #metoo I'm not sure I follow what you're saying. Most of the offenders are older celebrities who have been in the spotlight for quite some time. Exposing the misdeeds of the past would lead me to believe we are on a path to less of those same deeds.

I read the article and worked my way back to the paper it was based on here is the link to that.

My point in my posts are that media is entirely to blame for the culture we are trying to undo.

Popular media sources often assume that young people are having sex earlier than in past generations, and that casual sex is now more common due to new technology such as Tinder and other dating websites and apps (e.g., Sales, 2015). Observers theorize that the new culture of ‘‘hooking up’’promotes sex without commitment, leading to more sexual partners

Based on the paper this is all media pushed misconception. What reason would they have to continue to try to hyper sexualize another generation?

I tie this into the #MeToo movement and the age of the people involved because the media culture of the millennial (article you linked says 19-35 in 2016) would have been most impacted by the people who are currently implicated for sexual misconduct.

I don't put forward any other point than the media is complicit in running these sexualized programs headed by offenders as far as they can as long as it doesn't hurt their profit margin. When it became too much they bailed out to save their money.

The entire thing rests on people getting better educated by any means. For at least 2 generations big media have fostered a hyper sexualized and abusive culture while pretending to be culturally progressive and the #MeToo movement has exposed Hollywood to be as hypocritical as everyone already knew.

maybe they are having less sex because they are having more sex with one partner instead of various partners.

That’s not what the statistics show, as the study looked at sexual activity in general, not number of partners.

However, I’m not sure what difference that would make either way, sex is sex.

Someone who gets it.

Feels like I’m in the twilight zone.

Hour after submission: fuck everything about Quetzalcoatlwasright amirite?

What are you trying to say? English por favor?

I think he’s being sarcastic at the amount of sexually progressive comments from Lefties I assume that you’ve got.. I agree with the post. Our society is sick in the head.

Oh now I get it.

I was being attacked by so many SJWs at once I lost sight of what’s what! Haha

I notice you didnt mention violence depicted in tv. That’s the problem when people like you think a child seeing two mums is more psycologically damaging than the violence in PG rated movies and tv shows.

There is nothing overtly sexual about someone having two mums and a child should be raised knowing that love is love and thats all there is to it.

22 men playing in tights? So what the human body is beautiful and no one should feel ashamed for wearing clothes that are suitable for their occupation that happen to not hide their form.

Grow up the world isnt here just to make you feel comfortable, its for everybody.

Obviously violence is a huge problem.

The fakestream news is a huge problem.

Can we just focus on one or two or three problems at once?

The dam has many leaks.

Someone over here is trying to fill one of the leaks, and here you are shouting, standing around.

You’re focused on false problems. For example, children exposed to same sex marriages have not shown evidence of psycological damage. However studies show that Children exposed to violence in video games and other varied media, do exibit behavioural and psycological changes. Im not standing around shouting, thats exactly what you are doing. You havent even identified what the implications are of all this supposed depravity you’re claiming

I’ll take more gay culture for 500.

“What’s the problem with more gay people being shown on TV, Charles?”

“Well, you see, John, children are very succespible to auditory and visual stimuli, thus, if a child is exposed to such phenomena it will more likely contribute to the promotion of these attitudes in children who are simply confused. In the end, it appears that the species is dying out, as too many of its newer denizens are practicing homosexuality”

“500 points”

Have you got any evidence at all to support this?

And we conspiracy minded gays are still befuddled as to why everyone thinks homosexuality is so contagious.

I didn't have one iota of gay media or gay magazines anywhere in the devout Mormon household in which I was raised. Still turned out gay.

So tell me... Did all that exposure to gay culture turn you gay?


lol what the fuck is this shit? You watched a game show and it inspired you to write this NoFap Manifesto?


Maybe slow the fuck down, Vulpes Inculta. Filthy humor's been around since Ung first drew dicks on a cave wall. Read some Shakespeare.

Dude, your description of football players is almost word for word what I tell people who go crazy about sports. Grown men. Tights. Playing with balls. Are we internet twins? It was crazy for me to read that.

Great minds

Are you guys fighting the gay?

Stupid sexy Flanders football players!

Agreed about the sports obsession. Imagine if people losing their minds over which set of overpaid apes won or lost last night directed that passion towards things that actually matter.

Nooo joke.

Found the racist.

Just fucking with you. 😉

Various jungle animals have been my go-to theme for insults lately. It just happened to line up this time lmfaoo

I hate how obsessing over sports is akin to being "masculine". I find it to be incredibly simple, boring, and basic. No stimulation at all besides seeing big butts in tights ;) ha.

Was NOT expecting this backlash in the comments after reading this

Me either.

This was strangely true, sad and ironic post all at once lol.

Even tho what OP is saying is just a tip of the iceberg i'll say this... odds are if this continues america will end up just like Rome in not so distant future so the only question is, will they fade away and be just a memory of a sick civilization or will they drag the whole World with them ?!

Who knows maybe in ~30 years it won't even matter how it turns out and China will just continue where they stopped (for better or worst)... this World has always been in a very subtle designed flux for a reason.

I wonder the same thing. We are Rome v2. I imagine eventually some of the states will be independent countries or perhaps kingdoms.

Welcome to the oldies world. None of this is new. That's why their so programmed. Most cannot even be saved unless their TV told them the truth.

Just fuck them up until they get triggered, give them a laptop and wait till next year. It may never happen though.

What do you think will happen next year

They'll either discover it for themselves based off your tips, or the same shit.

You only need like ~10% of the population to reach critical mass. The tides are shifting.

I don't know if this is serious or not. You're really jumping around on the topics. I haven't really noticed that on game shows but I have noticed it on sitcoms. I agree that it's weird that they want to make jokes that rely on innuendo. It just seems like an easy way to get a laugh and it's usually not sexy or funny. It's like some pervert who never has sex but has to constantly turn every conversation into something "dirty." But I think it's because we're very repressed as a society.
Moving on... some kids have two moms. Having that on a show doesn't raise any sexual questions. Maybe you're afraid it normalizes homosexuality but it couldn't be that because you just said you have nothing against gay people. So frankly I'm baffled.
Your father is a pastor (now we're getting somewhere) and you despise the church (okay) and yet you are praying for an asteroid to save us from football players in tight pants. I'm no psychologist but this post here seems to be a rant about some of your personal issues more than it is about society.

From what I've gathered, OP was raised in a religious household, rebelled and became a huge slut and practiced "black magick"... then appears to have suffered some sort of injury because of it and has now rebelled again by going to the other puritanical extreme.

It seems to me that OP need some help with those personal issues.

So a double rebellion - That's hot.

Why so salty OP? Tend to agree with you but goddamn you really must be 17 days into your reddit experience, because you just can’t seem to stop feeding the trolls.

the "programming" that is on tv is there to program people. they don't make shows that they think people might like, they make shows to introduce/reinforce subconsciously, whatever it is they want people to consume under the guise of shiny (whatever appeals to people). it's our job to not watch the tell-a-vision

what's the deal with the Jonestown massacre/suicide? if that shyt was real ... that's fuked

Millennials won't save shit, they're usually the first to give their freedom away. Older generations tend to believe the fear mongering from the legacy media and then they trade their freedom for false security. Millenials trade their freedom for conveniance and creature comforts which is far worse, and the smug fucks do it proudly.

You're dangerous and watching all the answers down and that you still continue in your bubble makes me fear for your sanity.
And btw, we're all here on conspiracy, but we don't hate the rest of the humans for their choices, we're just acknowledging the hidden rulers, you, insulting your fellow millenials and calling a WHOLE GROUP of people garbage is the most ignorant bigot shit I've read today.

Sounds like somebody had a breakdown after they got hard seeing Aaron Rodgers on TV

Millennials "saving the world"?

Now I've heard everything.

Yep, me too mate

I see how the culture of vapidity is spreading fast across the globe... think we all know where it originated :)

Sorry you're being ripped on by all these fake-ass people, mate. I know what you mean, and we've got a long road ahead of us. The good news is, you've identified the agent and locus of change we have to start with (ourselves).

1) sexual innuendoes were way more prevalent back in the day 2) people like sex man, it sells and can be funny 3) two moms on a TV show is representative of real life, that child will see it in their life. Gay people exist, why hide them away and make them some weird things? Normalizing it reduces the risk of that kid being confused and angry as an adult. 4) all that = the world should end? That's pretty dramatic


the whole world has became like Sodom and Gomorrah , it is a cesspit of sexual depravity where children are paraded on TV like adults .. where nudity in movies is rewarded by more contracts . where stars release sex tapes .. where homosexual rape goes unreported for fear of ridicule , it is a world where homosexuality is paraded on TV as the new normal .

it is a world where sex sells and powerful men make money of the suffering of millions in a sex industry , a world where you can turn on your computer and pay to watch a woman .. a man .. a couple , man on man .. woman on woman preform sexual acts for money ..

it is a world of exploited and exploiters .. there is no place on family oriented or TV oriented for children for sexual innuendo

-- filth --

for your viewing pleasure .. only $29.99 a month ..

And we’re attacked ferociously for even hinting that their might be something wrong with that..

It’s horrifying.

Out of curiosity, OP - have you been diagnosed with autism? I’m not saying that as a meme/joke, if you haven’t got the diagnosis yet I strongly recommend a trip to a psychologist.

Not exactly the attitude I'd expect from someone trying to save the human race from our depravity.

Oh now I get it.

I was being attacked by so many SJWs at once I lost sight of what’s what! Haha

Nooo joke.

Found the racist.

Just fucking with you. 😉

I hate how obsessing over sports is akin to being "masculine". I find it to be incredibly simple, boring, and basic. No stimulation at all besides seeing big butts in tights ;) ha.