A Modest Proposal: All real conspiracy theorists simply boycott all activity on r/conspiracy during the entire month of January 2018. That should get all the shills and partisan distracters shilling and distracting each other, and the current unbearable circus will just implode.

0  2017-12-31 by torkarl


Giving up on this place is literally what they want...

Boycott: to refuse to buy a product or take part in an activity as a way of expressing strong disapproval.

We can come back as soon as it starts working. Nobody is winning except "them" right now anyway.

But that’s exclusively because “they” choose to give up their free will and play by fewer rules. Some of us prefer hardmode with more rules. However, admittedly it does still remain to be seen if that will ultimately count for anything.

Can you steer a stopped car?

nah mate. What they want is for conspiracy theorists to keep repeating the same memes over and over until it gets worked into the subconscious of the American people. They can either pay a bunch of Russian trolls to go out and fill social media with their propaganda, or just feed it to you guys who'll do it for free.

i hope you understand how deeply ironic your comment is on multiple levels of analysis, not to mention free will, truth, and human goodness.

i like the cut of your jib

we shall cross the t

This place is a beautiful source for information, aside from all the stuff backing trump or this weird new sense of aggression.

Remember a year and a half ago when everyone was just excited to talk to eachother about fringe topics and really anything was game so long as it encouraged awareness and critical thinking?

I was just lurking, but god, that was great.

Yes. And anyone with any sanity left that has been here over the last two years can sense the brain-drain of genuine free thinkers already in progress for some time.

Sounds like you're saying let them win...

I'm saying the opposite - let's get serious about it. Action not talk.

Aso, the action (not talk) you're suggesting is to..m take no action and literally not talk for a month and hope they go away?

Hint: they know we will be back...

Why continue to give this fire oxygen? Why give up one by one, rather than take a principled action of protest?

We all know that if this trend continues, eventually the sub will squeeze all intelligent life out of itself, and become as inane and pointless as r/funny.

I think that has already happened... I'm just saying, "everyone leave for a month because of all the shills" is a great way to kill a dying community... No thanks.

the other option is to create a code language that regs can learn and we can all talk in code language. normies won't notice a thing - so nothing changes there. and shills i personally feel don't have their heart into it, so they'd out themselves pretty darned fast.

right that might work if the same level of throughput for solid information and theorizing was happening. there's nothing right now, on purpose. someone or something just took down the site. do you want to let them, or just wait em out?

yeah it's slow. it's weird. shit is weird lately. i like the submission statement dealie because it cuts down on the spam. but it's kinda crickets. i guess that means we have to focus on topics more deeply instead of superficially.

another alternative is to have users do presentations on things they've done that go into more depth. like say the whole chair of st. peter thing. that shit is fascinating.


I kinda miss having more content to go through.

Or it'll do the opposite and have a snowball effect that we won't be able to combat, when we do decide to come back.

True. Risk happens.

But think about it - we are the only real legitimacy this sub has. They come to us. It's not like we ever hike over to their stupid territory and start muddying up whatever it is they want to talk about. They need us to pay attention to their game - otherwise there isn't a game.

Hi. Welcome to the future: /r/conspiracy, reddit — 2018. And I'm telling you, it's great here. The air is clean. The water is clean. Even the dirt is clean! Comment averages are way up. Obvious shills are way down. And we have more excellent water slides than any other planet we communicate with. I'm telling you, this place is great! But it almost wasn't. You see, 700 seconds ago, the Great Ones ran into a few problems. So now I have to travel back in time to help them out. If I should fail to keep these regulars along the correct path, the basis of our society will be endangered. Ah, but don't worry: it'll all make sense. I'm a professional.

Indeed you are. Glad you unfurled.

nice try

I counter your proposal with "No"

Define "real conspiracy theorists" without having to use the word "shill".

Everyone who actually knows or experienced real conspiracies playing out and cares about the fact that something happened but no mainstream outlet actually reported or examined it.