PSA: To see the real juicy comments, do the following if you are using Reddit via the website...

109  2017-12-31 by Putin_loves_cats

  1. Go to your settings/preferences:
  2. Scroll down to "comment options", and find: "show a dagger (†) on comments voted controversial (a controversial comment is one that's been both upvoted and downvoted significantly)" - check the box.
  3. Under the same section, find: "don't show me comments with a score less than". Remove whatever is in the box, and leave blank (ie. (leave blank to show all comments))
  4. Click "save options".


While you're here, scroll down to "personalization options", and click that link: Go ahead an uncheck all of those boxes (they are used to track you). Click "save options".

Bingo-bango, done. Now you get to see the juiciest comments on Reddit, and limit the tracking Reddit does. Highly downvoted comments will be visible, and they will also show a red dagger if there is heavy upvote and downvotes differentials (ie. brigading). You'll see a different side of Reddit, after doing this.

<end PSA>



Indeed! This is really all we have left after the (up | down) numbers got removed some years ago :/.

It's a damn shame, too. (+200/-198) is a lot different than (+2/-0), and yet they show up exactly the same. Good PSA.

Absolutely, and cheers. Many of us OG's remember a time when shit was not like this (a bit more "real"). It's [meta], sure, but needs to be said for all those/these "new comers"...

Is that why any comment that is even getting near controversial will start fluctuating wildly upon every refresh? Now I'm starting to think that it's to thwart any third party bots keeping track of actual votes.

Nah, but... they call that "vote fuzzing". That phrase has changed over the years. It's all bullshit, these days...

I wish there was a browser add-on that could record your vote upon post and reference that back on the page real time.

When's the next reddit coming up? I remember when digg began their shift.

This is a good time and place to link my thread on common knowledge, to understand why exactly they stopped displaying the exact up/down votes score.

And if you are really ballsy while you are in there put a checkmark in "make my votes public"... then people can see what you've upvoted and downvoted.

Check it...

Sounds a bit too narcissistic to me, but, to each their own!

I call it ballsy... cause most people ain't got the cojones to let it all hang out like that... Cause voting history is a window to the soul... and most people keep their dirty secrets there.

So, nothing to hide, nothing to fear? Sounding a little too much like the NSA and/or the mafia during union busting ;).

I'm as transparent as they come... when you don't do anything to be ashamed of you have nothing to hide... It's okay if you have something to be ashamed of... it's only human. It's okay to hide your dirty little secrets to prevent ridicule. I don't blame ya one bit.

I'm as transparent as they come

Care to send me a screen shot of your browser porn history, or maybe just show me your bank account. Better yet, you got nudies from your wife? Can I see ;) ?

By all means, PM them to me (but, wait... that's private - so, post it all here in the public).

I shall wait, Mr. transparent...

My browser history? No biggy... same with my Amazon purchases. I got no wife, but I can show you my big ol' dick if ya want... I won't reveal other people's secrets, because that would violate their trust in me... but seriously theres nothing to hide in my porn history to be ashamed of... though theres prolly a few videos labeled as "incest" just cause I thought the girl in the thumbnail looked hot.

So screen cap it all, and post it here, Mr. transparent. I'm still waiting...

Shit dude... I was looking at my porn history... I ain't got enough time in the day to screencap all of it... alone is 300 hits this month... and thats just one site that I frequent. I think I could just cut and paste it all but that would really fuck up the formatting of your topic... but it would surely be more interesting than my Amazon history... only salacious thing in there is a discount fleshlight I bought like 3 years ago.


lightly used

Gee, and here I was thinking I was the only one who thought that :)

Yeah, but you don't participate...

I participate plenty... just not with those dumb little arrow buttons.

Downvote nothing?

Nothing upvoted either... Not my style.

I find it cathartic

Nah... just not my thing really. Never saw the point... and it always looks pathetic to me when I'm having a conversation with someone and they are obviously the one giving my comment that one downvote cause they disagree with me.

I don't downvote people responding to me either. I appreciate that much more, (even if they're being dicks) than the people who just downvote without even bothering to try to refute my point.

I like your style

I have already done that few weeks ago. What Op said is already done couple of months ago. WARNING , my upvoted may contain NSFW.

I wouldn't have bothered looking, but if there is porn in there... I'll give it a gander...

PSA to the others. Don't bother, it doesn't matter.

Some one's butt is hurt... Why doesn't it matter?

You're the one posting in my New.

How does it matter in the slightest?

Read the entire thread not just the parts you want to forum slide on.

Get tracked, who cares? OMG the advert on the right side of my page says r/sunset, the evil bastards.

It doesn't matter and you're trying to make others paranoid that their comment is being brigaded if it was unpopular. Or if a popular comment was a shill.

You're as transparent as they come.

You're the one posting in my New.

Hold on, wat?

What's that? Oh no, I thought the vaunted PLC would never attack someone.

Are you mad that I think this reddit is bad bullshit is just that, bullshit?

What's that? Oh no, I thought the vaunted PLC would never attack someone.

Are you mad that I think this reddit is bad bullshit is just that, bullshit?


You must be new here. Brigading comments down to - 40 very, very rarely happened here, even if the comment was straight up mental hospital material.

I got a -32 just for asking "Why would you think that?" a couple weeks ago. So organic!!!

If that's all you said to someone you deserve the downvotes.

Sounds like you overdid it on the sugar over Xmas.

Thanks man!

You're welcome!

Does this work on mobile?

Not sure, I almost never use the app(s). My guess, would be... no, by design.

Yes it does.

I often wonder what percentage of people (esp. on mainstream subs) have the dagger option enabled.

I noticed some time ago that when I make a reasonable comment on a mainstream sub (but that goes against the narrative), I always get the dagger, and my comment is never downvoted into oblivion. My comment will typically end-up at +1, or +2 ... (latest example)

So there is always exactly 50% of reasonable people, or the bots/brigade/shills make it so my comment appears ignored/irrelevant (indeed a score of -100 means at least 100 people have read it, which provides some satisfaction too).

Well, your comments are always well thought out and put together so people do read them. I recognized your user name right off and I haven’t seen you around in a good while, so know you are doing something right.

I’ll check my settings to see if I can get it to work on mobile. Thanks.

Just comment with a simple "ya but..." will get you †.

bro are you trolling me



did this a long time ago, highly recommended for any users of this sub.

the only reason they fuzzied then removed vote totals was it showed how blatant the manipulation was and it threatened their ability to steer the narratives and their attempts to monetize the platform.

how do i turn on nsfw things? says i need to be over 18 which i am

hmm, i immediately notice daggers by displays of empathy. i thought nothing of it at first but what if that is by design, to create the illusion of a a more fearful, hostile, anxious environment when in reality many people are generally decent and supportive.

I'm as transparent as they come

Care to send me a screen shot of your browser porn history, or maybe just show me your bank account. Better yet, you got nudies from your wife? Can I see ;) ?

By all means, PM them to me (but, wait... that's private - so, post it all here in the public).

I shall wait, Mr. transparent...