27 yr old activist for BLM, Erica Garner, dies after a heart attack.

46  2017-12-30 by somegirlyname19

Erica Garner became and activist against police violence after her father, Eric Garner, died at the hand of police during a brutal assult by the police. She was also an advicate for Bernie Sanders during rhe 2016 primaries. She died today at ONLY 27 years old of a HEART ATTACK. I would like to discuss the suspicions that people may have about this and this communities opinion of her death.


I also wanted to provide an source stating her death which is the link above.

On a side note, I was lying on my couch listening to whichever news station is on TV right now and heard the story of her death. I then picked up my phone and opened google to find out more about her death, before I even startes typing the google suggestion was "Erica Garner dies at 27 yrs old" or something to that extent. Kinda freaked me out but being an everyday lurker off this sub it didn't surprise me.

Sorey about any format, grammar or spelling issues, I am on a phone posting this.


When younger people have heart attacks its usually due to diabetes, heart disease and/or respiratory issues. She was a big girl, so any of those options could be on the table.

Add the stress of her work on top of it and its not that unbelievable.

Yeah I understand that it isn't impossible for someone that young to have a heart attack but it definitely struck me as a bit odd when i heard the cause her death. I am very close to her age and I work at a Cardiology office so with both of those things in mind it was just hard for me to dogest I guess. I haven't dug into her life or anything yet, this is honestly the first I've heard od her, but this situation definitely sparked mu attention. Also with that said I an sure young people do have heart attacks but seeing all the elderly that come through my office with previous MIs on their chart I just wonder the chances of them surviving one and a 27 not after a week in the hospital. Maybe there were other complications I am not aware of.

I'm 28 so I can agree that its always shocking to hear of people our age dying like this. After looking into it a bit it seems that she had a heart attack earlier this year after an asthma attack. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/dec/30/erica-garner-dies-black-lives-matter-eric-garner-daughter

Her first heart attack was when she was pregnant, during (if I remember correctly) delivery. This last one was after a severe asthma attack, which is, although not a regular occurrence, not unheard of.

Ah I thought it meant the asthma attack was during the pregnancy. Either way, no conspiracy

Yeah, the article was poorly written in regards to that...

Had an 18 year old drop dead on my ship. Turns out he had an enlarged heart, which I thunk more parents should get thier kid checked for, and was running when it happened.

I agree with you.

But maybe it would have been easier to induce a heart attack?

Opioid's have been killing a lot of young people and they classify them as heart attacks. The respiratory system is slowed weigh down, causing cardiac arrest. Lot of times they aren't classified as OD, for obvious reasons. Big Pharma being the likeliest one.

She had a heart attack a few months ago as well, giving birth to her son. Its because she had an enlarged heart.

Yeah, google is creeping on everything. Sometimes I feel like it is reading my mind, I don’t even have to type anything before it has my query listed.

Interesting about Erica Garner. 27 is pretty young. Did she have any known health issues or drug habits?

Yeah my first thought when I opened the text box was damn did google just read my mind then i thought it through and I know they are listening through my phone. Also it is a fairly new story so it is probably a popular search right now but do they have to be so creepy about it.

I haven't really dug into her life yet but this definitely sparked my interest and I will be when i get the chance.

Super creepy indeed. And with stupid stuff, not just hot trending topics. I was eating an apple one day, my dog wanted some. I picked up my phone to check if apples are ok for dogs to eat, first thing that came up, I didn’t type it and didn’t speak it. Did the fuckers hear me biting an apple and know I have a begging dog? Fucking stalkers, man!

PS: apple is ok for dogs, just not the seeds. :-)

Lol.. yeah I wish I knew why they were listening and could hear what they were hearing. As far as sound quality if you put the phone in the other room and turn the radio on run the shower flush the toilet stand on your head rub your stomach and counterclockwise circles does it make it harder for them to hear? Also I had such a great visual while reading your post about your dog. I just gave my dog peanut butter-filled Apple like a Kong love the peanut butter left the Apple

I think I’m going to start talking to my phone like “Dear Diary,...” then I will proceed to make some really creative, outlandish scenarios. I’m mean if their listening, might as well add some humor to their day right?!?

My dog loves the apples. Peanut butter is the flea pill sneak mobile, so that is special occasion only. It’s the only thing that works.

Had the same thing happen to me. My female dog was humping my other dog and I wanted to know why. The first thing I typed into google was “why” and the rest of the question was filled.. so fucking weird

Seriously! It’s freaking creepy how much these devices are spying.

There are a lot of us who have been paying close attention to the story. So you are going to have thousands of searches about her well in front of your search, which updates the AI and trends. That is just how developed it has gotten.

Yeah she had a heart attack after an asthma attack earlier this year https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/dec/30/erica-garner-dies-black-lives-matter-eric-garner-daughter

That’s sounds awful.

that's how my uncle died. he was 36.

I’m sorry for your loss

Reminder: blm is a faux grassroots organisation that received money from soros.

Never the less, RIP Erika, 27 is too young

I find it hilarious that Soros is always the boogieman. Bezos is far far worse.

And considering how much neoliberals hate BLM, I think the idea that BLM is a "secret soros front" is bullshit, otherwise they'd be on the same page. BLM heckled Hillary at a private fundraiser and she was super pissed about it.

They can’t control every individual but Soros puts money behind BLM.

Bezos is worse than soros? Are you insane?


It’s called “soul food” for a reason

Heart issues apparently ran in the family. I thought the same thing. But I read somewhere they had bad hearts.

Fat fucks die from heart attacks every day.

I’m sorry for your loss

Ah I thought it meant the asthma attack was during the pregnancy. Either way, no conspiracy

Yeah, the article was poorly written in regards to that...