Americans have lost a sense of politeness, tact and respect

13  2017-12-30 by [deleted]



We are witnessing the destruction of a society and civilization. It is being done on purpose.

failure to communicate accurately. most people, i reckon, just want to get along. english is an ambiguous language and people often choose to interpret things that have multidimensional meaning in the way that most winds them up. this is just what happens with inaccurate communication. making people aware of this pattern is a good start to mitigating this phenomenon.

Best example of this is American cops - who are the rudest, tactless police force on the planet (certainly out of any developed countries). They behave like Gestapo overlords

A lot of American cops train in Israel.

Really? I didn't know that. Do you have some stuff I can read about this?

I hope this doesn't come off as sassy,lol. I'm genuinely curious.


Ha, the ADL seminar. Fun times!

Your “best example” is answered in the second part of your post. Do you know any cops? I do, and trust me they don’t go out each morning putting their life on the line hoping to shoot someone. Your part about people being assholes is why cops act the way they do. Your question can be summarized in one answer; the breakdown of the nuclear family unit. That’s where conduct is supposed to be taught. Having respect for authority. Not arguing with cops and escalating the situation. I’ve been pulled over 6 times this year alone and not one time did I ever respond to the officer as anything other than “sir” or “ma’am” even when I didn’t think I had done anything wrong. Do you think cops want to spend the holidays working? Missing birthdays and stuff like that just to deal with piece of shit people who are just looking for confrontation? The problem isn’t the police, it’s the people who don’t respect any authority.

read my post. its not just cops and your argument is invalid. people in US are just confrontational and rude. You have a nation of such people and you are not acknowledging the problem.

Oh yea ive never seen Russians acting confrontational and crazy with all their dash cam videos posted online...

secondly, the whole "sir" "mam" - police are not some overlords that citizens are required to kiss feet of.

anywhere in the world you can talk normally to them like other people, yet in US their chip flies off their shoulder (!) if they dont like ANYTHING you say to them?

that's a quality of schizophrenic police state!

I’m assuming you aren’t American?

It’s heavily influenced by people outside the US.

You must live in the wrong town.

I think Americans in general are rougher around the edges (in general) than Brits. But overall people in general care for others.

Your cop example might be due to that many war vets are brought home and put into civilian police positions - and they use military techniques when a softer gentler approach might be better.

We are turning into a society of narcissists. It's what happens if we tilt too far left on the collectivism vs individualism scale. The latter(individualism) was always about everyone, as opposed to the majority, being guaranteed certain inalienable rights(dignity, freedom). That idea seems to have grown into the belief that now, individuals have carte blanche to act as they wish even at the expense of others.

It appears as though this was done intentionally as an act of social engineering in order to destabilize the nation and cause chaos amongst Americans. What better way to manipulate the masses through tactics like divide and conquer than to have a society of narcissists that only care about themselves?

We are turning into a society of narcissists. It's what happens if we tilt too far left on the collectivism vs individualism scale

Im actively planning to peace the F out once all my investments are in order, my real estate sold, and I have the exit plan all sown up.

Everyone I know that comes here from elsewhere says most people live isolated, fake smiles, depressed, etc. Whereas I have been to Phillipines, Costa Rica, India, Tibet, etc and have experienced people who have very little but at least are happy

Where are you getting these notions? Television/movies? Most everyone I encounter is polite and respectful; those who aren't are fairly rare.

did you forget about me?

I responded to you.

a lot of it is from news/videos i see online. i do agree that in person most people are fine

Maybe watch some different types of videos..? But generally, people don’t gather around with phone cameras out and yell ‘Worldstar’ when you hold the door open for someone, or help an old lady across the street

I'm with you 100% on TV/movies being an absolute cesspool of human indignity and prostration before filth; nearly every character or plot glorifies one, more, or all of the seven deadly sins. And that's why I don't watch any TV shows from after the early 60s. I'll admit I watch a few recent movies here with friends, but try to suggest ones that are at least bit more "decent" when possible. Even then, I try to watch from a bit of an intellectual and emotional distance so as to not be sucked in/brainwashed by the programming.

What really has irked me lately is how awful characters are to each other in general, but to their supposed "friends" in particular. You have this group of friends in a sitcom and all they do is make fun and tear down each other. Joshing around and friendly banter is what makes for good friendships, but these characters are just plain nasty. E.g., have you ever seen that clip of Big Bang Theory where someone removed the laugh track? Just terrible.

That show, and many others, have plots that are dependent upon one character doing something shitty to another and they magically "fix" it by act three, where in real life the friendships would be over and people potentially in jail.

As an aside, I've had numerous encounters with cops throughout my life and not a single one has been a dick/asshole or pulled rank. I talk to them with the same respect and politeness I reserve for everyone IRL and they've always done the same; I've been in several situations where I should have received tickets, but they generously let me go.
One incident happened just three weeks ago. Speeding 73mph in a 60mph zone.

regular people in USA are ok ... but anyone with any authority - doctors/lawyers/politicians/cops .. suck

Again, on what are you basing that? Is it just the US or everywhere?

From what angle are you coming? I hope you're not just another angsty teenager, are you? If not, what makes you think the way you do? Do you just have a problem with the concept of authority in and of itself?

Yes. We ain’t America’s greatest generation. Best tech but poor civility. We need that 60’s peace / love / happiness spirit again, man.

Conservatives labeled politeness, political correctness, and claimed that expecting good manners was theft of their right to free speech.

The truth is, authoritarian oligarchies must humiliate the masses as part of keeping them oppressed. And having one group of citizens routinely humiliate other groups, women, religious and culture minorities keeps everyone well managed.

I live in Virginia and all the police officers I encounter are polite and friendly.

I've noticed that people around 18-40 have gotten pretty bad, while those older than them are still fine. The teens (14-17) are decent, and then it cuts again, people under 14 generally being pretty crap. I'm not sure if it's some conspiracy or if it's just behavioral patterns, but there is definitely something happening.

Empathy is important as we really and truly are all in this together.

Objectivity must rule empathy so one does not lose sight of the entropy oriented individuals who destroy unthinkingly or by design.

The USA is a heavily programmed and chemically saturated population.