Look at what Rule 13 is making you miss

0  2017-12-29 by ExtHD


It's clearly not posts from spammers and trolls being removed. It's mostly the stuff everybody comes here to see.

Classic "throwing out the baby with the bathwater".


drop a note to those folks telling them to put in a statement so we can start seeing their stuff. I prefer sub without the bots.

Personally, I think most people come here to share interesting articles or to read articles others have shared. They don't come to argue about it. Some might call it 'discussion' but when one does read through threads it's 99% arguing and name calling, not 'discussing'.

Submit a statement to show you aren't a bot. It's not a hard concept.

I don't think that submitting a statement has anything to do with arguing or name calling.

You think bots made all those posts? Lol.

Unless you can show that even one of them is a bot then that argument is fallacious.

Well, the fact that there seems to be a lot less bots now that an accompanying statement is required seems to prove that some portion of them were bots, but believe what you will.

seems to prove

Things aren't always what they seem to be, especially when cognizant biases are concerned.

Wow, that's some serious thinking there. Yes sirree.

You and I have a different opinion on this I guess. Pardon me if I'll continue to see the lack of bots as proof this is working.

I hope it doesn't keep you up at night that your amazing circular logic hasn't convinced me.

Bots are a very minor problem compared to the spammers & trolls from tmor and conspiratard who have nothing better to do than copy/past stuff from what they're posting. Their entire day is dedicated to it.

That's the shills brother.

If you can't spend a few minutes writing a submission statement, don't submit at all.

I haven't made any submissions since the proposed new rule was first announced. And I won't until it's rescinded, thank you very much. I know I won't be missed but there won't be anything left here for me to miss either.

That's fine. There are plenty of subs that you can still bot-spammed articles out there.

If you can't find the time to write two sentences explaining what the link is about, then it's a good thing you're refraining from posting.

Not only has it cut down on spammers, it has improved discussion. No more links to just youtube videos with no idea what they're about. And it starts a thread out with a basis for discussion already there.

Okay, you've pointed out the 'bathwater'. How do you justify throwing out the 'baby' with it? Should every Mother have to explain every fucking time why they're giving their baby a bath?

If it's actually a real "baby", surely someone will bother to post it with a SS.

If you can't even be bothered writing a short comment about it, why should we be bothered to read it?

You call it a baby, but what mother doesn't brag about their baby every chance they get?

Why is is so hard for you to write the submission statement? State your intentions and reasoning for the post. It cuts down on the bots/shills/spam AND it gets the conversation going.

Are you just being stubborn or is there something else I’m missing?

This is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination.

That discussion bit is right in the sidebar.

Hell, you don't even have to stick around for the discussion, just add a relevant submission statement and move on.

The only ones that should be bothered by the rule are spammers and karma whores who don't even care about the material they post.

And yet it's the people I have tagged as spammers and trolls that are doing the SS thing and arguing for it. It's only the people that are truly dedicated to destroying this sub that have the time to do that shit. Well, and the suckers that have fallen for the mods' claim it'll "make things better". It clearly hasn't but the only people that won't admit that arethe spammers/trolls mentioned above.

In any case, I was just pointing out one of the many problems with the rule. I have no interest in being drug into further arguments about it.

Yet you had to make a post about. That says to me you WANT to argue about it.

It's only the people that are truly dedicated to destroying this sub that have the time to do that shit.

So you are admitting to being "truly dedicated to destroying this sub"? I mean, here you are proving that you "have the time to do that shit".

Sorry but if you're not going to interact with commenters don't post. It's the whole point of discussion boards like Reddit.

I don't usually interact with the people I have tagged as spammers/trolls.. I've made an exception in this case.

I miss the days of actual internet discussion. It did used to exists. People still had actual dialogue once upon a time. A troll was the rare exception, not the rule. I still come to reddit hoping to have an interesting discussion but few people ever actually respond to my posts with a response that would require further conversation. No follow up questions on further illustrating a point alluded to, No "I agree and also to your point". Mainly just likes, people personally insulting you, or flat out telling you you're wrong without actually articulating what they disagree on.

You're right. It's really too bad too. This sub used to have quite a bunch of respectful and thoughtful discussions, after Rule 10 was first initiated. It's apparent that over the past couple years selective enforcement by the mods has resulted in the same kind of flame wars that existed here prior to Rule 10.

This sub used to have quite a bunch of respectful and thoughtful discussions

But not ones you ever participated in... right? (1,183 comment karma, redditor for 7 years)

Sanitized account. Nice and clean for the buyers.

if you aren't prepared to discuss then let someone who is post it

That's the point, isn't it?

These complainers are harvesting karma by being the first to post important articles, denying people who actually care enough about the article the chance to make a submission that everyone reads rather than skips over as a repost.

Just look at OP - 11,779 post karma, 1,184 comment karma, redditor for 7 years

This guy barely ever comments on his submissions, it seems. In fact he's only made 22 comments in the last week, an average of three per day. In the same time, he's submitted 15 posts to various subs.

So he averages less than 2 comments per submission, and in fact that average has been increased by this post.

It's the karma whores that are complaining... not the people with genuine opinions to offer.

If it is that important, just do the damn SS.

You can repost with a submission statement. I think it's a good rule, cuts down on all the spam


  1. go to https://www.reddit.com/user/rconbot/comments/

  2. click the "follow" button

  3. profit.

I like the idea of submission statements but this is really eye opening

OP is right. Yet the sheep BAA on in celebration of the Conspiracy sub Police State. Ironic, no?

I agree, this is obvious.

I would rather have the bots and shills, I just ignore them.

It doesn't take a lot of time to not do something.

I posted this morning without writing a sub statement, the mods removed my post, but i let them know just how dumb of an idea the sub statement is. This idea may be good for other subs, but here in r/conspiracy, it is simply another outlet for possible disinfo. It amazes me that the mods don't see how this can hurt the sub more than help it.


... AND there's a bot for automatically downvoting this post. It's like a game, click n reload to watch your vote disappear.

If it's actually a real "baby", surely someone will bother to post it with a SS.

If you can't even be bothered writing a short comment about it, why should we be bothered to read it?

You call it a baby, but what mother doesn't brag about their baby every chance they get?