Has anyone seen the Sun lately?

8  2017-12-30 by BillNyeScienceLies

The chemtrails in Florida have been non-stop lately and for the past 2 days I have not seen the Sun moon or stars due to the thick cloud cover created by the chemtrails. Harvard came out this year and made public operation solar shield.

Dimming the Sun to combat global warming.. don't we need the sunlight? How many people will freeze to death in the north this winter? The "winter is coming" meme was blatant predictive programming .


Way too north to help you, I am in Chicago. I saw the sun this AM so far south it made me sad I am so far from summer, but then looked at a project I did in third grade where I had to record the declination of the sun from September 5 to December 31 and the sun was right on target.

Sometimes I wish I lived closer to the equator but fuck them, they dont see sunrise at 5 am in late June and sunset at almost 9 pm. it is sort of a trade off I have made for 50 years.

Dimming the Sun to combat global warming..

Except the sun still hits everywhere else... Half of the globe is facing the sun.

That's like opening an umbrella in a stadium and claiming it'll stop the lights from shinning...

"Indeed, the Harvard team envisions a man-made solar shield covering the earth for $10 billion a year."


Have You Ever Seen The Sun Set At 3pm? (The Simpsons) https://youtu.be/hjdMYyjnmks?t=13

Central FL here. Had the same thought today. It’s been overcast all week here. I did manage to catch a killer sunset on 12/27. That same day though I saw some wild chem trails outside my work. Two sets formed X’s......it was weird.

My daughter pointed out some crazy trails here. Tampa area. I mean the should have taken pics. It was unlike anything I had seen before.

Why is this being downvoted so much?

Because it isnt a distraction. Its an ACTUAL TRUE conspiracy. But yes ive noticed the chemtrails have been rapid this past year. Its like every holiday they make it cloudy as fuck so people dont have to be in the sun. Like the sun is bad for humanity for some reason lol.

I kinda think maybe it is. The idea being that when the sun turned white, it started kicking it more harmful rays/radiation, and the trails are there to block them from killing plants/animals/sea life/ people. So my opinion is the trails are good.

Yeah sorry but you’re wrong. The sun literally brings life to everything on earth. The plants need sunlight to grow, the earth has been here fore billions of years but now suddenly we need to save the planet from the light that birthed all life on earth? Lmaoooo without the sun there would be no earth.

Really though? Like a hundred years of industry could just kill the planet like that? I doubt it. Ice ages and warming trends bruh. We're in a warming trend now. The last "mini ice age" just ended at the time and of the Renaissance. How does a cold trend end without getting warmer? How does a planet get warm in the first place? The sun right? So if the sun burns hotter the planet gets hotter, and if the life on that planet is adapted to a different radiation profile it would need protected from that radiation.

I agree that it is also a natural occurrence for the sun to heat up the same way we have miniature seasons every year, the earth also has major seasons as you mentioned like the ice age. But our natural instinct to adapt to the planet is also interfering with the natural order or the planet.

Well, speaking from under a totally blue sky on the bottom side of the world, yes, I can see the sun and it's fucking hot.

It's a cloud

Sent by Obama!

Well it might have something to do with the giant cold front that moved into FL 2 days ago. Now I believe in Chemtrails 100%, but I live in FL too, and I got to call them like I see them.

I've watched cold fronts come through Florida for 25 years and I can't recall ever seeing such a thick canopy of fog looking cloud for 2 days straight completely blocking the Sun and moon.

I saw the moon earlier this evening.

There has been a heavy influx of pacific moisture blowing across northern Mexico, Texas, and the southeast. The Mexican I used to work with always wanted to get home by October to plant beans in central Durango before these expected rains. They are late this year and there is more water in the air because of, you guessed it, climate change.

Moisture is being pumped out of the gulf of Mexico and other coastal areas on a daily basis. This is clearly visible on the GOES16 satellite imagery.

I don't get chemtrails .. why just in the US? What can you guys see IF they weren't there? It's like they're trying to hide something

Im in Florida too and I noticed a great increase in chems these past couple weeks and now this weird fog for the past few days. Feels so gloomy and creepy

Northern Canadian here, ya I see it.

Nope, no where to be found. Mr. Burns stole the sun.

It’s been pretty cloudy and yucky here in TX for the last week. The sky was blue for a few hours yesterday but I don’t recall seeing the sun. The last time I saw the sun was Christmas.
There was some pretty funky fog a few days before Christmas and I do recall seeing chem trails on Christmas Day. There were so many!

I couldn't even tell where it was at in the sky. Very dim.

There is a strange cloud cover right now (4am) in southern Florida and the eastern sky looks red, as if there were a massive fire.

I don't wake up early enough

I think it's where you live. Fine sunny and fucking hot in Aus.

The sun is pritty absent in the Netherlands also past week. Just two half days partly clouded. And i have not seen an unclouded sunset this year.

Yeah sorry but you’re wrong. The sun literally brings life to everything on earth. The plants need sunlight to grow, the earth has been here fore billions of years but now suddenly we need to save the planet from the light that birthed all life on earth? Lmaoooo without the sun there would be no earth.