Crucify me

0  2017-12-29 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

I don’t care. You people need to hear this. At least you are aware or interested in the occult, science, politics, and philosophy; so maybe a fraction of you will understand.

The only way we win this battle, and by we I mean humanity, is if we kill or suppress a whole lot of stupid people. I’m not going to play judge, jury, and executioner but part of me certainly wished someone would.

If you came to me, from the future and said “Quetzalcoatl, if you didn’t exist, the world would be a better place, in fact your existence is holding humanity back” and you had any measurable proof of that, I would gladly jump off a bridge or blow my brains out for the species.

That kind of objective loyalty is what we need; a hive mind, a group consensus.

It’s what they had back in tribal times. The group didn’t have different minority’s that wasted time because they felt disserviced in some way. Those people understood that they needed to adapt for the greater good

The Greater Good. A concept that our generation has forgotten. It’s shameful.

We should be bullding space elevators and cracking time travel and conversing with aliens by now, yet here the world is just sitting on its rear end. “Oh look, another super bowl.” “Who won American Idol this year?”

Other countries, don’t act like your so much better! You’re just as weak and stupid as Americans.

It’s a global problem.

The elite are conversing with other forces, whether they be demonic or extraterrsitrial. They are making group decisions for us that we cannot even comprehend because we allow them to sodomize our children without repercussions

The entire world has gone mad.

The only way we evolve is if we cut our losses and reject our own individuality. You need to be part of something greater. Mother Nature is FED UP with us. Climate change may be a hoax but these thousands of species we are killing every year is not a hoax

Wake up! Be a god!

We are gods.

Not cavemen.

Not internet trolls.

Not “civilians”

Wake up.




Hey man, go for a walk! Leave your phone at home, no music... just go for a walk and be present.

Getting all bent out of shape isn't going to help anything :)

Rome wasn't built in a day, and we are making progress. But even gods need a day of rest.

I take plenty of walks. I’m not interested in walking at the moment, I’m interested in projecting a message.

I see the writing on the wall.

I refuse to live in a society that is devolving, without acting accordingly.

And what are you doing to change things? Other than going on insane rants on the internet about “the gays” turning our children into “sodomizing whelps” (your words, not mine)

Actively speaking out against the works of darkness.

Cleansing my body, mind, and soul in preparation for an event of spiritual significance that is immentent.

Giving away all of my money.

Helping my family.

Building a home in a rural community seven miles from any road, far away from society.

Teaching several people occult history, because they’re interested in it.

Using some spare time to reply to idiots on the internet in the hopes that maybe I get a point across.

Writing a book.

Working on a YouTube channel for all of the above.

Continuing to research the histories, and how magnificently they repeat themselves. (Sodom and Gamorrah)

What about you?

Me? Oh im just eagerly awaiting your youtube channel.

I cant wait for you to “enlighten” the world with your bigotted intolerence.

Yeah you seem like a light to the world

What you are proposing is exactly what the NWO proposes.

You are wrong.


Maybe they’re right. Ever considered that fringe possibility? Maybe they just lost sight of the goal. Maybe that devolved themselves, after generations of inbreeding.

Either way, I’m not any more angry at the “NWO” (such a broad, useless term) than I am the average man.

Of course I've considered it.

Both they and you are wrong.

2 problems : human character and how it is grown (ie. collective, responsible child rearing); collective systems that are understandable by everyone, with transparent, testable and manageabe mutable design (ie. narrative structures) that enlist collective agency whilst maintaining personal independence.

Personal independence is being exposed as being overrated.

a hive mind is Bad Design. it's a monoculture. this is the trap we have to avoid. life is not interesting if we don't enable our plurality.

Independence leads to rebellion.

It was gods “original sin”

His mistake.

We were never meant to have this power. So, now that we have it, we have to control it.

indeed. the awareness of The Whole is a requirement for an ethical life in a dualist reality. it's doable. we're not perfect. we require ourselves to save ourselves.

We’re pretty much on the same page, I just might be being slightly zealous.

But yea. We need to be more responsible for our actions.

your posts are great and very much appreciated over here. namaste.


Namaste.... Give me a fucking break guys.

This guy is far from a guru of anything. He rejects individual agency but when called out about it he claims to respect individualism. This whole thing is like feeding a horse a barrel full of peanuts and then claiming the horse shit is peanut butter.


Where does peanut butter come from?!

Darn those people who lieeeeddddd to meeee!!!

Darn them to hec

Not you again, ughh

If you came to me, from the future and said “Quetzalcoatl, if you didn’t exist, the world would be a better place, in fact your existence is holding humanity back” and you had any measurable proof of that, I would gladly jump off a bridge or blow my brains out for the species.

Ok, I'm from the future. I'll say it. Will you do it?

Also, how was Kukulkan the snake-god right?

Got proof? As far as I can tell I’m one of those chosen to survive the coming storm.

Difference between you and I is, I don’t care. I don’t cling to my fleshy prison.

If John Titor manifested right now and could show me an arguable point I’d slit mine and anyone’s throat, if it would be for the greater good.

You have no evidence. Just stupidity.

Quetzalcoatl was a man. A blonde man.

“I’m one or those chosen to survive the coming storm”

Delusions of grandeur much?

Sure. It’s a healthy delusion I think. Or that encourages me to be the best me I can be and be an example.

Historically speaking finding your self superior to all or most people tends to not end well from a social perspective. We’ve gotten a few genocidal maniacs that way.

Everyone thinks themselves to be the smartest, most geneuine, best thing since sliced bread.

The amount of arrogance I deal with on this website is laughable.

Just say something that contributes or be quiet.

No not everyone thinks that, they fact that you believe that only speaks to your character.

I am contributing, just not in the way you want apparently. Unfortunately I’m not beholden to your expectations.

Not at all, time on earth “shows” this to be true. Comment doesn’t equal delusion.

How exactly does time on earth show that any specific person is a chosen one?

They know it. The person.

And if what they “know” isn’t accurate?

Time is a based perspective as is the ability to judge accuracy.

Yeah... that has nothing to do with delusions of grandeur.

Has everything to do with it as you’re judging someone based on your perspective.

Everything is relative and is a result of causation.

Yeah... I think we’re trying to have two different conversations.

Wow. You definitely have an ego problem.

I’d say it’s a problem with the species, not me. I’m also trying to think of solutions. Forgive me for expressing myself, oh master of objectivity.

Well if you've identified it as a problem and you're willing to admit you've above the species of your physical existence, why don't you just kill yourself then? That would solve your problem and mine.

Unnecessary suffering.

Family and friends who love/need me. Soul contracts. The lack of proof.

Collectivism is Cancer.

Become the intersectionalist, intellectual individual.

Jesus' crucification only saved people because he himself wasn't a sinner. You are. We all are.

You start your post with both of these statements: "I will not judge" and "we should be killing stupid people". You are the judge already. Your thought process is full of judgement.

Maybe the elites are only part of the problem. Maybe the other part is ourselves and our judgemental egos are too big to understand that. Everyday we all hear it, at least one of us spouting off at the mouth saying something like "why is the majority of the population blind sheep", while assuming the role of being more "woke" than their peers.

We need to start giving each other more credit, and faith. We can't go much further together if we are screaming at each other or foaming at the mouth waiting to hand out a list of names of people who shouldn't breed because they're "idiots".

You are absolutely right...we should be much more advanced. Not just with technology but I believe our senses in general. We still have the opportunity to advance, we are all still alive. I believe that wishing death to certain people (including yourself) isn't the way we get there. And if we keep assuming that most everyone around us doesn't give a damn than it becomes harder to advance...if we keep assuming that those who are lost in the matrix will never be found, we are giving up on humanity.

Finally, wisdom^

Much appreciated. For the record I don’t wish death on anyone. I’m just a passionate individual. I want us to become greater; to become gods.

I’m simply willing to sacrifice.

Not without necessity.

I don't wish death on anyone The only way we win this battle, and by we I mean humanity, is if we kill or suppress a whole lot of stupid people

Hmmmm. Mass extermination eh? Wouldn't it be easier if everyone went on strike and stopped feeding the machine?

Sure, there'd be no space elevator, but maybe we'd come to appreciate what we have on this planet.

Saying that we should kill idiots and that minorities shouldn't be complaining about injustice just seems like another way to get visitors to this sub to scream "nazi" louder.

But then again, I'm probably stupid and should be killed.

I don’t mean different races, I mean minority views. It’s a problem, when everyone has confictual opinions on even trivial matters. It’s madness.

Conflicting opinions aren't the issue. It's egotism and actions that are problematic.

If conflicting opinion is a problem, it's only to the party unable to listen objectively or meet in the middle.

Which is most parties.

most conflict comes from failure to communicate accurately. if there is any problem it's when people can't agree upon the meaning of words. break everything down to that, resolve agreement of words, and we are all greatly helped.


Being free of conflict is pretty impossible. Even in a sub where all genuine participants are into fringe topics.

It's the degree to which conflict effects people and their reactions.

A call for violence or execution is an unnecessarily extreme reaction.

'stopped feeding the machine'--I'm doing my part. I'm not having children. I'm not going to play Russian Roulette with another person's life and that's what I compare bringing kids into this existence to.

Your post reeks of ego.

Your comment reeks of lack of understanding.

No hes right. Kill your ego and you will have a better understanding of whats going on. Not saying your post is bad or wrong, but it seems you are coming from a place where you want to know the truth and with your ego like it is now, it will be impossible.

Fair judgement

You are arguing that to save humanity we should become the borg?


I would gladly jump off a bridge or blow my brains out for the species.

Jesus fucking Christ. Get on with it then and stfu.

Never cause unnecessary suffering.

You aren't Jesus, you aren't even a decent fake Jesus. You're just another NWO depopulation drone trying to recruit people to feel sorry for existing and to surrender their individuality to the hive or to roll over and die to make room for more mindless fucking Autobots.

I'm not sorry that I have different opinions of subjects that seem inconsequential to you, nor am I sorry that I don't conform to the hive consensus for the supposed good of the collective. I'm proudly an individual and I have teeth if you try to suffocate me and claws if you try to bury me. I will gnash and rip and tear at any fucker stupid enough to try to put out my fire.

We are a national of individuals and our strength is not because of diversity of biology, our strength is diversity of thought and diversity intent and diversity of ideas. I'm tired of cultural Marxist trying to redefine even the simplest of terms like "violence" and "harm" to fit their ridiculous Utopia where they don't have to compete with anyone and can remove Everyone's accomplishments simply by claiming that it's oppression.

So many assumptions.

False assumptions.

I’m certainly not a Marxist or a socialist, that goes against everything I believe in. I value democracy and I value the individual.

What I’m trying to get at is “too much of a good thing can become a bad thing”

We have too much individuality

We lost sight of evolution.

We lost sight of progress.

The last disease they CURED was polio.

The last major global change happened in 1945.

We’ve just been lollygaging about for decades.

That’s what I’m saying.

Where is our drive to achieve great things? Where did that go?

the matrix seeks to stifle creativity. its nature is to enforce limitation of previously limitless beings. this reality is enslaved by a Predatory A.I.

I agree.

Polio was not the last disease cured, not even close.

Read your own article. Smallpox is still in the process of being cured

Polio is number three.. sooooo far back. My mistake.

You people are pathetic just scrounging around for any piece of falsity you can conjure up avoiding the meat and potatoes of an argument.

It shows how distracted and biased you are, and does nothing to add to a conversation.

lol yeah

My point is you keep throwing out these bullshit statements and not once in any of your posts, in the last couple of days, have you backed up any of you claims with any sort of evidence.

You dont even have the decency to do a quick google search before you go spouting off inacutate tripe

I can backup whatever you want. Question me. Most of what I’ve said is opinion anyway..

Okay, great.

Lets start with your claim that being exposed to same sex relationships will pervert children and turn them into “sodomizing whelps”, or will in anyway cause some psycological damage leading to sexual disfunction?


Why do you have that opinion? Is it based on facts you have read? or studies? Or is it just based on prejudice? Because if thats the case then perhaps it is you who should be rethinking your own views.

Just because I like to cause needless pain and suffering, it really gets me going! :)

Well despite your sarcasm i suggest you take some time to really reflect on what people have been saying to you over the past couple of days.

If your views really come from a place of good why have people reacted so strongly against you.

Dont think about what they are doing wrong, focus on you and why you believe these things with no reason or facts to back up your opinions

It’s pretty much half and half how people have responded.

The smarter people agree.

Wow, you could not be less self aware

Also, you’ve made it to the front page of TMOR so congratulations on helping to continue the reputation that everyone here is a lunatic

While not saying anything about the original post, this is just not cool on so many levels. Please consider deleting your post and to reflect on how much harm this could do reaching the wrong person at the wrong time.

I don't give a flying fuck about your arbitrary moral standards.

This fucking guy is encouraging people to commit suicide for the good of the species while posing as some sort of lamb of God. He deserves the harshest of rebukes I can offer in words so I gave it. If you don't like my comment than fine, don't make a comment similar to mine but you have no fucking authority over me or my words.

Please consider deleting your account.

I don't and I don't claim to. I am just offering you a hint, that neither low road nor high road will lead anywhere you want to be. OP made me feel angry, too. Acting irresponsible on your end then made me feel sad. Take it or leave it, friend and have a great start into the new year.

A hint to be you? Not thanks man. I appreciate it but I'm not you nor do I want to be. And I'm not irresponsible, this is you imposing your morality on others. Words are fucking words. I'll say it how I see it.

A hint to at least act civilized, thoughtfull and maybe kind in a semipublic space? Choices everywhere, right? Accountabillity?

Anybody who, by coercion, duress, or deception, knowingly and intentionally causes someone else to commit suicide or who provides access to the ability to commit suicide, is committing a crime and can be held responsible for that suicide.

It still is a complex problem and while there isn't legislation everywhere, there is in many places and we are going to test if you or OP can be measured by those standards, aren't we?

Are you okay man?

This guy is telling people that there needs to be a purge of dumb people and that he would kill himself if it would benefit society and you're going to try to chastise me for telling him to get on with it? Even "hinting" that I'm committing some sort of crime for it.

You aren't going to test shit, you're going to lecture about public spaces and other bullshit why you act all morally superior.

while there isn't legislation everywhere, there is in many places and we are going to test if you or OP can be measured by those standards, aren't we?

Wtf are you even talking about? Lmfao.

Let's find out who gets judged by the all powerful and holy government!

Your honor, I present my case that the OP is encouraging both genocide of people based upon an undefined selection process claimed to judge a person's intelligence. Like all communist purges we know that this selection process will continuously migrate from one inconvenient class of persons to the next until the very people who started the purge find themselves with their heads on the chopping block and the circle of human suffering will once again be completed in the name of "progress". I find it no longer necessary to humor these collectivist ideologies for the sake of being kind at the cost of hundreds of millions of innocent people needlessly losing their life, liberty, property and happiness.

So with all things considered I would like to beg of the morality justice system to grant me the liberty of replying to a stranger on the internet that while they plan to commit genocide and then kill themselves that perhaps they should reverse the order of operations "for the greater good".

I rest my case.

I am and I don't know where you are going with this. I will leave you with this: In my opinion your attitude is to be received very defensive-agressive. Might be caused by stress and high Cortisol. (That's just me guessing.)

I asked you to just reflect on your words and your reactive response makes me doubt that you even considered my request. I can't ever judge you as a person but I can and will disagree with your impulsive action and I reported OP and now you according to my moral code. It is a very simple principle. I try not to judge or compare. You can and will do whatever you want and that is your journey alone. My experiences involve harm and suffering beeing provoked by mindless words and actions and I will act according to that. I am not into ideologies or purges, I am into universal basic human respect and am making use of the chance to touch you on this medium with my words, like you might touch somebody randomly with yours. I am only responsible for my actions as are you and that's it. Let some kindness into yout heart, flytape and I will send you some peacefull thoughts and wishes for 2018.

Thanks doc. I'll get my cortisol levels checked out before I rebuke any more genocidal people.

Now please stop playing camp counselor, I'm not reflecting on anything in the Navajo smoke bath teepee today.

The OP is a nut that needs to be locked in a padded cell ASAP.

Well you’re just full of terrible ideas.

You make women look bad.

How so? I wasn’t aware I was the envoy for all women.

If I’m an envoy for all right wing, right brained, spiritually obsessed and confused homophobic genocidal maniacs than you can be an envoy for women.

And all you do is pick needless battles.

I don’t consider you the envoy for any of those things, nor does any reasonable person. Sounds like a straw man.

I don’t consider them needless. The pursuit of truth is inherently valuable.

Okay well if you can’t tell I’m a pretty passionate and extreme person, with radical emotional swings.

I’m not a psychopath. I’ve never hurt anyone who wasn’t already trying to hurt me.

It’s not a straw man. I’m self conscious and showing some vulnerability to you, how about that? This ego maniac has feelings.

I don’t like be attacked for my beliefs, just as I’m sure others don’t quite enjoy it. I deserve to have a place to speak my opinions, just like everyone else.

My opinion is that we are being lazy and apathetic, and that we need to switch gears and not worry about people who disagree. I obviously can’t do that alone, so until I’ve won over the village pitchforks you have nothing to worry about.

I’m not a psycho.

I don’t think you’re a psycho, I think you’re someone with a big ego and harmful opinions.

If you speak your beliefs in a public forum you should expect feedback. Don’t be surprised if much of that feedback is critical.

We gain insight in our beliefs by those who challenge them, but yes men. If you are as passionate about making the world better as you claim to be, then you should welcome criticism. It strengthens your reasoning if you actually force your beliefs to be tried and tested.

I do welcome criticism and apologize if I seem arrogant.

I actually just care a lot.

And I know I’m right about alot of what I’m saying. Their are obviously parts of this game that are not going to be solved.

I’m simply trying to accelerate the process

Look at it this way, if I’m wrong, I will only be pointing out important details and reminding people of the truth either way.

Maybe your right!

But there’s only one way to know for sure.


Important question, how do you know you’re right?

We’ll call it “divine intervention”

Hmm that doesn’t seem very compelling to someone who isn’t you.

Neither do your opinions.


Except I’m willing (and have multiple times in your threads alone) to explain the rationale behind my statements.

Divine Intervention seems like a cop out.

You could call me irrational.

I’m very irrational.

In fact, I think rationality is holding us back. I’m looking for creative solutions

Creativity and rationality are not mutually exclusive.

But they can sometimes be conflictual.


“I dont like to be attacked for my beliefs” - he says with a straight face while insighting genocide for people whos views dont suit his own.

Do you have anything better to do? Can’t I be a “genocidal maniac” and be left in peace?


I’m not inciting genocide, just trying to make people question.

Why because a woman can see through your Marxist cult guru facade?

Won’t help her much in my gulag..

I’m obviously not a communist. If you read the comments. I might be considered an anarchist, or perhaps a nihilist. No government for me!

Women are great! By the way. Just emotional.


You sound like a communist, have you read your OP? Why even deny it?

Fucking kids these days, "I'm an anarchist!" Proceeds to spout of the communist manifestos.


No really I would love to live in a world where there were no governments.

At all.

Do whatever I want.

Like killing all the stupid people, yes we read about it above.

Anyone with IQs under 120

I'd rather teach than kill...but hey, maybe that's just me being all emotional because I'm a woman.


when you buy into IQ, thats how I know youre an idiot

Something tells me there are not 7 billion "gods"....but a divine spark in everyone, that I believe.

There certainly are not 7 billion gods yet, but if 7 billion people committed to being and manifesting that divine spark there totally could be.

Too messy.

I would prefer drowning or an explosion.

Gah, drowning seems like one of the worst ways to go. Guillotine for Men for me, please.

You seriously need to talk to a professional, all joking aside your posts have a lot of warning signs.

Am I the only one who thinks this dude sounds dangerous?


“But you dare think of challenging me!”

“Arreeeggggghhhh” *grips pirate hat

Knickers? Is that you?

he claims he’s a history teacher. i really hope that’s just a reddit lie

A Utopia can only exist by actively suppressing individuality, which is a horrifying concept. Your idea of a perfect world is different from everyone else's making a Utopia impossible without total mind control. That doesn't seem like the greater good to me.

Individual experience seems to be the point of this life game we're playing. Everything is one consciousness anyway, so duality was created for the consciousness to experience itself. Suppressing individuality violates all that is natural and a dangerous concept. I understand what you're trying to say about becoming a better version of what we currently are but I think you need to rethink your approach to attaining your goal.

Fair enough. Maybe I’m being too extreme. But at lest I’m brainstorming solutions. Unnecessary suffering (for any life form) is not ideal, in fact it’s evil. I just think we’ve gone soft.

100 Million people were brutally nursed in China and the USSR to prove to us that utopia is farther away than we could have ever imagined.

Did they die in vain?

If they were used as an experiment, then yes. No one should have the authority or believe they have the authority to experiment on someone else. It's barbaric.

I agree about unnecessary suffering. In fact reducing the suffering of anyone or any animal I'm in contact with is a major part of my life. I want to make life as comfortable as possible for everyone.

There are major problems in the world as you said. I don't have the answers either but I do believe that the ego is a root cause for all suffering as Buddha said. Everyone's belief that it's them against the world is the problem. Self realization is key because you understand that there is no separation at all in the universe. Once realized you become complete and have no desire. Conflict ends. The issue is that it's self realization, it can't be forced.

You and I are on the same page. Maybe I’m being too zealous but yes, the attachment to the self IS THE PROBLEM indeed.

Amazing more of these “enlightened” people here didn’t get that part of what I was saying. Maybe I was being too confrontational..

And to your question, absolutely I believe her was. I love the story. And that’s why it’s my name.

Possibly, funny how language is so powerful. A word or phrasing can change everything. It might have been a turn off for some.

Absolutely. The rampant narcissism and massive egotistical behavior that is promoted in this society is devastating to everyone. Simple concern for others is basically non-existent. It's kill or be killed mentality. Divide and conquer at all levels is working. Hopefully people get sick of being sick and make changes.

I'm a big fan of Thoth.. anyway best of luck. Try to be the best version of you, that's all you can do anyway. Peace brother

Thanks for reminding me I’m not alone.

Sure thing. There's lots of us out there. We usually just keep to ourselves because people don't want to think about stuff like this. HMU if you need to talk to someone

Much appreciated

Beautiful post. Don't worry about the idiots. They tend to die quick and without consequence, usually by their own device. We don't have to be proactive about it.

The idiots with initiative end up buttressing against the sensible. It balances out and the slow progression continues unhindered.


While I do agree with you completely, there's a problem with who decides who the stupid people are. For example, if you go over to /r/politics, they'd say everyone at the donald are stupid and should be killed. And visa versa.

Then you have to define what stupid is. Is it intelligence tests for voting that we had decades ago to keep certain people from voting? Plenty of city dwellers think the rural folk are backwards and stupid. Yet I've met plenty of book smart people in the city that wouldn't be able to survive in an apocalypse.

I'm still hoping a virus comes out and makes all humans infertile. That would end humans within a generation without war or famine. Leave the planet to the animals, though we see where that got us last time (the violent ape won out - aka humans).


I don’t think I’m the one to decide. These people call me arrogant for saying these things but really I’m taking the position of servant.

Servant to god.

Servant to all life.

Mother Nature and Farher Sky will decide what is best.

Quetzalcoatl, if you didn’t exist, the world would be a better place; in fact your existence is holding humanity back.

*jumps off of cliff

no one watches american idol mate

be more modern

You bought into their trap. You became socipathic. Every life matters.


I want out. This existence never was meant to be a paradise and it never will be. The damage has been done. I want the control over my own destiny because I realize how limited I am in this form. It's like being in a prison. The world's a prison, my body's a prison and the mind can also be viewed as a prison for certain people. I have severe depression and anxiety. I'm not having a free for all party when I'm having a bad day.

Why do I have to stay in this body for as long as I do? Why can't I go and be a cat for a spell? And then why can't I be a butterfly for awhile? I'm sick of humans and I'm sick of being a human. We do so many fucked up things to each other and it's old.

And I really want to comment more on your actual post because I feel differently than you do. I've said on so many other places that this world is filled with traps. To realize you've fallen through a trap and you're able to get yourself out of it is on par with being buried alive and digging yourself out of your own grave. I'll respect the ones that dig themselves out of their own grave. I'll sympathize with the ones that just can't dig out. Those aren't my enemy. The ones that are my enemies is the son of a bitches that trapped us here to begin with and the ones that make damn sure this experience will be as miserable as possible.

I don't think there's a way of resetting the machine. Doesn't matter if you do go the route you're talking in your OP. There'll always be ones to replace the ones that get taken out--doesn't matter if we're talking about the distracted people or the assholes that commit such horrors in our existence.

Call me Debbie Downer, this is just the way I see it.

I haven’t quite gotten here yet..

Don’t give up.

Pfft... I couldn't care less about you or your opinion. I certainly don't care enough to crucify you.

Have a nice day, whoever you are.

Please! Please crucify me! :)

And at the risk of going all the way, this has been our lives. We're all cockroaches in this system and we all got the RAID treatment. The people you're looking down on are flipped over on their back and they might be dead or their legs barely kicking. End of the day, they're still fucked and any of the roaches that managed to get a bit of poisoning are still just as fucked. So you crawled into a crack, big fucking deal. There's still a shoe or a broom waiting for you when you crawl back out.

I like the the way you think

How the hell does this have over 100 comments and not a single up or downvote?

It’s a conspiracy

This is the most psychotic thing I've read in weeks

"I'm a god"

Uh huh.... Prove your immortality to us then.

Can't stand this new age horseshit. Just adding more delusion to an already fucked melting pot.

Anyone with enough sense to take a step back and looked at this post will just see another "conform conform conform" post.

But nope! Don't conform to the elite this time conform to the new age community and be "one with all"

Individuality was gifted to us for a reason. Your post stinks of the same "conform and assimilate" the stink that the transhumanists do.

Go take some more acid then get back to us buddy. Holy fuck.

Unchecked Schizophrenia strikes again.

Imagine killing yourself because someone came up to you, claimed to be from the future, and said it was for the best. OP, I really think you need to talk to a professional about this

Me? Oh im just eagerly awaiting your youtube channel.

I cant wait for you to “enlighten” the world with your bigotted intolerence.

It’s a conspiracy